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Name: ____________________________ Grade & Section: __________


I. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1) The ages of selected 10 employees in a company are 36, 55,

53, 32, 61, 27, 34, 44, 49, and 57. What is the value of the 3 rd
A. 49 B. 53 C. 55 D. 57

2) What is the measure of position obtained when a set of data is

divided into 100 equal parts?
A. Decile B. Quartile C. Quantile D. Percentile

3) What is the value of the 20th percentile of the following test

scores pf 10 students in Geometry? 30, 24, 20, 28, 15, 23, 13,
20, 18, 28.
A. 15 B. 24 C. 23 D. 28

II. For numbers 4 to 7, use the data below.

The data shown in frequency are distribution scores of 10 students
in a mathematics class consists of 120 items.
85, 96, 76, 108, 85, 80, 100, 85, 70, 95
4) Q2 6) P30
5) D8 7) P90
III. Answer the following questions
8) Does measures of position really exist in real life? How?

9) How can we apply measures of position or where can you find it

in the real world?

10) How are the measures of position different from one another?
Name: ____________________________ Grade & Section: __________


I. Fill in the blanks. Write your answer in separate sheet of paper.

1. In the set of scores, 14, 17, 10, 22, 19, 24, 8, 12, and 19, the median
score is ______.
2. The 15th percentile of the weights of the students in a class give the
following data 69, 70, 75, 66, 83, 88, 66, 63, 61, 68, 73, 57, 52, 58,
and 77 is ______________.
3. The bank manager observes the bank deposits in one specific day
are as follows:

1150 5000 6500 1000 8500 9000 1200 1750 1100

4500 1500 1600 7000 9500 1200 3500 1400 2500

The 75th percentile is _________.

II. For items 4 to 7, please refer to the table below.

40-45 6 18 100.00

35-39 5 12 66.67

30-34 3 7 38.89

25-29 4 4 22.22

4. In solving for the 60th percentile, the lower boundary to use is ___.

a. 34 c. 39

b. 34.5 d. 39.5

5. What cumulative frequency should be used in solving for the 35th


a. 4 c. 12

b. 7 d. 18
6. The 45th percentile is _____?

a. 33.4 c. 35.5

b. 32.7 d. 37.5

7. The 4th decile is _____?

a. 34.5 c. 36.5

b. 37.0 d. 37.5

III. For items 8 and 9, complete the table below.

Scores Frequency cf
18-20 13 90
15-17 14 77
12-14 20 63

9-11 16 ____9__

6-8 15 27
3-5 12 12

N = ___8____

IV. Answer the question.

➢ What will happen to the measures of position if you get one

score from the given the given set of data? Show some
Name: ____________________________ Grade & Section: __________


I. Choose the letter of your answer to each item.

1. Rochelle got a score of 55, which is equivalent to a 70th percentile rank

in a mathematics test. Which of the following is NOT true?
a. She scored above 70% of her classmates.
b. Thirty percent of the class got scores of 55 and above
c. If the passing mark is the first quartile, she passed the test.
d. Her score is below the 5th decile.
2. In a 100-item test, the passing mark is the 3rd quartile. What does it
a. The students should answer at least 75 items correctly to pass
the test.
b. The students should answer at least 50 items correctly to pass
the test.
c. The students should answer at most 75 items correctly to pass
the test.
d. The students should answer at most 50 items correctly to pass
the test.
3. In a 70-item test, Melody got a score of 50 which is the third quartile.
This means that:
a. She got the highest scores.
b. Her score is higher than 25% of her classmates.
c. She surpassed 75% of her classmates.
d. Seventy-five percent of the class did not pass the test.
4. Rochelle got a score of 55 which is equivalent to 70th percentile in a
mathematical test. Which of the following is not true?
a. She scored above 70% of her classmates.
b. Thirty percent of the class got scores of 55 and above.
c. If the passing mark is the first quartile, she passed the test.
d. Her score below the 5th decile.
5. The first quartile of the ages of 250 fourth year students is 16 years
a. Most of the students are below 16 years old.
b. Seventy-five percent of the students are 16 years old and above.
c. Twenty-five percent of the students are 16 years old.
One hundred fifty students are younger than 16 years.
6. In a 100-item test, the passing mark is the 3rd quartile. What does it
a. The students should answer at least 75 items correctly to
pass the test.
b. The students should answer at least 50 items correctly to
pass the test.
c. The students should answer at most 75 items correctly to
pass the test.
d. The students should answer at most 50 items correctly to
pass the test.
7. In a grouped of 55 examinees taking the 50-items test, Rachel
obtained a score of 38. This implies that her score is _______.
a. Below the 50th percentile c. the 55th percentile
b. At the upper quartile d. below the 3rd quartile

II. For items 8 to 10, answer the question below.

8. How would you interpret measures of position?

9. How can you that it is easy to interpret a specific measure of position.

10. Tell us about your experience with regards to interpreting measures

of position.
Name: ____________________________ Grade & Section: __________


I. Read and understand the given problems below, then answer

what is being asked. Use a separate sheet of paper for your

Gillian and Gillie scored 32 and 23, respectively, in the

National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE). The
determining factor for a college scholarship is that a student’s
score should be in the top 10% of the scores of his/her graduating
class. The students in the graduating class obtained the following
scores in the NCAE.

NCAE Scores f LB <cf

39-41 6
36-38 7
33-35 9
30-32 13
27-29 22

1. Complete the table by filling in the values of LB (lower

boundaries and <cf (less than cumulative frequency). (2 pts)
2. Find the 3rd quartile, 72nd percentile, and the 8th decile of the
set of data. (3 pts)
3. What is the percentile rank of Gillian and Gillie? Will they
receive a scholarship? Explain your answer. (3 pts)
II. Answer the question below.

➢ How do you find solving problems involving measures of


Written Work #1
1.) C
2.) D
3.) A
4.) 85
5.) 96
6.) 80
7.) 100
8.) Answer may vary
9.) Answer may vary
10.) Answer may vary

Written Work #2
1.) 17
2.) 57
3.) 6500
4.) C
5.) A
6.) C
7.) A
8.) 90
9.) 43
10.) Answer may vary

Written Work #3
1.) D
2.) A
3.) C
4.) D
5.) C
6.) A
7.) B
8.) Answer may vary
9.) Answer may vary
10.) Answer may vary
Written Work #4
Test I

NCAE Scores f LB <cf

39-41 6 38.5 57
36-38 7 35.5 51
33-35 9 32.5 44
30-32 13 29.5 35
27-29 22 26.5 22

2.) 3rd Quartile = 35.2 or 35, 72nd Percentile = 34.5. 8th Decile = 36.36

3.) Answer may vary

Test II. Answer may vary

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