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Question:-7 Go to the Federal Trade omission Web Site( or CBI, and find investigate types of scams on theinternet.

Prepare 3 pages report.The most common types of Internet scams:-Introduction:As time continues on, an alarming increase of Internet scams are appearing in people's e-mail boxes. You probably have stumbled across a too good to be trueoffer. There are many different types of scams in existence today. Every scam willstate you will earn incredible amounts of money, which may be tempting, but if you respond, you could put your life into immediate danger.Spotting an Internet scam is one thing, but falling into the scam is another. Onceresearch is conducted and you are able to understand the mechanisms of thesescams, and how scammers operate their scams, you will be able to keep you andyour family safe. 1.) Identity Theft The most common scam is Identity Theft. This is when a scammer successfullyobtains your personal information, without your permission. This includes your home address, credit card information, and banking information. Once thisinformation is obtained, the scammer is able to take out loans under your name.They may not pay these loans back and you will be left to take the consequences of these actions. 2.) Lottery Scams: Lottery Scams are another fast-growing scam. Have you ever received an emailcongratulating you for winning a lottery you have not even entered into? Realitycheck! Most of us have 'won the lottery!'. The majority of these lottery scamscome fromSouth Africa. They may appear legitimate, that is until they ask you tosend money to receive your 'winnings'. No lottery board will send you an email tonotify you that you have won the lottery. You have to be aware, and inform them if you've won. Most of the scammers will ask you to send a couple thousand dollarsthrough Western Union money transfer services to pay for 'legal fees' or 'transfer costs', then once you receive your 'winnings', you are obligated to send a percentage of your 'winnings' back. Some lottery scams have 'lawyers' involved, but no professional organization or corporation would ever ask you tosend money through Western Union. They use this method because there isabsolutely no way of tracing your money to get it back. They will also tell you tokeep your 'winnings' confidential and private. By this, they mean don't tell the police because they don't want to be hunted down and prosecuted. Remember, if you didn't buy a lottery ticket, you cannot win the lottery! 3.) Work at Home Schemes: Work at home, online and become wealthy? Sounds pleasant to avoid traffic in themorning and the ability to sleep in all day, and work by night, but let's get back tothe real world of living. You should never have to pay money to work or to receivemoney. They should pay you, not the other way around! In the end, you maydiscover you're not making any money at all, but they sure are jacking up your credit card bill. 4.) Inheritance Scams: Another scam is the inheritance scam. You will receive an email saying you arewanted to be the next of kin for a substantial amount of money, such as 10 millionUS dollars. There is no such money that exists and ask yourself, why would astranger want to give you so much money? The scammer is attempting identitytheft. They will ask you for photo identification and banking details to do a 'wiretransfer'. They will usually ask for a sum of money. Why would you have to payanything when they are the one holding '10 million dollars'? There will not be atransfer, so try not to get your hopes up of becoming rich.

5.) Foreign Employment Scam: Another scam is the foreign employment scam. A so-called employer from a'company' will contact you via email and ask if you would like to become business partners. These scammers usually will ask for personal information andidentification. Supposedly it's to expensive to transfer goods or money within their own country, but this is not the case. 6.) Phishing: Phishing is increasing by the day. This is when your sensitive information is provided to the scammer. Such information includes credit card details and your passwords to sites such as your online banking site. Scammers will produce a verysimilar website, much like a cloned site, to acquire your personal information. Youwill most likely receive these attempts via e-mail. All information given to thescammers through phishing websites are marked down and recorded by thescammer. It is best to contact your local bank and confirm their exact website address, to avoid running into fraud and other complications. 7.) Pyramid Schemes: Pyramid schemes are business models that are unsustainable, and they arethroughout the Internet. They involve large sums of money that people invest, inhopes of gaining more money. The people investing their own money areresponsible for enrolling additional people into the pyramid of 'income'. There areno products being offered, just money. When the scammer is satisfied that enoughmoney is involved in the enrollment of investments, the scammer will disappear with every penny, leaving all the people in the pyramid scheme with nothing. Page no. 21 Thank you

What indicators suggest e-commerce is here to stay? Explain. Introduction As per the question we have to be explore more recent evidence by industry, typeof product, etc. so before starting the answer let we first clear what is e-commerceE-commerce (electronic commerce or EC) is the buying and selling of goods andservices on the Internet, especially the World Wide Web. In practice, this term anda newer term, e-business, are often used interchangeably.And Indicators are quantifiable web site measurements thatreflect whether you are successfully meeting or falling short of your websites business goals, Now Companies are increasingly placing their corporate web siteon the Internet and considering themselves to be immersed in ElectronicCommerce (E-Commerce). However, is this necessarily correct, and if so, are they performing this as an overall business strategy or are they merely rushing into thearena in order not be left behind by their competitors? Does the presence of acorporate web site guarantee a presence in the E-Commerce industry? Moreimportantly how can a company engage in E-Commerce effectively as an overall business strategy? What business values and activities make it appropriate toengage in ECommerce and what marketing strategies will work?

