Unit 10

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Activity 1
Write/type in the paper and answer the questions. Submit!!!
1. What is ‘life logging’?
Jawab :
Recording your whole life digitally
2. What concerns does the writer have about making a ‘life log’?
Jawab :
Thing just slip my mind all the time
– I forget everything: friends’ birthdays, titles of book I want to read, names of
business contacts.

Activity 2
a. What does Marco says about:
1. his own memory?
Jawab :
My memories of events just become a big blur to me and the details are all lost.
2. Photos and videos of childhood?
Jawab :
I often think it’s too late… I should’ve made video recordings of my school days and
of holidays with my family when I was young.
3. The researcher?
Jawab :
The digital memory can do more than just store information you put in it,
thought. It can also record information that humans can’t even see or hear, such as
how much oxygen is in your blood, or the levels of carbon dioxide in the air around
4. Benefits for doctors?
Jawab :
It’s interesting and they say it can give doctors an ongoing health record of a
person and provide early warnings of many kinds of illnesses, including thing like
possible heart attacks.
5. How much you can record?
Jawab :
Today, a $600 hard drive can hold one terabyte – that’s one trillion bytes of data.
6. His blog?
Jawab :
I’ve been writing a blog for a while and uploading photos onto it. But right
now, it doesn’t feel like enough. I wish I could start recording everything . . . if only I
had a proper digital record!.

b. What do you think about ‘life logging’ in terms of:

1. Health benefits?
Jawab :
It's interesting and very useful it can give doctors a continuous health record
from a person and provide early warning of various types of diseases, including things
like the possibility of a heart attack.
2. Recording family history?
Jawab :
You can imagine how happy I am when I'm with family. save every moment
with family and make it for memories someday.
3. Your own life?
Jawab :
very good because it can save every moment that I do and make it for
memories someday.

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