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The Conservation Volunteers is the UK7s leading practicai r ■ 1

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01768 210 793

& Wetlands
a practicai handbook

Alan Brooks and

Elizabeth Agate
From production of the first edition of Waterways and Wetlands in 1976, to this edition,
BTCV would like to thank all the individuals and organisations who have contributed
their advice and experience.

IMPORTANT: Invasive, notvnative plants can have massive impacts on ecosystems.

Both marginal and submerged wetland plants can spread very quickly along
watercourses. if you have ANY doubt about introducîng a wetland plant, please don’t.

NOTE: In April 2012, BTCV changed its name to The Conservation

Volunteers. References to BTCV in the text of this publication refer to the
organisation now known as The Conservation Volunteers £ ■

DISCLAIMER: The information given in this publication on behalf of
The Conservation Volunteers is believed to be correct, but accuracy is not guaranteed and the


information does not obviate the need to make further enquiries as appropriate. This publication
is not a comprehensive statement on all safety procedures and the reader must take all reasonable
steps to ensure the health and safety of all users and to take all necessary steps to implement a i
health and safety policy. This publication is issued without responsibility on the part of
The Conservation Volunteers for accidents or damage as a result of its use. I
ISBN 0 946752 30 3

Written by Alan Brooks and Elizabeth Agate
niustrations by Linda Francis, based on original
illustrations by Arme Roper

Cover photograph by David Mansell

First published May 1976

Revised and newly illustrated April 1997
This edition with revised appendices,
new cover and binding published June 2001
Appendices revised May 2007. Cover redesigned and
current references to BTCV in the text changed to
The Conservation Volunteers 2012.
1 3 5 7 9 8 6 4 2
© BTCV 1976-2012

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the prior permission of The Conservation Volunteers.

Typeset in Palatino and Franklin Gothic

Printed by Severnprint Ltd, Gloucester, on recycled paper (?
Published by The Conservation Volunteers,
Sedum House, Mallard Way, Doncaster DN4 8DB <?
Telephone: 01302 388883
Registered Charity, England 261009, Scotland SC039302
Introduction.................. 1 6 New ponds..................... 45
Factors to consider...................................................... 45
General principles...................................................... 45
1 A look at ponds and Requirements and siting............................................46
^ D esign............................................................................48
waterways....................... Water supply................................................................ 49
Springs, ponds and lakes............................................. 3 Dew p o n d s................................................................... 53
W etlands.......................................................................... 6 Scrapes and marshes.................................................. 54
Streams and rivers......................................................... 6
Leats, ditches and canals............................................. 6
7 Artificial linings............. 55
Measuring..................................................................... 55
2 Waterway and wetland Puddled c la y ................................................................ 56
ecology............................. 9 Concrete linings...........................................................57
Flexible linings.............................................................60
Chemical and physical factors....................................9 Bentonite....................................................................... 62
Pond and waterway life ............................................ 10 Leaks...............................................................................62
The productivity sca le ................................................11
Swamps and m arshes.......................................... 14
Wet grasslands............................................................. 15 8 The planting and
Mires............................................................................... 16
management of new
3 Management for ponds................................ 65
Preparing for planting............................................... 65
conservation & amenity 21 Pond plants................................................................... 65
Threats and opportunities.........................................21 Marsh and buffer zone plants.................................. 68
Management problems and principles.................. 24 Pond fau n a................................................................... 69
Invertebrates................................................................. 27 A lg ae..............................................................................69
F ish ................................................................................. 27 Pond management plan............................................. 71
Birds................................................................................ 30
M am m als.......................................................................34
9 Pond and waterway
restoration........................ 73
4 Waterways, wetlands Factors to consider.......................................................73
Clearing rubbish..........................................................75
and the law ......................35 Digging out muck........................................................75
Environmental regulation.........................................35 Pumping water and sludge...................................... 76
Pond creation............................................................... 36 Mechanical excavation...............................................78
Water supply and abstraction.................................. 36
Statutory wildlife protection.....................................36
F ish ................................................................................. 37
10 Banks, revetments
Maintenance of ditches.............................................. 37 and access........................ 79
Other relevant statutes...............................................37
Bank creation and stabilisation................................ 79
Bank diversification................................................... 87
"3 5 Safety, equipment Wave barriers............................................................... 88
Dipping platforms and boardwalks.......................90
and organisation............ 39 Causeway s .................... 91
' 3 Safety precautions.......................................................39
Tools and accessories................................................. 40
Tool and equipment maintenance...........................43
11 Islands & r a f t s ..............93
3 Plankw ays.....................................................................43 Islands............................................................................93
Organising group w ork............................................. 44 Rafts................................................................................95
Cutting, digging and raking.................................. 130
12 Ditches and pipes....... 101 Chemical control........................................................132
Design ........................................................................ 101 Environmental and biological control..................132
Ditching and drainage procedures...................... 102 Bankside vegetation management........................135
Ditches......................................................................... 102 Wetland vegetation management.........................139
P ipes.............................................................................104 Reedbeds......................................................................141
Maintenance and repair...........................................107 Osiers............................................................................143
Wetlands for water treatment................................ 145

13 Dams, weirs & sluices..l09

Factors to consider................................................... 109
Dams............................................................................111 A: Vegetation tables............................................... 147
Weirs............................................................................120 B: Conservation and the volunteer worker...... 157
Sluices..........................................................................122 C: Contacts.............................................................. 159
Repair..........................................................................126 D: Specialist suppliers........................................... 163
E: Site studies and surveys................................. 165
14 Vegetation Bibliography............................................................. 167

management................. 129
Aquatic vegetation control.................................... 129 Index....................................169

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T his is a h an d b o o k o f w ate rw ay s and w etlan d s Not covered in detail are specialist wildlife management
management. It is intended to be used by conservation programmes, complex regimes of grazing, flooding or
volunteers and others interested in m aintaining or cutting and tasks requiring heavy machinery, subjects
im proving valuable natural and sem i-natural habitats. which require volum es in themselves. This Handbook
does indicate som e of the connections betw een more
"Waterways' includes bodies of fresh water, springs, complex m anagem ent programmes and those which
ponds, lak es, stream s, riv ers, canals and ditches. volunteers can organise, lead and carry out. It also
'W etlands' describes sites w hich are waterlogged or evaluates various management techniques so that they
w ater-covered for a significant part of the year, including canbe matched more easily to available funds, manpower
swamps, marshes, bogs, fens and wet grasslands. Such and machinery.
categories of ten overlap. Ponds m ay be temporary,
marshes m ay flood. Fens m ay contain open pools, lake Throughout the text, im portant points and lists of items
shores may be swamp-fringed. In the same w ay wetlands of equipm ent etc. are set out in a, b, c order. Sequential
grade into damp scrub, heath or moorland. But in every operations and procedures are given in 1, 2, 3 order.
habitat covered by this H andbook you are likely to get Scientific terms and words used in a technical sense are
your feet wet. defined in the Glossary. References to published source
material are incorporated in the text, and give the author
Of all parts of the natural environm ent, w aterw ays first, followed by publishing date. Full listings of these
and w etlan d s are am o n g st th e m o st th reaten ed . and other useful works are given in the Bibliography.
Causes of their progressive, som etim es irreversible,
degradation include eutrophication from farm, factory Measurements are given first in metric units, followed
and dom estic w aste; drainage and abstraction;pollution in brackets by the imperial equivalent. Occasionally a
from herbicides, p esticides and industrial effluent; dimension or product specification is given in one unit
afforestation of upland w atersheds; canalisation and only according to current manufacturers' listings.
dam m ing of stream s; infilling of ponds and increased
recreaţional pressure. National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs)

This H andbook first introduces basic problem s and This handbook is a key reference for the practicai ways of
ecological and m anagem ent principles of w aterways managing waterways and wetlands, containing reali stic
and w etlands conservation. It then goes into detail on advice, including standards of good practice. As such, it
w hy and how to create new ponds, rehabilitate existing is an invaluable aid to anyone wishing to gain an NVQ
waterways, regulate w ater tables and control ecological in the subject or in practicai conservation in general. By
succession in aquatic and wetland habitats. Subsidiary following the advice in this book and working to the
topics include m ethods of landscaping and reinforcing standards given, you will generate useful evidence of
banks, constructing rafts and islands, ere ating and levels of competence. Collating this evidence correctly
repairing puddled clay, concrete and flexible linings, for your assessor will enable you to get your NVQ.
laying out, installing and repairing drains and ditches,
building dams, w eirs and sluices and planting and
controlling aquatic and bank vegetation.
1 A look at ponds and waterways

This chapter stresses the historical interaction of man and Natural ponds and lakes are of many types. In northem
nature w hichhas produced today's landscape and today's Scotland, where the old mountain blocks have been
problems and w hich continues to determine the character severely split by faults, the glaciers which gouged out
of Britain's waterways and wetlands. Although 'natural' valleys along these lines of weakness left lakes w hich are
aquatic and wetlands ecosystem s are often distinguished typically long, narrow, deep and steep-sided. Britain's
from those w hich are 'm an-m ade', the two are in fact deepest at 328m (1,007') is Loch Morar. Loch Ness, also
seldom separate. In this country it is their semi-natural a fault lake, has a greater m ean depth at 132m (433') and
quality which often gives them their most interesting is over 33km (21 miles) long while averaging less than
conservation problems and possibilities. 1.6km (1 mile) in width.

Glacial ponds and lakes take a number of other forms.

Springs, ponds and lakes Old river valleys, deepened and reshaped by flowing
ice, contain lakes which conform to the scoured basin.
Usually this is relatively long and deep, as is the case
Natural w ith many Scottish lochs and w ith Lake Windermere in
the Lake District.
Britain's natural springs, ponds and lakes are distributed
very unevenly. The N orth and West are plentifully Where glacial ice spread over a wide plain its power was
endowed w ith a great variety of natural still w ater dissipated and it deposited at its foot tons of boulders,
bodies while the South and East are impoverished. This grit and clay brought down from above. These moraines
is because of basic geological differences separating remained after the melt, backing up fairly shallow bodies
Scotland, the Fennines, the Lake D istrict and the South such as Loch Leven, which is 5.8km (3.6 miles) longby 4.3km
Western and Welsh uplands from the rest of the country. (2.7 miles) wide w ith a mean depth of only 4.6m (15').
The geologically old and complex rocks of the N orth and
West are hard and impervious, y ielding poor, thin soil and 'C w m s' (Welsh) or 'corries' (Gaelic) formed high on
plentiful runoff accentuated by high rainfall. The South mountains where ice repeatedly built up and broke off,
and East are clothed in relatively young, unconsolidated pulling the rock face with it. The glacier at the cliff foot
and permeable m aterials which absorb and store a higher often scoured out a basin behind a lip of hard rocks which
proportion of the mo re m odest rainfall. Those small afterwards retained a nearly circular lochan tarn or lake.
natural ponds w hich do occur in the South and East are Good examples are found at Cwm Idwal and Snowdon.
found on clay, or on the impervious pans w hich form
locally where iron leaches from the upper soil layers. Glaciers sometimes broke into separate blocks around
In the M idlands, ponds fiii hollow s in the great blanket which deposits heaped to form steep-sided rings. W hen a
of glacial till w hich overlays the region's bedrock, but block melted it often burst through one wall and drained
elsewhere the till is generally too porous to hold much the 'kettle hole', but elsewhere no outlet formed and ponds
w ater without m an's help. remained. Some of the Staffordshire and Cheshire meres
are thought to be kettle hole ponds.
Springs are fed purely from ground w ater supplies.
Ground w ater may flow along an impermeable layer to Some Cheshire meres, unlike typical kettle hole ponds,
emerge w here it is cut by a hillside, or may be forced up lie in shallow depressions with gently sloping banks.
by the w ater pressure in surrounding permeable strata These w ereprobably causedby the collapse of underlying
to form natural artesian wells. Some springs are isolated, salt domes due to their penetration by ground water.
but most overflow to feed stream channels while others Subsidence lakes are rather rare. Foremost in Britain is
occur at the bottom s of larger pools and lakes. Some are Lough N eagh in N orthern Ireland, whi ch fills a sunken
short-lived, as in Snow donia and the Highlands where section of the vast plateau of basaltic lava which covers
many bubble up for a few days after heavy rain but are most of County Antrim. W ith a surface area o f396 km2(153
otherw ise inactive. Perm anent springs are uniquely square miles), this is Britain's largest w ater body, but it is
stable since their w ater supply is assured at a constant or also very shallow at only 17m. (56') maximum depth.
seasonally cy clical rate irrespective of day-to-day rainfall
and variaţions in runoff w hich affect other w ater bodies. Lakes and pools often occur along unstable coastlines.
Springs often support a limited but distinctive fauna and W herever cliffs have a tendency to subside or slip, short-
flora adapted to the cool, w ell-oxygenated and often lived pools m ay be im pounded on the beach below.
mineral-enriched water. W here shingle bars close the m outh of a drowned river
văile y, fresh w ater is retained, as at Covehithe and other scarce. Here are found small, generally circular 'dew
Suffolk Coastal broads and at Slapton Ley, Devon. Where ponds' surviving apparently unaided despite long-
longshore drift is strong and Coastal waters shallow, river standing use (until a few decades ago) for w atering stock.
mouths may be deflected and cut off to form lagoons which Ponds of similar design, not always on chalk, occur in
may in time change from brackish to fresh. A famous small num bers in Dorset, Hertfordshire, Yorkshire and
example is the Little Sea on South Haven Peninsula, Derbyshire. Dew ponds were once popularly believed to
Dorset, w hich developed betw een the 17th and 19th be of miraculous ori gin ('dew ' considered a corruption
Centuries. The Somerset Levels are thought to have begun of 'D ieu'), or to be m an-made in Neolithic times, or to be
in the same way and to have been for a time a shallow literally topped up as much as necessary by periodic heavy
lake before silting up and becom ing boggy. dews. These theories w ere systematically demolished in
1939 by A J Pugsley, whose Dewponds in Fable and F ad
Flowing waterways almost always have associatedpools survey s their location, design and history and shows that
in backwaters where debris temporarily dams the current. they are, invariably, rain ponds.
M eandering w atercourses may becom e cut off to form
short-lived oxbow lakes to the side of the main channel. A few dew ponds can be proven to be very old, such as
Wetlands also have associated pools, occurring wherever Oxonmere on Pewsey Down w hich is recorded in the
the land dips below the water table. Some of the largest Domesday Book. Most w ere built sometime between the
are found on the flat-topped Pennines in Yorkshire, where end of the medieval period and the 19th Century, and as
the natura] erosion or 'hagging' of the raised dome of peat late as the 1930s they were still occasionally constructed
creates temporary wind and rain-scoured hollows in the by professional pond makers. M any are situated below
bog surface. The pools gradually coalesce and eventually the lip of a rise or next to a road which acts as a catchment,
drain away through a channel or 'grough' cut through providing some runoff water, but some on the open
the rim of peat. tops depend on direct rainfall exclusively. M any have
gone dry over the years due to lack of maintenance and,
Waterways of any type are rare on carboniferous limestone. now that piped water has replaced them for farm use,
M alham Tarn in North Yorkshire is particularly notable. grassed-over hollows may soon be all that remain. Those
Although it occurs in the middle of the limestone belt it which seem truly everlasting turn out, on inspection, to
actually rests on an impervious layer of shale. Because of be old brickholes. These sometimes occur high on the
its location it supports, w ith its associated fens and bogs, chalk where clay pockets were quarried for local use. The
a unique flora combining upland and lowland, acid and resultant flooded pits w ere adapted for livestock. This
calcareous features. may have given the first dew pond makers the idea, but
from then on techniques developed on their own. Dew
pond design is discussed in Chapter 6.
M edieval manors and monasteries depended on ponds
Most of the estimated 338,000 ponds in England and for a variety of purposes including watering livestock,
Wales are artificial. N otnecessarily intenţional, they occur storing drinking water, w hich was often piped from
because hum an activity has altered local topography springs, and keeping fish. Fish ponds ranged from simple
so that w ater collects in im permeable hollows in what 'stew ' ponds to groupings of specialised hatchery ponds,
had been generally porous strata. Although about one each designed for a different size or type of fish. Fortified
quarter are found in the hill farms of the West Country, farmhouses often had moats as their first defences, which
Wales and the North, m ost occur in early-enclosed may remain, even where the houses have long vanished,
parts of the lowlands: a quarter of the total in Norfolk as circular, rectangular or E-shaped ponds. Thousands
and Cheshire and the rest scattered through the other of m oats still exist in northw est Essex, west Suffolk and
lowland counties. w est Cambridgeshire, often w ithin the hamlet or village e
w hich sprung up in the m anor's shelter.
From earliest times tracks w ere routed to take advantage
of natural w atering places. Simple springs or damp Some simple manor ponds were later transformed into
hollows developed into ponds due as much to trampling quite gr and estate lakes. During the 18th Century, the
by livestock as to active encouragement by men. The heyday of the English School of landscape architecture
Romans may have built ponds to water their horses made famous by Capability Brown, many unpretentious
and drain their roads, but direct evidence is scant. More stream sw eredam m edto form sinuouslakes very different
lasting, in the long run, w ere the efforts of anonymous in appearance from funcţional round or oblong fish
farmers who tapped springs, built small dams, puddled ponds. Today's visitors often fail to realise how carefully
permeable bottom s w ith clay and protected them with engineered some of these 'natural' lakes are. Some estates
chalk or gravei to store w ater where most convenient turned their ponds into duck decoys by digging 'pipes'
at the corners w hich tapered away and finally ended
High on the chalk downs of Sussex, parts of Wiltshire in funnel nets. W hatever the wind, one pipe would be
and Berkshire, reliable natural w ater supplies are very situated so that a specially trained 'p iper' dog could lure

ducks into it. M ost decoys have fallen into decay since conservation areas. Gravei pits are generally shallower
the end of market-fowling days, but a few have been and more easily developed for wiidlife conservation
restored for ringing and research purposes. than are clay pits. Great Linford in Buckinghamshire,
Sevenoaks in Kent and the Lea Valley area, amongst
Village ponds often pre-date their villages. W here a others, demonstrate the success of gravei pit restoration
crossroads m et near a pond two attractions combined to for wiidlife.
encourage settlement. Elsewhere, existing villages spread
out to surround old com m ons or manor ponds, often W herever peat w as used for fuel, the land is dotted with
locating a market beside them. The ponds eventually old, shallow diggings. M any of these form pools within
w ere surrounded by shops and houses or confmed to larger bogs and fens, greatly diversifying the wetlands
small parks and squares. habitats. The Norfolk Broads originated in this way. They
were dry pits, supplying fuel until the end of the 13th
Before piped supplies, ponds w ere the usual source Century when, after being excavated to a depth of 2.4-3m
of w ater for fire-fighting. Early engines w ere simple (8-10'), they eventually reached underlying alluvium or
m echanical bucket brigades and w hen pumps were clay or flooded, despite pumping, due to the high water
introduced they w ere often fouled by sludge. Ponds table. Once abandoned, their origins were soon forgotten
swelled wooden cartwheels w hichhad dried and loosened and, until recent painstaking historical research and
from the hubs on hot summer days and so were often Iined detailed corings proved otherwise, they were assumed
with bricks or filat stones to support the wagons as they to be natural features.
soaked. Their banks grew willows for making baskets,
creels and panniers and for use as thatching 'spics' or In coal and salt mining districts, subsidence due to
spars. In Som erset special pools l-2m (3-60 deep were tunnelling may create shallow pools or 'flashes'. The gentle
dug where cut willow w as placed to sprout for making slopes and shallow w ater of these pools and wetlands
withies. Both the craft and the small, rectangular pools make excellent wiidlife habitats, and many are now
survive today. Anofher specialised pool was the watercress officially recognised as SSSIs. Their value as semi-natural
bed. Today these are often concrete Iined and rigorously habitat and educaţional resource is enhanced by their
managed to keep unwanted 'w eeds' out of the crop, so location in the heart of industrial and urban areas.
their wiidlife value tends to be limited.
M any other in d u strial processes create w aterw ays
Until the advent of steam -driven machinery towards and w etlands which can be of considerable value for
the end of the 18th Century, virtually all mechanised wiidlife. These include storage lagoons for silt and other
industrial activity depended on water for motive force. materials, water storage and treatment systems. With
Water-powered corn mills, often on sites used since increasingly stringent Controls on discharge of effluent
Norman times, dotted the country until a hundred years into watercourses, industries are investing in effluent
ago. Staffordshire and the Weald are characterised by and w ater treatm ent systems which are cost-effective to
'ham m er ponds', so called because the head of water operate, and natural systems are proving their worth.
was used to drive tilt-ham m ers and other glass- and Several hundred reedbed systems have been constructed
iron-producing machinery. Ham mer ponds were often in the UK over the last decade, to purify industrial and
located in w ooded areas where charcoal was available for domestic effluent. Industries requiring large amounts
fum aces and forges. Early in the Industrial Revolution, of w ater have traditionally located near river, estuary
Lancashire and the Yorkshire Pennines sprouted new or Coastal supplies, and to ensure continuity of supply,
hamlets, some of w hich seem quite isolated today, as some have required the construction of reservoirs.
the cotton and w oollen industry grew. Initially every
beckside cottager participated in washing and carding. The history of piped water goes back to Roman times,
As new machinery w as introduced, the focus shifted to but it w as only during the Industrial Revolution, when
the valleys w here the larger streams were dammed and tradiţional supplies becam e inadequate due to pollution
mills established. and the increasing urban population, that reservoirs were
commissioned to supply pure water fromthe headstreams
Quarries of many types tend to flood after abandonment. of major rivers to large cities. Canal builders alsoneeded
Clay and mari pits, w hich furnished material for bricks, im poundments to feed w ater into the highest points on
daub and fertiliser, left many small, steep-sided ponds canals to replenish w ater lost at the ends. Early 19th
scattered over the country. In the South West similar pits Century reservoirs w ere usually earth banked with
in the upland plateau furnished rotten graniţe w hich was puddled clay cores; the fîrst masonry dam was not built
carried to the valleys to build cob houses. Flooded stone until 1892. The flooding of land for reservoirs has always
quarries, unfortunately, are often polluted by stone dust, caused controversy, but many have become important
as in the N orth Wales slate workings. In the South and wiidlife and recreaţional resources. For wiidlife, the most
M idlands, today's im m ense brick and gravei operations valuable have been formed by the flooding of shallow,
provide challenging problems of renovation but can, lowland valleys, such as Chew Valley Lake and Rutland
in some cases, form the basis for new recreaţional or Water.

Wetlands The character of streams and rivers, like that of springs,

ponds and lakes, is affected by the geological and climatic
division of Britain into two main areas: a wet, rugged
For many centurie s, w et grasslands, river flood plains, C~Z
north and w est and a relatively dry and gentle south
salt marshes and other wetlands have been subject to
and east. M ore local differences are also important. In the
alteration by man. Early navigation and the founding
Scottish Highlands, w estward-running rivers are short
of ports and fortified settlem ents required drainage of
and torrential, plunging in a few miles from mountain
marshy areas and the construction of access routes. The
to sea, often through a series of lochs or lochans. Those
fertili ty of alluvial soils for culţivation has been long
flowing east have a longer, more gradual course and
recognised, together w ith the value of w et grasslands
so exhibit more of the 'typical' river features described
for grazing. W ith the advent of tile and mole drains
below. The same distinction betw een westward and
during the 18th Century, huge areas were drained for
eastward-flowing rivers holds, in general, throughout
agricultural im provement. This w as continued through
the uplands, although some Pennine streams, such as the
the m axim isation of agricultural production in the
Tees, change character repeatedly where they descend in
post war period. Flood control to allow industrial and
a series of steps.
urban developm ent usually m eant draining wetlands,
channelling rivers and speeding the w ater on its way
The 'typical' river originates in uplands where it actively
to the sea.
erodes, bringing down great quantities of debris. The
gradient of the river bed lessens as the river flows through
In recent years there have been m any changes. The
the foothills to the lowlands, and as the flow becomes
drive for m axim um agricultural production is now
slower erosion decreases and deposition increases. The
past, and the em phasis on land drainage is gone. With
river slowly winds across its flood plain, the banks
w ater supply requirem ents becom ing difficult to meet,
being raised by deposition until the river may be higher
changing weather patterns and low ering of w ater tables,
than the surrounding land. During flood the banks of
the value of w etlands as huge 'sponges' has been realised.
the river may be breached and the course of the river
The em phasis is turning to retaining and absorbing
changed. The processes of erosion and deposition result
w ater in inland w etlands, to replenish ground supplies,
and slow the flow o f w ater off the land. In Coastal areas,
in the river developing a smooth gradient from source to
mouth, until geological upheaval or change in sea level
w ater levels are expected to rise in the long term due to
causes the river to be rejuvenated, with renewed erosion
the greenhou se effect, w ith consequent flooding. Coastal
areas w hich w ere previously 'reclaim ed' from the sea
and deposition. e
are now seen as vital buffers against sea level rise and
W herever the surface material is chalk or Iimestone,
erosion, and are being returned to their natural state.
watercourses often exhibit peculiarities which set them
apart from streams and rivers elsewhere. W hether in
After years of being paid to dram land, landowners are
the Wealden Downs, W iltshire or the Iimestone regions
now being paid to restore w et grassland. In the Somerset
Levels, a £20 m illion pound flood defence programme is
of Derbyshire and North Yorkshire, many streams are
'w interbournes' w hich flow ordy seasonally. Even if
being im plem ented w hich includes payments to farmers
permanent, Iimestone streams are likely to change level
to raise w ater levels in ditches to flood grassland. In
many areas the technology and infrastructure of land
dramatically in response to seasonal changes in rainfall. f
Dry valleys are com m on, indicating now -vanished
drainage is being reversed and used to raise w ater levels
waterways which once were active. Rain water, containing
and recreate wetlands.
dissolved carbon dioxide from the air, acts as a weak
acid and slowly dissolves the Iimestone itself. Joints and
cracks w ithin the Iimestone becom e enlarged until the
stream disappears entirely down a 'sw allow hole', and e~
flows through underground passages and waterfalls to
Streams and rivers emerge some distance away. Caverns are slowly formed
until eventually the roof m ay collapse leaving a narrow f
Streams and rivers, sym bols of constant change, are in gorge, such as Cheddar or Goredale.
reality extremely ancient and surprisingly stable in form.
In many cases they serve the same drainage function In the levels of Som erset and East Anglia, rivers have
today as when created by great earth uplifts millions of usually been modified beyond recognition. In their
years ago. However, while eroding the land to its present natural state, these watercourses flowed sluggishly, in
profile some stronger rivers have cut into and captured the
headwaters of weaker streams. During the recent Ice Ages,
sinuous meanders or multiple channels through marsh «•
and fenland, for nearly their whole length. The ground
glaciers obscured or in a few cases completely altered old w ater table was so high along m uch of their courses that
patterns, for example by diverting the Severn southward any major rainfall caused widespread flooding, important e
away from its old course into the River Dee. But even here for the developm ent of the wetlands communities on
m uch earlier patterns are often discernible. either side.


Leats, ditches and canals hom esteads dry and field plots workable. The Romans
started large-scale drainage works in Romney Marsh
and the East Anglian Fens. The great age of open drains
Leats are w aterw ays designed to feed other waterways,
was during the 17th Century, when the Somerset Levels,
or to supply w ater-powered mills and Industries. They
East A nglian Fens and the Don Valley were drained for
are usually fairly narrow, but in urban areas may be as
agriculture. Drainage causes oxidation and settlement
big as canals and serve as m uch to transport goods as to
of the fen peat w hich results in the fens shxinking lower
supply water. Sm aller leats feed off-stream ponds where
than the surrounding land, and w ater m ustbe continually
they often lead by a gradual route along the contours.
pumped out to prevent flooding.
Examples are found on m any large estates such as Fyne
Court, Somerset, but the inflow to any suspected man-
Interesting features of today's fenland are the extinct river
made pond is worth investigating for tell-tale straight
channels or 'roddings' left winding across country above
lines, paved bottom and steep banks under the moss,
the level of the skirtland to either side. The roddings
overhanging shrubs and accum ulated leaves and silt.
form stable platforms and often have houses or roads
Villages often diverted w ater from nearby streams past
built along them.
houses and Industries, as at Sticklepath, Devon, where the
leat is tapped for the w heel-run trip hammers, shears and
By the early 18th Century hollow tile drains became
blow ers of the old forge, now a museum. Such courses
available, and the technique of making mole drains in
are usually equipped w ith sluices to control levels and
divert the flow as required. clay soil w as developed. This involves the pulling of a
special plug-shaped plough through the soil to form an
unsupported under-drain. The middle years of the 19th
Ditches, including drains and dykes of all sizes, are
as num erous as natural channels in most parts of the Century saw the massive spread of these techniques to
country. They w ere dug prim arily to drain the land and im prove land for agricultural production, and since then
have f ollowed cy cles of dereliction and renewal according
act as boundaries, but may also have served for irrigation,
to the changes in the agricultural economy.
flood control and navigation purposes. Simple grip and
cut-off drains w ere in use in pre-Rom an times to keep
2 Waterway and wetland ecology

Chemical and physical Animals, not depending directly on sunlight, can live at
low er depths or in the bottom ooze. Light penetration
factors is usually limited by staining (due to dissolved matter),
turbidity (due to suspended matter), and shading by
This section describes some of the Chemical and physical
floating vegetation.
properties of still and flowing waters. These help determine
the shape and nature of the lake, pond or waterway, and
affect the type of plant and animal life which it supports. Thermal stratiffication

Oxygen and carbon dioxide Still waters becom e thermally stratifiedbecause the sun's
heat, absorbed near the surface, cannot penetrate the
depths. Shallow ponds may stratify whenever the day
One of the problems faced by aquatic life is that of
is warm, calm and sunny but becom e uniform again at
exchange of gases. N ot only is diffusion of gases insolution
night as the exposed surface layers cool and sink to mix
slower than in a ir, but the am ount of oxygen which can
with the deeper layers.
be dissolved in a given volum e of w ater is much smaller
than in the same volum e of air. The balance of oxygen
In deep lakes, overturn is seasonal rather than daily.
and carbon dioxide can therefore rapidly become criticai
Starting in spring, a sharp distinction develops between
Oxygen is added to the w ater by surface aeration and
the upper, w arm 'ep ilim n io n ' and the low er cold
by plant photosynthesis during the day. It is depleted
'hypolim nion'. Betw een them is anarrow transitionzone,
by animal and plant respiration and by the oxidation of
the Thermo cline', in which temperature drops rapidly
decaying organic remains.
with depth. During the summcr the layers do not mix, and
the difference betw een their respective temperatures and
In moving water, circulation continually brings water from
content becomes more marked. The hypolimnionreceives
the depths to the surface allowing exchange of gases. By
no oxygen, but only the organic debris showering down
contrast, exchange at the surface of a still pond is very
from the epilimnion. The epilimnion in turn receives none
limited. During the night, a thickly vegetated pond may
of the products of decay, and by the end of the summer
becom e almost depleted of oxygen, which only slowly
its nutrients are exhausted and vegetation declines.
builds up during the day. The effect is worsened in warm
Stratification continues until autumn, when the surface
weather, as warm w ater contains less dissolved oxygen
gradually cools tobring the epilimnion and hypolimnion
than the same volume of cool water. D eoxygenation of
to about the same temperatura and allow storm induced
the lower layers of a deep lake may kill off all but the
eddies to mix them again.
anaerobic bacteria. If thisbottom layer is disturbed, toxic
byproducts of anaerobic decom position may actually
pollute the upper layers. S u m m e r s t r a t if ic a tio n in la ke s

pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of water and relates
to the concentration of hydrogen ions. pH 7.0 is neutral,
below 7.0 being acid and above being alkaline. Aquatic
organisms, especially animals, are generally adapted to a
very restricted r ange of pH values. Changes due to pollution m e f r e s d e p th
orto therelease of aci dsby decompositionof organic remains
cause shifts in the species balance. The presence or absence
of certain invertebrates can be used to estimate the pH and Water current
pollution level of water bodies (pl65).
Streams and rivers exhibit two types of flow. 'Lam inar'
flow is smooth and occurs in a thin bând along the beds
Light and banks where the w ater and channel are in constant,
steady friction. This causes the lam inar flow to slow
Plants depend on sunlight for photosynthesis and food relative to the central core of moving water. 'Turbulent'
production, and are therefore found near the surface. flow occurs elsewhere, due to irregularities in the bed

or bariks which cause the w ater to eddy. Except in very brought down in flood. These may form deltas which
small or artificial channels, this is the dom inant force. The progressively extend across the open water. To preserve
velocity along different lengths varies w ith the channeTs such ponds it is necessary to deflect the current against
slope, relative w idth and height, and also over time, reinf orced embankments and to encourage vegeta tion as a
according to the volum e carried. natural silt trap. Periodic digging-back is also essential.

A natural w atercourse is adapted not to its average or

m ean flow bu t to its volum e w hen bank-full, w hich may
occur only a few days a year. Similarly, the bed material Pond and waterway life
may reflect extreme rather than average conditions. For
example, a stream strewn w ith large boulders is clearly
m ouldedby torrential spates rather than by average flow
Ecology of still waters
or volume. The nature of a stream bed depends largely
on the velocity of the w ater flow ing over it, and not on Although the still waters of lakes and ponds are virtually
the parent m aterial in which it is formed. a closed system, this does not m ean they are unchanging.
AII show changes in populations and diversity over time,
but the fluctuations becom e greater as the volume of
Wave action w ater becomes smaller. A large lake is a stable habitat,
and although subject to thermal stratification, shows
M uch of the specific shape and character of the margins relatively little change in w ater temperature or volume
of open w ater bodies, particularly of large lakes, is over the year. By contrast, a sm all pond is subject to
determined by the varying effects of wind on different great fluctuations. A hot sum m er can dry it out, a heavy
shoreline materials and on the orientation of storm winds rainstorm flood it, and oxygen can easily fall to a criticai
to the shore. level. Animal populations change rapidly, not only from
season to season, but also from one year to the next.
If the shore is rock, waves break up the weaker types of
rock and leave harder material projecting as ridges, but the An algal bloom can appear overnight if conditions are
total effect is small. If the shore is soft sand or peat, waves right. The higher plants in general have a greater tolerance
quickly erode the edge, perhaps into distinct cliffs. If the to fluctuations, but any perm anent change in conditions
edge is glacial drift or ti 11, as in the moraine-enclosed lakes will be followed by a change in the type of vegetation.
of the North, waves carry away finer particles but leave
larger stones andboulders inplace. The disturbed materials
grade from coarse near the shore to fine in deeper water,
Ecology of streams and rivers
and are often redeposited in a platform, the shoreward
edge of which is steepened as it is cut by the waves. Where If a stream or river is studied at several points along its
the material is carried along the shore by wave generated course, different types of plants and animals will be found fi
currents, rather than directly out from it, a spit forms corresponding to the different water velocities. In the
as the material settles. This may create a sheltered inlet upper reaches no free floating plants are found, and the
important to plants and animals which cannot survive only vegetation that can survive are algae, mosses and fi
the more exposed positions. In such places the process liverworts growing in crevices betw een the rocks.
of eutrophication and gradual filling-in of the lake can
most easily be observed. The relative stability of many The first vascular plants to appear are those that can root fi
in termediate shorelines is quickly destroyed by an increase betw eenrocks, but remain totally submerged and lie close
in wave action. This is w hy motorboats, especialiy when to the stream bed where friction w ith the rock reduces
towing water skiers, may cause serious erosion problems the water velocity. Gradually as the velocity lessens the fi
on canals and much-used lakes and Broads. amount of vegetation increases, itself slowing the water
flow and trapping silt, until eventually it becomes similar
to pond vegetation. A similar gradation is found across fi
Silting the width of a river.

Deltas form where inflow streams drop sediments into still M oving water presents the same anchorage problem fi
water. Provided they are not too disturbed by currents, for animals as for plants, and in fast-flowing water only
the sediments fan out and becom e graded from coarse sm all bottom -dw elling organisms can survive, sheltered
material near the m ain inflow channel to finer particles betw een the stones. The caddis-fly larvae builds cases fi
in deeper water and to either side. Once raised above the of pebbles w hich not only act as camouflage but also
water, deltas develop a w etland or terrestria.1 vegetation protect their soft bodies from being buffeted against
appropriate to alluvial soils. stones. Other organisms are flat in shape so they can fi
keep within the narrow bând of slower moving water
Spate streams may quickly fiii in small ponds with deposits close to the stream bed.

Floating-leaved plants have stomata only on their upper

surfaces, where they are exposed to the air. The upper
surfaces are w axy so rain or splashes of w ater will run
off. Stems containîarge air spacestoretain oxygen, which
may be in short supply in the water and altogether absent
from bottom sediments. Submerged leaves are usually
finely divided, to offer little resistance to water flow, and
also creating a greater surface area for gaseous exchange
and m ineral absorption. Some plants such as Ranunculus
aquatilis have typical lam inar aerial leaves, but finely
divided submerged leaves.

Characteristics of water plants

R ep ro d u ctio n
Various adaptations allow perennials to survive the
Only the sim plest fresh w ater plants are aquatic in winter. Some, such as the starworts {Callitriche spp), simply
ori gin. AII others, from mosses and ferns to the flowering sink to the bottom to await the spring. Others, including
plants, are land plants w hich have undergone a kind of the waterlilies and m ost em ergent species, have stout
'reverse evolution' to colonise aquatic habitats. Unlike perenniating underground stems or 'rhizom es' where
algae, w hich require free w ater for sexual reproduction, food is stored as starch and from which new shoots arise
higher plants, w ith only very rare exceptions, require their in spring. Still other species, such as frog-bit (Hyărocharis
flowering parts to reach the air for successful pollination morsus-ranae), produce 'w inter-buds', or 'turions' which
and seeding. This presents such problems that m ost of sinkto the mud upon decay of the parent plant, remaining
these plants flow er and set seed far less regularly and there until spring w hen they surface and develop into
less abundantly than land plants and depend, instead, on new adults.
vegetative reproduction for survival and spread. Annuals
are rare because of the flowering problem and most w hich Hydrochoris morsus-ranae
do occur are not strictly aquatic but are, rather, plants of
open muddy habitats.


Non-emergent aquatic plants have soft stems w hich lack

a cuticle and so allow the absorption of water, dissolved
gases and salts directly over all of their submerged
surfaces. They are strong and flexible enough to withstand
water currents, butbecause they lack strengthening tissue The productivity scale
many cannot survive drying out.
The total w eight or 'biom ass' of life in any habitat is a
measure of its productivity. Simple visual inspection of
the type, variety and density of aquatic algae and of the
higher plants growing at the w ater's edge gives a general
Ranunculus aquafilis idea of relative productivity.
Different waterways can thenbe compared on a scale from
dystrophic (no or extremely low productivity) through
oligotrophic (low productivity) and mesotrophic (medium
productivity) to eutrophic (high productivity).

The soft, acid waters and sterile, stony or gravelly shores of

the north and west support a sparse, calcifuge vegetation
and are in the range from dystrophic to oligotrophic. A
typical highland loch has a marginal bând of diatoms,
filamentou s algae and clumps of moss between the seasonal
high and low water marks. Water lobelia (Lobeliadorhnanna)
dominates the shallows, while in slightly deeper water
the quillwort (Jsoetes spp) extends to 2-3m (7-10') depth
interspersed with water milfoil (Myriophyllum spp) on

gravelly bedsor greenalgae onfiner sediments. Pondweed Duckweed forms the 'scum ' of foul, deoxygenated ponds
(.Potamogeton spp) may flourish to a depthof 3-3.6m (10-12') with a high organic content, where it may help to purify
where the bottom is richly organic. Beyond this there are waters unsuitable for other species. Although often subject
only diatoms. The total num ber of species is small, except to control measures, duckweed rapidly regains dominance
in the shallow lochs of the machair (calcareous grasslands) wherever conditions are favourable.
of the western coast and islands. Many Highland lochs
are very steep-sided with less than 10% of the water area The historical evolution of ponds and lakes can be
shallow enough to support rooted plants. studied by sam pling undisturbed bottom sediments.
Seasonal changes show up in the colour or size of
particles washed down by inflow streams, with light
(low productivity) winter sediments al terna ting with
dark (high productivity) sum m er bands. The increasing
thickness and organic content of the dark layers shows
increasing productivity over time. Microscopic analysis
reveals the developm ent of the surrounding vegetation,
which releases its pollen each year to float and then sink
into the ooze. Since we know the climate and soils which
various species prefer today, w e can use pollen analysis
to deduce changing conditions over past millennia.

Streams and rivers reiate much less conveniently to a

simple productivity scale than do ponds and shallow
Lowland ponds and lakes, by contrast, usually have a lakes. This is because their currents continually scour
rich flora, and fall w ithin the mesotrophic to eutrophic the channel and flush out nutrients. However, many
range. Reedswamp communities, described later in this streams and rivers have shown a recent trend towards
chapter, flourish in the shallow margins. Further out eutrophication, as nitrates from excess fertiliser and wastes
are floating-leaved plants such as the w hite and yellow of various types find their way into watercourses. The
waterlilies (Nymphaea alba and Nuphar Iuţea), the water smallest farm pond or the largest river system can be
crowfoots (Ranunculus spp), common also in flowing degraded in this way. Only some springs and the streams
waters, and broad-leaved pondweed (Potamogeton natans). and tarns of mountains and ungrazed moorland are likely
M any other species occur as submerged rooted plants, as to remain unaffected.
do the water m ilfoils and Canadian pondweed or water
thyme (Elodea canadensis). The latter w as introduced
to Britain in 1842, spread rapidly to choke waterways
across the Southern part of the country and, although
less dominant now than at its peak, still requires frequent Eutrophication is a natural process in which w ater
management in low land ponds and rivers. Free-floating becom es Iaden w ith nutrient salts leached out of the land
plants include frog-bit, its leaves looking like small water­ by stream s and form ed by the decay of organic m atter
lilies, hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum), unusualinthat in the water. It is a gradual process unless altered by
it flow ers under w ater and is pollinated by drift, and m an's interference. The natural rate depends, amongst
duckweed (Lemna spp), w hich often carpets the surface other factors, on the nature of the catchm ent area and
with its tiny leaf-like stems. the pond's depth, and shallow low land ponds may
evolve from oligotrophic to eutrophic in a few decades.
Spiked Eventually, eutrophic ponds undergo succession to dry
w a le r milfoil
land conditions. Trouble is caused w hen eutrophication
takes place too quickly, as a result of extra nutrients being
added to the w ater by pollution from sewage, fertiliser
run-off and detergents. These nutrients may cause a
sudden growth of algae, either in gelatinous masses,
filaments or single cells, w hich can cover the surface in
a thick mat. The oxygen produced by the algae is mainly
lost at the surface, and the 'bloom ' shades all life beneath.
This prevents subm erged plants photosynthesising and
deoxygenation of the low er level results, dam agingboth
plant and animal life. Eventually the algal population
collapses due to n utrien t shortage or a change in
tem perature or light and the pond becom es further
deoxygenated by the m ass of decaying vegetation. Fish
and other organisms m ay die.

Algal bloom s occur in naturally eutrophic w ater in Wetlands range all along the continuum between open
optimum nutrient and weather conditions, but the effect is w ater and dry land conditions. With the exception of acid
not serious if the ecosy steni is in balance. If algal bloom is bogs, they show an inherent and short term instability
dearedto improve water flow or navigation, thesubsequent whichmakes eveneutrophyingponds seemslowto change
burst of growth of submerged vegetation thriving in the by comparison. It is as if a take-off point is reached once
improved conditions may cause further problems. emergent vegetation covers the open water. Wetlands
management should always askthis questionfirst: Should
succession be allowed to continue naturally, or should we
Zonation and succession intervene to maintain the status quo, or should we attempt
to either speed up or reverse the natural succession?
The edge of any productive w ater bodyw ill show different
zones of vegetation, according to the depth of water. A On open w ater bodies, ecologica! succession may be
gently shelving edge will have w ider and more complex controlled by removing aquatic and reedswamp species. If
zones than one w hich drops steeply to deep water. plants are dug out at the roots, a great deal of accumulated
silt and organic muck is removed as well, increasing the
Examine a productive pond over the years and it becomes w ater's depth and further retarding succession. Some
clear th at each of the vegetation zones shown in the diagram control programmes, e.g. the raking of duckweed (Lemna
gradually moves toward the middle, in the process of spp) or algal blooms or the top-cutting of rooted vegetation,
'ecologica! succession'. Rooted plants trap ooze between have no direct effect on the rate of succession, although
their stems; w hen they die and decompose they further they may be a means of 'harvestmg' excess nutrients taken
thicken the bottom sediments which build up and reduce up by the plants, thereby slowing eutrophication.
water depth. This in turn allows other plant species to
invade and cause further drying. W hat is at present a few In w etlands areas, succession is usually controlled
feet of open water covered in water lilies may in a matter through scrub or carr clearance, sometimes followed by
of decades become a reedswamp, dry for part of the year. raising the w ater table through excavation or flooding.
What was once a reedswamp may now be covered in This is the main managem ent task on many lowland
willow scrub or alder carr. W hat is now damp scrubland wetlands reserves, particularly w here fires, drainage or
may become in time a young pine or oak wood. extraction of w ater on site or in the surrounding area has



f Reed

Rooted in mua,
AlTached Rooted in mud.
Yellow Flag

leaves are Yo sta nes, Submerged and aerial fo rm .

submerged. submerged algae Amphibious Bistorh
Spiked Wal*er ea. Cladophora spp.

progressively lowered the w ater table and encouragcd A t its fringe, in deeper w ater where it is just becoming
the quick invasion of shrub species. established or on drier ground where it is starting to lose
its vigour, the stand becom es more open. Other species
In both aquatic-reedsw am p and scrub control, it îs grow as associates or as plants of the 'ecotone' between
essential to remember that the new habitats created by the reedswamp zone and aquatic and terrestrial zones.
succession are valuable in their own right. In every case it Reedswamp often shows some internai floristic zonation
is best to Ieave some areas free to develop and to maintain as well, despite its uniform appearance, due to the varying
other areas as reedswamp, open carr or closed carr, even preferences of species to such factors as depth of water
if the overall objective is to preserve the particular stage of and exposure to wave action.
succession deemed most valuable over most of the site.
Im p ortant reedsw am p p lants inclu d e, in addition
Reversing succession by raising the w ater table via to com m on reed, bu îrush ( Schoenoplectus lacustris),
flooding or blocking the drainage ditches allows land great reedmace ('Typha latifolia ) and branched bur-reed
managers to create new open water habitats within {Sparganium erectum). Reed sweetgrass (Glyceria maxima)
w etlands reserves. Le vels need not be raised year-round, commonly dominates swamps on the upper Thames and
since the vegetation type depends largely on the spring many of the East Anglian rivers. Lower plants, which do
and early summer levels during w hich time plants are not compete very well with tall reedswamp species but
establishing themselves. However, fluctuating levels which often fringe shallow ponds and ditches in lowland
usually create different plant communities from those of England, include the w ater plantains and their relatives
stable conditions, and effects of fluctuations on animal such as arrowhead (Sagittaria sagittifoiia).
life may be extreme.

