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Dependent and Independent Variables : Article name Dependent variable Independent

1 The effect of caffeine on human Caffeine coffee Ethanol
performance alone and in combination concentration of
with ethanol. 92 + 4 mg /100
ml occurred at
min which was
not modified by
caffeine .
2 The effect of caffeine on energy caffeine Increased
balance. lipolysis , heat
production in
skeletal muscle
and putative
satiety signals in
the liver .
3 Effect of caffeine on circadian Caffeine In morning
excretion of urinary calcium and caffeine induced
magnesium. increases in
urinary Ca and
mg excretion .
4 Effect of caffeine supplementation Caffeine Increase more
based on differences between sexes. supplementation power and
energy .
5 Effect of caffeine on the possible caffeine Reducing level
amelioration on of diabetic neuropathy. of sorbitol in
diabetics .
6 The effects of caffeine ingestion on the Caffeine increase in
reaction time and short-term maximal adrenaline and
performance after 36 h of sleep dopamine that
deprivation could improve
the subjects'
7 ACUTE EFFECTS OF CAFFEINE ON Caffeine the ingestion of 0
STRENGTH AND MUSCLE (placebo), 5, or
FLEXORS body mass of
caffeine did not
peaktorque or
8 THE EFFECTS OF CAFFEINE ON Caffeine a placebo in the
VERTICAL JUMP HEIGHT AND form of a pill 60
ATHLETES testing.
9 Effects of caffeine intake on muscle Caffeine significantly
strength and power: a systematic improves upper
review and meta-analysis (SMD = 0.21;
95% CI: 0.02,
0.39; p = 0.026)
but not lower
body strength
(SMD = 0.15;
95% CI: -0.05,
0.34; p = 0.147).
10 Caffeine: a boon or bane Caffeine utilization in
different food
products, along
with its impact
on human health
in terms of
benefits and
adverse effect

11 Effects of caffeine on Caffeine intake perday We can take 400mg

human health per day over can cause
bad effects

12 Effect of caffeine on Caffeine According to research

energy balance half life of caffeine is
6 hours. its mean I
will remain in the
body after 6 hours of

13 Caffeine repeat dosing caffeine Repeat dosing can

of caffeine effect effect mental health
and weight loss and
other bad effects
14 Impact of caffeine and Caffeine cofee between 5 and 30
cofee minutes after having
it. These effects can
include increased
breathing and heart
rate, and increased
mental alertness and
physical energy.
Depending on the
individual, these
effects can last up to
12 hours.
15 Caffeine cognitive and caffeine Caffeine, besides
physical performance influencing cognitive
increases the
perception of alertness
and wakefulness [105,
106] and sometimes
induces anxiety,
especially at high
doses [107-109].
antagonism of A1 and
A2 receptors can
cause seizures and
16 Effects of caffeine caffeine Voluntary activation,
ingestion on potentiated twitch, M-
physiological indexes wave, electromyogram
of human root mean square
neuromuscular fatigue peak, power, maximal
voluntary contraction,
heart rate, oxygen
17 Risk or benefit? Side caffeine Side effect
effects of caffeine Prevalence, side effect
supplementation in magnitude
sport: a systematic
18 CYP1A2 genotype caffeine Aerobic endurance,
and acute ergogenic high intensity
effects of caffeine exercises
intake on exercise
performance: a
systematic review

19 Effects of Caffeine caffeine Placebo, aerobic

Supplementation on endurance, counter
Physical Performance movement jump test,
of Soccer Players: counter movement
Systematic Review repeated sprint test,
and Meta-Analysis Skill performance and
agility, Adverse
events, Rating of
perceived exertion,
20 The effects of caffeine caffeine Isokinetic mascular
ingestion on isokinetic strength, isometric
muscular strength: A muscle action,
meta-analysis isokinectic muscle
21 caffeine Stroke
Effect of Caffeine Sleep disoreder
Consumption on the Dimentia
Risk for Neurological Neuromascular
and Psychiatric disease
Disorders: Sex PD
Differences in Depression
Human Anxiety

22 caffeine The absorption and

The effects of metabolism of
polyphenols and polyphenols
other bioactives on The health benefits of
human health polyphenols
Effects of polyphenols
on cognition
23 caffeine Data Collection
Caffeine in the Diet: Strategy for Dietary
Country-Level Caffeine Guidelines
Consumption and Data Resource for
Guidelines Dietary Caffeine

24 Review Article on Caffeine

Caffeine Activity

25 The Ambiguous Role caffeine Caffeine’s Influence

of Caffeine in on Health
Migraine Headache: . Caffeine and
From Trigger to Cerebral Blood Flow
. Caffeine′s Effects on
Pain and Non-
Migraine Headache
. Caffeine as Migraine
Treatment: Potential
Mechanism of Action
Caffeine as a Migraine
Trigger: Potential
Mechanism of Action

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