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Indonesian Journal of Science and Education

Volume 2, Nomor 1, April 2018, pp: 105 ~ 109
p-ISSN: 2598-5213, e-ISSN: 2598-5205, DOI: 10.31002/ijose.v2i1.596
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Sri Mulyana1, Rusdi2, Diana Vivanti2

SMAN 10 Pandeglang
Magister Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Received: 30 January 2018 Revised: 16 April 2018 Accepted: 2 May 2018

The purpose of research (1) Investigate the effect of guided Inquiry learning toward student learning
result (2) Investigate the effect scientific performance to the student learning result (3) Investigate the
interaction the guided Inquiry model and learning scientific performance toward the student learning
result in sistem Excretion material. The research subjeck were 60 student of XI IPA 1 and 2 of SMAN 10
Pandeglang. Taken by simple random sampling. The data were analyzed by two tailed ANOVA test.
Before the hypothesis was tested, normality and homogeneity test were done, the method that used in this
research is quasi experiment with 2 x 2 factorial design. Based on the analyzed data, the highest score of
the student learning result in experiment and control group were 90 and 85 with the means were 82 and
72. It can be concluded that: (1) there is significant influence of guided Inquiry learning the student
learning result (2) there is significant influence of scientific performance to the student learning result
(3) there is an interaction between guided Inquiry learning model and scientific performance toward the
student learning result in Excretion system material. Based on the conclusions, it is suggested that the
teacher’s ability is encouraged to dig deeper the student’s potential and performance.

Keywords: learning outcome, Guided Inquiry, level of Scientific performance

INTRODUCTION achieve their learning goals (Ozdem et al,

Biology is one of the branches in Biology as a subject that demands the
learning that prioritizes process and product process of scientific activity, it requires skill
skills. Word process here means the process assessment to measure students' ability to
through scientific activities, that is: critical do something as the cognitive translation
thinking of problems, so that learners can they have received in class. The process
feel a problem, develop hypotheses or through scientific activities, namely: critical
questions, design experiments or make thinking to the problem, so that learners can
observations to answer questions and draw feel the existence of problems, develop
conclusions. During this time the process hypotheses or questions, design
skills have been emphasized in various experiments or make observations to
science curriculum, but the achievement is answer questions and draw conclusions.
not measured well or less emphasized in Products in Science are concepts, basis,
evaluation at local and national level principles, theories and laws. Therefore,
(Rustaman, 2010). students should be given an opportunity to
Achievement of learning outcomes interact directly with learning object,
related to lab work is still neglected, both in observing, developing questions,
written and non-performance. A teacher connecting facts with sources of
acts as a very important center for change in knowledge, drawing conclusions and
its role in providing science for students to

Indonesian Journal of Science and Education, Volume 2, Nomor 1


communicating alternatives for changes or learning outcomes. Trough

improvement (Rustaman, 2005). guided inquiry, teacher must monitor class'
In science learning, students should be ideas and when students develop their ideas
given the opportunity to have inquiry learn (Minstrell and Kraus, 2005).
to develop skills, knowledge and attitudes A learning model is needed to develop
whether the classs is conducted inside or the skills and abilities to be creative in
outside classroom. Implementation of the accordance with the basic tasks that exist
guided Inquiry learning model is suitable using scientifically based knowledge,
for development in Biology (Bialangi et al., especially in real-life. daily, and ability to
2016; Ristanto, 2011).Teaching and solve problems then make scientific and
Learning activities using guided inquiry responsible conclusions (Holbrook &
model emphasize the learner to gain Rannikmae, 2009).
knowledge by applying steps of scientific Based on the study about
method process, ie formulating problem, characteristics of guided inquiry learning
proposing hypothesis, collecting data, model is an appropriate learning model for
verification results, and generalization by biology lessons in school. From the
drawing conclusions. In inquiry process, beginning of learning students are required
teacher's role as a mentor in decision- to be able to find a concept through direct
making process (Matthew & Keneth, 2013; activities, this investigation process is
Obomanu et al., 2014, Oghenevwede, expected to improve students' scientific
2010). In this process, students and teachers performance.
work together to formulate problems and Activity according to Pradianti research
develop answers. In addition, students are (2015) students use guided inkuri model to
also active in inquiry process that are very trained students' scientific performance,
long in finding a concept and material This research aims to find out the influence
(kubicek, 2005). of guided inquiry and scientific
Guided inquiry learning model performance on biology learning outcomes.
provides an opportunity for students to The hypothesis used in the research is that
learn how to find facts, concepts and there is influence of guided inquiry and
principles through their experience directly. scientific performance on student learning
Thus, students will not only learn by outcomes in the material of excretion
reading and memorizing the subject, but system. The study design used quasi
also get the opportunity to practice experiment with experimental design-
developing their thinking skills and being research-test learning outcomes.
scientific, and it is possible to have Independent variables in this study are
construction process of knowledge well, so guided inquiry learning model and
that students will be able to improve their investigative group learning model, while
understanding on material that being the dependent variable is the scientific
studied (Ibrahim, 2010). Guided inquiry is performance.
one type of inquiry that focuses on planning
and guidance that begin from teacher to METHOD
improve students' skill for life (Kulthau,
2007). This is consistent with the statement The method used in this research is
stated by Opara and Oguzor (2011), that in quasi experiment. In this study, independent
inquiry learning, the role of teacher only as variables are guided inquiry learning model
students' facilitator to find their own ideas and scientific performance. While the
for them to learn and develop, a very deep dependent variable is the result of learning
science. In guided inquiry learning with 2 x 2 factorial design.
problems are raised by mentors or teachers This research was conducted in SMA
that involve skill process and scientific Negeri 10 Pandeglang Pandeglang
activity, in order to produce behavioral Regency, Banten Province, in 2nd semester

Indonesian Journal of Science and Education, Volume 2, Nomor 1


in the academic year of 2016/2017. Subjects learning model and students’ scientific
in this study were students of class XI IPA activity.
1 and XI IPA 2 SMAN 10 Pandeglang.
Sampling technique that used was simple RESULT AND DISCUSSION
random sampling using Mc Clave formula.
The test instrument of multiple choice The description analisis data consist of:
learning result with the number of questions mean, median, modus, varians, and standart
25 questions that have been validated and deviation. Analyze data processing
tested. And scientific performance is descrition using SPSS 20 program.
captured through student worksheets (LKS) Summary of the description data results
and observation sheets used by teachers. analysis as in in the table below
Preparatory stage, the researcher
prepares the proposal, develops the learning The First Hypothesis
tool of RPP, determines the experimental The results of the first hypothesis
class and the control class of the research. testing reject H0, then receive H1. This is
Application of learning model in this proved by the average learning excretion
research is divided into experimental class system of students who use Guided Inquiry
with guided inquiry learning model and method is higher than students who use the
control class implemented by investigative investigation group method. Based on test
group learning model. Developing a result in table Anava, obtained value of F =
research instrument is a multiple-choice test 51,361 and value of sig = 0,00 for inquiry
with five answer options and a scientific model of guided inquiry of sig <0,05 hence
performance LKS. Instruments that have there is very significant difference to result
been made are validated and tested. of learning material of excretion system
Furthermore, the validity and realiabelitas with guided inquiry learning model and
of the instrument to produce a valid cooperative learning model investigation
instrument and reliable. With validity value group. So the researcher concluded that
0.3440 and reliability 0,872. Guided Inquiry method gave a significant
Data were analyzed using descriptive influence on student learning outcomes.
statistics. Prior to the data analysis is done, Guided inquiry method requires students to
first test data normality and and be more active, able to seek and explore
homogeneity. Normality test using various information beyond the teacher's
kolmogorov-smirnov test, while submission and make a new and complete
homogeneity test using Bartlett test. The concept of knowledge. The results showed
results of the kolmogorov smirnov test and that the implementation of learning using
the barttlet test state that the data are guided inquiry model is more effective to
normally distributed and homogeneous. improve students' scientific performance.
Furthermore, the data were analyzed by This is in line with the research undertaken
two-lane anava test. The test was performed by Özdilek and Bulunuz (2009) stated that
using statistical analysis of SPSS 20 learning with guided inquiry is more
program for Windows, with a significance effective in science learning. Also in line
level of 0.5%. with the research The use of guided inquiry
Table 1. Turkey test Result learning model can give the students
understanding of nature and give an
explanation of what they learn (Rakhmawan
et al, 2015) according to Fitriani (2016) the
result of learning guided inquiry learning
model is better than learning result using
Based on turkey test result in table 2, it model group investigation. These results
can be seen that Qhitung > Qtabel , it means that attest to some related research outcomes,
there is significant differences between which are related to research between

Indonesian Journal of Science and Education, Volume 2, Nomor 1


guided inquiry learning models and proven REFERENCES

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The result of the second hypothesis biology learning results of low
testing rejects H0, then receives H1. This is academic ability students by using
proved by the average learning outcomes of jigsaw and guided inquiry learning.
excretion system in students who had high International Journal of Research &
scientific performance was better than Review, 3;(11): 32-42.
students who had low performance. Based
on test result in table Anava, obtained value Bilgin, I. (2009). The effects of guided
of F = 57,471 and value of sig = 0,000 for inquiry instruction incorporating a
inquiry model of guided inquiry sig <0.05 cooperative learning approach on
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Indonesian Journal of Science and Education, Volume 2, Nomor 1

IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME)
e-ISSN: 2320–7388,p-ISSN: 2320–737X Volume 8, Issue 1 Ver. II (Jan. – Feb. 2018), PP 28-31

Influence of Guided Inquiry Learning Model to Critical Thinking

Christinsenia Seranica1, Agus Abhi Purwoko2 and Aliefman Hakim2
Student of Program Science Education in Program Postgraduate, Mataram University, Indonesia.
Lecture of Program Science Education in Program Postgraduate, Mataram University, Indonesia.
Corresponding Author: Christinsenia Seranica

Abstract: This research is a quasi-experimental research that aims to determine the effect of the application of
guided inquiry learning model to critical thinking skills. The research variables consist of independent variables
in the form of guided inquiry learning model and dependent variable in the form of critical thinking skills. The
research was conducted at SMAN 1 Jonggat class XI IPA with population of 360 students and samples of 72
students who divided into 2 treatment classes namely experimental class and control class. Data on critical
thinking skills were collected through the description test and analyzed using the ancova test at 5% significance
level. The results of the analysis obtained a significance value of 0.00 <0.05 indicating that there is a
significant influence of guided inquiry model on the critical thinking skills. Thus, it can be concluded that the
guided inquiry model significantly influences the critical thinking skills of learners.
Keywords: Guided Inquiry Learning Model, Critical Thinking Skill.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
Date of Submission: 09-01-2018 Date of acceptance: 31-01-2018
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------

I. Introduction
Chemistry as one of the subjects in high school that has real differences with other subjects because it
requires students to interact directly with learning resources and understand the concept well. Good
understanding of the concept can be obtained through the direct experience of students performing a series of
scientific activities. The existence of chemistry is also called central science which has a very important role in
science because chemistry learns about the structure, properties, changes, and energy that accompanies the
change [1].
Abstract chemical concepts consisting of three categories of representation [2] are macroscopic,
microscopic, and symbolic. Macroscopic level representation refers to the observable phenomenon of the senses
(material change, temperature change, and color). Representation of a microscopic representation that describes
the motion of molecules or processes at the particle level. Symbolic illustrating signs or languages as well as
other forms used to communicate observations consisting of different types of image representations,
calculations and reaction equations [3]. So to be able to understand the chemistry required high-order thinking
process consisting of C4 (analysis), C5 (synthesis) and C6 (evaluation).
One of the high-level thinking that must be possessed by the learners is the critical thinking process
because through critical thinking will train students to analyze a problem and solve the problem in the field of
science. Critical thinking skills are very important to have because critical thinking is needed to address the
problems faced by life [4] so that having the ability to think critically can help us in thinking rationally in
overcoming the problems we are facing and seek and develop alternative solutions to the problem [ 5]. Critical
thinking as a well-directed and clear process used in learning activities such as problem solving in learning,
decision making, analytical skills and scientific research [6].
One of the models that can improve critical thinking skills is Guided Inquiry because the learning
activities involve the ability of students to investigate and search for something especially related to the material
so that students can formulate their own invention. This learning emphasizes the process of finding and finding
thus can encourage students 'activeness in learning and can foster students' thinking ability especially critical
thinking ability because students can grow their potential.
Results of the study [7] [8], which showed that guided inquiry model has a significant influence on
students' critical thinking skills. So this study aims to see the influence of guided inquiry model of critical
thinking skills of students of SMA Negeri 1 Jonggat class XI IPA.

