Many Students Find It Difficult To Concentrate or Pay Attention at School. What Are The Reasons ? What Could Be Done To Solve This Problem?

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Many students find it difficult to concentrate or

pay attention at school. What are the reasons ?
What could be done to solve this problem?

The fact that students having difficulties in concerntrating

or paying attention at school has been increasingly
ubiquitous these days. This issue is driven by several
factors, and some viable solution can be implemented to
alliviate it.
There are various reasons why lack of attention is found
among students during class. To begin with, many
students may find the lessons in class boring and
tedious. The reason being that some teachers often just
lecture without interaction and engage students in the
lesson, which is more likely to lead to students’ loss of
concentration while studying. For another thing,
School-age children are often physically and mentally
tired from severe lack of sleep. There is a fact that
many children spend an excessive amount of time doing
homework or using social media, so they often go to bed
late; as a consequence, they tend to suffer from fatigue
and low productivity the following day.
Be that as it may, this situation can be remedied provided
that some reasonable measures must be carried out.
Firstly, it is obvious required/necessary (giải pháp mà)
that teachers should have more interesting teaching
methods to make students actively participate in the
lesson instead of just writing down to notebooks and
listening to teachers. For example, in English classes,
learners can role-play in conversations, thereby making
the lesson more interesting and enabling students will to
memorize lessons more effectively. Secondly, parents
need to control the time children use electronic devices
and the time children go to bed. This will ensure they
get enough sleep and stay healthy for a long school day.
In conclusion, students’ lack of paying attention at school
may stem from various underlying factors, and some
proposed solutions can be excuted to hopefully tackle it to
some extent.
2. Nowadays more tasks at home and work are being
performed by robots. why do you think this is
happening? Is it positive or negative development?
These days, it is undeniable that robots is gradually
replacing humans in doing household chores and tasks at
work. There are several reasons lying behind this issue,
and personally I think it is a positive development
because of some reasons presented below.
There are various reasons why artificial intelligence
has gained popularity at home and work. Firstly,
automation can causes unemployment , because buying
robots to do work which is repetitive and requiring
high of precison is more economical and efficiently.
For these reasonsmIn fact, factories lay off workers and
replace them with machines because getting things
which are repetitive and requiring high of precison
done by robots is more efficient. For another thing,
machines that support housework can make family
members become lazy and lack of respondsibility. After
buying an automatic vacuum cleaner, family members no
longer sweep or mop the house themselves, which is a
conducive to a sedentary lifestyle.
From my perspective, there exist a plethora of
inherent problems arising from the overuse of
machines. For example,One of the most salient
examples is that robots help people do work in
dangerous environments such as working in high places
or in bad weather conditions. Robots help astronauts
repair spacecraft in vacuum environment without risking
health or life. Another example is that domestic robots
facilitate people to focus on more meaningful things such
as gathering with their family or gaining knowledge.
For instance, iInstead of washing dishes or cleaning,
people can concentrate on work or self-development.
đổi vị trí 2 câu topic sentences cho phù hợp giúp cô nha
In conclusion, I personally believe that the trend of having
robots done tasks at home and work does more good than
harm and this feature should be developed more
successfully in the future.
3. Some people think that childcare centers provide
the best services for children of preschool age.
Other working parents think that family members
such as grandparents will be better carers for
their kids. Discuss both views and give your
While many people claim that preschool-age children will
get the best services in childcare centers, other argue that
relatives and older family members will take care of their
offspring better. There are valid arguments on both sides,
which will be discussed below.
On the one hand, there are some reasons why some
people think children can be given the best services by
daycare centers. To begin with, the staff at the center are
professionally trained and experienced professionally in
taking care of young children. For example, in case of an
emergency such as a child choking on food, or asthma,
the staff knows how to handle it to ensure the safety of
children timely, which mostly elderly people could not
do. Childcare centers create a dynamic environment for
many children to interact with each other in order to
create social and communication skills at early ages.
Children have the opportunity to make friends through
daily activities such as eating, sleeping, and playing

On the other hand, others are of opinion that relatives and

older family members are better attending to working
parents’ children because of several reasons. Firstly,
because of the same blood and their free schedule, older
family members usually take care of and cherish children
more carefully and heartfeltly. It is true that
grandparents tend to take great care of their grandchildren
to make sure they are healthy both mentally and
physically and improve perfectlyfor a comprehensive
growth. Secondly, family members are more trustworthy
owing to being relatives on and the same blood. If
children are maltreated or abused at this age, when
children are easily to imitate bad habits or harmed,
their growth can be negatively affected.
In conclusion, I hold a strong belief that children should
be taken care by relatives and they grandparents instead
of getting service from childcare centers.
4. Many young children have unsupervised access to
the Internet and are using the Internet to socialise
with others. This has can lead to a number of
dangerous situations which can be threatening for
childrean. Discuss problems and solution.

There exist a plethora of inherent problems arising from

children socializing online. Children can become targets
for online predators. Once children fall into their trap,
they will be kidnapped and it is the parents who have to
pay a large ransom. Children can be bombarded with
negative comments from people they do not know. For
example, last year a teenage girl in Malaysia committed
suicide after doing an Instagram poll with 69% of her
followers voting for her death and only 36% for life.

Be that as it may, this situation can be remedied provided

that some reasonable measures must be carried out.
Parents should spend time talking with their children
about many aspects of their lives. This way, they can
recognize if any harm is about to happen to their children
and act to protect them in time. Parents should find a way
to access their child's social media accounts. If they know
exactly how their child feels when talking with others,
they can help them brush away the negative feeling when
it comes up.

