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Period: 4 Name:

The Cold War: Proxy Wars

1. In small groups, research the basic details of our assigned conflict.
2. Input the information into your individual charts (in this document).
3. Input your group’s information in the shared presentation.
4. Present your group’s work to the rest of the class.
5. Take notes from the work of other groups.

NATO Involvement Warsaw Pact Involvement

Conflict Explain the basics of the conflict in
1 or 2 sentences.

Korean War ● North Korea invaded ● UN sent forces to ● China and the Soviet
★ BrainPOP South Korea South Korea Union helped North
★ Korean War ● The UN and United Korea fight UN and
States sent troops to help South Korea troops.
South Korea who is

Vietnam War US supported South Vietnam ● NATO Involvement ● Soviets were helping
★ BrainPOP government who were the The Domino theory North Vietnam
★ Vietnam War French, and the Soviet Union believes that if
were helping Ho Chi Minh and Vietnam becomes
his party, the Viet Minh who communist, then, the
were communists. rest of Asia would be
● French lost the battles
in the North when
America was giving
them money.
US funded the South
Government with cash
and advisers

Yom Kippur War ● Conflict between Israel, ● US supported Israel, ● Soviet Union and Arab
★ Yom Kippur War Syria, and Egypt which was not countries supported
● Nato won communist Egypt and Syria, which
● US supported Israel were communist
with supplies
● October 22-
Unsuccessful UN
● October 25-
successful UN

Chinese Civil War ● Even if it was a 23 year ● Kuomintang founded ● Japan invaded China in
★ Chinese Civil War war, the war was by Sun Yat-sen 1936.
disrupted when Japan ● The group was led by ● China and the Soviets
invaded China in 1936 to chiang Kai-shek Chen helped North Korea
1945 cheng ● The war eventually
● It was a 23 year war ● Bai Chongxi ended with a peace
fought between the (important generals) treaty
Nationalist government of ● Two major parties
China, the Kuomintang, formed, the
and the Communist Party nationalist
of China (CPC) Kuomintang and the
communist party
● 1927 rivalry became
the war.
● CPC uprising against
Kuomintang called
the Autumn

Afghanistan War ● Rebels against ● Helped rebels with ● Sent troops help
★ Afghanistan War communist government. supplies government
● communist government, ● The Soviets sent in
rebel democratic more troops and
● The Soviet thought the supplies to fight
president was ● And provided a new
communing with the U.S. leader
● He was executed and ● Communist
replaced ● Signed a Peace treaty
● The Soviets tried to end
war quickly, but failed.
● The Afghanistan rebels
knew the land better.
● Signed peace treaty and

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