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‘ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT 3 Issues (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats and Stuational Analysis) Data Disaster Risk 5% Information Reduction Infrastructure | Leamers Support yement | Management Public Affairs Management DepEd National Qu EWU erst Lal ret Ur ALL ata olny DepEd Strategic Plan c/o Planning ‘A. Introduction NV EIe | Service B, Agency Profile A. Management Review A: Quality Oblecties (Once) C. Organizational Structure Belnternals Quality Audit B, SWOT Analysis Results " 7 D. Scope and Coverage C. Corrective Action C. Opportunity Registry E, DepEd Quality Policy D. Risk Management D. Risk Registry E, List of Relevant Interested Parties EeNianoee teu yloress E. Documented Information Management G. Core Process A. Introduction List of Relevant Interested Parties: Management B. Office Structure and Functions Needs and Expectations G. Training and Advocacy C. Legal Bases and References J. Control of External Providers H. Knowledge Management D. Definition of Terms and ‘Acronyms E. Forms and Templates F. Quality Control Plans (SIPOC) DEPED QMS DOCUMENTATION DepEd National Quality Management System (NQMS) ‘Sx6pi6 y= Surpectympe/us AouNMabN: AbINNVENASCFZPHNbMLPhuewiNoopKUo0"eI6OOH soos woneneAy OO re 6uuowuoW | — angensiuwpy Aang UORIEYSHES UB'O/USZHID JO BuucyUoyy *|, ‘BOURUOLAd /Saso ToneN|EAS 'g Suucyuoyy Buyoyuoy sonspeis uoneonpa “| SOURLUOHee goos weal uonenjena | — quowe6euey, jesjeuddy g SUUOWUOW, SOURLUOHSd ue BuUojUoy eoUeWOLEY WEIS PUE 20 "| soueuoned | pue WOOSXad SHOUMO/SIOTU awiajduuysuosiad jong sioyeurpi009 uogenjeAg welbog 'g Guuoyuoyy Bulpnjour mawney uonejueue|duu) }alo1g /WeIBOAg *| eoueUUOLsd Woo3xa0 wOneN|ENS WOONVIN © 3 BuuoyuoW, WOONVW. sBuneoyy jueweBeueyy "| aoueUoHed uoisinig, maynay juaweBeuey) ‘¢ uonenjena, WOO3X3H “& »g Buucyuoyy sBunseyy uawebeueyy *s BOURWLOPed wooax3a mainay Aaog 2 onequewayduul Kayo “+ quawidojensg Ao1joq Buuueyg jeuonesedo BuuUelg Bujuuejg wa) WnIpayy z uojsinid Suluueig o16a1eNS “+ uoneinuuos ueld | ym WODSX3O sesssoo1d qnS, 389901 WORIeS/SIO S3SS300Nd LNSWSOVNVA 5209 ajB009 - x2op'sesseoeid IxOMPadeC J0 Kdog siienbushinui x00 y=Bupeoupe/urnownmabni abmveNrAscarZPANDt/PnueunoDpRUED'e006's20P/:SchY TusureneTEy stunosay eafoiduia pue ‘yseo ‘Bununocoy quowebeuey, ‘ye6png) juewebeuey) yun Aiddng, (Sav) wersks uononpeg joukeg onBwOINY “| fepueuts | pue Ayadorg ‘Auowonuy pue uoneziinn wssy “e uonisodsiq assy °Z un Aiddng, sjessy eiqiSueyu} pue eiqiSuel jo uonisinboy “| quewabeuey jessy | _pue Auedorg sasseooid qng, ‘S85901d TORIES /ETIIO S3SS390Ud 1NOddNs ‘suesBoig Qq/bues7 JO 38N P ‘siapea7] ‘suieBO1q Qd/Buywesy Jo soueunssy AyjenD “€ Joouos pue sioyoeo, ‘swes6olg Qd/Suswes7 jo wowaBbeuey “7% Jo} uowebeuey) sesinoo/sweuBoid pue sprepue}s pue jusuidojenaq q/6ujuies7 Jo wweuidojenaq pue ubjseq “| | jeuorssejoig /BuIueD, aoos ToREWLLO|UT ue BIEP YTS! jo UOHEZTIN S yoreasey jo npucg “s siuewingsu pue ‘sounpeoolg ‘ubisaq "oMeWel yoieasay uoneonp3 jo yuauidojaneg “py uoneyaidioqu| pue sisfjeuy Beg “E uoneiedg quoussessy 2 youeesey, JUOWNASUI /S}O0] PUe SWEIBOIA HoMoWeL4 pue juswssessy quaUIssassy Jo juauldojenag pue UBIseq “| uoneonp3 BuIEST J0 soueunssy Ayjend jo jueweBeueW °Z quawidojeneq ‘se0unosey pue uowoBeuey) Burwiee7 pazyenxoqucg jo waudojeneq. saunosey Buywea7 THSUIAOERSG pue wawebeueyy quawaBeuey pue uosmuadng jeuonannsul “| ronyeq Bulwesy aio sossasoid Gg 350901 WORSE ATWO S4SS3IOUd 3HOD $900 #18005 - xo0p'sessa0014"iKoNPSHaq Jo Koo Wy 08:4 zens ‘x66 uebupeauypojut nouMMabnL IDINVENASCAFZPANEML/PnueUNooPRUDD aGoob'soOpI'ScnY Syyau pus uoHESTETLICD SoInOSay WENA quSUISBeUeA PUN WEPIACIG “p Quewebeueyy quawasingsiq pue YpNe-aig “€ sjunoaay aahojdwiy uonoog uonoesues, ue ‘yse9 ‘Bununoooy Bugunooay Jefoueul