(15200442 - Journal of Climate) Patterns of Asian Winter Climate Variability and Links To Arctic Sea Ice

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Patterns of Asian Winter Climate Variability and Links to Arctic Sea Ice


Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing, China

Tree-Ring Laboratory, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, New York

(Manuscript received 11 April 2014, in final form 17 June 2015)


This paper describes two dominant patterns of Asian winter climate variability: the Siberian high (SH)
pattern and the Asia–Arctic (AA) pattern. The former depicts atmospheric variability closely associated with
the intensity of the Siberian high, and the latter characterizes the teleconnection pattern of atmospheric
variability between Asia and the Arctic, which is distinct from the Arctic Oscillation (AO). The AA pattern
plays more important roles in regulating winter precipitation and the 850-hPa meridional wind component
over East Asia than the SH pattern, which controls surface air temperature variability over East Asia.
In the Arctic Ocean and its marginal seas, sea ice loss in both autumn and winter could bring the positive
phase of the SH pattern or cause the negative phase of the AA pattern. The latter corresponds to a weakened
East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) and enhanced winter precipitation in the midlatitudes of the Asian
continent and East Asia. For the SH pattern, sea ice loss in the prior autumn emerges in the Siberian marginal
seas, and winter loss mainly occurs in the Barents Sea, Labrador Sea, and Davis Strait. For the AA pattern, sea
ice loss in the prior autumn is observed in the Barents–Kara Seas, the western Laptev Sea, and the Beaufort
Sea, and winter loss only occurs in some areas of the Barents Sea, the Labrador Sea, and Davis Strait. Sim-
ulation experiments with observed sea ice forcing also support that Arctic sea ice loss may favor frequent
occurrence of the negative phase of the AA pattern. The results also imply that the relationship between
Arctic sea ice loss and winter atmospheric variability over East Asia is unstable, which is a challenge for
predicting the EAWM based on Arctic sea ice loss.

1. Introduction Europe. An example is the winter of 2011/12, when

more than 700 people died due to extreme cold con-
During boreal winter, the strongest continental anti-
ditions. The SH is an important part of the East Asian
cyclone on Earth, known as the Siberian high (SH),
winter monsoon (EAWM) system. The EAWM is a
covers the Asian continent. Intense cooling of the air’s
highly significant feature of Asia’s winter circulation,
surface layer and sinking motion induced by the mid-
closely associated with the development and south-
and upper-level convergence contribute to an en-
ward propagation of cold surges over East Asia
hancement of the SH (Ding and Krishnamurti 1987;
(Chang and Lau 1980; Ding 1990; Jhun and Lee 2004;
Ding 1990). The SH strongly affects weather and
Wu et al. 2006).
climate over Asia and parts of Europe. Outbreaks
Recent studies have shown a strengthening trend in
of cold polar air westward from the SH pressure
the SH over the past two decades (Jeong et al. 2011; Wu
cell cause occasional severe cold spells over areas of
et al. 2011). The corresponding winter surface air tem-
perature (SAT) exhibits a negative trend over the Asian
Denotes Open Access content. continent (Cohen et al. 2009, 2012; Wu et al. 2011).
Some regions of Eurasia have recently experienced ex-
ceptionally cold winters, such as in 2007/08, 2009/10,
Corresponding author address: Bingyi Wu, Chinese Academy of
Meteorological Sciences, No. 46, Zhong-Guan-Cun South Avenue,
2010/11, 2011/12, and 2012/13 (Fig. 1). It appears that
Haidian District, Beijing 100081, China. cold winters have become more frequent over East Asia.
E-mail: wby@cams.cma.gov.cn It has been found that lower Arctic sea ice values from

DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00274.1

Ó 2015 American Meteorological Society

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FIG. 1. SAT anomalies (8C) for six recent winters, with the linear trend for 1979–2013 period removed (NCEP–NCAR Reanalysis 1 data).

the previous autumn to winter may contribute to cold low 500-hPa heights over Siberia and positive height
conditions over Eurasia and an enhanced SH, via large- anomalies over East Asia. This pattern weakens the
scale dynamic and thermal processes (Dethloff et al. East Asian trough and the intensity of the EAWM, and
2006; Francis et al. 2009; Honda et al. 2009; Petoukhov decreases the frequency of cold air outbursts into China.
and Semenov 2010; Screen and Simmonds 2010; Opposite effects are observed during light sea ice con-
Overland and Wang 2010; Wu et al. 1999, 2011; Francis ditions in this area of the Arctic marginal seas
and Vavrus 2012; Liu et al. 2012; Jaiser et al. 2012; (Petoukhov and Semenov 2010; Inoue et al. 2012).
Hopsch et al. 2012; Tang et al. 2013; Vihma 2014; Peings Based on simulation experiments with prescribed sea ice
and Magnusdottir 2014; Walsh 2014). Wu et al. (1999) forcing in the Barents–Kara Seas, Petoukhov and
showed that variability in winter sea ice in the Barents– Semenov (2010) suggested that sea ice loss may result in
Kara Seas is related to the intensity of the EAWM via strong anticyclonic anomalies over the Arctic Ocean,
the Eurasian teleconnection pattern. This study in- leading to a continental-scale winter cooling, with more
dicated that heavy sea ice in these seas excites the pos- than a threefold increased probability of cold winter
itive phase of the Eurasian pattern, with anomalously extremes over Eurasia. Inoue et al. (2012) showed that

