GROUP 3 Laboratory Activity 4

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University of San Agustin

College of Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering
Iloilo City, Iloilo, Philippines

Course Code: CHEM 1E

Course Name: Chemistry for Engineers
Instructor: Engr. Lorenz E. Borromeo, AMIChemE
Experiment No: 4
Experiment Title: Metals and Some Aspects of Corrosion


1. To observe the corrosion of iron and investigate conditions related to corrosion.


Corrosion is an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which a free metal is oxidized, or “corroded,” by

some oxidizing agent. In nature, the oxidizing agent is frequently atmospheric oxygen dissolved in water.
Perhaps the most familiar example of corrosion is the rusting of iron. In this reaction, free iron, Fe, is
oxidized to Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions. In the reduction half-reaction, oxygen, O2, reacts with water to form OH-

The rusting of iron usually is considered to be a destructive change, and considerable time and money are
expended to prevent it. One method which you will observe in this experiment, make use of a “sacrificial”
metal. If iron is placed in contact with a more active metal (one that is more easily oxidized) the more active
metal will be corroded instead of the iron. Metals situated below iron on the table of standard electrode
potentials can function as sacrificial metals.

This experiment should help promote a better understanding of corrosion and of oxidation-reduction

Figure 1. Example of a metallic corrosion

University of San Agustin
College of Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering
Iloilo City, Iloilo, Philippines


Name: Keliana Marie P. Castino _ Date: 10/10/2022 __

Professor: Engr. Lorenz E. Borromeo, AMIChemE Score: _

1. Why does corrosion occur?

- Corrosion is an electrochemical reaction that occurs in many ways, such as chemical corrosion
and atmospheric corrosion, the latter is the most common form. Due to chemical reactions,
mainly oxidation. Occurs whenever a gas or liquid chemically attacks an exposed surface (often
metal) and is accelerated by high temperatures, acids, and salts. Corrosion products (rust,
patina, etc.) usually remain on the surface to protect it.

2. What metals are most likely to corrode?

- Most metals corrode or oxidize. In general, iron is the most oxidizable, while other metals such
as copper oxidize slowly. The adverse effects of these chemical reactions can be easily
mitigated if proper precautions are taken.

3. How do temperature and environment affect corrosion rate?

- Both high and low temperatures can increase the risk of corrosion. Excessive temperature rises
or fall causes the properties of the material used in is fastener to change. As the temperature
increases significantly, the strength properties of the lanyard decrease due to coating
degradation, scaling, shrinking or high temperature oxidation.

4. How do we suppress corrosion?

- There are several ways to suppress corrosion. The easiest way would be using a protective
coating such as paint, plastic or powder. Rubber paints are the most effective because they act
as a barrier that prevents the metal's chemical structure from interacting with environmental
compounds that result in corrosion.

5. What are the standard expressions for corrosion rate?

- Mils penetration per year (mpy) is the most commonly used corrosion rate expression.

6. What type of reaction is the rusting of iron?

- Rusting is oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which iron serves as the reduction agent and
oxygen serves as the oxidizing agent.

7. Two half-reactions occur during the formation of rust:

2Fe + O2 + H2O  2Fe(OH)2
Fe(OH)2 + O 2  2Fe2O3.H2O + 2H2O
Which species is oxidized and which is reduced?
- The first half-reaction is reduced and the second half-reaction is oxidized.

8. Define the term “sacrificial” metal.

- A sacrificial metal is a metal used as a sacrificial anode in cathodic protection that corrodes to
prevent a primary metal from corrosion, galvanization or rusting.

9. Why is iron rust considered destructive and copper rust is not destructive, but beneficial and
- Iron rust is considered destructive because unlike copper rust, tetanus-causing bacteria can
develop in rusted iron. It also affects the magnetic properties of a metal and decreases
electricity conductivity when it has rusted. However, copper oxidation results in a decorative
patina coat that not only preserves visual appeal but also prevents further oxygen exposure
and prevents corrosion.

