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NAME: _________________________________________________________________ DATE: ______________

GRADE AND SECTION: ___________________________________________________ SCORE: _____________

I. The test is good for 30 minutes. Time will be strictly observed. Follow instructions properly.
II. Making unnecessary movements and noises will be interpreted as a form of cheating. Only the pen/pencil and eraser will be
allowed on the desk.
III. Any clarification shall be addressed to the teacher, not to seatmates or any other else inside the class.
IV. To all items that do not have answer in the choices write letter E and to the statements which do not have any choices write the
correct answer in the spaces before each item.
V. Use capital letters in writing your answers.
_____ 1. What is the process of using symbols to create meaningful text/sentences which will serve as a medium for communication?
A. Summarizing B. Speaking C. Reading D. Writing
_____ 2. Presenting a certain set of facts is the core of creative writing.
A. Maybe B. False C. True D. Somehow
_____ 3. What is the main function of our imagination in creative writing?
A. The imagination is the mental faculty that enables us to make pictures in our minds of things that are not actually present to our
B. The imagination is the tool that we used in order to understand the context of a literary piece.
C. It makes people come alive in the written text.
D. It does help us invent things, that’s not its primary function
_____ 4. Creative writing has so many genres and sub-genres that they deserve a whole section of an article for themselves.
A. False B. Maybe C. Somehow D. True
_____ 5. In creative writing, what is the goal of the writer?
A. To make the readers appreciate certain characters that might represent somebody in the real world.
B. To entertain the readers through their imagination
C. All of these choices are correct.
D. To let the reader enjoy reading such as for novels and the like.
_____ 6. Which of the following is NOT a type of imaginative writing?
A. Research paper B. Diary C. Journal Paper D. Novel
_____ 7. Imaginative writing differs to other forms of writing because of the way the author uses characters; each of them
may possess different
A. Language B. diction C. attention D. emotions
_____ 8. As a whole, imaginative writing presents _________ as it shows experiences which communicate more than statement, that is, it is
NOT written to communicate information.
A. Life B. wisdom C. skills D. knowledge
_____ 9. These help writers to create a vivid and evocative picture in the mind of the reader.
A. Sensory images and experiences C. Virtue and Wisdom
B. Passion and drive to write D. Determination and creativity
_____ 10. This statement shows use of sensory images:
“His nose registered the scent of the anti-microbial cleanser—a scent to which he was normally immune.”
A. Maybe B. True C. Not at all D. False
_____ 11. This statement shows use of creative experience:
“Science is a systematized body of knowledge which helps us to explain the world we live in.”
A. Not at all B. True C. False D. Maybe
_____ 12. These experiences depend on your life when you were young.
A. Childhood and upbringing B. Visits and vacations C. Life’s journey D. Previous job
_____ 13. To gain more experiences of places, one must always go to a far place or a foreign world.
A. True B. Maybe C. False D. Somehow
_____ 14. Which of the following are true senses that we use for drawing sensory images?
A. Touch, common sense, humor, ability to understand sarcasm
B. Knowledge, wisdom, virtues, spirit
C. Experience, passion, available materials, knowledge
D. Touch, taste, smell, sight and sound
_____ 15. Where in the world have you been?” The given question refers to____________.
A. Childhood B. Visits and vacations C. Other disciplines D. Profession
_____ 16. “Where have you worked? What type of work was it?” The given question refers to____________.
A. Childhood B. Previous profession C. Visits and vacations D. Other writing disciplines
_____ 17. What is your long-term goal? Short-term goal?” The given question refers to____________.
A. Life’s journey B. Learning based on ideas C. Understanding perspectives D. Self-drive
_____ 18. Which among the experiences below will best help you write an imaginative writing?
A. Pain and success from childhood to present C. Knowledge on astronomy and physics.
B. Neighborhood and officemates D. Scientific studies and historical background