Swamps and marshes e

Swamps r-
Sw am ps are areas o f m ineral-based soil, norm ally
flooded in the growing season and in this country usually
dominated by tall em ergent plants such as common or
Norfolk reed (Phragmites communis). The few exceptions
to reedsw am p com m unities tend to grow in rather
specialised circum stancesor as a reed-marsh transitionin
areas of the north and w est w here the cool, rainy climate
favours the buildup of peat and the development of acid
bogs. M ost swamps occur at the edges of open w ater in
protected shallows where the current is slight. They also M arshes occur where the soil is waterlogged but where
fiii shallow, sluggish ditches and cover wet areas that were the summer level, while close to the surface, is seldom
until recently open w ater or seasonal pools. much above it. As w ith swamps, the soil has a mineral
rather than peat base. Although Britain's large marshes €r
Most of Britain's larger swamps have been drained, have been destroyed, in a natural state they covered vast
but a few still occur along the south and east coasts, for areas of bdulder clay around lowland glacial lakes and
example at Arne in D orset and M insmere in Suffolk. The river valleys on alluvial gravels, sands and silts. Small &
swamps and fens of the Kennet Valley are noteworthy marshes occur in drier surroundings below springs, dams
because they are thought to have developed w henbeavers or seepage lines where the soil is waterlogged. These may
dammed the streams. be very interesting, especially in highland regions where &
the 'dam p flush' of water-borne nutrients allows a wide
Reedswamp communities are typically 'pure', thatis made variety of plants to grow, in contrast to the surrounding
up of single dominant or two co-dominant species withfew leached-soil or bog vegetation.
if any associates. Reedswamp species usually have aerial
shoots which, under favourable conditions, grow so tightly The vegetation of both lowland and upland marshes is
packed that competitors have little room. These species extremely varied. Often no dominant species canbe singled £
spread by sending out side-shoots from their root-balls out, in marked contrast to reedswamp communities.
or 'rhizomes'. A single plant, arriving perhaps as a bit of
broken root which sets, may spread to form a large colony. Some marshes, like reedswamp, are dominated by almost £
Rhizomes and roots of separate plants may interlock to pure local stands of rushes (Juncus spp), grasses such as
create, for practicai purposes, a single unit. branched bur-reed and dicotyledonous herbs such as great

hairy w illowherb (Epilobium hirsutum). Where the water is regular and deep but in most cases natural succession is
is less than 150mm (6") deep, lower-growing species such toward some form of marsh or scrub and wet woodland.
as horsetail (Equisetum ) and w ater dropwort ( Oenanthe Traditionally, flood meadows were managed for grazing
spp) may also form dense stands. W here the substratum and hay making, which prevents the invasion of coarser
is rocky or erosion prevents the growth of reedswamp- vegetation, but nearly all have been destroyed in recent
like communities/ plants w hose tough can years by gravei excavation or development or have had
penetrate the hard surface m ay share dominance. These their vegetation greatly altered by fertilisers or ploughing.
include com m on spike-rush (Eleocharis palustris) and One such area, N orthM eadow in Cricklade, Wiltshire, has
reed Canary-grass (Phalaris arundinacea), accompaniedby been preserved as a haven for such typical but now-rare
purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) in the zone extending 'oldm eadow ' plants such as adder' s tongue ( Ophioglossun
below summer w ater level and 75-150mm (3-6") above it. vulgatum) and snakeshead fritillary (Fritillaria meleagris).
The sedges (Carex spp) are important where the soil has
a very high organic content. W here marshes are grazed Washes are artifical flood meadows created for drainage
or otherwise disturbed, a m ixed community of sedges or flood control purposes. Unlike normal flood meadows,
and rushes, none d om inant may grow along with the which usually experience a gentle rise in ground water
coarse, tussocky hairgrass (Deschampsia ) and a num ber levels above the surface, washes may be subject to sudden
of short or creeping herbs. and fairly violent inundation. The largest and best known
are the Ouse Washes, about 2,000 hectares (5,000 acres)
in extent, which act as a huge 'safety valve' for the River
Great Ouse, receiving pumped water when it approaches
overflow and containingituntil it canbe gradually released
farther downstream. These washes are grazed early May
to early November, when cattle must be taken off because
of the high risk of winter flooding. Some haymaking is
possible, although even in summer floods may occur. The
main conservation interest of such washes is their value
for wintering and breeding wildfowl and shorebirds.
They often have a remarkably varied flora but usually
few rarities.

Water meadows are a feature of certain chalk stream valleys

in Wiltshire, Hampshire and Dorset. They werebuilt during
Lowland marshes are usually invaded by such trees and the 17th and 18th Centuries to increase the productivity of
shrubs as common alder (Alnus glutinosa), ash (Fraxinus riverside grasslands. The system is ingenious. Stream water
excelsior), grey willow ( Salix atrocinerea), alder buckthom is impounded behind a barrage and released via sluices
( Frangula alnus) andhairy birch ( Betulapubescens). Inslightly when and as desired, to be distributed through a network
more acid and peaty conditions, sweet gale or bog myrtle of raised aquaducts and overflow onto the fields. After
(Myrica gale) may be the first invasive shrub species. flooding, which usually lasts 12 to 48 hours, other gates are
opened and the water flows out through a set of drainage
Upland marshes may have quite a different flora, although channels to empty via a main drain downstream.
rushes and sedges continue to be important. There is
often great variety, especially in rather open limestone
areas, with many beautiful species such as globe flower
(Trollius europaeus). In moderately acid soils, plants such
as the butterw orts (Pinguicula spp) indicate a transition
towards mire conditions.

Wet grasslands
Wet grasslands, while extremely diverse, all developed
under human, generally pastoral, management, to which
they owe their character. Wet grasslands are of five main
types: flood meadow s, w ashes, w ater meadows, grazing
levels, and w et heaths and acid grasslands.

Flood meadows occur where rivers periodically spread out

over their lowland plains and inundate them w ith fertile
alluvium. They may persist on their own where flooding

Themeadows are generally flooded inFebraary toprovide flowering plants w hich otherwise could be expected to
M arch grass for ewes and lambs. The grass is stimulated exist in w et 'flushes' and other favourable places.
to quick growth because the w ater taken f rom the streams
is sever al degrees w arm er in w inter than the surrounding
land. A nother flooding assists the July hay crop which is Mires
followed by grazing in auturnn.
Mires are areas of perm anent!^w et peat caused either by
The success of the operation depends on how long the a water table veiy near the surface ('siligenous' mires) or
water is allowed to flood the meadows. A local saying high rainfall which saturates the peat even though it is
has it that 'you tets (takes) the water on at the trot and above ground water level ('ombrogenous' mires).
off at the gallop'.
M ires are interesting because the peat preserves its
Water m eadow s are laborious to build and m aintain ow n history, which often. extends as far back as the
and require accurate timing of flooding for maximum end of the last Ice Age. Corings usually reveal different
benefit. With the loss of the m en known as 'drow ners' or stages, showing a transition from neutral or alkaline to
'floaters', knowledgeable in water meado w management, increasingly acid conditions. Pollen in the peat shows the
and the increasing cost of farm labour, the aquaducts changing composition of wind-pollinated trees, shrubs
and sluices fell into disuse and decay and most w ater and herbaceous plants w hich surround the mire; these
m eadow s no longer function. However, a few have in turn reflect changing climatic conditions over tens of
remained under continuous management, and two m ajor thousands of years.
sites, near Salisbury in W iltshire, and at Sherborne in
Gloucestershire, have recently been restored. Relic w ater Basin mires develop from small, deep ponds which iack an
m eadow s are dominated by grasses, up to thirty species outlet. Marginal vegetation is unable to trap sediments or
occurring on one site. W here farm ers have taken weed enlarge the fringe of swamp and marsh. Rather, it forms a mat
control measures, dicotyledons are poorly represented. or skin over the w ater's surface which eventually becomes
so thick that plants are raised on a layer of soggy peat above
Grazing levels are w et grasslands produced by the the watep which becomes anaerobic and acid. Cut off from
drainage of meres, marshes and fens. The largest areas minerals and leached by the rain, acid-intolerant plants give
exist in Som erset and Norfolk, but in both places the way to bogmoss (Sphagnum spp) and associates. Where the
active conversion to grazing land has halted where the moss forms tussocks, scrub and trees seed in but as they
peat is deepest and drainage m ost difficuit. In Somerset grow they either depress the mat and drown or topple into
the peat levels are rather poor quality, w orth only about the depths, creating temporary open pools.
half the nearby drier fields on silt and clay, and are
often used as rough grazing for beef cattle although the SECTION
region as a w hole is rich dairy country. Poorly drained
fields a long w ay from paved roads are now allowed to
deteriorate to scrub and w et heath or are dug up for the
peat, and are ofteninvaded by purple moorgrass (Molinia
caerulea), brambles, sw eet gale and birch. As with other
lowland grasslands, the ditches and drains intersecting
or bordering them often have an interesting aquatic flora
independent of the quality of the grassland,
Britain'sbest-developed basin mires are foundinCheshire
Wet heaths and acid grasslands often surround or grade and Staffordshire. The German term 'Sch wingmoor' aptly
into true wetlands, particularly acid bogs. Grasslands describes the sensation one feels walking on their surface.
surrounding bogs are them selves likely to be acidic and It is possible, by setting up a rocking motion, to get trees all
very different from the rich grasslands of chalk, limestone over a Schwingmoor swaying and dancing in response. It
and other basic or even neutral soils. There are three is also possible to fall through the mat. Schwingmoors are
major acidic grassland communities:bent-fescue (Agrostis best left unvisited unless under expert guidance.
-Festuca) grassland on siliceous and sandy soils, Nardus
grassland on damp siliceous soils and on disintegrated Valley mires develop where water flows through shallow
peat eroded from high moors, and M olinia grassland, valleys but where the drainage is somewhat impeded. The
dominated by purple moorgrass (Molinia caerulea), on ground remains waterlogged and peat forms, but whether
peaty soil w hich is w et nearly all the time but where the vegetation becomes that of bog or fen depends on the
the water m oves at least slowly and so remains aerated. mineral content of the ground water and, ultimately, the
All three acidic grassland communities have a very nature of the surrounding rock. Frequently, hurnrnocks and
limited associated flora. Intensive grazing, or burning on other leached areas have bog plants while the banks of the
grouse moors, along w ith the destruction of the original drainage channels cutting the bog and the stream which
woodlands, has elim inated many of the m ost interesting usually flows through its centre have fen species.

Valley bogs develop even in areas of fairly low rainfall Small flood plain mires occur along many streams and
since they depend only on ground water. Some of the rivers but in the low lands most have been destroyed by
most interesting occur in Southern England, notably the hum an interference.
New Forest, where m any plants and animals not found
in northern areas survive due to the mild climate. Blanket mires develop only where the rainfall is at least
1395mm (55") per year and the humidity is consistently
SECTION high. Here, all flat ground and gentle slopes remain.
perm anently w aterlogged, peat builds up and large
areas becom e uniform ly blanketed, irrespective of local
variations in grormd w ater chem istry although slopes
steep enough for continued drainage remain free. The
diagram shows four topographical varieties of blanket
mire, all of w hich may occur w ithin the same continuous

Raised mires develop from valley mires where the Plateau
rainfall is over lOlOmm (40") per year. Here peat builds
up until it is above the ground w ater table. Rain leaches
out rem aining minerals from the raised patches, which
tend to spread and coalesce in a continuous circular or
oval dome of Sphagnum peat up to 1.6km (one mile)
across and 6-9m (20-300 higher in the centre than at the
edge, w hich is usually m arked by a rather steep drop Valley side and
into a peripheral drainage channel or Tagg'. The dome's wafershed
spread halts only at the drier valley sides or at w ide or
swift streams. The only nutrients available are those in
airborne dust, sea spray blow n inland, rainwater and
leachings from dead plants. Very few species tolerate
these extremely im poverished conditions. TregaronBog M any examples of blanket mires occur in Ireland, the
in central Wales and the red-bogs of Ireland are the best Scottish Highlands, the Welsh uplands, Dartmoor and
British exam ples of raised mires. the Pennines. Botanically, they can be divided into two
provinces, north and south of the Scottish Highland line.
These are subdivided by analysis of local topography, the
w etness of the surface, the extent and degree of flushing,
and the altitude. So, while blanket mires present some
of the bleakest, most monotonous scenery imaginable
to the untrained eye, the botanist finds a great deal of
variety even here.

P ea t in c o n t a c t w ith g ro u n d w a te r Mires are of two types, "bog' and Ten7, depending on

whether their vegetation is adapted to acid or alkaline
Flood plain mires form where the upper soi! is kept
permanently w et due to frequent flooding or to the
percolation of w ater through porous alluvial soils. Bog vegetation
Here swamp and marsh give way to bog or fen as peat
accumulates, but the mire vegetation stays in contact Acid mires or bogs develop initially due to one or more
with the ground w ater so its make-up is determined by of these conditions: a w ater supply deficient in basic
local w ater chemistry. minerals, high rainfall leading to extreme leaching of soil
minerals, or the raising of the mire above the water table,
SECTION cutting off the supply of water-borne nutrients.

Very few plants tolerate these conditions, and those that

can, notably Sphagnum spp, tend to decompose slowly
and to release acids during decomposition. This causes
even more effective leaching of minerals which, combined
with the other conditions conducive to acidity, results in
Peat1 in c o n ia c ! with q r o u n d w ater the extreme depletion of soil nutrients from the mire.

f i -
The typical Sphagnum bog is covered alm ost completely by an irregular tussocky surface, commonly consisting
w ithbog-m oss of sever al species, through w hichprojects of sheathed cottongrass and heather, although in w estern
a stunted growth of various grassy and sedgy plants bogs deer-sedge and purple moorgrass m ay be locally
and heafher (Calluna vuigaris), cross-leaved heath (Erica abundant. Bog-m osses and other small species become
tetraiix), and sw eet gale. Bog asphodel (Narthecium increasingly rare. Finally, certain n ew m osses and
ossifragum ) is usually found. The Sphagnum carpet
supports a specialised com m unity of sm all plants,
liverworts appear w hich take advantage of decreased
competition or which are associated with the rather higher
C :
including many liverworts and insectivores such as the salt content in the peat due to oxidation.
sundews (Drosera spp). The species composition and
balance varies throughout Britain, depending primarily
on rainfall and altitude. Certain very w et bogs form pools Fen vegetation
and hu mmocks in a continuing local cycle but, in general,
bog communities are rem arkably stable if undisturbed Fens are mires which lack extreme acidity due to the
since little change can occur once the peatbecom es leached presence of alkaline ground water. Because of this, fen
to the lim it possible in any particular climate. vegetation is typically more like that of marshes than of acid
bogs, often containing a greatm any diverse communities
wherever there are small variations in relative soil acidity
or the height of the water table. Here rare plants or plants
w ith restricted ranges flourish. Woodwalton Fen, in
Cambrîdgeshire, supports over 400 species including the
nationally rare fen violet {Viola stagnina), the woodrush
(Luzula pallescens), and Deptford pink {Dianthus armeria).

Mixed fen is dominated by tussock-forming grasses such

as purple quailreed (Calamagrostis canescens), reed canary-
grass, purple moorgrass, reed sweet grass {Glyceria maxima),
blunt-flowered rush (Juncus sulmodulosus) and black bog C * -
rush (Schoenus nigricans). There is a consider able proportion
W hen Sphagnum bog becom es degraded due to climatic of meadowsweet {Filipendula),yellow iris (Iris pseudacorus),
effects or hum an interference, mixed m oor results. This water mint (Mentha aquatica) and reedmace (Typha spp). f T_
occurs athigh altitudes or onslopes where the peattends to These plants are rather lower growing than reedswamp
break down andbecom e dissectedby drainage channels. species, allowing the survival of a great many smaller
Here the sheathed cottongrass (Eriophorum vaginatum) herbaceous species. Mixed fen is favoured by grazing and f t:
is alm ost always prominent, usually accompanied by mowing but, if left unmanaged, gradually succeeds to
heather. Although m ost bog species can be found locally, 'mixed carr' which is relatively dry and contains a variety
the Sphagnum carpet is absent and the balance of species of shrubs and trees. 1
is entirely different from that in the continuous-cover
Sphagnum bog. MIXED FEN
f ■■.

e t:

f :

Elsewhere, m an's m anagem ent is thought to have caused e

the changeover from Sphagnum bog to mixed moor.
Drainage, burning and grazing dramatically affect bog
vegetation, particularly w hen applied in combination. e j
First, they d isru p t the Sp hag nu m carpet, quickly
eliminating m any w idespread Sphagnum species as well
as the sundews, some of the sedges and liverworts and Reed fen develops from swamp which is managed to e j
many rarer plants. After this, the smooth, m ossy bog the advantage of common or Norfolk reed (Phragmiies
surface w ith its scattered projecting shoots is replaced communis). Reedbeds m ay be created artificially by
e i

flooding, w ith subsequent control of water levels for Fens were once widespread in the English lowlands,
reed, or they m ay be recovered from old beds w hich notably in the Fenland proper of Cambridgeshire and
have becom e derelict. If the reeds are notharvested, they the surrounding counties. In the w et north and west, fens
die and break dow n each y ear, form ing a loose litter and form a relatively short-lived transition stage betw een
eventually a thick organic ooze. Peat then builds up, swamp or m arsh and acid bog. Here fens develop w hen
uriless silt is continually added through tidal action or peat accum ulates in high concentration but succeed to
currents. N orm ally derelict reed fen succeeds to one or bog when the peat builds up above the water table.
another type of sedge fen, w here the reeds are not dense,
or otherwise to m ixed carr. Even in East Anglia, mires may shift from fen to bog as
they becom e subject to leaching by rain. In this part of the
country, however, rainfall alone is not usually sufficient to
keep the peat perm anently waterlogged, and shrub and
tree species gradually seed in, leading to the development
of fen scrub or 'ca rr'. Carr may be of several types. 'M ixed
carr' is relatively dry and contains a variety of scrub and
tree species. 'Sw am p carr', where trees colonise tussocks
over a layer of water, is comparatively unstable since the
trees tend to f all over or drown as they grow larger, forming
open pools, but it may persist for a long time until the
floor begins to firm through the buildup of brushwood
Great saw sedge (Cladium mariscus) develops where the and other detritus. In 'sem i-sw am p carr', trees colonise
water is stagnant but rich in calchim and poor in nitrogen a strong, interlaced rhizome m at w hich can support
and phosphorus. This is often the case in the interior of their weight. Another im portant distinction is between
alkaline fens where nutrient-rich drainage water cannot 'open carr', in w hich trees are spaced far enough apart to
penetrate from outside. Saw sedge fen has few associated allow sunlight to penetrate to ground level, and 'closed
species since it form s a dense surface m at of dead litter carr', in w hich tree growth is dense, shading out most
with evergreenleaves reaching through and above it. This flowering ground plants. A mixture of open and closed
type of fen resists tree invasion for a long time even if carr in association w ith areas of open fen often supports
unm anaged. Eventually a thick, firm m at builds up and an exceptionally varied plant, insect and bird Iife.
sweet gale m ay invade, follow ed by creeping willow
(Salix repens) and other trees.

f p ' - Â k , .« K P
'i W t

/i f //o if*^3

ju r Fen Sallow
3 Management for conservation
and amenity
Threats and opportunities collapsed due to eutrophication, w ith algae dominating
in turbid water. Since the early 1980s, phosphate has
This section outlines the threats and opportunities which been removed at eight sewage works which discharge
are created by the interaction of man with waterways into Broadland rivers. Restoration measures on some
and wetlands. Throughout history, the maintenance of Broads have included the injection of iron to bind the
fresh water supplies has been essential for the survival phosphorus, the pumping of mud, and removal of fish
of cultures, for dom estic life, agriculture and industry. to allow w ater flea populations to increase, which in turn
Waterways for transport, .water supply and defence reduce algal bloom s by grazing.
have determined the pattern of urban settlement. Some
of m an's actions have been of benefit, w ith industry Problems of excess eutrophication are often interlocked
creating such features as the Norfolk Broads, the canal with those of ecological succession. Many of the Broads,
System, and the many gravei pits and reservoirs which for example, have filled in over the years w ithfen detritus.
havebecom e valuable wildlife habitats. However, the 20th Those that w ere too deep to drain in the last century are
Century has been characterised by pollution, abstraction, now very near the threshold at w hich rooted plants can
draining of w etlands and engineering of rivers. There are spread across the surface. W hen this happens the Broad,
many initiatives to restore habitats, reduce pollution and being of nearly even depth throughout, quickly silts up
return to more natural m ethods of river management, and develops into fen. The same progression affects other
but serious problem s remain: small water bodies, such as farm and village ponds.
W ithout maintenance the se ponds slowly fiii in and turn
a Pollution from sew age effluent, w hich requires huge to scrub or grassland.
investment in im proved treatm ent systems. Pollution
from agricultural w aste can only be lessened by Questions of access and use create major problems on
reducing inputs and establishing buffer zones. open water bodies of aii types. Where one purpose is of
o verriding concern it may be easy to decide an appropriate
b Ever increasing demands for w ater for industrial and policy for the number of people allowed onto a site, and
domestic use, requiring increased abstraction, resulting the m eans by which they are allowed to use it. Conflicts
in lowering of river levels and water tables. may arise where several incompatible users have interest
in a site, but zoning in time or place may allow satisfactory
c Increasing recreaţional pressures from watersports, multiple use. On many sites, for example, wildfowlers
angling and other outdoor activities. and fishermen work in co-operation with conservationists,
and can often assist in m anagem ent work with finance,
d Climate change, w hich appears to be resulting in a labour and expertise. Zoning works best on large water
reduction of annual rainfall in the UK; a trend which bodies. W here there are a num ber of smaller ponds it is
is predicted to continue. best to restrict each to one or two compatible activities.

Springs, ponds and lakes Streams and rivers

Springs are insulated against the worst effects of pollution, Over the centuries m anhas greatly altered many ri vers and
althoughnitrate ions from fertilisers canpercolate through their floodplains. Lowland rivers have been straightened,
the rock strata. Springs are more often threatened by widened and deepened to prevent flooding and increase
ground w ater extraction which lowers the w ater table water flow, destroying much of the natural habitat of the
and cuts them off from their sources of supply. river. Floodplains have been drained for agriculture and
development. This causes an actual loss in valuable wetland
Ponds and lakes, w hether natural or artificial, may be habitat, as well as the loss of the buffering and absorptive
threatened by pollution. This is caused more often by effect of wetlands. Heavy rains are rapidly drained off into
excess nutrients entering the w ater than by directly toxic rivers, causing high flows which then need controlling,
substances. Dom estic w astes and certain industrial by- and with less w ater being absorbed and reaching the vital
products are major sources of nutrients, as are fertilisers, underground aquifers. Rapid run-off from drains and
silage and slurry effluent. Inputs of phosphate from hard surfaces washing into rivers also results in siltation,
sewage on rivers in the N orfolk Broads is estimated to pollution and other problems. During dry spells of weafher,
have increased tenfold since the beginning of the 20th there is no slow seepage from wetlands to help maintain
Century. The ecosystem of many Broads effectively river flows, and water levels drop dramatically.

In general, an alteration to one part of a river system has While improvements are being made on some fronts,
effects elsewhere that usually result in the need for further weather patterns and climate change have conspired
interference. How ever since the 1980s, the im portance of against us. The 1990s have been characterised by severe
conserving natural habitat has been realised, with m uch droughts in much of the country, with many rivers down to
more emphasis from the Environm ent Agency and other less thanhalf their normal flow. The lackof rainhas lowered
organisations on using 'soft' engineering techniques the water table, w ithmany aquifersintheNorthEast, North
for river revetment, and the protection of natural river West and East Anglia at an all tone low. Meantime, domestic
features such as meanders and riffles. W ith so many and industrial demand for water continues to rise. In the
streams, rivers and their flood plains altered irreversibly autumn of 1995, many water companies were faced with
for urban development, the protection of remaining near empty reservoirs, and successfully applied for drought
natural habitat becom es even more important. orders to allow the emergency abstraction of water from
feeder rivers. The expected winter rain of 1995/96 never
Pollution from industrial wastes, agriculture and sewage came, and as water companies abstracted the water, river
continues to be a problem. Although some rivers, notably levels dropped further. In August 1996, English Nature
the M ersey and parts of the Thames, are much cleaner reported that 89 sites of natural and special scientific interest
than they were in the mid 20th Century, and in spiţe of has been damaged by excessive abstraction,
a reduction in industrial pollution and the banning of
some persistent Chemicals, pollution is still a problem. With the long-range outlook a continuing warming and
The 1990 Rivers Survey by the National Rivers Authority reduction of rain over a long cycle of years, reduction
reported a net deterioration in river quality over the in demand, conservation of supplies and the stopping
previous decade, partly due to increased sewage effluent. of leakage from supply pipes is essential if rivers are to
Quality had deteriorated due to deoxygenation from recover. Borehole extraction from aquifers for agricultural
bacteria! breakdow n of w aste material, toxic effects of use has been reduced or stopped in many areas, together
ammonia, some pesticide residues, and eutrophication. with abstraction from rivers and streams. It is likely that
Surveysby EnglishN ature and other conservationbodies larger farms will increasingly in vest inbuilding their own
have identified in particular an alarming increase in reservoirs to ensure continuity of supply.
phosphate, mainly from dom estic sewage effluent, but
w ith a significant proportion from agricultural wastes.
Phosphate favours fast growing plants, w hich out- Leats, ditches and canals
compete more sensitive species. In slow flowing rivers,
algae and blanket-w eed dominate, suppressing other Tradiţional labour-intensive cutting and clearing of ditches
plants and causing deoxygenation of the water. and canals has given way to quicker, cheaper and more
thorough methods which can severely disrupt the aquatic
In upland rivers, a small increase in phosphate can greatly ecosystem. Dredgingiseasily mechanised and canbedone
alter the plant community. Measures need to be taken at on a vast scale. Small drainage ditches, both natural and
several levels. Inputs from detergents and other cleaning artificial, may be piped in to increase land-use efficiency.
agents should be drastically reduced by only allowing Piping in destroys their value as 'linear nature reserves'
phosphate-free products. Phosphate removal is needed at which are so vital for the survival of wildlife, especially in
sewage treatment works to remove the phosphate which the hedgeless agricultural landscapes of areas such as East
enters the system from the food we eat. Input of phosphates Anglia and Lincolnshire. Ditches are also important for the
from agricultural fertilisers needs reducing, together with spread of aquatic plants, many of which propagate from
the greater use of buffer strips and water fringe habitats to broken pieces of stern or root which are carried along in
absorb phosphates before they enter ditches and streams. the water. This is why plants soonrecolonise dredged areas
if 'sanctuaries' are left between the cleaned-out sections.
Changes are being m ade to try and reduce m any In recent years, authorities responsible for watercourse
types of pollution, and to manage rivers in a more management have shownincreasing interestinmethods of
natural way. Agricultural schemes including Set-Aside, management which are more compatible with wildlife, and
E n v iro n m e n ta lly S e n sitiv e A reas (E SA s), N itrate which also create a more natural, stable way of managing
Sensitive Areas and others should benefit w ater quality water resources. These include parţial dredging, rotational
and riverbank habitats. E nvironm ental A ssessm ent cutting of bankside vegetation, and retention of meanders,
legislation requires all works w ith the potenţial to have ox-bow lakes and other natural river features. Por further
significant effect on the environment to be subject to formal Information, see RSPB, NRA and RSNC (1994).
asessment. This covers many types of river management
and maintenance work. The formation of the National Artificial channels can also be harmed by neglect. As canals
Rivers Authority in England, now part of the Environment decay their wildlife value may improve up to a point,
Agency, is resulting in river managem ent being planned but w hen completely choked in reedswamp or silted up
in a more holistic manner, rather than on a site by site and dried out they again decline in interest and diversity.
basis. W ildlife and conservation issues are an im portant Wetlands nature reserves, especially in East Anglia, often
part of their agenda. contain elaborate drainage and access channels dating

from the last century or earlier, sometimes equipped The characteristic plants of flood meadows are dependent
with pumps and sluices to control levels and prevent upon continuous tradiţional management, since species
their drying out. Usually these areas have suffered a such as the fritillary persist only where there is winter
generation or more of disuse and dereliction by the time flooding, quick spring drainage and summer mowing
they receive reserve status, so m uch renovation w ork is which keeps down ranker plants.
required before their survival can be guaranteed. Once
restored, they offer an unparalleled opportunity for the Sand and gravei extraction eliminates flood meadows
maintenance of a m osaic of habitats and for controlled and other wetlands. Extraction advanced so rapidly
experiments in ecosystem development. during the latter part of the 20th Century that many
im portant sites have vanished. Extraction can produce
new areas of open w ater w hich can, w ith time, become
Swamps and marshes valuable habitats. Some pits have been partially refilled
with other material and restored as wetlands. This does
Swamps and marshes devei op on fertile silt and peat soils not, however, compensate for the loss of the original wet
which are attractive for agricultural reclamation. Drainage grassland habitat w hich can never be recreated.
has fragmented lowland sw am ps and marshes, such as
the great arc of m arshland around the Wash, north of the
Fenland proper, w hich been converted to rich pastures
and horticultural land. Housing and industrial estates
often drain w etlands piecem eal or fiii them with spoil. The threat to mires throughout the world is so severe that
Swampy fringes of open w ater suffer from waterway enormous efforthas been put into their protectionby many
maintenance programmes, especially dredging. conservation organisations. Upland mires, though less
accessible that those in the lowlands, are in some way s the
Conservation of swamps and marshes must be carried most vulnerable. Raised and blanket bogs, particularly,
out not only to save them from these thieats b u t also to break down and 'w aste' once the surface vegetation
avoid similar damage in the pursuit of management. is killed. This can be clearly seen on Kinder Scout and
Footpaths and trackways often disrupt the hydrological elsewhere in the Derbyshire Peaks where fires, trampling
balance of wetlands even if they don't actually drain and air pollution have led to widespread dissection of
them. Pond, lake and channel clearance to protect open the blanket bog into blocks of deep peat cut by a maze of
w ater habitats or provide access and recreation should treacherous drainage channels. Improvements are slowly
be planned carefully to minimise destruction of fringe being made by the provision of resistant path surfaces,
vegetation. D evelopm ent of new w aterw ays can destroy liming and reseeding, and the reduction of grazing.
existing swamps and marshes but m ay also ensure
their continuation by providing suitably graded banks Grasses, bracken and scrub species are adapted to take
and shallows. The Great Linford wildfow l reserve in advantage of fires and are able to regrow or seed very
Buckinghamshire is m ade up mainly of rather deep lakes quickly into burned areas. The release of nutrients from
created through gravei extraction operations, but fringes burned vegetation further favours these plants at the
of reedswamp and m arsh have been developed through exp.ense of Sphagnum. Heavy b u m s or fires in peat which
extensive shoreline plantings, abulldozed 'serape' and the is already dry ignite the peat itself, w hich smoulders
fencing of adjacent w etlands against grazing by cattle. indefinitely and is then easily eroded by wind and
rain. Trampling pushes bog plants below water, killing
them and leaving pools in their place. Even one or two
Wet grasslands people struggling across a raised bog may make a lasting
impression, one reason why study or management of
The most interesting lowland wet grasslands occur along such sites is diffkult. Sulphur dioxide from burning coal
the larger river valleys, but here they have been decimated and car exhaust may descend as 'acid rain', upsetting
by drainage, flooding clearance or dredging. Even the Ouse the meagre nutrient supply of raised bogs especially.
Washes have at various times been suggested for ploughing The shift in the 18th and 19th Centuries from Sphagnum
or flooding for a reservoir. Water meadows, unlike some bog to cottongrass ( Eriophorum ) moor in the Pennines is
grasslands, need unbroken tradiţional m anagem ent thought to have been caused partly by industrialisation
to maintain their historical and wildlife interest. Once in Lancashire and the resulting air pollution carried
their sluices and aqueducts cease to function they revert eastward by the prevailing winds.
to drier conditions. A few areas have been maintained
throughout this century, forming precious reserves of wet Lowland bogs and fens are less susceptible to fires,
grassland flora and fauna. Hopefully the tide of neglect tram pling and pollution although damage is possible,
and destruction is now tum ing, and in recent years several especially where public pressure and vandalism become
areas have been restored or created. These include water intense. Their vegetation balance may be upset by a
meadows on the River Avon at Britford, south of Salisbury, change in the water nutrient status, although the effect
and on the River Windrush, at Sherbome in Gloucestershire. is often confined to a narrow strip along ditehes which

bring eutrophic w ater into the mire. But if the ditches at a new and low er level, continuing intermittently until
overflow, acid-loving plants across the bog surface are subsoil clay is reached or until it is no longer econom ic
destroyed. Fens and some low land bogs are susceptible to pump the fields dry.
to natural scrub invasion w hich may require combating
if the mire is to survive. Scrub clearance is a m ajor aspect The Som erset peat moors are designated by the IUCN
of vegetaţion m anagem ent on many low land sites and is as being of internaţional scientific importance, both for
detailed in a Iater chapter. their present-day flora and for the plant remains and
archaeological evidence w hich they preserve. Mining,
Drainage and peat cutting have decimated many mires, which eventually include most of Shapwick Heath
especially in the lowlands w here today only a few relics NNR, destroys this. M ined areas can be left to regenerate
remain. These are often extrem ely im portant as 'islands' naturally to w oodland or they may be reclaimed for
of high wildlife value in a sea of relatively impoverished grazing. New peat, however, cannot be formed since
agricultural land. Peat was, until recently, an important clim atic conditions are now unfavourable. It is planned
fuel throughout rural Britain wherever firewood was to turn some of the exhausted Somerset peat fields into
scarce, as it still is inisolated parts of Scotland and Ireland. lakes f or flood control and recreation, but it seems unlikely
In most cases the effects of tradiţional peat cutting are that these new features will develop anything to compare
limited and transient. Some lowland Welsh, Scottish with the biological richness of the old.
and Irish bogs have been reduced in size over the years,
but because cutting must cease when the water table is
reached, unless pumps are used, tradiţional methods
tend to take a thin layer off an area and then abandon it / Management problems
or turn it over to grazing w hile the vegetation recovers
and another area is scalped in turn. This often produces
Când principles___ _____
a valuable diversity. Slightly raised mires w ith alkaline The m anagement options for a site can range from non-
ground water, for example, may develop a series of intervention, through minor alterations to maintain the site
habitats from alkaline pools and w ater level peat to as it is, through larger-scale works over several years. The
moderately acid peat at the original mire level to highly aims of m anagem ent may be varied, including wildlife,
leached and acid ridges or baulks, well above ground public access, and farming and commercial interests.
water, where the top vegetation is piled after being cut Water supply and drainage are regulated by outside
away. Even bogs unaffected by alkaline ground water agencies, and few sites are completely seif contained.
may develop slight variations in acidity and waterlogging M ost management involving waterways and wetlands
due to cutting, w hich allows a greater variety of plants requires consultation with various parties, and agreement
to flourish than would otherwise exist. over the varying aims and methods of achieving them.
Climate and w eather also play their part.
Some of these w orked-over mires today form nature
reserves of great interest. Often the areas most desirable M anagement may require massive alterations to a site,
to preserve are the 'p oo r's fens', so called because they w ith or w ithout continuous and long-term follow-up,
were set aside for the use of paupers and pensioners. or it may consist of no more than fencing, screening,
While m any priva tely-ow ned mires were drained for signposting or policing to protect the site from further
pasture, ploughland or plantaţi on, the poor's fens often interference. In eveiy case, the aims, requirements and
remained unimproved and in use up to the 1930s or likely effects of the programme m ustbe evaluated before
later. Unfortunately, ownership of these areas is now it is begun.
often obscured by the unofficial demise of the original
controlling charities. W hen nobody is left to exercise M anagement aims may include the following:
cutting rights, these fens quickly revert to scrubland. ----- tssrr - -—rrr
a Influencing the ecological succession of a site or habitat
The demand for peat has vastly increased in recent years, in order to preserve or increase its wildlife value.
mainly for horticultura! purposes but also for use in such M anagement may accelerate, maintain or retard the
diverse fields as distilling, animal husbandry, medicinal rate of succession.
baths and the production of biostim ulants and peat wax.
In Ireland peat is now used to fuel large-scale electrical b Conserving species endangered on a local, naţional or
power stations and peat 'm ining' is highly organised. global level, by protecting existing habitat and where
Shapwick Heath in Som erset is the major English source possible, creating more habitat.
of high-grade sedge peat. Here the largest companies use
machines each of w hich replaces fifteen m en cutting by c Protecting or creating areas of semi-natural habitat
hand. The m achines m ust be kept in continuous use, if w hich support a range of wildlife. Within urban or
possible, which requires hundreds of acres to be kept open intensively farmed land their importance for wildlife
for cutting at any one time. It may take five to seven years is increased if they are linked in a netw ork to other
to cut the top layer off an entire field. Cutting then begins areas of semi-natural habitat.

d Providing an amenity for passive or active recreation, watercressbeds. Lookfor signs of a dam or weir wherever
or an educaţional resource. there is no other obvious reason for a pond's existence.

e Impro ving or m aintaining the health of an ecosystem. Streams, rivers and other linear water bodies may be
T h e in te rd e p e n d e n ce o f m an and h is n a tu ra l fed by springs and seepage areas in addition to runoff.
environm ent is no longer being ignored by industries, Watercourses running along rather than across the
agriculture, government agencies and decision makers. contours are man-made leats or canals.
Althoughm uch remains tobe done, huge sums are now
being invested in systems w hich reduce or eliminate b W hat is the w ater quality? Are there obvious signs
pollution, recyele w aste and m akebetter use of natural of pollution or over-enrichment, such as oii slicks,
resources. suspended silt, algal bloom s or dead fish ? Test the
pH and sam ple the aquatic invertebrates (p!65).

Site survey and analysîs W hat affects water quality before it reaches the study
area? Is the catchm ent intensively farmed or highly
Tt is im portant to find out as m uch as possible about the populated, producing drainage polluted by fertilisers
site before any decisions are made concerning its future or organic effluents? Forested catchments may supply
m anagement. It is difficult to assess its value for wildlife sudden heavy loads of silt after clear-felling and nearby
without m aking regular visits to the site over the course waterways may be deoxygenated when debris washed
of at least a year. Contact the local office of English Nature in sinks to the bottom to rot. Roadside ponds and
(or equivalent) or the county wildlife trust for advice. streams are especially likely to be polluted since they
often receive drainage w ater laden with dust, oii and
S u rv ey q u e stio n s road salt and are obvious targets for tipping.

Surveys establish a baseline by which future changes c Does the w ater supply fluctuate with the prevailing
canbe measured and they pro vide inform ationby which w eather, season or other factors? Are any such
m anagem ent can be made more precise as it progresses. fluctuations harmful? Some watercourses and ponds
Some survey techniques require specialised knowledge are only seasonal, and have a particular flora and
or equipment, but m uch can be learned from informed fauna associated with this seasonality. To try and
inspection of the site supplemented by a few simple prevent fluctuations may not only be difficult, but
tests (pl65). harmful to the ecosystem. M any seasonal pools are
very stable ecosystem s in the long term, providing
Ideally, a site should be studied over the course of at valuable continuity of habitat. The summer drying
least one year before m anagem ent begins. Appearances out allows accumulated organic matter to oxidise, so
at any one season m ay be deceptive since, for example, preventing the pond from filling in. The growth of
a site's im portance for flow ering plants or overwintering em ergent and marginal plants is suppressed, while
wildfowl can be judged only at certain times of year. If invertebrates, snails and other organisms survive in
fairly regular m onitoring is not possible, the site should the damp mud. The unattractive state of a dried-out
be inspected on three or four occasions during winter, late pond does not reflect its health as an ecosystem.
spring or early sum m er and autumn. If only one visit can
be made, it should be in M ay or June when aquatic life In contrast, many wetlands rely on the manipulationof
is at its m ost active, although at this time the w ater level water level by flooding or 'draw ing down' at various
may be near its low point. W hen studying a site, don't times throughout the year. This is necessary for some
ignore local know ledge and opinion, particularly in the commercial reedbeds and grazing marshes. The value
case of village ponds. The location of drains emptying into of wetlands for wading birds and other wildlife, and
a pond, its changing w ater levels, past habitat quality and for w ater treatment, flood relief and coasta! defence is
the im pact of public pressure m ay often be more easily now being realised, and many hectares of wetlands are
learned at the local pub th an b y the waterside! now being managed by manipulation of water levels
by sluices and pumps.
The following questions are m ost im portant in the survey
of w aterways and wetlands sites: d W hat species of plants and animals are presenton site?
Do these include any rarities or species of particular
a What is the water source? Ponds and lakes may exist interest, for which special provision should be made?
due to natural drainage or seepage, or because they lie Complete inventories of fauna and flora may not
below the water table. They may depend on natural be feasible, but try to record as much information
impermeable deposits, or may have been created by the as possible w ithin practicai limitations of time and
use of an artificial lining. Ponds of a fairly regular shape, expertise. Consult English Nature, the local Wildlife
especially those in series wifh a noticeable drop between Trust, Biological Records Centre or other organisations
each, may be man-made hammer ponds, fish ponds, or likely to have know ledge of the site.

e W hat are the hum an factors affecting the site? W hat is b Minimise any habitat destruction
its present use and that of the surrounding a rea? How
is this likely to affect the site in the fu ture if present c Minimise any disturbance to wildli fe due to interference
trends continue? at flowering or nesting seasons

d Involve risk to hum ans, non -target w ild life or

Is management required? agricultura! crops and livestock

Once preliminary analysis and site surveys have been e Risk damage to equipment or physical installations on
made, the following questions should be asked to clarify site
the managem ent requirements:
f Risk damage to other people's property
a Îs there a need for direct habitat management? W hich
plant spedes are dominant and do they need controiling? g Require legal permission from government authorities
Are additional plantings needed? If so, which species or landowners
would best adapt to the site without becoming too
invasive? On very exposed sites, additional shelter may h Be possible given available labour
be beneficia!. Do the banks, shoreline or bottom need
modifying? Can this be done without causing secondary i Be possible given available funds for capital and
problems of spoil disposal, flooding or drainage? operating costs

b Is there a need to manage hum an uses of the site?

c How much is the site affected by surrounding habitats?
M any sp ecies m igrate betw een d ifferent w ater New species of plants or animals may be introduced to a site
bodies and wetlands and may depend on this to find for several reasons. These include to propagate species under
appropriate conditions during all seasons and phases threat elsewhere, to add diversity and interest to the site, to
of their life cycles. A site may lose much of its wildlife attract other species not yet present on a site or to stabilise
interest if surrounding land is improperly developed. an unbalanced ecosystem. The following safeguards are
basic to ensure that harmful introductions can be avoided
d Does the site have management priority over others? and all introductions are properly recorded.
Does i t really need management or can it go its own way
for some time without losing value? Given the limited a Draw up a list of species considered acceptable for
resources available for any management work, are there introduction to the site. Indicate in which management
other sites more in need of immediate attention? areas within the site introduction is acceptable or
unacceptable. For example, non-native trees and shrubs
e Can less be attempted than is tempting? The sensitivity may be desirable for planting in areas of parkland
of some habitats to interference means that there character but not into existing copses or scrubland.
may be a danger of trying too much too soon, with
unexpected and unwanted repercussions. Management b Consult and invite the participation of the local county
work should be phased, if possible, so that it can be w ildlife trust, the Biological Records Centre and
checked early bef ore making a commitment to the entire English Nature (or their equivalents) in any large-scale
programme and so that unavoidable damage is localised introductions or those involving rare species.
and minimised. If a programme requires completion in
order to be successful, it should be started only when c Notify either the local county wildlife trust or the
there is certainty of carrying it through. Biological Records Centre of all introductions. In
this way future scientific study of the area can take
f How long will improvements due to the work remain? introduced species into account.
Will they wear off and conditions be the same or possibly
worse as a result? Will the site require continuous
management in order to maintain any improvements?
Animal management

Most conservation work on waterways and wetlands is

Choosing a method directed at a general improvement of the habitat, often
through management of the vegetation. However, the
If m anagem ent w ork is judged necessary each available importance of animals in the ecosystem must not be
work method should be evaluated by asking if it will: overlooked, and the following sectaons describe techniques
to encourage both diversity and speciality in the animal
a Achieve the desired results world.

Invertebrates increases aeration. Trout survive in ponds but only

where the temperature never exceeds 20°C (68°F) and
where summer warming plus bacteria! decomposition
The vast majority of animal life associated with waterways
does not fatally lower the dissolved oxygen content.
and wetlands is invertebrate, from the simplest protozoa
Coarse fish, by contrast, tolerate fairly wide temperature
and worms to molluscs, spiders and insects, and ranging
fluctuations and a few species, such as carp, persist
from the rather unpleasant to the spectacularly beautiful.
even in highly eutrophic or polluted waters with a low
They form the complex and m ainlyhiddenpart of the food
oxygen content.
chain, a jungle of camivorous, herbivorous and detritus-
feeding organisms, vital for the health of the habitat. If the
b Adequate food, w hich in turn is largely determined by
vegetation, water and ofher factors sucii as light or shelter
the w ater's pH. Acid waters never support as much
are favourable, the species should eventually arrive. They
life as alkaline waters, and trout in mountain tarns,
can be helped, for example when restoring a pond, by
for example, m ay grow to no more than one sixth the
introducing individuals from a nearby productive pond.
w eight of trout in productive chalk streams. Coarse
fish prefer a pH betw een 7 and 9 with pH 7.5- 8.5
Some habitats are managed specifically for the more
being ideal. Fish feed principalîy on smaller creatures
spectacular invertebrates, particularly dragonflies and
which live on or among w ater plants or which fall
butterflies. Wicken Fen in Huntingdonshire has long been
into the w ater from overhanging trees and shrubs.
managed for the Swallowtail butterfly, which requires
It is therefore always im portant to allow aquatic and
M ilk Parsley (Peucedanum palustre) on which to lay fheir
bankside plants to flourish in some areas even if they
eggs. Dragonflies suffered a decline due to the draining of
are kept w ithin limits elsewhere.
wetlands and the in-filling and tidying of ponds. Always
contact the local office of English Nature (or equivalent)
Further requirements of game fish, but not coarse fish,
before doing any pond clearance work, as the importance
of the habitat for invertebrates is difficult to assess without
expert help.
a Clear flowing w ater for breeding. Whether migratory
or not, all game species reproduce only in shallow
Fish gravel-bottomed streams which do not become silted
due to slow flow.
Fish are a good indicator of the water quality and general
health of rivers and other watercourses. Fish in ponds b Water free from pollution. H igh concentrations of
and lakes need careful m anagem ent if populations are toxic substances or extremes of deoxygenation kill all
going to remain in balance, and not cause deterioration aquatic life. In general game fish are affected far more
of the ecosystem. Small wildlife or educaţional ponds quickly than coarse fish by w ater quality, and thrive
should n o tb e stocked w ith fish, and any stocking of large only in w ater w hich is free of pollutants.
ponds, lakes or watercourses should only be done after
consultation w ith the Environment Agency and English M anagement should always be in stages or restricted
Nature (or equivalent). to limited areas at any one time, to avoid disturbing or
harming fish. Too m uch stirring up of bottom ooze can
In many cases, the m anagem ent of water for angling or lead to increased decay and deoxygenation. Extensive
fisheries can combine well with conservation management. weed clearance can do the same if the cuttings are not
Both are aimed at maintaining a rich and varied ecosystem removed, while food supplies are inevitably disrupted
with a good variety of plant and invertebrate species, and temporarily reduced by this work
although conflicts m ay arise where predators such as
herons need control. For further reading see Alabaster, J
S (1985) and M uus and D ahlstrom (1971). Stocking

On rivers, stocking of fish for angling has only short-

General requirements term benefits. An im provement in habitat requirements
and w ater quality is the only way to make long-term
The two basic requirem ents for fish, w hich together improvements.
determine the character of any fishery, are:
O nnew ponds where the aim is angling, it is best to prevent
a Adequate oxygenin the water. Game fish (salmon, trout fish entering the pond as it fills so that the population
and grayling) require much higher concentrations of balance can be fully controlled. Do not stock until the
oxygen than do coarse fish (carp, tench, roach, rudd, pond has had time to develop a healthy aquatic vegetation
bream etc). Since cold w ater holds more oxygen than and to achieve a measure of stability. If possible, wait at
w arm water, game fish are limited to cool waterways least one full year. M eanwhile, you can encourage pond
and, in general, to swift streams where turbulence life by planting marginal and aquatic vegetation and by

introducing invertebrates. These m ay be collected from Resting and feeding

nearby ponds of similar water type, transported în water-
filled containers and dumped into the shallows. When In still waters, resting and feeding habitat is generally
collecting, net free-swimming creatures in shallows, pick assured, provided there are extensive shallows which are
over the bottom stones to scrape off animals clinging to well-vegetated but not choked w ith weed growth. The
them and scoop out some of the surface mud from the situation is a little more complicated in streams.
bottom. Do not delay too long before releasing the animals
silice predators are at an advantage in confined conditions. Fish in streams seek spots where they can get as much
Snails and fresh water shrimps may be collected orbought food as possible w ith the least effort, at the same time
from fish farms. Snails should be introduced in stony fending off competitors and protecting themselves from
shallows where they can feed on algae, while shrimps predators. In swift streams and small rivers, fish settle in
should be scattered in sandy shallows and among the beds pools between which liestretches of'thin' water where the
of water plants. Suitable sanctuary areas surrounded by current is swift and clear over boulders or pebbles. Thin
fine-mesh wire netting help snail populations establish w ater is unattractive to fish because it is too shallow and
themselves free from predation by fish. exposed unless waterside trees and shrubs provide cover.
Also, thin w ater areas supply little food although they do
Initially fish should be stocked in new ponds at a rate of support a specialised insect life adapted to them.
no more than 30kg per hectare (1501bs per acre) of water
surface, even where food and plants have been provided. Typically, each suitable pool holds a single dominant fish,
Otherwise the pond's resources may be depleted and the quietly positioned just off the current where virtually no
programme set back for some time. energy is needed to stay in place while it waits for choice
morsels to float past. Other fish occupy progressively less
satisfactory positions down to the smallest, which find the
Suitable species for introduction to new ponds include least food and use most of their energy fighting the current.
If the dominant fish is cau ght, the sub-dom inant fish mo ves
into place almost immediately and so on down the line. In
a Carp (Cyprinus carpio). These are bottom feeders which order to increase the overall population, yet at the same
do not spawn in most waters in this country. This is an time avoid a diminution in the size of individual fish, it is
advantage in new ponds because it gives other aquatic necessaiy to create new pools in less suitable stretches. It
organism s a better chance to develop. does no good to simply dump more fish into the stream,
since they just drift down, or less often work their way
b Tench ( Ţinea ţinea). These are bottom feeders which, up, until they find a favourable location. New pools and
like carp, sift the mud, but take different food and so resting places can be created in 'thin' water by:
do not compete with carp.
a Building stone or cement-bag weirs (pl20) or stone-
c Roach (Rutilus rutilus), w hich feed on algae, plant filled gabion 'croys' (p86) part way across the stream
fragments and insects among the beds of aquatic so that scouring occurs below each weir to form a
plants. Roach often over-breed but the surplus can b e new small pool. If the weirs are extended farther they
netted. deflect the current against the opposite bank. This may
be desirable if the margin is badly silted but should
d Rudd ( Scardinius erythrophthalmus) which feed fromthe otherwise be avoided.
surface and in m id-w ater and so do not compete w ith
bottom feeders. Rudd tend to hybridise with roach in b Installing temporary log or concrete slab dam sheld in
small pools where spawning places are limited, so it place with Steel spikes or lengths of angle iron driven
is best to choose betw een the species in this case. into the bed (p l21). These are most suitable for the fairly
sedate chalk streams of the South, where it is necessary
e Bream (Abramis brama). These are bottom feeders which to maintain summer w ater levels. Before the waters
should only be introduced after the pond has had rise in winter, the stakes should be removed and the
time to mature. They tend to ştir up the mud, causing pieces pulled onto the bank for reuse next year.
turbidity w hich inhibits aquatic plant growth.

