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Period: 4 Name: Lola W

09-03: The Cold War, Major Incidents

Berlin Airlift Cuban Missile Crisis

“Cuban Missile Crisis in 5 Minutes”

“Candy Bomber” video Cuban Missile Crisis - Article
Berlin Airlift - Article

When? First Battle of Cold War When? 1962

Who blockaded Berlin and what did they hope What happened?
to accomplish?
In your own words, describe the basic events, in order.
● Soviet Union blockaded Berlin ● The U.S tempted to overthrow Cuba’s
because they wanted to have communist government but failed
● Cuba went to Soviet for help
complete control over Berlin by
● The Soviet Union decided to put nuclear
cutting of supplies and food from missiles in Cuba since is very near U.S.
trains and ground transportation from ● But after 13 days, and many secret negotiations,
U.S. the Soviets removed the missiles.

What was the response from the Western Allies?
● They used airlifting. So they use Why does it matter in the history of the Cold War?
planes to import supplies or food to ● Since Cuba is very near U.S, it is a very
their part. threatening situation to America. If a missile
accidentally launch to America, there would be
Why do you think the Western Allies didn't a nuclear war. Also, Cuba could easily bomb
simply evacuate the citizens of Berlin? America if they want to.

● They didn’t want the Soviet to have

complete control over Berlin.
● And they didn’t want to give up (sign
of weakness)

The Berlin Airlift became a symbol of the Cold

Period: 4 Name: Lola W

War. What do you think it symbolized?

● It symbolizes Western Allies eagerness to

stop communism.

Further Reading

“Despite the most elaborate precautions, it is conceivable that technical malfunction or human failure, a
misinterpreted incident or unauthorized action, could trigger a nuclear disaster or nuclear war”
--Accidents Measures Agreement, 1971

Below are some stories that show how close the world came to nuclear war.

● Revealed: US almost launched nuclear weapons during Cuban Missile Crisis

● Thank you Vasili Arkhipov, the man who stopped nuclear war
● Stanislav Petrov: The man who may have saved the world

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