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S.Y. 2022 – 2023

Name: __________________________ Date: _____________

Year & Section: ___________________

I. DIRECTION: Choose your best answer and shade the letter on the answer
sheet provided.

1. What is comprised of three parts; the topic sentence, supporting details, and
concluding sentence?
a. Compound paragraph c. Simple paragraph
b. Compound sentence d. Simple sentence
2. In which part of the simple paragraph shows details that can be reasons,
descriptions and examples?
a. Supporting details c. Concluding sentence
b. Topic sentence d. End details
3. Which of the following is the closing sentence that reminds the reader what the topic
is all about?
a. Supporting details c. Topic details
b. Concluding sentence d. Topic sentence
4. What is the part of simple paragraph that tells what the paragraph is all about and
sometimes called the “controlling idea?
a. Topic sentence b. Sentence c. Details d. Supporting

For number 5-7 choose the topic sentence in the given simple paragraphs.

I enjoy outdoor sports like volleyball and basketball. It is usually sunny and hot
outside, so I often bring extra shirts when playing. If I am not playing, I do gardening. I
love to help my parents plant vegetables. But these outdoor activities can only be
done if I am finished with my schoolwork.

5. What is the topic sentence in the paragraph?

a. We should plant vegetables c. It is boring to stay outdoors
b. I like doing things outdoors d. I help my parents
For example, a person can have a breakfast in Manila, board an airplane and have
lunch in Cebu. A businessman can instantly place an order to a factory in Baguio
online while he is in another place. Furthermore, a teacher in one school can turn on
her internet and watch news.

6. What is the topic sentence in the given paragraph?

a. Boarding airplane is cool
b. Teacher is watching news
c. Internet is an important invention
d. Technologies makes life easier for many people
In cooking rice, you need to put rice in a pot, rinse first the rice at least twice. Second
put an equal part of water. Next put the pot on the stove. Finally wait for it to be

7. What is the best title for the given paragraph?

a. Four steps in cooking rice c. Washing the rice twice
b. The cooked rice d. Putting rice in pot
8. What does the word Tot means?
a. Teenager b. Small child c. Old person d. People
9. What is the meaning of the word Milieu?
a. Scholarly book c. Environment
b. Without charge d. Keenly Alert
10. What does the word ladle means?
a. A deep bowled long handled spoon c. A wooden long spoon
b. A deep bowl with a spoon d. A large spoon
11. This was my first trip on the ocean and my first voyage in a steamboat. What does
the underlined word mean?
a. Alert b. Appearance c. Massive building d. traveling
12. The shelter provides food gratis for abandoned pets and homeless animals. What
is the meaning of the underlined word?
a. Environment c. Without charge
b. Scholarly book d. Keenly alert
13. The word brisk means keenly alert, lively; How will you use brisk in a sentence?
a. She walked at a brisk pace c. You will find a brisk book inside
b. The sky is brisk today d. The stone is brisk
14. You will need to report your change of domicile to your school. What is the word in
the sentence that means “dwelling place”?
a. Report b. Change c. Domicile d. School
15. What refers to the words that have the same meaning?
a. Nouns b. Synonyms c. Adverbs d. Antonyms
16. What is the words that have opposite meaning to another?
a. Antonyms b. Noun c. Verbs d. Synonyms
17. What compares two pairs of words that are related in the same way?
a. Synonyms b. Antonyms c. Verbs d. Analogy
18. Rich is to poor as healthy is to _______.
a. Wealthy b. Joyful c. Weak d. Sick
19. Sky is to blue as grass is to _______.
a. Pink b. Black c. Green d. Orange
20. Fat is to thin as weak is to _______. What is the missing word?
a. Frail b. Joyful c. Sorrowful d. Happy
21. In your own thought, if a teacher is in a school then a doctor should be in?
a. Boat b. Hospital c. Bank d. House
Read and understand the passage below and answer the following questions
from 22-26.

Plant Life Cycles

Every living things goes through some changes. Living things grows through
different stages. Then they reach the end of their life cycles and die. There are many
kinds of plants. Each kind has its own life cycle. Many plants their life cycle as a
seed. The seed needs certain things or it will not grow into a plant. Sometimes
seeds wait in the ground until they can get the things they need. They wait for
warmth from the sun. They wait for water. When they have what they need, they
start to grow. A tiny little sprout will push out of the tiny seed. The sprouts stretch up
until they poke through the dirt and into the air.
The plants continue to grow when they get sunshine and water. The stems
grow taller and leaves unfold. More leaves and stems grow on the main stem. The
adult plants grow flowers. The flowers of many plants make fruits. The fruits has
seed inside it so more new plants can grow. New plants look like their parent plant.
Seeds from a parent plant will grow into same kind of plants as the parent. When a
seed begins to grow, it is the beginning of another plant life cycle.

