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de l'Afrique dans l'antiquite grecque et romaine (1883);

Lord Halifax a desire to have the great duke's fame extended

Amanita muscaria, the fly fungus, formerly known as Agaricus

northerly lake, Tanganyika, had been visited (1858) by Richard

has been conjectured that the ancient Etruscan ornaments

Palace in the last- named city being one of his most celebrated

The exterior of the body is generally ground by an emery

Glace at Chamonix and the Gomer at Zermatt. In the Eastern

throne. Amphiaraus, foreseeing the disastrous issue of the

the performance of which duties involves far more knowledge

cardinals. This synod marks the summit of Alexander's

between the tips of the extended, wings, averaging probably

out, was probably introduced by Hesiod, not as part of his

district of Kennemerland between den Helder and Haarlem,

empire owned his authority, and he devoted himself with great

See Glentleman's Magazine, 1840; N. L. Beamish, Hist.

and the commissions of goldsmiths and jewellers. In 1640 he

its better periods. This examination of art material by the

him. He was still childless, after twenty years of wedded

biographies, memoirs and general works, see the lists

largely to Europe by Bombay. Flocks of sheep are the main

pillage. The shah himself added to his wives a princess of

line, 98 m. from Delhi; pop. (1901) 56,771, showing a steady

this reaction is reversible, we must observe the conditions

only an occasional chloroplast contains pyrenoid at all,

creditor attaches the heritable, i.e. the real, estate of his

and especially the first quarter of the 19th century, and

der Austrocknung Afrikas,'' Geogr. Zeitschrift, 1895; J.

carriages, equipped with medical stores and appliances,

by the Caledonian (via Perth, Forfar and Stonehaven), and the

which separate the frogs and salamanders (which he terms

1908 ``Repub-

the uncompromising opposition of Great Britain; and the main

became regius professor at the university. Gregory XIII. in

Writings, edited by his daughter-in-law, Lady Alison, was

The work was discovered by Poggio, who copied the original

the name implies) at the confluence of the Dar and Cynon, the

is usually a staff of analysts, whose duty it is primarily

(Cree, rapid-flowing river), which finds its way to Lake

cloak, with bare breast; his usual attribute is a club-like

(1903). Schroter, Das Pflanzenleben der Alpen (Zurich,

elect reeves and bailiffs for the common council and other

Amstel, owing to the part taken by Giesebrecht IV. in

Aesthetics and ethics.

Wohler first made calcium carbide, and found that water

revolts, till 1770, when it was ceded to the Mahrattas, from

possess is inferred from a close similarity between certain

statute in many of the states. These statutes generally require

presence of alkali, the primary amines yield compounds of the

did in 1901 issue their milk regulations, adopting officially

with the methods of Sir Isaac Newton and W. G. Horner.

(son) of Ruhubi, with 1000 men joined Ahab and the Syrian

although in his later years, towards the end of the Trojan

the junks, ten or twelve in number, which arrived in June.

one congregation by Eugenius IV., their headquarters being at

which the temperature was defined by measurement of the length

in Afghanistan, but the Seistan people eat the green stalks of

which was Napoleon's chief motive for the alliance. An acid

Anglorum, ed. N. E. S. A. Hamilton, Rolls Series, 1870, p.

power in the time of Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607--1636), under

the cerros gradually disappear, and for a distance of about

disturbances which had occurred in the sphere of the Babylonian

acetate solution it forms the sodium derivative of benzoyl

Professor Rhys, who at one time considered runes and ogam

its strategic position. On the railway between Constantine

annually performed in the Sistine Chapel at Rome. It is

A. Litteraire de la France, xix.; Veldeke's Encide, ed.

after 1778 the southern attempts, stimulated in part by the

of useful navigation, seems to be the natural terminus of the

of Viseu in northern Portugal, then held by the Mahommedans.

organizations. The Hampshire Down Sheep Breeders' Association

of productive energy from agricultural pursuits, it tended

the Mahommedans he turned into a prophet, hot against

in 1383: as Vasco de Lobeira was knighted in 1385, it would

Europe, having been chosen on the 27th of September 1779 as

(b) Two thin lenses in contact: let f1 and f2 be

which he laid before the king in March 1718, eleven months

which hangs around the latter has well-nigh obscured the

occur in the upper Jurassic, while the Gosau beds, belonging

Abd-ar-rahman found that his life was threatened, and he

cell-walls at the surface of contact. These aggregations or

mouth of the Moshi river, the other at one of the mouths of the
maintained. Even Luther's influence was not sufficient to

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