DOI: 10.9790/7388-0801022831 28 | Page

Influence Of Guided Inquiry Learning Model To Critical Thinking Skills

II. Research Methods

This study is a quasi-experimental study. This research was conducted in August 2017 until October
2017. Variables in this study include independent variables in the form of guided inquiry learning model and the
dependent variable in the form of critical thinking skills. The study population is 150 students of class XI IPA in
SMA Negeri 1 Jonggat. The sample of research is 72 students divided into 2 classes, namely experimental class
and control class. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. The instrument used is a description test that
represents the critical thinking skills indicators analyzed in this study. The data collected were then analyzed
using anacova testtions to the congress are welcome from throughout the world.

III. Result And Discussion

Data of critical thinking skills obtained then analyzed using Anacova test. The results are shown in table 1.
TABLE 1. Result of ancova test
Source Type III Sum of df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 72.982a 2 36.491 22.836 .000
Intercept 43.658 1 43.658 27.321 .000
Class_performance 60.024 1 60.024 37.564 .000
pretest critical thinking skills 12.537 1 12.537 7.846 .007
Error 87.886 55 1.598
Total 195.118 58
Corrected Total 160.868 57

Based on table 2 it is seen that the value of sig. for the influence of the treatment of students 'critical
thinking skills of 0.00 <0.05, this means that H 0 is rejected and Ha accepted, so it can be concluded that there is
influence of guided inquiry model to students' critical thinking skill.
The experimental class has an average score of higher critical thinking skills that is 12.31 compared to
the control class of 9.45. Hypothesis testing by using anakova test requires appropriate data interval so that
post-test result data is converted into logit value. Hypothesis test results show that there are significant
differences. The results of the study [9], which shows there are differences in critical thinking skills between
students who follow the learning with guided inquiry learning model with students who follow the learning with
conventional learning. This average difference in value is presented in figure 1.

Fig. 1: Average Value of Indicator CTS.

Based on the figure shows that for the first critical thinking skill indicator is strategy and tactics, the
average value of critical thinking skills of the experimental class is higher than the control class. This is because
in the experimental class students are trained to learn independently through the problems given by teachers
then directed to find solutions and information for the solution. In the process indirectly students will try to find
and manage strategies and tactics to solve the problems given by teachers while in the control class students are
not trained to look for methods in problem solving but students are more likely to receive information given the
teacher without thinking how the information it is obtained and obtained.
Furthermore, for the second critical thinking skill indicator, the average value of critical thinking skills
of the experimental class is higher than the control class but the difference in the mean value of the critical
thinking skills of the two classes is not much different. This is because in the learning process the two classes
are equally required to have the ability to infer what has been learned at the meeting. The third critical thinking
skill indicator is building the basic skills, the average grade of critical thinking skills of the experimental class is
higher with the control class. This is because in the indicators of building the basic skills of the experimental
class with guided inquiry model students are trained to solve problems from the questions given by teachers so
that students can train to link their skills to answer the questions presented while in the control class students are

DOI: 10.9790/7388-0801022831 29 | Page

Influence Of Guided Inquiry Learning Model To Critical Thinking Skills

accustomed to just waiting for information from the teacher and follow the teacher's way of addressing the given
The fourth critical thinking skill indicator is a simple explanation, the average value of critical thinking
skills of the experimental class is higher than the control class. This is because in the experimental class that is
taught by guided inquiry is trained to think evaluate information and how to obtain information to correct the
problem and explain the steps taken in solving the problem and be responsible for the answer to each given
problem, seeking information from various sources in solving the problem and explain each answer of the
problem given so that the students in the experimental class will not have difficulty in solving various problems
although the problems presented are different while the control class students are not required to seek
information but wait for the information from the teacher so that if the problem is different information received
by the student will be difficult to solve.
The results of this study are supported by [10] states that inquiry is one of the learning strategies that
provides an opportunity for students to find their own knowledge and play an active role in learning in order to
be able to understand the concept well and can develop critical thinking. Through guided inquiry learning
students are given the opportunity to know and actively engage in finding concepts from existing phenomena
from the environment with teacher guidance. [11] Revealing Inquiry strategies provide students with
opportunities to maximize their learning activities. [12] suggests that it seems that the guided Inquiry learning
model allows students to develop their own ideas that involve all of their senses. guided inquiry emphasizes the
discovery process so that students are given the opportunity to participate in the learning process [13].
The findings in this study provide clues that the guided inquiry learning model has advantages over
conventional learning models in terms of growing critical thinking skills. In guided inquiry learning, students
will be involved in learning, always trained to solve problems related to the environment. The results of this
study are in line with the research undertaken by [14] suggesting through the inquiry model of learning, the
critical thinking ability of the students develops in each step/step in the learning, especially in the stage of
identification and formulating problems, formulating hypotheses, designing and conducting experiments and
formulates the conclusions of the experimental results. Guided inquiry can build the knowledge that students
will acquire through the discovery process in the classroom, so that the answers to the proposed problem are
found directly by the students more clearly [15]. Inkuiri can encourage scientific thinking habits of students and
students are more open to new ideas in the group or trained critical thinking skills because in learning teachers
do question and answer and guide students to formulate the related facts. Inquiry can encourage students'
scientific thinking habits and students are more open to new ideas in groups or classes, in the hope that students
think about the process not just the end result [16].

IV. Conclusion
Based on the objectives, data analysis and discussion that has been described can be concluded that there is
influence of guided inquiry model significant to critical thinking skills of learners.

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Christinsenia Seranica "Influence of Guided Inquiry Learning Model to Critical Thinking Skills.”
IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME) , vol. 8, no. 1, 2018, pp. 28-31.

DOI: 10.9790/7388-0801022831 31 | Page

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The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Model and Critical Thinking Skills on
Learning Outcomes

Conference Paper · November 2020

DOI: 10.2991/assehr.k.201124.033

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State University of Medan


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The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Model and

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Guided Inquiry is a series of learning that emphasizes the process of thinking critically and analytically to search and
find out the answers of problems questioned. This study aims to show the effect of the Guided Inquiry learning model
and critical thinking skills on student learning outcomes. The data analysis technique used the N Gain Score Test,
Paired Sample t-test (not independent), and Linear Regression Analysis. The sample in this study was taken by
purposive sampling. The results of this study indicate that: The value of N Gain is 0.494, so that the category is
moderate or good. It can be concluded that the use or application of guided inquiry models is effective in improving
student learning outcomes. With the t-test at a significance level of 0.05, it can be concluded that there are differences
in students' critical thinking skills before and after being given a guided inquiry learning model. With Linear
Regression Analysis at a significance level of 0.05, it can be concluded that the higher the students' critical thinking
skills, the higher the learning outcomes will be. Based on these three conclusions, it can be stated that the Guided
Inquiry learning model and critical thinking skills have a significant effect on student learning outcomes.

Keywords: Guided Inquiry, Critical Thinking Skills, Learning Outcomes

1. INTRODUCTION Based on the fact that the implementation of the

learning process of teaching chemistry in the field
Education is one way of cultivating the will, shows that teachers in teaching chemical concepts and
abilities, talents, and self-potential of students. With theories through teacher-centered activities, students are
education, students can become more aware and not actively involved in activities and do not provide
responsive to the direction of change and development opportunities to develop students' thinking processes.
of science and technology [1]. Chemistry is a part of The facts found during interviews and observations with
Natural Science that is obtained and developed based on students showed that chemistry was a difficult subject
experiments to find answers to the what, why, and how because many concepts were abstract and the learning
questions about natural phenomena, especially those model used by the teacher was less attractive. The
related to the composition, structure, properties, teacher has not linked the material taught with facts,
transformation, dynamics, and energetics of substances. examples, and experiences in everyday life. Students are
In addition to its role in understanding various natural only asked to study material that has not been taught by
phenomena, chemistry is also very helpful and doing the questions themselves without being guided by
contributes to the mastery of other basic sciences, such the teacher. Also, there are still student learning
as biology, astronomy, geology, and applied sciences outcomes under the KKM for four consecutive
such as mining, agriculture, health, fisheries, and academic years. There is also a problem with chemistry
technology. In the 2013 Curriculum, Chemistry learning teachers who are less able to explain material
at the high school level is directed at owning the appropriately and use helpful models [3].
dimensions of knowledge and dimensions of cognitive
processes. The knowledge dimension includes factual, Chemistry learning should be carried out by
conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive knowledge. scientific inquiry (scientific inquiry) to foster the ability
The cognitive process dimensions include remembering, to think, work and have a scientific attitude and
understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and communicate it as an important aspect of life skills. In
creating [2]. chemistry learning, many real problems exist around
students that can be related to the material being studied

Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 151
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 488

in scientific disciplines. [4]. In the guided inquiry, the and a good learning environment facilitate growth such
teacher directs students to a problem, while students try as student persistence, self-monitoring, open-
to solve the problem with teacher guidance. mindedness, and flexibility. Teachers recognize the
Furthermore, students will also be more confident in importance of having students who can develop higher
investigating and making conclusions, so that the skills, but often do not assess the progress of their
process of mastery of subject matter can be improved students, so what happens is students' low-order
[5]. Students need adequate guidance and teacher thinking skills [12].
intervention in the inquiry learning process, which can
Based on some relevant research, it can be
help to gain deep understanding. With guided inquiry,
concluded that there is an influence of guided inquiry
students can certainly concentrate more on building new
learning models and critical thinking skills on learning
knowledge so that they get the understanding and skills
outcomes [13][14][15].
needed. The inquiry model is applied in learning by
encouraging students to be able to identify a problem
related to learning material, solve problems by 2. METHOD
designing activities in groups, carrying out experiments, This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1
and the results in the form of reports on students' Rantau Selatan, Rantau Selatan District, Labuhanbatu
scientific work [6]. Regency, which uses the 2013 curriculum. When the
The use of guided inquiry learning models can research was carried out in the odd semester which
improve student learning outcomes and student learning lasted from October to December 2019. The population
activities compared to conventional learning [7]. The in this study were all high school class XI students who
various findings analyzed show positive and clear trends used the curriculum 2013 academic year 2019/2020.
that support inquiry-based learning practices, Due to the wide range, limited manpower, time, and
particularly instruction that emphasizes students who cost, the sampling in this study was carried out by
actively think and draw conclusions from data [8]. purposive sampling, which consisted of two classes of
Using the learning model of the level of inquiry can high school class XI students in one school only (each
train students' skills with the maximum ability to class of 34 students), namely at SMA Negeri 1 Rantau
sharpen their skills and skills to reach that level to Selatan. The research design can be seen in Table 1.
achieve better or higher criteria. This is very necessary Data collection instruments, namely learning
so that students are accustomed to exploring the outcomes tests and tests to measure students' critical
potential in high-level thinking because with thinking skills. The instrument to measure student
accustomed to high-level thinking, students will have learning outcomes used multiple-choice tests (multiple
high cognitive skills and independence in student choice) of 25 questions. Each correct answer is given a
learning [9]. score of 1 (one), while the wrong answer is given a
Critical thinking is thinking rationally about score of 0 (zero). This test is used to measure students'
something and then gathering as much information as cognitive abilities (C1-C3). The test of critical thinking
possible about that something before making a decision skills is measured using a test that was developed by the
or taking an action [4]. HOTS is a skill that does not researcher with a description of the test as many as 10
only to remember but also to understand and apply. aspects of the criteria C4, C5, and C6.
HOTS in the cognitive domain (based on the latest Hypothesis testing was carried out using SPSS
Bloom Taxonomy) includes analysis, evaluation, and version 21. Hypothesis testing used the N-Gain Score,
creation. So students are not just remembering a Paired Sample t-Test (not independent), and Linear
formula, then understand it and apply the formula to a Regression Analysis. The N-Gain Score test is used to
problem. However, the student can analyze (solve the see the effect of the Guided Inquiry learning model on
problem into several parts, then determine the parts that student learning outcomes. A paired sample t-test (not
relate to each other and the whole), evaluate (assess independent) was used to see if the Guided Inquiry
which includes checking and criticizing), and creation learning model affected students' critical thinking skills.
(making something from the existing) [10]. As current Linear regression analysis is used to see the effect of
literature suggests, all students at all academic levels critical thinking skills on student learning outcomes.
will benefit from curricula steeped in critical thinking
strategies and practice. Students who master the ability Table 1. Research Design
to think critically and insightfully will perform better Group Pretest Treatment (X) Posttest
academically in their current high school setting, and Experiment O1 X O2
will also be better prepared for the rigors and enhanced
academic expectations in college [11]. To improve
students' higher-order thinking skills, it is necessary to
make various efforts, because students need to have
higher-order thinking skills. The right teaching strategy