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1 SEPTEMBER 2015 WU ET AL. 6843

light sea ice conditions during winter in the Barents Sea monthly mean Arctic Oscillation (AO) index for the
could lead to an anticyclonic anomaly over the Siberian period from 1979 to May 2013 (http://www.cpc.ncep.
coast and cold advection over eastern Siberia. noaa.gov/products/precip/CWlink/daily_ao_index/monthly.
Francis et al. (2009) and Honda et al. (2009) in- ao.index.b50.current.ascii).
dependently argued that summer or summer to autumn Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis was
sea ice can impact the atmosphere in the ensuing win- performed on winter [December–February (DJF)]
tertime. Wu et al. (2011) showed that persistent autumn mean SLP. The Monte Carlo method was applied to
to winter sea ice concentration (SIC) anomalies in the examine statistical field significance, as in Livezey and
Barents–Kara Seas and the northern vicinity of these Chen (1983). For an anomalous field derived from linear
seas, with concurrent sea surface temperature (SST) regression, the percentage of grid points that are statis-
anomalies, are responsible for the SH and SAT anom- tically significant at 0.05 (0.01) level is first identified
alies over the middle and high latitudes of Eurasia. over a domain. This process is then repeated 1000 times
However, recent observations and simulation experi- with different series of 34 (or 34 winters from 1979 to
ments did not support significant impacts of Arctic sea 2013) numbers randomly selected from a normal dis-
ice loss on the midlatitudes (Screen et al. 2014; Peings tribution. The anomalous field is deemed significant
and Magnusdottir 2014; Walsh 2014). On 16 September if the percentage of significant grid points exceeds
2012, Arctic sea ice reached its minimum extent for the that derived from 1000 experimental replications.
year, of 3.41 million square kilometers. This is the lowest Additionally, a Student’s t test was used to assess the
seasonal minimum extent in the satellite record since statistical significance of atmospheric changes between
1979. However, in the ensuing winter (2012/13), the different phases.
strength of the SH was nearly normal. Additionally, in Additionally, the ECHAM5 (Roeckner et al. 2003)
the winter of 2006/07, a weakened SH (its standard de- model (T63 spectral resolution and 19 pressure levels)
viation was below 21.0) corresponded to a negative SIC was applied to explore the impacts of SIC on the model
anomaly in the previous September (see Fig. 2 of Wu atmosphere. A simulation was performed with observed
et al. 2011). These two cases imply that autumn sea ice monthly SIC in the Northern Hemisphere from January
loss does not always correspond to a strengthened SH 1978 to November 2012 (419 months) as the external
(or enhanced EAWM). Indeed, in addition to Arctic sea forcing, while the SIC in the Southern Hemisphere and
ice, there are many factors that influence the SH, such as global SST were prescribed as their climatological
Eurasian snow cover (Cohen et al. 2012) and internal monthly mean. The SST and SIC data were obtained
atmospheric variability. On the other hand, atmospheric through a spatially interpolation of observations taken
circulation variability showed different regimes in the from the BADC (http://badc.nerc.ac.uk/data/hadisst/);
two abovementioned winters (see section 3 below). for detailed information, refer to the Atmospheric
Thus, it is impossible to predict dominant patterns of Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP) phase II SST
winter atmospheric variability over the Asian continent and SIC boundary condition dataset (http://www-pcmdi.llnl.
in terms of a single external factor. The motivation of gov/projects/amip/AMIP2EXPDSN/BCS/bcsintro.php).
the present study is to explore dominant patterns of This experiment was repeated with 40 different atmo-
winter atmospheric variability over Asia and their pos- spheric initial conditions that were derived from a 50-yr
sible linkages with Arctic sea ice loss. Our study dem- control run. In regions where the SIC changes year to
onstrates that Arctic sea ice loss also promotes the year, the SST was prescribed as its climatological value,
weakening of the EAWM. unlike in Screen et al. (2014). In this study, all linear
trends in the original data were first removed before
performing EOF, regression, and composite differential
2. Data and methods
The following datasets were used: 1) the Arctic SIC
dataset (18 3 18) from January 1979 to May 2013, ob-
3. Two dominant patterns and their impacts
tained from the British Atmospheric Data Centre
(BADC; http://badc.nerc.ac.uk/data/hadisst/); 2) the This study focuses on winter (DJF) SLP variability in
monthly mean sea level pressure (SLP), SAT, winds, the middle and high latitudes in order to reveal domi-
and geopotential heights from January 1979 to March nant patterns of winter atmospheric variability over the
2013, obtained from NCEP–NCAR Reanalysis 1; 3) Asian continent. EOF analysis was applied to the nor-
monthly mean global land precipitation data from 1979 malized area-weighted winter mean SLP data (after
to 2013 (http://ftp.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/precip/50yr/gauge/ detrending) over 308–708N, 808–1208E and for 34 winters
2.5deg/format_bin/; Chen et al. 2002); and 4) the from 1979 to 2013. This domain contains the core region

