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Meryem Crimea


Table of contents :

1) Introduction………………………………………… 2

2) Professional project........................... 2

3) Qualities..................................................
......... 4

I. Introduction :
Hello, my name is meryem Krim. I am 19 years old. I'm from Taza. For me the business sector is an
area where I fully flourish in my quest for knowledge and evolution and as I am an ambitious and
motivated girl, I will do everything possible today so that this moment is pleasantly borrowed from

II. Professional

As a child, I greatly admired my father who was a businessman and I dreamed of becoming a
businesswoman and having my own business. To do this, I concretized part of this approach by
advertising a nursery located near Taza. Moreover, it is by this approach that I was convinced by my
choice of "MARKETING" and precisely "TERRITORIAL MARKETING".

The term Marketing refers to all the tools and techniques that make it possible to influence
consumer behavior by motivating the act of purchase. In addition, the objective behind it is to boost
and improve turnover by following strategic marketing to promote their commercialization.

Moreover, the project that I have had in mind for quite some time is to improve the attractiveness of
the Taza region and to unveil the other facet of tourism in Morocco. In addition, it is the territorial
marketing that will make it easier for me to chart my path by following a plan. This territorial
marketing approach does not aim to "sell a territory" since marketing is not only based on the
image, but also and above all on tangible aspects such as local projects...

My goal in 5-10 years is to gain key skills and then more responsibilities by acquiescing a certain
knowledge advance and more than a few years of experience. On the other hand, I need a good
study of my plan which is presented in 3 phases: photography of what exists in my territory, creation
of a website, advertisements. The goal behind it is for belonging to this territory to become a source
of value for those who are in this territory or who join it.
Qualities :

As a bonus, I am someone who has the ability to communicate with all social categories and adapt
easily with any environment since human relations interest me enormously and I also enjoy
organized trips.

Also I have a team spirit, I am very active and I do not like routine. It is thanks to the associative work
that I possess this collective spirit.

IV. Defects:
Certainly I am courageous, but sometimes I avoid being the center of view which creates a problem
in terms of public speaking. However, I will try to correct myself of course.

Since I'm a bit of a perfectionist, I don't like to finish a job without being totally satisfied with it,
which takes me a little longer to finalize it.

As I am often very active and energetic, I sometimes lose motivation and the desire to move. I find
myself unable to lift my spirits, which has an unfavorable impact on my work. But I have already
tried to keep my position and I have succeeded which is an advantage for me.

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