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 488

3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION after and before being treated with the inquiry learning
3.1. Result
3.1.3. The Effect of Critical Thinking Skills on
3.1.1. The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Student Learning Outcomes
Model on Student Learning Outcomes
Hypothesis testing of the effect of critical thinking
Hypothesis testing of the effect of the Guided skills on student learning outcomes on chemical
Inquiry learning model on student learning outcomes on equilibrium material in class XI SMA curriculum 2013
chemical equilibrium material in class XI SMA was analyzed using Linear Regression analysis. The
curriculum 2013 can be seen in table 2. results of the linear regression analysis can be seen in
Table 4.
Table 2. Result of N-Gain Calculations
Table 4. Result of LinearRegression Analysis
Test Mean N-gain Change Statistics
Deviation R Adjus
Pretest 55.058 77.294 Error Sig.
Sq ted R Squ F
0.4947 R of the df df F
Posttest 14.474 12.714 ua Squa are Cha
Estim 1 2 Cha
re re Cha nge
ate nge
Based on table 2 it can be seen that the gain score is 0.95 0.4 0.91 338. 3 0.00
0.911 3.792 1
0.4947. Based on the gain score distribution table, that if 6a 19 4 953 2 1
the value of 0.3 g 0.7 is moderate or good. It can be
concluded that the use or application of guided inquiry Based on table 4 obtained a correlation coefficient
models is effective in improving learning outcomes. (rxy) = 0.956 and Fhit (Fchange) = 338.953, with a p-
value = 0.001 <0.05. This means that H0 is rejected.
3.1.2. The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Thus, the correlation coefficients X and Y are
Model on Critical Thinking Skills meaningful or significant. While the coefficient of
determination from the table above is shown in the
Testing the research hypothesis, the effect of the second column, namely R Square 0.419 which means
Guided Inquiry learning model on students' critical that 41.90% of the variation in learning outcomes
thinking skills on chemical equilibrium material in class variables can be influenced by critical thinking skills.
XI SMA curriculum 2013 was analyzed using paired
sample t-test (not independent). The results of the t-test 3.2. Discussion
can be seen in Table 3.
The results of this study indicate that choosing the
Table 3. T test of Critical Thinking Skills right learning model in schools is one of the factors that
Paired Differences Sig. can affect learning outcomes. In general, the learning
Std. Std.E (2 model can be an activity that is chosen to provide
Mea t df taile facilities or assistance to students towards achieving
Deviat rror
n d)
ion Mean learning objectives. In chemistry learning, students are
KBK required to be able to construct their knowledge
before concepts, so that the implementation of learning with
Inquiry-– 4.765 2.425 0.416 33 0.00
KBK after
45 the concept of student-centered learning is created. The
Inquiry application of learning that demands an active role of
students is highly recommended in learning, so that
Based on table 3 the obtained difference in Mean = what students learn can be understood, applied, and
4.765, which means the difference in scores of students' even evaluated.
critical thinking skills between after and before being
It is concluded that the guided inquiry learning
treated with the inquiry learning model. The positive
model has a high influence on student learning
value means that after being treated with the inquiry
outcomes. The results of this study are in line with [13]
learning model is higher than before being treated with
where the Guided Inquiry method gave a significant
the inquiry learning model. Furthermore, in this table,
influence on student learning outcomes. The guided
the mean std error is also obtained which shows the
inquiry method requires students to be more active, able
number of standard errors for the average difference.
to seek and explore various information beyond the
The statistical price t = 11.45 with df = 33 and the
teacher's submission and make a new and complete
number sig or p-value = 0.000 <0.05 or H0 is rejected.
concept of knowledge. Besides [16] also argues that
Thus it is concluded that there are significant
there is a positive effect of guided inquiry learning
differences in students' critical thinking skills between
based on scientific literacy on learning outcomes of the

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 488

subject matter of the buffer solution. The resulting by thinking critically, students will find it easier to solve
positive influence can be caused by several factors that a problem related to the learning material presented. The
strengthen the learning process through the application form of thinking process that is carried out by everyone
of literacy-based guided inquiry models. The first factor, in solving problems does not have to be the same but is
student learning activities. The second factor is the adjusted to the problem at hand. This is in line with the
development of students' thinking skills in this case result of research [15] which states that critical thinking
analytical thinking. The third factor is the use of various skills with learning outcomes show a positive
learning resources. Then [17] concluded that the guided relationship. This means that if the value of critical
inquiry learning model can improve student learning thinking skills of students increases, it will be
outcomes; the Science process skills of students who are accompanied by an increase in the value of student
taught using the guided inquiry learning model have learning outcomes. This is because critical thinking
better achievement than students who are taught using skills are related to higher-order cognitive abilities such
the problem-solving model. Another opinion of [18] as analytical, evaluation, and synthesis skills [21-22].
also states that the guided inquiry green chemistry Furthermore [23] showed that there is an impact of the
practicum guide is very feasible to use as a practicum interaction between the use of learning models and
guidebook, in which the result of the analysis to four student's critical thinking skills on the learning
practical guiding components is in the average value of outcomes of Indonesian History subject. The selection
4.78. of a suitable model becomes one of the most important
things in the learning process to improve and optimize
The Guided Inquiry learning model is a model that
the ability that will affect student learning outcomes.
can be constructive (building) for students to encourage
students to investigate problems and find information
about problems in the learning process. Therefore, 4. CONCLUSION
learning equilibrium material with the Guided Inquiry Based on the research results, it can be concluded
model can improve students' critical thinking skills. The
that there is an effect of the guided nquiry learning
result of this study is in line with [14] who concluded
that learning chemistry using an inquiry model on the model and critical thinking skills on student learning
subject of buffer solutions can improve students outcomes.
'mastery of concepts and students' critical thinking
skills. There is a significant positive relationship ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
between critical thinking skills and students' mastery of
concepts in learning that applies the inquiry learning I express my deepest gratitude to all those who have
model. Also [19] concluded that Students' science helped me in writing this article.
process skills during disaggregated inquiry learning are
grouped into good criteria and students' critical thinking REFERENCES
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View publication stats
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 3 (3) (2021), 203-209
ISSN 2684-6950 (online)

Research Original Article

Towards the Application of Inquiry Learning Approach in Classroom:

Students Exploration of Changes in Understanding Meaningful
Mathematical Concepts

Filzah Nazirah, Nuraina*, Herizal, & Mursalin

Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh Utara, Indonesia;;;
*Corresponding Author:

Received: 18 March 2021 Revised: 23 April 2021 Accepted: 17 May 2021

This study was intended to investigate the influence of inquiry learning approach assisted with square word media
toward students’ mathematical understanding ability in learning mathematics. This study was conducted through
quantitative research procedures namely quasi-experimental design. The populations were all students of class X at
MAS Syamsuddhuha. The samples were 25 students of class X MIA 1 and 25 students of class X MIA 2, selected by
purposive sampling. The nonequivalent posttest-only control group design was used. The data were obtained from
the post-test results of the students’ mathematical understanding; they were analyzed by using SPSS 18 software.
Since the data was not normal, the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test was applied. The findings of this study showed
that the significant value of the test was 0,000 and it was less than 0.05 allowed the H 0 rejected. It can be concluded
that there was an influence of inquiry learning approach assisted by word square media on students' mathematical
understanding ability, which was done in the study of trigonometry II for class X at MAS Syamsuddhuha. Hence,
mathematical understanding ability is a crucial aspect in solving mathematical problems which can be measured by
applying inquiry learning approach in classroom.

Keywords: mathematical understanding; inquiry learning approach; trigonometry; word square;

1. Introduction
The goal of education in Indonesia is stated in the nation objectives for education. It stands in contrast with
national development goal in that it designs to establish a well mannered civilian. The goals per se are
eventually derived from and set by Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Thus, teachers are thought of a
crucial aspect in formal education in a way that they are responsible for increasing and extending the quality
of education system. According to The law No. 20, 2003 which pertains to the national education system, the
term education is defined as a conscious and planned effort to create the learning process so that students
can actively develop their spiritual strength, self-control, intelligence, righteous deed, personality, and skills
hopefully contribute to their society and nation. In short, despite the attempts which have been taken to
improve the learning process lies a significance issue, the fact that the very low quality of learning and the
insufficient motivational input to develop students’ thinking are one of the obstacles faced in the educational
sector which resulted in students learning outcome (Sanjaya, 2016).
Mathematics is regarded as the mother of science which has its own profound meaning, having its
learners gain and extend their logical, critical, and creative thinking. Undeniably speaking, in both of every
branch of knowledge and even in daily activity, the involvement of mathematics resists hardly to get
perished (Ulandari, Putri, Ningsih & Putra, 2019). Furthermore, learning mathematics can accelerate its
leaner to be able to have a rational thinking. This advantage can be reaped due to the fact that mathematics
has a strong and obvious relationship from one concept to another. Hence, based on the results of the
observation and interview conducted toward mathematics teachers at MAS (Private Islamic Senior High
School) Syamsudduha revealed so considerable a constraint that students still undergo ineffective and
monotonous learning model, which caused them to have less motivation to learn. In addition, students were
hardly able to develop their learning as they dealt with the inappropriate learning process either in
classroom or in boarding school. As such, most of students regarding to their mathematical understanding
indicated that they were unable to digest and apply the formula in order to calculate, remember and solve
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 3 (3) (2021), 203-209

the mathematical task appropriately. In fact, most of them also found to have been unable to understand the
multifaceted mathematical concepts.
Several previous studies, such as Pur Wanita et al (2019); Pohan (2019); Lukitasari (2020); Jehadan et al
(2020); Anggraini et al (2020); and Sahronih et al (2020) stated that the inquiry learning model gave
satisfactory results on student learning outcomes. In line with Ningsih et al (2019) the results of their
development research also gave good results on student achievement. Not only that, another similar study
was also conducted by Vajoczki et al (2011) that the inquiry learning model, discipline and class size also
determine success and comfort in learning. A type of inquiry model, other learning models belonging to the
cooperative model also provide effective learning outcomes (Irfanto et al, 2019). In addition, according to
Dewi (2019), one other method that is able to provide ease of learning is the Mind Map, because it provides a
concept mind map for students to understand. Wahyuni et al (2020); and Widiantoro et al (2020) comparing
learning outcomes with the direct learning model showed significant results, the Problem-Based Learning
model also had a positive influence on student learning outcomes.
Another study was also conducted by Jayanto et al (2019) that the guided learning model developed was
able to improve students' thinking skills. In line with Putriani & Rahayu (2018) that the discovery model
improves student learning outcomes on circular material. In line with Ernest (2019); Nufus & Mursalin
(2020); Dahliana et al (2019) that improving students' abilities, such as creative and critical thinking, really
depends on the learning model used by the teacher. Yarmasi et al (2020); Paroqi et al (2020); Maulidawati et al
(2020); and Marhami et al (2020) in their research stated that learning outcomes can only be achieved if the
learning atmosphere managed by the teacher is good, so student learning outcomes are good.
In accordance with the result of the interview with one of the mathematics teachers at MAS
Syamsuddhuha, it was also found that the Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (Minimum Completeness Criteria)
of the mathematics lesson was 83. This grade was insufficient to the repetition test on daily basis at class X at
the institution. Precisely, the minimum completeness criteria obtained by students was regarded inadequate
to pass the Trigonometry II lesson. The inconvenient grade as such occurred was due to the fact that most
students were unable to understand the trigonometric functions, sine and cosine, were applied to figure out
the width of triangle. Therefore, students failed in understanding the application of the mathematical
formula affecting their grade of the daily repetition test. Having done the overviewed with the mathematics
teacher at the school, we researchers encountered that the core of the problem coped by students in learning
mathematics was on the use of media and learning approach, considered inappropriate to be exerted in their
In learning mathematics, students’understanding ability is of paramount importance. This ability
influences their attainment in learning mathematics at their early stage. The students who are unable to
grasp the appropriate mathematical concept; they tend to make mistakes in solving their mathematics tasks
(Herizal, Suhendra & Nurlaelah, 2019). Thus, students’ mathematical understanding acts as a strong basis in
thinking and accomplishing the mathematical problem for either inside or outside classroom.
The importance of having an ability of mathematical understanding is also discussed by Satrock that the
concept is a key aspect in learning process (Hendriana, Rohaeti & Sunamo, 2017). Likewise, the ability works
as a strong foundation for students in thinking to do and finish the mathematics problem in classroom or in
real life. It is also considered as a core part of learning mathematics at high school. With this learning
concept, students are able to make and draw the conclusion. Taking the mathematical understanding ability
into account, students are demanded to learn on their own, developing their understanding in
accomplishing their tasks. This narration shows that the inquiry learning model requires students to learn
independently. Other view it as a process in which students are required to learn by asking and researching
on their own. Also they are asked to learn through identifying, searching, discovering and investigating the
problem (Tjiptiany, As’ari & Muksar, 2016). In accordance with the above views, we assume that by
applying the inquiry learning approach, students can come across the concept resembling a real-world
problem. It is indicated that students who undergo the learning model in their classroom are superior to
those that receive the learning conventionally; students are well-oriented and heightened in their learning
process (Purwasih, 2015).
Apart from using the inquiry learning approach, we also applied a learning media to equate students’
perception and understanding easier. The media is thought of as means of conveying the learning message
and information from teacher to students in classroom. Therefore, we applied the word square which was
used in students’ activity form, a random concept learnt by students helping them to do their tasks.
Accordingly, it was found so helpful that students gave a positive response, 93 %, on using word square
media in their activity form, data gained from questionnaires involving 20 students (Andini, 2018). Based on
the above issues, we have attempted to perform a research entitled “Towards the Application of Inquiry
Learning Approach in Classroom: Students Exploration of Changes in Understanding Meaningful
Mathematical Concepts.”
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 3 (3) (2021), 203-209

