Lesson 2 Question (NO CHEATING)

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1. ______. are vital elements of communication. Therefore, in any

communication situation, you are both speaker and listener.
(Villamarzo, 2003)
2. _______. Who mentioned the eight stages in the cycle of
Communication in the year 1960
3. ______. Who mentions the following components of
communication: Address or (speaker) o Addressee (listener o
Context (situation) o Contact o Code, and o Message
4. ______. A person who sends the message uses symbols (words or
graphs or visual aids) to convey the message and produce a
required response.
5. ______. It is the key idea that the sender wants to communicate. It
is a sign that elicits the response of the recipient.
6. ______. Is the means used to exchange or transmit the message? It
is the language an individual use.
7. ______. A person for whom the message is intended, aimed, or
targeted. The degree to which the decoder understands the message
is dependent upon various factors such as the knowledge of the
recipient, their responsiveness to the message, and the reliance of
the encoder on the decoder.
8. ______. It is the main component of the communication process as
it permits the sender to analyze the efficacy of the message. It
helps the sender in confirming the correct interpretation of the
message by the decoder.
9. _____. This can be any sort of interference that affects the message
being sent, received, or understood. It can be as literal as static
over a phone line or esoteric as misinterpreting a local custom.
10. ______. It refers to the time and place in which
communication occurs. This is the setting and situation in which
communication takes place
11. Who is the Maker of this Communication Model.

12. Who is the creator of this communication Model

13. Who is the creator of this model

14. What is the name of this Communication Model and who
created it.

15. What is the name of this communicataion model

16. Who is the creator of this communication model

17. What is the name of this Communication Model

18. _______. They are the person (or object, or thing) who has
the information to begin with (the ‗information source‘).The
individual starts the process by choosing message to send,
someone to send the message to, and a channel through which to
send the message.
19. _______. It is the machine (or person) that converts the idea
into signals that can be sent from the sender to the receiver. The
Shannon model was designed originally to explain communication
through means such as telephones and computers
20. _______. s the infrastructure that gets information from the
sender and transmitter through to the decoder and receiver. We
sometimes also call this the ‗medium‘.
21. ______. interrupts a message while it‘s on the way from the
sender to the receiver.
22. ______. is the exact opposite of encoding. Shannon and
Weaver made this model in reference to communication that
happens through devices like telephones.
23. ______. is the end-point of Shannon and Weaver‘s original
linear framework. This is the step where the person finally gets the
message, or what‘s left of it after accounting for noise.
24. _______. It occurs when the receiver of the message
responds to the sender in order to close the communication loop.
They might respond to let the sender know they got the message or
to show the sender:

25. Arrange Aristotle’s Model of Communication in
Chronological (5) basic elements.
26. Give 2 example of an Important Skill of a Speaker
27. 2 Types of Noise
28. Give atleast 5 factors under the element of Berlos model
29. Give the 5 senses organs
Transactional Model Other Model

Create the table and use the number to assign the answers
1. Used for interpersonal communication
2. Used for Intrapersonal, interpersonal, group or mass communications.
3. Senders and Receivers are known as Communicators, they interchange
their roles
4. Senders and receivers are different people
5. Includes the role of context and environment
6. Role of context and environment are not mentioned in other models
7. Includes noise and communication barriers as factors
8. Not necessarily have the concept of noise
9. Talks about non-verbal communication
10. Ignores non-verbal communication

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