Species which should not be introduced, where angling Spawning

is the main concern, include small fish such as gudgeon,
ruffe, minnows and sticklebacks and the piciverous perch G am e fish
and pike. A few large perch may be useful to keep down
the number of excess fry, but they tend to over-breed and Trout (Salmo trutta) and Salmon (Salmo salar) spawn in
small perch deplete the insect life neededby other fish. They autumn and winter, in fast-flowing w ater about 300mm
do, however, provide amusement for young anglers and (1') deep over beds of small friable gravei. The ova take
winter fishing when other species are semi-dormant. a long time to develop: from six to twelve weeks for

trout and from seven to tw enty-eight w eeks for salmon, individual. O f these, only a few are destined to develop
depending on the w ater temperature. Grayling (Thymallus into adults. Predators take a heavy toii at all stages, but
thymallus) spaw n M arch-M ay in slightly deeper w ater especially am ong very young fish which are im portant in
over sand or gravei. Their eggs hatch in three to four the interm ediate links of the aquatic f ood chain. Predation
weeks, depending on temperature. becom es a problem only w here angling is involved or in
restricted conditions such as small ponds or feeder streams
There are several threats to successful spawning of these where predators are at an unusual advantage.
species, aside from predation:

a In calcareous streams, calcium carbonate deposits

may lock the gravei into a hard mass, preventing fish Amphibians
cutting the 'red d ' or bow l-shaped hollow w hich holds
the developing ova. Am phibians depend on suitable freshwater habitats in
which to breed and to pass the early stages of their life
b Certain areas, particularly the inner bends of meanders, history. Britain's three species of newt, two toads and
may be attractively gravel-bottomed in the spawning single native frog (plus two introduced species) all face
season but later becotne silted, sm otbering the ova. severe loss of breeding habitat and, to a lesser extent,
increased man-made barriers to migration and dispersai.
c W here spaw ning areas are inadequate, successive Their conservation is usually best served by the creation
m ating pairs of fish may use the same spot to dig and m aintenance of ponds, pools and ditches, with
their redds, exposing the ova of previous pairs, which surroundings free from public pressure and provided
cannot then survive. with suitable shelter and hibem ation sites. It is generally
not recommended to transport spawn to unpopulated
To prevent these problems: waters since the fact that amphibians do not occur in
a given location m ay indicate that conditions there are
a Rake over the spawning beds with a sharp Steel rake unsuitable. Extra care is necessary with species having
in early autumn, before the spawning season when limited or scattered distributions, especially the natterjack
water levels are low for easy working. This breaks up toad, w hich occur s only on a few sites, mainly sand dunes.
solidified gravei and dislodges mud and vegetation from The edible and marsh frogs are introduced species and
the previous srnnmer. Inspect the beds in the winter and are concentrated near London and in Romney M arsh
rake them out againif they get muddy. You needto know respectively and should not be deliberately transferred
what water levels to expectin the spawning season, since elsewhere. Although amphibians are in general rather
in early autumn some of fhem may be out of water. sedentary, individuals wandering at random allow the
gradual natural colonisation of suitable new sites within
b Do not clean out areas likely to suffer siltation, such a mile or two of existing populations.
as the inner bends of meanders. These should not be
made attractive to spawning fish. Instead, concentrate
on straight lengths of shallows. Life history

c Extend spawning areas, if they are inadequate, by Management w orkm aybe very destructive to amphibians
cleaning out side streams or carriers about 60Omm (2') if carried out at the wrong time of year. Dredging,
wide, rem oving mud down to the gravelly bottom. pumping, extensive aquatic weed control and other severe
This also disturbs any hibernating eels, which prey disturbance of ponds and ditches should be avoided
on small fish, and sends them downstream. during the breeding season and until the tadpoles have
metamorphosed and left the water. Derelict ponds and
C oarse fish marginal areas are usually dug out in wintei; but this may
expose and kill hibernating adults. Where it is known
Coarse fish depend on higher w ater temperatures for that a species occurs on site, it may be possible to time
spawning than do gam e fish, and so spawn later, mostly m anagement to accord w ith its life history outlined in the
in M ay and June. The ova, w hich in m ost species are table on the following page. Details are given in M acan
deposited on underw ater plants, w ood or am ong stones, and Worthington (1972, pp209-17).
only take from several days to a fortnight to develop,
depending on the species and w ater temperature.

Predation Amphibians are relatively defenceless against predators.

Newts have considerable regenerative powers throughout
Fish spawn from several thousand to half a m illion eggs their lives and toads and frogs can regenerate atthetadpole
each season, depending on the species and the size of the stage. The warty newt is generally left alone because

Name Hibernation1 M ating and spaw ning1' 2 Tadpoles leaving w ater

Warty newt mid M arch - mid July

late October - mid M arch late August - late October
(Triturus cristatus) (early A u g u st)3

Smooth new t early M arch - early June

mid October - end Feb late June - mid October
(Triturus vulgaris) (early A u g u st)3

Palmate new t
m id October - end Feb M arch -
(Triturus helveticus)

Com m on toad
mid O ctober - mid March mid M arch - end A p r il4 late M ay - late July
(Bufo bufo)

N atterjack toad
late October - late Feb mid April - end June 5 early June - mid August
(Bufo calamita)

Com m on frog
mid October - end Feb early M arch - end April end M ay - m id August
(Rana temporar ia)

Edible frog
early Nov - early April early M ay - mid June mid August - end October
(Rana esculenta)

M arsh frog late August - early Nov

early Nov - early April late M ay - early june
(Rana ridibunda)

1 Dates vary from year to year, depending on weather conditions.
2 Some species remain in or near the water most of their active adult life. Others are highly terrestrial except at the indicated season.
3 Dates in brackets indicate extended aquatic llife of adults after spawning.
4 Spawns in deeper water than frogs, though it may shdre the same pond.
5 Spawns in very shallow water in areas which often dry up in summer.

of its poisonous skin; the common toad also secretes a

distasteful fluid but many predators have learned to eat
it and leave the skin. M anagement for waterways and wetlands birds may
range from intensive hand-rearing of wildfowl, in order
AII amphibians are most at risk in the early stages, when to replenish shooting stocks, to setting aside vast reedbeds
they fall prey to w ater beetles, dragonfly larvae and for a single breeding pair of marsh har riers .The emphasis
sticklebacks as well as to the larger fish, snakes and water here is on the creation of suitable nesting sites and, for
birds which eat them as adults. Frogs and toads are easily w ildfow l and to a lesser extent waders, provision of
caught when they gather in large numbers to breed. When feeding and resting areas. Itis also im portant to recognise
on land, newts are eatenby hedgehogs, stoats, weasels and that management may involve culling, especially on
rats. The common toad is prey ed onby crows, magpies and village ponds or small lakes in amenity areas. Feeding
grass snakes, and the natterjack toad by voles and herons. of ducks and geese by the public can quickly encourage
Toads secrete a poisonous substance in their skin, which le vels to rise to above that which the pond would naturally
reduces the num ber of predators to those which can either support. This results in destruction of pond andbankside
skin or disembowel them. Frogs do not have this ability, vegetation, and eutrophication of the water. Numbers
and therefore have more predators than do the toads. m ust th en b e reduced and feeding discouraged to allow
the pond to recover.
Man, while not directly a predator, takes his toii. Thousands
of frogs and toads are run down each year while Crossing
roads to return to their spawning ponds. Breeding and nesting

Amphibians, like fish, depend on their great fecundity Below is Information on general requirements and some
to persist. In special circumstances it may be necessary examples of techniques to encourage nesting. Publications
to discourage predators, such as herons which frequent of the RSPB and W ildfowl and Wetlands Trust should be
natterjack spawning pools, but protection from. human consulted for further details.
disturbance and provision of habitat at all stages of the life
history is usually the best way to ensure their survival.

Artificial n est sites fo r b ird s o f op en ground even a 50mm (2") step may defeat day-old ducklings.
Rafts should have ramps. Large areas of open w ater
Most waders, and other species such as terns, can be should be broken by clumps of reedswamp or islands
encouraged to nestby providing suitable protected areas, w ith bays w hich provide areas of calm w ater no matter
such as small Iow-lying islands (p93) of sand or gravei, w hat the wind. It may be necessary to provide shoreline
vegetated or bare according to the preferences of various wave barriers with suitable openings or ramps (p89).
species. It may be necessary to supply nest or lining
materials such as the cockle or oyster shells required N est sites fo r k ingfîshers, sand m artins and
by oystercatchers. Some species have more complex sh eld u ck
requirements for successful raising of young. For example,
adult avocets prefer patches of open w ater w ith shallow Kingfishers and sand m artins nest in near-vertical, stone-
islands, while their chicks require gradually slopingbanks free sandy banks. They dig their nest holes at least 1.
inlight plant cover for feeding. This m ay also attract terns 2m (4') above ground level and up to lm (30 deep to
and gulls, b u tb o th species can be discouraged by winter escape predators. Sand martins live in colonies, and
flooding of the islands. Gulls are frequent unwanted require extensive areas of bare sand, which are created
occupants of nest sites designed for other species and by fresh vertical cutting from lateral erosion of a stream,
it may be necessary to destroy their eggs. In this, as in rather than by slumping. After sever al years their nest
other matters of detailed site management, the regional holes becom e enlarged to the point where sparrows and
office of English Nature should be consulted. eventually starlings can take them over. As this occurs and
vegetation gradually encroaches on the face, the colony
N est sites for w aterfow l diminishes unless the cutting is renewed.

M any species of w aterfow l adapt readily to nesting rafts Existing or potenţial kingfisher and sand martin banks
provided with suitable cover or with boxes or baskets can. be im proved by cutting or building, depending on
(p95). Combining rafts w ith island. sites may increase the the problem at hand. W here an existing cliff has slumped
breeding density still further. The configuration of the or becom e overgrown, the fîrst step is to clear all scrub
shore and the amount and placem ent of cover plants are and trees from the face. Next, the face should be cut back
important, since mallard and other waterfow l defend a to vertical, using mattocks. The spoil, in m ost cases, can
nesting territory based on sight lines. The ideal shoreline be simply pushed to the bottom. Renew a high bank in
is wavy or castellated, w ith many individual 'broodbays' a series of terraces to avoid having to shift too much
which can be excavated to the design shown below. material:


Cuh lop terrace firsl'- -/


Cuf lower ferrace / V/
as required __ o
T rrrrT 7 7 7 7 n rm < //

Where a potenţial siteis toolow, it can bebuiltup provided

In the breeding areas, food and shelter are vital to the enough sand is available nearby. Secure corrugated iron
survival of young birds. Bothnew ly hatched dabbling and shuttering at the top of the existing bank with long stakes
diving ducks require a high proportion of invertebrate driven along the face of the bank. Pack stone-free sand
anim al food, the nature of w hich varies w ith the species, behind the shuttering, tapering the ends of the bank and
although after a few days dabblers becom e increasingly stabilising the new material w ith logs held by stakes.
vegetarian. The best w ay to ensure a healthy invertebrate (Diagram overleaf).
food supply is to ensure a varied aquatic and shoreline
vegetation. The breeding area should be about half plant If possible, build the bank in auturrm and leave the
cover and half open water. Plants should have food as shuttering in place until ju st before the nesting season
well as shelter value (pl47). next spring, to give it a chance to consolidate.

Ducklings m ust be able to find shelter at the im mediate Shelduck dig tunnels in more gradual sandy banks or
nest site. The ground should slope very gradually, since more of ten take over old rabbit burrows. Kingfishers, sand

martins and shelduck all may take advantage of artificial N est box fo r d ip p ers and grey w agtails
ncst tunnels of a size appropriate to each species. These
are especially useful in soil w hich is too soft to support The following small open-fronted nest box is suitable for
a simple burrow. dippers and grey wagtails.

Open-pronhed NJesb Box

229mm Roof

356mm Back

Il4mm Fronf Back Side

* Side

254mm Side

Floor Fronh
229 mm 5 ide
I17mm Floor S
Use 20mm soffwood o r marine plywood
The following general pattern can be made out of timber, and 50mm oval nails o r screws
driftwood or slabs of rock. The dimensions must be
adjusted for the species. Lengths of large or small diameter
drain pipe can also be used for tunnels for each of these
species. For shelduck, a length of 150mm (6") dram pipe
can be fitted in the top of a clean 22 litre (5 gallon) can.
Note that shelduck nests should be set so they slope
downwards from the bank. Waders find m ost of their food in mud or silf which is
m oist or just covered by water. Bare sandy shores and
steep banks are not attractive to them. Banks can be cut
down as shown to provide w ide shallows.

Excavation or hydrological m anagem ent can be used to

create 'scrapes' of shallow water and mud. Where possible,
two or more hydrologically separate scrapes should be
provided, so that one can remain flooded, while water
in the other is gradually draw n down to provide areas of
very shallow w ater and w et mud for feeding. The draw
down should coincide with the m igration periods. For
detailsseeM erritt, A(W ildfowl and Wetlands Trust, 1994)
and Burgess, Neil D and Hirons, Graham JM (1990).

Waterfowl can be classified into two groups: dabblers, Waterfowl require Toafing spots' to rest during bad weather
which take mainly vegetable food, and divers, which are and to sun themselves in summer. These are relatively bare
carnivorous. Food plants are included in the tables which areas of island, spit or mud flat which are sheltered and
start on page 147. Choose plants which provide food free from disturbance and predation. They can be easily
requirements through all seasons and remember that some incorporated into islands managed for feeding or nesting
plants, suchas reedmace (Typha latifolia), whose seeds are by uprooting coarse vegetation or use of herbicide, or by
not utilised, are still im portant because they supporthigh placing polyfhene sheets under the topsoil to keep plants
numbers of invertebrates needed by young ducklings and from rooting. Beginning in June, first drakes and fhen
nesting females. Dabblers require 400-600mm (l'6 "-2 ') ducks moult and are flightless for several weeks. During
of w ater for feeding. Species such as widgeon and geese this period they are highly vulnerable to predation and
prefer gradually sloping open banks for access to shoreside need dense cover for hiding as well as safe areas of open
grazing are as. Divers need at least lm (3') and can use up water.
to about 4.5m (150 of w ater for feeding.

A site's attraction for dabbling duck and geese may be Predation, competition and disturbance
increased by supplementary feeding with mixed grain,
pulped potatoes, acorns etc. In many cases it is undesirable The main predators of ground-nesting birds are, in order
to influence natural population distribution in this way, and of destructiveness, crows, rats and foxes. Weasels are not
feeding must always be limited to avoid taming the birds usually significant but feral mink, where they occur, can
and making them reluctant to fly. The general rule is to set cause great damage. Providing birds with islands or raft
out feed half an hour before ducks fly in each evening and nest sites foils mammalian predators, while Dutch nest
to feed only as much as can be eaten by morning. About baskets and boxes designed with anti-crow 'porches'
5 kg (121b) of food each day is sufficient for 70-80 ducks, keep nests hidden from avian attack (p97). Gulls are
where the food rests on a hard bottom, or somewhat more both predators on the young chicks of shore birds and
on a marshy bottom where some food is lost in the mud. competitors for nest sites on open sand or gravei. Pike
Temporary winter flooding of shoreside grazing areas can take a heavy toii of ducklings in some waters.
be very beneficial because it liberates seeds still clinging to
plants and makes them available to ducks and geese. Competitionfornestingsitesbetweenmem bersof the same
species which use the same habitat is largely una voidable.
The territories of colony-nesters vary from as little as the
Flighting, resting and moulting length which a sitting bird can reach to a few metres in
diameter, depending on the species. The only way to
Dabbling and grazing waterfowl, outside thebreeding and encourage more nests is to extend the area of suitable
moulting season w hen fheir movements are necessarily terrain. Waterfowl can be 'tricked' into nesting closer
limited, tend to establish regular daily routines in which together by restricting their visibility, as mentioned above.
they fly to one w ater body or a safe area of open water Swans are notably aggressive toward their own kind.
at dawn to spend the day. Most w ildfowl shooting is
centred around the feeding areas since the resting areas Ideally, disturbance should be prevented by providing at
must remain undisturbed except for three or four shoots a least 90m (100 yards) of buffer zone between water birds
year at most. Ponds, to be attractive, must be near enough and sources of interference. Diving duck prefer to see
to flighting areas to be noticed. Sometimes flyways are threats, and so remain calmly in the middle of open water
cleared leâding in towards a pond. These should be based while people are at the shore, but dabblers and waders take
on the observed pattern of wildfowl flighting and should flight at the approach of people on foot or their sudden
never be developed to the extent that all tree shelter is appearance on top of a bank. Severe disturbance at intervals
removed. T lig h f or feeding ponds can be as small as 15 of a few days is worse than continuous 'background'
x 6m (50 x 20'), so long as they have the depth of w ater disturbance, since many water birds come to accept
needed by different species. Resting ponds should be at continuous noise or passage of people or machines even
least 0.8 hectares (2 acres) in extent to provide safety and at close range. The danger of disturbance is greatest on
freedom from disturbance. open beaches, where people m ay be completely unaware
that they or their dogs have set up nesting shorebirds and
Shelter is essential, particularly on large bodies of water may be trampling their nests.
where duck are unable either to feed or to rest if they are
constantly blow n downwind. Islands provide the best Grazing animals, especially goats and cows, mustbefenced
shelter on large ponds, especially if arranged to create from areas of marginal vegetation otherwise they browse
areas of calm w ater betw een them. Ponds should be and trample it until it provides neither food nor shelter
surrounded by a belt of reedswamp or marsh vegetation for birds. Cows may crush pasture nests but usually only
for shelter and to provide a trap for seeds blow n over the on an insignificant scale. M any ground nesters depend
area. Large ponds need a screen of trees 18-28m (20-30 on grazing animals in varying degrees to create nesting
yards) back from the shore. habitat and feeding areas.

Mammals and other material may be used as resting sites. Where

overhanging trees have to be cut back for navigation or
The only aquatic mammals native to Britain are the flood preventi on, the trees should be pollarded or coppiced
otter, w ater voie and water shrew. The American m ink so that the root systems remain intact. Management should
is now well established through much of Britain, despite be done in autumn or winter to minimise disturbance,
efforts to eradicate it. Foxes, badgers, stoats and weasels and w ork should be concentrated in one area at a târne,
and various rodents make use of bankside and wetland over several years as necessary. Access may need to be
habitat and are im portant as predators or prey within limited to avoid further disturbance.
the food chain, but are not characteristic of the aquatic
ecosystem as such. River catchment management plâns for otters have been
drawn up and implemented by partnerships of various
The otter (Lutra îutra) w as once w idely distributed organisations, includingEnglishNature, theEnvironment
throughout Britain, but suffered serious decline through Agency (or their equivalents), Wildlife Trusts and angling
the 1950s due to loss of habitat, persecution and pollution. organisations. Any habitat work affecting otters should
With the ending of otter hunting, strict control of pesticid es, only be done as part of an overall river catchment
improved river water quality and habitat improvements, management plan. Artificial hoit construction has been
otter populations are gradually recovering. successfully undertaken on several sites. For details of
hoit construction and other management work see NRA
Otters live along rivers and smaller watercourses, marshes (1993) and RSPB, NRA and RSNC (1994).
and Coastal areas, particularly in Scotland, Ireland, Wales
and north west and south west England. Otters maintain The water voie (Arvicola amphibius) was once common
a home range which varies in size according to the throughout England, Scotland and Wales, though absent
type of habitat, food supply and social interaction with from Ireland. In recent years it has suffered a decline, in
neighbouring otters. O n coasts w ith a rich food supply a spiţe of general habitat and w ater quality improvements
home range may be as small as lk m (0.6 mile), but along w hich have favoured other aquatic species. The decline
o iî
rivers may extend up to 40km (24 miles). Within the home may be due to predationby mink. The water shrew (Neomys
range, the otter may have up to 30 dens or holts, in the fodiens), unm istakable with its long snout, lives on various
roots of bankside trees, piles of logs, drains or caves. The aquatic invertebrates and, occasionally, the spawn and fry
most secure sites are used for breeding. of fish including salmon and trout. Both voles and shrews
live in burrows in banks. Watercress beds are particularly
Otters, particularly females, are generally intolerant of favoured by shrews. Voles and shrews fall prey to pike,
disturbance. Dog otters are bolder, and may even frequent weasels, various hawks and other predators.
urban areas provided there is plenty of cover. Except in
some coastal areas, otters are nocturn al, and the only way The American m ink (M ustek vision) was first recorded
to find out if otters are present is by checking for spraints breeding in the wild in Britain in 1956, on the River Teign
and tracks. in Devon, and is now widespread through much of Britain.
M ink catches most of its food around rivers and streams,
The main habitat requirements for otters are mature preying on fish, birds, small mammals, frogs, toads, snails
bankside trees w ith adjacent w oodland and scrub.
The horizontal roots of ash, oak and sycamorc create
and insects, as well as poultry, game birds and waterfowl.
To some extent its great destructiveness may be due to
o i
cavities in the bank which are favoured resting sites. an instinctive attempt to store food for the intense North
Overhanging trees are also vital in providing the stable, American winter which never comes. M ink have a more c u
shady, oxygenated conditions for fish, the otter's main diet. general diet and less exacting habitat requirements than
Alder and willow pro vide useful cover, but their roots are otters, and are more widespread than otters. However,
dense and fibrous and do not form the cavities particularly mink do not attack otters and in many areas they co-exist, f i ;;
favoured by otters. Deciduous woodland, even if some and it is thought they have little effect on otter numbers.
distance from the river, will be frequented as long as it is M ink are easily trapped, although they are now so well
accessible by small streams and ditches. established fhis has little effect on numbers. Hunting C t
tends only to disperse the m ink and encourages them to
Provided there is an adjacent breeding otter population, increase their range.
good w ater quality and sufficient food supply, otters
C "B
may move into new areas. Protection and maintenance O f the fifteen species of bat found in Britain, five are
of existing tree and scrub cover, tree planting, and other particularly associated with rivers, lakes andponds, where
habitat management which favours many types of wildlife they forage over open water and bankside vegetation. f 1
is also the best w ay to encourage otters. Fencing of banks M ature trees, especially those with holes and cracks are
against grazing to allow regeneration of scrub and trees important as summer roosts. The retention of existing trees,
is a useful technique. If possible, fence sections of bank plus management to favour a w ide range of invertebrates r ■
with existing isolated mature trees, which may be used is the best way to ensure that bat populations survive or
in the future for holts. Piles of logs, brushwood, rubble increase.
4 Waterways, wetlands and the law

The vital im portance of fresh w ater to all aspects of life In N orthern Ireland, the Environment Service (formed in
is reflected in the complex legislation which regulates 1990) of the Departm ent of the Environment has a wide
the use of w ater and the m anagem ent of waterways range of responsibilities in developing and implementing
and wetlands. environm ental policy. These include the control of
pollution of air, water and land, the conservation of the
Agencies w hich may need Consulting are listed below, natural environment and the protection of monuments
together w ith their areas of responsibility. and historic buildings.

a The Environm ent A gency (England and Wales),

the Scottish Environm ent Protection Agency or the
D epartm ent of the Environm ent for Northern Ireland.
- see below. EA' s responsibilities with regard to the water environment
include the following:
b The local planning authority - planning permission.
a Preser ving and impro ving the quality of rivers, estuaries
c English N ature, C ou ntrysid e C ouncil for Wales and coastal w aters through its pollution control
or Scottish N atural H eritage, D epartm ent of the powers, including 100,000 water discharge consents
Environm ent for N orthern Ireland - Sites of Special and regulation of more than 6000 sewage works.
Scientific Interest (or Areas of Special Scienti fie Interest
in Northern Ireland), species protection, European b Actiontoconserveandsecureproperuseofwaterresources,
Union Conventions and Direcţives. including 50,000 licensed water abstractions.

d Internai D rainage Boards (England and Wales) - c Supervising all flood defence matters, involving over
maintenance of w ater flow through ditehes designated 43,000km of defence works.
as 'm ain drains' (see ditch maintenance below).
d M aintenance and im provem ent of salmon, trout,
e Local w ater company - w ater supply and disposal. freshwater and eel fisheries, including issue of about
one million angling licences.
f Voluntary conservation bodies such as the wildîife
tru sts, R SPB - ad vice and exp ertise on nature e Conserving the water environment, including areas of
conservation. outstanding natural beauty or environmental sensitivity
extending to nearly 4 million hectares, and promoting
g Health and Safety Executive - notification of some its use for recreation.
construction projects, w hich m ay include ponds,
ditehes and dams, that involve five or more people f Maintaining and improving non-marine navigation,
on site. (p37) including licensing some 40,000 boats.

In addition, EA has responsibility for regulating many

Environmental regulation industrial processes, regulating w aste disposal and
advising on air quality.
In April 1996, tw o new government agencies were formed
which aim to provide a comprehensive approach to EA has eight regional offices covering England and Wales,
the protection and m anagem ent of the environment by who should be contacted for further advice. A 24-hour
combining the regulation of land, air and water. emergency hotline (pl59) is available for reporting all
environmental incidents relating to air, land and water.
The new agency for England and Wales is the Environment
Agency (EA), formed by merging the expertise of the SEPAhas similar responsibilities in Scotland, administered
National Rivers Authority, Her Majesty's Inspectorate of through a network of three regional and 17 local offices
Pollution, the Waste Regulation Authorities and several (pl60).
smaller units from the Department of the Environment.
In Northern Ireland, the Environment Service of the
The new agency for Scotland is the Scottish Environment Department of the Environment (DoE (NI)) has similar
Protection Agency (SEPA). responsibilities.

Pond creation or wetland by abstraction from or diversion of a nearby

watercourse. A licence is also required to abstract w ater
from a well, borehole or su rface excavation. An exemption
( 1 .
Planning permission may be water abstraction for a pond for agricultural
purposes, but the advice of EA (or equivalent) should
be obtained. t »
Small garden ponds are not subject to regulation. Ponds r
in school grounds are not normally subject to planning
permission, but any w ork should be done in consultation
with the Education Authority.
t I
Statutory wildlife r

The situation regarding farm ponds is unclear. On protection

agricultural holdings, classified as agricultura! land over
The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 applies to England,
€ r.
0.4ha, pond creationfor agricultural or nature conservation
Wales and Scotland. In Northern Ireland, the Nature
purposes may be regarded as a permitted engineering
Conservation and Amenity Lands (NI) Order 1985 and
operation, and not subject to consent. Pond creation for
Wildlife (NI) Order 1985 includes the protection of plants
t 1
other purposes may require permission. Agricultural
and animals.
purposes include supplying water for livestock, storage
of water for firefighting and fish farm ing. A pond created f »
for any other use, or a pond w hose use changes from any SSSIs and ASSIs
of the above uses, may be subject to planning permission.
As a general guide, if the pond can be created using
Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, SSSIs are
machinery normally available on the farm, and is for nature
identified by the relevant nature conservation agency.
conservation or agricultural use, it willnot require planning
permission. It must not however be within 25m of a trunk
In Northern Ireland, the designation of ASSIs is the r
responsibility of the Department of the Environment.
or classified road. If heavy machinery is needed, or the
Identified sites m ustbe notified to the landowner, occupier,
pond is greater than 0.25 ha, the local planning authority
should be consulted in case consent is needed.
EA or SEPA and the relevant planning authority.
SSSIs and ASSIs include many areas of waterway and
Other permissions wetland. Eor example, in England, English Nature has
selected 26 rivers for notification as SSSIs. Notification is
carried out in consultation w ith EA and riparian owners,
Any work on a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
or, in N orthern Ireland , A rea of Special Scien tific
following w hich management objectives are drawn up.
These objectives may include improved water quality, the
Interest (ASSI) is subject to approval by the statutory
reduction of abstraction or other measures to maintain
nature conservation body (English Nature, Scottish
or increase flows, and projects to improve the habitat
Natural Heritage, Countryside Council for Wales or the r
of the river and the land alongside it. From the 26 river
Department of the Environm ent for Northern Ireland).
SSSIs, six pilot sites have been selected for the Water
Pond creation in N ational Parks in subject to approval
by the National Park Authority.
Fringe Habitat Scheme, administered by MAFF, under
which 10 or 20 year agreements can be made to manage
waterside land in a way w hich benefits wildlife in the
Any pond creation on the floodplain of, or close to, a
water and on the bankside.
watercourse, can only be done in consultation with EA, t
SEPA or the DoE (NI).
Species protection
Water supply and Under Section 1, Part 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act

abstraction 1981 it is an offence to take, damage or destroy the nest of

any wild bird while the nest is either in use or being built.
Small garden ponds can be filled by rainwater or by mains Section 2 permits the killing or taking of certain birds,
supply During drought, the use of hosepipes for filling
or topping up may be banned. Any ponds stocked with
outside the close season from February Ist to August 31st,
including coot, tufted duck, gadwall, goldeneye, Canada
fish are not subject to hosepipe bans, as fish are regarded goose, greylag goose, pink-footed goose, white-fronted
as livestock. goose (England and Wales only), mallard, moorhen, pintail,
golden plover, pochard, shoveler, common snipe, teal
Water supply to ponds, lakes or wetlands, unless filled by and widgeon. Section 9 makes it an offence for a person
ground w ater or surface run-off, is subject to regulation. A
licence must be obtained from EA (or equivalent), either
intentionally to take, kill or injure any wild animal listed
in Schedule 5 of the Act, or to damage, destroy or obstruct
to impound a w atercourse or to fiii an off-stream pond access to any place used for shelter by such an animal. Great

crested newts, natterjacktoads, otters, sturgeon, medicinal The Salmon andFreshwater Fisheries Acts 1975spedfies that
leech, fairy shrimp and fen raft spider are amongst those any person letting angling should ensure that all fishermen
fully protected, w ith other species receiving parţial possess a rod licence issued by EA (or equivalent).
protection. Under Section 13, it is an offence to intentionally
pick, uproot or destroy any wild plant narned in Schedule
8 (a list of threatened species requiring special protection), Maintenance of ditches
or, notbeing an authorisedperson, to intentionally uproot
any wild plant, This means that no wild plant may be Various agencies have responsibility for the maintenance
dug up without the landow ner's permission, and even of watercourses and drainage ditches, to ensure the flow
the landowner may not uproot a Schedule 8 plant. Under of water for drainage purposes. The responsibilities in
Section 14, it is an offence to release or allow to escape into England and Wales are outlined below. Contact SEPA or
the wild any animal not normally resident or a regular DOE (NI) for details regarding Scotland and Northern
visitor to Great Britain. Section A also makes it an offence Ireland respectively.
to plant, or allow to becom e established, giant hogweed
or Japanese knotweed. EA has permissive powers to maintain 'main rivers', as
covered under the Water Resources Act 1991. The Internai
Drainage Boards have similar permissive powers on
International Conventions and European designated 'main drains'.
Management of other 'ordinary watercourses', including
International Conventions and European Directives may sm aller streams, ditches, drains and dykes, are the
also apply to the UK, and are im plemented through a responsibility of the landowner fronting the watercourse.
combination of wildlife protection legislation, general Under the Land Drainage Act 1991, EA, Internai Drainage
statutory duties and guidance from central government. Board or local authority have powers to require landowners
Of particular note is the Convention on Wetlands of to carry out maintenance work if the proper flow of water
International Im portance 1971, know n as the Ramsar is impeded. Under the same Act, consent is needed from
Convention, w hich aim s to conserve w etlands and E A to con struct any structure which might obstruct or affect
prom ote their sustainable use. European D irectives flows, including dams, weirs, mills, channel diversions
include the EU Directive on the Conservation of Wild and culverts.
Birds (1979), and EU D irective on the Conservation of
Natural Habitats and of Wild Flora and Fauna (1992).
These internaţional agreements require measures not Other relevant statutes
only to classify and protect sites, but to incorporate
conservation measures in land and w ater policies and in
decision making procedures. The protection of sites for
Construction (Design and Management)
migratory birds is of particular importance.
Regulations 1995

Under the EU Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds, Some ponds and ditches, and most dams or large earthworks
over 77 sites have been designated in the UK as Special are classed as construction projects under the above
Protection Areas, and 69 sites have been desi gnated under legislation. If the project involves more than five people
the Ramsar Convention. Som e of these sites are included on site, or where the work will last for more than 30 days,
under both, and m ost are also SSSIs or ASSIs. or involve more than 500 person hours of work, the project
m ustbe notified to the local office of the Health and Safety
Executive. Notification and compliance with the regulations
Fish are the responsibility of the client, contractor, designer and
planning supervisor. For further Information, contact your
P ond s created fo r fish farm in g are exem p t from local HSE office.
planning Controls, but the business must by registered
with the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries or Food (or
Environmental Protection Act 1991

Under the Salm on and Freshw ater Fisheries A ct 1975, Under the Duty of Care Regulations (Environmental
consent m ust be obtained from EA (or equivalent) to Protection Act 1991), the removal and safe disposal of cut
introduce fish or spawn to ponds (other than small aquatic weed is required in order to avoid deoxygenationof
garden ponds), lakes or watercourses. This includes fish water. The cut material mustbe removed to a location from
reared for food as well as ornamental species. M AFF also which the liquor produced during decomposition cannot
regulate the introduction into the wild of any fish or spawn re-enter the watercourse. Transport and disposal costs of
of fish not ordinarily resident in Great Britain or listed cut weed add considerable expense to aquatic vegetation
in Schedule 9 of the W ildlife and Countryside Act 1981. management.

Particular care must be taken with poisonous plants.

Ancient Monuments and Archaeological
Livestock tend to avoid eating poisonous plants because Areas Act 1979
they are unpalatable, but cutting, spraying or dredging
of poisonous plants may increase the risk to livestock in Some ponds may in factb e remains of moats or mediaeval
se veral way s. Cut or sprayed and dead plants may become fish ponds, and may be scheduled as Ancient Monuments.
palatable to stock, whilst still being poisonous. Dredging Prior to any work being carried out which may affect a
may puii plants and roots up onto the banks where they are scheduled site, Scheduled M onument Consent m ust be
accessible to stock, and cutting may mix poisonous species obtained from the Secretary of State for the Environment
with others so they are eaten accidentally. Under the Duty of or the appropriate Secretary of State for Wales or Scotland.
Care Regulations, cut poisonous m aterial removed Work w hich is essential for the purposes of health and
from a site and disposed of at a registered disposal site. safety is exempt, although the relevant Secretary of
Landowners working on their own land are exempt. State m ust be informed before work commences. In
Northern Ireland, at least six months notice of any work
The following plants remain toxic after cutting, digging on a Scheduled Ancient M onum ent must be given to the
or treating with herbicide: Departm ent of the Environment.

Bracken Pteridium aquilinum

Common ragwort Senecio jacobaea
Cowbane Cicuta virosa
Foxglove Digitalis purpurea
Hard rush Juncus inflexus
Hem lock w ater dropwort Oenanthe crocota
Horsetails Equisetum spp
Yellow iris Iris pseudacorus

Reservoirs Act 1975

Large areas of above ground water storage, capable

of holding 25,000 cubic metres of water, are subject to
regulations concerning their design and management.
This would include, for exampJe, a waterbody Ih a in
area and 2.5m deep, im pounded by a dam. Although
mainly applicable to reservoirs, this has affected the
management of some ornam ental lakes on large estates,
many of w hich were constructed a century or more ago,
and w hose m anagem ent is now subject to regulation.
5 Safety, equipment
and organisation
Basic points co verîng safety, equipm ent and organisation iron 'duckboards' can give support for work on deep
are described below. ooze. Attach ropes for retrieval afterwards.

Safety precautions

a Have a suitable first aid kit on hand at the w ork site

(see below).

b To retain im m unity to tetanus, booster injections are

required at least every 10 years. Tetanus spores are c Basin or basin-blanket bogs may have sphagnum
present in the soil and particularly in manure, and moss growing over deep water. The mat is usually
enter the skin through cuts and abrasions. strong enough to support people, but where the bog
moss has been killed, for example by surface flooding
c Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection carried in rat of eutrophic water, the surface deteriorates into a
urine, which m ay contaminate ponds, watercourses quicksand-Iike pudding. If you fall through, try to fall
and m uddy banks. Infection, which may lead to on your back w ith limbs outstretched and 'sw im ' to
W eil's disease, occurs through cuts, abrasions, and safety. Watch out for local soft spots which often occur
the lining of the eyes and mouth. The symptoms are in the lee of tilted trees where they have depressed the
a flu-like illness w hich may lead to kidney and liver sphagnum surface beneath the w ater and killed it.
damage, or meningitis. Any cuts should be covered
w ith w aterproof plasters, and further contact with d Coffer dams (p ll9 ) m ust be properly designed and
non-sterile w ater avoided. After contact w ith pond built to provide safe w orking conditions.
or river water, wash exposed skin thoroughly w ith
clean water. W ashbefore eating, drinking or smoking.
Hepatitis A w hich has similar flu-like symptoms can
be contracted by ingesting sewage-polluted water. Work

d Blue-green algae produ ces toxins in warm weather. Avoid a Tools can be hazardous w hen used in w ater or in
working ne ar thick blankets of algae, and wash off any slippery, muddy conditions. Work at a safe distance
that accidentally comes in contact with the skin. from other people.

b Timber clearance w ork is especially dangerous in water

Site risk assessment or on steep banks. Fallen trees may be under tension,
and are slippery w hen wet. Workers m ust wear safety
The project leader m ust thoroughly assess any risks helmets, and be secured w ith ropes if the footing is
associated w ith the site, and advise workers accordingly. treacherous. Use w inches to extract timber.
W aterw ays and w etland s have particu lar dangers
associated with them. The depth and flow of water, bottom c Backs and knees are under stress in heavy clearance
and bank conditions should be carefully assessed. work, especially w hen shovelling sticky mud and
ooze. Any heavy lifting should be done with the back
a Artificial ponds sometimes have sumps and sink-holes as straight as possible, bending from the knees to take
w hich may be deep and silted up. Natural waterways the străin on the leg muscles. (See overleaf)
may have unexpected hollows and drop-offs. Wetlands
oftenhide old ditches or peat diggings. Walk through d Never overload a punt or boat. Volunteers should work
and check the work-site by probing ahead with a pole, from opposite sides at bow and stern to avoid getting
and mark clearly any hazards w ith ranging rods or in each other's way. Non-swimmers should not work
poles before w ork starts. from punts. Life jackets should be worn by all occupants
if the water is over lm deep or is fast-flowing. There
b Soft peat and deep m uck are treacherous. Corrugated should always be at least one person on the bank.

W orking out of w ater

Wrong R.ighfr'
a Wear overalls or close-fitting clothes. Loose clothing
is a hindrance and is dangerous when using edged
tools. Long hair should be tied back.

b Heavy leather work boots with metal toe caps and

spiked or deep m oulded soles are best. Wellingtons
may be necessary in muddy conditions, but avoid
w earing them when using edged tools or working
aloft. Trainers and light shoes are not suitable.

c Bare hands are best w hen using tools, but for general
e Unexploded bom bs are occasionally found in mud and protection wear w ork gloves.
rough ground, especially near coasts or commons used
in the past for military training. If you do uncover a d Safety helm ets should be w orn when felling trees,
suspected explosive device, halt w ork im mediately working aloft, or for construction work involving
and m ove people at least 100 metres away. Inform the heavy timbers.
police/and do not return to the w ork area until it has
been checked.

Tools and accessories
M ost of the tools and accessories Iisted are available from
Safety and comfort are the main requirements. The Conservation Volunteers (pl63).

W orking in w ater
First aid &
a In warm weather, the f ewer clothes the better, provided
that feet, Iegs and hands are protected against abrasion.
Cover up against the sun as necessary w ith light
Keep a first aid kit to hand at aii times. The Conservation
Volunteers can supply standard first aid kits which comply
clothing, hats and sunscreen. An old w et suit is ideal w ith H ealth and Safety Regulations. For up to ten people,
for working in cold weather. Overalls or similar w orn the minimum contents are:
over the w et suit will protect it from further damage.
W hatever the season, have dry clothes to change into 1 guidance cârd
at the end of the w orking day. e*
20 individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings
b Wellingtons or thigh waders, depending on the water (plasters) appropriate to the work.
depth. Never w ork in water w ithbare feet. D on't wear &
w aders if you are w orking alone except in shallow 2 sterile eye pads with attachments
water. If you slip and they fiii up w ith w ater they
becom e very heavy and are alm ost impossible to 6 individually w rapped triangular bandages
remove due to the suction which holds them on. If
your w aders have straps, it is best not to attach them 6 safety pins
to your belt in case you have to get out of them in r
a hurry. To puii yourself clear of a wet wellington, 6 medium sized individually wrapped unmedicated
straighten your foot so that w ater gets under it and wound dressings (10 x 8cm)
breaks the vacuum. This also helps you puii loose e*
from deep, clinging ooze, w hether or not the welly 2 large individually wrapped unmedicated wound
or wader stays stuck. Chest waders should not be dressings (13 x 9cm)
used unless absolutely essential. There should be at t .
least tw o people on the bankside with a rope, ready 3 extra large sterile individually w rapped wound
to assist if necessary. dressings (28 x 17cm)
c Wear thick rubber w ork gloves for w arm th and 2 pairs fine transparent disposable plastic gloves to
protection when pulling up vegetation by hand, or prevent bodily fluid contact
clearing rubbish. Use tools as much as possible to puii r
out rubbish. Bare hands provide the best grip w hen 1 pair blunt-ended stainless Steel scissors at least
using tools. 12.7cm (5") long

W here clean mains w ater is not available, at least 9Q0ml e Steel garden rake
of sterile w ater or norm al saline in sealed disposable
containers should be provided. Eye baths should not be f Heavy-duty garden fork with YD handle.
used for eye irrigation.
g Pick
In addition, the follow ing 'w elfare kit' is useful to
have: h Pick-ended m attock for loosening compacted or stony
ground. Grubbing m attock for cutting through roots
1 pair of tweezers and general use.

1 pair of scissors Pick- ended

10 safety pins

needle and thread

sanitary towels

toilet roii

cotton w ool

30 assorted plasters
W heelbarrow. H eavy-duty builders' barrow with
3 finger pouches pneum atic tyre.

rubber gloves Shovelling board. A p iece of plywood or sheet metal,

about 600mm x lm ( 2 x 3'), w hich makes it easier to
insect repellent shovel sticky clay, gravei or stone. Lay the board at
the foot of the w ork area. Puii the spoil onto the board
suncream before scooping it up with the shovel.

barrier cream
Specialist ditching and drainage tools
2 x lOp pieces
a Draining spade, with a long blade to cut deep narrow
whistle trenches.


General purpose b Rabbiting spade, with long handle for clearing loose
earth from the bottom of trenches and holes.
It's a good idea to paint tool handles a bright colour so
that tools can be more easily found if mislaid in mud or
water. Paint a bând of colour on part of the handle which
is not held during use, to avoid spoiling the grip.

a Square or taper m outh shovel for loose soil, sand, c Tile hook, for lowering and positioning drain tiles in
gravei and shale. the trench bottom

b Heavy-duty treaded digging spade, for general use.

c Trenching shovel. A treadless spade w ith slightly

bevelled blade for general work. Tile h o o k
" " 'îi
d D yking spad e w ith triangular, slightly bev elled d Drainage rod and head attachments, for clearing
blade. blocked drains (pl08).

Clearance Construction and fencing

a M uck rake (manure drag, crome). This is the basic tool a Carpenters' hand saw.
for clearing aquatic weeds.
b Hack saw

c Claw hammer

d Lump (club) hammer, 1.8kg (41b) size

e Sledge hammer, 6.3kg (141b) for heavy work

b Bowsaw. The 530mm (21") triangular saw is useful on f Crowbar

small branches or where space is confined. The 760mm
(30") or 910mm (36") D shaped bowsaws are needed g Wrecking bar ('sw an neck')
for larger timbers.
h Meii, maul or Drivall, for knocking in posts
c Axe
i Shuv-holer, for easy removal of earth from strainer
d Billhook post holes

e Slashers. The brushing hooks or slashers with curved j Fencing pliers

bl ades are used for cutting long grass and other light
vegetation. The straight-bladed slashers can be used
on woody vegetation, and for cutting rushes and
k Boit croppers
reedswamp rhizomes before dragging them out of 1 Tinsnips, for cutting netting

t '
m Screwdrivers, assorted sizes

n Wood chisels, assorted sizes

o Brace and assorted bits, for w ood

p Hand drill and assorted bits

q Spirit level, plumb bob and line

r Surform plane.

s Tape measure
g Scythe, for cutting long grass.
Concreting, bricklaying and pipelaying v
h Sickles or grass hooks for trimming long grass.
a Mixing board, for small amounts of concrete or mortar £
i Grappling hook w ith rope, for retrieving large items
of rubbish. b M echanical mixer, for larger batches of concrete _

j Heavy Steel rake w ith extension piece, for pulling out c Bricklayers' trowel
rhizomes from deep water. The extension piece canbe
fitted with jubilee clips, but take care in use to avoid d Pointing trowel, for pointing and sealing joints in £
injury to hands. unglazed pipes

e Brick hammer, for breaking bricks and cutting pipes. £

Hire a pipe cutter as necessary.

f Bolster, used with a lump ham m er to cut bricks

îr g Cold point, for punching holes in pipes


Miscellaneous For puddling clay, dew pond makers traditionally

used a tam per with a w ooden 'shoe' angled to avoid
a Winch and accessories, for lifting and hauling, and for back străin, and faced with a plate of polished Steel
scrub and tree clearance. Auseful size îs the Tirfor 800kg to prevent the clay sticking.
or 1600kg winches. See Appendix D.

b Polypropylene rope, 12 or 16mm diameter.

c Sharperting stones. Slashers, hooks and scythes should t?

be sharpened with a cylindrical stone. A xes need a flat,
circular stone.

d Buckets, heavy-duty rubber type

e Scaffold planks
Tool and equipment
f Rollers, to reduce friction whert winching across a
change in slope. These should be heavy-duty Steel for a Clean tools im mediately after use. Wash and scrape
pulling heavy items of rubbish from ponds. The design muck off blades andhandles. Be sure to wash concrete
below could be m ade by a metalworker. Otherwise, off shovels and w heelbarrows before it sets.
rollers can be im provised out of fencing stakes or logs
to prevent the cable digging into the ground. b Hang w aders upside down to dry.
From e bends
c Oii or grease tools after use, to prevent rust.

d Prop up w et w heelbarrows to drain and dry at the

end of the day. Grease the axle frequently, and check
the nuts holding the axle to the barrow frame.

e Clean and lubricate hand winches, wire ropes and

slings after use in wet, m ucky conditions.

f Edged tools are safest w hen sharp. Hone them

frequently during use. Any blunt or nicked tools will
need filing and sharpening in the workshop.

Shabilising bar Groove to toke For further Inform ation on tool maintenance and repair,
75mm wide and winch cable refer to Toolcare - a maintenance and workshop manual
6 mm i-hick 'a '= 2 0 m r p (BTCV, 1995).