2. Methods
The study is designed based on quantitative research approach, the quasi experimental research. It is
recognized as an investigation relying on the philosophy of positivism conducted to certain cluster of
population and sample (Sugiyono, 2016). In investigating the influence of the inquiry learning approach,
which was assisted with word square media toward the ability of students’ mathematical understanding,
this research was performed based upon the non-equivalent posttest-only control group design. The
differences between quasi experimental and non-equivalent posttest-only control group design as mentioned
above is situated at how the sample of the research is obtained. The non-equivalent posttest only control
group considers the non-random sample technique for both its experimental and control group (Lestari &
Yudhanegara, 2015) as the Table 1.
Table 1. Research Design
X O1
---- ----

Source: Lestari and Yudhanegara (2015:136).

X = Treatment (Inquiry learning approach assisted word square media)
O1 = Post-test of Experiment class
O2 = Post-test of control class
This study was done at MAS Syamsuddhuha, located in Cot Murong, Dewantara, Aceh Utara Regency,
Aceh Province. It was performed on the second semester of academic of 2020. The population were all
students registered in class X MIA consisting of five classes; Class X MIA 1, XMIA 2, X MIA 3, XMIA 4, and
X IIS. The purposive sampling procedure was used in selecting the number of students involved in this
study. This procedure was chosen for the fact that the sample has been categorized to have certain criteria
allowing answering the research problem. The students who took part in this study has been assessed to
possess relatively the same level of understanding ability as one to another comparing with the other classes,
as reported by mathematics teacher at the school. For that reason, the class X MIA 1 was selected as the
experimental group undergoing the treatment of inquiry learning approach assisted square word media.
Meanwhile, the control group selected in this study was the class X MIA 2, going through scientific teaching
approach without assisting with any media. The type of the investigation undertaking as means to look into
and figure out the students’ mathematical understanding ability was a written test; the type of the test
allowing students to do the answer in detail and think with higher precision. It consisted of four items which
can be evaluated effectively.
Examining the ability of students’ mathematical understanding, the description test was also applied
constructed on the following indicators:
1. The mechanical understanding which allows students to remember and apply the formula with a simple
2. The drawing example which gives students the opposite pattern from the learning concept used.
3. The rational, functional and relational understanding requires students to identify the relationship
between the concepts and perform the calculation together with mathematical explanations.
4. The rational understanding; proving the formula.
The type of the test given to students has been evaluated by mathematics lectures prior to the test was
given. This was done to see its validity, degree of differences and difficulty. Having done the post-test, the
results were analyzed through Mann-Whitney test, a non parametric statistical procedure as the data were
distributed abnormally.

3. Results and Discussions

3.1 Results
As it has been outlined in the previous sections, this study was intended to explore the influence of teaching
students the inquiry learning approach integrated with the word square media toward their mathematical
understanding ability. At the same time, the students of the control group were treated with the teaching
scientific approach and they were not equipped with any media. The result of the test indicated a significant
point on the ability on students’ mathematical understanding, having performed the teaching to both
experimental and control group. The test was given to a number of 50 students; they were 25 students of
experimental class and the other 25 were from the control group. The finding gathered from the post-test
was analyzed comprehensively and it can be seen from the following table 2.
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 3 (3) (2021), 203-209

Table 2. Statistical Description of Students’ Mathematical Ability

Experimental Class

Post-test 25 6 13 8,44 2,21

Control Class

Post-test 25 1 7 5,92 1,15

Maximum Score = 13

Table 2 indicates that the minimum score of post-test conveying students’ mathematical understanding
ability from the experimental class is 6 while the score from the control group is 1. In addition, the maximum
score of the experimental class is 13 and of the control group is 7. The average score of the post-test taken
from both experimental and control class are 8.44 and 5.92 respectively. This score can be noted from the
teaching used in both of the classes, the experimental and control class. The former was introduced with the
inquiry learning approach and word square media while the latter was given the scientific approach without
assisting with any media. It showed that the score from experimental class was far better than that of the
control and it be seen from the figure 1.

Figure 1. Average Score of Post-test

The figure 1 shows that the average score of post-test underlying students’ mathematical understanding
ability from the experimental class (8.44) was higher than that of control class (5.92). The standard deviation
taken from the post-test of experimental class depicting mathematical understanding ability (2.21) was lower
than that was resulted from the post-test of the control group (1.15). To observe the significant influence of
the teaching approach given to both of the groups in the study of trigonometry II for class X of MAS
Syamsuddhuha, the hypothesis test procedure was conducted. The test as such was done through the
inferential statistic, t-test, toward the score of post-test from both of the classes. The prerequisite test was also
done prior to the application of T-test, namely the normality and homogeneity test. The normality test used
in this study was Shapiro-Wilk test. The statistical results can be seen from the table 3.
Table 3. Results of Normality Test
Stat. df Sig.
Experimental Class .789 25 .000
Control Class .549 25 .000

It can be seen from the table 3 above that the significant score of the Shapiro-Wilk normality test is 0.000
which originated from experimental class while 0.000 from the control class. Referring to the conditions of
hypothesis, H0 is accepted if the significant score is more than 0.005 (> 0.005). Hence, it can be concluded
that the post-test score of students’ mathematical understanding ability is not distributed normally. Since the
data analysis from the score of the prerequisite test showing the normality test was not fulfilled, the analysis
of the data using the T-test could not be proceeded unless with the application of another parametric test,
Mann-Whitney. The analysis of the data is done based on the following hypotheses:

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 3 (3) (2021), 203-209

: There is no significant influence of the inquiry learning approach assisted word square
media toward the abilty of students’ mathematical understanding in learning
Trigonometry II for class X at MAS Syamsuddhuha.
: There is significant influence of the inquiry learning approach assisted word square media
toward the abilty of students’ mathematical understanding in in learning Trigonometry II
for class X at MAS Syamsuddhuha.
The data resulted from the tests were analyzed by using the statistical software, SPSS 18. The result
summary of the non-paramtric test can be seen at the table 4.
Table 4. The Result of Mann-Whitney Test
Mann-Whitney U 57.000
Wilcoxon W 382.000
Z -5.210
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000

Based on the data of the above table 4, the result of the Mann-Whitney Test on the data of students’
mathematical understanding ability is obtained as much as 0.000. According to the criteria of the test, the H0
is rejected if the value is < 0.005 at column sig. The significant finding of statistic test is identifed as much as
0.000, smaller than 0.005. This result shows that the H0 is rejected and the Ha is accepted. It can be
concluded that using inquiry learning approach assisted with word square media has a significant influence
toward students’ mathematical understanding ability in learning Trigonometry II for class X at MAS
Syamsuddhuha since the data analysis are emanated from the Mann-Whitney Non-Parametric Test.

3.2 Discussion
This study was conducted to investigate the influence of inquiry learning approach assisted with word
square media toward the abilty of students in mathematical understanding, particulary in learning
Trigonometry II for class X at MAS Syamsuddhuha. The significant influence of the treatment was analyzed
from the result of the post-test, obtaining from both of experimental and control class. The score of the post-
test from the experimental class undertaking the inquiry learning approach and word square media was 8.44
meanwhile with those of control class was 5.92. Therefore, it can be concluded that the post test score from
experimental class was significantly higher than that of control group learning trigonemetry II with scientific
learning approach without any used of media. This proved that students’ ability in understanding
mathematical concept through inquiry learning approach assisted word square media was better than those
of undertaking scientific approach in learning the trigonometry II.
The findings of this study is synonmous with a previous research which states that the improvement of
students’ mathematical understanding ability undergoing inquiry learning approach and media word
square is guided efectively than on learning with the conventional teaching (Tjiptiani, As’ari & Muksar,
2016). It also reflects a study done by Purwasih (2015) that the application of word square media reaches the
result of material validation as much as 76 %. The result of media validation itself was at average percentage
of 95 %, being at appropriate criteria to be used (Purwasih, 2015). The result of Mann-Whitney test analyzing
students’ ability in mathematical understanding was identified 0.000. As the criteria says, if the value at
cloumn sig. is < 0.005, H0 is rejected. The value of the statistical test in this study was found 0.000 and it was
smaller than 0.005. It is therefore, the H0 is rejected while the Ha is accepted. It can be noted that there was a
significant influence of the inquiry learning approach toward students’ ability in their mathematical
understanding particulary in learning Trigonometry II.
This study was conducted in four consequitive meetings, the first three of which was the learning of
trigonometry II and it was done through the inquiry learning approach with word square media. The
teaching process was implemented in accordance with a set of teaching and learning materials, which had
been already prepared. On the fourth meeting, students were given the post-test, aiming at coming accross
the influence of scientific teaching approach on students’ mathematical understanding ability. The
mathematical description test was given, which comprised of 8 questions that it had been previously
validated. As such, we selected a number of 4 questions used in testing format because it was appropriate to
the indicators of mathematical understading concept. In this research, we directly practiced and carried out
the application of the enquriy learning approach assisted with word square media toward students’
mathematical understanding. In general, the implementation of all of the learning components of the
inquirylearning approach and media word square was effective. The same procedure was also succesfully
conducted to the control group, notwithstanding with the use of the inquiry learning procedure and the
word square media.
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 3 (3) (2021), 203-209

4. Conclusion
The mathematical understanding is a basic ability in solving problem or questions pertain to the learning of
mathematics as it is asscociated with students’ mathematical concept. Consequently, this ability must be
trained to students. One of the approaches that can be applied in teaching mathematic is the inquiry learning
model which can assisted with word square media. This approach marked a significant influence toward the
ability of students’ mathematical understanding as they are required to find the concept on their own
through a series of acitivities reflecting the real world use. Also, students found it meaningful and easy to
remember the taught mathematical concepts.

The authors would like to thanks to the people who have been instrumental in their assistance and the
successful completion of this study.

Author’s Contribution
All authors discussed the result and contributed to from the start to final manuscript.

Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

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Journal of Physics: Conference Series

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1st Bukittinggi International Conference on Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1471 (2020) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1471/1/012035

Enhancement Students’ Problem-Solving Ability through

Inquiry Learning Model Integrated with Advance Organizers
on the Concept of Work and Energy

G Gunawan1*, A Harjono1, M Nisyah2, M Kusdiastuti2, L Herayanti3, and

F Fathoroni4
Physics Education Study Program, Universitas Mataram, Indonesia
Master Science of Education, Universitas Mataram, Indonesia
Physics Education Study Program, Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika, Indonesia
Indonesia Publication Center, Indonesia


Abstract. Problem solving is an ability that involves the process of thinking and
working to find problem solutions. In the process of problem solving, students must be
able to focus on problems, describe problems in concepts, plan the solutions,
implement the plans and evaluate the solutions. This article discusses the effectiveness
of the inquiry model integrated with advance organizers in enhancing students'
problem solving ability in concepts of work and energy. This research was conducted
with one group pretest-posttest design at two different senior high schools. The
research instrument used was five questions of the essay test. The enhancement of
problem solving ability was analyzed by N-gain score. The results showed that the
problem solving ability of two groups increased in medium category for each sub-
material, while based on the problem solving stage, stage of focus the problem, plan
the solutions and implement the plan increased with the high category in one group,
while the other stages were in the medium category. The results of this study have
proven that the inquiry model integrated with advance organizers is effective in
increasing students’ ability to solve problems in the concept of work and energy.

