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2nd IFAC Symposium on Telematics Applications

Politehnica University, Timisoara, Romania

October 5-8, 2010

An agent-oriented software platform for urban traffic networks modeling,

analysis and control

Simona Iuliana Caramihai, Ioan Dumitrache, Monica Voinescu

Automatic Control and Computer Science Faculty,Politehnica University of Bucharest,

313 Splaiul Independentei, Bucharest, 060042, Romania
(e-mail:;; )

Abstract: The paper presents a software application for modeling, simulation and analysis of urban
traffic networks behavior in different functioning contexts. A module of control techniques, based on
different approaches (as genetic algorithms, fuzzy and neural networks) allows the platform to provide
decision support for context-based traffic control in large urban areas. The application is based on a
three-layered control architecture: the basic level monitoring and controlling junctions, the middle one
ensuring smooth functioning of sub-networks, by the coordination of interconnected junctions and the top
level ensuring a globally optimized functioning of the system.

the platform users a flexible, open-system environment for

building their own test cases of traffic infrastructure to
One of the most acute problems of large urban analyze.
agglomerations is the efficient management of their traffic
The platform structure and functioning is described in section
infrastructure. Due to the socio-economical dynamics, it is a
III. The user can design its own traffic network using a
fact that the number of cars is increasing at a far more
generic agent library or designing new agent structures with
important rate than the infrastructure, resulting, especially at
added capabilities which can be easily integrated and used on
peak-hours, in traffic congestions that affect the quality of
the platform. Agents can be interconnected by their pairs by
life, in terms of stress, noise, safety and pollution. These
specifying structural information related to the capacity of the
problems can be solved, at a certain level, by political
roads that represent the physical links. A traffic network
measures and public education, but they also need a technical
functioning can be simulated using input files of data and
approach related to the adaptation of urban traffic functioning
with different approaches for the structure of their traffic light
to real context. More specifically, traffic congestion can and
cycles, that can be modified either by the user or by the agent
should be avoided, in certain circumstances, by adapting the
itself, following its embedded control policies.
duration of traffic lights to the car flow, this being an
approach that necessitates the lowest investments in Section IV will present the control approach. At this moment,
infrastructure modifications. Higher investments and a module that allows a genetic algorithms (GA) control
different approaches can be justified when the problem approach is in place and there are two other modules under
becomes insolvable by traffic light control. construction – one implementing fuzzy control and another
implementing a neural networks approach. The section will
Extensive research has been done in the field, on modeling,
present results obtained with GA control on a case study.
control and optimization of urban and highway traffic flow.
A comprehensive review on modeling methods is given by The final section will present conclusions and future work.
Hoogendoorn (2001) and a dual modeling approach was
presented in Voinescu (2009). From the control and
optimization perspective, several systems have been 2. AGENT-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR SIMULATION
implemented in many countries; the most complex developed OF URBAN TRAFFIC
so far being the Universal Traffic Management System in
Due to its geographically distributed nature, the domain of
Japan described in Maeoka (2000).
traffic and transportation management is well suited to
The paper presents a software platform that was conceived distributed architectures and multi-agent based approaches.
for implementing, testing, and validating the applicability of Especially when applied for urban areas, where the traffic
several intelligent techniques for traffic light control towards network topology is very complex, the traffic control
avoiding traffic congestions. The platform design is based on paradigm is shifting towards decentralized, hierarchical
an agent-oriented approach for modeling and simulating the approaches with smaller control centers that have to manage
traffic infrastructure, which will be described in section II. only parts of the global structure. A more scalable and
The agent-based approach is justified both by the difficulty of flexible traffic control scheme is based on distributed control
globally modeling a traffic network, with high dynamics and where junctions are represented by intelligent agents that
large-scale, complex structure and by the necessity to offer to cooperate in order to reach an optimum traffic state. Prikryl