High hensile bolK6mm)

togefher with washers
and nylock auto
Plankways are essential for barrowing over soft, wet
ground and also reduce damage to fragile habitats.
Plankways can also be used to negotiate steep, slippery
banks. Old 205 litre (45 gallon) oii drums are ideal to
support planks where they bridge a gap or slope. Drums,
w hich may be obtainable from garages or farms, should
be cleaned before use to avoid any leakage of oii residue.
g Punner or tam per for firming spoil in post holes and Note the following:
a Use scaffold planks, which are wide and strong enough
Tam per to take the load.

b Cross supports may be necessary to keep the plank

ends from sinking. Shift the supports frequently before
they sink without trace.

c When moving spoil up a bank by bucket chain, put a

drum under the plank end to reduce the slope.
Organising group work
Good organisation and leadership is essential to ensurethat
team w ork is as safe, effident and enjoyable as possible.
Points to note:

a The leader should first explain the project, point out any
hazards or safety points, and set the day's objectives.
Where a project looks dishearteningly big, it helps
greatly to see at the end of the day that a measurable
amount has been achieved.

d Use extra planks to pro vide gradual if indirect routes b A small group should w ork methodically on one task
up steep banks. Anchor planks securely to prevent at a time, rather ihan on several things which may not
them slipping. get completed in the time available. Larger groups can
split up as necessary on separate tasks.

c Good team work is the key to efficiency and morale.

Don't leave any one out. People of all ages and abilities
must find a place in the team. Find a place for new
volunteers to w ork alongside m ore experienced
workers. W hen organising a bucket chain, put workers
of similar strength in each team to maintain the work
rhythm and reduce the chance of weaker volunteers
straining and injuring themselves. Within the chain,
e A treadw ay is u seful to prevent sloping planks swap positions at regular intervals.
becom ing too slippery. Tack rope along in a spiral, or
use battens. d Vary the work to suit the weather. If it is cold, arrange
the work so that everyone keeps on the move as much
as possible. Serve hot soup for lunch with plenty of hot
drinks during the day.

e A smooth w ork cycle is better than bursts of activity

followed by halts. In earth-moving tasks, a circular
pattern is more efficient than a linear one. Move full
f If you have enough planks, a three plank run is ideal. buckets or wheelbarrows up one route and empty ones
Place a plank with treads on either side of a smooth down another so that there is always a container ready
plank along w hich the barrow is pushed. Separate to be filled.
return plankways keep the w ork running smoothly.
f If some jobs are colder or more tiring than others, switch
g A hook or J-shaped piece of metal, tied to a sturdy people around from time to time to spread the burden.
rope, is useful to help w heelbarrow s negotiate slopes.
Fasten the hook to the front of the barrow. W hile one g Where the project and site are suitable and the workrather
person pushes, another stands at the top of the slope monotonous, encourage friendly competitionbetween
and pulls. two or more groups to enliven the proceedings.

6 New ponds

Most ponds are unstable and temporary habitats, which another one nearby, resulting in a range of pond and
left unm anaged, becom e grown over w ith emergent and wetland habitats which change from year to year. These are
marginal vegetation, eventually succeeding to scrub and more likely to m im ic the natural waterway and w etland
damp w oodland. M any ponds in Britain are not natural, habitats created by geological and biological processes
but have been created for a variety of reasons including before m an's intervention in the landscape.
w ater supply industry, flood control and amenity, and
rely on m anagem ent to m aintain them. In creating a Thus, although there are definite techniques which need
new pond, the purpose of the pond and its subsequent to be followed for the successful creation of a pond for a
managem ent need to be planned at the outset. Just like particular purpose, the whole range of wetland habitats
the land environment, the freshwater environment of a from open water, through apparently bare mud to damp
pond can be m anaged as m uch or as little as desired. grasslandand woodlandhave their own value. The'dassic'
pond with open water, fringing irises and reeds, amphibians
and dragonflies, is only one of many options.
Factors to consider
It is not always best to try and provide the full range of
The nature of a pond is determined by the following habitats in a single pond, as there may then be too little space
factors: to support viable communities, especially of invertebrates,
in each part of the range. It may bebetter to develop separate
- permeability of the pond lining ponds, each with a distinctive character determined by
factors such as water depth, shade and vegetation type.
- w ater supply, and the subsequent water levels within Let each pond do one thing really well!
the pond

- soil, silt or other substrate lining the pond General principles

- edge treatm ent of the pond These are adapted from New Approacheş to the Management
o f Ponds (Biggs J, Corfield A, Walker D, Whitfield M and
- depth of the pond W illiams P, 1994), and challenge some of the convenţional
advice on pond management.
- type and am ount of vegetation
a Fluctuating w ater levels are beneficial, as some
- deliberate introduction of pond fauna, or measures to organisms rely on the zone between high and low
encourage or discourage them. w ater level. Drying out is not necessarily disastrous
for pond communities.
These factors need to be taken into account at the design
stage, although subsequent m anagem ent can be flexible b Ponds do not need to be deep. Shallow ponds no
as the pond devetops. deeper than one metre are valuable habitats.

In general, the more artificial the pond lining and w ater c A pond does not have to include all the aquatic zones,
supply, the more limited are the options for management. from deep open w ater to shallow margins, and annual
In particular, most artificial linings require fairly constant maintenance to retain this variety is not necessary.
water levels throughout the year, as exposed artificial
linings are prone to damage. Seasonally fluctuating d Ponds do not need to be big, and even tiny ponds can
w ater levels are a feature of natural ponds, and a factor be valuable.
on which many pond organisms rely, but is one which
m ay not be com patible w ith an artificial pond. e Shady ponds are not lifeless.

A n a rtific ia l p ond w h ich is m an ag ed to rem ain f 'C hoked' or 'overgrow n' ponds support a complex
approximately the sam e from year to year canbe valuable and vâluable community, built up over decades, and
for education, amenity, and wildlife. Equally valid for digging them out may reduce their value. It is better,
wildlife, especially where there is sufficient space, is if the space is available, to dig another nearby.
to create a pond and then leave it to develop naturally
through its succession, and then a few years later, dig g Limited access by livestock can be beneficial.

h Ponds are not self-contained Systems, but need excava ted

sympatheticaUy managed buffer zones around them of
wetland, rough grass, shrubs, woods and other habitats.

Ponds can be defined as sm all bodies of w ater from one

square metre up to two hectares in area, w hichusually hold
w ater for at least f our months of the year. For in vertebrate
interes t, any w ater body that holds w ater long enough
to allow the development of at least one generation of
at least one invertebrate species can be valuable. Thus
minor features such as vehicle ruts, depressions and
hoofprints can be valuable w etland habitat, though not lined
definable as ponds.

Temporary ponds w hich hold w ater for only part of the

year are paradoxically more ştab le in the long term than
'perm anent' ponds w ith constant w ater levels. This is
because the seasonal dryingout holds back the succession,
by suppressing em ergent vegetation, and allow ing
accumulated silt to dry out and blow away.

The following is not a prescription for creating a pond,

but rather a list of factors to be discussed and ideas to
be thought about. M ost ponds which are created by
conservation groups are for a combinaţion of wildlife,
on slream,
educaţional and amenity value, and because involving

people is high on The Conservation Volunteers' agenda, e
interm ittent or annual m anagem ent is seen as a benefit.
The general theme of this chapter is therefore about pon ds i

managed for these values, but much of the information e
is also relevant for ponds created for other purposes
such as flood control or w ater supply, and ponds which i
result from industrial activities, and for which frequent e
m anagement m ay be less desirable.

Water supply
Requirements and siting
W here the w ater table is high, any hole dug in the ground
The method of construction of a new pond will depend will fiii w ith water. The le vel of the w ater table varies with
the season, and from year to year according to rainfall.
cbiefly on the landform, substrate and water supply. Other
factors which must be considered include the existinghabitat,
safety, access and underground Services (see below). W ater flow ing from springs or in stream s can be
im pounded or diverted into ponds. Such ponds can
The basic types of created pond, determined by landform, be described as 'on-stream ' or 'off-stream'. These are
substrate and w ater supply, are shown in the following further described below (p51). Any abstraction from e :
diagram. watercourses, w ater bodies or underground sources
in England requires an abstraction licence from the

Environment Agency, and from equivalent agencies in e
other parts of the United Kingdom.

Impermeable substrates of clay are naturally wet unless Ponds w ith artificial linings constructed for amenity and e
drained, and shallow ponds can be created by exca vation. educaţional use are usually filled and topped up from the
Water levels will fluctuate according to the w eather and mains supply. The local fire brigade will often fiii school
season, unless the pond is topped up from a stream or
other supply.
ponds initially. Tap w ater used to top up existing ponds
should be left in open containers for 48 hours to allow
e :
the chlorine to evaporate.
Permeable substrates will need an artificial lining in f
order to hold water. Artificial linings are described fully Rainwater can be diverted from roofs to fiii and top up
in Chapter 7. small ponds (p50).

Run-off from roads and other surfaces in urban areas can Access for m aintenance will depend on w hat is planned.
be held in balancing ponds (p50). Waste w ater of many Small-scale annual maintenance, as carried out on most
types including sewage, from residential buildings and school or village ponds is not dependent on vehicle access.
agricultura! and industrialprocesses canbefiltered through Pedestrian access is considered below.
reed beds, and then into ponds or lakes (pl45).

For further information on water supply, see pages 49-53.

Underground Services

The location of gas, electricity, telecommunications and

Landform w ater supply and drainage Services should be checked
for any sites w here ponds are planned. Urban sites may
On a sloping site, the obvious place for a pond m ay be at have many different Services Crossing them, including
the base of the slope or in a depression. However, these redundant ones, and farm ed areas of ten have old
sites may already be damp or waterlogged, and valuable drainage systems w hich the landowner may not know
for wildlife as they are. Locating a pond at the lowest point about. Initially check w ith the landowner, and with the
m ay also cause problems due to excess run-off or silt- relevant companies for the Services concerned. However,
laden water running into the pond, and causing flooding underground Services' plâns are not always reliable, as
or silting. Overflows are more difficult to construct if the cables and pipes may 'snake' betw een points, or may
pond is sited at a low point on the site. A site part w ay have been moved during subsequent work. If problems
up the slope m ay be easier to manage. are indicated, request that the Utilities trace the Services
accurately w ith cable and pipe locating devices. Tracing
devices can also be hired that trace live electricity cables,
Existing habitat metal pipes and plastic pipes with a metal tracer laid
with them, and w ater pipes to which you have access
The existing habitat should be of lesser wildlife value at either end.
than the pond habitat w ith w hich it w ould be replaced.
In particular, avoid destroying wet grassland or marsh Land drains in farmland m ay cause a problem if the
w hich is likely to be of high wildlife value. The w etland excavation cuts through an old 'dry' drain which results
habitat will be com plem ented by a nearby pond. in the pond mysteriously refusing to hold water. Cutting
through a w orking drain may be an advantage in creating
A 'buffer zone' of rough grass, shrubs, hedgerow or a w ater supply, but silt traps and overflows may then be
w oodland close to the pond is im portant in providing needed. The digger driver needs to watch carefully for
seasonal habitat for am phibians and invertebrates and any signs of clay or tile drains during excavation, and for
in effect greatly extends the pond's area of influence. the more modern perforated plastic pipes. If found, either
Dry stone walls, piles of stones, timber and. other debris block off or make good use of any existing system.
provide hibernating sites for amphibians and habitats
for other animals. W here land drains are still required to function, it may be
necessary to put in a new drain to intercept the flow, and
Existing trees should not norm ally be felled in order to to prevent pond water backing up into the system and
prevent shading of a new pond. Shaded ponds develop creating an unw anted wetland area in drained land.
their own particular community of invertebrates and other
organisms. It m ay be appropriate to coppice or pollard system dug herringbone
existing trees, or to lay overgrown hedges, in order to
increase sunlight to a pool, but mature or decaying native
trees should be retained, along w ith standing deadwood
that does not present a hazard.


Most ponds are dug by machine, so iniţial access is

needed for an excavator of som e type. W here the water
table is high, a tracked m achine working from supporting
mats may be needed to prevent ground damage, The
contractor will advise on the m ost suitable machine for
the site and the job.
It is possible to drown in only a few centimetres of water,
Artificial linings for all but the smallest ponds will need so all w ater bodies are potentially dangerous. Safety is
transporting by vehide as near as possible to the pond site. a priority for ponds in school grounds and community

areas. Most echication authorities will insist on school disturbance and management, is the optimum where
ponds being fenced, not only to control access for children the resources are available.
attending the school, but also for younger siblings who
may have access to the school grounds at the begiruning
and end of the school day or during special events, and
against people trespassing on the site.
Ponds w hich are intended to be fairly 'static' features,
P o in ts to co n sid er maintained for amenity and education, need to be of
sufficient size to support a stable but diverse plant and
a For school or community ponds, an open site w hich is anim al community. The Conservation Volunteers in
within view of rooms which are in frequent use will give Ham pshire w orked w ith the County Council in advising
some degree of supervision, as well as discouraging on the construction of school ponds. They suggest 40 m2
vandals and other unwanted visitors. as the minimum, and usually aim at a size of about 60
m2. Their preferred method of construction, w hich uses
b The following guidelines are recommended for school concrete (p58), needs to be completed by voluntary 1abour
ponds in Surrey (Surrey County Council, 1993), aimed in one day. They have found that 140 m2 is the absolute
at ensuring that no pond is too deep for a child of the m axim um for com pleting comfortably within one day.
relevant age to stand up in.
Sm aller ponds, of betw een 20 and 40 m2 can still be
Secondary schools - one metre maximum. maintained as a useful amenity and teaching resource, and
ponds smaller than this can, with or without management,
Junior and m iddle schools - 750mm maximum. provide a valuable habitat w ith seasonal interest for
educaţional use.
Infant and first schools - 600mm maximum.

Alternaţively very shallow seasonal pools or scrapes Depth

can be created.
The guidelines on depth given above for safety are also
c Paving or other su rfacing around school ponds a reasonable guide for wildlife. Few pond organisms
should be even and non-slip. Boardwalks and dipping need depths greater than one metre, and ponds dug for
platforms should have toeboards to clearly define the general conservation and amenity purposes need be no
edge, and to aid safe w heelchair use. deeper than this. M ake the deepest point off-centre to
provide a range of slope profiles and encourage water
d Raised pools may be appreciated by the elderly or movement w ithin the pond.
disabled, as pond li fe can be easily observed. However,
any low raised wall is an invitation to small children to Ponds w ith fluctuating w ater Ievels may need to be
climb. Raised pools should have sloping banks within made deeper, if the aim is to retain some w ater during
the pool, and access for amphibians to the pool area. the summer.

e Lighting may be needed in some situations, for schools A shallow area, merging into marsh, or a separate but
that are used in the evening. nearby marsh area will provide valuable habitat.

f Any fencing should be 'see fhrough/, so that a child who Ponds dug for other purposes, such as water supply or
gets into the pool area canbe seen. Stocknetting, chain- quarry ing, will of ten be m uch deeper than one metre, but
link, chestnutpaling or picketfencing are suitable. None their m ain wildlife value will be found at their shallow
are proof against a determined invader, but will prevent margins.
access by small children. Gates should be lockable. In
certain situations handrails may be useful.

Design W here artificial linings are needed, the type of lining

will strongly infiuence the shape and edge treatment
The design details of a pond w ill be determined by of the pond. Sim ple oval shapes are the easiest and
the natural features of the site, and the purpose of the cheapest to construct, bu t keep the valuable edge zone
pond. For most situations, the design will also be closely to a minimum. Convoluted shapes with a longer edge
dependent on the funds available, especially where develop a more varied community. Within a simple
artificial linings are needed. There are no hard and fast oval or squarish shape, a variety of edge treatments will
rules. A series of linked ponds and wetlands of different increase the length of edge, and effectively disguise the
size, shape and depth, and w ith varying degrees of original shape. Some gently sloping banks are essential

for amphibians, with 'shelves' for marginal plants. The flow s in streams and rivers. Abstraction from ground
spread of marginal plants canbe restrictedby a drop down water supplies has increased to compensate. DIY methods
to deeper water. A muddy or shingly beach is useful for of flow -gauging and predicting long term supplies
invertebrates and birds. Normally, these variations are have becom e virtually meaningless in the face of these
built in at the construction stage, and the liner then laid uncertainties, and advice should be sought from the
over the 'preform ed' shape. However, some variation Environment Agency (or equivalent) for any project
can be built in afterwards, for example by building up which involves abstraction of w ater supplies.
marginal shelves, spits or reef s of bricks or small boulders.
On butyl-lined pools, use a thickgeotextile liner over the
butyl to protect it from damage, and use stones with a Mains water
rounded shape. See the diagram on page 65.
Ponds with artificial linings by their very nature are
usually in 'd ry' areas, w here the water table is relatively
Edge treatment and access low, and there are no surface streams or underground
springs. W here near enough to a mains supply, they can
The edge treatm ent of school pon ds is strongly influenced be filled w ith mains water, provided hose-pipe bans are
by the need to accom m odate groups of children with not in force. They are then replenished naturally from
sufficient room for pond dipping and other investigation. rainw ater and som e run-off, together w ith topping
This will normally need paving, boardwalk, bridge or up from the m ains as necessary. For ponds without a
dipping platforms adjacent to mainly open water. convenient mains supply, the local fire brigade may be
willing to help with iniţial filling, and if any pumping out
Access for people all around a pond is not normally is required (p60). The army or the Environment Agency
recommended. A n untram pled buffer zone of marsh, m ay also be able to assist.
long grass, shrubs or trees on at least a third of the edge
will allow undisturbed access for amphibians and other Ponds newly-filled with mains water should be left for
organisms. Fence this as necessary to keep people out, several days for the chlorine to evaporate, before plants
or include it w ithin the area of safety fencing. or other organisms are introduced. Similarly, mains water
used to top up existing ponds should be left in open
A fenced pond area should be as large as possible, to containers for 48 hours before em ptying into the pond. It
include enough room for a class to gather, as well as plenty may be w orth constructing a small feeder pool, in which
of buffer zone. For a pond approximately 10 x 8 metres, mains water is stored for a couple of days, before it is let
an area of at least 50 x 20 metres should be enclosed. into the main pond. Topping up from mains supply may
become more difficult due to hose-pipe bans in various
School ponds or those designed for educaţional use need a parts of the coun try. N ote fhat ponds containing fish can be
generous amount of space not only for dipping at the pond topped up and re-oxygenated with ahose-pipe even where
edge, but also for gathering groups of children together bans are in force, as fish are classified as livestock.
for teaching and discussion. Paving, stone aggregate
surfacing or w ood chip surfacing may be needed to The normal procedure with butyl-lined ponds is to spread
preventthe areabecom ing muddy and unusable. Benches the soil layer over the liner before the pond is filled with
and tables are also useful. water. The soil layer is essential for aquatic and marginal
plants to root into. Lay the end of the hose over a large piece
Boardwalk, dipping platform and path construction for of polythene, to w hich a string is tied for later retrieval,
damp ground are described in Chapter 10. For further to prevent the w ater disturbing the soil layer.
Information see Footpaths (Agate, BTCV 1996).
Newly-made concrete lined pools need special filling
techniques, to remove harm ful solutes (p60). To prevent
Water supply these solutes becom ing locked into the soil layer, the soil
should be added only w hen the w ater quality is suitable.
Consult with Environment Agency (or equivalent outside Shovel the soil layer over the surface of the water and allow
England), w ater authority and local planning authority a few days for settling before plants are introduced.
as necessary. Any abstraction from w ater bodies, water
courses or underground sources requires an abstraction
licence from the Environm ent Agency (or equivalent). Rainwater

Predicting future w ater supplies by gauging existing Some ponds are true 'd ew ' ponds, filled by rain alone
flows from w atercourses and underground sources has without the aid of runoff. The construction of artificial
becom e increasingly difficult over the last few years in dew ponds is discussed on page 53.
Britain. Long periods of drought in many a re as have
caused low ering of w ater tables and great reductions in


S u rface ru n off Water butts or tanks can also be used with rain diverters
(available from garden centres), which automaţically divert
Rainwater runoff from pavements, roads and ofher hard the overflow back into the downpipe and the existing
surfaced are as will be polluted to some degree with petrol drainage system. Seepage hoses or perforated pipes are
and oii residues from traffic, dog faeces, and from other another useful material, which can be laid into marshy
debris and w aste m aterials. O n new large-scale building areas so that the flow is spread through the marsh.
developments, balancing ponds are constructed at the
beginning of the developm ent stage in order to collect Alternative m ethods of intercepting roof drainage are
surface runoff, w hich can be very muddy and laden with shown below, in outline only.
silt and im purities during the building phase. These are
then normally filled in, and all future runoff goes into
roof drainage NOT TO SCALE
the surface drainage system. As a better alternative, the
balancing pon d canberetained and planted with reeds and infijfrahon
other plants w hich absorb pollutants, with the purified gravel filled
w ater feeding into an am enity lake. This can be done L-» Y ......... bog g ard en pond
on a smaller scale, gathering the runoff from roads, car- V ă iiJ I ffi,
parks and other hard surfaced areas for example within
a school site, and diverting them into a balancing pond
planted with reeds and other marginals, feeding an area
of more open water as desired. Treatment of polluted
runoff is a major problem for the w ater authorities, who
should be supportive of any system which reduces the
load of pollutants.

R ain w ater from roofs

R a in w a te r g a th ered fro m ro o fs is a u se fu l and

environm entally sound supply for ponds. It avoids
ch armei ling rainwater into drains, and allows the more
natural use of it as open water, seeping into the ground,
or evaporatingbackinto the air. Using rainwater supplies
allows changeover and aeration of water within the pond.
Rainwater can be used for small perm anent artificial
ponds, or to fiii seasonal tem porary pools and scrapes..
Waste water and sewage
Depending on the catchment area of the roof, it may be a
good idea to arrange the supply so that storm flows do not The treatm ent of dom estic w astes and com m ercial
run directly in the marsh or pond, which can be detrimental pollutants through reedbed Systems has been developed
to the pond ecosystem, especially in springor summer. One fairly rapidly over the last decade, by groups varying
method is to run the downpipe into a water butt, which from alternative lifestyle enthusiasts to major businesses.
has a top overflow and a bottom on/off outlet as shown. For domestic sewage systems, the method is very cost-
During dry weather, stored water can be run off through effective for small villages, holiday developments and
the bottom outlet as required. This will then give storage isolated dwellings not on mains drainage. Domestic waste
room for subsequent rainfall and act as a buffer against w ater can be classified as 'grey w ater', which is waste
storm flows. During 'norm al' rainfall, the overflow gives from baths, sinks and washing machines, and sewage
a fairly steady supply of w ater to the pond. from toilets. All this w aste m atter can be treated through
reedbed systems (ppl45-146), discharging as clean water
w hich can feed into ponds or watercourses.

Natural ponds

In areas w ith a perm anently h igh w ater table, any

excavation in the ground will fiii w ith w ater to the level
of the w ater table. However, even for 'perm anent' high
water tables, the level will alter from season and season,
and year to year. Areas w ith a perm anent highw ater table
are easily recognised as peat bogs, damp grassland and
damp woodland, and are likely to already have some

open water. 'Perched' w ater tables, where clay overlays The quality of the w ater will depend on the land use
gravei or other permeable strata can be misleading. The surrounding the pond. The w ater should be purified of
ground may appear darnp, but any excavation which goes pollutants as it filters through the subsoil, but ponds in
through the clay layer w ill result in w ater being lost into areas of arable farmland may have high levels of nitrites
the permeable strata below. from fertilisers.

Temporary ponds in areas with a seasonally high water Springs

table can be made by excavating shallow depressions.
In grassland areas, these will usually remain vegetated Spring-fed ponds occur naturally where w ater rises at
w ith grass and perennial herbs, with some areas of bare a ' spring line', w hich is where permeable rock such as
ground supporting annuals duringthe summer. In shaded chalk overlays clay or other impermeable strata.
w oodland areas, a w oodland flora will develop, with
areas of bare ground.
On-stream ponds
Groundwater levels can be assessed by digging a trial
hole or dip well. A dip well is m ade by sinking two 50mm These are ponds directly fed from surface streams, and
diameter pipes into the ground, about 500mm apart. Use made by excavating or damming the stream. This may
a soil auger to make the holes. One pipe should reach seem a straightforward method of supply, but there are
to the proposed full depth of the pond, and the other various problem s associated w ith on-stream supply.
to half that depth. Pack tightly around each pipe with On-stream ponds take the flow from the catchment of
clay. Several dip w ells can be spaced over the area of the the stream, and need primary outflows and spillways
excavation. for storm flows.
cap pipe

By monitoring of relative levels in the pipes, movement

of water in the ground at depth and near the surface can
be assessed.

buf may be seepage- arfesian The feeder stream, especially when in flood, will bring do wn
laheral movemenf pond maydryup rîse suspended matter which causes siltation and turbidity. A
silt trap may be needed. The dam must be sited on stable,
For further details on dip wells and other methods of homogenous terrain with an impermeable substrate, to
monitoring ground w ater levels see Burgess, Neil D and avoid erosion below the dam undermining it.
Hirons, Graham JM (1990).
For these reasons, on-stream ponds are not usually
Any excavation is best done during spells of dry weather, recommended for volunteer work. However, very small
to prevent ground damage by machinery. The operator stream flows, which do not include storm flows from
should check the ground conditions before w ork starts, catchment areas, can b e used for pond supply. These are
to lessen the chance of machines getting stuck. similar to supplies from springs.

Off-stream ponds b The more usual method is to build a sluice with a silt
trap on the feeder channel. W hen used with another
Off-stream ponds can be excavated near streams and sluice on the m ain stream, the supply of w ater can
supplied by feeder channels, w hich avoids the problems be controlled despite variations in fiow. An overflow
outlined above. The pond is excavated near the stream, channel should also be fitted with a weir set at
and the spoil banked up as shown. high w ater level to prevent the embankment being
overtopped during storm flows.

The feeder channel can be constructed in one of the

following three ways.

a The sim plest feeder is a channel with sloping sides c Alterna tively the overflow w eir and pipe can be fitted
cut through the em bankment. By m aking the channel as shown.
double back, the rate of silting should be slowed. A
discharge apron of tu rf or stone pitching will preveni

Larger channels or feeder pipes should have the type of

concrete headw all or apron show n below. The diagram
also shows how to take a feeder channel through a raised
em bankm ent by m eans of a sealed pipe provided with
anti-seepage collars.

PLAN stock are w atered at the pond, the rate of water loss w ill
greatly increase.

The dew pond has a built up rim, w hich acts as a

w ater catchm ent area. The cross section shows how the
evaporation area shrinks as the water level drops. The
vertical scale is exaggerated in the diagram. The maximum
depth can vary from 1.2-2.4m (4-8').

rim of excavahed
material protechive top layer
Siui ce hop water
sh-aw layer
(opţional) puddled ciay

The various layers indicated are those of the 'average'

dew pond, althoughPugsley (1939), found that there were
many variations. Straw is sometimes claimed to be a 'non-
conducting' m aterial criticai to the pond's performance,
but there is no consistency in its use and many successful
ponds have no straw. It is likely, however, that a thick
layer of damp straw spread over the puddled clay would
prevent its drying and cracking before the pond filled. It
If a pipe is used along part or aii of the feeder, it must be m ight also act as binding. The straw would rot eventually,
big enough to take norm al flow s and should be protected bu t once the pond filled this would not matter. Some
at the upper end by an open inlet of the type shown on ponds have a bottom layer of chalk or lime, about 50mm
page 107. (2") thick, which may serve to keep earth-worms from
penetrating the puddled clay. Some have a thick top layer
An on-stream pond can som etim es be converted by of rubble, broken chalk or stone w hich helps protect the
diverting the feeder stream around the outside of the pond. im pervious layer from anim als' hooves.
The advantages are that siltation and turbidity problems
are largely solved, and that the storm overflow of the Some ponds are made of concrete, and one has a layer of
on-stream dam need n o tb e m aintained after conversion. gas tar, showing the influence of more m odem technology
The new inflow should be regulated as discussed for on an ancient craft.
off-stream ponds.


Dew ponds In times past, the siting as well as construction of dew

ponds w as something of a mystery, a closely kept secret
am ongprofessional pond-makers, who combinedwater-
Design dousing with pond-making.

Dew ponds occur mainly on porous soils where the rainf all However, most so-called dew ponds are in fact aided
is about lm (40") per year, and the annual evaporation by surface drainage, and locating the pond in a shallow
from a body of open w ater is in the range of 450mm (18"). depression will increase the catchment. Too much runoff
The tradiţional dew pond design ensures an adequate is not desirable, as the pond will rapidly silt up. Ponds
rT _ ! 5 w ater supply from rainw ater alone, by maximising the receiving runoff from cultivated land w ill silt up much
pond's catchm ent area in relationto its evaporation area. more quickly than ponds in perm anent pasture.
The average dew pond is about 18m (20 yards) across its
w ater surface w ith a further collection m argin of at least It may be possible to take advantage of runoff from m inor
3.6m (4 yards). roads and tracks, although this may also cause silting as
well as problems from pollutants such as oii residues.
A typical dew pond contains over 273,000 litres (60,000
gallons) of water, and even under conditions of drought, Site dew ponds w ell away from trees, as their roots may
should last three m onths before going dry. However, if damage the pond lining.

Scrapes and marshes in a muddy hollow w hich will be of Iimited value and
will certainly look unattractive. The presence of good
wildlife habitats nearby, such as rough grassland, scrub
Scrapes and woodland, will increase. the value of the scrape.

Scrapes are simple shallow excavations in ground with a

seasonally high w ater table, and pro vide areas of standing
w ater or wetland, according to seasonal fluctuations.
They are invaluable for invertebrates, as well attracting M arshes near to new ponds can be easily created using,
amphibians and w ater fowl. Scrapes can vary in size as necessary, the same method of artificial lining as the
from small depressions in rough grassland on farms pond. A marshy area can also usefully serve as a silt trap
or commons, to much larger areas managed to provide and filter for w ater entering the pond. The lining should
habitat for wintering and passage waders. The latter type be a minimum of 300mm below water level, backfilled
are of most value when situated close to known migration w ith soil to about the w ater level. See Chapter 7 for more
routes, near the coast or other w etland areas. For further details on artificial linings. Water can be supplied to the
details see M erritt (1994). marsh by an open inlet, or via a perforated pipe below
the surface. Suitable plants are listed on page 68.
Small scrapes can be excavated in any area where the
ground conditions are suitable. The scrape should be Existing areas of damp ground can be improved as a
sited away from all sources of nutrient-rich or polluted marshy habitat by slowing the flow of w ater by a low
runoff. The size can be varied according to particular sites im poundment, orby divertingrainw ater or stream water
or target species, but w ould normally need to be about into hollows. Seasonal drying out is not necessarily a
7-8m (8-9 yards) in diameter, gently sloping to a depth problem. Leaking ponds, especially cracked concrete
of about 500m m (ÎS")- Poaching of the ground by stock ponds, may be best turned into marshes.
is beneficial in creating bare mud and 'hoofprint pools'
for invertebrates, and bare ground for plant colonisation. For details of large-scale creaţi on of marshes and wet
However, too high a stocking density will only result grasslands: Burgess, Neil D and Hirons, Graham JM (1990).


£ ■

£ ■


7 Artificial linings

M an-m ade w ater features m ust be sealed w ith artificial c

linings if they lie in perm eable soils w ith an insufficiently
high w ater table. T he Info rm atio n in this chapter
is m ainly related to the construction of ponds for
general w ildlife, conservation and educaţional interest.
However, the techniques u sed are sim ilar to those used
for larger w ater features, including am enity lakes,
reservoirs and canals. Artificial linings are w idely used
in industrial and other developm ents for w ater supply
and storage, sew age treatm ent, control of pollutants
and other applications.

Factors to consider w hen evaluating different types

of lining include cost, availability of materials, labour
req u irem en ts, d u ra b ility and ease of repair. The
advantages and disadvantages of each type of lining are
discussed below.

The integrity of artificial linings is easier to maintain if (vertical scale exaggerafecfl

w ater levels are kept high, so that as m uch as possible of
the lining is kept underwater. Lowering of the w ater level
exposes the artificial lining to potenţial damage. For very small ponds, up to about 5m diameter, levels
can be simply marked out on site w ith a long piece of
timber and a spirit level. Cut plenty of square wooden
pegs to m ark the perim eter of the excavation. Starting
at the highest point of the proposed site, knock in a peg
Measuring to the proposed w ater level. Then working around the
perim eter of the site w ith the long piece of tim ber and
It is im portant to m easure carefully the proposed site of spirit level, knock in m ore pegs to the same level. Check
the pond, and take levels w hich m ark out the predicted across the centre of the site as necessary. If the pegs
w ater level, together w ith positions of any inlets, outlets, show that a sizeable bank w ill be needed on the lower
islands or other features. Any assessm entby eye is likely side to im pound the water, a fiatter site may prove more
to be misleading. The w ork should also b e planned so practicai.
that movem ent of spoil is minimised, and w here the spoil
is suitable, good use is m ade of it for impoundment, The sites of larger ponds, of 5-10m diameter, can be
landscaping or island creation. levelled using a length of hosepipe filled w ith water,
w ith a section of transparent hose at either end. Knock
W here a flexible liner is being used, and especially if the pegs in level w ith the w ater in the hose.
features such as dipping platforms or bridges are planned,
accurate scale plâns should be draw n up. W here ponds
are being created by m aking use of the existing landf orm
or disused excavations, then measurement on site may
be all that is needed.

A scale plan can be draw n up as show n in the example

below. By m easuring the contoured bottom along the
tw o cross sections A-B and C-D, using a piece of string,
the required dim ension of any liner or other materials
can be w orked out. Allow a safety m argin of at least
300mm w idth for flexible liners, or as advised by the
manufacturer. W hen estim ating volum es of clay for
puddling, rem em ber to allow about a third extra as the Ponds larger than about 1Om diameter should be levelled
clay is supplied unconsolidated (p56). using accurate surveying equipment.

Puddled clay This often causes problems on ponds or canals which

are restored after a period of dereliction, and may be
Puddled clay is the tradiţional m aterial for lining canals the true cause of continued leakage from ponds where
and other artificial w aterw ays, as well as for repairing repairs are undertaken on supposedly faulty dams.
leaks in earth dams, and sealing joints betw een concrete
and earth banks. d Cattle or hor ses may damage the lining, although sheep
can im prove it by sealing any small cracks which may
To puddle simply means to pound clay and water together form. N orm ally clay-lined ponds should be fenced
in a dense mass w hich resists w ater penetration. Puddling against stock. W here access is required for watering
breaks down the structure of the clay, closing fissures and stock, the clay should be surfaced with a thick layer
forcing out air bubbîes. The clay becom es very plastic, of gravei or chalk w ith flints.
just as happens when it is m ade into pottery.
P re lim in a ry re q u irem e n ts
Puddling of the clay which lines the canal System in Britain
was done by driving flocks of sheep into sections of the Calculate the cubic contents of the lining required. Pond
constructed and lined canal, so their trampling puddled linings should be 200-300mm (8-12") thick, and thicker
the clay. Dew ponds and other sm all water bodies were if they are subject to erosive wave action or trampling
puddled by sheep or human feet. M echanical puddling by cattle. Canal linings must be 300m m -lm (1-3') thick.
can be done using a dumper or JCB. When ordering, allow about a third extra for 'bulking'
as the clay is supplied unconsolidated and much of its
A d v an tages volume is air.

a A puddled clay lining may be very cheap if suitable day The clay must be of suitable quality, as shown by the
is available nearby. Contact local developers, haulage following test. W hen the clay is moistened and kneaded
contractors, plant hire or skip hire operators, as suitable you should be able to roii it into a 'sausage' which can be
d ay may be available as a waste material from local bent into a tight circle w ith no cracks. The clay should be
development schemes. totally free of stones and any organic material, and should
f cel silky and smooth. When mixed with water in a container
b No special equipment or tools are necessary, other than any impurities sudh as sand w ill fall to the bottom. Clay
those needed to transport the day. Provided the area which contains shiny particles of mica is unsuitable.
is not too large, puddling is a fun way of involving a
group of people. Children especially enjoy it. The prepared excavation should be reasonably dry and
firm, and free of large stones, stumps and roots. Make all
c A successfully puddled clay bottom is virtually immune slopes very gradual, as w et clay banks are very slippery
to leaks, decay and vandalism, provided it is made and dangerous, being easy to slide into but difficult to
sufficiently thick, and is always covered with water. get out from.

d A puddled clay lining can be cleaned by hand of silt If puddling withoutmachinery, the only items of equipment
without damaging the lining. However, great care must needed are weUingtonboots,buckets for water and shovels.
be taken if using machinery. Some dew pond makers used a special tamper, as shown
on page 43.
e Leaksinpuddledclayliningscanbetraced andrepaired
relativelyeasily,provided the water level can belowered P ro ced u ral p o in ts
a The action of puddling clay requires no skill, but it
D isad van tag es m ust be done slowly and methodically. Puddle the
clay in thin layers and build it up slowly, otherwise it
a Purchase and high transport costs may make day w ill not be watertight, and different sections m ay not
expensive. It is not always possible to locate a reliable knit together,
supply at the time that you w ant it.
b Each puddler should w ork on an area of about a square
b If done by hand, the process of spreading the clay is metre, and puddlers should be stationed so that no
heavy andlaborious work. Puddling mustbe meticulous unpuddled areas are left between. The group should
to be successful, and the lining must be prevented from concentrate on one portion of the lining at a time,
drying out while it is being constructed. rather than being spread out across the whole area.

c Puddled d ay is liable to crack if the water level falls c Divide the w ork betw een shovelling and carrying the
and exposes the lining for any extensive period. W hen clay, and puddling. Swap the two groups over from
the level rises again, the clay is no longer watertight. time to time.

d Shovel the clay as supplied, and as each shovelful is b Concrete linings are vandal proof. This is an important
spread on the square, add just enough water to make consideration for ponds in school grounds and other
the clay plastic. Excess w ater w ill be trapped in the urban areas.
clay, weakening it. Keep treading up and down all the
time, working the water and air bubbles out of the clay, c Concrete linedponds canbem aintainedw ithoutfearof
and knitting your area together with those of adjacent damage to the lining. It is possible to wade into the pond
workers. Add another shovelful only after all the voids and use tools such as shovels and cromes, which may
have been worked out of the clay being puddled. damage a flexible or clay lining. Clumps of emergent
vegetation can be pulled out without damage to the
e Avoidaddingtoomuch clay atone tune. Thisistempting, lining. Concrete linings are therefore useful for ponds
especially when using a dumper, but it results in a which are intended to be maintained at a certain point
compacted top surface while the clay below remains in their succession.
fissured and liable to leak.
d If mixed properly, concrete has consistent quality, and
f Complete the first îayer to a depth of about 75mm it can be obtained at any time.
(3"), before starting on the second Îayer. This ensures
that no hard-to-puddle joints occur between different D isad v an tag es
a More skill is needed to install concrete than other linings.
g Bring the puddling well up the bank, making the sides Pondsbigger than about 8 x 5m will need reinforcement,
the same depth as the bottom. Be sure to cover any and an engineer should be consulted on the design and
possibly faulty masonry or joints between different construction. Concrete sets quickly, and either needs
materials, where leaks are likely to occur. to be laid 'all in one go', or in sections with special
waterproof joints.
h The surface m ust be kept w et at all times to prevent
cracks forming, which, unless carefully sealed by b The cement used in concrete contains Chemicals that
repuddling, may cause leaks. If the task must be are harmful to aquatic life, and after construction a
discontinued for even a day or two the clay should be seasoning period is necessary during which the pond
hosed periodically or flooded in the interim. A small must be filled and emptied several times (p60).
work area can be covered w ith polythene to prevent
moisture evaporating. c Concrete linings are difficult to repair if they are badly
made, or if they crackdue to settlement. Various products
i Don't worry about small amounts of standing water, or are available for the repair of non-structural concrete.
about it raining while puddling. Avoid puddling clay
in frosty weather since it will crack and heave due to d Although concrete linings can in theory be made to fit
the expansion of water w hen it tum s to ice. If the job almost any shape, complex outlines and internai contours
is partly done and frost is likely, it is best to flood the are much more difficult to construct than simple shapes.
site deep enough to prevent it freezing the lining. It may be easier to make a dish shaped lining, and then
use stone and other materials to build marginal shelves
For information onrepairing leaks, see page 63. and reefs which rest on the concrete lining.

e The permanence of a concrete lining may be aproblem, not

Concrete linings an advantage, if for example, use of the site changes.

Concrete linings have been used for all sizes of artificial For most w aterproof linings, from small garden ponds to
lakes and pools, from vast reservoirs of 20 hectares large installations, flexible materials are now used rather
or more, down to small form al garden pools of a few than concrete. This is because they are much cheaper and
square metres. An early use of concrete was in dewpond easier to lay, and because technological development has
construction. Pugsley (1939) discovered that a number produced materials which are durable for 20-30 years or
of pre-First World War dew ponds were lined w ith rough more. Concrete, however, still has the great advantage of
concretes such as clay and lime mixed, flints in mortar, being vandal-proof, and allowing management without
or alternate layers of cem ent and chalk or flints. fear of damage to the lining. Where vandalismis aproblem,
the technique described below isrecommended. Inthistype
A d vantages of structure, the concrete is not itself waterproof, but merely
r 3 acts as a protective Îayer over the flexible liner. Concrete
a Concrete linings are extremely durable if the original is not otherwise recommended. For small ponds a flexible
constructionis sound. They canbe dried out or exposed liner is easier and cheaper, and for larger ponds, technical
at the shoreline w ithout harm , and are affected only difficulties of laying concrete are such that the design and
slowly by erosive forces. construction should only be done by specialists.

î 3

R ead y-m ix con crete

Vandal-proof ponds
Ready-mix concrete supplied by lorry is the best option A technique has been developed by Hampshire County
for the vandal-proof ponds described below. Ready-mix Council, w orking with The Conservation Volunteers, to
has the advantage that the hard work of mixing is done, construct ponds w hich are completely vandal and leak
and the product is of consistent quality. It avoids having proof. Concrete ponds are vandal proof, but difficult to
to handle or store cement, sand and aggregates and often construct and liable to leak. Flexible liners are waterproof
works out cheaper. However, vehicle access to the pond site and easy to lay, but prone to vandalism and damage
must be considered, as well as suffkient labour to spread during pond maintenance. The technique uses a flexible
the concrete before it sets. For school and community areas, lining for holding water, and a concrete lining on top to
this labour requirement usually fits in well, as it is easier to protect it against deliberate or accidental damage. The
organise a big voluntary effort on one day with the goal of concrete layer is not designed to be waterproof.
completion, rather than a hard slogby a few people over a
longer time. Suppliers of ready mix concrete are numerous This is a 'belt and braces' technique, and uses various
in most areas, and you shouldbe able to find one who can fit specialist m aterials w hich m ake the m ethod seem
in with you r requirements for mix, access and deliveiy time. complicated. An 'environm ental audit' may question the
Extended chutes and pumps are available for sites where w isdom of using such a quantity of materials to create a
access adjacent to the pond is not possible. Some firms will feature w hich in other substrates would occur naturally.
supply and mix materials on their lorry on site, while the However, the technique has so far proved totally reliable
customer barrows and lays the concrete, with about half an increatingvaluableenvironmental andteachingresources
hour allowed to take delivery of a cubic metre. within school grounds and other areas where ponds would
not otherwise occur. Although complex, the bulk of the
The timing of the delivery is crucial. The pond excavation, work can be done, and in fact has to be done, w ithin one
plus any lining, must be finished, and the volunteers ready day, using voluntary labour w ith skilled supervision.
for action the moment the lorry arrives. You then need Over 60 ponds have so far been created.
enough time to complete the laying of the concrete that day.
On the other hand, the excavated surface or lining such as The following section gives detailed information on
sand or poly thene must not be ready too early, or it may get procedure and the organisation of volunteers, which may
disturbed by weather, vandals or animals. If an excavation also be relevant to pond construction projects using other
gets filled by an overnight storm before the lining is laid, types of artificial linings.
you've probably chosen the wrong site!
The layers of the construction are as follows, listed from
Some suppliers will not deli ver between mid-day Saturday the top layer downwards, as shown in the table below.
and Monday morning, which may limit your options for
a weekend project.

r ]

t ■
M aterial Type/purpose

Subsoil from excavation covers construction and provides growing

1 Subsoil

2 Armater
medium for pond plants. 75mm layer.

Retains concrete in cells w hich allow for m ovem ent such as frost heave,
and m akes concrete easy to lay in one operation w ithout slumping.

3 Concrete 1:12 mix. Protects all the layers below.

t |
4 Polythene m em brane Prevents concrete soaking into geotextile layer. e ■
5 G eotextile m atting Synthetic fabric for reinforcem ent against w eight of concrete.
e j
6 W aterproof m em brane Polyethylene liner.

7 Builders' sand
Acts as buffer betw een subsoil and w aterproof mem brane. e 2
Prevents damage from stones in subsoil.

t -

date w ith the suppliers. Liners m u stbe stored in a secure

location, and away from sunlight w hich can damage
depth noo to them. Have a site m eeting w ith the supplier of ready-mix
lîjo m m concrete prior to delivery, in order to check the access.
Timing of the delivery is crucial.

Construction of a 60 square metre pond needs at least 12

wgter level
people for the day, and up to 20 canbe usefully occupied.
subsoil They w ill need to w ear stout w aterproof boots, and long
9 arm ater and sleeved tops to protect arms against concrete mix.
polyt-hene The following tools are needed:
e— geotexHIe
noh to scale spades 12
Note ori materials
shovels 12
Ham pshire County Council recommend the Hi-Lastic
poly ethylene Iiner. O ther good quality w aterproof liners forks 12
may also be suitable. For suppliers see page 163.
rakes 8
Armater is a honeycom b lattice material, supplied in
sections 12 x 12.5m. The size required is 2m smaller in wheelbarrows,
both dim ensions than the polyethylene liner. Any extra heavy duty
can be sold to another school.
buckets, heavy duty 12
The concrete m ix is 1:12 (1 cement:12 ballast), know n as
'kerb m ix'. Only sufficient w ater to mix should be added, mattocks 5
as too much w ater w ill cause the mix to slip under the
bottom of the A rm ater cells, leaving a pool of concrete in gloves, preferably
a pair for each person
the middle. O rder from supplier of ready-mix. gauntlet type

Further inform ation on the materials is given below.

D esign an d p lan n in g E xcavation

To create a pond which is ecologically stable as well as M ark the outline of the pool, checking the levels carefully
diverse, and suitable for practicai teaching purposes, (p55).
Hampshire County Council recommend that school ponds
should be a minimum of 60 square metres, and do not grant If possible, arrange for the excavation to be made on
aid for anything smaller thanthis. Anything larger than about the day before the lining is to be constructed, in order
140 square metres is difficult to construct in one day. to lessen the chance of disturbance to the excavation, or
of it collecting rainfall. JCBs or other excavators should
The preference is for a maximum finished depth of750mm, only be drivenby skilled operators, w ith attentionbeing
with the deepest part off centre to give a variety of gently paid to the safety of other users of the site. It should take
sloping profiles. Steps and planting ledges are avoided for about 4-5 hours to excavate a 60 square metre pond. If
safety reasons, and because they are difficult to construct possible, the project officer should stay on site throughout
using Armater fabric. The design gives the fullrange of depths to supervise and sort out any problems. A trench around
up to 750mm for marginal plants and other organisms. As the excavation, norm ally made to secure a flexible lining
marginal vegetation can be removed as necessary by hand (see p 61), is n ot needed, as the concrete secures it. Retain
pulling, the shelf down to deeper water is not needed as a sufficient subsoil for the rooting zone within the pond. The
method of a control of marginal vegetation. rest of the spoil should be rem oved for use elsewhere on
the site, or tipped into skips for removal off the site.
AII weather access and dipping platforms to accommodate
6-8 children are included in the design (see p90). Using a surveyor's level, check that the rim of the
excavation is level all around. Note where any minor
O rgan isation adjustment will need to be made by hand, or by the
placing of the liner. Remove protruding stones or other
Order all materials in advance, and confirm the delivery debris from the excavated surface.