Keyword: Problem solving, inquiry learning, advance organizer, work and energy

1. Introduction
Development of 21st-century competencies is a crucial issue in curriculum and education throughout
the world including in Indonesia. 21st-century competencies are divided into four categories, namely
ways of thinking, ways of working, literacy and how to live in the world. One example of the
integration of 21st-century competencies with learning is to make students learn to solve problems
related to science, technology or life situations [1].
Physics is a branch of science that is closely related to human life, for example, on the topic of matter
and energy, or on fields of technology and medicine [2, 3]. In addition, physics is rich in concepts,

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1st Bukittinggi International Conference on Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1471 (2020) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1471/1/012035

theories, equations and mathematical calculations which means that almost all aspects of physics are
related to problem solving. Thus, physics education must be able to create students who have good
problem solving ability [4].
Problem solving is a cognitive process to find a solution or goal [5]. Problem solving skills include the
ability to think as to understand the problems and to work within the stages to find a solution. Stages
of problem solving in physics are focused on the problems, describe the problems in concepts, plan the
solutions, implement the plans and evaluate the solutions [6]. Students' problem solving ability in
physics can be trained during the learning process [7], this ability can be trained through inquiry
learning activities such as formulating problems and hypotheses, arranging experimental or
exploration steps and making conclusions.
Previous research reported that the implementation of inquiry learning could improve students'
problem solving ability in physics [8, 9]. Inquiry activities involve the ability to think and work
independently so that not all students can do this directly. Differences in prior knowledge and ability
of students can be facilitated by integrating inquiry learning models with advance organizers [10].
Prior knowledge usually interconnected and stable in a cognitive structure that can be activated [11].
An advance organizer is information that is presented in the form of concepts and relationships
between concepts before learning that is used to help students connect new knowledge with the
knowledge they already have [12]. The purpose of giving the advance organizer is to help students
know the framework of conceptual and work in problem solving during inquiry learning [13, 14].
The integrate of inquiry learning models with advance organizers was adapted from inquiry learning
phases developed by Pedaste et al. [15] and the advance organizer model developed by Joyce et al.
[16]. Implementation of inquiry learning models integrated with the advance organizer is divided into
three stages, namely, the initial stage, presentation of advance organizer conducted at the beginning of
learning that aims to activate prior knowledge so students are ready to carry out inquiry activities. An
advance organizer is presented in the form of a concept map. Concept maps are used to link
knowledge that will be learned with prior knowledge so that it helps students know about the
organizing of work and energy concepts. The core stage, inquiry activities that aim to train students'
problem solving ability, this stage consist of five activities, namely orientation, conceptualization,
investigation, conclusions and discussion. In the final stage, integrative reconciliation aims to help
meaningful assimilation of learning material and to strengthen the cognitive structure of students.
Characteristics of students who can solve problems if they can connect information with knowledge
that theirs owned to solve problems both related to lessons or daily life [17, 18]. Work and energy
material is one of the physics material that is composed of concepts and relationships between
concepts that are strictly related to students 'daily lives, so the purpose of this study is to know
enhancement students' problem solving ability through inquiry models integrated with the advance
organizer on the concept of work and energy.

2. Method
This development research has been at the testing stage using one group pretest-posttest design. The
research subjects were high school students in two different schools divided into Group A and Group
B. Before the implementation of the inquiry model integrated with advance organizer, two groups
were given a pretest. Learning activities were carried out for three meetings, after which students are
given a post-test. Data were collected using five questions of the essay test. The problems in questions
relate to concepts of work, kinetic energy, potential energy, conservative and non-conservative forces
and conservation laws of mechanical energy. Problem solving ability was assessed based on scoring in
accordance with the rubric and problem solving stages according to Heller et al. [6]. Data were
analyzed using the N-Gain score to determine the enhancement of students' problem solving ability
after implementation of the inquiry model integrated with the advance organizer. Data was interpreted
in the low category (N-gain <30.0), medium (70.0> N-gain ≥ 30.0), high (N-gain> 70.0) [19].

3. Result and Discussion

1st Bukittinggi International Conference on Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1471 (2020) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1471/1/012035

Enhancement students' problem solving ability in this study can be observed from the increase
between students' pretest and posttest scores. The level of problem solving ability of students was
analyzed based on the sub-material of the concept of work and energy and stages of problem solving.

80.0 71.9
Average Score (%)

60.0 52.3

20.0 11.2

Pre-test Post-test N-Gain (%)

Group A Group B

Figure 1. Comparison Average Score of Students’ Problem Solving Ability

Figure 1 shows that the enhancement students' problem-solving ability in the two groups in the
medium category with the average N-gain score in Group A is 52.3%, and Group B is 66.2%. This
increase occurred because the application of the inquiry model integrated with the advance organizer.
Presentation of the advance organizer can help students organize information and link knowledge to be
learned with prior knowledge of work and energy material, so students can find out the conceptual
frameworks used in problem solving during inquiry learning. These results are in accordance with the
Amanah et al. [20], using advance organizers in physics learning has a positive impact on students'
problem solving ability. In addition, the implementation of the inquiry model integrated with advance
organizers in physics learning can foster motivation and arouse the activity and collaboration of
students [21].


80.0 72.6
Average Score (%)

63.7 63.7 63.3

60.0 53.9 53.7


Work Kinetic Energy Potential Energy Conservative and Non- Mechanical Energy
Conservative Forces Conservation Law

Group A Group B

Figure 2. Comparison of Enhancement Score of Students in Each Concept

1st Bukittinggi International Conference on Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1471 (2020) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1471/1/012035

The level of students’ problem solving ability in this study was also analyzed based on the sub-
material of work and energy as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 shows that in general, the enhancement of
problem solving ability in both groups in the medium-high category. These results are in accordance
with the research of Gunawan et al. [22] which found that the use of media in learning physics
concepts has a positive influence on students' problem solving ability. In addition, the integration of
inquiry learning models with advance organizers effectively helps increase students' understanding of
physics concepts [23]. Harjono et al. [24] also found that the integration of learning models with
advanced organizers proved to be able to improve student physics learning outcomes. The analysis
result found that the highest score of Group A is on the sub material of kinetic energy and Group B on
mechanical conservation law. While the lowest scores of the two groups were conservative and non-
conservative, this result is because the mastery of students' concepts in the material related to the
forces acting on a system still needs to be improved.

100.0 95.1
80.0 75.7
Average Score (%)

66.9 67.8
60.0 54
50.0 44.9
40.0 31.5
Focus the Problem Describe the Problem Plan the Solution Implement the Plan Evaluate the Solutions
into Physics Concepts

Group A Group B

Figure 3. Comparison Enhancement of Students’ Ability on Each Stage of Problem Solving

A comparison of enhancement students’ abilities based on problem solving stages in two groups can
be seen in Figure 3. Figure 3 shows that enhancement students’ ability in all stages of problem solving
is generally in the medium-high category. These results related to Hermansyah et al. [25],
implementation of inquiry model-assisted media can improve students' analytical thinking and
evaluative ability. In another study found that the use of appropriate learning media had a positive
effect on increasing the stage of students' problem solving ability, especially on the stage of
identifying and defining the problem, establish goals and objectives, and make the plan for problem-
solving [7].
The analysis result was found that there were differences in the increase of students' ability between
Group A and Group B, namely at the stage of focus the problem, plan the solutions and implement the
plan. In these three stages of students' ability in Group B increases in the high category, while group A
is in the moderate category. The other problem solving phases increases in the medium category. The
first stage focuses on the problem related to the ability of students to identify or recognize and
interpret problems into visual representation [6]. This ability is trained through the provision of
stimulus in the form of problems and questions which aimed to direct students to make answers based
on the prior knowledge and presentation of the advance organizer.
The second stage describes the problem into the physics concept, this stage relates to the ability of
students to determine physics concepts correspond with the problems [6]. Enhancement students’
ability on this stage in two groups is in the medium category. This ability is trained through activities
to formulate problems and hypotheses. Artayasa et al. [26] stated that activities as making questions

1st Bukittinggi International Conference on Education IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1471 (2020) 012035 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1471/1/012035

and hypotheses could facilitate students to think and connect concepts that are appropriate to the
problem or phenomenon.
The third and fourth stages are planned the solutions and implement the plan. Enhancement students’
ability in these two stages is different between the two groups. The increase in Group A is in the
medium category, while Group B is in the high category. The plan the solution and implement the
planning stage relates to the ability of students to form relationships between concepts and execute it
into equations or work steps to find solutions. The development of this ability is facilitated through
investigative activities, where students arrange steps and conduct experiments or explorations, and
collect and analyze data to answer questions or problems in the worksheet [27]. Inquiry learning
models integrated with appropriate media are proven to be able to improve students' science process
skills and critical thinking skills [27, 28].
The final stage of problem solving is evaluating the solution. Enhancement students’ ability in both
groups on this stage in the medium category. The evaluate solutions stage relates to students' ability to
make data-based judgments and provide explanations [29]. This ability is trained through activities to
conclude the data obtained then compare with the hypothesis or the problem presented.

4. Conclusion
The implementation of the inquiry model integrated with the advanced organizer on the concept of
work and energy can improve students' problem solving ability. The enhancement students 'problem
solving ability in general in both groups was in the medium category, while based on the analysis of
sub-material and the problem solving stage, the enhancement students' ability in both groups was in
medium-high category.

The authors express their appreciation and gratitude to the Ministry of Research, Technology, and
Higher Education for providing research grants to the thesis research scheme in 2019.

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Scientiae Educatia: Jurnal Pendidikan Sains (2019), Vol 8(1): 23-35
Published by Tadris IPA Biologi, IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia. p-ISSN: 2303-1530, e-ISSN: 2527-7596


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The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Science Web-Module on the Students’ Thinking

Skills and Positive Attitudes Towards Science
Ray Cinthya Habelliaa*, Suyantaa
Department of Science Education, Postgraduate Program, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, 55281 , Indonesia

*Corresponding author: Purnamandala, Bumireso, Wonosobo, Central Java, 56314, Indonesia. E-mail addresses:

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In the 21st century and the industrial revolution era 4.0, students are required to have thinking skills
Received: 14 March 2019 to solve problems around them by utilizing available information. But in Science learning, the
Received in revised form: 04 April material raised is not from the environment around the students. For example, in the material of
2019 organism or living things interaction, the ecosystem discussed is outside Indonesia, besides
Accepted: 23 May 2019 Indonesia has 47 types of ecosystem. One of them is Dieng. Less contextual Science material
Available online: 24 June 2019 causes poor of students positive attitude towards Science. Thus, the purpose of this study is to
identify the effect of using the Science module web on thinking skills and positive attitude towards
Keywords: Science. This study was a quasi-experimental study with class 7C and class 7D in SMP N 1
Science web-module Wonosobo as subjects. Data collection technique used question and questionnaire. Data were
Thinking skills processed using the Kruskal Wallis test, and it was found that the effect was largely using the effect
Positive attitude towards Science size. The result of the study shows that there are differences in thinking skill and positive attitude
Dieng Mountains ecosystem towards Science between the experimental and control classes. The web-module science has a
significant effect on thinking skill with effect size large of 0,9 and moderate effect on positive
attitude towards science with an effect size of 0,7.
2019 Scientiae Educatia: Jurnal Pendidikan Sains

1. Introduction
Recently, education has the task of preparing students to face changes and challenges in the
industrial era 4.0 and life in the 21st century. Future life that students faced requires students to be
able to coexistence or mutualism and take advantage of existing technological advances. To prepare
for all the challenges that students must face in the 21st century, Partnership for 21st Century
Learning (P21) formulates a 21st-century learning framework developed based on input from
teachers and education experts. 21st-century skills consist of life and career skill, learning and
innovation skills, information, media, and technology skills.
Fifty years ago students only needed to master three RS (reading, writing and arithmetic), but
now entering the industrial era 4.0 with the disclosure and speed of information changes, it is no
longer enough. When students become part of the life of this era, students need to have the ability to
learn and innovate learning and innovation skill that is included in 21st century skills needed. These
are also needed to face the industrial era 4.0 (National Education Association, 2012).