Jo Buypuooey pue BuuoyUoy) *Z, ‘yaBpng) uowebeuey uoIsIAIQ, Buipioosy pue Ayiqewunosoy jeoueULs "L yepueuiy eoueuly TaisBay HUER UT — YseQ euljUd pue (Sig) GuUcyUoW ye5png “Ss (saa) sone wun annensiuupy pue juawienoiduy| SWAIShS “p see eeaie mir uuoynoaxg pue Buissaco1g ¥@6pNg “€ — | pue ‘ysea ‘Gununcooy | omensiuiupy leaouddy pue uoneredasg jeBpng “Zz, ‘ye6png) wewebeuey Wun useg Bunoday Auigeiunosoy yebpng *L epueuls | yun rebpne TIOWIeAUT SpI098y “S on|sodsiq spiooey “p sjuawinoog Bujo6yng jo BuypueHy “¢ sjuewinoog Bulwioouj jo BuypueH *Z ‘sjueuinoop J0 eouenss! pue ‘einsojosip "sseo0y “| juoweBeueyy sp1099y uoypeg queWSBeUEW sp10004 SeOUENSS| JO UONEDHGAd “L sureuy 2110Nd saso Buluue}q juaueunsoig “¢ Buyoywoyy weALOD *Z quowiebeuey, sesseo0ig BUIpPIG “} quauiesnooig saso ‘SOUBUOWUIENY 101YaQ pure soNEg UONeHOdsUEL| “py seowiag Kunoag “¢ eoueustuleNy puncup pue Buidesxasnoy “Zz quoweBeueyy sooniag soueuaquieN seniioes “| seojes [218U05 21895) BVIMIS/OIOV 10 woneIEdsig “S mY. 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Te original copy oft doc secure the latest revision of this document from the co AMD. AMD EMISD EMISD EMIsD This document is UNCONTROLLED when downloaded and printed Responsible Offices RO Asset Management Section Asset Management Section Asset Management Section PPRD PPRD “PPRD with the spo ye Property and Supply Unit «Property and Supply Unit Property and Supply Unit * SGOD- Planning and Research Section * SGOD- Planning and Research Section * SGOoD- Planning and School "/@ Office of the School Head “© Office of the School Head “(© Office of the School Head © Office of the School Head © Office of the ‘School Head © Office of the ‘School Head ‘The reader must ensure that this or any other copy ofa “The user should Doc. Ref. Code: Department of vacation GME Manuel QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Rev | Effective | Page SUPPORT PROCESSES 00 09.20.21 2o0f101 Responsible Offices Process ‘Sub-Process co RO spo ‘School Research Section Disaster Risk Contingency e NA ESSD - Special * SGOD-Social © Office of the Reduction and Programs and Mobilization and ‘School Head Management Services Section Networking Enhancement | DRRM Information © ORRMS ESSD - Special * SGOD-Social © Office ofthe ‘System and Programs and Mobilization and School Head | Bessa Ua eee Senices Section || __ Networking _| ® DRRMS © ESSD-Special | © SGOD-Social | Office of the IEC an Aavosaey fr} Programs and Mobilization and School Head Services Section Networking Leaming Continuity |e ORRMS © ESSD-Special | © SGOD-Social | © Office of the and Resilience Programs and Mobilization and School Head Interventions |_ Services Section Networking Monitoring and © DRRMS © ESSD-Special | © SGOD-Social © Office of the Evaluation of Programs and Mobilization and School Head ‘Comprehensive Services Section Networking School Safety (CSS) | Partnership for e DRRMS ESSD - Special « SGOI jocial © ¢ Office of the Strengthening Programs and Mobilization and School Head Resilience Services Section Networking ‘The oly controlled copy of this dacunert isthe online version maintained in he bio vv The reader must ensue a eo any cer copy of controlled document is curtent and complete prior to use. The of ‘secure the latest revision ofthis document from the Copy of vs document wth te Adm The user should °" This documents UNCONTROLLED when downloaded and printed Republic of the Philippines |___ Doe, Ref. Code: B Department of Education CS Maral QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Rev Effective | Page SUPPORT PROCESSES 0 | 092021 | 3oft01 Pr suber Responsible Offices rocess ub-Process. | co RO | spo School © DRRMS * ESSD-Special © SGOD-Social | Office of the Resilience Education Programs and Mobilization and ‘School Head Services Section Networking |e Risk-informed @ DRRMS © NA 2 NA Fe NA Policies and | ‘Standards External Commemorative and « EPS © ESSD-Special © SGOD-Social |e Office of the Partnership: other related events Programs and Mobilization and ‘School Head Management management Services Section Networking Partnership * EPS © ESSD-Special | « © Office of the Development and Programs and Mobilization and ‘School Head Management Services Section Networking Financial ‘Automatic Payroll «EMD © APDS Task Force |e N/A ° NA Management Deduction System (Accreditation) (Budget, (APDS) Management Accounting, Cash, _* Personnel Section ness | and Employee | Budget Accountability | « ion © Budget Section» Budget Unit | © Office of the Accounts Reporting . ‘School Head for Management) Division Implementing * PS-PPD Unis: Budget Preparation © ¢ Budget Division ¢ Budget Section © Budget Unit © Office of the and Approval ¢ PS-PPD ¢ PPRD School Head ‘The only controlle ine version maintained in the The rea ig oF any other copy of a controlled docum “The user should Use. The original copy ofthis document is ith the ees CONTROLLED wie owroaed a pred SUPPORT PROCESSES Process ‘Sub-Process Budget Processing and Execution . Collection and Te Deposits | Control of . accountable forms Disbursement . Financial . Accountability and Recording ‘secure the latest revision of this document from the Department of Education QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. co Doc. Ref. Code: ‘QMS Manual Rev | Effective | Page 00 0920.21 | 4 of 101 Responsible Offices RO Budget Division | Budget Section PS-PPD Cash Divisi Cash Divisic Cash Divisi Accounting Division © PPRD ion Cash Section © Administrative Division jon Cash Section ¢ Administrative Division ion Cash Section © Administrative Division ¢ Accounting Section spo Planning and Research Section Budget Unit Planning and Research Section Cash Unit Administrative Unit Cash Unit Administrative Unit Cash Unit Administrative Unit Accounting Unit "This document is UNCONTROLLED when downloaded and printed School Office of the ‘School Head Office of the ‘School Head for Implementing Units NIA Office of the ‘School Head for Implementing Units Office of the ‘School Head for Implementing Units ‘The reader must ensure that is or anyother exp ofa “The user should | | L Republic of the Philippines Department of Education QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Rev | Effective | SUPPORT PROCESSES co Pree eer eeee ey rere reer "Responsible Offices -| Process | Sub-Process = hal (SER 9 a Maintenance and an | Closure of Bank | Accounts | Monitoring and © Accounti ‘Accounting ‘© Accounting Unit | e Office of the | ing 9 | Recording of Division | Section School Head for | Financial Transaction | Implementing [eee eee - ea ae Oe Pre-audit and © Accounting ‘Accounting ‘© Accounting Unit [+ Office ofthe | | Disbursement Division Section ‘School Head for | Impiementing | Units j Preparation of * Cash Division |e Cash Section © Cash Unit ‘© Office of the | ACICISLIIAE |e Administrative | Administrative School Head for | | Division Unit Implementing BSE eee | im Units Provident Fund « EAMD . Management © Provident Fund Board of | Trustees _ Se a ‘Systems ‘© Accounting |e Accounting ‘* Accounting Unit |e Office of the Improvement and Division | Section School Head for Administrative Implementing | saroe(EFRO, | Deis ‘The only controled copy of this document is ‘online version maintained in the Tijp www deped.qov ph. The reader ‘controlled document is Current and complete prior to use. The original copy of this document is with the Acrinist ative Ser [secure the latest revision ofthis document fam the io dpedgoy ph. This document is UNCONTROLLED when dovmicaded and printed ‘ensure that this or any other copy of ‘] “son, The user shaut Republic of the Philippines Department of Education QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SUPPORT PROCESSES Process Sub-Process rocess ul om Budget Monitoring (BMS), and Online Cash - In Bank Register General Services Management Housekeeping and « GSD Ground Maintenance Library Management» GSD Security Services ° CSSO Transportation * GSD Service and Vehicle Maintenance Human Resource | Compensation and HRDD Management and Benefits * Personnel Development Division © Budget Division ‘The only conirlled copy ofthis document isthe online version maintained in the |= Js Scr controled documents current and complete prior o use. The orginal copy ofthis document is wih the" this document is UNCONTROLLED when downloaded an printed ‘Secure the latest revision of this document from the in) rose Doo. Ref. Code: QMS Manual Rev_| Effective | Page 00 | 0920.21 | Gof 101 Responsible Offices RO sDO School * ESSD-School | © SGOD- School | Office of the | th Section _|_Health Section School Head © General Services ¢ Administrative © Office of the Unit |_ Unit School Head © General Services |» Administrative © Office of the Unit Unit |__ School Head ° NA ° NA * Office of the i eaianseae L |__ School Head ‘© General Services | Administrative © Office of the Unit |__ Unit School Head ‘© General Services | © Administrative | © Office of the Unit Unit ‘School Head Ve Personnel Section | Personnel Unit | Office of the Finance Division Finance Unit School Head for Implementing . Units The reader must ensure that tis o” anyother copy of @ “The user should Republic of the Philippines: B © Department of Education QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SUPPORT PROCESSES Process The only control ‘controlled docum ‘Seoure the latest Sub-Process Employee Relations Employee's Welfare | Leave Management Personnel Inventory Personnel Performance Management Personnel Records Management Professional Development is current and complete on of this document from the co Personnel Division EWD Personnel Division HROD Personnel Division HRDD Personnel Division Personnel Division NEAP HRDD py of this document is the online version maintained in the © > 10 use The anginal copy of his documents wih he Rev Effective | Page oo | ooza21 | 7of101 Responsible Offices RO. Personnel Section * HRDD ‘© Personnel Section 4 © Personnel Section | HRDD © Personnel Section © Personnel Section * HRDD 1" This document is UNCONTROLLED en downloaded and printed. SDO School Personnel Unit « Office of the . ‘School Head * SGOD-Human ¢ Office of the Resource ‘School Head Development Section | # Personnel Unit | * Office of the School Head | © Personnel Unit | © Office of the | |___ School Head *® SGOD-Human | © Office of the Resource | School Head Development Section | Personnel Unit Personnel Unit | Office of the School Head SGOD-Human | Office of the Resource ‘School Head The reader must ensure that his © anyother coy ofa "The user should Republic of the Philippines _____Doe, Ref. Code: Department of Education QMS Manual QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. ‘Rev | Effective | Page SUPPORT PROCESSES 00 09.20.21 101 a SubPr Responsible Offices rocess ub-Process . co RO sDo School /Leaming and Development Development Section ‘* Personnel |e Personnel Section | Personnel Unit | NIA Division @ HRDD SGOD — Human Placement, and HRDD | Resource Induction Development | | 7 Section Rewards and * EWD * HRDD |* SGOD-Human © Office of the Recognition | Resource School Head Development « Section | ICT Management — Design and « ICTS-SDD @ ICT Unit NIA « NA Development of ICT solutions Management of ICT ¢ ICTS-SDD © ICT Unit ICT Unit ° NA solutions | Ee Implementation of NA ° NA NA © Office of the ICT solutions School Head Management of ICTS-TID © ICT Unit ICT Unit © Office of the Technology ‘School Head Infrastructure | The ony controled copy otis