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This is to certify that the project entitled

Dengue Fever" is a record bonafied work
carried out by Anoushka.

his s the project submited by the terms

and condition laid doun
by &a5E for
AISSCE 2021 222

It embodies the original work done by

her under the 6upervision and quidance
of Mr. D. Maharana.
Department of Biology
Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1 Cuttatk.

Signature of Prinipal Signature of internal

5iqna teacher

Siqnature of student Signature of external

Lgivesme immense pleasure of beung
a 5sociated with this pro ject. The
presentation of the report in the way
required has been made possible by
the contribution of many people
First of au, 1 would üke to express
my special thanks of qratilude to my
teacher Mr. D. Maharana as well aa
Our prinupal for giving me the golden
Opportunity to work on thnis projet
Denque, which also helped me in
doing a lot of research work and 1
Came to know about 5o many ew

mosquito-borne viral disease denque has become one o
nightmares of the country. Also called 'breakbone
Tever or
'dandy fever, it is caused by a family of viruses and
transmitted via aedes mosquitoes. Dengue begins
suddenly, with more beniqn symptoms at first but which may
get severe with time. The symptoms of the disease show in
three to seven, and sometimes
fifteen, days. They include
fever, headache, joint and muscle pain, swollen lymph nodes
and rashes. Recovery from dengue does not take over a
week unless the condition gets severe.
Mostly asymptomatic,
if the condition gets critical,
dengue can be life-threatening.
The fever of dengue can attack anyone but those with
weaker immunity are prone to the disease getting

severe when they are attacked. As it is caused by any of the

five serotypes of the aedes aegypti,
also called the yellow
fever mosquito, dengue can happen multiple times to the
same person. However, the person acquires immunity to the
particular viral serotype which has already attacked him.

A more severe form of dengue is dengue hemorrhagic fever.

The symptoms of dengue hemorrhagic fever include
headache, rashes and fever besides
bleeding in the body
naemorrhage), formation of red splotches the skin,
Coloured stool,
bleeding in qums or nose and a
mmunity. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is life weakene nd
d n lead
dengue shock syndrome, which is as severe and

Dengue tever, commonly known as

break bone fever is a flu-like
ness caused
by the Denque virus. It is caused when an Aedes
mosquito carrying the virus bites a healthy
person. This disease
mainly found in the tropical and
sub-tropical regions of the
World. According to WHO, an estimated 500,000 people require
hospitalization each year. Most cases occur in tropical areas or
theworld, with the population in the Indian subcontinent,
Southeast Asia, Mexico, Africa, parts of Central and South
America most susceptible to the disease. As per the data
released by the Directorate of the National Vector Borne
Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP), there have been 67,000
cases of Dengue fever as of 13th October 2019 in India.
Dengue is caused by the bite of one of the many types
mosquitoes in the genus Aedes Aeqypti, which has wnit
stripes on their bodies and legs. It is caused when the
mosquito has previously bitten a person who was infected.
The pathway which is followed in case of the incidence or
dengue is 'infected person to
mosaquito to another peo .
The spread of the dengue virus cannot happen directly from

one person to another. It is not contagious and cannot

spread through direct human contact. It needs an aedes
mosquito for the virus to be transferred.

Dengue is caused due to four viruses, namely DENV-1, DENV-


2, DENV-3, and DENV-4. The virus enters a mosquito when it

bites an already infected person. And the illness is spread when
it bites a healthy person, and the virus spreads through the
person's bloodstream.

Once a person recovers, he is immune to the specific virus and

not the other three types. The probability of developing
severe Dengue fever, also known as Dengue Haemorrhagic
Fever, increases if you're infected a second, third or fourth
The incubation period of dengue, that is, the time it take
for symptoms to show after the bite of a
Virus, can be anywhere between three and fifteen days.
symptoms may show in parts
as with
they begin more
benign symptoms such as headache, chills, fever, pain in

eyes, los of appetite and backache. Pain in joints also occurs

in the first hours of the occurrence of dengue. One can
low heart
experience fever of up to 104 degree Fahrenheit,
rate along with hypotension, that is low blood pressure
Besides these, there could be reddening of eyes,
development of pink rashes on the face which may disappear
and inflammation in lymph nodes and groin.

The above symptoms appear in the first phase of dengue,

which ideally last for up to four days. The second phase will
begin with a drop in body temperature and sweating.
before this, you may experience that your body temperature
has come down to normal and you would feel relatively
not last for more than a day and would
better, but this will
lead you to the second phase of dengue symptoms.
third phase may see a rapid rise in temperature again,
rashes developing all over your body but your

Doctors say that more than half people infected with the
virus remain asymptomatic, that is, they do not show any

If you are
suspecting dengue, you can be on a lookout ro
the following signs, however
they may or may not
- High fever

- Intense sweating

Pain in joints

Nausea and vomiting


Loss in appetite
Drop in blood pressure

- Skin rash

Swelling in hands and soles of feet

If the situation worsens. there can be a drop in the level of

blood platelets, blood plasma leakage or the blood pressure
can drop down to a critically low point which may lead a
circulatory collapse (shock).
Dengue Treatment:
There is no specific treatment of Dengue fever or cure as
Dengue is a virus. Timely intervention can help, depending on
how severe the disease is. Here are a few basic
treatments of
Dengue fever:

Medication: Painkillers like Tylenol or Paracetamol are

generally prescribed to the patients. IV drips are
sometimes supplemented in case of severe dehydration.
Stay hydrated: This is crucial as most of our
bodily fluids
are lost
during vomiting and high fever. Continuous intake
of fluids will make sure that the
body does not easily
Hygiene: Hygiene is of the utmost importance, even more
so when
you are not well. The patient can opt for a
bath if not a regular bath. Add a few sponge
drops disinfectant
liquid like Dettol to the water being used for
bathing. It is
also advisable to sanitize your hand with a hand
sanitizer like Dettol before and after visiting the
patient in
the hospital. Disinfect the water used to wash the
clothes with Dettol to rid the clothes of
As the dengue virus is
mostly active during daylight hours,
narticularly early morning and late

orecautions should be taken during afternoon, special

these times of the day.
Tropical and
sub-tropical areas are more prone to the
disease, hence
travelling from and to these regions should
be avoided.

The following precautions can be adhered to in order to

prevent the incidence of
Ensure improved water storage

Ensure proper waste disposal


Strictly avoid water stagnancy

- Use mosquito repellents containing 10 per cent DEET but

ensure that you read the warning label on them carefully

- Avoid dark colored clothing as mosquitoes are attracted to

darker shades

Wear light colored, full-sleeved clothes

Internet (Wikipedia)
NCERT Biology class XIl
Online library
https: //youtu be/zQwOvNe9-Yo.

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