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FIG. 2. (a) Regression map of detrended winter mean SLP, regressed on the normalized PC1 of EOF analysis of
detrended winter mean SLP variability over 308–708N, 808–1208E (outlined in green); the yellow (light blue) and red
(blue) areas indicate positive (negative) SLP anomalies at 0.05 and 0.01 significance levels, respectively. (b)–(d) As in
(a), but for detrended winter 500-hPa height, SAT, and 850-hPa meridional wind components, respectively; contour
intervals are 0.5 hPa in (a), 10 gpm in (b), 18C in (c), and 0.3 m s21 in (d).

of the SH where the regionally averaged winter SLP strengthened SH (Fig. 2a). Meanwhile, negative SLP
over 408–608N, 808–1208E is used as the SH index (SHI) anomalies are seen in the middle and low latitudes of the
to characterize the intensity of the SH (Wu and Asian continent. Winter mean 500-hPa height anoma-
Wang 2002). lies show a triple structure: the center of positive height
The first two EOFs (EOF1 and EOF2) respectively anomalies is over the Kara Sea, and two negative centers
account for 50% and 26% of the variance. For the are located over Europe and northeastern Asia. Thus,
leading EOF, Figs. 2a–d show anomalies in winter mean Fig. 2b indicates a westward shifted and strengthened
SLP, 500-hPa height, SAT, and 850-hPa meridional 500-hPa East Asian trough. Height anomalies here
wind components, derived from linear regressions on closely resemble those in Jung et al. (2014; see their
the normalized leading principal component (PC1). In Fig. 3), who investigated the impact of the Arctic on
the middle and high latitudes of Eurasia, winter SLP winter 500-hPa height in the midlatitudes. Negative
anomalies show a monopole structure, with the positive SAT anomalies over most of East Asia are dynamically
center located over the Ural Mountains, indicating a consistent with the strengthened SH and deepened East

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FIG. 3. Normalized time series of the detrended winter SHI (red line) and the PC1s of EOF
analyses of detrended winter mean SLP variability over four different domains: 308–708N, 808–
1208E (green); 308–708N, 508–1308E (blue); 308–808N, 508–1308E (black); and 208–708N, 608–
1308E (purple).

Asian trough (Fig. 2c). Meanwhile, positive SAT moderate negative anomalies in the north. Negative
anomalies cover the Arctic. Consequently, Figs. 2a–c SLP and 500-hPa height anomalies mainly appear in
characterize atmospheric circulation anomalies associ- the Arctic and northern North Pacific, making this
ated with the SH, supported by the correlation between pattern distinct from the positive phase of the AO. In
the PC1 and the detrended SHI (r 5 0.95; see Fig. 3). fact, the correlation between EOF2 and the detrended
This systematic atmospheric circulation anomaly is AO is 0.28 (0.44) for winters of 1979/80–2008/09 (win-
herein termed the SH pattern. The 850-hPa meridional ters of 1979/80–2012/13). Positive SAT anomalies are
wind anomalies, however, do not exceed the level of observed in the middle and high latitudes of the Asian
statistical significance over eastern China south of 308N continent, with negative SAT anomalies to the south
(Fig. 2d). Strengthened northerlies are seen over the (Fig. 4c). Such a spatial distribution of SAT anomalies
area from Lake Baikal extending southeastward to the is dynamically consistent with that for the SLP anom-
northwestern Pacific. When accompanied by a strength- alies. Significant anomalies in 850-hPa meridional
ened SH, weak southerly anomalies emerge over parts winds are observed in East Asia, particularly in eastern
of southern China. The SH pattern mainly reflects large- and northeastern China (Fig. 4d).
scale meridional circulation anomalies over the middle The second EOFs over the three domains (308–708N,
and high latitudes. 508–1308E; 308–808N, 508–1308E; and 208–708N, 608–
The same analysis process was carried out over three 1308E) respectively account for 22%, 23%, and 22% of
different domains: 1) 308–708N, 508–1308E, 2) 308–808N, the variance. Anomalies in detrended winter SLP,
508–1308E, and 3) 208–708N, 608–1308E. The leading 500-hPa height, SAT, and 850-hPa meridional winds,
EOFs over the three domains respectively account for derived from linear regressions on their PC2s, closely
46%, 46%, and 44% of the variance. Corresponding resemble those shown in Figs. 4a–d for the domain 308–
winter SLP, 500-hPa height, SAT, and 850-hPa meridi- 808N, 508–1308E, but with anomalies of opposing sign for
onal wind anomalies, derived from linear regressions on the other domains (not shown). For two domains (308–
their PC1s, closely resemble those shown in Figs. 2a–d (not 708N, 508–1308E and 208–708N, 608–1308E), the PC2 time
shown). Their PC1s are significantly correlated with the series are out of phase with that for 308–708N, 808–1208E
detrended SHI, with correlations of 0.90, 0.75, and 0.81, (Fig. 5); their correlations are 20.95 and 20.90, re-
respectively (Fig. 3). spectively. Over the domains 308–708N, 808–1208E and
For EOF2, the amplitudes of both positive SLP and 308–808N, 508–1308E, the PC2 time series are in phase
500-hPa height anomalies are weaker than those for (Fig. 5; their correlation is 0.84). Although the domains
EOF1 (Figs. 4a,b). Positive SLP anomalies appear over are different for EOF analysis, the atmospheric circu-
most of the Asian continent south of 508N, with lation anomalies associated with EOF2s exhibit similar