C on stru ction action w hich tw ists the back, and don't take a loaded
bucket until you're perfectly balanced. Start filling the
1 Brief volunteers on pro ce dure, tool use and safety cells from the centre, then radiate out in 'bulges' as
considerations. Stress the need to avoid all unnecessary shown. This minimises trampling, whilst keeping the
trampling on the layers as the construction proceeds. honeycom b fabric in shape. It should take 2-3 hours
of hard w ork to shift 4.5 cubic metres of ready-mix.
2 Lay a single layer of old carpets, first removing any
tacks. Do not use rubber-backed carpet as this may 9 Before you fiii the outerm ost ring of cells, trim off the
give off a gas. The carpet prevents stones from working excess Armater, leaving complete cells. Trim butyl.
their way up through the sand layer and damaging
the lining. Alternatively, geotextiles such as Terram or 10 Fiii outer cells, and finish w ith a collar of concrete to
Bidim can be used. Newspaper is not very successful the edge of the excavation. Edge with turves to give
as a substitute, as it is difficult to get even coverage a neat finish.
on still days and im possible w hen it is windy!
F illin g
3 Lay the sand, raking it to an even 75mm layer, and
pressing it up against the edge of the excavation. Water dissolves solutes from the new concrete, which
raises the pH of the water, and will limit the range of
4 Open up the liner away from the pond and check for organisms which the pond can support. Although ponds
holes. This also dispels static electricity. Crease it up of a high pH, above 8.5, occur naturally in limestone
again w ith the outside edges accessible, carry it to the areas, a pH below 8.5 is usually suitable for most ponds
pond and lower it onto the sand. to encourage a wide range of organisms.

5 Repeat for the geotextile and polythene sheet. Don't Gi ven time, the water will stabilise, but most pond crea tion
cut off any excess until the end of the day. Aim to be projects for schools and community areas require that
at this stage by 11.30am for a day's project. planting is done as soon as possible after filling, in order
to create a 'finished' pond. D on't put any soil into the pond
6 Open up the Armater fabric and cut to size as necessary, until the pH is correct, or the solutes will then become
using a craft knife or fabric shears. Lay it onto the locked into the soil, and almost impossible to remove.
polythene sheet.
Various products are available to treat or waterproof
7 The ready-mix is delivered and dumped on a large piece concrete. Plasticisers can be added du ring mixing, or
of building membrane or similar as near as possible sealants painted on after laying. However, these are not
to the pond. Form a bucket chain. D on't overfill the always reliable, and the safest method, although rather
buckets, but keep to a weight that the least strong tedious, is to fiii and empty the pond several times until
person in the chain can safely manage. a suitable pH is reached.

8 The chain leads out to the m iddle of the pond, with the Initially fiii the pond, and leave it for about two weeks.
people at the end of the chain standing with each foot in Check the pH, which may be as high as 12, depending
a 'cell'. D on't get the toe of the boot under the cell wall, on the source of the aggregate. Pump the water out and
or the concrete will slide underneath and you will end refill. Leave for a w eek and check the pH again. If it's
up with a very shallow pond! Great care must be taken below 8.5, the loss of solutes from the concrete is low
to avoid back injury w hen handing the buckets along enough to proceed. Pump the water out, put in the soil
the chain, as m ovem ent of the feet is restricted by the layer and any features, and then refill. If it remains above
cells, and the polythene surface is slippery. Avoid any 8.5 at the second refill you can proceed as above, but a
few weeks after planting pump out half the water and
then top up, preferably w ith rain water. Water pumped
Sfarhing af
cenfre, fiii from the pond should be allowed to soak away into the
areas in ground. It should not be discharged into the sewage
order system or into streams or other waterways.
For further notes on iniţial management of new ponds,
see pages 65-72.
Jf / finish wifh
each cell ' <collar of
h Flexible linings
is 100mm concrete

deep by approx. / all round Flexible liners made of PVC, polyethylene or butyl rubber
350 mm across can be used for pond construction.

PVCis availableinsingle or double thickness, andinvarious g Problems can occur under the liner. Strong growing
colours. It is stretchy and easy to fit, but is not resîstant to w eeds such as couch can push up through the liner,
ultraviolet light, and eventually deteriorates. and rats and other sm all animals may burrow through
and hole a liner. A geotextile layer beneath the liner
Triple thickness low density polyethylene (LDPE) is more will help prevent this. Take specialist advice if the
durable than PVC, but less durable than butyl rubber. presence of methane is a possibility (see below).

Butyl rubber is the m ost durable, and suppliers guarantee

a life of at least 10 years w ith proper care. Although M e th o d fo r la y in g b u ty l lin in g
more expensive than PVC or LDPE, it is a worthwhile
investment for m ost pond projects. Normal specification Fiexible liners should be of sufficient size to allow for
is black, 0.75m m thickness. Butyl is slightly elastic. a 300m m overlap around the edge of the pond. The
m inim um size of liner should be as follows:
V arious o th er rein forced geom em brane lin ers are
manufactured for reservoirs, large ornamental lakes, dirty Length of pond = A
water lagoons and other industrial and environmental
applications, and are norm ally installed by specialist W idth of pond = B
contractors. See page 163 for information on suppliers
of fiexible linings. Depth of pond = C

A d van tages Size of liner = (A + 2C + 0.6) x (B + 2C + 0.6) m2

a AII fiexible linings are cheap compared with other

types of pond lining. Laying a butyl liner is easier on still, dry days. If there is
a hard frost all day, postpone the work, as the liner may
b Fiexible linings conform to m inor undulations and be damaged if it's laid down on frosty ground.
will not fail if the underlying soil settles or cracks.
1 M ark out and excavate the pond, carefully checking
c Fiexible linings are quickto install, requiringno special levels (p55). Levelling is very important to avoid
skills. Provided the project is properly designed and areas of exposed liner above the water line, which are
supervised, a reasonable sized pond canbe constructed difficult to conceal. A llow a 300mm m argin around
by volunteers in a day. the perimeter for the pond liner to be overlapped
w ith turf or other edging. Remove and stack the turf
d Fiexible linings are w idely available commercially, from this margin. Some pond designers recommend
and are easy to transport and store. digging a shallow trench around the perimeter of the
main excavation, to anchor the lining and avoid any
D isa d v a n ta g es risk of it becom ing exposed at the surface. This may
cause a problem on disturbed sites w hich may contain
a AII fiexible linings are vulnerable to accidental or methane from buried industrial or domestic rubbish,
malicious damage. Polyethythene and PVC linings or from farm waste, as the m ethane is then unable to
puncture easily. Butyl is fairly puncture resistant, but escape from under the liner and causes it to bubble
is easily cut w ith a knife. M aintenance is difficult, up. Take advice as necessary on the past use of the
as wading in or using tools to remove plants or silt land and the likelihood of methane being present.
can damage the lining. Dogs and grazing stock may
damage linings. 2 Remove all stones, roots or debris in the soil to avoid
damage to the lining. Tâmp the soil surface to an even
b Fiexible linings m ust be handled carefully during finish.
installation. A layer of sand and old carpets or other
m aterial is needed to prevent stones in the soil 3 The slopes should not exceed 1:6 gradient. Excavate
puncturing the lining from below. m arginal shelves to the dim ension required. An
average of250m m w idth and 250mm depth is suitable
c Larger ponds require on-site joining of the sheets, and for ponds of about 60-100 square metres.
this may need to be done by specialist contractors.
4 Spread a 75mm layer of builders' sand evenly over the
f Planting shel ves m ust be carefully constructed before excavated surface. This acts as a buffer between the
the lining is laid down, and designed so that any soil and the liner, and lessens the chance of damage.
r substrate laid over the liner holds securely without
slipping. Avoid gradients steeper than 1:3. A general 5 O ver the sand, lay a geotextile or layer of old carpets,
gradient of 1:6 is suitable. to act as further protection to the liner.
! " .9

Bentonite is a very fine powder of clay particles which
swells in contact w ith water to become a waterproof clay.
Two basic types are available, either sodium bentonite or
calcium bentonite. Sodium bentonite is imported from the
tiner USA and is the higher quality but more expensive material,
^ o ld cârpei or geofexfile absorbing five times more water, weight for weight, than
^ 75mm san d does calcium bentonite. In the past, bentonite was supplied
slab on in powder fonn for mixing into the surface of excavations
marginal loomm mortar to create a waterproof layer, or for sprinkling into existing
Shelf | 7p—smT ponds to repair leaks. Neither use has proved very reliable,
25omm2 ~Jî5rnTΣP'k,
jS XsznzziZJ^ animal and many failed bentonite ponds have been subsequently
hiding place lined with butyl or other flexible linings.
from “Pond Guideiines'fS.C.C. 1993)
To overcome the problems of getting even coverage,
not to scale bentonite is now supplied sandwiched between two
6 Carefully unfold the liner away from the pond to check
geotextile layers, called a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL). To
for faults, and to allow static electricity to disperse.
avoid problems of losing the dry powder during transport,
Crease it up again leaving the edges free, and w ith
and difficulties with on-site wetting, a further de velopment
sufficient helpers to avoid disturbing the sand layer,
is to pre-hydrate the bentonite layer during manufacture.
lift the liner into place. As long as the liner is placed
This product is called Rawmat High Density Bentonite.
correctly, w ith sufficient overlap at the edges, it does
not have to be m oulded exactly to the contours of the
excavation, as the w ater will do this. Temporarily weigh
The great advantage of bentonite linings is their ability r
down the edges to secure the liner in place, but take
to self-heal when punctured, as the clay component
swells to fiii the gap. Posts for revetments, boardwalks

care not to use anything that will damage the liner.
and other features can be driven into the lining without r
7 M ost suppliers of butyl liners advise the use of a
protective geotextile layer over the butyl. This provides
causing leaks. Sealing around inlet or outlet pipes is a
simple procedure, and joining two sheets of Rawmat is
done by m eans of a self-sealing overlap. €
som e protection against stones or other objects
damaging the liner, especially if underw ater features
such as rounded stones or marginal shelves are being
added. The geotextile layer also helps anchor the soil
layer. Trim the geotextile to below the planned w ater I
line, or it will act as a wick, drawing the water out
of the pond. Once the butyl and geotextile are laid,
e ■

minimise tram pling on the lining. Wear soft shoes and

work carefully to avoid damaging it. The soil can be I
added before or after filling w ith water, depending on
the size and layout of the pond. I
8 Fiii slowly w ith water. Avoid disturbing the soil layer
by running the hose over any pebble beach or stony
feature, or by using a sheet of polythene temporarily
anchored over the soil. Once full, cut away the surplus
liner, leaving an overlap of at least 300mm.
As Rawmat is supplied pre-hydrated, it is heavy, at about

9 Replace the turves around the edge to anchor and

8kgper square metre. It is supplied in rolls, lm b y 5m length, e
and 2m by 25 or 50m length, with the 2m width needing
hide the liner. Paving, boardwalks or other features
machinery for handling. For further details contact the
can be added later, but ensure the construction does
manufacturer, Rawell Water Control Systems Ltd. (p!63). e
not damage the lining (p90).

10 Shovel sieved soil into the w ater if soil was not •V- 1
spread earlier. Allow to settle for a few days before Leaks
This Information can be applied both to new ponds
For more inform ationon planting and iniţial maintenance w hich leak, and established ponds and waterways with
see Chapter 8. damaged and leaking linings.

Water levels that fluctuate w ith the season aud prevailing installation. For a holed bottom, it helps to drain the
weather are not necessarily a problem (p45), but artificially pond so that only a few inches of water cover the lining
lined ponds that hold m sufficient w ater even in the wet before sprinkling the dye. Use your own judgement
season will norm ally need repair. Artificial linings that as to quantity. A tablespoon of powder dyes about a
are exposed are likely to suffer further damage without quart of water.
the protective covering of water.
4 If you suspect that moisture on the outside of a dam or
B ad ly le a k in g p u d d led clay lin ers, fa ile d pond s bank is due to a leak through from the other side, wait
constructed using bentonite powder, and badly cracked to see if fluorescein-tinted water penetrates to the damp
concrete ponds w ill need a rethink. If a pond is still spot. This may occur within a few hours, but more often
required on the same site, the best solution is probably takes a day or so. The advantage of waiting is that in this
to reline w ith a flexible liner. The pond w ill need clearing way even an indirect leakage route can be established.
out completely of vegetation, debris and other material, in
order to start from a clean base, otherwise damage to the If, after afew days, nosignof green water appears outside
liner is alm ost inevitable. If the space is available, it may the bank, the leak may be slow and extend some distance,
be easier to start again on a new site, and turn the leaking so that the dye has been absorbed en route. Alternaţively,
pond into a marsh. This will probably be happening the damp patch may be not due to leakage.
any way, but the process canbe made more interesting and
attractive by planting and other management, depending 5 After allowing the dye to work for a day or two, drain
on the site and available resources. Rearrangem ent of clay the water from the pond. Rake off the lastbit of standing
or other m aterial w ithin the site can create dams or smalî water, using a rake to which a wooden slat has been
w ater features to retain som e open w ater areas. If the area fixedtoform a flat, toothless scraper. Observe the surface
is fed by stream flow or run-off, there is the opportunity to of the clay as you rake. Any cracks should show up as
be creative in channelling the water through small pools green lines in the clay.
or ditches. Failed ponds w hich relied only on mains or
pum ped w ater are possibly best abandoned. 6 Dig away the clay where it shows green, following the
dyed crack as far as you can. Remove this clay and
repuddle it carefully, adding fresh clay as needed.
Tracing and repairing leaks
C oncrete
The following procedure for tracing leaks is described
for puddled clay linings, but the same procedure can M inor cracks in concrete canbe repaired as follows. Locate
be used for other types of linings, and for leaky dams, the crack and clean thoroughly. Using a cold chisel, cut
retaining walls or earth banks. out a rough V shaped groove at least 75mm wide along
the line of the crack, and at least a third the depth of the
1 If the water level has recently been raised above a level concrete. Use a rubber orbitum enbased sealant to seal the
w hich had been norm al for some time previously, it is crack below the groove, and then fiii the groove w ith a mix
likely that the clay above the long-standing w ater line of 1:2:4 cement/sand/fine gravei with a waterproofing
has dried and cracked. Look for leaks betw een the old bonding agent. Wetthe sides of thegroovebeforemortaring.
low water m ark and the new high water mark. Leave to dry for a few days, and then paint over with
pond sealant.
2 The lining may have been damaged by disturbance due
l.Cul' V-shaped groove
to recent cleaning, or from tram plingby horses or cattle.
C heckthe cleaned area, and the trampled shallows.

3 O ncetheareaunder suspicionhasbeenidentified, trace

the leak using fluorescein dye. Fluorescein is available
from chemical suppliers, and comes as a magenta or
coffee-coloured powder, which turns a bright neon
green on contact with water. Localised leaks in small
pools may be traced w ith green ink if fluorescein is not

The amount of fluorescein needed depends on the

volume of w ater to be treated, so it is worth limiting this
if possible to the area around the suspected leak. For a Aconcrete pond which has become porous but is otherwise
water line leak, scatter the powder along the w ater's intact may be repairableby using a waterproofing sealant.
edge, not out away from the barik. For a leaky dam. or The concrete surface m ust be cleaned and primed first, in
retaining wall, scatter powder within a few feet of the accordance w ith the instructions on the sealant.

Flexib le liners

Punctures or small tears in butyl and other flexible liners

can be repaired w ith patches and adhesive. Contact the
supplier of the liner for details.

Watch out for couch grass, bram ble, bamboo and other
plants which spread by underground shoots and may
puncture a flexible liner. Rem ove any that are spreading
near the edge of the pond.


i ■



e ;
8 The planting and management
of new ponds
This chapter covers the planting and iniţial m anagement spread before the new pond is filled, or can be sprinkled
of new ponds and other waterbodies. Apond management on the surface afterwards. Ensure that concrete is fully
plan is included on page 71. 'cured' before soil is introduced (p60).

Left unm anaged, new ponds w ill eventually support a Soil can also be introduced in planting baskets, or by using
variety of plant and anim al species w hich will spread some of the turves dug up during pond excavation. A turf
naturally from other areas. This process of natural can be tied to a marginal or submerged rooting plant, and
succession is of value and interest, but may not be the best then either placed or thrown into the water, where the turf
option for most sites. N orm ally the process will be too will act as a rooting medium for the plants. D on't use too
slow, and will leave the new pond looking unattractive for many turves, because of the enrichment they may cause.
a long period, and more Iikely to b e a target for vandalism
and dumping of rubbish. W hen vegetation does become
established, it may be dom inated by one or two species
Reefs and beaches
and lack the variety of a planted pond.
Underwater reefs of stones or other material which leave
Carefully planned planting will attract a range of insects, gaps for newts, frogs, toads and other organisms provide
birds.and other organisms, as w ell as im proving visual a valuable habitat. Rounded stones can be placed in piles
amenity. Planting protects the edges of ponds from or ridges in deeper water, or leading up to beaches at the
erosion, and helps protect the liner from accidental and w ater's edge. Stones can also be used to retain the soil on
malicious da mage. However, planting moves the pond marginal shelves. Use either large single stones, or smaller
succession forwaxd, as the vegetative matter itself, and the stones built up as a 'dry' stone wall. Bricks and blocks can
silt and other m aterial it traps, w ill reduce the volume of also be used, but place them with plenty of gaps.
water, turning small, shallow pon ds rapidly to marsh and
scrub. For most created ponds, vegetation introduction
and subsequent m anagem ent will be essential.

Iniţial planting should leave som ebare areas of mud which

are valuable invertebrate habitat, and for birds to drink
and gather m ud for nesting. Subsequent management
and use should ensure that there are always some areas
of bare mud. Beaches of gravei or rounded stones are
useful invertebrate habitat. In deeper ponds, tyres c a n b e used as reefs, and to make
shelves or containers for planting.

Preparing for planting Water quality

Soil If the pond has a new concrete liner, test the water to check
that the pH is suitable for the type of pond you require
The new pond should have a layer of subsoil or similar (p60). Initially, w ater in any type of new pond will be
material to provide a habitat for pond organisms and turbid and may have scum on the surface, and will turn
a rooting zone for plants. This layer is necessary over green as algae multiply. This w ill happen rapidly in warm
concrete, flexible linings and new ly-puddled clay. Clay weather. The w ater quality will improve as oxygenating
is an inhospitable substrate for m ost organisms, and any plants and other organisms establish. Excessive algae
plants that do root are Iikely to damage the clay lining. growth in established ponds can be prevented (p69).

Avoid using top soil, as this is Iikely to be nutrien t-rich,

and w ill release unw anted nutrients resulting in algal Pond plants
blooms and other problems. Norm ally the subsoil from
the excavation should be suitable, but avoid using very The following lists are of plants suitable for newly-created
stony subsoil or any that contains rubble or other debris. A ponds of between about 30-100 m2, designed for general
layer about lOOmmthick is suitable, but this canbe varied wildlife, amenity and education purposes. Normally variety
to provide a range of conditions. The soil can either be and diversity are the aim, but ponds or other water features

for particular purposes may need a particular range of plants, Avoid the following vigorous native species:
or in the case of reed beds, a single species. Avoid non-nati ve
plants, and for smaller ponds, avoid the vigorous native Com m on reed [Phragmites australis)
plants, listed below, which will rapidly fiii the pond. Greater reedm ace (Typha latifolia )
M are's tail (Hippuris vulgaris)
In general, keep planting simple, as you want to avoid Unbranched bur-reed (Sparganiurn simplex)
creating a pond that w ill be choked w ith vegetation after
only a couple of seasons. Start with about 8-10 different M argin al p lan ts
types of plants (not including marsh plants), see how they
establish, and then add a few more types the following Bogbean (Menyanthes trifoliata)
year as desired. Brooklime ( Veronica beccabunga)
Butterbur (Petasites hybridus)
Pond plants are categorised according to the zone of the Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia nummularia)
pond in w hich they grow, and by the type of growth. The Gipsy-wort (Lycopus europaeus)
following plants are fairly common, and obtainable from Kingcup or marsh marigold (Caltha palustris)
suppliers of pond plants, or from nearby ponds (with M arsh cinquefoil (PotentiUa palustris)
permission). Further details of plants are given in the M arsh pennywort (Hydrocotyle vulgaris)
vegetation tables on pages 147-155. W here the species is Reed-grass (Phalaris hybridus)
not given below, check in the tables for the species which Rushes (Juncus spp)
is ty picai of your area and pond conditions. Some species Sedges (Carex spp)
are hard to identify and naming may vary according to Water forget-me-not (Myosotis scorpioides)
source! Names here and in the tables are consistent with the Water mint (Mentha aquatica)
Excursion Flora o f the British Isles (Clapham, AR, Tutin, TG Yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus)
and Warburg, EF. Cam bridge University Press 1968) Yellow loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris)

Free floating Obtaining plants

Bladderwort ( Ultricularia spp) Obtaining plants from nearby ponds and waterways is
Frog-bit (.Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) possible, provided permission has been gained from the
Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) owner. Depletion of existing stocks is not usually a problem,
and plants can be obtained when ponds are being cleared
Avoid the follow ing vigorous species: of excess vegetation. Only accept plants from sources
with which you are familiar, or else you run the risk of
Duckweed (Lemna spp) introducing unwanted plants and other organisms.
Water fern (Azolla filiculoides)
Pond plants can also be purchased from specialist
Subm erged rooted p lan ts suppliers of aquatic plants.

Curled pondw eed (Potamogeton crispus) P rop agation

Starw ort ( Callitriche spp)
Water-crowfoot (Ranunuculus aquatilis) M ost native w ater plants are easily propagated from
Water violet (Hottonia palustris) pieces of root, or in the case of floating plants, by simply
breaking pieces off. If plants become available before a
Flo atin g-leaved rooted p lan ts new pond is ready for planting, or if you wish to build up
stocks, plants can be stored or grown on in any suitable
Broad-leaved pondw eed (Potamogeton natans) large container, filled to the appropriate depth for the type
Fringed water-lily (Nymphoides peltata) of plant. An old piece of liner or other large waterproof
sheet can be laid on the ground supported at the edges
E m ergen t p lan ts by blocks or timber to make a shallow temporary pool.
Keep topped up, preferably with rainwater.
Amphibious bistort (Polygonum amphibium)
Arrowhead ( Sagittaria sagittifolia ) Where alarger quantity of plants are needed, some species
Flowering rush (Butomus umbellatus) can be grown from seed, either propagated in a nursery,
Lesser spearwort (Ranunculus flammula) or spread directly onto the wet margins of the pond. For
Lesser w ater-plantain (Baldellia ranunculoides) detailed information on propagation of reed for reedbed
Sweet-flag (Acorus calamus ) establishment, see Hawke, CJ and Jose, PV (1996).
Water plantain (.Alisma plantago-aquatica)
Watercress (Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum)

Planting mettiods types, as the latter w ill r apidly be swamped by the growth
of the former.
The best planting timp is M ay/June, w hen plants will
quiddy establish. A ltem atively, choose September/ O n larger ponds, w here planting m aterial m ay be
October, w hen pond clearance w ork may provide a insufficient to plant in one season, concentrate on getting
source of plants. Normally, planting should be done a a few stands of vegetation growing well. These can
few weeks after the pond is constructed, having given then be thinned out and used to plant other areas the
time for the w ater to stabilise. Ideally, the submerged following season.
oxygenating plants should be established firstbecause of
their im portance in m aintaining w ater quality. For ponds W here m arginal and em ergent vegetation is being
in school grounds, it m ay be a good idea to plant at the established for bankside stabilisation, plant closely at
end of the summer term , w hich should give the plants an about 200m m (8") spacings.
undisturbed sum m er holiday to get established.
New reedbeds for commercial and wildlife interest are
Pond plants can be planted either directly into the soil usually planted with seedlings at lm (3') spacings, to
layer in the pond, or planted in mesh containers which give full cover w ithin one year. Pots containing clusters
rest on the soil layer, into w hich the roots spread. The of seedlings will spread rapidly in all directions, and can
method of construction for m ost w ildlife ponds make be spaced at 2-3m (6-10') intervals.
containers unnecessary, as there should be suffident
depth of soil in the pond to anchor the plants. Containers Achieving good w ater quality will depend on many
make planting easy, as they can be simply lowered into factors, including the nutrient status of the water, aeraţi on
position ready-planted. They can also help restrict the and the amount of shade. As a rough guide, the following
growth of vigorous spedes, bu t are only appropriate for should be suitable for a pond of about 10 m2:
small and frequently m anaged ponds, and those without
suffident soil for rooting. 3 floating leaved plants /lilies

An exception may be w hen planting lilies, whose vigour 45 submergents /oxygenators

is usefully controlled by a container, and w hich should
be planted below w ellie depth at 500-750mm. Line the 15 emergents /marginals
container w ith a piece of hessian sacking or similar, fiii
w ith garden soil, and then plant the Iily with a layer of
gravei on top to preveni the soil w ashing out. Thread t wo
Protecting new plantings
lengths of strongtw îne through the container, and place in
the shallow w ater for a w eek or so to allow the leaf stems N ew plantings m ay need protecting against erosion
and shoots to lengthen. Then, w ith a person standing from m oving water, or wind-generated erosion on lakes
either side of the pond, u se the twine to low er the lily into and ponds. Any w aterfow l will have a great impact
its final position. Puii the tw ine free. Altematively, the on new plantings of marginal and submerged plants.
planted lily can be kept in a tank or similar for a couple Bottom -feeding fish such as carp and bream can destroy
of w eeks, w ith the w ater level gradually raised to its final submerged rooted plants.
depth, and then lowered into the pond in one operation.
This is advisable on sites where it may be stolen from the Geotextile rolls (p84) or w avebarriers (p88) canbe used to
accessible shallows. protect ne w plantings against erosion. Fence new plantings
against grazing stock, and against trampling by people.
Waterfowl m ust be fenced out using temporary fences
of chicken wire, rigid wire m esh such as rWeldmesh', or
w attle hurdles. In m ost situations this fencing must be
erected to completely enclose the plantings and prevent
access both from the bank and from the water.
Other deep w ater aquatics can be planted into soil-filled
hessian bags, w eighted with som e stones. Wade in and To protect new submerged plants from being eaten by
lower the plant into position, or throw the plant in from dabbling waterfow l and fish, the London Lakes Project
the bank. (report due to be published in 1997) used large willow
r n S p acin g

| Planting distances for em ergents and marginals depend

f ^ on the purpose o f planting. For most wildlife ponds,
^ plant in groups, w ith individual plants about 300mm

1! J (12") apart. D on't interm ix vigorous and slow-growing


Marsh and buffer zone Otherwise, cut in late summer with a scythe, strimmer,
hover mower or w heeled rotary mower. M ake use of
plants any dry spells of w eather when access is easier without
causing damage to the ground.

Marsh Vegetation can also be m anaged by seasonal flooding. For

further details see Burgess, Neil and Hirons, Graham JM
These plants grow in damp ground, not necessarily near (1990) and M erritt (1994).
open water. They may be found in damp meadows,
marshes, ditches and near streams and ponds. The design
of a new pond can include a marsh are a, or a separate Buffer zone
marsh area can be constructed. See page 54, and diagrams
on pages 50 and 55. Ensure that part of the pond edge is bordered by long
grass, shrubs or other vegetation w hich discourage
Forget-me-not (Myosotis sp) access by people, and encourage access by animals. An
Greater spearw ort (Ranunculus îingua) area fenced to exclude people and left unmanaged will
Hemp agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) rapidly grow up w ith brambles, nettles and so on to
M arsh w oundwort (Stachys palustris) provide suitable cover. Once bram ble is established the
M eadowsweet (Filipenduîa ulmaria ) fence can be removed, and edges mowed or cut back to
Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) prevent further spread. Alternatively, a variety of native
Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria ) or introduced shrubs can be planted according to species
Skullcap ( Scutellaria galericulata) typical of the locality. Suitable natives include dogwood,
Spearmint (Mentha spicata) guelder rose, hazel, holly, butcher's broom, hawthorn,
Water speedw ell (Veronica anagallis-aquatica) privet, sallow and wild rose. In parks and school grounds,
Watermint (Mentha aquatica) garden species may be appropriate, but choose ones which
f j
have flowers or berries that are attractivc to wildlife.
Plan to complete a m arsh area in spring or autumn, and
plant immediately after completion to reduce competition Watch out for vigorous plants w ith underground stems
from other plants. Planting distances should be fairly growing at the edge of ponds w ith flexible liners, as
close at about 200m m (8")/ to reduce competition from
coarse grasses and other unw anted plants. If necessary,
the shoots can come up from underneath the liner and
puncture it. Couch grass, bramble, blackthorn, cherry
* !
concentrate planting in a few clumps, leaving the rest and some garden plants such as bamboo and sumach
to vegetate naturally. Once established, dig up rooted (Rhus typhina) may cause problems.
pieces from the existing clumps, and use them for new
planting. Unwanted growth of grasses or other plants Alders and willows are typical of damp ground near natural
can be dug up or sprayed w ith glyphosate as necessary.
Bare areas of m ud and small temporary pools within
ponds and streams, but may not be appropriate for ground
near artificial ponds, which is likely to be free draining or
the marsh are useful habitat for invertebrates and other dry in summer. Willows and alders are fairly tolerant of
organisms, as well as providing a substrate for seeds to
germinate, hopefully of desirable species.
drought once established, and look right near ponds. The
normal advice is to not plant trees too near to ponds, as the
shade will reduce the variety of pond life attracted, and
Docks, thistles, nettles and bram ble are likely to appear falling leaves will hasten silting of the pond. Ho wever, shady
fairly soon, and although they have wildlife value, you ponds have their own particular associated organisms, so a
will need to keep them under control. As a first measure, choice may be made to create some shade. Shade suppresses
remove the heads of unw anted plants before they seed. the growth of marginal and other aquatic plants, so slowing
Docks, nettles and some thistles can be pulled up or dug the rate of succession and siltation of a pond.
out w hen small, but large clum ps of nettles and creeping
thistles are more difficult to deal with. Cutting with a Choose native tree species w hich are local to the area
scythe, strimmer or m ow er w hen near full growth will and appropriate in ultimate size. Purchase young plants
help reduce their vigour. Nettles, docks and thistles can (whips or transplants), plant firmly, and keep a square
be killed with a translocated herbicide such as glyphosate, metre of bare ground around the young tree for the first
but this is non-selective, so ensure the spray does not touch few yearsby usingm ulch or herbicide ( Trees andAftercare,
any vegetation you w ant to keep. Treat in late spring, BTCV, 1991). Trees and shrubs should never be planted
at near m axim um growth. Bram bles are best cut back, on earth dams, as their roots can penetrate and weaken
and the cut stems treated w ith glyphosate. For general the dam, and the growth also disguises any early signs
Information on herbicides, see page 138. of slippage or failure of the dam. Keep the dam as short,
mown grass. Trees should also not be planted within
Grazing is the best way of m aintaining marshes and w et 3.5m (12') of canals, to prevent dam age to banks and lock
grassland, but this is im practical for many small areas. walls, and to allow access along towpaths.
7“i^i“ jnj~in2non]ninininin]n]ninjnj_ij'iJiî“

O n larger ponds, lakes and gravei pits, an 'instanT netting across the pond. Herons are usually welcome
deadw oodhabitat canbe providedby hauling convenient visitors, unless the pond is stocked w ith fish, but they
fallen or felled trees to the w ater's edge, and placingthem do also prey on frogs. Herons can be discouraged by
partly into the water. The deadwood not only supports placing a plastic heron (available from garden centres)
a range of invertebrates and other organisms, but the by the pond, so a heron flying overhead thinks the pond
branches provide potenţial nesting sites for coots and is already occupied! Some cats will amuse themselves by
moorhens w ith sheltered w ater for their young. stalking and 'playing w ith' froglets and adult frogs. Try
the bucket of w ater technique.
Cover for hibernating toads and newts is easily provided by
leaving some piles of timber, logs, bricks, stones, leaves and
other material. If they are likely to be disturbed by vandals, Algae
letbrambles or nettles grow over to cover. Compost heaps
attract hibernating amphibians, reptiles and other animals, Algae of various types that occur naturally in ponds are
and may be used as breeding sites by slow-worms or grass an im portant part of a pond ecosystem, as they provide
snakes. To avoid disturbinghibemating or breeding animals, food for animals at the bottom of the food chain. However,
use the compost either in early spring after emergence of growth can easily becom e excessive, covering the pond
hibernators (look out for spawn in the pond showing the surface and shading out submerged plants beneath.
adults ha ve emerged) or in early autumn before hiberation. A m at of algae also prevents oxygen mixing into the
Build at least two compost heaps. water, harming aquatic life, and decaying algae further
deoxygenate the water. Am ass of algae looks unattractive,
and blocks inflow and outflow pipes. Some blue-green
Pond fauna algae give off harmful toxins.

Pond organisms such as beetles, insects, snails and other Algae can be categorised into three main types, as foliows:
invertebrates will eventually colonise a new pond, but
this can be speeded up by bringing, w ith permission, a Filamentous algae or blanket w eed may occur in miner al-
few bucketfuls of pond sedim ent from a nearby healthy enriched (eutrophic) water, and in clear conditions,
pond of the type you w ish to create. germinate in early spring on the pond bottom, and can
spread to quickly dominate the pond. As the plants
Amphibians w ill find their w ay to the pond if there is a mature they becom e detached and float to the surface,
population in the neighbourhood. Because of the risk of suspended by trapped oxygen bubbles, producing
transferring 'red-Ieg' and other diseases of frogs, it is not unpleasant-smelling mats of algae.
generally recommended to transfer spawn from one pond
to another. Your local w ildlife trust will be able to advise Single-celled planktonic algae are usually mobile, swimming
on the incidence of frog diseases in your area. to light areas of the pond. They prefer muddy, enriched
waters, such as duck ponds. Growth tends to be in brief
M ost children are fascinated by tadpoles. Try to harness periods or 'blooms', usually following sudden enrichment
this enthusiasm by encouraging them to protect an of the water. Blooms can harm other aquatic life.
establishing population against collectionby other small
children w ith jam jars! Toads will return to breed in the Blue-green algae can occur in blooms that look like spilt
pond in which they w ere tadpoles, so adult toads should paint on the pond surface, or as slimy encrustations on
never be collected. AII native species of amphibians are rocks, and despite their name, may also beyellow,red, violet
protected under the Wildlife and Countryside A ct 1981, or brown. Some species produce toxins than can be fatal to
and itis illegal to sell adults, eggs or larvae. The natterjack small animals and cause serious illness to humans.
toad and great crested new t are further protected, and it
is illegal to collect or disturb them at any stage in their For a healthy, well-balanced pond, w ith algae kept in
life cycle. Their habitats are also protected. check, follow the guidelines below:

It is also illegal to introduce non-native amphibians into a A rtifidally high levels of nitrogen and phosphates
the wild. Some exotic species are established from earlier should be reduced before they reach the pond. This is
introductions and escapes, along w ithterrapins and other most likely to be a problem with ponds that are fed by
exotics. D on't introduce fish, as these will eat the spawn run-off from farmyards or fertilised farmland. Curing
and tadpoles of amphibians. the problem at source w ill require m ajor changes to
farming practice and land drainage, which may not
Ducks may be attracted to a new pond, but should not be possible. Either divert the run-off a way from the
be encouraged on ponds under about 100 m2. Ducks pond and use w ater from another source, or divert
look appealing, but rapidly make the water turbid by the run-off into a reedbed and then into the pond. The
their activity, and eat subm erged and emergent plants. reedbed (p l45) will take up a large proportion of the
Discourage them landing by stretching strings or old nutrients, as well as various pollutants.

b Existing high nutrient levels in the pond can be The submerged straw attracts and supports invertebrates,
reduced by cleaning out accumulated silt in autumn. which may inturnsupportgreater populaţi ons of tadpoles,
Any disturbance will initially release nutrients and fish and other organisms, butbecause of increased vigour
possibly cause a brief bloom , but levels will drop as of plants and animals, appears to keep the ecosystem in
the pond settles. balance. Suppression of the algae allows emergent and
submerged plants to recolonise, w hich in turn suppress
c Ensure there is a good species mix and number of the algae so the need for straw treatment declines.
oxygenating plants, w hich compete with the algae
for nutrients. About one third of the pond surface A p p lica tio n rate
should be shaded by floating leaved plants (p66) or
by trees. Em ergent vegetation provides a habitat for An application rate of about lOg per m2 of water is
algae-grazers such as w ater fleas (Daphnia). suggested. For many garden and wildlife ponds this will
only am ountto a few handfuls. A pile of loose straw about
d Avoid attracting ducks to the pond, and don't feed any 300 x 300 x lOOmm (L x 1' x 4") weighs about lOOg (4oz).
existing ducks or fish in the pond. Fish eat daphnia, The anti-algal effect is strongest if the straw is floating, with
thus reducing a control agent of algae. plenty of oxygenated water around it, and not touching
the mud. Put the straw loosely into a plastic mesh sack,
e If blooms do occur, algae can be raked out as a such as an onion sack, with a plastic bottle or ball in it to
temporary measure. Leave the algae beside the pond act as a float, and then anchor it by a string and weight
for a day or so, to allow mobile organisms to return so that it floats just below the surface. Place it near the
to the pond. Then compost the algae well away from inflow where w ater m ovem ent is higher. On ponds over
the pond, to avoid run-off washing nutrients back in to about 50 m2, make two or more nets and anchor them
the pond as the algae decays. at regular intervals around the pond, avoiding the most
sheltered and still areas of the pond.
f Aerate the pond to increase the levels of oxygen.
Fountains and waterfalls are the method for garden
water surface .
ponds. In large ponds and lakes, aerators linked to air
compressors can be installed in the bed of the lake.
These bring the w ater from the bottom to the surface,
increasing the level of dissolved oxygen and allowing
the aerobi cbreakdow n of organic m atter from the lake
bed. Where fish are present, oxygenated w ater is vital
for their survival, especially in warm weather. The
London Lakes Project (report to be published inl997)
has installed 16 aerators in the 6 hectare (14 acre)
weighh £ IL
Battersea Park Lake, resulting in an improvement in
the water quality.
O nlarger ponds, the rate is equivalent tofivenorm al-size
25 kg bales per hectare of w ater surface. The straw can
Barley straw be retained behind a screen forming a loose dam at the
point of inflow, so that oxygenated water is continually
As a further preventative measure, the use of barley straw to flowing through it.
control algae isa well-established technique, developedby
the Aquatic Weeds Research Unit and others. It is effective T im in g
inflow ingand still water bod ies, large and small, including
reservoirs, lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. Straw should be applied in late autumn or very early
spring, so that it is activated by the time algal growth
W aterlogged, deqomposing barley straw gives off a starts in late spring. Further applications should be
substance w hich inhibits algal growth and reduces its made at six-monthly intervals in autumn or spring. Algal
spread, but does not dam age other pond organisms. The growth can recover quickly once the straw has lost its
anti-algal activity requires warm temperatures, a high effect at about six months, or if it rots away completely.
level of dissolved oxygen in the water, and sufficient It's therefore im portant to leave the old straw in place
sunlight on the w ater surface. The anti-algal effect starts for at least a m onth after the new straw is put in, and to
about one month after the straw has been put in the water, im mediately add more if the straw rots away before six
and lasts about six months. There is no evidence of adverse months. The following tim etable is suggested:
effects, except where excessive doses of at least 100 times
recommended levels have caused deoxygenation of the February-April Is t application
water. If the straw starts to smell there is too m uch straw
in too little w ater and the straw should be removed. Sept-Nov 2nd application

Febxuary-April 3rd applicatîon and remove 7 Check the survival of any marginal and aquatic plants
Is t application planted the previous year. If the survival rate is poor,
try and establish what has gone w rong before doing
Sept-Nov 4th application and remove any replanting. Grazing by waterfowl may be the
2nd application, etc. cause, or fish may have been put into the pond by other
people, to the detrim ent of aquatic plant growth.
I£ dense mats of algae already exist, the anti-algal activity
will only be eflrective on the area closest to the straw. Using 8 Observe the w ater levels during the year. Fluctuation
more straw at this time may worsen the problem. The advice and even drying out are not necessarily a problem, as
is to rake off as much algae as possible, apply straw at the many organisms can survive temporary drying out.
normal rate, and then rake off again after about six weeks. Dry conditions also oxidise bottom sediments and
In the autumn start a regular programme of prevention. allow accum ulated silt to blow away, so lengthening
Information sheets givingfurther advice are available from the time before the pond silts up. If w ater is needed
the Centre for Aquatic Plant M anagement (pl61). throughout the year for fish or for other reasons, check
for leaks and repair as necessary, or increase the supply
of w ater to the pond in following years.
Pond management plan
9 Observe the amount of free-floating and floating-leaved
The following is a general outline for managing a wildlife rooted plants covering the pond during the middle
pond for amenity and educaţional use. Other ponds may of the summer. A new pond should not normally be
be left to their own devices, or managed for particular completely covered in its first year, but older ponds
purposes such as wildfowl or fishing. Any plan should be are not necessarily 'overgrow n' even if there is little
flexible, and take account of the varying ways in which a or no open w ater by the m iddle of the summer. As
pond may develop. necessary, remove some of the growth in late summer
as it begins to die down to prevent it rotting down and
1 Remove anyrubbish from the pond as soon as you notice enriching the pond.
it, before it attracts any more.
lO D epen d in g on the original planting density, the
2 M ow or scythe any areas of long grass or wild flower marginal vegetation canbe left for two or three years to
meadow in late snmmer, to prevent them becoming establish. Leave the dead stems and leaves over winter.
grown o verwith woody plants. Mow other areas of grass There are various regimes by which the vegetation can
required for access more frequently as required. Avoid then be managed. One option is to clear patches each
any mow irig during the period when y oung frogl ets are autumn in rotation, so that there is always a succession
emerging from the pond. developing from bare mud.

3 Weed and mulch any newly planted shrubs or trees in clear patches in
the buffer zone adjacertt to the pond. , annual rotation

4 Autumn leaves falling or blowing into the pond will .V ear!

increase the rate o f siltation. Each autumn, rake off
floating leaves, and remove some of those that settle on ¥
thebottom. / 2
beach, clear
5 From aboutFebruary onwardsinthe south, and somewhat annualiy as
Iater in nortly look out for frogspawn, toadspawn and nece ssa ry ţj\î^r ^ y/r
adult amphibians in the pond. A walk around the pond
on a mild night witfo a torch should hopefully show a v n 1
mass of amphibian activity. Early spring is a good time
for observing life in the pond, as the water is dear and
not yet obscured by marginal and aquatic growth, and
the newts, frogs and toads still are very active.

6 Apply barley straw (see above) between February and

April as a preventative measure against excessive algal
blooms. This îs easy to do, and is probably worth doing
routinely each year. Even if the weather conditions for

9 an algal binom do nofcthenmaterialise, the rotting barley
straw will prove a magnet to invertebrate larvae and
5 9

Another approach is to clear marginal vegetation from 11 Trampling by pond dipping parties or others can be
its 'invading front', onthe inner side of the mar gin. This useful in keeping margrns open, and m aintainingbare
Ieaves the landward side as undisturbed habitat. This mud or shingle. Encourage or discourage trampling
method may be the best to use where it is im portant to as necessary by use of fencing.
keep a solid margin of vegetation to discourage access
to the pond. 12 If marginal plants start spreading noticeably from the
margins of the pond into the centre, action will need
On a larger pond, both approaches can be used in different to be taken to remove them. Accumulated silt, or a
parts of the pond. low ering of the average w ater level may be the reason.
Silt should be dug out in late autumn (see Chapter
9), clearing only a part of the pond in a season. A
lowering of the w ater level m ay be due to lowering of
the w ater table, reduced flow into the pond or a leak in
an artificial lining. Repair leaks and improve the flow
if possible. A natural pond which is drying out due
to lowering of the w ater table can be dug deeper, but
check ground w ater levels before you start digging.
It may be best to leave it to its fate.

13 C heck dipping platform s, bridges or any other

structures to make sure they are safe. Replace any
damaged decking. Keep fences in good repair.
9 Pond and waterway restoration

This chapter discusses methods of digging out and hidden debris. Follow safety advice, and take care to
clearing mud, silt, ooze and rubbish from waterways avoid back injury. Note the symptoms of Weils Disease
and ponds that require restoration. Vegetation dearance and Hepatitis A, and take measures to prevent infection
may be required at the sam e tim e. Details on vegetation (p39). Avoid w orking close to blue green algae (p69), and
m anagem ent are given in Chapter 14. wash off any that comes in contact with the skin.

Silted ponds and other w aterw ays have their own

ecological value, and d earance should not be considered Timing the work
as the only course of action. W here there is the option
to create new ponds nearby, a silted pond can be left Periodic digging out or dredging may be needed on
to develop through its natural succession. However, small ponds and sluggish ditches and streams. In general,
often there is not the option of alternative space, and dearance is bestd onein autumn, when any adverse effects
restoring the existing pond or waterway is the only way on wildlife associated with the pond or waterway will
of maintaining the habitat type. be minimised. Water levels should be near their lowest,
making work easier, and conditions for working are still
Restoration may be done for any of the following reasons: pleasant. Em ergent vegetation will be dying down, and
excess growth can be pulled or dug out.
a Diversifying habitat and im proving conditions for
wildlife by rem oving deep bottom muck, silt or dense P on d s
stands of dom inant vegetation.
Village ponds or those in fields or on commons with
b Preventing ecological succession due to silt buildup eutrophic w ater sources may need some dearance every
and in vasionby reeds and scrub, where such succession few years. M anage areas inrotation, clearing no more than
is undesirable. half the pond in one season, and then leaving it for at
least a year before the other half is touched. Other ponds
c Elim inating pollution caused by rubbish and toxic may be regularly managed each year, clearing sections
materials in the bottom sediments. in rotation to maintain a range of conditions from bare
mud to thick em ergent vegetation (p71).
d Improving the flow capacity of a waterway where this
is limited due to siltation or obstruction.
e Controlling the current where this has led to scouring
and erosion, or silting and excess vegetation growth. D ra in a g e d itch es 5yr IOyrt random
rota [■ion rotcifion strips
f Controlling access by people or predators to islands Artificial drainage yr1 yrl Wklf/
and other sanctuary areas. ditches need dredging
periodically to prevent 2 2 pool
g Improving amenity. W aterways with public access them silting up. Long
o2 32
are often littered and unattractive. Rubbish dearance or short rotations can i# w/..
and other im provem ents for wildlife also encourage be used, dredging 1 4-
people to enjoy and look after such areas. from different sides pool
alternately, or clearing 2 S
sections in rotation.
3 b
The aim is to create
Factors to consider a varied structure 1 7
with the full range of 1
conditions from newly 2 8
Safety cleared to silted. * a«
Another regime leaves
Before tackling any w ork by hand, consider using a random strips to 1 10
machine to do the heavy work. Clearing and digging out create a series of small
muck and vegetation is potentially hazardous because pools. For further details see 'widfh ^
of the com bination of mud, water, slippery slopes and Kirby (1992). of ditch

W atercou rses suddenly stirred into the water, may promote an algal
bloom or directly low er the w ater's oxygen content.
Slowflowingstreams andrivers may need periodic dear ance, If clearance is necessary at this time, try to confine
depending on various factors including amount of rainfall, activities to only a quarter or so of the area in any
inddence of storms, aquatic and bankside vegetation, and day. W here waterways are seriously polluted w ith
changes upstream which may alter the flow. 'In-channel' toxic metals or other material, complete and thorough
works can include removal of recently deposited silf, and clearance of the bottom muck should be take by the
also the rem oval or redistribution of gravei. For more details Environment Agency or equivalent. Volunteers should
•see RSPB, NRA and RSNC (1994). not work where toxic materials are present.

d Take great care not to damage a puddled day bottom

Feasibility by digging into it or letting it dry out.

