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Your health is at the center of your life. Every part of your life relies on you having good health. You
cannot climb higher in all the other seven areas of your life if you do not have enough physical energy to
devote to each of them. When you have low energy, it is difficult to . Express love and intimacy Support
your family and consciously parent your children. Perform at work if you are too tired to be productive;
Have fun with friends if you are dull and lethargic Learn and grow if your weak body has weakened your
mind Have a sense of charity and contribution if ill health has you looking inwards rather than outwards
on helping others. Without good health, you have nothing! Sanitation is important for all, helping to
maintain health and increase life-spans. However, it is especially important for children. Around the
world, over 800 children under age five die every day from preventable diarrhea-related diseases caused
by lack of access to water. Good personal hygiene is important for both health and social reasons. It
entails keeping your hands, head and body clean so as to stop the spread of germs and illness. Your
personal hygiene benefits your own health and impacts the lives of those around you, too. The social
benefits associated with personal habits must also be considered. Since it involves washing your body
every day and caring for yourself, it reduces the chances of body odor and thus, any chances of
embarrassment at work or at school.


Appropriate education enables indigenous children and adult learners to exercise and enjoy economic,
social and cultural rights. It also strengthens their ability to exercise their civil rights so they can
influence political policy processes for enhanced protection of their human rights. Indigenous Peoples
tend to have less access to and poorer quality of education than other groups. Their education often
does not incorporate curricula and teaching methods that recognize their communities' histories,
cultures, pedagogies, traditional languages and traditional knowledge.


For indigenous peoples, “poverty and prosperity” is intertwined with the status of their ownership,
control and access to lands, territories and resources, along with the practice of their traditional
occupations, sustainable resource management systems and self-governance. Their land is also the
material base of their distinct identity, spirituality and culture, which are essential for their dignity and
wellbeing. Thus, indigenous peoples’ perspective on being “poor” is being landless, and “prosperity”
means having the security to manage and utilize their land and resources to meet their needs. The
provision of basic social services such as appropriate health, education and infrastructures, and
livelihood support are needed when addressing poverty in the changing condition of indigenous

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