Years of Working With Genes and Genetics

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+ years of working with genes and genetics.

Updated 7y

If all humans descend from a single original population of ancestors in Africa, then
how did humans with different skin colors come about?

Originally Answered: If all humans descend from a single original population of

ancestors in Africa, then how did different "colored" humans come about?
Shortly: there are about 3 important genes coding for skin color and we get one of each of those
three genes from each of our parents. Let's call the genes A, B, and C. So every human has two A
genes, two B genes and two C genes to make pigmentation in your skin.

So in their cells they will have AA, BB and CC.

Now, if one gene mutates and become less active, you can't make as much pigment for your skin,
and it will get lighter. Maybe it's one of the A genes which is mutated and becomes an a. Then
your cells will have AaBBCC and you can give both an A and an a to your offspring.

Imagine this happens to the two other genes for skin color.

Suddenly we have 6 possible genes for skin color: A, a, B, b, C, and c. The higher cases are good
at making color while the lower cases are not as good.

Now let humans interbreed and mix and match for generations. The genes for color can be
inherited in all kinds of ways and we'll end up with these possible combinations:

You still inherit one of each gene from each parent, but depending on the combination of strong
and weak color genes, your skin will have very different coloration.

Now, if you live in sunny places, it's more beneficial to have darker skin, as that protects you
from the sun. If you live in dark places, it's beneficial to have lighter skin, as you can make more
vitamin D.

In some areas, one skin color becomes the norm, as people of that color are better adapted to the

But it's still the same three genes and they have not moved or been lost or changed the species
more than the amount of color placed in the skin cells.

Study genetics to get the long answer....

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