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Mark Anthony S.

BPA – 4C
I. Introduction
Ethical difficulties happen much too often in everyday life. There is seldom a clear
answer when it comes to morality. As a result, people are forced to rely on their own values and
ideals rather than relying on external conventions. An ethical dilemma, also known as an ethical
paradox or a moral dilemma, comes when we are presented with a decision between two options
that are neither fully acceptable from an ethical standpoint. When making decisions, it is a
problem. Our lives are filled with a variety of ethical and moral difficulties, yet the majority of
them can be solved with a few easy steps. In moral dilemmas, the problem is significantly more
complex and harder to solve. Therefore, everyone's ability to provide the best response is critical
in these situations. Any area of one's life, whether it be social or professional, might provide an
ethical dilemma.
You ask yourself this dilemma every morning as you press the snooze button on your
alarm clock. To do or not to do? There are lots of little difficulties that can kill you with a smile
on your face. Every day, you have to make a number of choices, such as deciding between two
of your favorite outfits, deciding whether or not to get a haircut, deciding between the dinner you
promised your partner and an unplanned boys' night out. The judgments you make on a daily
basis are presumably quite different from those you make while making ethical ones. Ethical
judgments include weighing the pros and cons of several possibilities, eliminating out those with
a questionable ethical basis, and then selecting the most morally sound one. However, this raises
the issue of what really defines "ethics"? Ethics are the well-founded norms of good and wrong
that determine what people should do in the course of their daily lives. These are often expressed
in terms of rights, responsibilities, benefits to society, justice, and other special qualities, among
other things. They provide up a framework for determining whether behavior is appropriate or
inappropriate for individuals and bigger groups in society.
II. Discussion
A thorough explanation of our ethical obligations is provided by ethical theories, which
are attempts to provide such an explanation. In other words, they are an attempt to convey a
unified "narrative" about what we are expected to do without mentioning specific examples from
our own experience. In discussions of business ethics, it is customary to refer to one or more
ethical theories in an attempt to explain what is appropriate or improper to conduct in certain
contexts, with the goal of providing understanding. Philosophical ethical frameworks that are
often discussed include: Ethics of Scholasticism, Ethics of Hedonism, Ethics of Utilitarianism,
Ethics of Evolutionism, Ethics of Marxism, Ethics of Authoritarianism, Ethics of Kantianism,
Ethics of Existentialism, and Ethics of Pessimism. Some behaviors are ethically good, while
others are morally bad, in my opinion. While in today's society, I discover a wide variety of
individuals with a wide range of viewpoints on a variety of subjects. a person's upbringing or life
events might influence their perspective. When it comes to determining what is right and wrong,
there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Controversies about morality arise because people have
different ideas about what constitutes right and wrong.
One of the major ethical dilemma that I have encountered in my life is choosing what
course I would take in college. Back when I was in senior high school, I am not decided yet on
what course I will choose when I reach college. There are lot of things in my mind because the
first thing that I really what is to become a flight attendant because when I was a kid my cousins
always visited us here in the Philippines and they always riding an airplane that is why I am
jealous because he already ride an airplane, also my cousin is now a stewardess and she already
went to different countries that is why I really want to become a steward someday. The second
thing that I really want is to become a doctor because my auntie is a pediatrician, I always at her
clinic to assist her and I always see her patients which are children. I admire her for having a lot
of patience specially to those children who are hardheaded. I want to become a doctor to also
help people who are in need specially to those people who cannot afford to provide check ups
and buy some medicines. The third thing that I want is to become a CPA someday that is why
when I reached college I took the accountancy course, but I guess being CPA is not for me. After
taking the examination I am excited to see the result if I reach the quota but sadly, I did not reach
the quota that is requiring in the accountancy course. There are lot of choices that you can choose
if you failed the course that you take. Taking Bachelor of Public Administration is not my choice
actually because I have not heard that course before. I remember that I said to myself that I think
that I may not enjoy the course since it is not on my top courses but as time passed by taking
public administration is becoming more interesting since we study about law, how bill become a
law etc. and it suits my interest since I love watching series and movies that talks about politics
and law. I had little interest when it comes to politics before enrolling to BPA, but I have since
discovered that its critical to keep up with current events since everything is influenced by
politics. Everything we observe in our society is influenced by politics, whether it's our cultural,
our economics, our judicial system, or anything else. Here I am, I am a 4 th year student and just a
little patience and I will graduate. All the hardship, effort, sleepless night is becoming worth it.
And I am proud to say that I graduated from the course Public Administration.
Because of this scenario, I have come up with an ethical dilemma called the Ethics of
Existentialism. Ethics of Existentialism relates to the philosophical view that each of us is
responsible for creating meaning and purpose in our own lives, as we explored in our Ethics and
Accountability in Public Service lesson the previous time we met. It doesn't matter if I initially
failed to choose the course that I wanted to take, or that I did not have the opportunity to take the
course I want. However, I continued to take chances in order to find a sense of meaning and
purpose in my own life, and now I find myself on the edge of graduating from a course that I had
no intention of enrolling in, having overcome several obstacles and problems. The worst-case
situation should be anticipated in order to be prepared for the worst-case scenario to occur.
Simply because that is the way the world operates. It is full of opportunities; but they may not
always be positive, and at times in our lives we may experience failures and setbacks. That we
are a failure, however, does not matter in the least since we are still moving forward and standing
strong. Just like what Nelson Mandela once said: “I learned that courage was not the absence of
fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who
conquers that fear.” The fact that we are overcoming our fears, including our fear of failure and
our dread of our doubts, illustrates our courage. Because it is a question of thought, I have
discovered that if we believe we cannot achieve something, this belief reveals itself in our
actions and behaviors. After everything is said and done, we should inculcate the belief that we
just must do something, that we simply must begin. After all, there is no one to assist you, and
the only thing that exists is between you and your attitude. You simply must be courageous, and
then everything will happen.
III. Conclusion
From a variety of perspectives, Existentialism has been questioned. Existentialism's focus
on individual freedom and the rejection of absolutes has been criticized for promoting a most
everything vision of freedom that intensifies the pessimism already prevalent in modern society.
No matter what happens to existentialist theory as a whole, it seems that social criticism and
concern with the concrete reality of life will always have a role. Mainstream philosophy's
unquestionable assumptions and the comfort of everyday life were the targets of Existentialism. 
At least on the positive side, it outlined a vision of a unified, focused lifestyle that might be used
as the basis for meaningful engagement in the contemporary world. We may expect existentialist
writers will continue to make essential contributions to the accomplishment of these noble aims.
In my opinion, it's astonishing that people have believed otherwise for so long about the obvious
truth that existence precedes essence. Humans are the creators of their own meaning.  That does
not suggest that life will be worthless; it just means that you are the origin of it.
A moral dilemma occurs when a person is given with a choice between two equally
undesirable options. Everyone has faced an ethical issue at some point in their lives, but the
circumstances are unique to each individual. Although it is hard to avoid making tough choices
in life, those who do, even in the tiniest situations, will learn that although the process never
really becomes easier, it does improve them at every level. There are many people who might be
affected by an ethical dilemma, either directly or indirectly. The ability to take a position on a
divisive issue, on the other hand, may serve you better than the others. Your unique personality
may then be shared with every person that you talked to.  The is a lot more to making moral
judgments than just deciding whether or not to do something. The only way to build inner
strength is to face tough choices in the real world, and the only way to do that is to make
judgments that go against the grain of popular opinion.
IV. References

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