Consider these questions: e M inimise the effects of trampling around the waterway
by limiting access for w orking to a few defined routes.
a How big is the area to be dug out or cleared? Pro vide scaffold boards or other temporary walkways
An area just 9 x 9m (30 x 30') and 600mm (2') deep as necessary.
in silt provides about 60 tonnes of spoil, enough fo
fiii 2,500 buckets, or two tipper lorries. f Avoid smothering the bank w ith sediment. As work
proceeds, pile the mud, rhizomes and vegetation into
b How m uch w ater m ay have to be drained before a few locations along the edge of the bank. Leave for
bottom clearance can begin? a while to let the w ater drain back into the pond, and
to allow some of the mobile pond organisms to escape
c How much time must be allowed for preliminary work back into the pond. Then fork or shovel the spoil clear
such as construction of coffer dams or iniţial drainage? of the bank for removal (see below).

d How deep is the bottom m uck and how difficult will g Choose the driest bank from which to work, if possible.
it be to work in? Test the w ork area and follow the This is not only easier, but a dry bank is less sensitive
safety precautions on page 39. to disturbance, and often less ecologi cally valuable,
than the wetter margins.
e Is there adequate access and support for any mechanical
equipm ent needed? h M arshy areas at the edge of a pond are a valuable part
of the ecosystem. Only clear out what is necessary to
f If a pum p is used, w here w ill the water or slurry be prevent the pond silting up. If silting is a problem,
discharged? Is there any dan ger of runoff into adjacent consider installing a silt trap at the inflow point.
i D on 't drain a pond except as a last resort.
g Can spoil be disposed of effectively and without
damage to other areas?
Disposal of spoil

Minimising harmful side effects a To minimise handling, put spoil into the ultimate disposal
carrier as near as possible to where it is dug up.
a Never clear an entire pond in one season. At the m ost
work on half, and allow that to recover before touching b If spoil is to be left on site, place it where it can't be
the remainder. For m anaged ponds and waterways, w ashed back into the w aterw ay or pond by rain. D on't
limited annual m aintenance is better than a major change the na ture or profile of the bankby piling up the
clean out every few years. spoil, unless this is part of the management scheme.

b Unless the pond or w aterw ay is completely lifeless c Some spoil can be TosT by using it as the basis for islands
from pollution, the bottom mud will contain pond or causeways. Within the site, spoil can be used to create
organisms. Leave some undisturbed. The sediment in banks or other features, or to repair areas eroded of soil.
dried out ponds will contam dormant seeds, so if you
are relining the pond, set aside some of the sediment d Make sure you have perm ission from the landowner
for use in the new pond. or relevant authority before tipping onto another
property. Roots of marginal plants contained in spoil
c Undrained, stagnant or eutrophic waterways should will regenerate if the spoil is spread on damp ground,
be disturbed as little as possible inhot weather. Bottom w hich may be undesirable. Silt containing vegetation
sediments contain locked-in organic m atter which, if m atter spread onto cultivated, free-draining land

should not cause any problems. See also requirements d D rag out heavy items with a w inch and cable. M ake
of the Environm ental Protection Act (page 37). sure the cable or chain is secure, and that the route is
clear of snags before winching in. Once the item is up
e W here the spoil is contaminated, or contains a lot of on the bank, leave it to drain for a few minutes before
rubbish and debris, it w ill need to be tipped into skips m oving it farther. This lightens it, and gives aquatic
or trailers for disposal. Check w ith the local authority organisms a chance to escape in the runoff water.
about arrangem ents for disposal.
e Puddled ponds m ay have a proiective layer of gravei,
f W here clearance involves flushing sediments down- paving slabs or bricks over the clay lining. D on't puii
stream, the Environm ent Agency should b e consulted these out as rubbish.
because of possible siltation downstream. The use of
'Sedimats' (pl31) isbeing developed to trap waterborne
sediments. Digging out muck
Water depth, bottom conditions, bank profile and other
Clearing rubbish features should be assessed carefully when the work is
planned. See also the information on plankways and
organising group w ork on pages 43-44.

a Prior organisation is crucial to the success of large-scale Using a spade

clean-up campaigns. Along a stream, river or canal,
organise rubbish collection points at bridges or other a Clean, sharp-edged digging tools workbetter than rusty
access points. M ake sure there is a person in charge dull ones. In sticky ooze or clay the small trenching spade
at each collection point throughout the day. works well, but heavy-duty garden spades are best for
most conditions. Dip the blade in water occasionally to
b D ivide the volunţeers into teams, each responsible help keep material from sticking to it.
for a stretch of the waterway. Very large items which
cannot easily be m oved should be noted, and then b Choose a w ork area on w hich to concentrate. Start
collected later by a team equipped with a winch. near the edge where the spoil is to be removed and
work outwards, to avoid trampling the uncleared area,
c Arrange for skips or other contain ers to be removed as churning it up and m aking it harder to dig.
soon as possible, and preferably at the end of the day
to avoid rubbish ending up back in the w aterw ay c Cut down with the spade and work along, keeping a
clean edge. Where there are several layers of sediment
such as leaf-m ould on silt on ooze, cut out each layer
Procedural points step-fashion. Be sure to cut to the desired bottom
m aterial before moving on.
a Gloves should be worn. Watch out for broken glass, rusty
tins, barbed wire and other sharp objects. These are best d Learn to recognise the true bottom material and avoid
collected into a rigid container such as a dustbin, and cutting too deeply. Puddled clay may be red-brown,
then tipped into the skip at the collection point. D on't yellow, blue or pale grey and is hard to shovel. Watch
put them into bin bags w ith mixed rubbish where they out for any signs of a gravei, stone or brick lining
can cause injury to someone carrying the bag. over the clay A natural bottom of gravei may grade
less perceptibly into the deposited sediments, but as
b Small items canbe collected in strong bin bags or fertili ser long as you have removed the thick smothering ooze
sacks. Depending on the volume of rubbish and the and silt the job is done. In peat, the bottom may be
available labour, tins, plastic bottles, glass bottles and difficult to recognise, and being soft, is easily disturbed.
other items canbe put into separatebags for recycling as Peat is spongy and fibrous, whereas silt and ooze are
they are collected, with one person collecting each type composed of superfine particles.
of item. Otherwise, just put everything in together for
disposal. In winter, check tins and bottles for hibernating e In loose sand or gravei a shovel is quicker to use than
amphibians. Keep an eye out for old bottles which may a spade. Compacted sandy or gravelly soil should be
have some antique value. loosened first w ith a mattock. A shovelling board is
useful for clearing stones. Any flat piece of sheet metal
c Larger items of scrap m etal are w orth collecting for or plywood will do, placed on the bottom and butted
recycling. Order a separate skip for scrap metal, or up against the edge of the material to be cleared. Cut
if you find more than you expect, pile it up at the down and puii the material onto the shovelling board,
collection point for removal. and then scoop up the m aterial from the board.

6 — ■
f The average person can throw the first metre or so of There should be enough barrows so that an empty one
spoil onto the bank. Beyond that, a w heelbarrow team is always ready to move into position as soon as the
will be needed. one in front is full. It is useful to have a cross-plank to
support the barrow w hile it is being filled, thus giving
the barrow er a rest.
Using buckets
Pushing barrow s is exhausting, so sw itch positions
A bucket chain is one of the easiest ways to remove muck frequently. Barrows can be helped up banks with a hook
where you have plenty of volunteers, Supply adequate and rope (p44).
buckets, of the heavy-duty rubber type. With teams of
four people, one can shovel, two pass in chain, and one PLAN Barrows

Always checkthe planks are well seated and free of stones

and mud, to make barrow ing easier. If the bank is not
suitable for a circular run, or it is im portant to minimise
bank disturbance, an 'in and out' system can be used.

As the distance increases, or the mud becomes too sticky PLAN

to easily move about in, more people will be needed
to make a chain. Take care w hen passing from one to
another, and m ove your feet rather than reaching too
far, to avoid possible back injury. The buckets should
only be half full.

If the mud sticks in the buckets when they are emptied,

add some w ater in the bottom each time before filling.

Shovel and wheelbarrow teams

With efficient team-work, this system moves the spoil

more quickly than using buckets. The optimum is a
barrow and barrow er for every two shovellers, the Pumping water and sludge
shovellers being stationed. either side of the barrow run.
Consider the following factors:

a It is best to restrict the use of pumping, drainage or

diversion to sites where the bottom ooze is so deep
or the w ater so turbid that little aquatic vegetation is
found during the growing season. Elsewhere, other
methods should b e considered which are likely to have
a less drastic effect on aquatic life.
b Pro vide for the water to run off safely without damage
to land or water of ow ner's downslope. Do not just pour
it out over the land, unless you are sure the volume
involved will not drown or smother vegetation, cause

erosion, or pollute other water supplies. W here a road e Pumps increase in size and weight as the hose diameter
borders the site y ou can pum p out into the road drains, increases. Pumps are supplied with a carrying handle,
provided you are pum pîng ortly unpolluted water, full cradle or w heeled dolly as appropriate. A 50mm
and not sludge. M ake sure the drains don't empty (2") pump is easily handledby two workers, and canbe
back into the site a few metres further on. carried across boggy ground without trouble. An 80mm
(3") pump canbe shiftedby severa!peopletogether, and
= 3
c Check man-m ade ponds for drains through w hich the is the size most often used on conservation projects.
w ater can be released. O ther w aterw ays m ay have
natural cut-off points where w ater can be diverted f Pumpsmaybedieselorpetrol-fuelled.Thebiggerpumps
= 3
into another channel. These may make pumping out tend to be diesel-fuelled, and can run for around eight
urmecessary, or reduce the am ount of w ater to be hours without being refuelled, allowing use ovemight

=d pumped. to keep an area free of seepage for example.

d în some situations, such as a small pond on a higher g Standard w ater pumps are designed to pump water
level than an adjacent channei, it may be possible to only. Trash or sludge pumps can handle solids up to
siphon out the w ater instead of using a pump. Use about25mm (1") diameter, and are suitable for pumping
plastic hose-pipe about 37m m (1.5") in diameter. The out dirty water and sludge. Do not use a pump for sea
outflow point m ust be low er than the intake. water, unless the pump has corrosion protection.

O ne method is to put the pipe over the bank so that its h For major sludge clearance, it may be worth hiring
outlet is in position. Put an airtight plug in the outlet a larger machine. M ost large farms and agricultural
and fiii the hose with water from the pond. W hen it contractors have tractor-operated slurry tanks w ith
is overflowing, put your hand tightly over the intake pumps and spreaders, that can handle wet sludge.
end and put it quickly under water. Take the plug out A 'gulley deaner' is a pump-lorry combination used
to start the siphon. working. by local authorities and waste disposal companies for
dearing drains and septic tanks. Contact local plant
e After draining or diverting as m uch water as possible hire contractors and agricultural contractors to find out
by other means, the rem aining volum e will need to be what is avaiîable in your area.
pumped. Once the water has been drained or pumped
out, cut channels and a sump in the bottom m uck to For further details of pum ps used for conservation
allow further drainage. Do not cut into an artificial management, see Burgess, N eil and Hirons, Graham JM
lining. (1990). Two leading manufacturers of pumps are Sykes
and Honda (pl63), w ith hire, sales and service avaiîable
f Let the w aterw ay dry out for an adequate time before throughout the UK.
beginning hand clearance of the bottom muck.

Using a pump
Choosing a pump
Note the follow ing general guidelines for the use of
a Where the need is to remove water, the pump must portable pumps. Follow m anufacturer's instructions for
get it out faster than it seeps in elsewhere. The rate of use and maintenance, or obtain instructions o n u se from
leakage through coffer dams or inlet sluices must be the plant hire company.
estimated before assuming that the pump can cope.
Manufacturer's claimsof pumping ability shouldbe taken a Pumps must always be sited on firm, level ground,
as the maximum possible under ideal conditions. which may require the placing of atem porary platform
in muddy, soft or sloping conditions.
b A pum p w hich can keep a site dry once drained m ay
r7 *9 be inadequate to pum p it out in the first place. It may b Position the pump as close as possible to the water, since
be worth hiring a bigger pum p for the iniţial clearance, the shorter the inlet hose the better the vacuum.
and use a sm aller one to keep the site dry.
r ^ c Check that the outlet hose has no kinks in it. Once the
c Check the head capacity of the pump, that is the vertical pump starts, keep an eye on the outlet hose to ensure
height of w hich it is capable of pum ping water. Ensure
this m eets the conditions on site. The pump w ill need
that w ater flow is unrestricted.

sufficient length of inlet and outlet hose. d Check that the engine has sufficient fuel and oii of the
appropriate type.
d Check w hether the pum p needs to cope with varying
water levels, which m ay leave the inlet sometimes e Prim e the pump as necessary, and drain the w ater in
exposed to the air. the pum p after use.

f After use, w ind up the outlet hose so that the pump Details and case studies are given in the The New Rivers
connector ends up on the outside of the roii, for easy and Wildlife Handbook (RSPB, NRA and RSNC, 1994);
attachment next time of use. ReedhedManagement (RSPB, 1996); Wetlands, îndustryand
Wildlife (The W ildfowl and Wetlands Trust, 1994); and
S a fe ty g u id e lin e s Enact (Voi. 3, No 1,1995).

a Due to danger of exhaust gases, do not use a pump In choosing machinery, the following factors need to be
in confined spaces. For operating, place the pump at taken into account:
least 1 metre from walls or buildings.
a Access m ust be suitable, with sufficient clearance
b Do not operate near vehicles or flammable objects. height and width, and suitable ground conditions.
M achines can w ork on mats of expanded metal mesh,
c Do not reptenish fuel during operation. to prevent them sinking in soft conditions. Access
routes should avoid vulnerable habitats. For river and
d Ensure the pum p cannot tip over or drag during stream management, some smaller machines can track
operation. along the bed of shallow, firm-bedded rivers, up to
about 300m m water depth. This reduces disturbance
to riverside habitats.
Mechanical excavation
b Dredgers and other m achinery can work from floating
Excavators and other large m achines are not just used by platforms in still w ater or slow flowing rivers.
developers and drainage engineers, but are now widely
used for the m anagem ent of w aterw ays and wetlands c The reach o f the excavator arm must be sufficient for
for the benefit of environm ental interests. They not only excavating and disposing of the spoil. Usually bigger
allow periodic dredging and other maintenance work machines with a longer reach are more efficient, as
to be done, but are also essential for large-scale schemes they are capable of doing more work without moving
such as the restoration of reedbeds/ tidal marshes and position, compared with a smaller machine,
w et grasslands. W ork m ay include digging dykes,
constructing banks or bunds, digging ser ape s, or in the d The experience and skills of the machinery operator
case of reedbeds, an overall low ering of the ground level are vital for the success of the scheme. In most cases,
over several hectares or more. This type of habitat creation land m anaging authorities use local contractors
or restoration w ork is only possible through the use of who become experienced w ith particular sites and
heavy machinery. conditions.
1 0 Banks, revetments and access

where erosion is threatening local property or bankside

Bank creation and paths. Norm ally protection or rebuilding of the bank
stabilisation along its existing line is required.

Banks m ay need creating or stabilising for various b Bankrealignm entorchannelnarrow ingm aybeneeded
reasons, listed below. The m ethod of construction, called where reduction in flows due to w ater abstraction
a revetment, is basically the same w hether the bank is or changes in w eather patterns have resulted in the
being stabilised, relocated or created. Similar techniques channel being too wide for the new w ater level. This
can be used for constructing shelves near w ater level can cause a particular problem in chalk streams, where
for marginal and em ergent plants, w hich will greatly the w ater flow thenbecom es insufficientto keep gravei
reduce bank erosion. Any bank stabilisation w ork should beds clear of silt, to the detriment of flora and fauna.
be linked closely w ith vegetation establishment and
management (Chapters 8 and 14). High banks can be
stabilised by two or more lines of revetments. A variety
of structures are detailed below, any of which may be
suitable. The choice w ill normally be made according to
the location, materials available and access.
channel narrowed and

c Pond, lak e or islan d creatio n m ay require the

construction of revetted or stabilised banks, either where
there is insufficient space for gently sloping banks, or
where steeper probies are required for pond dipping or
visitor access.

d Stabilisation or revetment may be needed near bridges

or other man-m ade structures.

e Bankside diversification. M any artificial banks, either

uniform and steeply sloping earth banks, or vertical
revetments, can be improved by the creation of bays,
ledges and other features to increase habitat diversity.
See p87.

f H istoric features. M ills and other old w aterside

developments include revetted banks, leats, weirs and
other features. As well as their historic value, many of
these sites have developed into valuablehabitats. Bank
repairs and other work m ay be needed to keep them
in working condition, and to maintain their wildlife

Reasons for bank creation and stabilisation include:

Factors to consider
a Erosion of the existing bank. This may be due to
pressure of people or anim als destroying the bankside The following points should be considered:
vegetation, due to wave action from boats, or from
development upstream causing changes in w ater flow a Is the w ork necessary? Bank erosion, together with
or silt deposition. Protection is particularly im portant movement of sediments and deposition, is a natural

process. If erosion is not a threat to property, and is

Wooden revetments
not apparently causing adverse changes elsewhere,
then it may be best to take no action. After a period of a If you have a choice, use oak or elm for durability.
erosion, the bank m ay settle to a more resistant profile, A lderrem ains durable if submerged, so is suitable for
with consequent vegetation re-establishment. making marginal shelves. Otherwise use whatever is
available locally, and try to combine stabilisation work
b Some steep and apparently vulnerable banks, in hard w ith pollarding, coppicing or felling in the vicinity.
clays, cohesi ve gravels and sandstones, are in fact quite
stable. Vertical sandy cliffs m ay provide nesting sites b Do not apply creosote or other preservative, as it will
for sand martins. Eroding areas under mature trees are pollute the water. Old pressure-treated timbers such
valuable nesting sites for otters and other mammals. as sleepers and sluice boards can safely be used, as
Bare areas of mud, silt and gravei are im portant for excess preservative will have weathered off.
invertebrates, and as loafing and basking sites for
other animals. M ature trees that fall into the water c D on't bother to debark timber, unless you w ant to
due to bankside erosion are especially valuable in prevent the sprouting of willow stakes and branches.
providing nesting sites and shelter for young birds The ability of willow to regrow can be very useful in
and animals. stabilising banks (see below).

c Is the w ork feasible? In flow ing water, the erosive d AII wire, Staples, nails and other fittings should be
force may be too great for any w ork which volunteers galvanised for durability.
could undertake. Changes upstream from building
development or other factors may also mean that any e Do not drive stakes into puddled clay bottoms of ponds,
balancing work downstream will need to be of an equal canals or other artificial waterbodies. Even if you have
scale. Take advice from the Environment Agency and been told the bottom is naturally impermeable, it is
local authority as appropriate. always worth checking for the tell-tale sticky red-
brown, yellow, blue or pale grey clay beneath the silt
d W herebankstabilisationisneededtoprotectabankside or gravei top layer.
path, it may be possible to relocate the path further
back from the bank. W here the path is a right of way, S ta k e or tim b e r p ilin g s
a Diversion Order will be necessary. Contact the local
authority for advice. Wooden pilings can be placed vertically or slanting.
The design shown is suitable for revetting banks where
e Use local m aterials w herever possible, both to save erosion is m ainly due to trampling along bankside paths,
transport, and to produce an environmentally sound or at access points along waterways or around ponds. It
and aesthetically pleasing result. Even in m ajor is particularly used where space on the bank is limited,
engineering schemes, the trend is now away from and any further erosion would, for example, cause loss
'hard' revetments, using concrete, Steel piling and of access. The steep profile does not encourage growth
other reinforced techniques, and towards using 'soft' of marginal vegetation, but shelves can be constructed
revetm ent techniques, inclu d ing w illow spiling, below the pilings to allow vegetation growth as required.
vegetation and geotextiles. The type of location will Wooden pilings of this type are unlikely to be robust
suggest w hat is appropriate. In upland streams and enough to withstand the erosive forces of fast-flowing
water bodies, rock is the natural material, either placed
informally to reproduce a natural feature, or used
in constructed revetm ents or gabions (see below). SECTION
M arginal vegetation is usually naturally sparse. In e? ■
low land areas, tim ber revetm ents or geotextiles,
together w ith m arginal vegetation, is the usual i
solution. <?
f Găining sufficient bulk material for backfil ling behind
revetments is often a major consideration. Bank repair c?
work is usually combined w ith dredging or other
w orks nearby, w hich produces suitable m aterial
for backfilling. Indeed this type of work may be £
interdependent, as disposal of spoil is also a major factor
in the feasibility of dredging and other operations. Bank
reprofiling, island creation and other work is nearly
alway s a 'cu t and filT operation, involving the localised
rearrangem ent of bulk material.

water. Any marginal vegetation that can be established situations vegetation will naturally regenerate from
will help protect the pilings. This type of revetment is the seed source w ithin the spoil or from nearby, but
easier to construct if the stakes are straight and of an even selected vegetation can be planted as required.
diameter. Saw n tim ber such as old railway sleepers or
sluice boards can also be used. 6 M arginal vegetation can be established on shelves
con stru cted b en eath v ertical or steeply sloping
1 Cut stakes of sufficient length that half the stake is revetments. Construct the shelf just above normal
driven into the bottom of the waterway. The height w ater level, to encourage the grow th of typical
above w ater w ill depend on the purpose of the marginal vegetation. Intermittent flooding will reduce
revetment and expected m axim um w ater levels. the incidence of unwanted weedy species. If there is
marginal vegetation upstream, the newly created shelf
2 Start the post holes w ith a crowbar. Then place the should rapidly becom e colonised from waterborne
stakes shoulder to shoulder, and drive them in with seeds and rhizomes. Elsewhere, marginal vegetation
a meii. Staple a galvanised wire along the face of the can be planted by hand. This technique may be
revetment to discourage vandalism. suitable for riverbanks or lakeshores. It can also be
used to im prove the w ildlife value and enhance the
3 Fiii in behind w ith gravei or stony spoil that will not appearance of artificial concrete or other channels,
w ash through the gaps, and com pact with a tamper. where the resulting reduction in flow capacity is not
A geotextile (p84) can be used behind the stakes to a problem.
retain the spoil.

Stake and eth er revetm en ts

This design can be adapted to use varying sizes of timber,

branches, brushw ood and coppice material as available.
Select the straightest material for stakes, and cut to a
suitable length for the height of revetment required.

1 Drive in the stakes at intervals of about a metre. Drive

them tilting slightly towards the bank to allow for some
movement w hen the material behind is compacted.

2 Rem ove side branches from trunks, and cut up

branched material so that it lies neatly w hen piled concrefe
behind the stakes. Use the largest material at the base.
Overlap the ends of the poles and branches to avoid
creating weak points in the structure.

3 Wire the upper poles or branches to the stakes to 7777777777777Z

discourage vandalism.

5p^>il .,^bank
W ired log rev etm en t

I Z T O ------- This design produces a sloping bank w hich should

b ra n ch e s OAc stake rapidly vegetate and stabilise. If willow is used, this will
sprout and root to provide long-term stabilisation. Use
SECTION short stakes w ith wires to secure the material in position.
Logs, branches or bundles of brushwood can be used as

4 Deposit spoil behind the revetm ent and compact with

a tamper.

5 If possible, erect tem porary fencing to p rev en t

trampling and grazing of the restored bank, and leave
in position until vegetation is well established. In most

Willow 3 Weave the withies betw een the stakes, alternating the
direction of the butt ends, and tucking both ends in
W illow sp ilin g so they don't protrude. A t the end of each length of
revetment, the spiling should be run into the bank so
This is a woven structure, using the ancient technique for that the last two to three stakes are completely buried
building wattle walls and fences. If freshly cut willow is after backfilling.
used, it w ill root to produce a 'living' revetment.
4 To deter vandals, wire dow nthe top withies and secure
Crack willow (Salix fragilis) or w hite willow (Salix alba) to the stake with a staple.
produces the best material for stakes, w hich should be
about 65-100m m (2.5-4") diam eter for spilings up to 5 W here there is a risk of backfill washing out, place
600mm high. For spilings up to 900mm (3’) high, thicker faggots (see below) behind the spiling. Backfill to the
stakes of 100-130mm (4-5") diameter will be needed. required bank profile with soil.
Withies should be cut from osier (Salix viminalis), goat
willow (Salix caprea) or grey willow (Salix cinerea). The The following alternative design of spiling produces
withies should have a butt diameter of 10-20mm (.25- a looser weave, and is suitable for revetments above
.75"), and be of a length equivalent to fi ve times the stake w ater level.
spacing, to give a elose, tight weave. Where unavailable,
the best alternative m aterial w ill have to be used. 1 Knock the stakes in as described above.

2 To start the weaving, push the end of a short withy

into the ground betw een the second and third stake
from one end. Weave it betw een the stakes. Then push
another withy into the ground next to it, and weave
along in the same direction. The withies will root at
the ends.

3 Continue weaving up to the top of the stakes, ensuring

the top withies are tightly woven to secure the spiling.

4 To deter casual vandalism, wire along the top or down

through the spiling. Erect temporary fencing to exclude
brow sing stock for two to three years.

backfill fo

November to February is the best season for w orking to

ensure sprouting of the willow. Stakes and w ithies can W attle hurdles
be stored at this time for up to three weeks, provided
they are kept cool and damp. Outside this season, they A similar weaving technique can b e used to make wattle
are best used w ithin 48 hours of cutting. hurdles, w hich are constructed off-site, and then carried
to the bank and positioned to form the revetment. This
1 Pollarding or coppicing of bankside w illow s, or is useful where working conditions at the bankside are
pruning o f earlier spiling w ill produce suitable difficult. Wattle hurdles for sheep fencing and garden
material, as detailed above. use are available from hurdle makers, but are normally
too expensive for bankside revetment work. On bankside
2 Knock the stakes in vertically along the line of the revetments they should anyvyay becom e disguised with
revetment, about half a metre apart, and so that two- vegetation, so a neat finish is not so important, as long
thirds of the stake is below soil level, and then cut the as the structure is strong enough to survive handling
tops to the finished height. and positioning.

Hazel is the best material for hurdle making, but wiJlow is also buried branches then help consolidate the sediments
suitable, and its capadty to root is useful in most situations. against renewed erosion.
If possible, use split hazel for the uprights or 'zales', as they
hold the laterals better than do round poles. W illow faggots will root, w hich is beneficial in most
b ankside situations. Ho we ver, where gro wth may nar row
Assemble the hurdles wherever con verde nt, and take channels and cause flooding, material other than willow
them to the site in ready-m ade sections. A tradiţional should be used.
sheep hurdle is 1.8m (6') long by lm (3.5') high, with ten
zales 200mm (8”) apart. For bankside revetment work, Faggots are norm ally made to the maximum size w hich
the dimensions are not criticai, but zales should be no can be easily lifted by two people, but smaller ones can
more than 250m m (10") apart to give a sufficiently tight be made as necessary. The tradiţional size is about 2m (7)
weave. A hurdle of the dimensions shown below is easy long and 300m m (P) diameter, bound atthree points. The
to handle, but larger sections can be made as required. binding can be of twisted willow, baler twine or wire.

To stabilise a bank, the faggots can be laid in a single or

double row, secured by stakes and wire as shown. As
1 Push five 900m m (3') zales about 300mm ( l 1) into the necessary, another layer can be added cross-wise.
ground, evenly spaced in a straight line as shown.

2 Weave hazel or willow rodsbetw eenthe zales, tucking

each end back under itself to lock the wands in place.
Force the w ands dow n w ith your foot to give a tight
weave. It m ay be necessary to wire or tie the top wands
to discourage vandalism.

3 Lift out the sections for transport to the site. Place the
hurdles in position, overlapping as shown, and drive
them in as far as the low er wands.

PLAN r iv e r tw o stakes
4 c u rre n h p e r h u rd le
h u rd le i |
,T li— n Q Smaller faggots, of about lOOmm diameter, canbe bound
together to form 'm attresses', for laying on banks subject
v* ', J " >tu j bank 'h v/''
to boat w ash or strong flows. The faggots should be laid
in position and w ired together, and then wired to stakes
Using two 1.5m (5’) stakes per hurdle, knockthe stakes knocked well dow n into the bank. A large faggot at the
into position on the outer side of the revetment, and base absorbs some of the w ave energy.
wire the hurdles to the stakes.

5 Backfill with spoil as appropriate.


Faggots or fascines are bundles of willow or brushwood,

bound together and used for various stabilisation and
revetment purposes. Faggoting is an ancient technique,
undergoing som ething of a revival as the advantages of
'sofT revetments are realised. The faggots slow the flow
of moving water and trap silt and sediment, and the

Geotextiles Woven geotextile w ith pockets for vegetation or ballast.

For example, M M G Pocket Fabric.
The term geotextiles encom passes a vast range of w oven
and non-woven fabrics used for a variety of purposes
in civil engineering. These uses include revetment,
ground stabilisation and reiriforcement, drainage and
revegetation. Geotextiles m ay be made from natural,
biodegradablem aterials, or from long-lasting synthetics,
according to their design and function.

Some of the many designs suitable for revetment, barde

stabilisation and revegetation are shownbelow, but other
makes and designs m ay be suitable. M anufacturers will
supply detailed literature and advice on particular sites.
Horticulture Week, Landscape D esign Extra and other
periodicals are the best source of up-to-date Information
on suppliers.
W oven polyester/polyam ide bags containing silt or
L ightw eight three d im ensional m atting for surface sand, for underw ater repairs and bank protection. For
protection and root reinforcem ent, suitable for banks example, Nicobags.
above water level, and banks below water level in still
or slow m oving water. For example, Enkamat.

Coir fabric rolls and pallets ready-planted w ith native

w etland plants, to protect banks from erosion. For
example, Bestmann Fibre Rolls and Pallets.

Woven geotextile for use w ith timber stakes, to protect

the bases of slopes and vertical banks of watercourses.
For example, Nicospan.

Geogrids of polyester and PVC, or other similar materials, c As you build each layer, fiii behind with small stones
laid in layers as shown, to stabilise steep banks. For to prevent the bank washing out from behind. Do
example, Fortrac. not force sm all stones into gaps in the front of the
revetment, as they will simply w ash out and leave
the w all weakened.

d Top the revetment with turf to help protect it both from

erosion and from being dislodged by people or animals.

Gradually sloping banks can be reinforced by stone

pitching. Large, block-shaped stones make the strongest
pitching, but sm aller stones of variable size and shape
can be used.

a Grade the bank as necessary to an evenly sloping


b Excavate a trendh for the largest foim dation stones

Dry stone revetments and place them in position.

Dry stone revetm ents are a tradiţional stabilisation c Lay the stones in overlapping layers, w ith their long
technique used on the upstream side of earth dams, axis into the bank. Try and fit them together neatly to
spillways and banks where there is some current, but avoid large gaps, as these may erode and loosen the
not strong continuous erosion or tidal scour. Another whole structure from underneath.
handbook in this series, Dry Stone Waîling (BTCV, 1986)
provides full details on all aspects of walling.

The main requirement for stone revetments is a good

source of stone, preferably w ithin close reach. You may
be able to get w aste stone from a nearby quarry or from
a demolished stone building.

a Clear away roots and debris and clean out the eroded
area until you have sufficient space for the foundation
layer, w hich w ill norm ally need to be at least 500mm
wide. Choose the largest stones for the foundation
and base layers. A gabion, from the old French word for 'cage', was
originally a wicker basket filled with earth and stones,
b Place the stones in overlapping layers, w ith each stone and used for fortifications. The modern equivalent is a
resting securely in position, and slanting slightly into wire mesh box, available in various sizes and designs,
the bank. O ccasional long stones can be placed with w id ely used for roadside revetm ents, river banks,
their long axis locking into the bank. retaining w alls and other reinforcem ent purposes.
Gabions provide a means of building large revetments
w ith small stones, and provide a strong but flexible and
porous barrier. Although the m eshis not visible until close
FACE SECTSON up, the 'square' nature of a gabion construction and the
appearance of the rubble it contains means that structures
built of gabions are easily recognisable for w hat they are.
They can becom e disguised w ith vegetation in suitable
locations. M anufacturers of gabions are listed on page
163. Gabion-like baskets or rolls ca n b e made on site out
of Steel or polypropylene mesh.

FACE SECTION For low revetments, a single layer of gabions will be

sufficient, set on a level foundation. For tw o layer
revetments, the gabions should be staggered, with the face
of the revetment angled to 10° to increase stability. The face
can be stepped or flush. Engineering advice should be
sought for design of structures higher than two gabions.

Where scour is likely at the base of the revetment, mattress- into the stream bed. Water movements and changes in
shaped gabions may be needed. Altemati vely, a f oundation the stream bed should be carefully monitored to see if the
layer can be sunk below the base of the bank. gabions remain stable and have the effect intended.

C h ain lin k gabions

Galvanised chainlink fencing formed into long cigar-

shaped gabions have been successfully used at Lindisfarne
National Nature Reserve to protect a tern nesting island
from tidal scour. Sand collects behind the gabions and
vegetation roots in the mesh, further stabilising the shore.
An ad vantage of this design is that it lacks square corner s,
which would create points of scour in tidal conditions.
Rolls 22m (25 yards) long of 1220mm (48") width, 12.5
gauge, 50mm (2") m esh double link fencing are used to
make structures 22m (25 yards) long and about 375mm
The minim um size for stone to fiii the gabions is lOmm (15") in diameter, sewn up w ith wire.
larger than the mesh size. Stones larger than 200m m are
not suitable for rough filling, as they will pack unevenly. 1 Roii out the chain link fencing where the gabion is to
To improve the appearance, the exposed face of the gabion be sited.
can be carefully constructed like a dry stone wall, with
the remainder roughly filled. 2 Place stones a long a central strip, leaving enough
margin for 'w rapping'. Use the largest stones at the
1 Dig out a trench as necessary for the foundation layer, base, carefully filling the gaps with smaller stones.
making the base as even as possible. Finish to a 10“ D on't use stones smaller than the mesh size.
angle for a two-layer revetment.

2 Assemble the gabions w ith ring clips or wire, according galvanised chain
to the m anufacturer's instructions, and join the first linK fe ncin g
layer together in situ. For a straight revetment, the
gabions can be tensioned by anchoring one end, and
threading crowbars through the other end of the row
of gabions and then tensioning with a winch.

3 Fiii the gabions in layers, one third at a time, fitting

horizontal wires to tighten. SECTION PLAN

W here shrubby growth would not be a hindrance to

access, it can be encouraged by inserting fresh willow
or alder cuttings into the gabion during construction.
These will sprout and quickly disguise the gabion. Reeds
and other marginal plants can also be inserted into the
mesh as required. 3 Starting at one end, one person w raps the fencing over
the stones so the edges meet, while another person
As well asbankside stabilisation, gabions can alsobe used sews them together with a length of wire, pulled tight
for overflow weirs on single spillway dams (see Chapter as it is sewn.
13), and as current deflectors or 'croys'.Forthis, the gabions
should be anchored to Steel stakes driven a metre or so As necessary, another gabioncanbe added in the following
year, by which time the first gabion should have stabilised
B onkw ork sufficient material to be partly buried. Place a line of
boulders as necessary to support the second gabion, and
join it to the base gabion w ith wire ties.


The use of hessian bags (approximate size 450 x 600mm)

filled with sand or other material is another tradiţional
technique for building revetments.

The follow ing m ethod has been used for canal bank channel dry
i6mm sheel fie
repairs in W arwickshire: aggregate

1 D ig out collapsed section of bank to fairly firm


2 U sing a cem ent mixer, m ake a dry m ix o f aggregate:

cem ent in the ratio 6:1. Shovel into hessian bags,
filling by no more than one half.

3 Place a bag lengthw ise into the bank, tucking the Steel stakes af
open end underneath, and flattening the top w ith Im infervais
the fists or feet. Place the next bag so that it slightly
overlaps the fîrst one, and continue to complete the
first layer. PLAN
^_lm—> Im-
4 Thoroughly w et the bags, but do not flood with water,
or the cem ent will w ash out.
channel Steel fie
5 Continue w ith follow ing layers, overlapping the bags
so that each touches tw o bags in the layer below. Fiii
behind w ith rubble and earth.

6 W here three or m ore layers are below w ater level,

tie the layers together by ham m ering Steel stakes
through the bags at 1 m etre intervals. The stakes
should be 300m m (12") long, 16m m (3/4") diameter, Bank diversification
and ham m ered in u ntil the top of the stake is below
the surface o f the bag. In the past, streams and other watercourses have had their
banks straightened and reprofiled for various reasons
7 Finish top w ith soil and tu rf. including management of w ater flow, and to ease the
cutting of bankside, marginal and aquatic vegetation.
A rtific ia l d ra in a g e ch a n n e ls w ere also n o rm ally
constructed with straight edges and regular bankprofiles.
W here the depth of bank to be repaired is higher than W here compatible with w ater management, banks canbe
400m m (16"), the sandbags should be tied into the bank. altered and diversified to improve the habitat for wildlife,
The ties are m ade of 3m Iengths of 16mm (3 /4")diam eter and soften their appearance. Reservoirs, dams and other
steel bar, bent to the dim ensions shown. Two ties are water-impounding structures may need to retain an even
required for every 3m length of revetm ent. profile and short vegetation to allow easy inspection of
the structure, and to prevent any erosion.
1 Place the bags up to the norm al w ater level, fixed
w ith stakes as described above. On banks of natural watercourses and ponds, some bank
erosion may be beneficial to promote habitat di verşi ty.
2 Add one further layer of sandbags. Eroding banks near mature trees provide particularly
valuable habitat for mammals including otters. Willow,
3 Use a Steel tie to m ark the correct position for the pit, alder and other bankside trees allow the development of
as show n in the diagram . vertical and undercutbanks, stabilisedby the root system.
Mature trees w hich fall into the water, without seriously
4 Dig the pit to the dim ensions shown, and as necessary, im peding water flow, are also valuable. They create
a channel for the ties. undercut banks, hollows and other niches, and sheltered,
shady conditions at the w ater's edge, favoured by many
5 Secure the ties into the sandbags w ith U shaped pins creatures. On some created sites, dead trees have been
of 16mm (3/4") steel. dragged or winched into 'fallen positions' at the w ater's
edge, to try and simulate these conditions.
6 Fiii the p it w ith dry aggregate and cem ent mix, and
add water. Techniques for b an k d iv ersifica tio n inclu d e b an k
reprofiling by hand or m achine, excavation of meanders
7 Add further layers of sandbags up to the level of the and bays, and changes in vegetation management and
rest of the bank, and top w ith soil and turf. dredging regimes.

R ep ro filin g Outfall pipes present another opportunity to create a

valuable backwater feature, and to allow the constructionof
The follow ing diagram s illustrate tw o exam ples of a simple outfall, w ithout the bank protection which would
riverbank reprofiling. Vegetation can either be planted, be needed if the outfall fed directly into the river.
or allowed to return naturally. Access and grazing of the
bank may need to be controlled.

i) Riverbank

ii) Flood b a n k
For further details on thxs and other diversification features
see The New Rivers and Wiidlife Handbook (RSPB,NRA and
RSNC, 1994).

w e fla n d hab itat

Wave barriers

Wave barriers, unlike bank reinforcements, are not built

into the bank, but lie slightly out from the shoreline to
form a breakwater.
& j
Wave barriers may be used for the following reasons:

M ean d ers, b ack w aters an d b ays a Substituting bank reinforcement, to proiect exposed
& |
In the past, river engineering w orks often involved the
deepening and straightening of rivers, with the loss of
shorelines or newly-created islands and promontories.

b Protecting new plarttings of em ergent vegetation.

valuable backw ater habitats. Any opportunity to restore
or create them should be used. Even small-scale features
can be valuable. If possible, the design should utilise
c Providing a substitute for em ergent vegetation where
this has been lost through trampling, water pollution
fr |
the flow of the river to scour the feature sufficiently or other reasons.
to prevent it silting up.Two possible arrangements are
shown below. d Providing calm areas of w ater for young wildfowl, in
e* |
otherwise exposed conditions.
e? |
Factors to consider

a W hat local wind and wave conditions m ust the b arrier

e? j
w ithstand? The sandbag barrier described below is
more robust than the stake and batten barrier. ej
b W here it is hoped to encourage breeding of wildfowl,
openings m ust be left betw een sections of the barrier,
or ram ps included, to provide accessbew een the open
e? j
and protected areas.
e !

c It is usually desirable to encourage stands of emergent Wooden stake and batten barrier
vegetation in the calm w ater behind the barrier,
although som e areas of open Jagoon should be kept. This is an econom ical design, especially if you can use
Eventually it may be possible to remove the barriers scrap materials.
and reuse the materials.

Sandbag barrier

Sand, clay or concrete filled bags or sacks make a durable

barrier. After a year or two, willow cuttings or other
vegetation canbe planted in the silttrapped by the barrier,
to provide additional shelter. Like filled-sack bankworks
and weirs, they make up in simplicity w hat they lack in
attractiveness. Points to consider:

a Polypropylene w oven bags are best for barriers

constantly in water. AII bags w ill tend to weaken
and tear where they are subject to temporary drying.
Smooth fertiliser sacks are no good as they slip off one
another. Look in the Yellow Pages under 'Sack and
Bag M anufacturers and Suppliers' for local sources
of supply.

b Sand is normally the cheapest filling, and may cost

you nothing if you can dig it on site, but ensure this
doesn't itself cause erosion problems. Also check that This design uses logs from local felling operations, or
the sand cannot w ash through the weave. About 20 old telegraph poles. On large w ater bodies, 75-90m (80-
tonnes of sand are needed to fiii 800 bags. lOOyd) sections can be made up as a unit. W hen fringe
vegetation has becom e established in one location, the
c Concrete or clay can be substituted for sand if a more barrier can be unhooked from bofh ends and towed to
perm anent structure is required. When deciding, the next site.
balance the availability and cost of materials against
the intended life of the barrier. It may only be required The logs or poles should be fastened together w ithhooks
until vegetation is established. and eyes or w ith toggle bolts, and then anchored about
l-2m (4-6') from shore. Ramps should ben ailed to the logs
d W hen using clay, puddle it and force it well into the to give ducklings access to and from open water.
bags. Concrete can be m ixed and placed dry into
porous bags (see page 87).

Lay the bags in a double line, as shown, for the strongest


SacKs of spoi! or concrete

r 3

r . 3

Dipping platforms and decking

boardwalks I50mm x 50mm x l-5m

D ipping platform s, boardw alks and sim ple bridges are

very useful for providing access to w etlands, ponds
and w atercourses, in a w ay that is both safe for the
user and m inim ises dam age to the habitat. Localised
erosion on pond and river banks due to tram pling
can be prevented by providing platform s for viewing,
dipping or fishing.

School ponds and those used for educaţional purposes

should have a generously sized area to give access for
dipping and other pond studies. Various designs can
be used, according to the site. A simple w ide bridge
which spans the pond or watercourse provides plenty
of dipping space, without sacrificing any of the 'natural'
pond edges. W ide b ridge

Note the following points:

a The structure should be built of timber pressure-treated

with a preservative, such as Tanalith. Although more
expensive than untreated timber, it w ill be much more

b M ake sure the design avoids damaging the pond

bottom or liner. Some types of bentonite lining (p62)
are an exception, and can safely have supports driven
through the lining.

c Provide low edgings or toe-rails, which delineate the

edge, and provide some protection against vandals
removing the decking. D ip p in g p latfo rm

d Inm ostop enlocations, treated tim ber will notbecom e This design is cantilevered over the edge of the pond,
slippery, pro vi ded water can drain off quickly. In shady to avoid the posts interfering w ith the pond lining.
locations, chicken wire or a tar and grit mixture may Platforms or boardwalks over w ater provide 'hideaways'
need to be applied to provide a non-slip surface. Care for amphibians.
m ust be taken not to affect the vegetation beneath.

e When planning access im provements, take account of

the needs of disabled people and those in wheelchairs.
Fishing is a very popular pastim e for many disabled
people, and access to the w ater's edge together with
provision of fishing platform s is an important facility
(see below).

Some designs are show n above. Further details of

boardwalks and bridges are given in Footpaths (Agate,
BTCV 1996).

Sim ple b ridge This design uses timber revetments backfilled with debris
to make a platform. Any gaps betw een the timbers and
This uses bearers of telegraph poles, with preserved w ithin the backfill w ill make 'hideaw ays' for amphibians
timber decking. and other organisms.

P a v in g ed ge

The diagram shows a typical construction for a paving

edge to a butyl-lined pond.

concrete Hags

silicon seal T r



-< bufyl
brick liner
< concrete
branches^ Foundation
Fishing platform

Fishing platform s for disabled use should have fiat or
ramped access from car-parks or other access points,
F or sch o o l po n d s and o th ers frequ en tly used by
w ith suitable surfacing. M axim um ramp gradients are
educaţional groups, provide an area of mown grass,
as shown below :
gravei or w ood chips near the pond, where a group can
gather without tram pling valuable vegetation. A simple
Length o f ramp up to 3m 3-6m 6m+
table, stone pier or similar is useful for placing dipping
trays for study, and wooden benches and tables can be
Am bulant disabled 1:9 1:12 1:12
included on sites where vandalism is not a problem.
Independent w heelchair user 1:10 1:16 1:20

W heelchair pushed by a com panion 1:9 1:12 1:20

O n damp ground, w hich is not sufficiently wet to require a
Electric w heelchairs 1:16 1:16 1:20
boardwalk, access canbe provided along a causeway. This
should confine trampling, and help protect vulnerable
The surface of the platform can be natural, or constructed
areas. O n pond or w etland creation projects, causeways
of timber, stone or concrete. The area should be at least
can be included in the design, and their effect on land
1.5m square, level, w ith a w heelstop or toe rail 100-150mjm
drainage incorporated in the m anagement of water onthe
(4-6") high at the w ater's edge. W here the platform
site. On existing sites, care must be taken that a causeway
projects over the water, protective side railing should be
does not have adverse effects on w ater movement. W here
constructed, w ith a front rail 350mm (14") high which
necessary, a causeway can have breaks to allow w ater to
does not hinder fishing operations. To allow space for
flow through, crossedby short sections of boardwalk or
casting, the slope of thebankbehind the platform should
bridge. A causeway can also be used as a support for a
not be steeper than 30°. Check access ramps and platforms
regularly to ensure that they are in a safe condition.
Damage to the path surface or bank from erosion should
be repaired promptly. For further details see Countryside
Com m ission (1994), and contact the National Federation
of Anglers, who actively prom ote angling for people with
limited mobility.

The easiest method of building a causeway is to use Where additional height is needed to provide a dry path,
a geotextile to support the path m aterial and preveni a boardw alk can be constructed on a causeway.
it sinkmg into the soft ground below. Many different
geotextiles are available, includingbrands suchas Te rram,
Lotrak and Typar. Suppliers are listed on page 163, or
contact local building suppliers. A typical construction
is shown below.

a g g re g a te o r woodchip boardwalk
su rfa ctn g — mox. wofer
O --. levei
ciay infill .
g e o te x tile f
g eol"exhle~"^ und| rlQV
im perm eable )o9. sa n d b a g o r liner underloY
s u b s fr a te b o u ld e r e d g in g

t i

t e

t e

t e

t e

t e

t e

11 Islands & rafts

Islands In areas open to the public, islands can be situated to

provide good view ing conditions for bird watching, or
sited well away from public areas. Islands can also be
Islands, both natural and created, are a valuable habitat used to screen areas beyond from visual disturbance.
w ithinlarge pondsandlakes. During the breedingseason
they provide safe nesting sites, particularly favoured by Sheltered locations, to the upwind end of large areas of
ducks, terns and waders. Waterfowl in moult, w hen fhey water, w ill prove more resistant to erosion.
are unable to fly, will choose the safety of an island for
roosting. W intering and passage species are particularly
attracted to islands inbrackish water near the coast. Islands Shape and profile
are not totally secure f rom predators however (see below),
and vegetation has to be carefully managed to maintain This w ill largely be determined by the depth of water, the
the favoured conditions for particular species. material available for construction, and the purpose of the
island. Terns and waders require low islands w ith gently
Islands also increase the am ount of valuable edge and sloping banks and shallow margins, w hich can normally
shallow w ater habitat, on w hich many species of plant only be provided in shallow water. Ducks, geese, swans
and animal depend. To m axim ise the edge effect, and to and divers can cope with steeper banks, but still require
allow diversity to develop, several smaller islands are gently sloping beaches to give young birds access to the
usually better than one large island. Islands can also be water, and sheltered shallow areas for feeding.
effective wave barriers against erosion, although they
themsel ves are liable to erode, especially with increasing Changes in w ater level and erosion factors need to be
distance from shore. taken into account. Low flat islands may be flooded or
washed by waves in winter, w hich can be an advantage
Islands can either be remnant islands, which are areas left in controlling vegetation growth, although shingle may
unexcavated during pond or lake construction, or they can be w ashed away (see below). Steeper banks are more
be spoil or deposit islands, created from material dumped subject to erosion than shallow banks, and should be
into position. Site, size, shape, orientation and vegetation aligned away from the prevailmg wind.
cover will all affect the value of the island as a habitat.
W here steeper slopes are necessary due to water depth,
Islands should not norm ally be made in ponds less than they should be a m axim um of 1:4 both for stability, and
about 0.5ha size, or the island is likely to prove a constraint for use by wildfowl. A shallow landing beach in the most
on the design of the rest of the pond. sheltered location is needed for du cklings. A steep drop to

Regional patterns, together w ith the landform and

vegetation of the island, w ill determine which type of SECTION
birds are attracted. In general, terns and waders tend to
favour sparsely vegetated islands, only just above water
level, in the south and Coastal areas. Ducks, geese, swans
and divers are more num erous on well-vegetated islands
on inland and northern waterbodies.