5. In some countries, girls and boys are educated in

different schools rather than in the same school.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of

There are good grounds for arguing that single-sex

education is highly beneficial in several ways. Single-sex
education can enhance students’ academic success
because of several reasons. Curriculum can be formatted
to best suit the abilities of a certain gender. For example,
boys can be good at sports and science while girls can do
well with arts and humanities. Students can focus on
doing better in bisexual schools. That is because
classmates of the opposite sex can be a distraction and can
seriously interfere with academic performance.

Nevertheless, the drawbacks of single-sex schools in

terms of future work and personal life should be taken
into consideration. With future work, it may be difficult
for them to communicate and work with colleagues of the
opposite sex. That is because during their school years
they cannot interact with friends of the opposite sex. With
their personal lives, they may find it difficult to date
someone. According to some studies, female students
graduating from single-sex schools often think that they
do not know how to start a conversation with a man.

6. Global warming is one of the biggest threat to our

environment. What causes global warming? What
solutions are there to solve this problem

There are various reasons why the rising temperature of

the Earth is getting worse and worse. The world's forest
area is decreasing at an unprecedented rate due to
uncontrolled logging. Since trees help to control the
earth's temperature by absorbing CO2, the loss of forests
intensifies global warming. The increase in CO2 levels
mainly from burning fossil fuels also makes our planet
warmer. If this is not resolved, it is inevitable that one day
the earth will be too hot for human habitation.

Be that as it may, this situation can be remedied provided

that some reasonable measures must be carried out.
Governments around the world should enact laws
governing how forests are cleared and planted. That
means in parallel with the controlled harvesting of trees,
they should carry out reforestation campaigns. People
should switch to renewable energy like solar, wind or
tidal energy. When less fossil fuels are burned, the
amount of CO2 released into the air is reduced.

7. Nowadays parents put too much pressure on their

children to succeed. What is the reason to doing
this? is this a negative or positive development?

There are various reasons why parents want their children

to succeed. The first reason why parents want their
children to be successful comes from the notion that
success is happiness. All parents hope that their children
can live a happy life, which is guaranteed only by a
successful career with a decent job and handsom salary.
Another reason is that children are often the pride of
parents who often chat with neighbors or colleagues in
which the success of their children is the main theme.
Children are often compared with each other and thus
parents develop a desire for their children’s success.
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There exist a plethora of inherent problems arising from
parents’ pressure on their children to succeed. Physically,
a child's health may gradually deteriorate and some
children may even lose their appetite or lose weight. That
is because they have to spend more time studying at
school, at home, even in extra classes. Mentally, children
with a fear of failure may feel bored when they fail an
exam or get a bad grade at school. In the long run, they
can become severely depressed or develop self-hatred.
8. Some people think that space exploration is a
waste of resources while other thinks that it is
essential for the human kind to continue to
explore the universe in which we live. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion

On the one hand, there are some reasons why some

people think universe should be explored. Our planet can
be protected by minimizing the risk of damage by cosmic
objects. Scientists can predict when and where an asteroid
will collide with the earth to stop it by using missiles to
change its orbit. We might one day find a life sustaining
planet. If in the future the earth is no longer habitable, that
planet can become the new home of mankind.
On the other hand, others are of opinion that instead of
using resources for studying the universe, mankind should
pay attention to dealing with many other urgent issues
that need concerning. The earth is getting hotter and
hotter due to harmful greenhouse gases. More resources
should be used to reduce levels of CO2 and other
greenhouse gases. Humans are also facing many potential
nuclear wars. Money and effort should be focused on
making the earth safer and more livable.

9. In some developing countries, it is difficult to get

good teachers to work in rural areas which can
have a negative impact on the education of
children in those rural communities. Why do you
think good teachers do not want to work in rural
area in developing countries? What could be done
to solve this problem?
There are several reasons why highly qualified teachers
refuse to work in mountainous areas. First, good teachers
often do not want to work in rural areas because they
usually have less income than those in big cities. For
example, in Vietnam, English teachers in the capital city
can earn700-1000 dollars monthly thanks to teaching in
schools and English centers, while teachers in remote
areas mainly rely on salaries ranging from 200-300
dollars. Second, qualified teachers are not interested in
teaching in rural communities because of poor working
conditions. In factt, rural schools are often old and poorly
equipped, while urban schools are fully equipped with
modern teaching facilities.
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Be that as it may, this situation can be remedied provided
that some reasonable measures must be carried out. The
government needs to create conditions for teachers in
rural areas to increase their income. For instance, online
learning platforms can be set up so that these teachers can
connect with students in other regions who want to take
part in extra classes. School facilities should be
standardized. The school needs to invest in buying new
equipment and teaching tools.
10. With a fast pace of modern life more and
more people are turning towards fast food for
their meals Do you think the advantages outweigh
the disadvantages?
There are good grounds for arguing that the consumption
of fast food is highly beneficial in several ways. First, fast
food can help people save time on cooking, and so they
can spend more time working or studying. Instead of
going to the market to buy ingredients and then make
meals, which takes at least 1-2 hours, people just need to
order the fast food they like and the food will be delivered
at door within 10-15 minutes. Second, some people are
not good at cooking, so to them fast food tastes better than
what they can make. Indeed, there is a wide variety of fast
food with different flavors for buyers to choose from so
that they can avoid having to eat bad home cooked food.
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Nevertheless, the drawbacks of excessively consume junk

food should be taken into consideration. People can face a
high risk of health problems. For example, the high
calorie and cholesterol ratio found in fast food can lead to
obesity, or salt can cause high blood pressure and even
stroke. family meals can disappear. As a consequence,
parents and children have less time to talk to each other
during meals.

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