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FIG. 4. As in Fig. 2, but regressed on the normalized PC2 of EOF analysis of detrended winter mean SLP variability
over 308–708N, 808–1208E [outlined by green lines in (a)]. Contour intervals are 0.5 hPa in (a), 5 gpm in (b), 0.58C in
(c), and 0.3 m s21 in (d).

features over Asia and the Arctic. Thus, this systematic represent the first two coupled patterns between winter
circulation anomaly is herein termed the Asia–Arctic mean SLP over Eurasia (308–708N, 508–1308E) and any
(AA) pattern. The AA pattern predominantly exhibits meridional vertical cross section of zonal winds over the
large-scale zonal circulation anomalies, differing from Asian continent (extracted by the maximum covariance
the SH pattern. Because the intensity of the SH is closely analysis; not shown). Thus, neither of the SH and AA
related to the EAWM variability (Jhun and Lee 2004; patterns relies on the EOF method. They reflect differ-
Wu et al. 2006), the extracted leading SLP pattern ent dynamic regimes, namely large-scale meridional and
should characterize SH variability as accurately as pos- zonal circulation anomalies.
sible. If we selected a domain that covers more area of The regionally averaged winter 850-hPa meridional
the Arctic Ocean, the correlation between the leading wind over eastern China (308–408N, 1108–1208E) is sig-
SLP pattern and the detrended SHI would decline. nificantly correlated with the AA pattern (r 5 20.56;
Consequently, the first two PCs of EOF analysis over after removing linear trends, the correlation is 20.60,
308–708N, 808–1208E can be regarded as indices that at 0.01 significance level). In contrast to the AA pattern,
depict the SH and AA patterns, respectively. It should the SH pattern does not show a significant relationship
be pointed out that the SH and AA pattern well with the regionally averaged 850-hPa meridional wind

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FIG. 5. Normalized PC2s of EOF analyses of detrended winter mean SLP variability over
four different domains: 308–708N, 808–1208E (green); 308–708N, 508–1308E (blue; multiplied by
21.0); 308–808N, 508–1308E (black); and 208–708N, 608–1308E (purple, multiplied by 21.0).

(r 5 20.20 after detrending). At the surface, however, and AA patterns along 1108E. Relative to the negative
the regionally averaged meridional wind (at 10 m) over phase of the SH pattern, its positive phase corresponds
29.528–40.958N, 110.6258–1208E is significantly corre- to a strengthened westerly jet in the higher troposphere
lated with the SH and AA patterns after detrending (Fig. 7a) (the center of the westerly jet at 1108E is
at 20.51 and 20.57, respectively. This implies that around 308N and 200 hPa; not shown). Meanwhile, over
compared with the SH pattern, the AA pattern shows a the middle and high latitudes, westerly winds are
closer relationship with the EAWM. weakened significantly. Consequently, weakened west-
To investigate dynamical connections to Arctic atmo- erlies over the middle and high latitudes favor cold air
sphere variability, we first selected positive and negative accumulation and outbreaks southward from the Arctic
phase winters for which their standard deviations are .0.8 and high latitudes, which enhance strength of both of the
or ,20.8, as shown in Table 1. We selected the latitude– SH and the East Asian trough (Figs. 2a,b), leading to
pressure vertical cross section at 1108E to show wave ac- negative SAT anomalies over East Asia (Fig. 2c), and
tivity fluxes (Fig. 6). In the middle and high troposphere vice versa for its negative phase. For the AA pattern,
south of 758N, the wave activity fluxes show coherent amplitudes of westerly anomalies are apparently weaker
propagations southward to 458N, reflecting a dynamical relative to the SH pattern (Fig. 7a) and coherently shift
linkage between the Arctic and the midlatitudes of East northward (Fig. 7b). Relative to the positive phase of the
Asia (Fig. 6a). In the Arctic north of 758N, the wave ac- AA pattern, its negative phase corresponds to
tivity fluxes propagate northward over nearly the entire strengthened westerlies between 358 and 558N, with
troposphere. For the AA pattern, southward propagation weakened westerlies on both sides. The spatial distri-
is mainly observed between 408 and 658N (Fig. 6b), in- bution of westerly anomalies from 408 to 808N is dy-
dicating that sub-Arctic atmospheric variability is directly namically consistent with negative height anomalies in
linked with that over the midlatitudes of East Asia via the middle and high latitudes in Fig. 6b. Weakened
atmospheric energy propagations. Over the Arctic, the tropospheric westerlies over the high latitudes of the
wave activity fluxes display northward propagations. At Asian continent favor Arctic cold air into the Asian
500 hPa, the wave activity fluxes originated from the continent and accumulation, resulting in positive SLP
Barents–Kara Seas propagate southeastward to the high anomalies over the northern Asian continent (as in
latitudes of the Asian continent, and then propagate Figs. 4a,c, but with opposing sign). Meanwhile,
northeastward to the Arctic Ocean (Fig. 6c). Another strengthened tropospheric westerlies between 358 and
branch propagates to the northwestern Pacific. 558N obstruct cold air accumulation and outbreaks
Figure 7 shows the latitude–pressure vertical cross southward from the midlatitudes, leading to positive
section of westerly anomalies associated with the SH SAT and negative SLP anomalies over the middle and