10. What is the difference in the corrosion properties of iron and copper?
- Iron corrosion occurs when it is exposed to oxygen and the presence of water which result in
rusting. The rusting of iron is characterized by a reddish-brown hydrated iron oxide that is
commonly produced, and easily crumbles into a powder.
- Copper is a non-ferrous metal. It doesn't contain iron, therefore when it comes into contact
with oxygen, it won't rust. Instead, when oxygen molecules touch copper, they combine with
the metal's atoms to generate copper oxide.
University of San Agustin
College of Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering
Iloilo City, Iloilo, Philippines



1. To observe the corrosion of iron and investigate conditions related to corrosion.

Simulation Video:

Rusting of Iron under Various Conditions

1. Fe nails
2. Test tubes with stoppers
3. Beaker
4. Funnel
5. Pipette
6. Spatula spoon
7. Glass rod

1. Distilled water
2. Table salt
3. Freshly boiled distilled water
4. Edible oil
5. Anhydrous calcium chloride


1. Place nails in four test tubes.

2. Add distilled water to the first test tube.
3. On the second test tube, add water together with table salt.
4. On the third test tube, add freshly boiled distilled water with a little bit of edible oil.
5. Add anhydrous calcium chloride in the fourth test tube.
6. Seal the test tubes using stopper.
University of San Agustin
College of Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering
Iloilo City, Iloilo, Philippines



Date: 10/10/2022 Score:

Group No: 3

Designation Name Signature

Sydney Anne Angelias

Keliana Marie Castino


I. Results Table:

Test tube No. Observation

1 Contains distilled water & air

-Become covered in rust
-Due to air and water contact rust forms
2 Contains distilled water, salt, & air
-Become covered in rust
- Due to air and water contact rust forms
-Addition of salt accelerated the process of rusting
3 Contains freshly boiled distilled water – which contains less
dissolved gasses in the air & edible oil – the layer of oil will
prevent the air in the test tube from dissolving in the water
-No rust formed
4 Contains calcium chloride – which will absorb the water
vapor in the air & dry air
-No rust formed

1. Identify the cathodic reaction.

- The cathodic reaction occurs where oxygen dissolved in water can accept electrons.
- Reduction reactions which occur at the cathode. Electrons released by the anodic reactions are
consumed at the cathode surface.

2. Identify the anodic reaction.

- The corrosion (anodic) reaction occurs at the place of metal loss.
- A type of reaction that occurs in an electrochemical cell. More specifically, it is a half reaction,
with the other half reaction in an electrochemical cell being a cathodic reaction. Anodic
reactions involve the flow of electrons from the anode, and can cause corrosion to occur.

3. Explain the effect of adding table salt to the rate of iron corrosion.
- As a result, salt assists in the conductivity of the aqueous solution surrounding the iron nail,
which increases the electron transfer rate between the reactants (i.e., iron, oxygen and water).
Therefore, it is expected that the increased rate of reaction will result in a higher rate of

4. Galvanization is a process of protecting iron from corrosion by coating the metal with a layer of zinc.
Although zinc is more active than Fe, Zn reacts with atmospheric gases to form zinc carbonate
(ZnCO3), a hard, durable substance which shields the remaining Zn and the underlying Fe. Suggest a
series of reactions involving common atmospheric gases which could convert Zn into ZnCO3
- ZnCO3 is formed when the metallic zinc is exposed to the atmospheric CO2 and humidity.
University of San Agustin
College of Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering
Iloilo City, Iloilo, Philippines

5. If the ZnCO3/Zn coating of galvanized iron is broken and the underlying iron begins to corrode, a
chemical reaction intervenes and converts the corrosion products back to iron. Suggest a reaction
which could account for this chemical protection of the iron.
- When corrosion happens, a small electrolytic cell is formed with the metal that is iron losing
the electrons to the impurities and water acting as the electrolyte. When iron is in contact with
zinc in the case of a galvanized iron piece where the zinc coating is partially removed, zinc
being more reactive than iron, losses the electrons. This election goes to the iron and gives it
a negative charge. So, the iron does not react and rusting is prevented. This continues till all
the zinc is gone. The same principle is used in cathodic protection. And this is the reason why
you don't join two iron pieces with an aluminum screw. The aluminum will corrode fast
destroying the joint.

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