22. What is the process of living, growing, changing, and dying called?
a. Life cycles b. Timeline c. Life changes d. Changes
23. How do many plants begin?
a. They begin as a root c. They begin as a seed
b. They begin as a tree d. They begin as a leaf
24. What two things does a seed needs to have with it in the ground to be able to
a. Soil and air c. Air and sunshine
b. Sun and moon d. Sunshine and water
25. Where can you usually find seeds in a adult plant?
a. Flower b. Fruit c. Leaves d. Stem
26. What kind of plant will the seed grow into?
a. Won’t be the same as the parent plant
b. Same like the other plant
c. Same as the parent plant
d. It will not grow
27. What are the details that we can’t really see?
a. Full details b. Explicit details c. Implicit details d. Details
28. What are the specific details that we can see and are measurable?
a. Explicit details b. Implicit details c. Full details d. Details
29. The class will then have to write a review of the nonfiction video.
a. to see the subject for the first time c. to prevent
b. going over a subject again to study d. write again
30. When riding a bicycle one must be careful.
a. full of care b. fully caring c. funny d. favored
31. People who throw their trash anywhere are heartless.
a. cruel b. kind c. sweet d. bitter
32. What are the group of letters that are added to the beginning or at the end of the
root word to form new meaning?
a. Suffixes b. Prefixes c. Affixes d. Index
33. What is the group of letters that is placed at the beginning of the root word?
a. Affixes b. Suffixes c. Prefixes d. Index
34. The church spire is visible from miles away. What does visible mean?
a. Not able to be seen b. Can be invisible c. Able to be seen d.Can’t see
35. Which of the following words has a suffix?
a. Respectful b. Unkind c. Disrespect d. Inside
36. What is the classification and definition of the way a text is written such as its
a. Text-type b. Factual type c. Context d. Story
37. Which aims to inform, instruct through the use of facts?
a. Context b. Text-type c. Factual type d. Story
38. What are the texts that tells a story and contains fiction?
a. Story b. Context c. Literary text d. Index
39.Arrange the following procedures on how Susan made a peanut butter and jelly
I. After spreading the jelly on, she put the two slices of bread together.
II. First, she spread peanut butter on one slice of bread 
III. Next, she spread jelly on one slice of bread.
IV. Finally, she ate the sandwich.
a. II, III, I, IV b. I, II, III, IV   c. IV, III, II, I   d. III, I,IV, II
40. Which of the following is NOT an example of a literary text?
a. Harry Potter b. Noli me Tangere c. News d. The Lion
41. Arrange the sequence of events as they happened in the story.
I. The crow saw a large container with water in it.
II. The crow searched water everywhere.
III. The crow was able to quench its thirst.
IV .All the lakes and rivers had dried up and there was no sign of rain.
V. The crow picked some pebbles and dropped them into the container.
a. IV, V, I, III, II b. IV, II, I, V, III c. IV, II, V, I, III d. IV,V, II, I
42. Which of the following is NOT an example of a factual texts?
a. Speech b. Recount c. Fables d. News
43. Arrange the procedures on how to make a cup of tea.
I. After, add some sugar and milk 
II. First, boil some water 
III. Next, serve the water in a cup 
IV. Then, put the teabag in the water 
V. Finally, add a biscuit and enjoy it. 
a. II, III, I, V, IV b. I,II, IV, V, III     c. II, III, IV, I, V d. V, IV,III, II,
45. The audience could not hear the message of the speaker because of the noise
outside. Base on your own understanding what type of text structure is the given
a. Description c. Sequence
b. Cause and effect d. Compare and contrast
46. What is the exact and concrete meaning of a word?
a. Connotation b. Specification c. Mention d. Denotation
47. I’m afraid of the dark. I’m a big chicken. What is the connotation of the underlined
a. a fowl b. A bird c. Afraid d. Brave
48. What is an idea or quality that a word makes you think about in addition to its
a. Connotation b. Denotation c. Specification d. Mention
49. I was really feeling blue after she told me that she was leaving. What is the
connotation of the underlined word?
a. Happy b. Color of the sky c. Sad d. Sick
50. Jennie saw a big snake under her bed. What is the denotation of the underlined
a. A reptile b. Dangerous c. Deceptive d. Charm

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