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TABLE 1. Winter cases with standard deviations .0.8 (positive phase) or ,20.8 (negative phase). Boldface indicates winters with both the
SH and AA patterns.

Pattern Positive phase Negative phase

SH 1980/81, 1983/84, 1984/85, 1985/86, 2004/05, 2005/06, 1988/89, 1991/92, 1992/93, 1996/97, 1997/98, 2003/04,
and 2011/12 and 2006/07
AA 1982/83, 1983/84, 1994/95, 1995/96, 1999/2000, 2001/02, 1984/85, 1989/90, 2000/01, 2004/05, 2008/09, 2009/10,
2007/08, and 2011/12 and 2012/13

low latitudes of the Asian continent. Opposite anoma- SIC is a potential precursor for the ensuing winter SH
lous fields are observed for the positive phase of the AA that cannot be predicted using tropical SSTs alone [their
pattern. correlation was 20.6 after detrending; see Fig. 2 of Wu
Impacts of the two atmospheric patterns on winter et al. (2011)]. An enhanced SH is associated with per-
precipitation differ, as shown in Fig. 8. The positive sistent SIC negative anomalies from autumn to winter,
phase of the SH pattern causes decreases in winter and previous observations and simulation experiments
precipitation over most of the Asian continent, partic- support this association (Honda et al. 2009; Petoukhov
ularly in the low latitudes east of 808E, whereas in- and Semenov 2010; Wu et al. 1999; Liu et al. 2012; Inoue
creased precipitation is mainly observed in some areas et al. 2012; Rinke et al. 2013; Jung et al. 2014).
of the midlatitudes and the Russian Far East (Fig. 8a). For the negative phase of the AA pattern, negative
The AA pattern has more substantial impacts on winter SIC anomalies in the previous autumn are observed in
precipitation than the SH pattern (Fig. 8b). Compared some areas: the Barents–Kara Seas, the western Laptev
with the positive phase of the AA pattern, its negative Sea, the East Siberian Sea, and the Beaufort Sea
phase significantly enhances precipitation over East (Fig. 9c). In winter, increased SIC in the Greenland Sea
Asia and central Asia. Enhanced precipitation is dy- and southeastern Barents Sea is concurrent with de-
namically consistent with 500-hPa height anomalies in creased SIC in the Labrador Sea, Davis Strait, and some
Fig. 6c. Negative 500-hPa height anomalies over the areas of the Barents Sea (Fig. 9d), unlike in Fig. 9b.
middle and high latitudes of Asia and positive height Amplitudes and extents of SIC anomalies associated
anomalies over the northwestern and northern Pacific with the AA pattern are smaller relative to the SH
favor increased precipitation between them. Mean- pattern. Linear regression analyses further verify the
while, decreased precipitation emerges in the high lati- associations between the two atmospheric patterns and
tudes and between 708 and 1108E south of 408N. previous autumn SIC anomalies (not shown).
In the data and methods section, simulation experi-
ments forced by SIC forcing were introduced. Here we
4. Possible associations with sea ice loss in autumn
examine simulated winter atmospheric responses
and winter
(Figs. 10 and 11) and corresponding autumn and winter
Both the SH and AA patterns are associated with SIC anomalies (Fig. 12). Data used here are original
Arctic SIC anomalies in the prior autumn [September– model output and SIC data rather than detrended data.
November (SON)] to winter (DJF) (Fig. 9). For the SH Figure 10 shows differences in simulated winter mean
pattern, decreased autumn SIC is observed in the Sibe- atmospheric circulation between the positive and neg-
rian marginal seas (Fig. 9a), particularly from the ative phases of the SH pattern during the period from
northern Barents Sea across to the Kara Sea, extending 1978 to 2012. It is seen that positive SLP anomalies are
eastward to the Laptev Sea and the Pacific part of the mainly observed over the Arctic, much of North
Arctic Ocean. In winter, negative SIC anomalies are America, and the Tibetan Plateau, and significant neg-
mainly observed in the Greenland–Barents–Kara Seas, ative SLP anomalies emerge over East Asia and the
the Labrador Sea, and Davis Strait (Fig. 9b), dynami- Russian Far East (Fig. 10a). At 500 hPa, positive geo-
cally consistent with the spatial distribution of winter potential height anomalies appear over the Arctic and
surface wind anomalies (not shown). Wu et al. (2011) are surrounded by negative anomalies (Fig. 10b). A
suggested that the regionally averaged (76.58–83.58N, shifted northward and deepened East Asian trough
60.58–149.58E) September SIC is significantly correlated emerge over the East Asian coast, with positive height
with the ensuing winter SIC averaged over the Barents– anomalies over the midlatitudes of the Asian continent
Kara Seas (67.58–80.58N, 20.58–80.58E) during the pe- and the northwestern Pacific sector. Significant positive
riod from 1979 to 2010 (r 5 0.66; correlation is 0.52 after SAT anomalies are mainly confined to the high lati-
detrending). Thus, the regionally averaged September tudes, and positive SAT anomalies occupy most of

