Feuerbach and Karl Marx

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 the projection theories of religion Feuerbach and Karl Marx's projection theories of


 John Calvin

human beings have a natural desire to believe in God and the reason we believe in God
naturally is that we have a faculty in our mind called the (hyperactive agency detection
device or HADD) that makes us attribute things to persons or agencies.

 And for the autism people this is the main problem when people have autism that's
because their hyperactive agency detection device isn't working normally not able to
socialize properly and there's a high similarity between autism and atheism people
because who have this agency detecting might look at the world around them and
understand everything has a cause and the cause of everything happening around us is
God because God made them happen.

 theism belief in the existence of God 

in traditional Christian theology John Calvin

we naturally believe in God because God created humans with the knowledge of the
divine to helps them think and believe naturally that God exists. 

 the fact that human beings believe in God is evidence for the existence of God

 John Calvin arguments 

 1.humans naturally believe that God exists

 2.if God exists it is likely that humans would naturally believe that God exists.
 3.if God doesn't exist it is unlikely that humans would naturally believe that God
 4.terfore the probability of God existing is higher than that God does not exist.

 the argument shows that if all the premises of this argument are true then the
conclusion follows.

 Karl Marx 1804-1872

 he's a German philosopher he's an atheistic philosopher: does not believe in GOD
 best known for his work the essence of Christianity
 His project explained why humans believe in God if God doesn't exist why do we
 according to him, the concept of God is a human construct we created the concept of
God by thinking about perfected versions of distinctively human qualities. God did
not create human beings in his image it is humans who created God in their image
from their own longing to be a perfect human who is all kind and knows everything.
he believes we as humans want to be perfect but somehow we fail so we create God
to pacify ourselves.

 Feuerbach says we create God to satisfy our need but he believes that we shouldn't
do that because it’s a waste of energy and in the end, we try to express that illusory
God and we might disagree with one another and end up at war and fighting each
other in the name of our illusionary God so we should forget this illusion of God and
instead of that focus on living well together as human beings.

 Karl Marx is best known for communism but he's also a famous atheistic philosopher 

 He believes that human society is divided into two parts. 

the ruling class those who hold most of the economic resources the rich people and
the working class the people who have nothing and should work hard to earn money.
the ruling class pays the working class to provide goods and services that but this
system just benefits the ruling class because they own the material so it makes them
richer and makes the working class poorer

 according to Marx, society is unstable because poor people are more than rich people so
the rich knows if the poor start to protest that would be bad and they will overthrow them
so because they don't want that happen and want to stay in power they use religion to
pacify and calm the poor or working-class so that they don't protest. they teach the
working class religious teachings like if you work hard and suffer in this life you will be
rewarded by God in the afterlife so they would believe that if they suffer in this life they
are going to be rewarded in the afterlife by God and won't protest.

 Oscar Wilde claims that the worst slave-owners were those who were kind to their slaves
because that prevented us from seeing the evil face of slavery and makes the people who
defended slavery would point to those kind slave owners and say look how kind this
slave owner and treats his slave so we can have a good society with slaves in it we don't
have to end slavery we can just treat our slaves well.
 according to Marx religion is used to protect the position of power that the rich owned it's
used by them to keep the weak from seeing the injustice in society. 

 comparisons Feuerbach and Marx theory of religion

 both of them claim that religion is bad for society and God is a human construct.

 the difference between them is that Feuerbach believes religion is a source of

human problems and it will lead to war.

 Marxist religion is not the source of the problem it's a symptom of the economic
problem of difference in society the rich trying to protect their position of power.

 religiously motivated

 martin Luther king's juniors fight against racism that was religiously motivated and
defend the weak

 William Wilberforce's attempt to abolish slavery that

 Dietrich Bonhoeffer's attempts to overthrow Hitler

 Kelly James Clark is a philosopher a religious philosopher who work towards

promoting religious peace this is his book Abraham's children it can it is a collection
of essay from the Abrahamic religions so from Judaism Christianity and Muslims.

 collection of essays from Jews, Muslim and Christian scholars each arguing from
their own religious tradition for religious peace for tolerance in the age of religious
conflict where religion is used to promote peace and justice rather than as an
instrument of oppression.

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