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RUM CL See hae) tt ae! 2 Why do people use websites like Link Up? Have you ever used a website like this? Why/Why not? 3d three emails sent through a networking website called ic Up. How do the people know Maria? Great to hear from you! How's it going? | haven't seen you since we left university. That's ages ago! Lots has happened since then. Three years ‘ago | got married to Philippe, and the year after that we moved to France, Have you ever been there? You should visit. | miss you! Write soon, Dear Maria, Do you remember me? We worked at the music shop tagether a few years ago. Anyway, I've got anew job now, at the tourist centre in town. The music shop was more exciting, but this job pays tthe bills! What are you up to now? It'd be great to meet up sometime. All the best, Hi there! Sotty | haven't written soanar. I've bean really busy ~ but in a good way. In January, Mum started her own catering business and she asked me to be her chef. I've naver done so much work incall my tifa! Your favourite cousin, Rosa x PS Do you like my new profile pic? PREPARE FOR TASK 3. Read the emails again. Find three ways of 1 2 beginning an email ending an email 4 &@ workin pairs. which expressions would you use in an email to a friend? 1 2 3 Yours sincerely, Hiya Give me a call sometime! {Took forward to hearing from you. Take care, See you soon. ‘am writing to Dear Sir / Madam, Best wishes, What's up? 5 Read the emails again and answer the questions. 1 2 Can you find any more useful informal expressions? Do we use full forms () have been) of short forms (I've been) in informal writing? TASK G Think of a friend that you haven't seen for along time. Make notes about A 2 3 who your friend is. when you last met your friend, what you have done since you last met/ spoke to your friend. Think of at least four things. what you would like to know about your friend now. 7 Imagine you have seen your friend's profile cm the Link Up website. Write an email to him her. Use informal expressions. REPORT BACK Swap your email with another student. Imagine you wrote to each other. Write a short reply (50-100 words). en

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