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FIG. 6. (a) Differences in detrended mean geopotential heights between the positive and
negative phases of the SH pattern along the latitude–pressure cross section at 1108E, super-
imposed on meridional and vertical (multiplied by 0.05) wave activity flux (vectors; m2 s22) of
Takaya and Nakamura (2001); light blue and blue areas indicate geopotential height differ-
ences at 0.05 and 0.01 significance levels, respectively. (b) As in (a), but for differences in
detrended mean geopotential heights between the negative and positive phases of the AA
pattern. (c) Differences in detrended mean geopotential heights between the negative and
positive phases of the AA pattern at 500 hPa; contour intervals are 20 gpm; composite winter
cases for the SH and AA patterns are shown in Table 1 (nonboldface winters).

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FIG. 7. (a) Differences in detrended mean westerly flows (m s21) between the positive and
negative phases of the SH pattern along the latitude–pressure cross section at 1108E. (b) As in
(a), but for differences in detrended mean westerly flows between the negative and positive
phases of the AA pattern; the composite cases for the SH and AA patterns and meanings for
the color areas are as in Fig. 6

Eurasia except for some areas of northern Eurasia and positive phase of the SH pattern rather than the AA
the Tibetan Plateau where negative SAT anomalies are pattern.
visible (Fig. 10c). Thus, simulated winter atmospheric A stronger atmospheric response is seen in Fig. 11 rel-
circulation and SAT anomalies indicate a weakened ative to that in Fig. 10, indicated by amplitudes and ex-
EAWM; to a great extent, they capture major charac- tents of both of positive SLP and 500-hPa height
teristics of the negative phase of the AA pattern as anomalies. Differences in mean SIC forcing may be re-
shown in Fig. 4, but with opposing sign. sponsible for different atmospheric responses. It is seen
Figure 11 shows simulated differences between the that although SIC data used in Figs. 9a,b and 12a,b are
negative and positive phases of the AA pattern. Signif- derived from the BADC (http://badc.nerc.ac.uk/data/
icant positive SLP anomalies emerge over the Arctic hadisst/) their differences are visible, particularly in the
and Siberia (Fig. 11a), and positive 500-hPa height prior autumn, due mainly to detrended data used in Fig. 9.
anomalies appear over northern Eurasia and the Arctic, In Fig. 12a, negative SIC anomalies are mainly observed
with concurrent negative height anomalies over Europe, in from the Barents Sea eastward to the Laptev Sea, and
East Asia, and the northern North Pacific, implying a positive SIC anomalies emerge from the East Siberian Sea
strengthened East Asian trough (Fig. 11b). At the sur- eastward to the Beaufort Sea. Nearly opposite SIC
face, positive SAT anomalies are observed over the anomalies are seen in part of the Laptev Sea eastward to
Arctic and negative SAT anomalies occupy much of the Beaufort Sea and the Arctic Ocean (Fig. 12c). The
Eurasia, particularly over the central Asian continent area with SIC anomalies #25.0% is approximately
and East Asia, where significant negative SAT anoma- 2.20 3 106 km2 in Fig. 12a and less than 3.04 3 106 km2 in
lies are observed (Fig. 11c). Thus simulated atmospheric Fig. 12c. Thus, compared to Fig. 12a, SIC anomalies in
circulation anomalies, to a great extent, reflect the Fig. 12c correspond to more heating released to the

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1 SEPTEMBER 2015 WU ET AL. 6851

FIG. 8. (a) Anomalous winter precipitation percentages, derived from differences in de-
trended winter mean precipitation between the positive and negative phases of the SH pattern
divided by the winter mean precipitation averaged over the past 34 winters from 1979 to 2013;
thin (dashed thin) and thick (dashed thick) purple contours indicate positive (negative) pre-
cipitation differences exceeding 0.05 and 0.01 significance levels, respectively. (b) As in (a), but
differences in detrended winter mean precipitation between the negative and positive phases of
the AA pattern; composite cases are listed in Table 1 (nonboldface winters).

