TEYL - Rubric For Reflective Journal

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Teaching English to Young learners

TEYL 330538
Journal Reflection Rubric

Criteria Unsatisfactory-Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Total

Content 0-19 points 20-29 points 30-34 points 35-40 points /40
Reflection Superficial connections are Minimal connections are Connections made through Insightful and relevant
made with key course made through explanations, explanations, inferences, connections made through
concepts and course inferences, and/or and/or examples. contextual explanations,
materials, activities, and/or examples. inferences, and examples.
Critical 0-14 points 15-20 points 21-26 points 27-30 points /30
Thinking Reflection lacks critical Reflection demonstrates Reflection demonstrates Reflection demonstrates a
thinking. limited critical thinking in some degree of critical high degree of critical
applying, analyzing, and/or thinking in applying, thinking in applying,
evaluating key course analyzing, and/or evaluating analyzing, and evaluating
concepts and theories from key course concepts and key course concepts and
readings, lectures, media, theories from readings, theories from readings,
discussions, activities, lectures, media, discussions lectures, media, discussions
and/or assignments activities, and/or activities, and/or
assignments. assignments.
Personal 0-14 points 15-20 points 21-26 points 27-30 points /30
Growth Conveys inadequate Conveys limited evidence of Conveys evidence of Conveys strong evidence of
evidence of reflection on reflection on own work in reflection on own work with areflection on own work with a
own work in response to the response to the self- personal response to the personal response to the
self-assessment questions assessment questions self-assessment questions self-assessment questions
posed. Personal growth and posed. Demonstrates less posed. Demonstrates posed. Demonstrates
awareness are not evident than adequate personal satisfactory personal growth significant personal growth
and/or demonstrates a growth and awareness and awareness through and awareness of deeper
neutral experience with through few or simplistic some inferences made, meaning through inferences
negligible personal impact. inferences made, examples, examples, insights, and made, examples, well
Lacks enough inferences, insights, and/or challenges challenges. Some thought developed insights, and
examples, personal insights that are not well developed. of the future implications ofsubstantial depth in
and challenges, and/or Minimal thought of the future current experience. perceptions and challenges.
future implications are implications of current Synthesizes current
overlooked. experience. experience into future
TOTAL POINTS (sum of 4 Criteria) /100

TEYL – Rubric for Reflective Journals 1

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