978-3-902661-84-5/10/$20.00 © 2010 IFAC 213 10.3182/20101005-4-RO-2018.00064

TA 2010
Timisoara, Romania, Oct 5-8, 2010

(2006) reviews several directions of development in the use controls – number and connections of input/ output roads,
of distributed or multi-agent systems in the form of peer-to- number and synchronization of traffic lights (also reflected in
peer networks of decision makers in urban traffic control. the activation profile), capacity of input roads (number of
standard vehicles that they can contain without causing
This paper is using an approach that decomposes a traffic
congestions), links with peer agents – and parametrical data.
network into two kinds of parts: active elements, such as
junctions, which have a definite role in regulating the car Parametrical data are either linked to the car flows, or to the
flow, and passive elements, as the roads that link active current activation profile. Such parameters are defining three
elements and are only physical parameters of the system. basic functioning regimes for the agent, if correlated with the
structural information about input road capacity (figure 3.):
Based on this decomposition, the agent-based architecture
presented by the paper has the structure depicted in figure 1.

Fig.3: Functioning regimes for a junction agent

- Safe zone regime: the length of the car queue does not
Fig. 1.: Three-level agent-based architecture exceed a pre-defined (lower) warning limit when red
light at the segment output; the agent will not change its
At the bottom level, there are junction-agents, each of them control parameters and will only transmit output data to
being able to control the duration and succession of traffic respective peer agent, at the end of every light phase;
lights for a given crossroad, so as to adapt it to the input car
flow and to simulate junction behavior in order to evaluate - Warning zone regime: if the car queue length is
control performance. between the lower and the higher warning limits, then
the agent will try to modify the parameters of its
Detailed modeling and functioning of junction agents are activation profile (fine tuning) with respect to the
described in Caramihai (2009) and Udrea (2009). Basically, duration of light phases. The phase order in the
such an agent receives and processes data about its input car activation profile structure is not changed. The control
flows, either directly, from sensors, or indirectly, in input variables are the green light durations which will be
data files (for off-line simulation/ analysis regime) or from modified between pre-defined limits. It is considered that
adjacent agents. It is also able to transmit data about its an “acceptable” evolution is obtained, if the trend of the
output car flows, collected from junction sensors or obtained car queue length is reversed.
by estimations to its adjacent respective peers.
- Critical zone regime: if car queue length exceeds the
A junction agent builds an activation profile of the light higher warning limit, another functioning scenario is
phases (figure 2) given traffic light information which is necessary and it will be either requested to the zone
stored in its world model and was either computed or supervisor or selected from the world model library;
received from its zonal supervisor. This activation profile is since it is considered that the functioning context has
calculated for different functioning contexts of the crossroad changed, the activation profile structure is usually
and enables the agent to simulate junction behavior while modified.
modifying green light timings between given limits, with the
purpose of avoiding congestions on its input roads. Agents of the bottom layer are centered on ensuring their
own objective – eliminating congestions for their crossroad –
phase 1
1 without considering how they affect others. When the control
policy of a junction agent conflicts with that of another, the
0 20 40 60 80 100 120

phase 2 middle layer is solicited to resolve the conflict.
The middle layer of the architecture is composed by zone
20 40 60 80 100 120

phase 3 supervisors-agents. Such an agent is coordinating the
0.5 functioning of a physical traffic sub-network, mediating the
0 20 40 60
phase 4
80 100 120 conflicts between junction agents and furnishing them with
appropriate activation profiles for the critical zone regime.
0 20 40 60
phase 5
80 100 120
They can ensure an optimal functioning regime in terms of
maximal car flow in their supervised area, using different
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 control approaches such as Genetic Algorithms, fuzzy and
neural networks.
Fig.2: Activation profile sample
The top layer consists in a higher level supervisory agent and
The inner model of a junction agent contains structural coordinates zone supervisors, basically establishing, for
information about the physical structure of the crossroad it

