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September 28, 2022


I. Identifying Information:

Name of the Client : Rosalinda Elizaga De Paz

Age : 77 years old
Birthdate : October 26, 1944
Address : Brgy. Gov.E.Jaro, Babatngon, Leyte
Educ’l Attainment : High School Level
Civil Status: : Widow
Occupation : None
Est’d Monthly Income: None

II. Family Compostion :

Relationship Educational
Name Age Occupation Monthly
to Client Attainment
High School
Veronica De Paz Daughter 56 y.o. None None
Elementary Construction
Eduard Nerza Son-in-law 61 y.o. PHP 3,000.00
Graduate Worker

III. Problem Presented:

The client is seeking for a possible medical assistance that can help
provide her medication as she was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease
Stage 3.

IV. Brief Findings:

The client, Rosalinda E. De Paz, is an elderly at 77 years old. She lives
with her daughter, Veronica and her husband, Eduard. They are livinig in
Brgy. Gov. E. Jaro, Babatngon, Leyte. The client is seeking for possible
medical help for she was diagnosed with CKD Stage 3 and her doctor
prescribed her medicines which costs a big amount. She is also requested to
repeat her laboratory test on Creatinine for further medical treatment.
However, the family is experiencing financial constraints because of limited
income. Her son-in-law is the sole breadwinner of the family. His income
from construction work is irregular and minimal. Despite the perseverance of
the family, this does not suffice to provide her medical needs.

V. Recommendation:

The undersigned social worker is respectfully recommending our

client, Rosalinda E. De Paz to the office of the Municipal Mayor for a possible
medical assistance the good office could extend to help with the client’s
medical needs.

Prepared by:


License No.: 0033537

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