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Principles of Green Architecture

ARC 244


Week Lectures Topic Assignment topic
1 Introduction: (Define Project)
‫ العمارة البيئية والتصميم البيئي‬Environmental Architecture and design

2 ‫مداخل التصميم البيئي – مفاهيم واتجاهات معمارية مرشدة الستهالك الطاقة‬ Research (1)
Environmental Design Approach Environmental design
concept and principles+1.ex.
3 From Ecology to Biomimicry Architecture Researsh 2

4 Sustainable Architecture Researsh 3

5 Sustainable Architecture Researsh 4
6 Principle of green Architecture Research 5

7 Principle of green Architecture Researsh 6

8 Midterm Exam
9 Active/passive design Researsh 7
10 Sustainable Architecture Researsh 8
11 Architecture approaches saved energy (final Project)
12 Final Revision
From Ecology to Biomimicry Architecture

:‫العمارة واأليكولوجي‬
Ecology is the science of studying the environment of a place with all its
organisms, as well as all the functional processes, interrelationships,
interactions and mutual influences that occur in this place between
those organisms to each other and between them and the surrounding

It is mainly concerned with how these organisms

adapt or adapt to these conditions and factors

Looking at the building as a living organism that has its own inputs, outputs
and life cycle, we find that the building circuit in nature is incomplete and
the goal of ecological architecture is to complete this circle so that the
building becomes completely integrated and compatible with its
environment, which can be called simulating the environment.

What is adaptation?

From the wisdom of God in His creation that He

has made many living creatures adaptations
(structural and behavioral properties) that help
them to survive in their environment

The secret to God’s call is for us to look at
how camels were inspired

 Camel’s length and color

 The camel has a cleft lip at the top of the mouth with which
he can eat thorns
 The slippers, which is a cushion, because it contains a
spongy tissue with air or water cavities, and this area is
enveloped by strong, thick, flexible skin ... for the camel to
walk on the sand without its feet sinking into it

‫بناء فى الصحراء‬

Termite colonies
Ants build their homes in order to protect themselves by
creating a safe and at the same time ecologically
balanced environment for them. It builds very huge
buildings of a very complex conical shape from the
inside, the temperature of which is 10 or 20 degrees
lower than the outside, and sometimes more.
It is also equipped with all the facilities you can imagine
in a modern building, from garbage stores to
specialized food storage places and cemeteries. It is a
very complex society with leadership.
Also, the purpose of these houses is protection,
because these conical buildings are very solid, and
sometimes they are demolished and used in
construction again. It is made of parts of the earth and
soil, and mixed with parts of ants' saliva, to form a very
solid substance.

‫ونذكر االية الكريمة عندما قالت نملة سليمان‬

)‫)يا أيها النمل ادخلوا مساكنكم ليحطمنكم سليمان وجنوده‬

The reason is that their housing is very solid and can

really protect them from a strong army.
So the adaptation process is a very complex process.

‫وجعلناكم فوق بعض طباقا‬ ‫‪Wet &hot‬‬

‫‪Dry &hot‬‬

See How Termites Inspired a Building That Can Cool Itself ‫عمارة النمل االبيض‬

‫تأثير كائنات مختلفة‬

Ecological design principles :‫مبادئ التصميم األيكولوجي‬

Solutions grow from place :‫الحلول تنمو من المكان‬

‫ التصميم بالطبيعة‬Design with nature

‫ تكوين رؤية للطبيعة‬-Make nature visible

Biomimicry Architecture

Ecology Definition:
Ecology is the branch of biology that studies how organisms interact Ecological architecture suggests
with their environment and other organisms. that roofs can be used for flower
and vegetable gardens, grass,
Every organism experiences complex relationships with other organisms patios, greenhouses and so on.
of its species, and organisms of different species. This principle posits that buildings
should be the means by which the
earth plane is simply elevated;
that buildings should be designed
The basic pillars that should support the as planters.
ecological architecture are:
• Optimization of natural and artificial
• Reduction of energy consumption.
• Promotion of natural energy sources.
• Reduction of waste and emissions.
• Improve quality of life for building
• Reduced maintenance and cost of
Ecological Concepts
• Ecological concepts are general understandings (or facts) about ecosystems and ecosystem
• Ecosystem concepts provide a foundation for developing ecological principles .

Looking at the building as a living organism

that has its own inputs, outputs and life
cycle, we find that the building circuit in
nature is incomplete and the goal of
ecological architecture is to complete this
circle so that the building becomes
completely integrated and compatible with
its environment, which can be called
simulating the environment
Biomimicry is:
• Biomimicry (literally: imitation of the living ) aims to take inspiration
from natural selection solutions adopted by nature and translate the
principles to human engineering.

• The biomimicry approach aims to favor “choices” tested by nature

which had millions of years to understand what works best and what
doesn’t. Designs following biometrics will ultimately allow human
productions to be more efficient, resilient and sustainable.

• princibles biomimicry sees nature as:

• A model. It studies nature’s models and imitates them or uses them

as inspiration for designs or processes with the goal of solving human
• A measure. It uses ecological standards to judge the rightness of
human innovations
• A mentor. It is a new way of observing, assessing and valuing nature

Biomimetic concept is
taking inspiration from
nature, imitating and
replicating the
behavior of biological
• National Aquatics Center, Beijing
• The National Aquatic Center, also known as a water
cube, was another spectacular project created to
host the 2008 Olympics.

• The structure was inspired by cells and the natural

formation of soap bubbles.

• The unique geometry of the bubbles was used

repetitively to build a structure that appeared
organic and random.
• The continuous skin of the structure was created
• with ETFE (Ethyl tetrafluoroethylene) due to its
lightweight and great insulation.

• The cladding allows the entry of more light as

compared to glass and even traps 20% of solar
energy, which is used to heat the pools.
• Eden Project, England
• Eden Project is the world’s largest greenhouse.
• The huge semi-circular modules were inspired by the shape of
soap bubbles.

• The efficient structural system consisting of hexagons and

pentagons were derived after studying pollen grains, radiolaria,
and carbon molecules.

• The biomes were made of ETFE (Ethyl tetrafluoroethylene) and

• The geodesics are self-cleaning and act as a thermal blanket that
traps air between them, resulting in reduced energy
• The Gherkin, London
• Norman Foster’s iconic skyscraper, the 30 St Mary Axe, commonly known as
Gherkin mimics the shape and lattice structure of the Venus Flower Basket

• The lattice exoskeleton and shape of the sponge provides strength and stability.

• The hollow basket formed by the skeleton filters water for nutrients as well.

• The structural elements of the building are connected at different angles on

each floor due to its shape.
• This system allows for an open floor plan, vertical support without interior
columns, resistance to winds, and ventilation throughout all floors.
Assignment (2)

Research about:

From Ecology to Biomimicry Architecture

‫تعريفات ومبادئ وامثلة لمبانى محاكاة لكائنات حية‬

Research format:
3 paper A4



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