atmosphere from the ocean, which enhances the feedback On the other hand, very weak differences in simu-
of sea ice loss on the winter atmosphere. Thus, simulated lated winter SLP and 500-hPa height indicate low co-
strengthening of SH (Fig. 11) is reasonable. Above ana- herency of model results, and simulated time series of
lyses demonstrate that Arctic sea ice loss could either the SHI averaged over the 40 experiments are strictly
bring the positive phase of the SH pattern or produce the confined to a very narrow range of 1029–1031 hPa
negative phase of the AA pattern, which corresponds to a (Fig. 13a; the observed SHI range was 1026.8–
weakened EAWM. Thus, it is a challenge to predict 1033.5 hPa from 1979 to 2013). The simulated standard
EAWM based on Arctic sea ice loss. Additionally, simu- deviation of the SHI ranges from 1.1 to 2.1 hPa
lation results also show that Arctic sea ice loss also favors (Fig. 13b). Such low coherency reflects the com-
occurrences of cold winters in North America. bined effects of large internal variability and model

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FIG. 9. Differences in detrended mean SIC between the positive and negative phases of the SH pattern in (a) the
previous autumn (SON) and (b) winter (DJF). (c),(d) As in (a),(b), but for differences between the negative and
positive phases of the AA pattern; green contours denote SIC differences at 0.05 significance level. The composite
cases for the SH and AA patterns are shown in Table 1 (nonboldface winters).

uncertainties. Screen et al. (2014) also suggested that et al. (2014) discussed possible reasons for the existence
SLP and height responses are hard to detect and may be of negative winter SLP anomalies over the Arctic in
partially or totally masked by atmospheric internal response to sea ice loss, which differs from previous
variability. Additionally, the atmospheric response to results (Alexander et al. 2004; Francis et al. 2009; Liu
sea ice loss may depend on the state of the atmosphere et al. 2012). They suggested that ensemble member
(Balmaseda et al. 2010). numbers and prescription of SIC forcing in simulation
It is seen that simulated SLP and 500-hPa height experiments may be the reason for negative SLP
anomalies exhibit a quasi-barotropic structure over the anomalies in response to SIC loss.
Arctic (Figs. 10 and 11). This differs from the response Prior researchers discussed possible mechanisms for
of winter atmosphere to SIC loss in Screen et al. (2014) the impact of Arctic sea ice on the atmosphere: a de-
and Peings and Magnusdottir (2014) where a baroclinic creased autumn Arctic sea ice would lead to an in-
response was evident over the Arctic Ocean. Screen tensified heat loss from the ocean and a stronger

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FIG. 10. (a) Simulated differences in winter mean SLP between positive and negative phases of the SH pattern (see
Table 1, nonboldface winters), derived from 40 experiments, thus positive and negative phases contain 120 and 280
winters, respectively; thin (dashed thin) and thick (dashed thick) purple contours denote positive (negative) SLP
anomalies at 0.05 and 0.01 significance levels, respectively. (b),(c) As in (a), but for winter 500-hPa height and SAT
differences, respectively; contour intervals are 0.2 hPa in (a), 2 gpm in (b), and 0.28C in (c).

heating effect to the overlying atmosphere, which positive phase of the SH pattern). Additionally, Arctic
would strengthen atmospheric baroclinicity and in- sea ice loss in both autumn and winter would decrease
stability (Alexander et al. 2004; Jaiser et al. 2012; the thermal gradient between the Arctic and the
Porter et al. 2012). As the seasons progress, through a middle and high latitudes of Eurasia, leading to
negative feedback process, baroclinic atmospheric weakened westerlies in winter (Francis and Vavrus
processes diminish and barotropic interactions in- 2012; see Fig. 4 of Wu et al. 2011) and favoring cold air
tensify, resulting in winter positive SLP and 500-hPa outbreaks southward from the Arctic. This is the
height anomalies over the high latitudes and the Arctic possible mechanism responsible for the association
(Alexander et al. 2004; Deser et al. 2004, 2007; between the SH pattern and Arctic sea ice loss. The
Magnusdottir et al. 2004; Jaiser et al. 2012; Wu et al. similar mechanism may be at work for the linkage
2011; Walsh 2014), favoring a strengthened SH (the between the AA pattern and Arctic sea ice loss.

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FIG. 11. As in Fig. 10, but for the AA pattern (see Table 1, nonboldface winters and excluding the winter of 2012/13),
derived from 40 experiments, thus negative and positive phases contain 160 and 240 winters, respectively.