In general, the more distant from shore the safer the island
will be from predators, and the more attractive it will be to
birds. Stoats and weasels may visit islands less than about
25m from shore, and rats will swim short distances. Foxes
are capable of swimming some way, but generally don't
bother. No island is safe from mink predation if they are in
the area. Ice provides abridge for allmammalian predators,
and stoats, weasels and rats may stay on the island and
wreak havoc during the next breeding season.

deeper water on one side will prevent the establishment

Spoil islands
of emergent vegetation, andprovide sheltered open water
favoured by diving ducks. O n reserves open to the public, Islands can be created in silted ponds by driving stakes
w here good views of birds are important, 'tear-drop' around the plarmed perim eter of the island, and then
shaped islands have been found popular w ith birds and piling in silt and other debris from the clearance. You
onlookers. They should be aligned as shown, with the may need to w eave willow or other branches through
exposed shore sloping gently at about 1:10. the stakes (p82) to stop the silt oozing out. Debark the
w illow unless you w ant it to root.
Convoluted edges and bays increase the edge effect and
provide shelter and feeding areas for birds, but are more Logs, stumps, rubble and other m aterials can be used as
difficult to construct and m ore liable to erode than simple necessary, but do not use anything w hich may pollute
shapes. The direction of the prevailing wind should be the water. O rganic m aterial will rot down and ertrich the
taken into account. water, as well as shrinking, so use inert material as much
as possible. Use rubble or other material for the base of
the island, and top it w ith earth, gravei or turf, depending
on the purpose of the island. Avoid using nutrient-rich
soil w hich w ill encourage vigorous growth and favour
aggressive plant species, adding to the management
w ork needed in future years. AUow for settlement, as
you w ant to avoid the need to 'top up' later, which will
be laborious if the only access is by boat.

decid tree for access

In deep water, island creation is more difficult, as a vast &

amount of material is needed below w ater level. Where
water levels are fairly constant, revetm ent techniques
can be used to m ake islands w hich are steep sided below &
water level, thus saving on fiii, but w hich slope gently
up to the water line and above. However, revetments
above about 2m height arebeyond the scope of voluntary

On a miniature scale, sew er pipes can be used to make W here machinery is available, the easiest method for
islands suitable for sm all ponds. Otherwise, rafts are the existing lakes and flooded gravei pits may be for material
only solution for safe nesting sites in deep water. to be tipped progressively from the bank to form a spit.
The m achine then works back to the shore, excavating
the neck of the spit and using the material to build up
Remnant islands shallows around the island.
Remnant islands are those made by leaving material
in situ during excavation of the pond or lake. W here Vegetation
excavation is being done only for pond creation, this
lessens the am ount of spoil w hich has to be disposed of. V egetation in trod u ction and m an ag em en t is very
Conversely, for gravei extraction or other commercial significant in determining the type of species w hich will
operations, leaving an island may represent a large loss, be attracted to the island.
and may hinder the efficient working of machinery. In the
latter case, later dum ping of spoil or other w aste material In general trees are not a good idea, as in shelteredlocations
may be the preferred method. they will soon dominate the island and cast too much £
shade. They also provide perching places for predatory
A spit of land can be turned into an island by excavating birds. In exposed locations trees are unlikely to thrive.
a channel to 'cu t off' the headland. The channel can be M ature trees only become of value to w aterbirds when
fairly steep sided, provided the resulting island has gentle they fall into the water, providing sheltered feeding areas
slopes around the rem aining perimeter. and nesting sites.
£ -

Shrubs and dense, tussocky vegetation up to about 1.5m to encourage the growth of low-growing species. A cut in
(4') tall provides ideal waterfowl nesting sites, and reduces August also improves the grazing for winter wildfowl.
predation of nests and young ducklings. Remnant islands Selective use of herbicides m ay be necessary if plants
may have sufficient existing vegetation. Aim to do any such as creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense) or dock (Rumex
necessary vegetation m anagem ent before the island is acetosa) take hold.
cut off, when working conditions are easier.
Tal l-gr ow in g vegetation
Establishing vegetation on new wildfowl islands may be
difficult, as ducks and geese will soon destroy seedlings Islands covered with tussocky vegetation and shrubs up to
and young shrubs, and turn grass to mud. Fencing 1.5m (4‘) tallprovide ideal conditions for nesting waterfowl.
around the margins, with netting stretched over the top Leave any dead growth over the winter as this provides
to prevent landing, may be needed for a season or more nesting cover in the early spring. Areas may need managing
to allow vegetation to get established. in rotation in late summer to encourage thick growth near
ground level by removing taller scrab and young trees
In contrast, terns and w aders require bare shingle and which will otherwise shade out the growth beneath.
m ud surfaces, w hich require special construction and
management to prevent the growth. of vegetation.

Bare shingle o r m u d islan ds

The RSPB have considerable experience of constructing
shingle islands in shallow Coastal lagoons for breeding Floating rafts canbe provided for nesting and loafing sites in
terns and gulls. The m ain problem is keeping the island locations where the water is too deep for island construction,
free of vegetation, w hilst at the same time combating or where there is no suitable material available. Rafts have
erosion which can rapidly attack the unvegetated surface. the advantage that their use by birds is not affected by
The islands are formed of clay or spoil, left to settle changing water levels, but they lack the sheltered shallow
for a year, and then reprofiled w ith a JCB to a smooth margins associated with islands. Rafts can be vegetated,
flattened dome. The top is then covered with three layers for use by wildfowl, or covered with shingle for terns.
of overlapping fertiliser sacks or similar, which helps Tem rafts have been particularly successful in attracting
suppress plant growth by reducing the supply of water. terns to sites which lack natural breeding habitat. Rafts are
The sacks are then covered w ith shingle and sand to a not usually visited by predatory mammals, and so can be
depth of at least lOOmm (4"). Altematively, mud surfaces safely situated fairly close to shore.
can be created by covering the plastic with a lay er of mud,
50-150mm (2-6") thick. The shingle or m ud may need
replenishing in spring every few years, according to the
amount of erosion over the preceding winter. Factors to consider

It is difficult to make rafts quite as effective as islands,

locMSOmm layer boulder fo anchor
becau se sev eral co n flictin g requirem ents m ust be
reconciled. These include:

a The ability to float, preferably with the deck just above

the w ater line.
i ------------- 2 5 m -------------->
b The ability to rise and fall easily with the water over
Vegetation is rem oved from the shingle by hand pulling the m axim um flood range.
or raking in autumn, or by Rotavating or hand cultivation.
Winter flooding also suppresses vegetation. M ud islands c Stability, so that the raft is not tipped or spun by
and islands w ithout a plastic underlay rapidly becom e currents, w aves or wind.
vegetated, needing w eeding and cultivation in spring
and autumn. d A dry, sheltered nest site which does not attract the
attention of crows or other avian predators. The nest
L ow -gro w in g v egetation areas m ust be above the level of storm waves.

Islands w hich are covered w ith low-growing vegetation e Means of access and some protection from waves and
i; of grasses and shoreline plants may attract a variety of
birds, including terns, gulls, waders, lapwing, moorhens
currents for young birds.

and coots. Cuttingby scythe or brushcuttermay be needed f An appearance which does not detract from natural
before and after the breeding season (March and August) surroundings.

Design of rafts oH-cich shackie

for m o o rin g chain
M any different designs have been tried over the years.
Strength and buoyancy are essential, together w ith very
firm anchorage. Constructing a large raft is not an easy
undertaking, and the logistics of construction, getting
it to the site and anchoring it m ust be carefully thought
out. Rafts designed only for breeding are better brought
ashore during the w inter to reduce damage. Rafts used
for loafing during the w inter w ill need cleaning of guano
if they are to rem ain attractive to nesting birds.

M aterials

Timber rafts tend to absorb w ater and sink, although pine The anchor rope can be 20mm polypropylene rope,
or other light w ood floats better than heavy timber. In 19mm flexible steel wire rope or chain. Ship's chandlers
most cases additional floats m ust be used. can supply suitable ropes, shackles and other fittings,
and any Coastal sailing club or fisherman will have
Very small rafts can be floated w ith 4.5 litre (1 gallon) advice to offer on the subject of secure anchorage and
plastic containers or similar. Slightly larger rafts will techniques for low ering anchors into position. Make
stay afloat with 22 litre (5 gallon) drums. Rafts in the sure that all connections are robust so tihat no parts can
range of 1.2-l.Bm (4-6') in dimensi'on require close-cell be lost. Normally the anchor is the cheapest part of the
polystyrene blocks, or scraps or polystyrene beads in construction, bu t is a nuisance to replace. Chains and
w atertight containers. Polystyrene blocks need holding steel ropes are expensive. It may be a good idea to secure
in place with galvanised netting or strips. a buoy to the rope as shown, so if the raft does come
adrift, the anchor and rope are retrievable. Terns or other
Normally two anchors are preferable to one, attached to birds are likely to use the buoy for perching. Take advice
opposite corners of the raft to keep it from swinging in on the most suitable length of anchor rope for the local
the wind. However, large rafts in deeper open water may conditions. If it's too short, the raft may drag the anchor
be better with only one m ooring point, w hich allows the along thebottom in stormy conditions. Three rafts or more
raft to align itself downwind, rather than being buffeted anchored in a string will need additional anchorage. If you
by cross winds. Anchor to the bottom, not the shore, to plan to bring the raft ashore over winter, use a coupling
prevent vandalism and keep rats or w easels from getting to the raft which is easy to disengage, and if there isn't
to the raft. Anchors can be made from concrete blocks, already a buoy in position, secure one to the rope before
concrete filled containers or other heavy items. you detach the raft to avoid disaster!

-< 0 5 Kg chain
c o n c re te
poiyt-hene tu b

rocks, s c r a p -
m e fa i.e fc -

One method is to secure a length of chain with rocks

or other heavy items in a polythene tub or similar, and
then fiii with concrete. A fter setting, the anchor can be
£ j
turned out of the mould and the chain attached. The Vegetation
anchor shown w eighs about 50kg (lcw t) and is suitable
for smaller rafts. Anchors for larger rafts may need to Wader and ternnesting rafts shouldbebare of vegetation,
be m ade from tw o or more weights joined together, to and surfaced w ith gravei or shingle contained within
avoid the anchor becom ing too cumbersome to be easily a rim. On wildfowl and diver rafts vegetation can be £ ;
positioned. The design below uses concrete anchors in planted to improve appearance and provide nesting
buckets each250m m (10") high and 300mm (12") diameter, cover. To supply sufficient w ater for plant growth, either
connected in pairs w ith lengths of chain. The shackie a generous depth of turf is needed, or some means by £ ’
for the mooring rope is attached to the point where the which water is w icked up onto the raft. Rafts of anchored
chains cross. floating vegetation are also feasible (see below).

N estin g b oxes
Floating nest

Nesting boxes and duckling ramps can be added to the This design, described by Little (1971), and successfully
raft as required. D utch nesting baskets are designed used on the River Ray, near Oxford, provides a safe nesting
w ith an open weave w hich allows the nesting duck to site in flowing water. Chick survival is best where the
see in all directions, and an entrance w hich funnels to floating nest is sited on a quiet backwater with gently
abont 150mm (6") to keep away avian predators. Secure sloping banks, so that w hen a chick leaves the nest, it can
the baskets to the raft, at least 1.2m (4') apart, and facing get to shore and climb out despite the current.
away from each other. Place a lining of dead grass inside
each basket to encourage nesting.
Underside, w iih
Frame fo r flo a ts
(Pion) T

carnouR age
the n e ţii ng

Nesting baskets can also be placed on stilts, away from

overhangingbranches along w hich rats could gain access. E n tran ce
W here w ater levels can be controlled, the low est part of hole-i5omm
the basket should be200-300m m (8-12") clear of the water.
Where levels cannot be controlled, the baskets must be Ploaî"5
well above the norm al level. a tta c h e d
to fra m e

Vegetation rafts

A simple but effective technique is to make rafts of floating Construction procedure:

vegetation. M ats of em ergent vegetation, up to about 30
sq m in area, can b e cut from the sides of lakes and meres, 1 Drive a suitable length of 50m m (2") diameter steel
and floated into open water. The raft is then secured by pipe into the river bed to provide an anchor pole on
stakes about 2m (7’) long, driven through the vegetation which the floating nest can rise and fall.
and into the lake bottom, w hich allow the rafts to rise
and fall with changing w ater levels. 2 Cut out a circular platform from marine ply wood, and
cut a hole in the centre to fit over the anchor pipe. Screw
In sheltered locations at Leighton Moss, Lancashire, rafts on three boards to make a frame for the floats.
have lasted over 10 years. The vegetation, mainly yellow
flag (Iris pseudacorus), is cut annually in late summer, and 3 Strap three 4.5 litre (1 gallon) plastic containers to the
stakes are replaced as required. A wide range of waterfowl frame, one each side.
use the rafts for breeding and loafing. Vegetation rafts are
not sufficiently robust for exposed locations. The design 4 Form a superstructure of three metal struts, joined at
below, half-way betw een a raft and an island, is based on the top to a ring w hich forms the bearing on which
existing clumps of emergent vegetation. After constructing the nest rises and f alls on the pipe. Co ver with netting.
the floating frame work, addm ore turf as needed to give the The m esh holes should b e small enough to keep out
whole thing a semi-solid flooring. The emergent plants will rats, but leave a 150mm (6") diameter entrance to one
grow through to provide secluded nest sites for duck. side.

SECTION 5 If the platform tends to spin in the current, attach a

rudder to the floats to keep it properly orientated. The
entrance should face the nearest bank.

established emergent vegetation


Timber rafts
2 Secure 25m m (1") galvanised mesh across the bottom,
w ith diagonal boards as shown to give rigidity to the
S im p le lo g ra fts structure.

Logs or old telegraph poles can be used to make simple 3 Turn the raft over, and fiii the middle section with
rafts. Place mud or straw betw een the logs, together w ith polystyrene blocks. Cover w ith boards to make a floor, of marginal plants. W ithout additional support and construct duckling ramps.
the timbers will float fairly low in the water, and should
support a good growth of vegetation. Secure half-drums 4 Float the raft into shallow water, and fiii the margins
or other nesting boxes as required. w ith blocks of m arginal vegetation.

Tern raft

22 litre drums, cui* in half, may

Tem rafts require a covering of bare shingle, small shelters
be thafched foram enihy
anchor poinf to give shade for chicks and protection from predators,
and access ram ps for any chicks that fall overboard. The
design show n below is 3 x 3m (10'xlO’), and can support
up to ten nests. The mesh fence prevents ducks from
gaining access. Further details are given inBurgess, Neil
logs, wired D and Becker, Dusty B (1989).
or boited

peat or 5fraw
forced between

V egetated tim b er r a ft
T eleg rap h p o le ra ft
The following design is for a vegetated timber raft, suitable
for use by nesting waterfow l. Rafts of this type have
survived over 10 years' use in fairly exposed conditions
at the RSPB reserve at Fairburn Ings, Yorkshire. •


The basic fram ew ork is m ade of two telegraph poles w ith

six timber spacers, covered w ith 25m m (1") chicken wire

to hold the vegetation. Polystyrene blocks betw een the

spacers provide flotation. ramps 4
I & j
Frame of boards
(zsmmx i5omm)
1 Position the telegraph poles on a suitable flat surface
close to the water. Using 75mm (3") coach screws,
e ţ
attach the spacers in the positions shown.

2 Using proper lifting techniques (p39), and taking care

BOTTOM VIEW polystyrene biocks, i5 0 mm
not to tw ist the structure, lift one pole and roii the
structure over. Attach the polystyrene blocks w ith frj
fencing wire, and secure the top spacers with coach
screws. Fix the wire mesh to cover using fencing Staples.
Attach mooring rings to the telegraph poles. &
3 Float the raft into shallow water, and plant with dum ps
of marginal vegetation.

V egetated tim b e r ra ft 5ECTÎ0N anchor poinh

& |
nesting baskefs
fir -
This designhas been used successfully at the Great Linford rush or,
gravei pit reserve in Buckinghamshire.

1 M ake a fram ew ork of 150 x 25mm (6 x 1") boards, to

& |
give an area of 1.2 x l.B m (4'x6'). p o ly styren e
e !

T e le g r a p h p o le r a f t


<------------ IZm --------------- >

Te m ra ft

Welded rafts ottach mesh over and

cover with turves
This design uses welded Steel
flotation tanks secured by Steel
girders. iMechanical assistance
will be required to get
it into the water. The
vegetated platform,
supported by
mesh, floats just
above water level,
and provides
nesting sites for
. ■**.------ water
' I level

welded Steel extended decking _

flotahon tonK to support ramp A
K ramp support ,
Steel girder

& j

t |
er |

fe [

e- 1
12 Ditches and pipes

The digging of ditches and laying of pipes may be W here ditches or pipes function to carry or store water,
necessary as part of conservation m anagem ent in the rather than to collect or disperse water, sluices or valves
following situations: may need to be installed to regulate flow and w ater levels
(Chapter 13).
a To provide a means of regulating the w ater table
of w etland nature reserves, in order to maintain or Supply and drainage lines should be straight wherever
diversify habitats. possible, with changes of direction made by smooth curves
rather than abrupt angles. This is especially im portant at
b To increase the water flow into a pond or wetland area. junctions, to help maintain a smooth flow of water, which
reduces damage and erosion w ithin the system.
c To prevent changes in the w ater regime or to restore an
earlier m anaged regime by repairing existing ditches
and drains. Drain types

d To maintain paths and tracks in good condition over F ren ch d rain s

steep or damp ground, thus preventing erosion and
damage. For more information on this subject see French drains are trenches filled w ith rubble which allow
Footpaths (Agate, BTCV 1996). w ater to percolate through. They can collect or intercept
water from the surrounding soil, and then drain it away.
The principles of land drainage, described in textbooks French drains are used on steep slopes or other situations
of agricultural drainage (Hudson, 1975; Sm edm a and where an open trench would quickly erode, or where
Rycroft, 1983), also apply to making or keeping land wet. an open trench may present a hazard or an obstruction.
The procedures of field inspection, levelling and pegging French drains do not function well in peaty soils, as the
out, and design of ditches and piped systems, normally rubble becom es blocked w ith fine sediments. French
used for drainage, are also relevant for the design of drains can also be used to disperse water, allowing it to
systems to manage wetlands. soak away into the surrounding soil.

— Smaiter ston es siow
Design th e inflow o f silt
an d c la y p a rh c le s
Water supply or drainage can be provided by open ditches
or pipes. They can be classified as shown, according to
their function:
Larger shones mal<e spaces
along which water Ftows

Clean quarry scalpings or locally-gathered scree

material is ideal. In very soft conditions or in peaty soils,
the trench can be lined with a geotextile which filters
out any fine sediments, and prevents the scalpings
sinking into the
soil. Terram, Lotrak
and other types are Terram ,
suitable (p!63).
Full details are coarse fiii
r available from the

S to n e and b o x d rain s

Stone drains are built by laying four flat stones in a box

shape. Stone drains may be found w hen old drains are
being rep aired, an d it can still be convenient to build thern
in areas such as North Wales where slate and other flat

stones are abundant. The box drain is similar, but made M ark out the lines of drainage or w ater supply with pegs,
out of wood. Internai dim ensions of about 150 x lOOrrun using a surveyor's level to give the correct heights for
(6 x 4") are suitable. each peg to ensure a smooth gradient. Erect a 'profile'
at each peg to act as a reference point, w ith the sighting
Stone Box drain SECTION rail at a m easured height above the peg.

A 'traveller' is useful, cut to the vertical height from the

top of the sight rail to the bottom of the ditch. To use the
traveller, set it vertically in the bottom of the ditch as it is
being dug, and if necessary adjust the ditch depth until
the sight rail lines up w ith the next two profiles. Consult
publications on surveying techniques and land drainage
for further advice.

qq°' Top of
T ra v e lle r SighMine
Pip ed drains

These include tile, plastic, Steel and concrete pipes, and

are discussed further on page 104. F o r pipelaying,
m a rk e x re r nai
B otham
d ia m e fe r
D itches o f p ip e o f difch
These are the sim plest m ethod of w ater supply or
drainage, and are further discussed below.

Ditching and drainage Ditches

procedures Ditch design
Hydrological surveys can be carried out by professional
surveyors, to identify soil characteristics, water supply The design of a ditch is determined by the following
and other factors, in order to develop a 'w ater budget' factors:
for the site. M odels can be draw n up to produce precise
information on spacing of ditches, pipes, sluices and so on, D ep th
to produce particular desired heights of w ater table.
The depth should be appropriate to the function. Asimple
For small schemes, a simple survey should be carried ditch to intercept runoff may only need to be 150mm (6")
out to measure the area and ground levels w ithin the deep, although it may need annual clearance to prevent
site. A knowledge of basic surveying techniques using a it silting up. M ost interceptors should be 375-600mm
surveyors's level is required. Dig test pits and take soil (15-24") deep, while ditches serving as carriers should
samples as necessary, to determ ine ground water levels be at least lm (3‘) deep.
and soil permeability. Draw a scale plan, marking the
position of inlets and outfalls, and design the ditches, B atter and b ottom w id th
drains or supply pipes to fit w ithin recom m ended
gradients. Some soils are more stable than others, allowing a steeper
batter or slope to the ditch sides. The batter should never
exceed 1 horizontal to 2 vertical (1:2) or 63°. Very deep
ditches may require abatter of 2:1 (27°) to prevent collapse,
even in stable soils.

The diagram indicates angles of repose, which are the

steepest angles to w hich various types of soil will slide
if unsupported. They can be taken as guidelines for the
m axim um batter of ditches which lack timbering or
revetments. Note that tem porary shuttering is necessary
for safety w hen digging in unstable soils (pl04).

shape of the channel may be significant, as deeper water

30°vertical erodes more severely than does shallow w ater flowing at
Moi st" e a ith , 5 0 °
Drained clay o r the same velocity. However, ditches which are too wide
rubble, 45’ for the flow develop shoals and irregular channelling.
Gravei, ho°
Shingle 39* R u nn in g sand
Dry sa nd 38°
Dry earl"b 28° Running sand or silt is seldom encountered but creates
Gravei wifh sand difficult problems where it does occur, most often in
25* alluvial valleys. The sand is so fine and unconsolidated
Weh sand 22*
Wel- clay 16* fhat, when a ditch is dug, the bank slowly slumps no matter
how shallow the angle of slope. Preferably relocate the
ditch. If this is not possible, brushwood can be stacked
against the bank to stabilise it.
For general purposes, ditches should be 300mm (1')
wide at the bottom if dug by hand. This may need to be
modified to prevent erosion or siltation under conditions Digging ditches and trenches
of great or low flow (see below).
W herever possible, it is recommended that machines are
Factors influencing erosion used to dig any ditches ovei* 600mm (24") deep. Manual
digging is only appropriate for short lengths of ditch, or
Ditches may function even if the făli is very slight, but if where m achine access is not feasible.
the flow is too slow to hold materials in suspension the
ditch will silt up, O n the other hand, too rapid a flow will Keep in mind the following points:
erode the bank. The table below shows approximately
the velocity and slope at w hich erosion starts to occur in a The tools required depend on the terrain and soil.
various soil types. The figures for maximum slope are Spades are sufficient in topsoil, but usually forks and
based on a m ean hydraulic depth of 300mm (1'). picks are needed to break up the subsoil. Use a heavy
metal fork wifh long tines. Several specialist types of
So il type M axim um velocity M axim um slope spade for digging narrow trenches are described in
Chapter 5. A bottoming spade or tile scoop is useful
Sandy soil 600mm /sec 1:600 for cleaning the bottoms of deep ditches. Keep tools
sharp and clean. W hen digging in clay, dip the shovel
Loam 900m m /sec 1:300 into a bucket of w ater frequently to prevent the clay
Clay 1.2m/ sec 1:150
b Usually a trenchshouldbe dugby ateam of tw opeople
If a ditch is dug and scour occurs, there are two possible working as shown.
Solutions. The capacity of the ditch can be increased by
widening the channel, while m aintaining or increasing LONGITUDINAL SECTION
the depth. Alternatively, the slope can be reduced by Order of digging
building small dams or w eirs along its length. Each
dam holds back water, so slowing the overall velocity. A
breakw ater or apron is needed at the foot of each dam to
prevent erosion, and silt w ill need removing periodically
from behind the dams.

c Work from the outflow point uphill. If the outflow is

New ditches are m uch more vulnerable to erosion than into a waterway which is likely to back up into the
established ditches. Ditches through disturbed ground ditch, leave the very end of the ditch uncut to act as a
are particularly unstable. Clean w ater erodes to a greater coffer dam, until the ditch has been extended above
degree than does w ater heavily laden with sediment. The the level of the waterway.

d Set the turf to one side to be re-used. Unless it is to be laid unjoined so that water seeps in through the gaps.
backfilled soon afterwards, place the spoil downhill of A small amount is absorbed through the pipe walls.
the ditch where it will not block runoff front reach ing the The m ost common sizes are 75mm (3"), lOOmm (4") and
ditch. Place the spoil at least 300mm (1') from the ditch 150mm (6”) diameter.
so that it w on't slip back in during the first heavy rain.
P erf orated p lastic p ip es
e Stand in the bottom of the trench w hen digging, not
on the sides, except w hen digging a very deep narrow The usual type are corrugated perforated pipes, supplied
trench. in coils for small diameters, and straight lengths for
larger diameters. Sm ooth rigid perforated pipes are also
f Keep the ditch line straight. A line of sand sprinkled available, in straight lengths. The great advantage of
on the ground is sim pler than pegs and lines, which uPVC (unplasticised polyvinyl chloride) pipe is its light
tend to get knocked. weight. Perforated plastic pipes canbe used for water table
control, surface drainage and for interceptors. For large
g W here subsidiary ditches are brought into a larger scale underdrainage schemes they are laid by specialist
ditch, m ake sure they enter it at a gradual angle to contractors using 'trenchless' drain laying machines. For
prevent erosion opposite the irtflow point. The bottoms small schem es they can be laid by hand, cut as necessary
of the inflow ditches should be slightly above that of with a hacksaw and joined w ith push-on fittings.
the larger ditch.

h W here the ground is w et or unstable, avoid trampling Non-porous pipes

close to the trench sides.
Non-porous pipes should be used for water supply pipes
and carriers, and where a steep gradient would cause
Shuttering internai scour in porous pipes. Non-porous pipes should
also be used through ground containing pollutants or
Any trench dug in unstable ground, or if over lm (3’) other aggressive substances.
deep, should be supported w ith shuttering to provide
safe working conditions. This should be inserted as the Non-porous pipes include vitrified clay, plastic, Steel and
trench is dug. Such trenches are not suitable for volunteer non-porous concrete.
Vitrified clay p ip es

The Hepworth range of pipes are widely available from

Pipes bu ilder's merchants, in 100 and 150mm diameters, with
a range of flexible push-fit polypropylene couplings.
Pipes are either porous or non-porous. Porous pipes
are used wherever w ater needs to be absorbed from P lastic pipes
the ground, or allow ed to soak away into it. Land
drainage Systems, in agricultural land and elsewhere, Sm ooth uPVC pipes for water supply are w idely available
are constructed of porous pipes w hich collect the water from builder's merchants, in 82,110 and 160mm diameters,
from the ground and drain it away. Porous pipes are also w ith a range of bends, couplings and other fittings.
used for soakaways, w here water is allowed to soak out
of the pipes and into the ground. Flexible, corrugated, unperforated pipes are available
from agricultural m erchants and specialist suppliers of
Non-porous pipes are used wherever leakage is undesirable, pipes, in a range of sizes up to 310mm diameter. They
either from the pipe outwards, or from the ground into the are used for culverts, sluices and other large capacity
pipe. This includes w ater supply Systems, and parts of land water carriers. Corrugated pipes have ahigher hydraulic
drainage systems w hich pass under roads or elsewhere roughness and require a 20% increase in diameter to
where leakage is n ot wanted. Non-porous pipes are also carry the same flow as smooth pipes. Cost per metre
used to carry sewage and other waste water. of smooth and corrugated pipes with similar transport
capacities is about equal, since more plastic is needed to
make a sm ooth pipe compared to a corrugated pipe of
Porous pipes the same diameter.

Tile drains

Plain ended clayw are pipes, called 'tile drains' have

been used for land drainage for m any years. They are

Pipelaying 7 M ortar any joints w hich must be closed against tree

r* G rad ien t
roots or other disruptions (see below).

8 Backfill enough spoil to secure the pipe in position,

In theory, drains can function down a slope as gentle as up to about the m idpoint of the pipe's diameter. If the
1:660. In practice the slope should be 1:250 or steeper, to pipe is large diameter, add only enough spoil to tâmp
account for local variations. into a 150mm (6") layer. Add more spoil, after the first
layer is compacted, to fo rm another 150mm (6") layer.
The gradient should be uniform over the System. If you Be careful not to disrupt the pipe while tamping.
cannot avoid a sharp lessening in gradient, install a silt trap
at the break in slope. Otherwise the water will drop sediment 9 If perm eable fiii is to be used, place this in the trench
at the point where it slows, creating a blockage. over the pipe. Otherwise continue to backfill in layers
until the pipe is covered w ith 150mm (6") of tamped
B ed d in g spoil. Then backfill the trench to ground level.

Beddingm aterial should be placedunder pipes to support Ju n ction s

them where they traverse stony ground w hich cannot be
made entirely sm ooth and regular. Bedding can be pea Junctions are normally made withpurpose-made junction
shingle, sand, clinker or stone chippings, of a size no pipes, b u t this is not possible w hen tapping a new pipe
larger than lOmm (4") diameter. into an existing pipe and is unnecessary w hen connecting
a pipe to aninspection chamber or silt trap. In these cases,
P roced u re and w hen purpose-made junctions areunavailable, pipes
can be joined by cutting and mortaring. In m ost cases,
Do not lay plastic (uPVC) pipes w hen the temperature junctions should be made so that the angle of entry is
is below 5°C, as they are brittle when cold. w ith the fall of the existing pipe.

1 Place the granular bed, if one is required, in the trench C u ttin g p ip es

bottom. Every few feet check that it is the correct
thickness by placing the end of the traveller (pl02) M echanical cutters can be hired for cutting clay and
against the top of the bedding. Make sure that the concrete pipes. Vitrified d ay and concrete pipes can be
traveller is held vertically and that the T plece lines cut by hand, provided you are careful and patient. These
up w ith the sight rails of tw o adjacent profiles. pipes are brittle and have a bard outer skin with a softer
centre core. Follow this procedure:
2 Prepare each section of pipe for joining as necessary,
before setting it in position (see below). 1 Check that the pipe is sound by lightly tapping it with
a brick hammer. A sound pipe gives a clear ringing
3 If an inspection cham ber or silt trap is to be built at the note, an unsound pipe a dull note.
outfall end, the first section of pipe should start at the
inside face of the w all of the planned chamber. Drive 2 M ark the pipe w ith chalk at the length required.
a pin in at this point to provide a 'stop' for the pipe.
O therwise the first section tends to shift as successive 3 Carefully chip off the outer hard skin along the chalk
pipes are inserted. line using either a brick hammer or hammer and cold
4 Low er the pipes into position, starting at the outfall
end and w orking uphill. Traditionally, a special tile 4 Stand the pipe on end. Fiii the pipe w ith sand or well
hook w as used to install sm all-diam eter pipes in deep tamped top soil. Chippings may be used but are less
narrow trenches. You can substitute a pickaxe, using effective. The filling absorbs some of the shock while
it to m anoeuvre the sections together. Otherwise just cutting and helps keep the pipe from breaking except
position the pipes by hand, trying not to damage the w here it has already been weakened.
trench. Pipes over 225m m (9") diameter, other than
lightw eight plastic and Steel pipes, should be lifted 5 Continue to chip away the softer centre core along
mechanically. This is m ost easily done w ith an iron the groove, w orking round and round the pipe until
'hairpin' attached to a w inch or crane line. it breaks along the groove.

5 Join each section as it is positioned. Tapping in to existin g p ip es (d a y o r cem ent)

6 Inspect the alignment of the finished pipeline and adjust This is usually done to fit a saddle connection or to fit
if necessary. A flat w ooden tamper or board is useful a small pipe to a larger existing pipe. It cannot be done
for this. w ith pipes of equal diameter. T he connection described

under 'Fixing a saddle', below, is not water-tight under 5 Remove any m ortar which may have squeezed into
pressure and so should be made on the top half of the the pipe by reaching your hand through the saddle
existing pipe w henever possible. opening. Wear a glove to protect your hand from the
sharp edges of the cut pipe.
1 M ark with chalk on the existing pipe the area to be
cut out. Leave the existing bed undisturbed. 6 Haunch around the saddle flange with fine concrete
(1:2:4 cement:sand:aggregate).
2 Punch a small hole through the pipe in the centre of
the area to be cut out, using a hammer and cold point.
The point m ust be sharp or else the pipe may crack.

3 Enlarge the hole until y ou can work wi th a pick hammer

and cold chisel.

4 First cut or chisel the under material. As this is chipped

away the outer skin cracks and breaks off.
7 Allow the concrete to set and cure before adding pipes
onto the saddle. In hot weather, cover the concrete
haunch w ith a damp sack to keep it from drying out
and cracking. Protect the joint against frost.

O u tfa lls

The last 1.5m (5') of any drain should be a solid length of

f e - S
durable pipe w hich will resist frost damage. The outfall
5 As you near the lim it of the area marked, carefully cut pipe should overhang the ditch and be at least 150mm
away the hard outer skin until the sides of the hole (6") clear of the ditch w ater level to preveni it backing
are square to the pipe. up in times of heavy runoff.

SECTIONS A brick, stone or concrete block headwall must be built

Righl" ^ Wrong around the outfall pipe to stabilise the bank, and to block
seepage from the ditch around the pipe.

F ix in g a sad d le

1 Remove any debris from the pipe.

e :
2 Check that the hole is the right size by offering up the

3 Spread m ortar (1:1 mix) around the hole so that it

is w ide enough to bed the flange of the saddle. The
mortar should be about lOmm (4") thick.

4 Insert the saddle into the hole so that the flange rests
on the mortar. Press down gently until the flange has
sunk evenly into the mortar.


£ :


These designs require a concrete foundation at least channels where they merge, or just before they empty
lOOmm (4") thick, or a minim um 50m m (2") thickreinforced into a body of still water. The simplest inspection
concrete base plate. Dry stone w ith d ay caulking may also chamber is a vertically-placed section of large diameter
be used, or pre-cast concrete for a high-Ievel outfall for sew er pipe.
pipes up to 225m m (9") diameter.
An inspection chamber can be built of 150mm (6") thick
concrete blocks, or of brickw ork 200m m (8") thick.
Cylindrical chambers may also be built of brick.

The cover shouldbemade of removabiereinforced concrete

slabs, a minimum of 63mm (2.5") thick if450mm (18") below
ground, or at least 50m m (2") thick if above ground. In situ
concrete floors should be lOOmm (4") thick, while factory-
made reînforced slabs should be 50mm (2") thick.

The m inim um area of the chamber should be 0.5 square

metre (6 square feet), and no deeper fhan1950mm (61) deep.
Cylindrical chambers should be a minimum of 750mm
(2'6") diameter. The silt trap below the pipes should be
at least 300mm (12") deep. Place a concrete lintel over
pipes of 300mm (12") diameter or more.

O pen inlets, in sp ectio n ch am b ers and silt trap s

A simple open pipe is not an adequate inlet on larger

drains. The inlet needs a silt trap or 'catchpit' and hinged
grating. Construct w ith 150mm (6") thick concrete blocks
on a lOOmm (4") thick concrete base. Fit a concrete lintel
over the pipe. The 300m m (12") drop from the outlet
pipe to the bottom of the chamber provides a settling
chamber for silt.

SECTION View along d ifch

w&q PherprooP capping |
Pre-cast concrete chambers are also available.
End of

Maintenance and repair

Locating pipes and drains

a If a pipe has collapsed or infilled, there may be increased

777777777777Boiiorrt o f d itd i local waterlogging, or an indication of a surface channel
where the land has subsided in line with the pipe. Note
Inspection chambers should be installed wherever two however, that spring outlets often shift over time so that
or more sub-drains jo in a large main, or where a main boggy areas do not necessarily indicate a broken pipe.
drain w ith a steep gradient suddenly changes to a
much flatter gradient. b W here a w et patch is caused by a broken pipe, the
As w ith open break is usually just uphill of the wet patch.
inlets, large d \ a m e t e r
inspection s e w e r pipe c To track a specific drain, first try to find its outlet.
chambers Som etim es drains are curved near their outlet to
should slow the flow of water, so go a few metres along the
contain a silt trap. supposed line of the drain before attempting to locate
Traps should also it. Locate it again at a second point, and then line up
be installed on open these two points to indicate the drain's alignment.

d To follow the exact ]ine of a pipe, thrust a pointed metal

Clearing blocked drains
pole or rod into the earth every few metres along it,
until you hit the drain. Tile drains should leave a trace D rainage rods
of red clay on the tip of the rod. If you miss, work out
to either side, m aking sure your holes are more closely D rainage rods w ith various m etal attachm ents are
spaced than the drain's diameter. available from builders' m erchants and agri cultural
suppliers. Head attachments are of two main types:
e Pipe-locating devices can be hired for tracing water corkscrews for pushing through and loosening solidly
pipes to w hich you have access at either end. blocked drains, and scrapers for pulling material clear.

U se of drainage rods
Causes of drain failure
1 Choose a point as near to the blockage as possible to
D rains m ay fail for one or m ore of the follow ing begin work. If you do not know where the blockage
reasons: is, start at the outfall end and work upwards.

a A blocked outfall, indicated by seepage from under 2 Attach a screw head to the end rod, and insert it as
or around the sides of an outfall headwall. If the far as it will go, adding sections as needed. Stand
blockage cannot be removed w ith drain rods, it may sideways-on to the drain and work the rod back and
be necessary to uncover the pipe for a few metres forth continually to puii loose material towards you.
back from the headw all, and relay it or replace it as Once more than one section is in use, keep turning in
necessary. Use a length of rigid plastic pipe to prevent the same direction so they stay tightly joined, which
seepage underm ining the headwall. will be clockwise for a right-hand thread. 'Lockfast'
rods stay attached whichever way you turn them.
b A blocked entry point.
3 After two or three sections are in, back them out of
c Poor grading during pipelay ing, resulting in dropping the drain to clear loose dirt, using the same motion
of silt where w ater flow is slowed. as when inserting them. Then work them back in and
add more sections.
d Settling of pipes due to poor installation or unstable
soil conditions, causing siltation due to uneven flow, 4 After you have added ten or so sections the rod may
and ingress of material betw een the pipes. becom e too flexible to push through a hard blockage.
If this happens, remove a section of pipe at the point
e Erosion due to a failure to use sealed pipes in erodable you have reached, and start again from this point.
5 Once the worst of the blockage is broken up, remove
f Surcharging where the pipe is too small or the head the rod and replace the screw head with a scraper head.
of w ater too great, causing w ater to back up before it Push this past the blockage and scrape the material
can get through the pipe. towards you, trying to tw ist the scraper head as little
as possible.
g Blockage by 'ochre', w hich forms when previously
waterlogged soil is aerated, causing iron in the soil
to oxidise. Pipes in soils prone to ochre may need
frequent cleaning out.

h Blockage by tree roots. Avoid laying pipes near trees

if possible. If not, use long lengths of rigid plastic pipe
through the rooting zone.i £ -

i Blockage by sm all mammals w hich have entered the

pipe. Install grids on outfalls and open inlets.

e r:

e r_

13 Dams, weirs and sluices

'This chapter describes simple dams, weirs and sluices,

the construction of which may be suitable for involving
volunteers. Some of these stmctures may come within
fhe Construction (Design and Management) Regulations
1995, and will require to be notified to the Health and
Safety Executive (p37). The Environment Agency (or
equivalent) may also need to be consulted. Engineering or
other specialist advice may be necessary for some projects.
Canal locks and sluices are too specialised to be included,
and advice on these installations should be sought from
British Waterways or the Waterways Recovery Group. Note that w ater pressure is independent of current. The
higher a dam the greater the pressure behind it and
the stronger it m ust be whether the water is flowing or
Factors to consider stagnant.

U p th ru st p ressu re
Environ mental effects
Water also creates an upthrust pressure on non-porous
a How will the installation affect exis ting habitats? installations w hich are not keyed into impervious strata.
Dams frequently flood wetlands upstream while at The upthrust is proporţional to the head and, if greater
the same time drying out wetlands below. Even minor than the weight of the installation, may cause it to float,
impermeable banks across marshes, bogs or wet heaths shift or crack. The rule of thumb is to make concrete or
may subtly alter drainage pattems, often to fhe detriment brickwork at least half as thick as the head, i.e. if the head
of existing communities of plants and animals. This is 'h ' the weir or sluice m ust be 0.5h thick. The maximum
m ay be balanced to some extent by the development head over non-porous weirs and sluices of the sort which
of new seepage marshes at the foot of the dam. volunteers can easily construct is about 4,-5’ (1.2m-1.5m).
Even at this head, concrete or brickwork m ust be 2'-2'6"
b Sluices allow w ater levels to be controlled and are (610-760mm) thick.
often incorporated into dykes in order to manage
S E C T 1 0N
wetland w ater tables. The likely effects on plants and
animals adapted to the existing w ater regime should
be studied first so that changes can be timed to be least
destructive to ground nesting birds.

c O n-stream dam s and high w eirs may block the

movement of migratory fish and must be equipped
w ith suitable fish passes, approved by the relevant
w ater authority, if on a trout or salmon river.
Sheet piling or a concrete cut-off wall can be embedded
at the upstream end of the installation to force seepage
Hydrological factors water ţo come up farther downstream, lessening the
upthrust on the installation and allowing the use of
The following factors m ust be considered in the design thinner slabs. However, placing the footings requires
of any water barrier. either a pile driver or the use of pumps to keep the cut-
off trench dry while pouring and curing concrete, and is
W ater p ressu re usually beyond volunteer capabilities.

Pressure is a function of the 'head' of water. Dams which C urren t

fail due to pressure always do so at the base, where the
pressure is greatest. Therefore the bottom of the dam Current exerts a force upon objects in water just as wind
must be its strongest part. The Top w ater' of the upper does upon objects exposed to air. For most dams this
foot or so seldom poses a threat unless current rather force is insigniticant compared to that exerted by water
than pressure is the dom inant factor. pressure. Structures in swift watercourses, however, may

fail due to current alone. This is especiaUy likely in the to scour and in this way prevents erosion from progressing
case of very small dams, weirs and sluices made of weak, farther upstream towards the weir itself.
often improvised materials the strength of which cannot be
adequately assessed relative to the force of the current. S eepage

Current can erode earth or sandbag dams and weirs and Water seeks its own level. W hen unable to overtop a
concrete barriers which have not had time to set fully. For barrier it attempts to seep under, through or around the
this reason it is important to divert the streambef ore building ends. Seepage through porous soils or wet peat causes
an on-stream dam and to protect the finished embankment. them to become unstable and slump. This, rather than
Tidal barriers must usually be protected over the range of simple Teakage', is why barriers mustbe made of relatively
the tides since they are subject to continuous scour. impermeable material unless they are stone, brushwood
or gabion weirs w hich are deliberately designed to allow
Sometimes the failure of an on-stream dam in a flood the flow -through of water. Internai erosion of a dam, or
appears to be due to the current itself but is actually 'piping', is most likely to occur where tw o materials meet,
caused by a combination of increased water pressure over as where pipes run through the dam or where it joins
an inadequate spillway and erosion aided by flood-borne the bank or substratum. Piping is treacherous because at
debris. first only the finest particles are carried away but by the
time it becom es noticeable it may be capable of rapidly
P reventing erosion eroding the remaining material.

An earth dam which is overtopped usually fails because the W hile it is almost im possible to prevent seepage it can
dry face of the dam is rapidly eroded by falling water. This be minimised by forcing seepage w ater to travel the
may happen to sea walls overtopped by excepţional tides. longest possible distance. This is done by 'keying' the
Weirs and sluices may erode where a change in slope causes barrier well into an im permeable base and bank and by
the current to accelerate, or where turbulence occurs, Proper providing seepage collars or other obstacles to the flow
sluice design is largely a matter of preventing turbulence of water along the outside of pipes. Even the smallest
during normal flow as w ell as occasional floods. barrier shouldbe carried at least 150mm (6") into relatively
impervious material on either side. W here the barrier is
e :
Erosion is also a problem just below a weir, which can keyed into earth there may be a problem with voles and
quickly be undermined and collapse. Small weirs in slow- rats tunnelling around the end and causing a leak. Adding t .
flowing streams where the velocity is less than about a hard corner to the barrier serves to protect the bank at
200-250mm (8-10") per second may be protected with a tlris point. A corner also helps prevent seepage where the
simple breakwater. This m ay consist of a stone slab laid bank is so hard that is cannot easily be cut away for a t
at a 45° slope against the downstream face, a num ber keyed joint. Small gaps between the barrier and the bank
of chunks of stone or concrete which project above the can be sealed w ith clay or even packed with earth.
surface of the water below the weir or several upright t -
stakes of varying lengths to scatter the overspill, driven W ind an d w aves
into the bottom just below the weir.
Wind can cause erosive wave action at the water line unless
Where the velocity is likely to be greater than about 200- a barrier is well Consolidated or protected by vegetation
250mm (8-10”) per second, erosion can be reduced by or stone pitching. A dam must be designed with enough
designing the weir to the general shape shown below: freeboard to avoid being overtopped by wind-whipped
Im p u rities and acids e
M ortar and concrete remain w eak and may not bond
properly if they are mixed w ith w ater containing much
organic material or silt. If mortar or concrete is likely to
come in contact with acids in w ater or soil it is best to
use sulphate-resistant cement.

It is necessary also to harden the channel at the downstream Siltation

toe of the weir, as shown. The simplest method uses a double e*:
layer of stones too big to be shifted by the current, packed Any barrier to the flow of w ater causes it to drop its load
together from the toe to a distance about half again as far as of suspended solids. These build up and may drastically
the estimated area of scour, e.g. 600-900mm (2-3') for weirs shorten the barrier's useful life. Improperly designed
having a head over the crest of a foot or two. The stones form inlet channels w hich suffer erosion m ay contribute to
aflexible mat which sags in front as the channel bottom starts siltation and turbidity.