Data on internet world usage states that information access and active internet users throughout
the world have 200 times increased since the beginning of the internet released in 1995. The latest
data taken in December 2017 states that four billion people are active internet users, and 49.2% of
internet users comes from Asia. The Indonesian internet service providers association said that at
the end of 2016, 132.7 million Indonesian people were active internet users, or represented more
than half of Indonesia's population, and 90% of users were students. Another surprising thing is that
100% of the age group 10 to 14 years are in the age range of junior high school students. They
actively use the internet and social media without knowing how to process and sort the right and
reliable information.
In the current era of information disclosure, the internet is one of the media to disseminate
information, but not all information spread the internet can be justified. Data reported by CNN
Indonesia, at the end of 2016, The Minister of Communication and Informatics stated that there
were 700-800 thousand sites that spread irresponsible inform the number of irresponsible
information disseminating sites related to things that are significant and it causes negative things.
Therefore, appropriate action is needed from the school, especially the teacher, so students can
process, sort, or criticize information before sending usable information to fix problems in the
surrounding environment. Those actions are aimed to have thinking skills. Thinking skill is the tool
that helps students deepen their understanding to implement ideas and produce possibilities with the
presence of advanced technology to access, find information, analyze, store, manage information to
support critical thinking and problem solving of students (Carol, et al., 2015).
Students who have thinking skill are characterized by being able to understand information; use
thinking ability; formulate an alternative solution; and solve the problem. (Trilling & Fadel, 2009;
Selcuk, Caliskan & Erol, 2008; Miri, Daviid & Uri, 2007; Nugraha, Suyitno & Sisilaningsih, 2017).
Students who can think, can make the right decision by utilizing the sources of information around
them (Gardner, 2014). Thinking skill is not only needed to make the students capable to choose and
process reliable information amid the fast flow of information, but also can make students able to
take advantage of this flow of information to overcome problems in their surrounding environment.
Thinking skills can be trained through one of the learning activities through science learning.
Science subject can be used to implement thinking skill because Science is not only oriented to
academic competencies but also makes students competent to understand nature and all its
symptoms and implement what has been learned in daily life (Muzakir, 2012). On the other hand,
Science learning carried out by teacher in school is not in accordance with daily life experienced by

students or less contextual. It can be seen from the content of Science textbook that is not
contextual, one of which is the sub-material interaction between living things and the environment
stated in the Basic Competence 3.7 of seventh grade.
In the sub-material, there are no examples of ecosystems that are close to students or
ecosystems which available in Indonesia. The Indonesian Research Institute (2010) stated that
Indonesia is one of the mega biodiversity countries with a degree of ecological uniqueness, and that
diversity of organisms are represented organisms on Earth. Ecology experts stated that Indonesia
has 47 types of a natural ecosystem that make Indonesia as a country with a complete ecosystem
(Supriatna, 2008) so that this ecosystem wealth is a particular potential thing to be purposed in
learning activities. One of the high diversity ecosystems that can be discussed in this study is the
Dieng Mountains Ecosystem.
Research conducted by Nijman (2000) stated that Dieng has the only mountainous natural
forest left in Central Java Province with an area of 255 km2 and is a sanctuary for endemic species
in Central Java, so that the ecosystem in the Dieng Mountains has the potential to be taught in basic
competence 3.7 of seventh grade about the interaction of organism and their environment. However,
most of the examples presented and reviewed are ecosystems that are outside the country of
Indonesia, making the science material seems abstract and out of the daily lives context of students.
Osman, Iksan, and Halim (2007) stated that Science materials that are considered abstract or
irrelevant to students' lives make students perceive negative about Science. This is proven from the
result of the questionnaire filling in the positive attitude of students towards science before the
implementation of learning using the Science web module. Based on the score of the questionnaire
of positive attitude towards Science, it is known that students are not interested in science learning
at school, do not understand about the investigation process to find ideas in Science, are not
interested in science activities in everyday life, and not interested in developing their talent in
Science in their future there are two groups of factors that influence students' attitudes towards
science, namely exogenous factors (factor originating outside the educational process) and
endogenous (factor originating in the education process and under the supervision of the
implementers of the educational process such as teacher, parent, principal) ( Stern, Kalof, Dietz, &
Guagnano, 2012), so that teachers have a role in making students positive about learning and
Science materials they learned.
Thinking skill and positive attitude of students in Science can be improved through learning
activities with certain methods. A learning method that can be used to support 21st-century learning

is the inquiry method. An inquiry is not merely about answering questions to get the right answers,
but rather investigating, exploring, searching, investigating activities and research (Kuhlthau,
Maniotes, & Caspari, 2007). Meanwhile, the result of the interview with Science teachers found the
fact that the teacher does not carry out learning too often with the inquiry method due to the time
limitedness. This causes students to be unfamiliar with conducting investigative activities and using
deepen thinking skill while learning. Though, Maisah, Marjono and Arianto (2017) states in their
research that the Guided Inquiry Learning model can improve thinking skill by 17.66% because the
implementation of learning using the Guided Inquiry can train the components of thinking skill. The
next study was conducted by Aktamiş, Hiğde, and Özden (2016) stating that the guided inquiry
learning method was effective for increasing the positive attitude of students in Science so that the
researcher chose the guided inquiry method as a learning method in this study.
Beside requiring learning methods, the learning process implementation also requires learning
tools used to help teacher achieve 21st-century learning goals and demands for students who will
live in the industrial era 4.0. In the upcoming 21st century, education is in the era of knowledge
with an increasing extraordinary knowledge due to the use of media digital technology (information
super highway), Therefore, teaching material must be in accordance with the needs of knowledge
age, namely contextual teaching material to enable students to collaborate in solving problem using
available information technology resources (Wijaya, Sudjimat & Nyoto, 2016). In addition, to
preparing students to enter the industrial era, 4.0 learning must be integrated with internet
technology such as using website-based learning or application use in learning. However, based on
the results of observation and interviews with teachers, the teaching materials used to carry out the
learning activities are science printed books and summary of materials from the Science Teacher
Professional Development Forum. Printed teaching material is less effective in learning activities
because the information contained in printed teaching material is limited only to information that
has been written. Beside those printed teaching materials cannot be accessed freely, only students
who have the book who can use it. On the other hand, 21st-century learning requires teaching
materials that facilitate students to use available information technology resources and can freely
access without limitation of space and time. Jas (2012) stated that learning using a website has an
interactive characteristic because the website provides extensive access to information by
combining the content on the website with other information sources on the internet. Besides, the
web module can load interesting media to students, such as video, animation, or music.

Based on the description of the problem and the solution offered, the application of guided
inquiry-based science web-modules integrated with the local potential of the Dieng Mountains
Ecosystem is expected to be effective to improve thinking skills and positive attitudes towards
Science. The objectives of this study are: (1) to find out the impact of using guided inquiry-based
Science web-module integrated the local potential of the Dieng Mountains Ecosystem towards
student thinking skills; and (2) to identify the effect of using guided inquiry-based Science web-
module integrated the local potential of the Dieng Mountains Ecosystem towards students' positive
attitudes toward science.

2. Research Methodology
2.1 Types and Design of the Research
This research is a quasi-experimental research with post-test control group research design.
Post-test control group design according to Creswell (2012) is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Postest control grup design

Group Treatmen Post-test
Control class Xa O2
Experimental class Xb O2

Xa : the class which uses developing web module science.
Xb : the class which uses learning material commonly used by the teacher.
O2 : post-test thinking skills and the questionnaire about students positive attitudes
towards Science.

2.2 Sample and Population

The population of this study was 7th-grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Wonosobo. 256 students
were divided into eight classes, namely 7A to 7H. The sample used were two classes. The sample
was chosen using cluster random sampling technique where the first class was 7C as the
experimental class and the second one was 7D as the control class.
2.3 Data Collection Techniques
Data collection techniques in this study are divided into two, namely test and non-test
techniques. The test technique is used to collect thinking skills data with instruments in the form of
post-test questions. The non-test technique was used to collect positive attitude data on science
with instruments in the form of a positive attitude questionnaire towards science.

2.4 Statistical Analysis
Collected data on thinking skills and positive attitudes towards science will be processed using
the K-Independent Sample Test or Kruskal Wallis Test with the assist of software SPSS 22. This
test is used to see the differences between two variables (thinking skills and positive attitudes
towards Science) in two sample classes (experimental class and control class). Furthermore, this
test is to identify the magnitude of the Natural Science Web-Module effect on thinking skills and
the positive attitude towards food science; effect size calculation was carried out using the
following formula.

d = Cohen’s d effect size
= Averages of Experimental Class
= Averages of Control Class
= Standard Deviation

After getting the effect size calculation, then compare the results with the table below.

Table 2. Result criteria of effect size

Nilai Effect Size Keterangan
d ≤ 0,2 Low Influence
0,2 ≤ d ≤ 0,8 Moderate Influence
d ≥ 0,8 High Influence

3. Result and Discussion

This research was conducted in class 7C and 7D at SMP Negeri 1 Wonosobo. Class 7C is
defined as the experimental class, while the 7D class is defined as the experimental class. The
learning activities in the experimental class using the Science web-module-based guided inquiry
integrated with the local potential of the Dieng Mountains Ecosystem, while learning activities in
the control class used Science printed book commonly used by teachers. After having treatment, the
two classes were asked to work on the post-test questions to find out how were their thinking skills
after conducting learning activities in both the control and experiment classes. The post-test data of
the control and experiment classes can be seen in the table below.

Table 3. Post-test score of experiment and control class
Description Experimental Class Control Class
The number of students 32 32
Maximum score 100,0 90,8
Minimum score 86,7 41,7
Average 97,2 79,8

Based on the data in Table 3., it is seen that the average value of the experimental class is
higher than the control class. The difference in the maximum, minimum, and average values
between the experimental and control class can be seen more clearly in the diagram below.







Maximum score Minimum score Average

Experimental Class Control Class

Figure 1. Comparison diagram of thinking skills values in the experiment and control class.
In addition to being asked to do the post-test questions after being given treatment, students
from both classes were also asked to fill out a positive attitude questionnaire towards Science.
Questionnaire score of positive attitude towards Science in the control class and experiment class
can be seen in the table below
Table 4. Questionnaire data on positive attitudes towards science.
Description Experimental Class Control Class
The number of students 32 32
Maximum score 4,8 3,5
Minimum score 3,5 1,6
Average 4,3 2,8

Based on the data in Table 4., it can be seen that the average score of the positive attitude
towards Science from the experimental class is higher than the control class. The difference in the
maximum, minimum, and average values between the experimental and control class can be seen
more clearly in the diagram below.

Maximum score Minimum score Average

Experimental Class Control Class

Figure 2. Comparison diagram of scores on positive attitudes towards science in the experimental
and control class.

In order to find out the differences in thinking skills and positive attitudes towards Science
between the experimental class taught using the Science web-module-based guided inquiry
integrated the local potential of the Dieng Mountains Ecosystem with the control class that was
taught using science printed books, statistical analysis using the K-Independent Sample Test or
Kruskal Wallis test was done with the help of SPSS 22 software. If the Asymp Sig> value of α is set
at 0.05, then there is no difference in thinking skills and positive attitudes towards science between
the experimental class and the control class. The Asymp Sig < from α set value is 0.05, so there are
differences in thinking skills and positive attitudes towards Science between the experimental class
and the control class. The Kruskal Wallis test results can be seen in the Table 5. below.

Table 5. Result of Kruskal Wallis Test

Test Statistics,b
Score of Thinking Skill Score of Attitude
Chi-Square 45,922 47,372
Df 1 1
Asymp. Sig. ,000 ,000

Based on the result of the kruskal wallis test, it can be seen that the Asymp Sig value is less
than 0.05, so it can be concluded that there are differences in positive thinking skills and attitudes
towards the experimental class using guided inquiry-based science module web integrated with
local potential Dieng Mountain Ecosystem with control class who were taught using science printed
books. The result of different thinking skills and positive attitudes towards the science between the
experimental and control class indicates that the guided inquiry-based Science web-module
integrated the local potential of the Dieng Mountains Ecosystem affects on the students thinking
skills and positive attitudes towards science.
The amount of the effect of the science web-module on thinking skills and positive attitudes
can be seen by calculating the effect size. The result of the calculation of the effect size on the effect
of the science web-module on thinking skills is 0,9. Based on the Cohen effect size criteria, Science
web-module-based guided inquiry integrated with the local potential of the Dieng Mountains
Ecosystem has a high influence on students' thinking skills. The learning website not only displays
a set of material but also graphic, animation, audio, video, search column and link to additional
information related to learning topic in the case to enrich the learning and information content that
students get (FAO, 2011; Yazdi, 2012). The more students get content and information, the more
students have the opportunity to practice their thinking skills.
Module based on guided inquiry that is arranged in full, complete and oriented towards
learning objective, can make students to be able to learn the knowledge and skills in full and
planned (Taufiq, Dewi & Widiyatmoko, 2014). Thinking skills should be taught through inquiry
learning method and activities related to solving the problem. Fine (2015) mentioned that the
guided inquiry learning method suggests students be focused on particular learning activity. It
means that asking meaningful questions; then students are encouraged to solve these problems by
experimenting and then evaluate possible solutions so that students' thinking skills can be trained.
This is supported by the result of Hairida's study stated that there are differences in the result of
thinking skills between the experimental class using guided inquiry-based learning and control, with
the N-gain score indicating that the thinking skills in the experimental class have higher result than
control class (Hairida, 2016). Reynolds, Tavares, and Notari (2017) mentioned that learning with
inquiry has a positive effect on improving students' thinking skills because during the investigation
process students involve all their abilities in processing, sorting or criticizing information to solve
the problem in the environment around them.

