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1. When your absence reaches 20% (11- 54 hrs.; 5-27hrs.) of the hours of recitation (54÷2=27), lecture,
& laboratory, you shall automatically be dropped from the course. If 60% (16) or more of your
absences are unexcused, you shall be given a grade of 5.0 or you shall merely be dropped without a
2. Incomplete mark (INC) not complied after one (1) year shall automatically become a failing grade (5.0)
after the prescribed period.
3. Students to graduate with honor should carry a minimum load of fifteen (15) units per semester or as
prescribed in the curriculum and no grade lower than 2.5.


1. Your account should bear your complete name and your picture (wholesome) for easy recognition.
2. Only queries or concerns can be posted in our GC. Please don’t discuss matters not related to our
3. If you have no class before our class, you are advised to join 2-3 minutes before the time.
4. Questions through a private message is discouraged.
5. Don’t chat me that you are absent, no load or no signal but instead send an excuse letter (thru a
private message) signed by your parent or guardian if you are absent. Those with a valid reason only
are excused.
6. If you need troubleshooting, address that concern first in your class gc and ask help from your
7. Don’t chat in the gc that you sent a message to me.
8. Direct # 4-7 to your class mayor.
9. Don’t upload answers in my email account and in the messenger (thru a private message) except if
you have my permission. We will only use the moodle (VLE), FB Page, and Gdrive.
10. Don’t upload pictures in our GC of your proof of submission from the gform after the test or activity.
11. Late assignments and outputs can still be uploaded in the VLE but it is marked as late and will incur a
deduction. But, if I have already done my recording it is not counted.
12. Every output has a corresponding number of points.
13. An original work will be given a high score than the ones copied from the internet.
14. If caught having the same work, both will not be recorded and you will be referred to the guidance
counselor for counseling.
15. If you missed a quiz because of absence, I will not give any special test or any related activity if
answers are already revealed.
16. During midterm & final exams be prepared and secure a stable internet connection.
17. For the group activity, cooperation is very important because you are graded as one. If one member
failed to participate, do not include him or her in the final output but instead he or she can make his
or her own task.
18. If you joined the session late and attendance has been already checked you can inform me before
leaving the meet after the class or else you will be marked absent.
19. Click the raise hand button if you want to answer or say something.
20. If you are not feeling well, you can still attend the class.
21. Don’t share the link sent in the chatbox to the GC without my permission.
22. If you are working, make sure to balance and manage your time in order to avoid an inc. grade.
23. Save your answers in all of your tasks.
24. Include your section when you PM.
25. Read the instructions carefully before asking questions.
26. Inc. grades – either lacking requirements or failed.
27. Observe our consultation time schedule. (If urgent you can message immediately. If not, better to
discuss matters after class hours but not too late.
28. Using a short size bond paper (with watermark of your last name and border), prepare a matrix for
your activities following the format below.

Date Activity/Assignment Due Date Where to Pass


29. In the next pages, make a journal following the format below:

If you are present If you are absent

Signature: Signature:
Name: Name:
Date: Date:
Topic: Missed Topic:

Insert your excuse letter here

Notes (signed by your parent or
(Handwritten)) guardian) and your proof or

Reminder: If you were absent, don’t fabricate your journal but instead, indicate in the “Missed
Topic” portion the topic during that day. Then, in the notes portion insert your excuse letter and
proof of absence/evidence.


1. Midterm/Final Exam – 40%

2. Written Tests (Formative/Summative)– 30% Formula:
2. Performance Tasks– 30%
Score/No. of items x50+45=
➢ Reports
➢ Projects Grade x .40/.30, etc. =
➢ Portfolio
➢ Recitation
➢ Oral Presentations
➢ Activities/Assignments (individual or group)

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