Electronic commerce is the application of communication and information sharingtools among trading partners to the pursuit of business objectives. Three distincttypes of electronic commerce exist: Information access: provides search and retrieve capability for publicdomain and proprietary data archives. In addition to access, a fullyfunctioning service of this type would provide services related to thecreation, update, and maintenance of information.

shopping services: allows and individual to seek and purchase goods or services through
electronic networks. This type of EC is probably the most popular type of EC and the one most people associate it with. V i r t u a l e n t e r p r i s e s : a r e b u s i n e s s a r r a n g e m e n t s b y w h i c h c o m p a n i e s separated by geography and core knowledge are able to engage in businessactivities. EC technology allows the means by which business arrangementsc a n flourish. Mature examples in this category are EDI arrangements between O E M s a n d t h e i r s u p p l i e r s , o r b e t w e e n l a r g e r e t a i l e r s a n d t h e i r suppliers. T h e f o l l o w i n g a r e i n d i c a t o r s t h a t s u g g e s t e - c o m m e r c e i s h e r e t o stay: In 2000, 87 million people in the U.S and 115 million worldwide used theInternet compared to 3 million users in 1994. In 1999, insurance policies with a total face value of $50 million were soldvia the Internet. In 2001, Internet insurance sales climbed to $1.1 billion. International Data Corporation estimates worldwide e-commerce activitywill reach the $426 billion mark by 2002.

E-Commerce: Here to stay (Explaination)

People enjoy the convenience of shopping anytime anywhere and more andmore people are discovering it. Every day, the number of people buying online is increasing, and this is justthe beginning. It is believed that soon everyone will be doing the same,however even today hundreds of millions of people use internet for theredaily grocery shopping, on personal occasions and also do their Christmasshopping online. It is easy to understand why this is so. With the continuous growth of e-commerce more and more people willenjoy the comfort of anytime anywhere shopping. While e-commerce willgrow and overcome concerns that some people still have but, this form of trade is here to stay, because the majority of the people of the world work and try to make their life easier and anything thatmakes life easier today, it is a winner. E-commerce shops simplify life and with the right e-commerce software youcan create a web store with a very low investment Question:-2 It has been said, In almost all cases, EC does notchange some fundamental rules of banking. Contact a localcommercial bank and explore the likelihood that this statement istrue. The page report of finding.Introduction:The central practice of banking consists of borrowing andlending. As in other businesses, operations must be based on capital, but banksemploy comparatively little of their own capital in relation to the total volume of their transactions. Instead banks use the funds obtained through deposits and, as a precaution, maintain capital and reserve accounts to protect against losses on their loans and investments and to provide for unanticipated cash withdrawals. Genuine banks are distinguished from other kinds of financial intermediaries by the readilytransferable or spendable nature of at least some of their liabilities (also knownas IOUs), which allows those liabilities to serve as means of exchangethat is, asmoney. before starting the answer let we first understand what is fundamental rulesof banking. There are certain important Fundamental rules of banking:-Operations and management The essential business of banking involves granting bank deposit credits or issuingIOUs in exchange for deposits (which are claims to base money, such as coins or fiat paper money); banks then use the base moneyor that part of it not needed ascash reservesto purchase other IOUs with the goal of earning a profit on thatinvestment. The business may be most readily understood by considering theelements of a simplified bank balance sheet, where a banks available resources its assetsare reckoned alongside its obligations, or liabilities.

Asset management
A bank may mobilize its assets in several ways. It may demand repayment of loans, immediately or at short notice; it may sell securities; or it may borrow fromthe central bank,

using paper representing investments or loans as security. Banksdo not precipitately call in loans or sell marketable assets, because this woulddisrupt the delicate debtor-creditor relationship and lessen confidence, which probably would result in a run on the banks. Banks therefore maintain cashreserves and other liquid assets at a certain level or have access to a lender of lastresort, such as a central bank. In a number of countries, commercial banks have attimes been required to maintain a minimum liquid assets ratio. Among the assetsof commercial banks, investments are less liquid than money-market assets. Bymaintaining an appropriate spread of maturities (through a combination of long-term and short-term investments), however, it is possible to ensure that a proportion of a banks investments will regularly approach redemption. This produces a steady flow of liquidity and thereby constitutes a secondary liquidassets reserve.