In addition to being influenced by the learning method used in learning, the content of the
learning determined also influences the improvement of student thinking skills (Bustami,
Sayifuddin, & Afriana, 2018). The application of contextual problems in learning can improve
students' thinking skills. This is supported by research conducted by Azizah and Nasrudin (2014),
the research showed that the implementation of learning with learning materials oriented to
contextual problems could improve students' thinking skills as indicated by student achievement
which continues to increase from one to three cycles.
The result of the effect size calculation on the effect of the science web module on a positive
attitude towards science is 0,6. Based on the Cohen effect size criteria, the guided inquiry-based
science web module integrated the local potential of the Dieng Mountains Ecosystem has a
moderate effect on students' positive attitudes towards science. Hacieminoglu (2016) mentioned
that student attitudes to science depend on the approach or method used by the teacher to teach
science. Guided inquiry learning method involves a series of observation processes to accept or
reject hypotheses. This is an important process in science because students can reconstruct the new
knowledge that they get with prior knowledge. Thus the knowledge and learning done is more
meaningful and makes students perceived positively towards science (Denessen, Vos,
Hacieminoglu, & Louws, 2015; Osborne, Simon, & Collins, 2003). Learning that is presented with
the website allows students to do open learning and communication with the teacher whenever and
wherever students are. The easiness of access to learning encourages students to be more positive
about science (Movahedzadeh, 2012).
Beside being supported by the use of learning methods and media used, positive attitudes
towards science can also arise because the topics of learning applied in learning are contextual or
close to the lives of students. It makes their attitudes more positive towards science, so the topic of
the issue is closely related to students in Indonesia, namely the Dieng Mountains Ecosystem and the
problem of land conversion. Learning that is raised from the environment around students makes
students have a more positive attitude towards science (Wolf, & Fraser, 2017; Myers, & Fouts,
2012). This is supported by Osman, Iksan, and Halim (2007) research, stated that science material
that is considered abstract or irrelevant to student life makes their perspective on science low or
negative so that teachers need to raise more learning topics contextual with students' daily lives.
The results of Ingram and Samanta's (2003) study showed that contextual learning has a positive
influence on students' attitudes and interests in science.

However, the science module web only has a moderate influence on students' positive attitudes
towards science because the formation of attitudes is not only influenced by external factors, such
as the teacher has tried to develop attitudes, but also influenced by internal factors such as
motivation, understanding and perception (Simpson, & Oliver, 2012) This internal factor is the
factor of difficult to control, so that the attitude of mining does not significantly increase in the three
learning times using the science web-module. Maltz (2002) mentioned that it takes at least 21 days
for a person to conform to a new attitude and habit based on the circumstances or stimulus
provided. But different opinions expressed by Lally et al., (2010) the time needed to make an
attitude conformed takes 18 to 254 days with the average for each is 66 days.

4. Conclusion
There is a difference in thinking skills and positive attitudes towards science between students
who are in the experimental class and the control class indicated by the result of the Kruskal Wallis
test with the value of Asymp Sig less than 0,05. Guided Inquiry-based Science web-module
integrated the local potential of the Dieng Mountains Ecosystem has a high influence on thinking
skills as indicated by the effect size of 0,9 included in the high category. Furthermore, the guided
inquiry-based science web-module integrated the local potential of the Dieng Mountains Ecosystem
has a moderate effect on students' positive attitudes towards science as indicated by the effect size
of 0,7 which is in the moderate category.


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JISE 8 (3) 2019 : 332 - 343

Journal of Innovative Science Education

Development of Inquiry Materials Based on Chemical Representation

to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Ability

Lia Lindawati 1, Sri Wardani2, Sri Susilogati Sumarti 2

SMA Islam Teladan Al Irsyad Al Islamiyyah Purwokerto, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Article Info Abstract

________________ ___________________________________________________________________
Article History: Twenty first century learning directs teachers and students to develop learning
Received March 2019 to promote critical thinking skills. The learning model accommodating critical
Accepted June 2019 thinking skills is inquiry. Chemistry learning modules that have not used a
Published December chemical representation approach. This study aims to produce chemical
representation based equilibrium modules with a decent and quality inquiry
approach. This research is a development research from Thiagarajan modified
Inquiry, chemical 4D model. Four stages of development are Define (design), Design (Develop),
representation, critical Develop (development), and Disseminate (spread), with disseminate not done.
thingking Evaluation of module feasibility is seen from the validity and effectiveness of
____________________ the module. The effectiveness of the module is seen from the increase in
learning outcomes and improvement of students' critical thinking skills. Based
on the results of the analysis obtained a validity value of 3.41 (85.25%) with a
very good category. In a large-scale trial obtained an increase in learning
outcomes through the N-Gain test obtained an average value of 0.72 with a
high category, while the aspect of critical thinking was assessed based on
observations on the observations and explanations of students in answering
questions. Critical thinking ability of students at a score of 3.35 with a good
predicate. While the response of students who agreed to use the chemical
module was 96%. The average score of posttest using critical thinking
questions is 81.39. Based on the results of the evaluation of inquiry-based
chemical equilibrium material modules and the chemical representation
approach it is said to be feasible and effective for learning.

© 2019 Universitas Negeri Semarang

Alamat korespondensi: p-ISSN 2252-6412
Jl. Prof. Dr. Suharso, Arcawinangun, Kec. Purwokerto Tim.,
e-ISSN 2502-4523
Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah 53113, Indonesia
Lia Lindawati, Sri Wardani, Sri Susilogati Sumarti/ Journal of Innovative Science Education JISE 8 (3) 2019 : 332 - 343

INTRODUCTION where matter is described as an arrangement of

atoms, molecules and ions, while symbolic
Chemistry is one branch of science that representations are used to represent
studies matter and energy that accompany macroscopic phenomena using chemical
material changes. (Effendy, 2007; Aliyah et al., equations, mathematical equations, graphs,
2018). Chemistry is very close to human life, reaction mechanisms, and analogies
but studying chemistry as a subject is still (Johnstone, 1982; Sunyono, 2011; Nyachwaya
considered difficult by most students, due to the & Wood, 2014; Sunyono et al., 2015).
nature of complex concepts and abstract Conceptual understanding in chemistry
phenomena (Wang, 2007). Difficulties in involves the ability to represent and translate
studying chemistry are also caused by the chemical problems into the form of
complexity of the calculations involved, macroscopic, sub-microscopic, and symbolic
languages that are rarely used in everyday life, representations (Bowen & Bunce, 1997).
and differences in levels of representation used Chemistry learning generally tends to limit at
by chemists in explaining chemical phenomena the macroscopic level and symbolic level only,
(Gabel, 1993; Sheppard, 2006). sub-microscopic representations tend to be
Experts describe chemistry using levels of ignored. Chemical learning that emphasizes
representation that include macroscopic, sub- symbolic level and problem solving causes
microscopic, and symbolic representations students to have difficulty developing
(Johnstone, 1982; Nyachwaya & Wood, 2014). conceptual understanding in chemistry (Gabel,
Understanding chemistry requires the ability to 1993).
think using three different but interconnected Teaching materials are all forms of
levels of representation that are macroscopic, material or set of materials arranged
submicroscopic, and symbolic (Johnstone, systematically and used to help teachers and
2000; Chandrasegaran, 2007; Chittleborough & students in carrying out learning activities
David, 2007). The concept of chemical (Hamdani, 2010). Appropriate teaching
learning using multiple representations is a materials will support the achievement of
form of representation that combines text, real learning objectives (Lestari et al., 2018).
images, or graphics, and symbols (Herawati et Teaching materials made with a chemical
al, 2013). Learning activity using representation approach and integrated material
representations can bridge the process of presentation using a learning model will help
students' understanding of the chemical students understand the material. Learning
concepts: Development of chemical using a module-assisted inquiry model can
representations based on the sequence of improve the understanding of the concept of
phenomena seen, reaction equations, atomic hydrolysis (Septiani et al., 2014). The inquiry
and molecular models, and symbols (Sunyono, learning model can train students to develop
2011; Herawati et al., 2013; Sunyono et al., curiosity, scientific thinking skills, and critical
2015). thinking skills (Oguz-Unver & Arabacioglu,
Chemical phenomena are described and 2011; Corlu & Corlu, 2012). Inquiry is a
explained by chemists in three levels of method related to student activities in
representation. Macroscopic representation is a developing science (Oguz-Unver &
concrete level, in this level students observe Arabacioglu, 2011).
phenomena that occur, either through Wahyudin et al. (2010), Ngertini et al.
experiments conducted or phenomena that (2014), and Wibowo et al. (2015) suggested that
occur in everyday life. Sub-microscopic the inquiry model is teaching requires students
representation is an abstract level that explains to process messages so that they gain
macroscopic phenomena. This representation knowledge, skills, and values. Inquiry learning
provides an explanation at the particle level is applied so students are free developing the

Lia Lindawati, Sri Wardani, Sri Susilogati Sumarti/ Journal of Innovative Science Education JISE 8 (3) 2019 : 332 - 343

concepts they learn is not only limited to the expected to improve students' critical thinking
material just recorded then memorized and ability. The use of teaching materials that
(Yulianingsih et al., 2013; Trisanti et al., 2013; combine the incuri model with chemical
Choerunnisa & Wardani, 2017; Wardani & representation is expected to be able to
Sumarti, 2017; Ika et al., 2017). construct concepts through the relationship of
Based on the standard content of high observed macroscopic levels with concepts at
school chemistry subjects, one of the subjects the sub-microscopic and symbolic level so that
studied is chemical equilibrium. Chemical students can fully understand the concept of
equilibrium is a condition when the reaction chemistry.
rate is forward and vice versa the same in the
reversible process. Chemical and physical METHODS
processes in dynamic equilibrium Petrucci et al.
(2011). Driel & Graber (2002) and Demircioglu This research is research and
et al. (2013) say that one of the chemical development (research and development or R &
concepts that is difficult for students to D). The development model used is a modified
understand is chemical equilibrium material. 4-D model as suggested by Thiagarajan, which
Chemical equilibrium topics related to chemical consists of defining, designing, developing, and
reactions, stoichiometry and micro kinetics are disseminating Trianto (2013). This study
abstract topics for students. In this material modified the 4-D model, namely simplification
representation is needed which can help of four stages into three stages, namely define
students in understanding the concept of (definition), design (design), and develop
chemical equilibrium (Wu et al., 2000). (development). The product developed using
The instrument used to assess critical this modified 4D model was tested for validity
thinking skills and problem solving should be and its effectiveness was a chemical equilibrium
guided by basic knowledge. In solving problems material module with inquiry-based chemical
the process of thinking is more important than representation approach. This research was
the knowledge possessed. Instruments of critical conducted in class X1 of the Al-Irsyad Al
thinking skills pay attention to the Islamiyyah Exemplary High School-Islamic
strengthening of the basic concepts of student High School in Purwokerto. In the small class
material (Carson, 2007; Redhana & Liliasari, trial the subject was 20 students, while the trial
2008; Amalia & Endang, 2014). of 1 (one) real class which was the subject of the
Understanding the concept of study was a large class with 36 students. The
equilibrium through chemical representation focus of this research is the development of
will improve students' critical thinking skills valid and effective modules. Indicators of
Facione (1990). The practice of critical thinking success in this study are: 1) this device is
is to think seriously, actively, and accurately in declared valid if the average value is in the
analyzing all information that has been received range of 3.00 ≤ n ≤ 4.00; 2) this device is
with a rational reason, able to explain the declared effective if: a) the cognitive average
reasons for problem solving, so as to produce a score of students ≥ 75 with 75% classical
formula or conclusion that can be applied in completeness; b) Critical thinking ability of
daily life (Snyder & Snyder, 2008; Liberna, students reaches an average of both with a
2011; Thomas, 2011; Villalba, 2011). minimum value of 2.50.
Understanding of chemical concepts The steps in this development include
through a chemical representation approach define phase which consists of analysis of
will improve the ability of students to interpret, syllabus, material, students, assignments, and
analyze, conclude, and provide explanations, so teaching materials. The design phase is to
the creation of inquiry-based equilibrium design the product with characteristics that
teaching materials with inquiry approaches is have been analyzed at the define stage. And