TA 2010
Timisoara, Romania, Oct 5-8, 2010

critical functioning contexts that cannot be solved otherwise, Main functionalities include:
degraded functioning regimes with preferential routes.
- configuration of junction agents, based on a library of
Zone supervisors are also dealing with priority vehicles, as generic agents; a generic agent has a given physical structure,
the higher level supervisor will solve problems related to represented by the number of input/ output roads, and number
grave accidents or infrastructure modifications. of light phases. The user can select a structure and configure
it by adding parametric information that define the basic
The architecture is conceived so as to allow the bottom layer
model of activation profiles (Figure 5)
to ensure a basic functioning even in situations in which
communication links between agents are broken, either
horizontally or vertically, by the basic contextual scenarios
(activation profiles) that are stored in the world model of
junction agents.
The software platform that will be presented in the following
was conceived with the main purpose to generate appropriate
contextual activation profiles, based on different contexts of
functioning (night/ day, rush hours, rain, snow etc.) as
reflected in input simulation data.


The software platform was implemented in Java, using agent
programming concepts combined with classical object
programming. The multi-agent system was created using the
Fig. 5. Menu for creating an X- junction agent
JADE infrastructure which offers specific facilities for agent
creation and agent interaction. The concepts of Junction, - urban network design: the user is allowed to use junction
Input, Output, LightPhase, etc. were modeled as OOP agents to build urban networks by interconnecting them and
classes, which are integrated within the agent’s world model. specifying the parameters of the connections (as the capacity
of linking roads), as represented in figure 6; such networks
The traffic network is transposed into a community of agents,
can be saved/ loaded into a user-designed library. At this
belonging to the levels of junction agents and respectively
moment, an urban network is, with respect to the architecture
zone supervisor, which runs optimization algorithms and
specifications from the previous section, the subnet
coordinates the lower level agents. Initial values of the
controlled by a single zone supervisor; future work includes a
attributes are supplied by the user via the graphical user
module allowing interconnecting several zone supervisors.
interface, or derived by simple calculus from available data.
The block structure of the software platform is presented in
figure 4.

Fig.6: Interconecting junction agents

- simulation of different contextual scenarios, underlining
trends in the evolution of car queues for user-selected areas in
the urban network – Figure 7. In order to perform a
Fig.4: Software platform architecture simulation, input data on car flows are needed which can
either be stored in data files, or be generated by the user.

TA 2010
Timisoara, Romania, Oct 5-8, 2010

Control modules can be either used for exchanging a single 4. CONTROL APPROACH FOR URBAN TRAFFIC
activation profile – for a given junction agent – or for
Given the complexity and the particularities of urban traffic
calculating globally adequate ones for groups of junction
control and optimization problems, the latest research efforts
agents, at the zonal supervisor agent level.
in the area of traffic control are directed towards the use of
artificial intelligence methods. Intelligent techniques
approaches have been successfully applied to traffic control
problems, such as rule-based systems for predefined plan
selection (Logi, F. & Ritchie, S.G., 2001), fuzzy rules control
systems (GiYoung 2001), neural networks (Spall 1994)
(Lopez 1999), or neuro-fuzzy systems (You-Sik 1999),
cellular automata modelling and evolutionary algorithms
optimization (Rouphail 2000), (Sanchez-Medina 2008).
The decentralized modeling approach presented in Section 2
transforms the congestion prevention into a green light
timings optimization problem, decomposable in multiple sub-
problems which can be solved at each layer in the hierarchy
of control.
The bottom layer agents work in the timeframe of the real
traffic environment, therefore their congestion prevention
Fig.7.: Car queues representation in simulation mechanisms must be based on fast response, direct methods
derived from current measurements only. This is the reason
Simulation regime is used both for checking out the adequacy that they have either to slightly modify existing activation
of already designed activation profiles (Figure 8) and for profiles or select/request directly other profiles, based on
designing and testing context scenarios. global values of input car flows.
In the case of junction agents, fuzzy logic is a powerful tool
for processing nondeterministic and non-linear problems,
such as that of adjusting green light timings according to the
conditions of traffic observed at any given moment. Traffic
control is generally expressed by rules, which makes fuzzy
rule-based signal control a plausible choice.
Membership functions are defined for crossroad lane queue
lengths using fuzzy terms such as “long-queue”, “short-
queue”. More green time is allocated for a lane if there are
many vehicles arriving in, and less green time otherwise.
The fuzzy local congestion prevention mechanism provides a
reasonable alternative when the bottom layer becomes
disconnected from superior command in the event of
whatever system or communication failure.
Simulation results prove satisfactory performance when the
traffic load is not critical. However, such local congestion
Fig.8: Specification of an activation profile prevention mechanism does not guarantee a global solution
The graphical interface guides the user through the due to lack of spatial and temporal perspective. Therefore, to
application flow, from data acquisition to simulation and optimize for global performances, the implementation of a
visualization of results. supervisor level is needed which will monitor, synchronize
and coordinate a group of junction agents in a given sub-
Preliminary studies of urban traffic regions simulations using region.
the software platform confirm the adequacy of the multi-
agent approach for the modeling and simulation of complex, The zonal supervisor works on a larger timescale,
large scale systems. implementing strategies to serve two main objectives:

