Arts9 Q1L2 W2 PPT

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Prepared by: Ma’am Nilly

Egypt has one of the earliest civilizations in the world. No wonder it

produced artworks that are worth studying and preserving.

The Ancient Egyptian civilization lasted from 3000-1000 BC.

During this period, many artworks were created with very minimal
changes in their style. They showcased the belief of the Egyptians on
different gods and deities, their belief in life after death and other

A. Introduction
the rectangular structures called the mastaba are the
standard tomb for the royalty.
also means eternal house, which is in relation to their
belief in life after death.

The Mastabas

The Mastabas
Built for King Djoser in 2630
B.C.E. at Saqqara,
very first pyramid from a
Imhotep​, the architect,
eventually built six stepped
layers of stone to the structure.
The pyramid reached 62
meters and once became the
tallest building.

The Step Pyramid

ancient rulers of Egypt were believed to live
and reign after their deaths.

Part of his spirit will remain on

his ​mummified body, and his riches should
be buried with him on pyramids to provide
for his family and officials.

The Pyramids of Egypt

most celebrated pyramid. This
massive structure which was
built for Khufu has a base of 230
meters and a height of 147
It took 20 years for the 20,000
slaves, farmers, and laborers to
finish the structure. Large stones
were transported from the Nile
river build it.

Great Pyramid of Giza

Egyptians also constructed numerous temples during their glory
days which are concentrated on the cities of Memphis and
Thebes. Most of which are used for veneration of deceased
pharaohs. They featured internal chambers and courtyards. They
were supported by stone columns with floral designs.

The Egyptians are also known
for their massive statues.
Numerous animal and human
statues were erected on
different pyramids, temples,
and palaces.
The statues of pharaohs were
also sculpted with their
traditional costume.
Rameses II at Abu Simbel​

Colossal Statues
The most popular colossal
statue is the G
​ reat Sphinx at
Giza​. The lion with a human’s
head sculpture is 73 meters
long and 20 meters tall. The
spiritual guardian is made of
a single mass of limestone.
It took three years for 100
people to carve it on an
uncertain date.

Colossal Statues
Obelisks are called ​tekhenu ​by
the ancient Egyptians. They are
a four-sided tall and narrow
structure with a pyramid on
Sculpted in a single stone, they
were believed to symbolize the
divinity of the pharaohs.

Colossal Statues
The interior and exterior of the Ancient Egyptian structures are full
of murals and reliefs of figures of animals, humans, kings,
gods, ​hieroglyphs​, and ​logograms ​which feature narratives.

B. Painting and Sculpture

The most common animals in Egyptian art are cats,
crocodiles, cattle, cobra and hippopotami.

They also use symbolism such as vulture for motherhood,

beetle for evolution, and jackal for god Anubis and Ankh for
eternal life.

Colors also have a different meaning. Green represents new

life; red for fire, victory, and life; white for purity; black for
death; yellow for eternity; and blue for sky and rebirth.

B. Painting and Sculpture

The figures in the paintings are usually in profile and are two-
The size of the images presents social status which means the bigger
the image, the more royal the individual is.

B. Painting and Sculpture

The ‘​ Book of Coming Forth by Day’ is a scroll that guides the dead
to the underworld. It has instructions with pictures that the journey
of the dead. Common to the tombs of wealthy people, it can be as
long as seventeen feet when unrolled.

B. Painting and Sculpture

The N​ armer’s Palette is a shield-shaped dark green schist stone that
depicts a ruler’s rise to power. Known to be the oldest canvass in
ancient Egypt, it presents the unification of Lower and Upper Egypt.

B. Painting and Sculpture

The twenty-four-pound golden ​death mask of the late ruler
Tutankhamun is known for its realistic depiction of the ‘boy king.’ Died
young at 19 years old, the mask made of solid gold, precious stones,
lapis lazuli, and blue glass was placed on the head and shoulders of
his dead body.
B. Painting and Sculpture

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