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An excellent
chance to combine
your English /IT/
Science skills
on a real life platform.
Would you like to be part
of the editorial team?

Final selection by teachers.

Project to go on through the year.

Certificates and tokens of appreciation for
studets who have successfully participated
in the project through the year.
• To create a Science based student magazine (by students and for the students) and to offer a plat-
form for student-centered and personalized learning.
• To develop scientific curiosity and wonder and real life interactions relating to Science.
• To encourage cross-curricular links with other subjects.

Step 1: Select editors/sub-editors / news reporters (KS 2) designing / and other roles for conceptualizing
and designing the magazine. Include 3 or 4 members from each year level.
Step 2: Send details of this project to the parents of selected parents informing and requesting for pa-
rental guidance and help when required.
Step 3: Allow the team to meet up once a month and create a Google group where they can interact
online (with adult supervision)
Step 4: Include various pages/sections for the magazine – like
1. Latest news of what’s happening around the world in Science (obtained from News, Science online
articles etc…..)
2. Interviews with real-life Science based career people – e.g. doctors, software persons, engineers,
and other STEM related careers.(This could be driven by teachers and parents)
3. Healthy Science Page – focus on health issues, science behind it, healthy student recipes, easy
exercises, habits etc….
4. What’s happening in Science classes? Coverage and interviews with students and teachers.
5. Science – Fun time (Featuring coloring pages of Scientists, Science quizzes, puzzles etc…)
• These pages could highlight news from the student’s perspective .
• Each of these pages could be co-authored/ guided by individual Science teachers.
Step 5: A foreword by editor and sub-editors (all need to be students)
Step 6: This magazine could be published online or in hard copy twice every year or once every term.
So the same set of students in the editorial team get a chance to improve their skills.
Step 7: Give certificates and tokens of appreciation for students who have successfully participated in
the editorial teams for the whole year.
Step 8: Look for new applicants next year, so none of the roles are monopolized by a select group of
students and many get chances to take part.

For inspiration and ideas, also look at :

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