Lia Lindawati, Sri Wardani, Sri Susilogati Sumarti/ Journal of Innovative Science Education JISE 8 (3) 2019 : 332 - 343

finally the development stage by validating Table 2. Summary of Results of Expert

modules and devices. Then the products will be Validation on Learning Devices
tested on limited classes and large scale classes. Value
Criteri Categor
In the large-scale trial aspects measured aspects N Device Validatio
a y
are cognitive aspects in the form of mastery of n
concepts, aspects of students' critical thinking teaching
1 3.41 Valid Good
skills. material
2 Syllabus 3.37 Valid Good
Gain calculation of normalized (N-Gain) Lesson
Calculating Gain normalized score 3 3.26 Valid Good
based on the formula by Archambault (2008), Inquiry
namely: 4 Observatio 3.33 Valid Good
n Sheet
5 Ability 3.2 Valid Good
Table 1. Criteria normalized Gain Observatio
Percentage Classification n Sheet
N-Gain > 70 High Student
6 3.33 Valid Good
30 ≤ N-Gain ≤ 70 Moderate Response

N – Gain < 30 Low

Based on the results listed in Table 1. It
can be concluded that all research instruments
have valid criteria. The results of the research
are Muna et al. (2016) report the results of the
Results of Validation of Research Instruments study. They showed that there was an effect of
The initial product development (draft I) implementing guided inquiry learning on
was validated by four validators. Validation is student metacognition skills. Existence the
carried out on (1) teaching materials, which influence of guided inquiry learning on
consist of material assessment and readability metacognition skills is due activities carried out,
assessment, (2) syllabus, (3) lesson plan, (4) student collaborative interactions, as well as the
response questionnaire, (5) cognitive test role of the teacher as facilitator. Increased
questions, (6) observation sheet assessment metacognition skills of students are on the
aspects of thinking ability critical. The criteria high. While Wibowo et al. (2015) have
recapitulation of the results of the validation of developed chemical modules that are closely
the research instruments is presented in Table 2. related to inkuri which thermochemical
material can improve student logic.

The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Module

Teaching Materials with a chemical
representation approach
The effectiveness of the product is known
based on the results of the analysis of cognitive
competencies, the ability of students' critical
thinking skills. The achievement of these two
competencies is the goal of implementing the

Lia Lindawati, Sri Wardani, Sri Susilogati Sumarti/ Journal of Innovative Science Education JISE 8 (3) 2019 : 332 - 343

module in the process of teaching and learning teaching materials with a chemical
activities. representation approach can significantly
The results of students' cognitive improve students' cognitive abilities. The paired
competencies are obtained after students carry test results showed that the price of tcount was
out pretest and posttest activities. The pretest 2.04 with 35 degrees of freedom, the value of t
and posttest questions consist of 30 questions table for error was 5% 1.72. Because t count is
with 30 multiple choices. Increased cognitive greater than t table, it means that the learning
ability is known through calculation of outcomes of mastering the concept of students
normalized gain values between the values of have exceeded minimal completeness criteria
the pretest and posttest. The results of the are 75 or achieved mastery learning. These
pretest-posttest values can be seen in Table 3. results also show that cognitive abilities have
met the effective criteria. The results of this
Tabel 3. Pretest and Posttest Data research are in line with the research conducted
Ma by Pratiwi et al. (2018) stating that the ability of
Min Data
Avera x science processes will increase with the use of
Data Valu Sign normali
ge valu chemical representation based worksheets.
e ty
e Wardani (2016) states inquiry learning
Pretes 0,06 improves understanding of the concepts and
32,41 50 20 Normal
t 1 oral activities of students. Attitude aspects are
Postte 93.3 0,12 measured through observation using
81,31 60 Normal
st 3 0 observation sheets during the implementation
of learning. The average score of students'
critical thinking reaches 3.35 from the highest
The results of the study obtained the
score of 4.
average value of pretest 32.41 and the average
Aspect of student attitudes observed was
posttest value was 81.31. The results of the N
focused on creative attitudes which consisted of
gain average mastery of the concept are 0.72 in
7 components, namely focusing questions,
the high category. Classical learning
analyzing arguments, asking questions and
completeness of students shows that as many as
answering questions, observing and considering
31 of 36 students get scores minimal
observations, identifying assumptions,
completeness criteria above 75 (complete). The
determining actions, defining and evaluating
results of the pretest-posttest values can be seen
the results of definitions. From the seven
in Figure 1.
indicators the lowest critical thinking indicator
is to identify assumptions with a score of 84.95.
100 The results of the observations show that the
80 average value of students' critical thinking
60 abilities increases the initial and final meetings.

40 The average value of each aspect of the

20 assessment of students' critical thinking skills is
0 presented in Figure 2.
Pretest Postest

Figure 1. Comparison diagram of pretest and


The data above shows that the use of

inquiry-based chemical equilibrium module

Lia Lindawati, Sri Wardani, Sri Susilogati Sumarti/ Journal of Innovative Science Education JISE 8 (3) 2019 : 332 - 343

70 Figure 3 shows that overall students in

the development stage gave a very good
focus 60
response to the use of inquiry-based chemical
questions 50 equilibrium modules with a chemical
40 representation approach. From the results

analyze 30 obtained, 96% are in the agreed category and
arguments strongly agree.
Data from these observations show that
10 project-based chemical equilibrium modules
ask and 0 with a chemical representation approach can
improve students' critical thinking skills. This
Day 2 Day 3 teaching material can be an innovation in
chemistry learning where chemical learning
does not only emphasize the achievement of
Figure 2. Critical Thinking Ability Score Chart learning outcomes, but also the ability of
students to produce a real product. Thus, it is
expected that students' abilities are not only
Based on Figure 2 it can be seen that the
limited to theory but also understand the
average value of each aspect assessed has
application of a science so that it can create a
increased. Overall aspects of students' critical
generation of quality.
thinking abilities are increasing from the
beginning to the end of the meeting.
Results of Student Response to Modules The discussion of development research
The results of the analysis of student describes the steps in making inquiry-based
response data showed that of 36 students who teaching materials, the suitability of the final
strongly agreed as many as 7 students, agreed product with the development objectives and
as many as 28 students, disagreeing as much as the advantages and disadvantages of the final
1 student. The full results of the student product produced teaching materials.
response questionnaire can be seen in Figure 3.
Discussion of Product Design
The research procedure used by
researchers adopted Sugiono's development
strongly which was limited to 8 steps of development
1; 3% agree; 7;
research namely potential and problems, data
collection, product design, design validation,
agree; design revision, small-scale product testing,
28; 78% product revision, large-scale product testing.
Teaching materials that researchers develop are
adjusted to inquiry syntax which consists of
problem orientation, asking questions, making
hypotheses or guessing answers, collecting data
related to questions, formulating conclusions
strongly agree agree disagree
based on data (Hamruni, 2012). The module
Figure 3. Student Response Diagram of the presentation is adjusted to the inquiry syntax
Module and the chemical representation approach
which includes macroscopic, sub microscopic
and symbolic on chemical equilibrium material.
The combination of inquiry syntax and

Lia Lindawati, Sri Wardani, Sri Susilogati Sumarti/ Journal of Innovative Science Education JISE 8 (3) 2019 : 332 - 343

chemical representation as follows the problem (2017) students are free to develop the concepts
orientation stage, asking questions and they learn.
hypotheses become part of the presentation of
the concept of equilibrium in a macroscopic Teaching Materials Based on Inquiry with the
manner, the data collection stage represents Chemical Representation Approach
sub-microscopic which includes micro- This study uses an inquiry learning
delineation of chemical equilibrium model with a chemical representation
phenomena, and the stage of formulating approach, in which the product has been
conclusions representing chemical produced in the form of chemical
representation symbolic in the form of representation based inquiry materials.
formulas, graphs and numbers. Teaching materials produced in the category of
valid and appropriate in accordance with the
Results of discussion on teaching material study. Based on the results of the study, the use
validation of teaching materials is able to improve
Validation was carried out on teaching understanding of concepts and students' critical
materials, syllabus, lesson plans, student thinking skills. In accordance with the results of
response questionnaires, questions, and critical research by Kozma (2000, 2003), Cloonan et al.
thinking observation sheets. The maximum (2011), the use of chemical representations in
validation score obtained for each instrument is macroscopic, sub microscopic and symbolic
different, depending on the number of validity levels is the key explanation of chemical
assessment criteria. Based on the results listed phenomena, Wijayanti et al. (2015) have made
in Table 2 it can be concluded that all research very good categories of chemical equilibrium-
instruments have valid criteria. So that all based material representation books, Muna et.
instructional materials can be used to measure al. (2016) stated that learning with inquiry can
(Sugiono, 2015), and are appropriate to use. improve students' meta cognition skills. while
Pratiwi et al. (2018) states that the ability of
Discussion of Teaching Materials to Improve science processes will increase with the use of
Concept Understanding chemical representation based worksheets.
This study produces inquiry based While Wardani (2016) states inquiry learning
chemistry-based teaching materials that can improves understanding of students' concepts
improve concept understanding seen in critical and oral activities.
thinking skills as indicated by students'
cognitive learning outcomes in Table 3. The Critical Thinking Skills and Chemical
results of this study are in accordance with Representation Based Inquiry Learning
Septiani et al. (2014), Yotiani et al. (2016), models
Hairida (2016), Wardani et al. (2017), Riyani et The results of this study indicate the
al. (2017), Lestari et al. (2018) which states mastery of students' concepts which increases
learning using the inquiry approach will with the use of inquiry teaching materials and
improve the understanding of students' chemical representations. Mastery of concepts
chemical concepts. In accordance with the increases followed by critical thinking skills that
research of Wahyudin et al. (2010), Ngertini et increase also by using seven indicators of
al. (2014), and Wibowo et al. (2015) who critical thinking skills obtained from derivatives
suggested the inquiry model is teaching that of critical thinking indicators Ennis (1996). In
requires students to process messages so that line with the research of Budiarti et al. (2016),
they acquire knowledge, skills, and values. Maulida & Haryani (2016), Muna et al. (2016),
According to research Yulianingsih et al. Widowati et al. (2017), Khasanah et al. (2017).
(2013); Trisanti et al. (2013); Choerunnisa et al. Adnan et al (2017) stated that inquiry learning
(2017); Wardani & Sumarti (2017); Ika et al. is able to improve students' critical thinking

Lia Lindawati, Sri Wardani, Sri Susilogati Sumarti/ Journal of Innovative Science Education JISE 8 (3) 2019 : 332 - 343

skills. While Weaver (2016) reported that This is indicated by the learning outcomes of
critical thinking skills, problem solving and students who use learning devices to achieve
analysis of middle school students increased by minimal classical completeness criteria where
using inquiry-based learning in the provision of the results of mastery of concepts are 86.11%
pharmaceutical organic chemical based and the average value of N-Gain is 0.72 with a
projects. Hairida (2016) reported the results of high category.
his research that inquiry-based learning Inquiry-based chemical equilibrium
modules with authentic assessments on additive material modules with a chemical
material proved to be effective in improving representation approach can improve students'
inquiry abilities and students' critical thinking critical thinking skills. This is indicated by the
abilities. Liliawati et al. (2014) which states average score of observations of students'
inquiry learning in accordance with the critical thinking skills including seven indicators
characteristics of high school students, because amounting to 84.95. Positive student responses
it maximizes its ability to act as a party that to inquiry-based chemical equilibrium material
controls learning according to the provisions at modules with a chemical representation
the level of inquiry learning. approach that is equal to 96%.
Based on the research there are seven
indicators observed including focusing ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
questions, analyzing arguments, asking
questions and answering questions, observing Our gratitude is delivered to:
and considering observations, identifying Al Irsyad Al Islamiyyah Foundation as
assumptions, determining an action, and the research funding facilitator
defining and evaluating the results of SMA-IT Al Irsyad Al Islamiyyah
definitions. Kartimi (2013) reports that there are Purwokerto as the research site facilitator
four indicators of critical thinking skills that are
used to measure the understanding of the
concept of chemical equilibrium.

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