Additionally, the simulated wave activity flux induced on the SH and AA patterns herein because they are
by sea ice loss also supports the dynamical connection beyond the scope of the present study.
between the Arctic and Asia (not shown). Recent In the late 1990s, the Arctic surface wind fields ex-
studies, however, suggested that although sea ice loss perienced an interdecadal shift in both spring (April–
affects atmospheric variability at northern midlati- June) and summer (July–September). An anomalous
tudes, results show big differences in the magnitude, cyclone prevailed before 1997 and was then replaced
timing, and spatial extent of these effects (e.g., Vihma by an anomalous anticyclone over the Arctic Ocean,
2014). In addition to the state of the atmosphere which was consistent with the rapid decline in trend of
(Balmaseda et al. 2010), differences in the magnitude September sea ice extent (Wu et al. 2012). Autumn
and extent of SIC anomalies in Fig. 12 may be one of Arctic SIC also experienced an interdecadal shift in
the reasons for different remote responses, supported the late 1990s, which is one of the possible reasons for
by Petoukhov and Semenov (2010). We have not ex- interdecadal variability of winter SAT in East Asia
plored possible mechanisms for the impact of SIC loss (Yang and Wu 2013). Although the two AA patterns,

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1 SEPTEMBER 2015 WU ET AL. 6855

FIG. 12. Differences in mean SIC in the forced model simulation between the positive and negative phases of the
SH pattern in (a) the previous autumn (SON) and (b) winter (DJF). (c),(d) As in (a),(b), but for differences between
the negative and positive phases of the AA pattern. The composite cases for the SH and AA patterns are same as
those in Figs. 10 and 11, respectively.

derived respectively from the detrended and original shown), favoring the occurrence of the negative phase
winter mean SLP data over the same domain, are of the AA pattern.
highly correlated (0.94; 0.99 after detrending), their
low-frequency evolutions are different (Fig. 14). The
5. Conclusions and discussion
AA pattern derived from the original data showed an
interdecadal shift more clearly in the late 1990s. It is Using EOF analysis of winter mean SLP variability over
seen that positive phases of the low-frequency oscil- the Asian continent, we have described two dominant
lations (.11 yr) were dominant before the winter of patterns of winter atmospheric variability: the SH and AA
1998/99 and were then replaced by frequent negative patterns, which account for 76% of the variance over 308–
phases. This interdecadal shift was also reflected in a 708N, 808–1208E. The SH pattern depicts well the domi-
7-yr running mean time series of the AA pattern. Since nant features of winter atmospheric circulation variability
2007 autumn SIC has maintained negative anomalies closely associated with the intensity of SH. The positive
in the Arctic Ocean and Siberian marginal seas (not phase of the SH pattern corresponds to a systematic

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FIG. 13. (a) Time series of the simulated winter SHI (hPa) averaged over 40 experiments (solid
blue line); dashed blue and red lines denote a mean of the simulated winter SHI averaged over the
past 34 winters from 1978 to 2012 and 5-yr running means of the simulated winter SHI, respectively.
(b) The standard deviation time series of the simulated winter SHI derived from 40 experiments.

strengthening of both the SH and East Asian trough, SH pattern or produce the negative phase of the AA
leading to negative SAT anomalies over East Asia, and pattern, which corresponds to a weakened EAWM.
vice versa for its negative phase. Decreased autumn Arctic Recently, the two dominant patterns have alternately
SIC along the Siberian marginal seas, particularly in the occurred to influence East Asia. It appears that the AA
northern Barents–Kara Seas and the Pacific area of the pattern has become more frequent recently. Simulation
Arctic Ocean, provides favorable external forcing for experiments also indicate that Arctic sea ice loss favors
generating the positive phase of this pattern. occurrences of cold winters in North America.
The AA pattern features a teleconnection pattern of This study has described a statistical association be-
atmospheric variability between Asia and the Arctic. tween Arctic SIC loss and the AA pattern, although
The positive phase of the AA pattern describes positive physical details of their association need to be further
SLP anomalies south of 558N and negative SLP anom- investigated. Additionally, factors such as SSTs in the
alies in the high latitudes and the Arctic, corresponding North Atlantic and subarctic seas and Eurasian snow
to a strengthened EAWM, and SAT anomalies with cover also play roles in regulating East Asian winter
opposing sign emerge over the Asian continent. The AA climate variability (Li 2004; Peng et al. 2003; Cohen et al.
pattern is more important than the SH pattern in regu- 2012; Walsh 2014), and their relative contributions also
lating winter precipitation and the 850-hPa meridional warrant further study. The results herein imply that
wind component over East Asia. The negative phase of autumn Arctic sea ice loss plays an important role in
the AA pattern may be associated with decreased au- regulating winter climate variability over East Asia.
tumn Arctic SIC in the Barents–Kara Seas, the western
Laptev Sea, and the Beaufort Sea. Simulation experi- Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to all
ments with observed SIC forcing also support that anonymous reviewers for their insight and constructive
Arctic sea ice loss could bring the positive phase of the suggestions, which helped to significantly improve this

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FIG. 14. (a) The low-frequency oscillation (.11 yr) time series of the AA pattern (derived
from detrended data; blue line), derived from a harmonic analysis; the red line is a 7-yr running
mean time series of the AA pattern. (b) As in (a), but the AA pattern was derived from the
original winter mean SLP data. Units are arbitrary.

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