The implicit modularity obtained by the multi-agent • regional statistic estimation and prediction planning for
implementation allows a functional decomposition leading to zonal optimization;
a reduction of complexity without loss of generality. The • conflict resolution if mutual agreement on green light
autonomous functioning of each agent combined with both timings fails between any two junction agents on the
horizontal and vertical communication among working units bottom layer.
results in a complex, emergent behavior of the overall system
which could have hardly been modeled otherwise. In order to achieve zonal congestion prevention, genetic
algorithm (GA) optimization has been implemented, taking

TA 2010
Timisoara, Romania, Oct 5-8, 2010

into account multiple (or all) junctions in the area of interest. − the default type double for chromosomes, within a
The optimization variables are the green phase timing lengths certain lower bound and upper bound [lb, ub]
for all junctions of interest. The total light phase duration is derived from the time limits imposed on each phase;
also an optimization variable, aiming towards a balanced
traffic flow across the region. − population size of 15 chromosomes;

The optimality of a solution is evaluated in terms of − a maximum number of 15 generations as a stopping

minimizing the weighted average of the waiting queue criterion or a maximum of 7 stall generations;
lengths on all road segments entering the junctions. − stochastic uniform selection function;
Communication between the layer of junction agents and the − adaptive feasible mutation, which randomly
zonal supervisors’ layer is bidirectional. The best solution generates directions that are adaptive with respect to
obtained by the zonal supervisor running the GA is the last successful or unsuccessful generation
communicated to the bottom layer junction agents and
applied in traffic, while data acquired from traffic is sent to Simulation results over the time-span of an hour are
upper layers to be used for prediction and planning. presented in Figures 10 a, b, and c. As can be seen, all input
queues remain consistently below a certain threshold
In this case we implemented prediction and planning by using considered as a percentual limit of the total road segment
real traffic data received from the junction agents and stored capacity (marked by a red horizontal line in all Figures).
as traffic history over a period of one month (data used was
from October 1st to October 31st of 2009). These data are
preprocessed in order to be used as model inputs for
simulating over one hour in the future to obtain a forecast of
the network behavior. Preprocessing implies various statistic
operations on the data in order to derive the most relevant
inputs according to the time of day and day of the week.
These data manipulations ensure that our simulations take
into account traffic load variations such as daytime vs.
nighttime traffic, work shifts: morning time vs. evening,
working days vs. weekends and holidays.
As a case study, we have chosen an urban area of three
interconnected junctions located in the center of Bucharest, as
depicted in Figure 9. Under current traffic conditions and
green light phase timings this small area is prone to
developing congestive traffic states.