document the online version mantaned in he >To ovo) Th vader mua ensure thal iso any aber copy ofa ‘controled document is current and complete prior to use. The original copy of this document is withthe “The user should Secure the latest revision of tis document from the =". This document is UNCONTROLLED when downloaded and pte Republic of the Philippines i B ~ Department of Education QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SUPPORT PROCESSES Process Sub-Process User SupportHelp Desk Infrastructure Design and . ‘Management Specification of Education Facil Evaluation/assessme | « BEFF projects Management of “. construction, repair, ‘education facilities Leamer Support Policy and Program # Management Formulation ‘The only controlled copy ofthis document isthe online version maintained in the 5 contoled documents current and compete prior to use. The ogra copy of is documents is wih the ‘secure the latest revision of this document from the co ICTS-USD EFD EFD NA EFD BLSS Responsible Offices RO ICT Unit NA Education ‘Section ESSD - Education Facilities Section NIA, . spo ICT Unit NA SGOD- Education Facilities Section N/A Doc. Ref. Code: QMS Manual Effective | Page 09.20.21 “Ths document is UNCONTROLLED when downloaded and printed, | sott01 School Office of the School Head NIA Office of the School Head Office of the School Head Office of the School Head NIA sa _ The reader must ensure that tis or any other copy ofa "The user should ‘Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. SUPPORT PROCESSES Process Sub-Process co RO spo School (Health, sports Continuous and youth improvement and formation) development of: ‘School Sports © Comprehensive school sports programs ‘School Health * Comprehensive health programs Youth Formation ‘Comprehensive youth formation programs Program —e BLISS sti ESSDSC~*~«~C‘C «CSOD ‘* Office of the | Management ‘School Head ‘Legal sistance tothe LegalDivision Legal Unit |e Schools Ye Office of the Management _ Office of the Solicitor ion School Head General in pending | Superintendent ‘The only controlled copy ofthis document isthe online version maintained in the “jg Te reader must ensure thats or any oer copy of controlled ntis Current and complete prior to use ‘copy ofthis document is withthe "The user should ‘secure the last revision of this document from the This document is UNCONTROLLED when downloaded and printed Republic of the Philippines Doc. Ref. Code: i B Department of Education QMS Manual ‘ QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Rev Effective | Page SUPPORT PROCESSES 00 09.20.21 11 of 101 Pi ‘Sub-Pr Responsible Offices ae Ae co RO. spo Schoo! cases involving © Legal Unit or | DepEd Legal Officer Designate Development and ‘© Office of the © Legal Unit © Legal Unitor | © Office of the Implementation of Undersecretary e ESSD Legal Officer School DepEd Child for Legal Affairs Designate Protection Programs «Office of the * scoD Undersecretary, for Field Operations, Palarong Pambansa Secretariat, and DepEd Employees Associations Coordinating Office | Evaluation, . Legal Division Legal Unit Legal Unit le NIA Investigation, © Investigation * Legal Officer Review, and/or Division © Fact Finding’ Resolution of ‘© Fact Finding/ Preliminary ‘Complaints/Cases of Investigation DepEd Officials, Committee “The only contrclled copy ofthis document is Th ead tenuate o any oer copy oa contrlles document scurent and complete c rhe user should Secure the latest revlon of this document fom the a ts UNCONTROLLED when downloaded and pied Republic ofthe Philippines Doc. Ref, Code: Eh Bevactment of Education hs Manual QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Rev | Etfecve Page SUPPORT PROCESSES 0 | 09.20.21 12 0f 101 . care Responsible Offices roces: cess . aah co RO spo School Teaching, and Non Formal © Formal Teaching personnel Investigation Investigation Committee Committee * Secretary + sos Legal review of © Legal Division © Legal Unit © Legal Unitor |» Office of the Legal Officer ‘School Head Designate agreements, and other legal documents © Sites Titing © Legal Unit * sps © Office of the Office ‘Education Support Legal Unit or ‘School schoo! ates © OULA/OASLA Services Legal Officer (Engineers) Designate | | | 7 _*_SGOD | Organizational | Organization © OED NA ° NA ° NA Development Standards © SED Development Organization * OED * FTAD * SGOD © Office of the Management * SED * AD ‘School Head Private Education | Review and * Technical * QAD * NA ° NA Regulations and | Development of Working Group Legal Unit Development Policies + BCDIBLD The reader must ensure that fis or any other copy of 8 ‘copy of this document is wath the ° 2 The user should Ths documents UNCONTROLLED wnen downloaded and printed, ‘Secure the latest revision ofthis document from the >" Republic of the Philippines Doe. Ret. ode: i B Department of Education onS Manel QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, Rev Effective | Page SUPPORT PROCESSES 00 09.20.21 13 of 101 7 eee Responsible Offices becfamee co RO | spo School © IPSEO . # Local Private © Inter-agency Schools Committee on # Local Philippine International Schools Schools |__ Overseas. ee = Private Madaris Grant of Permits to ¢ BCD/BLD @ QAD ° NA «© NA © Philippine Operate and © Philippine Schools Recognitions ‘Schools Task Overseas Force e oUuc! © OSEC Evaluation of © NA e NIA « SGOD «© NA applications for the Grant of Permits to Operate and Recognitions | | HE Grant of Special ° NA @ QAD ° NA « NA Orders (SO) of Private Schools/Technical Vocational Institutions (TV) Non ‘The only controlled copy of this document isthe onfine version maintained in the > wn po Tr controled Gocumente current and complete prior t use. The orginal copy of ts document is withthe secure the latest revision of this document from the “igo 0) This document is UNCONTRO! acer mul erro thal sof an athe copy of 8 son The user ei | ED when downloaded and pred Republic of the Philippines Doc. Ref. Code: Department of Education Z QMS Manual QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Rev | Effective | Page SUPPORT PROCESSES 00 | 092021 | t4of 101 Responsible Offices Process ‘Sub-Process T co RO spo School DepEd Public Schools Evaluation of ° NA ° NA * SGOD . NAT Applications of Special Orders (SO) of Private Schools/Technical Vocational Institutions (TVI)/ Non | DepEd Public | Schools Acknowledgement of | N/A © QAD * NA * NA Private School Voluntary (Temporary/Permane nt) Closure Endorsement of ce NA ° NA * sGoD © NA notice of Voluntary (Temporary/Permane nt) Private Closure Government © Office of the © ORD NA ° NA Assistance Subsidy Undersecretary for Field Operations, “The only controled copy of this document i the online version maintain caso ocak sure and compl port te, Th ‘Secure the latet revision ofthis document fram the") 17 The reader must ensure ih ‘or any other copy of a son, The user should | This documentis UNCONTROLLED ven downloaded and pred _] Republic of the Philippines B | Department of Education QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SUPPORT PROCESSES Process Sub-Process 5 Palarong Pambansa Secretariat, and Deped Employees Associations Coordinating Office © Office of the Undersecretary for Finance + GAS-PMO + NA Fees Increase, No Increase and Proposed New Fees of Private Schools, Validation and * NA Evaluation of Application of Tuition and other Fees Increase, No Increase and Tine ony coniroled copy of is documents the online version mak Controlled document is crrert and complete pie to Sect the latest rvicon ofthis document rm the" “This documents UNCONTROLLED when downloaded and pied Doc. Ref. Code: | QMS