_____ 19. In imaginative writing, is it possible to build a believable and unbelievable world?
A. False B. True C. Maybe D. Not at all
_____ 20. A notebook is NOT an essential tool for any writer and has several functions.
A. True B. Not at all C. Maybe D. False
_____ 21. Which among the given statements shows the function of sense of sight?
A. It was so hot that he cannot deny how thirsty he was.
B. The aroma will pull you to visit their store and tend you to buy some coffee.
C. His eyes remained clenched and his face contorted with pain.
D. You put a bit of cocoa powder in your mouth and at first it doesn't really taste like anything, then it gets very bitter…
_____ 22. This serves as your BEST model in writing.
A. Bringing notebooks B. Finding Inspiration C. Choosing the right words D. Looking for the best place
_____ 23. In Philippine context, what is the most appropriate word to complete the scenario below: “In my province, I remembered this old man
who happened to be the consultant in all medical cases. They call him _______.”
A. Mangkukulam B. doctor C. albularyo D. mambabatok
_____ 24. Imagery, the sight sense is a common figure in vivid writing.
A. Maybe B. False C. True D. Not at all
_____ 25. In imaginative writing, you need to consider the following EXCEPT:
A. You could write referring to your own experiences.
B. You have to have led an unusual or exotic life in order to write.
C. You need to raise your level of perception.
D. You could use characters who are not realistically present in the real world.
_____ 26. Best source of potential material in writing:
A. What you want, like and wish. C. What you eat, drink and share.
B. What you see, experience, think and feel. D. What you observe, ignore and reject.
_____ 27. Which of the following refers sense of touch/feeling?
A. I had to pour out the carton of milk, because it had gone sour.
B. They had a bitter argument over the terms of the contract.
C. The ground smoldered and sent up a disorientating haze.
D. The ocean was like shimmering sawdust covering the land.
_____ 28. Which of the following word/s expresses sympathy for homeless people?
A. cancer of the society C. victims of society
B. uneducated D. poor people
_____ 29. It is an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning. Sometimes used to make emotive language far
more subtly than other usage of such.
A. Imagery B. definition C. denotation D. connotation
_____ 30. 'How else dispose of an immortal force / No longer needed? / Staunch it at its source / With cinder loads dumped down? / The brook
was thrown / Deep in a sewer dungeon under stone / In fetid darkness still to live and run' - Which are the emotive words used by Robert Frost
in these lines from his poem, 'A Brook in the City'?
A. All of the words in these lines are examples of emotive language
B. dispose, immortal, staunch, dungeon
C. dispose, needed, cinder, down, dungeon, still, live, run
D. immortal, force, source, cinder, down, thrown, stone, live, run
_____ 31. This is the usage of figurative language to represent objects, actions and ideas.
A. Diction B. experiences C. Imagery D. figurative language
_____ 32. The style of writing or speaking determined by the choice of words by a speaker or a writer.
A. Imagery B. experiences C. diction D. figurative language
_____ 33. This is the language you use to describe something through comparison.
A. Imagery B. figurative language C. experiences D. diction
_____ 34. Imagery is associated with ________.
A. mental pictures B. social experiences C. languages D. actions and objects
_____ 35. The repetition of the same initial letter, sound, or group of sounds in a series of words.
A. Personification B. hyperbole C. metaphor D. alliteration
_____ 36. It was dark and dim in the forest. “Dark” and “dim” appeal to our sense of ________.
A. Hearing B. taste C. sight D. touch
_____ 37. Who says these lines: “Money can’t buy you happiness. Selflessness does.”
A. Priest B. painter C. visual editor D. engineer
_____ 38. What figure of speech is used in this sentence: “His tummy is as big as with Santa Claus.”
A. Alliteration B. personification C. metaphor D. simile
_____ 39. He pulled the trigger of the gun and heard “bang!” “bang!”
A. Hyperbole B. onomatopoeia C. alliteration D. personification
_____ 40. The strong rain gave me a tap on my back.
A. Alliteration B. personification C. onomatopoeia D. hyperbole

“Creative writing paves way to clarify your thoughts and emotions to communicate more efficiently and accurately.”

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