Fig. 9. Case study

Fig.10: Simulation results
The genetic algorithm had the following options:
The computational and temporal requirements to reach a
solution by genetic algorithms need also to be taken into

TA 2010
Timisoara, Romania, Oct 5-8, 2010

consideration to verify the feasibility of the implementation Caramihai, S., Voinescu, M., Munteanu, C., Dumitrache, I.
in the real traffic environment. (2009), “An Agent-Based Approach for Urban Traffic
Simulation and Control”, Proceedings of the 6-th IFAC
The simulations presented above were done on a machine
International Workshop on Knowledge and Technology
with an Intel Core2 Duo CPU at 2.6GHz. The total run-time
Transfer in/to Developing countries: Automation and
was slightly below the time-span of the simulations with
Infrastructure, September 26-29, 2009, Ohrid,
possible overhead due to other Windows processes running.
Also, further code optimization may be possible.
Udrea, A., Voinescu, M., Caramihai, S., Lupu, C., (2009).
"A Dual Approach for Modelling Urban Traffic",
Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Symposium on
Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, 3-5
The paper presents an agent-based hierarchical architecture June 2009, Moscow, Russia
for simulation of an urban traffic network. The lower level of Logi, F. and Ritchie, S.G., (2001). “Development and
the architecture, whose functioning was described, is evaluation of a knowledge-based system for traffic
consisting in junction-agents, which are able to control one congestion management and control”, Transportation
single crossroad each. Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 9, 6, 433—
Every agent is able to react to the dynamics of the input flows GiYoung, L., et al. (2001), “The Optimization of Traffic
of vehicles by controlling the light cycle of the junction in Signal Light using Artificial Intelligence”, Proceedings
order to avoid congestion on its inputs. Also, an agent of the 10th IEEE Conference on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 3,
communicates with its peers that control neighboring 1279-1282
junctions, in order to exchange data on their respective output Lopez, S., Hernández, P., Hernández, A., García, M., (1999)
flows, as they are provided by sensors. “Artificial Neural Networks as Useful Tools for the
Higher levels of the hierarchy are responsible with the Optimization of the Relative Offset between Two
coordination of agents linked in traffic sub networks, acting Consecutive Sets of Traffic Lights”, Engineering
as zone supervisors and, for the last level, the general Applications of Bio-Inspired Artificial Neural Networks,
network supervisor. International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural
Neural Networks, IWANN '99, Alicante, Spain, June 2-
Agents can estimate the behavior of the controlled junctions 4, 1999, Proceedings, Volume II 1999
by simulation of formal models. Rouphail, N., et al. (2000), “Direct Signal Timing
A software application allowing the user to build and Optimization: Strategy Development and Results”, The
simulate urban traffic networks was designed to implement XI Pan American Conference in Traffic and
the functions of the control architecture . Transportation Engineering
Sanchez Medina, J. J., Galan Moreno, M. J., Rubio Royo, E.,
Future work is concerned with the development of Value (2008), “Evolutionary Computation Applied to Urban
Judgment modules of lower layer agents, the improvement of Traffic Optimization”, Advances in Evolutionary
prediction and planning capabilities for zonal supervisors, as Algorithms, ISBN: 987-953-7619-11-4, pp. 468- ,
well as with the design of the higher level supervisory agent November
capable to use intelligent techniques in order to determine the Spall, J. C., D. C. Chin (1994), “A model-free approach to
best parametric solution for junction model in a given optimal signal timing for system-wide traffic control”,
context. Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Conference on Decision
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS and Control, ed. M. Peshkin, 1868-1875. Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Lake Buena Vista,
The paper presents a part of the research performed in the Florida
framework of the project “Intelligent techniques for Voinescu, M., Udrea, A., Caramihai, S. (2009), "On Urban
modeling, analysis and optimization of urban traffic” (TIME- Traffic Modelling and Control", Journal of Control
OUT – 7.1.108), financed by the National Centre of Engineering and Applied Informatics, Vol 11, No 1
Programme Management, Romania. You Sik, H., JongSoo, K., Kwangson, J., Park, C., (1999),
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