Manual Rev | Effective | Page 00 | 09.2021 | 150f101 Responsible Offices eect RO sDO School * QAD ve NA © NA > NA ". scop ° NA The reader must ensure that his or anyother copy of a “The user should ‘Republic of the Philippines: SUPPORT PROCESSES Process ‘Sub-Process Proposed New Fees of Private Schools Procurement Bidding Processes. Management | Contract . Implementation Contract Monitoring | & Procurement le Planning Project ~ | Coordination and . Management Linkages Project Development Project Implementation Management ‘The only controlled copy of this document is the online version maintained in the i B: Department of Education QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM co BAC Secretariat End-User/Project Management Office cMD PPMD Project Development Division Project Development Division Project Management Division Responsible Offices RO spo ORD « OSDS End-User © End-User ORD * osps ‘ORD | * Osps FTAD * sGOD NA ° NA FTAD a) School © Office of the School Head ° NA © Office of the School Head © Office of the School Head ° NA ° NA ° NA The reader most ensure at hor any other copy ofa ©. The user should ded and printed. Republic of the Philippines SUPPORT PROCESSES Process Sub-Process Public Affairs Management | Communication Planning, Management, Monitoring & Evaluation | Information Management and Dissemination Materials Production } Media Relations | Public Relations and Assistance ‘The eny contalied copy of his document | Department of Education (QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. co PAS-CD PAS-CD PAS-PD Printing Unit PAS-PD ‘Multimedia Unit PAS-CD PAS-PD Multimedia Unit PAAC ine version maintained in the use, The oniginal copy ofthis documes Doc. Ref. 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Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM _Rev SUPPORT PROCESSES 0 Responsible Offices Process Sub-Process — - co RO spo School © OSDS-Legal Pee eee Unit I © PAS-PD © Records Section |e Records Unit NIA Publication of (econo Publications Unit . © PAS-PD “le NA * NA fe NA Styling and Branding * FO ns Un | | Records Access, disclosure, Records Division Records Section | « Records Unit | © Office of the Management —_ and issuance of School Head documents Handling of Incoming Records Divisione Records Section |e Records Unit | Office ofthe Documents School Head “Handling of Outgoing» Records Division Records Section | Records Unit | Office of the Documents ‘School Head Records Disposition Records Division Records Section | Records Unit | * Office of the School Head Records Division | Records Section |» Records Unit |» Office of the Records Inventory | School Head The reader must ensure that this or any other copy of = instr ‘The user should This documents UNCONTROLLED when downloaded and pied Republic of the Dhiippines Doc. Ref, Code: 2 Bw Department of Education QMS Manual QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Rev | Effective | Page SUPPORT PROCESSES 0 | 0920.21 | 19of101 fa Sub Pro Responsible Offices ee poe co RO spo School Research | Setting the research © OSEC ° NA ° NA ° NA Management agenda } { } © PS-PRD * PPRO * SGOD- ° NA Planning and Call for Proposal and Research Proposal Evaluation Section * SDRC © PS-PRD * PPRD | scop- | © Office of the | implementation | Planning and ‘School Head ‘and Monitoring | Research Section © PS-PRD © PPRD sGOD- "Office of the Dissemination of Planning and School Head research results Research Section : © PS-PRO © PPRD /* scop- (e NA Planning and Archiving Research Section ‘The only controlled copy ofthis document is controlled document is current and complete ‘Secure the latest revision of this document from 3 Ths documents UNCONTROLLED when downloaded and printed tis or any oer copy of | "The user should |

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