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• definedas the process of designing and maintaining an

environment for efficiently accomplishing selected aims.
• Isthe process of coordinating and overseeing the work
performance of individuals working together in organizations,
so that they could efficiently accomplish their chosen aims or

Controlling Organizing

Leading Staffing
• Involves determining the organization’s goals or performance
objectives, defining strategic actions that must be done to
accomplish them, and developing coordination and integration
• Demands assigning tasks, setting aside funds, and bringing
harmonious relations among the individuals and work groups
or teams in the organization.

•Indicates filling in the different job positions in the

organization’s structure.
• Entails influencing or motivating subordinates to do their best
so that they would be able to help the organization’s endeavor
to attain their set goals.
• Involves evaluating and, if necessary, correcting the
performance of the individuals or work groups or teams to
ensure that they are all working toward the previously set goals
and plans of the organization.
1. 1910S–1940S: MANAGEMENT AS SCIENCE. Management as
science was developed in the early 20th century and focused on
increasing productivity and efficiency through standardization, division
of labor, centralization, and hierarchy.
2. 1950S–1960S: FUNCTIONAL ORGANIZATIONS. Due to growing and
more complex organizations, the 1950s and 1960s saw the emergence
of functional organizations and the human resource (HR) movement.
3. 1970S: STRATEGIC PLANNING. The focus is from measuring function
to resource allocation and tools like strategic planning, growth share
matrix, and SWOT (identification and analysis of the company’s
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) were used to
formalize strategic planning processes.
4. 1980S: COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE. As the business environment
grew increasingly competitive and connected, and with a blooming
management consultancy industry, competitive advantage became a
priority for organizations in the 1980s. Tools like total quality
management (TQM), six sigma, and lean management were used to
measure processes and improve productivity.
5. 1990S: PROCESS OPTIMIZATION. Benchmarking and business
process reengineering became popular in the 1990s, and by the
middle of the decade, 60% of fortune 500 companies claimed to have
plans for or have already initiated such projects. TQM, six sigma, and
lean remained popular and a more holistic, organization-wide
approach and strategy implementation took the stage with tools such
as strategy maps and balance scorecards.
6. 2000S: BIG DATA. Largely driven by the consulting industry under
the banner of big data, organizations in the 2000s started to focus on
using technology for growth and value creation. Big data is a broad
term for data sets so large or complex that traditional data processing
applications are inadequate.

According to this principle, the whole work is divided into

small tasks.
Authority and Responsibility

 refers to the issue of commands followed by responsibility

for their consequences.
 Authority means the right of a superior to give enhanced
order to his subordinates; Responsibility means obligation
for performance

refers to obedience, proper

conduct in relation to others,
respect of authority, etc.
Unity of command

states that each subordinate

should receive orders and be
accountable to one and one
Unity of direction

all those working in the same line

of activity must understand and
pursue the same objectives.
the management must
put aside personal
considerations and put
company objectives

workers must be paid sufficiently

as this is a chief motivation of
employees and therefore greatly
influences productivity.
Degree of Centralization

the amount of power wielded

with the central management
depends on company size.
Scalar chain

refers to the chain of superiors

ranging from top management to the
lowest rank.

social order ensures the fluid

operation of a company through
authoritative procedure.

employees must be treated kindly,

and justice must be enacted to
ensure a just workplace.
Stability of tenure of Personnel

the period of service should not be too short

and employees should not be moved from
positions frequently.

using it can add strength

and new ideas to an
Esprit de Corps

refers to the need of managers to

ensure and develop morale in the
workplace; individually and

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