Liability and risk management

The traditional asset management approach to banking is based on the assumptionthat a banks liabilities are both relatively stable and unmarketable. Historically,each bank relied on a market for its deposit IOUs that was influenced by the banks location, meaning that any changes in the extent of the market (and hencein the total amount of resources available to fund the banks loans andinvestments) were beyond a banks immediate control. In the 1960s and 70s,however, this assumption was abandoned. The change occurred first in the UnitedStates, where rising interest rates, together with regulations limiting the interestrates banks could pay, made it increasingly difficult for banks to attract andmaintain deposits. Consequently, bankers devised a variety of alternative devicesfor acquiring funds, including repurchase agreements, which involve the selling of securities on the condition that buyers agree to repurchase them at a stated date inthe future, and negotiable certificates of deposit (CDs), which can be traded in asecondary market. Having discovered new ways to acquire funds, banks no longer waited for funds to arrive through the normal course of business. The newapproaches enabled banks to manage the liability as well as the asset side of their balance sheets. Such active purchasing and selling of funds by banks, known asliability management, allows bankers to exploit profitable lending opportunitieswithout being limited by a lack of funds for loans. Now days all these risk manages by the help of E-Commerce.

Role of bank capital

Because even the best risk management techniques cannot guarantee againstlosses, banks cannot rely on deposits alone to fund their investments. Funding alsocomes from share owners equity, which means that bank managers must concernthemselves with the value of the banks equity capital as well as the compositionof the banks assets and liabilities. A banks shareholders, however, are residualclaimants, meaning that they may share in the banks profits but are also the first to bear any losses stemming from bad loans or failed investments. When the value of a banks assets declines, shareholders bear the loss, at least up to the point at whichtheir shares become worthless, while depositors stand to suffer only if lossesmount high enough to exhaust the banks equity, rendering the bank insolvent. Inthat case, the bank may be closed and its assets liquidated, with depositors (and,after them, if anything remains, other creditors) receiving prorated shares of the proceeds. Where bank deposits are not insured or otherwise guaranteed bygovernment authorities, bank equity capital serves as depositors principal sourceof security against bank losses. Deposit guarantees, whether explicit (as withdeposit insurance) or implicit (as when government authorities are expected to bailout failing banks), can have the unintended consequence of reducing a banksequity capital, for which such guarantees are a substitute.

Background:-Banks and Financial Institutions:

Banks are now using new technology through online service whereby people canopen online Account Bank. The effects of e-commerce can also be observed in thelaws related to the Banking or financial transactions. The new methods of payments for goods and services under e-commerce which can be seen as a logicaldevelopment of conventional cheques related to Bills of exchange can affect theBills of Exchange Law. The combined definition of a bill of exchange and aCheque has to be affected. All these elements are now contained in electronicanalogy of the cheque through the use of sophisticated Cryptography andcyberspace allowing the creation of digital signatures. e-commerce money transfer such as the use of VISA, Master Card, Credit, and Cards which is now universallyaccepted as payment mechanism is becoming alternatives to conventional bank transfer apart from overtaking personal cheques 38 hence affecting commerciallaws. People can use on-line payment through internet using these cards. EC does not changes some fundamental rules of banking There is a common theme that runs through almost all e-commerce innovations: itdoes not change some fundamental rules of banking. As the Internet continues tospeed the pace of change in the coming years, many aspects of banking will bealtered and transformed, but the guiding principles of banking will always remain.Being successful at e-commerce requires rapid adaptation and excellent timing,i.e., quick and comprehensive re-aligning of an banking key elements; not justtechnology but also processes, strategies and people; and delivering it to thecustomers when they are ready for it. Successful ecommerce players streamlinethe customers entire experience: from researching options, to customization, toDepositing, from checking Account details, to Transaction fulfillment and payment option, through by debit or credit card, billing and after-sale customer service, as well as accepts feedback of the customers and new services avail totheir customers. As a superhighway, the Internet is well-paved and ready to carrylots of traffic. Along its path, however, are a great number of partially built banking centers still under construction Although the bandwidth is not that muchof a problem on the Internet, Access to the Internet in most parts of the world aswell as the limited number of welldeveloped commercial destinations on theInternet do present problems. E-commerce is poised for radical change. Theemerging enterprise e-commerce model may bring some changes that willtransform the current model in as sudden and cataclysmic a manner as ecommerces rise.

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