Astronomy Syllabus

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Syllabus: Introduction to Astronomy


Prof. Antonette Dapulano

Upon completion of this course students should be able to describe the Big Bang,
explain the age and origin of the Solar System and illustrate differences between
Earth and other planets in the Solar System. Importantly, students will have gained
the scientific basis to summarize conditions necessary for life and to assess scientific
evidence for life on other planets.

This on-line course presents an introduction to the field of Astronomy, including the
current investigations for life on other planets. This course consists of 12 lessons.
Course topics include modern methods of observational astronomy, an overview of
the scientific method, age and origin of the Solar System, descriptions of
the planets and discussions of the possibility of life on other planets. All the reading,
course material and assessments are on-line, there are no regularly scheduled class
meetings: learn where and when you want! Included are printable lecture notes,
engaging discussion groups, weekly group assignments and links to additional
material. It is an introductory course; there are no prerequisites. 

Our courses are self-written, all lecture notes and reading material are available on-
line as html documents and printable pdf files. There is no other required text.

Method of Teaching: 
This is an on-line course, all course materials are available on-line. Learning methods
include printable lecture notes, asyncronous threaded discussions, weekly
assignments, on-line short quizzes at the end of each chapter, and links to additional

Week 1

 Lesson 1: Introduction -Discussion of the Field of Astronomy, Units and

Measurements, Overview of Objectives
 Lesson 2: How Science is Done -The Scientific Process, Examples of
Successful Science, How to Find Good Science

Week 2
 Lesson 3: The Big Bang, Elements and Radiation -The Big Bang, Formation
of Elements, Different Kinds of Radiation
 Lesson 4: Discovery of the Galaxy and the Vastness of Space -Discovery of
the Galaxies, Expansion of the Universe

Week 3 

 Lesson 5: Age and Origin of the Solar System -Discovery of the Solar System,
Age of the Solar System, Clues from Meteorites, Clues from Comets
 Lesson 6: Methods of Observational Astronomy -Introduction to
Telescopes, Spectroscopy and Stars, Measuring Distances to Stars

Week 4 

 Lesson 7: The Life-Giving Sun -The Electromagnetic Spectrum, The Sun�s

Structure and Nuclear Fusion
 Lesson 8: Planets of the Solar System -The Jovian Planets, The Terrestrial

Week 5

 Lesson 9: The Earth in Space -Introduction to Earth, Comparing Earth to

other Terrestrial Planets
 Lesson 10: The Search for Extrasolar Planets -The First Discoveries of
Extrasolar Planets, Are there Planets like Earth?, Methods for finding Extrasolar

Week 6 

 Lesson 11: Modern Views of Mars -Life on Mars?  Atmosphere and Geology

of Mars
 Lesson 12: Universe Endgame -Predictions for the Future of our Universe

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