Safety and practicality Why dams fail

Any water barrier is in som e degree hazardous. Even Dams most often fail for one of the following reasons:
quite a small instaUation may cause a minor disaster if it
fails. For this reason, volunteers should attem ptto design a Notenoughallow anceism adeforthesettlingofsoilinan
and construct only those dams, weirs and sluices w hich earth dam. The result is that the dam is overtopped.
fall well w ithin the lim its suggested below.
b The overflow capacity of an on-stream dam is too small
a Under the Reservoirs A ct of 1975 and more recent so that the dam is overtopped in a storm. Overflow
legislation, any dam w hich im pounds more than design is discussed further below.
25,000 cubic metres of w ater m ust be constructed
and operated under the supervision of an engineer c The top is not wide enough or there is erosion from wave
approved by the D epartm ent of the Environment. action, or both. The result is a breach in the dam.
This would include for exam ple a lake of 2.5 hectares
(6 acres) of one m etre depth. Annual inspections and d Unsui table materials have been used which, combined
monthly logs of w ater levels are also required. with internai seepage, causes the dam to give way from
within. A similar effect can be caused by the sudden
b O n-stream dam s must be designed w ith suitable drawdown of the reservoir's water level, leaving the
overflows to handle runoff both from normal rainfall water level within the dam higher than that on either
and occasional storms. The size of the catchment area face.
needs to be taken into account. Take advice from the
Environment Agency as necessary, e Internai erosion ('piping'), often due to seepage along
a pipe, causes the dam to collapse from within.
c The overall size of concrete installations is limited
by the need to provide sealed joints and reinforcing f Retrogressive erosion occurs atthe spillway or outflow
m esh or bars in slabs larger than about 3m (10') in any below the dam caused by steep slopes or inadequate
dimension (less for upright or structural slabs and channel protection. This may occur naturally where a
where the concrete is under tension).AII reinf orcements dam isbuilt above a point of active stream rejuvenation
must be covered by at least 50m m (2") of concrete. but more often it results from faulty construction of
the overflows themselves. The result is that the dam
Size and design of concrete barriers is further limited is underm ined from the front or that it is outflanked
by difficulties in erecting formwork or shuttering and w ater pours out of its eroded edge.
for large or irregular slabs. Shuttering is difficult to
place in cramped conditions and even more difficult g The barrier is not properly keyed into the banks and
to retrieve despite being w ell oiled beforehand. Try side so that it either fails due to seepage or continues
to use the cheapest w ood you can given the required to stand but functions poorly.
strength if you are uncertain about being able to get
it out afterwards. Calculate the weight of the concrete h The materials of a wooden, brick or concrete barrier
before deciding on how strong the shuttering must have deteriorated due to age.
be. W here the design calls for curved surfaces or
bevelled corners, sheet m etal can be used for flexible
shuttering, held in place by w ooden struts and staked Earth dams
to the ground. Le ave the shuttering in place for at least
a week to allow the concrete to strengthen. This section applies in general to all impermeable earth
em bankm ents, although not all require outlets and
d It is wise to have an expert check the plan and siting overflows. Very small spoil dams, w hich are less difficult
of any earth dam before beginning w ork since this to construct, are discussed at the end of the section.
type may fail if built w ithout the necessary skill and
experience. S ite selectio n

For further advice see The Game Conservancy (1993). G eneral factors influendng site selection have been
discussed in the chapter on 'N ew Ponds'. To further
investigate the location, dig anum ber of trial holes, sinking
them well below the depth of any proposed excavation or
Dams in any case at least Im (3’) deep. Dig a hole in each corner
of the site. It is best in the case of a long dam to dig holes
Dams are barriers w hich block w ater but w hich are not every few yards along the centre line in order to locate
designed to be overtopped by it except where an overflow any old hidden stream beds which often run across valley
is provided. floors. Note the following:

a If the subsoil is permeable, a core trench must be dug Peat is too w eakto use in dams, especially if subject to wave
and Hlled with clay to key into the core of the dam. If the action or disruption by tree roots. It can, however, make a
substrata is rock, the construction will be costly because relative] y watertight bank provided it is well Consolidated
a-cut-off trench must be dug or blasted along the line and packed. It works best where the bank represents the
of the dam in order to block seepage which otherwise last of the original peat still in place while the peat has been
would occur through fissures in the rock. dug out and removed to either side. Seepage through wet
peat is very slow, so it acts as a buffer between water lying
b Most soils are sufficiently stable to bear the weight of to both sides. If the water level drops on one side it takes
an earth dam but peat, topsoil or soil containing organic some time before the oiher side begins to filter through
matter is unsuitable and m ustbe stripped from the site. to compensate.
It is also best to level the site, even though dams are
only likely to slip due to horizontal tihrust of water on G eneral d esign req u irem en ts
very steep sites.
The general design requirements of a typical onstream
Test and preparafion of dam m aterials dam are discussed in Chapter 6 and shown in the diagram
on page 51. The dimensions and slopes indicated in the
The tests below give an indication of soil quality. W hen in diagrams w hich follow are minimal. The w et slope, for
doubt send a sample to a soils laboratory for testing. example, should be no steeper than 1:2.5 and preferably
1:3. The normal freeboard should be at least 1m (3’) below
The 'w orm test' gives a general indication of clay in the soil. the dam crest although very small dams where waves are
Take a small handful of soil, pick out any large pebbles and unlikely to be m ore than a few inches high could allow
roii the soil betw een open palms as if making a clay worm. less. W here a dam is built next to an excavation there
Sui table soils for homogeneous earth dams become moist should be a 3m (101) 'berm ' (shelf or shoulder) between
on the surf ace and rather plastic w hen manipulated, while the excavation and the dam for adequate stability.
soils with too little clay fall to bits. In addition, suitable
soils become slightly sticky w hen wet, stain the hands H om ogen eou s dam s
and have a gritty feel when rubbed between the fingers. If
the soil lacks 'fines', especially clay, an impermeable core The diagram below shows a hom ogeneous dam on
must be provided. Suitable clay for the core, as well as for im perm eable soil.
puddled pond linings, is plastic when moist, tenacious to
handle and contains at least 30% clay fractions.
SECTIOM rem ove
c a m b e rh o p surface
The 'rapid sedimentation test' gives a more accurate f la y e r o f soi!
estimate of the percentages of clay, silt, sand and coarser
partides in the soil. Take a handful of soil, pick out and
discard the larger stones and put the remaining soil in a jar
or, preferably, a graduated cylinder. Top up the container
w ith water, shake it to mix the material and set it aside
to settle undisturbed for 24 hours. If possible, add a few
drops of sodium silicate (waterglass) to speed the process. Rifer Place a n y c o a rs e material
in d o w n s h re a m sechon
The coarsest partides immediately settle while a small
proportion of the clay may persist in suspension after
the period is up. Silt and clay may appear very similar in
partide size but they are noticeably different in colour and
the clay comes to rest on top. The diagram below shows a hom ogeneous dam on
permeable soil, with a cut-off.
The best soils for homogeneous earth dams are loams,
clay loams, sandy clay loams, or 'hoggin' (mixed sand,
gravei and clay) having not less than 20% nor more than SECTIOM c a m b e r hop
30% clay, with the rest being well graded sand and gravei ¥
having, ideally, 30%. of the total as fine sand and 50% as
coarse sand and fine gravei. Adequate though less good
soils contain 10-25% clay and not more than 30% silt for a
total of not more than 50% clay plus silt.

Soil with a very high clay content expands when wet and
shrinks and cracks on drying. Such soils should only be minimum
used in zoned or diaphr agm constru ction to prevent surface Im perm eable subsoil wihh ah ieash
cracking and erosion without excessive maintenance. 20% clay conhenh

Homogeneous dams are constructed of im permeable The diaphragm construction should be m ade with a
soil throughout. This is the cheapest method if the soil is puddled clay core.
suitable, i.e. w ell graded w ith 20%-30% clay and with the
non-clay fraction containing a fairly high proportion of SECTION Diaphragm 600mm
min. w id th
coarser particles to increase stability and aid compaction.
The clay content must not be too high or the soil will
shrink on drying and be uns table.
perm eable
Seepage w ill occur b u t should rem ain at an acceptable
a keyed Foundation
level given suitable soils. If seepage w ater passes through Varies from 600mm
the dam to emerge on the dry slope it m ay erode this Im perm eable
if fo u n d a tio n soil ►
is dense clay, hoH, Foundation s o il-
slope and eventually weaJken it. The solution is to draw
minimum Z 0 % clay
down seepage paths so that the w ater em erges at the fo r 2,0%-'bQ%> clay soil
toe of the em bankment. This can be done, if necessary,
by replacing the soil at the toe w ith an inverted filter of B la n k e t d am s
evenly graded m aterials as show n above. Erosion may
occur on the w et slope if the pond w ater level is drawn W here suitable im permeable soils are available only in
down more than 150mm (6") a day. very limited quantities the dam may bebuilt of permeable
soil w ith a w aterproof blanket on the w et slope. Suitable
Z on ed and d iap h ragm dam s blanket materials are dense clay, PVC or butyl rubber
(see Chapter 7).
These types are m ade of p erm eable soil w ith an
im permeable core. The perm eable soil m u stbe ştab le but SECTION W a te rp ro o f blanket
(clay o r PVC requires
it is the core w hich forms the actual seepage barrier. If
s o il c o v e r )
supplies of im perm eable soil are adequate it is best and s lig h tfa l]
cheapest to build the zoned design, w ith the permitted 4-------
core widths show n below. The more permeable the soil
used in the core the wider the core must be to provide fi/ / Ftermeable soil
an adequate seepage barrier. illi/im iiiiiiii
Keyed F o u n d a tio n — ^
The diagram below shows a zoned dam on impermeable
P e rm e a b le fo u n d a fio n soil

C on stru ction
SECTION & to p w id th xam ber
Earthdam construction work m ustbe carriedoutinstable
conditions. The best time is summer, especially May and
June w hen rain is least Iikely.
im perm eable;
— — s|rÎ600mm minimum 1 Strip the topsoil over the area of the dam. Set it aside
p e rm e a b le
soil k e y e d fo u n d a tio n for reuse. Grub up trees and shrubs as necessary.
min. c o re w id th H (fo rd e n s e clay) 2 Scarify the sub-soil along the line of the dam using a
to 2H (fo r 2 0 % _30% cla y soil)
plough, disc harrow or hand tools. This improves the
Max c o re w id th
seal betw een the dam and the foundation by creating
The diagram below shows a zoned dam on permeable parallel corrugations at right angles to the line of
soil. possible seepage flow.

3 Key the dam into im permeable subsoil, or if this is too

S E C T IO N deep, dig a cut-off trench as illustrated above.
/z top w idth
xam ber
4 If the dam is to have a bottom outlet pipe (p ll6 ), this
should be laid in a narrow trench excavated in the
impermeable, foundation soil to a depth equal to two pipe diameters.
c o re
k^CUt-OfF ^y////. p erm e a b le ) The concrete anti-seepage collars should pass through
l\dv the trench walls into undisturbed soil. After laying the
x _ -$ 600mm minimum
pipe, refill the trench with soil of a high clay content
. 2m
minimum and thoroughly compact the soil around the pipe and
M inim um core w idth a s b e fo re collars.

When building an on-stream dam the stream must be P ro tectin g the finished em b an k m en t
carried through the work area by way of a bottom outlet
pipe or a by-pass channel. These may be temporary or a Spread grass seed immediately uponfinishing the dam.
designed as perm anent features. It may be necessary This helps stabilise the soil and minimise erosion as
to divert the stream by m eans of a tem porary dam well as prevent the growth of coarse weeds, scrub and
located upstream and d e ar of the toe of the permanent trees. Remember, though, that theuse of ordinary grass
dam. If there is no low -level outlet and the dam is seed mixtures may introduce new species into areas
long, the tem porary by~pass channel should be shifted of natural interest where they would not otherwise
progressively towards the eventual primary overflow, occur. W here this is not a problem, the best grasses
in order to keep the stream fiowing w ell around to the are strains of creeping bent (Agrostis stolonifera) and
side of the enlarging dam. The old stream bed should rough-stalkm eadow grass (Poa trivialis) which flourish
be filled in across the line of the dam. in w et or dry conditions and are fairly low growing.
Their seed costs more than ordinary grass seed and the
5 Build the dam in layers extending over the full w idth banks must be covered with fine soil before sowing.
and length of the em bankment. The layers should be
spread about 150mm (6") thick and then compacted. b Small herbaceous plants, rushes and aquatic grasses
Compaction can be by hand, or rather by heel, but this m ake effective shoreline stabilisers and m ay be
is extremely laborious. Im perm eable soil to be 'heeled planted to give a 'natural7 look to a small dam, but
in7 should be in a plastic condition. some species spread and may need later control. Do
not plant anything deep-rooted.
It is most efficient to compact the soil mechanically.
For fairly small dams this can be done w ith a roller, or c If the soil is highly saline, as is often the case in Coastal
w ith a power tamper, available from hire firms. Large barriers, vegetation may be very slow to take hold. Wire
dams can be compacted by m eans of heavily loaded netting or a suitable geotextile can be staked across
rubber-wheeled vehicles w hich impose concentrated the face of the bank to help to keep it from slipping
loads on the soil. Tracked earth-moving vehicles are until vegetation is established.
less goodbecausethey exert less pressure. Impermeable
soils should not be plastic if they are to be compacted d The area around the w ater line may need special
mechanically. Squeeze a small ball of soil in the hand; protection against wave erosion. Use stone pitehing
it should not be so soft that it deforms to the shape of or floating or fixed wave barriers.
the hand nor so dry that a small dent cannot be made
by pressing hard w ith the thumb. Do this test w ith a e The intersection of an im pounding dam w ith its valley
freshly dug sam ple because soil dries rapidly when sides forms natural drainage channels. This area may
handled. need special attention to prevent erosion.

If the dam is com posed of an im permeable core with

permeable outer layers, build up the core at the same
f Fence the dam as necessary to keep off people and
large animals.
f j
rate as the rest of the dam. The core should be of the
consistency already indicated for hand or mechanical
compaction. The permeable outer soil should notbe so
M ainten an ce ţr:
plastic that a deep depression is formed by the heel, Inspect the dam periodically
but it should be possible to just dent it with the heel.
a Check the overall stability and general condition. Watch
6 W hen work is left overnight or at weekends, the top for gullying, slips and undue settlement which may
of the structure should be given a slightly cambered indicate internai weakening.
profile. This allows rain to run off and m inimises any
damage should the stream breakits temporary bypass b Fiii cracks w hich appear during dry weather.
channel. If the work is left for sever al days in very dry T - -
weather, the surface should be watered, harrowed and c Check for seepage. If this is slight and confined to
recompacted before adding more fiii. the area downstream of the toe it is not serious.
But if seepage increases rapidly you must correct it
7 The dam settles after com pletion so it must be built immediately, before the dam erodes from the inside. To
higher than its specified final height. Allow 10% extra correct dangerous seepage, excavate the toe and replace
height for settling after mechanical compaction or 20% it w ith an inverted filler of evenly graded materials,
for settling after hand compaction. Finishthe dam with as shown in the diagram of the homogeneous dam on
a slightly cambered profile to aid rain runoff. page 112.

8 Replace topsoil on parts of the dam not below the d Weed any trees and shrubs on the embankment and
anticipated w ater level. spillway.

e Check the conditions of the overflow spillway and in a stilling basin, a long low w eir or a sluice w ith gates,
outlet pipes, and restore eroded areas, damaged depending on the situation.
concrete and silted catchbasins.
W here a single overflow m ust be made impracticably
Sm all spoil dam s large to handle storm runoff or there is a great difference
between norm al and storm flows, a dual system is cheaper
Dams can easily be made by sim ply heaping up and and simpler. A dual overflow incorporates a primary
compacting the spoil from a pool excavated upstream. overflow to take normal runoff and a storm overflow
They should be kept under about 300mm (1') in height (spillway) w hich comes into occasional use after storms.
unless they are built to the same standard as full-scale The prim ary overflow may be identical to but smaller
earth dams. than the overflow of a single overflow dam, or it may be
a brick or concrete weir chamber, in w hich case water is
The main problem is seepage, especially when the dam taken out from under the dam via a pipe.
is made of turf or peat. Polythene sheet held against the
upstream side w ith turf or additional soil may be used P rim ary overflow w e ir ch am b er
to form an im perm eable barrier. Old doors, discarded
sheet metal and so on can also be used and work well This design has a capacity of 3 cusecs per foot length
as long as the structure is so small that no joining is of w eir at 300m m (1') head. It can be made of brick or
needed betw een these items. W hatever the im permeable concrete, and should be located at the edge of the pond
material, its bottom edge should be placed in a trench near the opposite end of the dam from the spillway. A
and anchored w ith puddled clay or compacted soil to pipe w ith w atertight joints carries the flow from the
minimise seepage underneath. weir under the dam to the downstream watercourse.
The pipe should be laid at an even slope in the existing
ground and should end at a bottom outlet bay such as
Overflow and outlet design that shown on page 117. ’

Basic overflow req u irem en ts The primary overflow should b e able to discharge 1/10
cusec per acre of catchment, provided that sufficient
Off-stream dams do not require overflows provided f reeboard is left betw een the level of the primary overflow
they receive little runoff from surrounding higher land and that of the spillway crest, i.e. 300mm ( l r). The spillway
and provided that the inflow can be controlled. On- can thenbe designed as a gently sloping grass bank taken
stream dams m ust have adequate overflows to prevent around one end of the dam. The spillway's capacity
overtopping and failure during floods. There are two depends on the 'control section', a level straight portion
basic design requirements: of channel extending about 7.6m (25') downstream from
the spillway crest. There should be 600m (2’) freeboard
a The overflow m ust be adequate for a defined level betw een the spillway crest and the top of the dam.
of catchm ent runoff, including an allowance for very
occasional catastrophic storms, w ithout the dam being

b The overflow m ust w ithstand erosion under all

conditions. The calculations of catchment runoff and
overflow capacity are complicated, and expert advice
should be sought on the construction of any new on-
stream dam.

Single v ersu s d u al overflow

V arious designs and d im ensions of overflow may

accommodate the calculated catchment and storm runoff.
The simplest approach is to build the dam w ith a single
overflow designed to take all runoff levels. This is best
SECTION fhrough Spillway
where the catchm ent is m ainly permeable and the terrain
flat and well vegetated. Here there is only a slight variation ÎContnol sech'on ;
in flow betw een norm al and storm conditions so there TWL 300mm 7-6m
is no need to build the overflow wastefully large to take 1 _ T
occasional extraordinary levels. Because itis incontinuous *K)
use, the single overflow m ust b e paved, concreted or S p illw a y e n ira n c e , 150-22Smm beiow
otherwise protected. It may be ashort steep chute ending norm al top w a te r level

PLAN -t.r- ^ ....... Bank For small dams it is possible to have a simpler dual
01 overflow System w ith a primary overflow and a spillway
designed to come into use once every two or three years
at most. This spillway can, in effect, be part of the dam
or earth bank provided its slope is no steeper than 1:3,
the surface has a good grass cover and the head over the
spillway is never more than75-100m m (3-4"). The primary
overflow should be set300m m (1') lower than the spillway,
as in the more complex system already described.

B B ottom outlet

5ECTION A - A i A low-level outlet at the ba se of the dam has several

advantages :

a D u rin g and a fter co n stru c tio n it can channel

c o m p e n s a t i o n w a t e r to r i p a r i a n o w n e r s

b It allows the pond to be emptied w hen necessary for

repair or cleaning.

c If the inflow into the pond is adequate the outlet can

be left partly open to allow a flow-through of water
in order to keep deep areas well oxygenated. This
requires that the pond levels be checked frequently,

It is possible to combine a bottom outlet with a primary

overflow, through w hat is know n as a 'drop iniei', but
this requires a large-diam etef pipe to cope with the flow.
A separate bottom outlet can use a smaller pipe but it
should not be less than 150mm (6") diameter for the
size of the dam under discussion here. The pipe must
be w atertight and carefully laid in a trench excavated
in solid ground below the dam. Anti-seepage collars are

SECTiON th ro u g h B ottom O u tle t

-2 'Am—»
500 mmj)'.....y Vaive
Fi i fe r

Ţ Flexîbie and
Bottom outlet
The spillway show n on the previous page is designed to
pipe, diam(d) Concrete wat'erh9W -,oinl's
ISOmmmin a n fi-s e e p a g e
come into use fairly frequently, several times a year in most coliar, d ia m 5 d
catchments. To protect it from erosion it should be seeded
or turfed as soon as possible after construction. Turfing
is the safest, quickest m ethod of ensuring a grass cover necessary to prevent seepage along the outside of the
but the turfs should be staked or w ired if the spillway is pipe w hich could weaken the dam.
likely to come into use before they have properly knitted
to the underlying soil. W here velocities cannot be kept The entrance to the bottom outlet should be located well
below l.6m (6') per second, the grassed surface mayerode, clear of the dam and should be 150mm (6") or so above
threatening the dam structure. In this case the spillway the bottom to compensate for silting. It is best not to locate
should be covered in PVC or butyl rubber sheet, unless the opening in a small deep pocket. The end of the pipe
there is seepage through the spillway, in which case the shouldbe protected with a tr ash screen to keep debris from
sheeting is likely to lift and stone pitching or gabion entering the pipe. The floor of the inlet chamber should
'm attresses' should be used instead (p86). be at least 150mm (6") below the invert of the pipe.

The downstream end of the outlet pipe should be carried

well beyond the toe of the dam and should feed into a
watercourse via an outlet bay. The w atercourse may need
revetments or other protection against turbulence.

PLAN 'd ’^ in le t pipe d ia m e te r

c o n c re te min
i50mm tb ick

T T î T
d |>;ie3d-î f3d-5 <------lOd---------3
w atercourse
.. .... 1 î | î
225 x 7 S m m hrnber stop IC iil
planKs, firm ly w edged,in
c a s t sloi; iOOmm wide


This is made of boards pre-cut to a standard specification

so that they fit together tightly and can be replaced or
reused w ithout difficulty.

FACE VIEW from downstream side

AII bottom outlets should have a valve or plug to allow M etal channel (fix e d w ithgalvanisedsheel
the outflow to b e stopped or controlled. This should be at
the upstream end, if possible, to reduce pressure within
the pipe but in the case of a separate outlet the valve is
more cheaply and sim ply installed at the downstream
end where it is easily accessible. In this case especially it
is important that the pipew ork and joints be good quality.
A drop inlet can have the valve at the bottom of the drop
shaf t at. the upstream end of the pipe, controlled by mearts
of a long rod and wheel from above.

Wooden dams

S leep er dam

Sleeper dams are extrem ely easy to construct but are

prone to leaking. They m ust be well bedded into the Im p e rm e a b ie la y e r
banks on either side or set against posts if they are not to
be carried away by storms. The design above is adequate
for shallow streams and can back up water 1-1.2m (3-41) This design also m akes a good w eir on a narrow
deep. It can function as a w eir w ith a breakwater placed watercourse, as long as a breakw ater is placed below the
below the downstream face. downstream face. M ore often it is provided w ith a sluice
opening to control w ater levels, as shown in the diagram,
in w hich case no other overflow is required.

The boards m ust be m achine-cut by a tim ber merchant

for accuracy. Elm or oak boards are best and need not be
treated w ith preservative. M uch cheaper are pfessure-
treated larch or Scots pine timbers.

1 Determine the required board length. To do this, take 6 Continue to strike alternate boards, building the dam
soundings in the channel bottom where the dam is to towards each shore. M ake sure the boards are driven
be placed. Use a long 6mm diameter Steel rod and push into the im permeable substrata as measured by your
it in as far as you can, or use a borer to take out a core soundings.
sample. W hen using a rod be sure to push it through
any thin seams of im perm eable m aterial down to the 7 The dam m ust be properly keyed into the bank, This
true solid bottom into which the boards must be driven. means driving the last board on each side down
If the boards are driven only into permeable soil or through the bank so that at least half its width is in
peat the w ater w ill force its way underneath the dam the bank. Where the bank is too hard for this, make a
to burst out perhaps as much as 6m (20') downstream. water-tight corner instead, by driving in a couple of
The boards m ust be long enough to raise the w ater to boards at right angles to the line of the dam where it
the desired level. meets each bank. Set the chamfer away from the dam
so that the corner boards are driven tight against the
last board in the dam itself.
Metal banei o r cap,
on tap end, ta
re d u ce s p liltin g

These corners also discourage voles and rats from

burrowing around the ends of the dam and perfor ating
the bank, although there is no guarantee that seepage
from this cause will not occur.

8 After the dam is in place, cut out the opening for the
sluice gate and screw in the metal channel. Slide in
the sluice boards.

PLAN U n ji i i h

— f lo w -----
d ire c h o n C hannels
screw ed on
Rem oveable slu ice b o a rd s upslream side

2 Lay a solid tim ber across the channel from w hich to


3 'Strike' the dam 's centre board. This is the only board
9 Wide dams require a 'string piece' across the top to hold
w hich is chamfered on both edges. Drive it in with a
the damboards in place and keep them from spreading.
maul, m aking sure that it stands absolutely vertical.
For example, on a 4-5m (15’) wide dyke a 180 x lOOmm
x 6m (7” x 7" x 20’) string piece should be used, set into
4 Drive in a board next to the centre board, with its
the sides of the dyke against the downstream side of
chamfer away from the centre board. The effect of the
the dam and held by stakes if necessary.
chamfer is to push the board tight against the centre
board as it is driven in.
Channels 2.4m (81) deep or more require another string
piece set at the bottom to counteract the water pressure
5 Next drive a board on the other side of the centre
which might otherwise burst the boards at the base.
board, the chamfer facing away.
To install the bottom string piece, place a coffer dam,

construct shuttering if the banks are soft peat, silt or sand It is not possible to specify designs for coffer dams since
and pump the work area dry. Dig out holes into which the choice of materials and the size and strength of dam
the string piece fits, slide the string piece into place and required varies with each situation. A few general points
compact the soil around it so that it sits solidly. should be kept in mind :

10 W here a string piece is not required it may still be a Earth or clay dams are very likely to fail for reasons
convenient to lay aplankacross the channel as a bridge given earlier in this chapter. The care needed to make
and to reach the sluice boards. Firmly secure the bridge them really safe usually requires more work than is
by driving stakes on either side or by digging it into justifiable for a coffer dam.
the earth,
b Sandbag barriers make good low-level dams. A single
11 If the dam boards spread slightly at the top, small gaps row of bags, stacked across the channel in staggered
or 'finger holes' can be plugged by sprinkling a few layers, is sufhcient where no more than 600mm (2’)
spadefuls of dry peat or other dry black earth on the of head is created. A double row allows up to about
boards on the upstream side. With luck the earth will 900mm (3’) of w ater to be backed up. This type of dam
be drawn betw een the boards and seal the cracks. is not watertight and the work area must be continually

Filled sack dams c W here the head of water is greater than 600-900mm
(2-31) and the area to be dammed is not too wide
Sand, clay or concrete-filled sacks can be piled into it is best to construct a w ooden dam following the
dams exactly as for wave barriers (p89). Use w oven procedure described above. This is m ost easily done
polypropylene bags and pack them around with clay if if the proper boards are used. The materials can be
it is im portant to cut down seepage. These structures can recovered afterwards.
also function as weirs as long as a breakwater is installed
below the downstream face. d A simple timber coffer dam canbe made with a double
row of boards packed between w ith earth or clay.
Sandbags can be combined w ith wooden or iron pickets
and galvanised iron sheeting to make a dam capable of SECTION
backing up a m axim um of 1.5m (5’) of water in a stream
300-600mm (2-31) deep. The dam must be provided with a
spillway around one end, w ith its crest 300mm (T) below
the top of the dam, to prevent the dam being overtopped
and eroded.


e If the head of w ater is considerable, ie 1.2m (4*) or more,

it is easier to build a double dam than to make a single
coffer dam of adequate strength. Allow about 3m (10’)
betw een the two dams. It is im portant that the w ater
level betw een them be half w ay betw een that of the
outside w ater level and that of the work area, so that
the pressure is shared equally. In still water this may
be achieved by pum ping out between the dams to the
correct level, while in flowing w ater the dams must
incorporate overflows or diversions at the required
Sheefs, wired to pickefs

Coffer dams SECTION Natural water level

Coffer dams are tem porary structures positioned to hold

back w ater and create a dry place in w hich to work. They
are oftenused to isolate areas of waterways which are to be
cleaned or to allow perm anent dam s or bankworks to be
repaired or rebuilt. A lthoughthey do not need spillways,
in all other respects they m ust be given the same sort of
forethought and care as perm anent dams.

f Be sure that the banks are stable before pumping d Concrete spillboards are lasting and can be cast to fit
out the water. Quite often it is necessary to reiriforce the situation. They can easily incorporate a notch to
them w ith revetm ents or tim bering to keep them from measure stream flow.
slumping. Large dykes, especially in peat, must be
strengthened by a complete box of strong shuttering
around the w ork area. Porous weirs

Porous weirs slow the flow of water rather than stop it.
Weirs The greater the flow the higher the water raised by the
weir. In times of Iow flow the w ater simply goes through
Weirs are barriers, usually in flowing water, which hold the gaps, w hich is why porous weirs are ineffective in
back water and are overtoppedby it in normal conditions. still water and should not be used where seepage must
They may be part of the o verflow systems of dams or they be minimised. M aterials for porous weirs include:
may be placed on their own where only a small head of
w ater is to be ponded back, for example to create fish a Piled stones or gabions
pools. Small weirs on feeder streams act as silt traps to
reduce siltation of on-stream ponds. b Brushwood or logs laid across the channel

W hatever the design, the bed below must be protected

Banks with spillboards from scour and the material making up the weir must
be heavy enough or firmly enough bedded to resist
Simple weirs can be m ade by inserting a spillboard shifting inflood conditions. Stones for small weirs should
be tween the existing banks of a stream or ditch or by partly weigh 50kg (lcw t) or more. W here these are not readily
cutting off a water course with an earth bank containing available, gabions can be filled w ith smaller stones to the
a spillboard. The advantage of this over a plain earth required weight. Gabions may be purchased or made
bank is that the spillboard, arranged to be lower than the from chainlink fencing (p85).
bank and made of an erosion-resistant material, takes the
overflow rather than the easily-eroded bank. The following designs for boulder weirs can be used on
curved and straight channels respectively.
Artificial banks should be built up of compacted layers
of impermeable soil just like a small earth dam. Key the
spillboard into a groove in each bank. Wooden spillboards PLAN PLAN
swell slightly but if seepage continues plug the gaps
with clay.

Any material m ay be used for a spillboard as long as it

is durable, resists decay in w ater and is strong enough
for the current:

a Wooden planks make cheap spillboards. Old discarded

pressure-treated tim ber such as that used in board
dams is particularly good. D on't cut up valuable elm
or oak boards, though, unless you are sure they can
no longer serve their original purpose.

b Sleepers make very solid spillboards. Like planks,

they can be placed one on top of another to raise the
effective level. If they are not badly warped, seepage
fe -H
betw een the cracks is usually tolerable. Think twice
before cutting good sleepers into short lengths. You
can use old part-rotted sleepers w hich cannot be
trusted for bridges if you d on't mind them becom ing
progressively more leaky over the next few years.

c Sheet metal, w hich m ay be available as scrap, works

well but is ugly and becom es dangerous as it rusts.
Sheet metal for spillboards should be at least 3mm fe - |
(1/8") thick or, if thinner, should have welded angle

Tem porary slab w eir Another arrangement is to step the downstream face to
give it a gentler slope and break the force of the water, as
The w eir showri below is desigrted to m aintain summer shown below. The steps are protected with boards.
w ater levels in trout streams and to be inactivated when
levels rise naturaUy in winter. SECTION

In either case the channel downstream m ustbe protected

by stones to prevent erosion. Where the weir does not rest
on rock, it may be made more stable and w atertight by
In autumn the Steel stakes should be removed and stored driving pre-cut dam boards (pl31) along the base both
and the concrete slabs laid flat on the stream bed, ready up and down stream as shown.
to be replaced the next spring w hen water levels begin
to drop. SECTION boards

Wooden weirs

Tem porary b oard w eir

This simple design may be used to raise summer stream

levels by a few inches to form fish pools, and should be
removed before winter. Drop pools are unlikely to form
in this time, even without downstream protection, and if
they do the weir may be easily re~sited elsewhere.
Concrete and masonry weirs
Crib w eirs
Concrete weirs incorporated into earth dams should have
PLAN the general shape of the one shown on page 122. If the
faces are no steeper than 1 vertical to 3 horizontal they
may be cast without the placing of complex formwork.
Concrete side walls m ust also be provided to protect the
channel w here it cuts through the earth dam.

F ree-stan d in g designs

The designbelow provides anefficient shape for a concrete

weir, and should have a thickness at the base at least 50%
greater than the height. The apron is designed to turn
the flow sîightly upwards to dissipate the energy of the
water and help prevent erosion downstream.

Crib weirs of rough tree trunks, short dam boards and

stones, are econom ical w here felling is being done and
a simple but strong structure is needed. The logs, 100-
150mm (4-6") in diameter, are placed 600-900mm (2-3’)
apart and spiked to others placed across them at right
angles. The spacesbetw een are packed with stones or clay
and the upstream face covered w ith boards and sealed
w ith clay to prevent seepage. The downstream face may
also be boarded over.

This design requires complex formwork using sheet metal Open sluices
bent to the required shape, and where this is impractical
the design shown ori page 110 should be adopted. W hen used as part of the overflow system of an on-stream
pond, the dimensions shown below should be checked
Weirs may be built of rough stonesbound by concrete, with againstthe criticai storm flow from the catchmentto ensure
the base the same dim ension as the height or greater. that the sluice is big enough. Take advice as necessary.

In all cases the weir must be built down to a solid and

permanent footing to prevent leakage and shifting and the
downstream channel m ust be protected with stones.

Sluices The concrete base ensures that water falling over the
sluice boards does not erode the installation. The outflow
Sluices are channels for conducting w ater through channel should be protected w ith stone pitching as
regulating val ves or gates. They may be self-contained or necessary.
part of larger dams or weirs where the aim is to regulate
as well as im pound water. W here the m axim um flow through the sluice is likely to
cause erosion around the ends, the design may be modiiied
Small ponds frequently have sluices at their outlets which as shown below. It is important, where the sluice outflow
function either as single overflows or as the primary is also a spillway, that the downstream apron is extended
overflows on dual Systems. W hen a pond's level is high beyond the base of the dam as shown. A stilling basin
due to rain or heavy runoff from feeder streams, boards m ay be necessary to handle fast flows.
can be removed or the gate lowered to allow more water
out. In times of drought the outflow can be blocked to PLAN
keep the pond at the desired level. Ideally, the sluice also
functions as a low -level outlet w hich allows the pond to
be drained by the removal of all the sluice boards or by
lifting the gate so that w ater flows out at the bottom.

Sluices installed at control points in ditch or dyke systems

aid in the m anagem ent of a num ber of nature reserves,
such as Woodwalton Fen N ational Nature Reserve in
Cambridgeshire where a complete grid of dykes has
been supplied w ith sluices w hich allow control of levels
within a tolerance of a few inches. By maintaining slightly
different w ater regim es in various sectors w ithin the fen 5ECTION
a highly diverse flora is protected and promoted. Sluices
are also used for flood and tidal control, for example on
the Ouse Washes, at M insm ere in Suffolk and at Arne
RSPB reserve in Dor set. Tidal sluices allow the sal ini ty
of impounded w ater to be controlled or, where one-way
flaps are installed, prevent salt water from flowing into
freshwater lagoons.

N otice th at n atu ral scou r areas occur around the SECTION

downstream ends of the sluice where the flow is swift.
These should be allowed for in the design of the dam.
or em bankm ent and may be cut out in advance and
protected from further erosion. Protection may beb y stone
pitching or by gabion 'm attresses7 made of 900m-l. 2m
(3-4’) w ide chain-link fencing laid on the bank, covered
w ith stones, folded back over itself to hold the stones in
place and pinned to the bank to keep from slipping. Jute
matting or other biodegradable geotextiles (p84) may be
used where the flow is slow enough that a dense cover
of grass w ill suffice once it establishes itself and the
matting rots. Stronger protection in the f orm of galvanised
wire /polypropylene geotextile m ay be necessary where
fiows are stronger.

Closed sluices

The standard closed sluice is the 'm onk', so calledbecause

it is supposed to have been developed for use in the old
monastic fish ponds. It is still w idely used in Scotland,
where it is claimed that for com bining water level control
Sluice gates
w ith the penning of fish it has never been bettered. The
basic design, show n below, should be provided w ith a P la n k gate
removable top cover and a galvanised m etal fish screen
across the front where fish are to be kept in the pond. A standard plank gate set in a m etal or pre-cast concrete
channel is a simple and effective design. Elm or oak boards
concrete coi iar, on 150- are m ost durable. They can range from 25 x 150mm (1 x
6") size up to sîeepers for very large gates.

M etal charmels should be rolled Steel. They should be fixed

to w ooden structures w ith galvanised Steel screws and to
concrete w ith galvanised rag bolts. Channels fixed to a
wooden dam are shown on page 118. U shaped channels
range from 75 x 38mm (3 x 1.5") upwards.

Board gates have several problems:

a They leak unless constructed as double sets of boards

w ith earth packing.

b They may be very bard to remove under greatpressure

or a strong current. This problem occurs only on large
r -*t| sluices.

c They can be easily vandalised and the boards taken,

r T3
The size of pipe depends on the required outflow and
unless set away from the bank.

should be at least 225m m (9") diameter. For on-stream d They do not allow fine adjustments of the water
dams the capacity m ust be planned according to storm level.
5 5
flow requirements. A single section of uPVC pipe should
be used to avoid joints. e They do not control the direction of flow. On tidal sites
and occasionally elsewhere, direcţional control may
Where vandalism is Iikely, the pipe may be extended be m ost important.
out into the w ater so that the end containing the control
i boards is out of reach. Or the head may be set into the Am ong the many alternatives to the plank gate, those
dam and the upstream edge made flush w ith the bank discussed overleaf are perhaps the simplest and most
for unobtrusiveness and ease of cleaning. useful.
! '.9

Lifting gates B o x gate

Solid gates can be provided with heavy-duty hardware Thisis desired for use in tidal situations or on fully regulated
to deter vandals and with ratchets, turnscrews or other dyke systems where first one side of the sluice and then the
mechanism s to m ake lifting easier. Single gates are other may have higher water. The box allows flow only in
designed to drain the pond or channel by providing a one direcţi on because it is fitted with a hinged lid which
low-level opening, as show n below. swings shut when the current reverses. This gate can be
easily incorporated into the standard board dam (p il 7).


Tidal sluices can also be controlled by means of swing

valves (see below).

Pipe sluices

Pipe sluices are simple constructions using one or more

adjustable plastic pipes, which pass through earth or
concrete dams to allow inflow and outflow levels to be
controlled. In recent years they have been widely used
on RSPB and other reserves, and have proved cheap
to construct, simple to operate and durable. Two basic
types have been constructed. These are small bore rigid
uPVC pipes (e.g. 'O sm a' pipes) w ith right angle bends,
or larger bore flexible uPVC pipes. Small bore pipes are
For fine control of w ater levels a double gate is best, w idely available from builders' merchants, and larger
provided with an independent lift mechanism for each bore pipes from agricultural suppliers.
gate. In small sluices both gates can be placed in the same
channel as shown. R igid pipes

To control water levels in a ditch, the following simple

design can be used. uPVC pipes of diameter llOmm or
160mm are suitable, supplied in 3m lengths. Lay the pipe
along the bottom of the ditch. A 90° bend is then fitted to
the upstream end of the pipe, and earth is banked over
the pipe and compacted. By rotating the bend, water
level can be varied by about 200m m (8”). Further lengths
can be inserted into the bend to control greater depths
of water. Being simple to operate, these type of sluices
are easily tampered with by vandals. W here the location
makes a sluice vulnerable, it may be necessary to position
the upper end of the bend out of reach of shore, and only
operated using a suitable long pole, or from a boat.

f/ r t'h w , T ffr n f7 ffr r fh -

splash w ater table will
plate '" ■V back up to this level
3 - . -.-XSteu 'a
^ 777777777777^ ^ Pietd drain


The size of the pipe or pipes w ill depend on the required Flexib le p lastic p ip e sluices
flow of water. Several pipes can b e fitted, and then one
or more opened as necessary. RSPB have used 110,160 Flexible plastic pipes of diam eter350or500m m , normally
and 200m m diam eter uPVC pipes at several reserves, in 6m lengths, can b e used to rapidly move large volumes
including Nene Washes, M insmere and Titchwell Marsh. of water through sluices. The corrugations, w hich give
W here large amounts of water need to be drained rapidly flexibility to the pipe, also help slow seepage along the
from lagoons, sluices w ith a low -level large diameter outside of the pipe. Flexible plastic pipes are Iight and
on-off pipe are constructed, w ith adjustable pipes above. easy to handle, can be cut w ith a hacksaw, and j oined w ith
For further details see Burgess, Neil and Hirons, Graham push-fit connectors. The pipe should be set in the dam as
JM (1990). it is constructed, about one-third up from the base of the
dam. This allows the sluice to give maximum flow when
needed, and prevents surface w eed getting sucked into
SECTION the pipe. To close the sluice, the end of the pipe is lifted
co ncrete sluice up and tensioned by a rope and attached to a stake or
w ith plastic similar on the dam. Use a chain and padlock or similar
. .. , J ......
where vandalism may occur.
îarge diom.
.................. A*- ."1T||_...... 1 pipe - ........
m m z / r f i:i
V /M
»/ / / } 7

The same principie can be used to control ditch flow into

a drain, by fitting the adjustable bend into a concrete
blockw orkcham ber. The chamber also serves as a silttrap
and a point from w hich drains can be rodded. For further
details see Coleshaw, Tim (1995) in Enact (Voi 3 No 1).

Pipes passing through embankments, w hetherinlet pipes,

primary overflow pipes, bottom outlet pipes or piped-in
sluices, m ust be:

a Flexible and strong enough to withstand the highloads

caused by uneven settling

b Fitted w ith w atertight joints

A n alternative use isto control w ater level in field drains, c Fitted w ith anti-seepage collars if the pipe passes
as shown. below the top w ater level of an earth embankment.

Otherwise the soil inside the bank may erode due

to seepage along the outside of the pipe. Collars are SECTION
usually made of concrete at least 150mm (6") thick. Open
To be effective the collars should have a diameter five
times that of the pipe and should be spaced ten pipe
diameters apart along the line of the pipe. For larger
pipes the num ber of collars can be increased in order
to decrease their overall size. Shub

The following types of pipe may be used:

a Vitrified clay pipes. These are widely available, and

are easy to join with push-fit polypropylene flexible
couplings. Plugs are appropriate for very small dams and off-stream
embankments where the bottom outlet pipe is unplugged
b uPVC pipes. These are w idely available, w ith fittings only w hen draining and cleaning the pond. W hatever the
as required. They are light and easy to handle, and are design, two points should be observed:
very resistant to deterioration.
a The plug should be greased, otherwise it may be very
c Cast and spun iron pipes. These are rigid but can be hard to puii loose when needed.
provided w ith flexible joints. They are very strong and
resistant to deterioration but are costly. For this reason b The plug should be m arked and preferably attached
they are usually used only w here the earth loading is to a chain for retrieval. Its position can be indicated
high, e.g. the bottom outlet to an on-stream dam. by a line and float. The free end of the chain should
be fastened to the dam so that it can be more easily
d Spun concrete pipes. These are rigid and so should found w hen needed.
be connected w ith flexible joints. They are strong and
can be used any where except in w ater or soil high in Large builders' m erchants carry sewer pipes and
sulphates. stoppers. You can m ake your own plug out of an
appropriate diam eter circular wood block, sealed in
Where diversion pipes are taken off at an angle, their the pipe w ith mastic and sealing compound. A more
openings should be made flush to the bank or concrete perm anent plug can be made by machining a plastic
slab by m eans of a galvanised metal collar or dish. block.

bank o r slab
T Repair of dams, weirs or sluices takes extremely careful
rm77//77/77f; 1]/f7777777777777 planning and should not be attem pted unless it is
certain that each of the following steps can be carried
*n pipe
out successfully:

1 Inspect the site carefully for signs of erosion, seepage

or leaks on the downstream face of the dam, weir or
Valves and plugs sluice. Look for cracks, animal holes or tree roots in
earthbanks. Checkthe conditionof brickwork, concrete
AU plugs and, when possible, control valves on pipes and timbers. Can you be certain that it is the barrier
passing throughem bankm ents shouldbe atthe upstream itself which is leaking? Consider other causes such as
ends to reduce the pressure w ithin the pipes. seepage through permeable soils, a drop in the water
table or damage to the pond lining.
The advantage of a valve is that it allows the outflow to
be controlled, whereas once a plug is opened it cannot 2 If you suspect leakage at a particular spot but cannot
be easily replaced until the pond has drained to a level confirm this by simple visual inspection, use fluorescein
w ithin w orking distance of the pipe. dye to trace the route of the leak (p63).

One simple valve for use in ti dai control situations is the 3 Analyse the cause of the problem. The reasons why
swing valve shown below. A closed-cell foam gasket may dams fail have been listed earlier in this chapter. Very
be used instead of the 'O ' ring but it tends to deteriorate often the same reasons contribute to leakage through
more rapidly. the barrier even it if doesn't collapse.

4 Decide ori aii appropriate repair m ethod and analyse be one of small cracks or 'finger holes' between the boards,
the order of w ork required. it is easiest either to pack clay betw een them or shovel
in dark earth or peat on the upstream side to be carried
This is m ost important. You m ust establish all control b y the current into the cracks. This treatment may need
points and other peculiarities of the pond's water to be repeated frequently. Strips of foam rubber pushed
supply and decide how and in what order to cut them into the cracks make a longer-lasting seal. Badly warped
off or divert them to isolate the barrier for repair. boards should be replaced.

5 Provide the proper repair materials. Poor quality or E rosion of chan n els
inappropriate materials w ill guarantee failure.
Unless erosion is due to w ater being where it shouldn't,
6 Create a safe, dry w orking area around the installation for example where a dam is overtopped, the solution
before attempting repairs, by draining the site or by is to protect the parts of the installation exposed to the
providing a coffer dam (p ll9 ). current or to rebuild the installation so that the water flows
more gently over or through it. The designs suggested
7 Get below or beyond the leak. Repairs must be keyed earlier in this chapter should prevent serious erosion
into impermeable foundations or banksunless theneed from occurring.
is sim ply to patch small holes in a sound structure. In
the case of earth dams especially it is often necessary Seep age or 'p ip in g "
to dig a trench along the centre line of the dam right
down to the foundations and then to fiii the trench The installation m u stbe to m down to below the seepage
with im permeable material. Be sure that trenching can level and the im permeable barrier, ruined due to internai
be carried out safely. Provide shuttering if necessary erosion, m ust be re-established. Larger earth dams need
(pl04). only be excavated along the centre line and converted
into diaphragm dams (p ll3 ) by packing clay or by
8 M ake repairs to the highest standards possible. Faulty laying concrete into the trench. These materials should
workmanship only causes problems later. be compacted by tam ping in ISOinm (6") layers.

9 If the dam bas no proper overflow or outlet it is best In most cases sheet metal, plywood, polythene, PVC or
to install one w hen carrying out repairs. butyl inserts do not work, at least not for long. However
they are worth trying on small dams where the cost of
10 After finishing the repairs, remove the coffer dam and replacing them. is not prohibiti ve. Sheets of butyl rubber,
restore the w ater supply. Keep a close check on the factory-joined to the correct size, are likely to w ork best
structure particularly during and after heavy rains to and longest. If galvanised iron sheeting or polythene-
make sure itis safe and functions properly. Remember w rapped wood is used, make sure that any joints in
that seepage can seldom be eliminated. You have the metal or wood are w ell plugged with clay or are
succeeded if you have cut w ater loss to an acceptable otherwise sealed and that sections of polythene are joined
level. with mastic and pressure-sensitive tape. Consider using
these materials along the w et face of the dam to convert
it to a blanket-type dam (p!13) rather than digging out
Repair Methods the centre to make a diaphragm dam. This is easier and
makes the task of replacement simpler should the material
Leak s in earth b an k s work poorly.

If the problem is one of leakage through a puddled clay or D ecayin g m ason ry and concrete
other lining, carry out repairs as suggested on page 63.
The problem is to properly key the repairs into the old
If the problem is one of leakage around the edge of an m aterial. This m ay not be possible if the structure is rotten
installation, the m ost likely causes are animal burrows, and any repairs of this sort will be temporary. Scrape out
tree roots or seepage due to im proper keying in. In either crumbling mortar from betw een bricks before repointing
case it is best to dig out the affected area and plug the and scrub down the area to be repaired. Chip away the
excavation with puddled clay. Remove trees w hich are surface of old concrete to expose the coarse aggregate. Use
growing too close to the installation. sulphate-resistant cement for repairs and leave the oiled
shuttering in place for at least a w eek to allow the repairs
Leak s b etw een dam o r slu ice boards to bond. Sometimes puddled clay can be used more easily
than concrete to plug small leaks, but try this only if the
First inspect the boards to see if they have rotted and need existing installation is still structurally sound.
replacement. Water pressure is greatest at the bottom so
trouble is m ost likely at the base. If the problem seems to
14 Vegetation management

This chapter describes methods of managing aquatic and e To im prove conditions for wildfowl. Com pletely
bankside vegetation in and around ponds, waterways and overgrown or shaded water bodies have little appeal
wetlands. This includes management by cutting, grazing or for most wildfowl, including diving birds.
ofher control methods asnecessary. Anintegrated approach
is necessary to produce diverse andbalanced systems which f To improve waterways for navigation and amenity.
avoid the need for large-scale intervention. A balance of clear water and aquatic and fringing
vegetation provides an attractive environment for
The establishment of aquatic and marginal vegetation, boating and other pursuits.
together with a pond management plan, is covered in
Chapter 8.
Management methods

Aquatic vegetation control The following methods can be used for managing and
controlling aquatic and marginal vegetation.

Reasons for control a Digging, cutting, pulling or raking by hand, and cutting
and dredging by machine.
a To prevent siltation, especially of small ponds and
artificial drainage ditches. Aquatic plants trap silt, b Chemical control. This includes herbicides, an d the use
creating banks which are then colonised by emergent of barley straw in w ater which releases Chemicals that
species.Unlessreplacementpondhabitatscanbecreated control growth of algae (p69).
nearby, the only w ay to maintain structural diversity is
to periodically d ear sections of the habitat back to bare c Environmental control. This includes planting trees to
mud, and then allow the succession to proceed. Artificial shade out aquatic and emergent growth, altering channels
drainage ditches need periodic management to prevent to increase water flow, grazing marginal vegetation and
them silting and to maintain their very valuable range managing fish and waterfowl populations.
of habitats. The value of ponds and ditches is greatest
where they are part of a closely-linkednetwork of similar Repeated application of the same management methods
habitats w hich can be managed in rotation. on a site year after year is not always advisable, as this is
likely to reduce species diversity and may make any weed
b To help prevent flooding, by reducing obstructions to problem more difficult to deal with. Using a combination
the flow of w ater in rivers, dykes and drains, and at the of different techniques as part of a management plan
same time increasing the cim en t to maintain charmels can encourage diversity and the development of a self-
and reduce silting. W here drainage or flood control is balancing system.
the main priority, it may not be possible to clear areas in
rotation, and 'little and often' may be the best method The Information which follows concentrates on methods
of management. Regular cutting also reduces the need of digging, cutting and raking vegetation, as carried out
for dredging. by voluntary groups.

c To promote diversity. W here one or a few plant species

have established complete dominance in an aquatic or Factors to consider
marginal habitat, other species are excluded. It may be
beneficial for wildlife to encourage diversity. In some a Is any action necessary? Excessive growth may be
areas, a few introduced species have become dominant, seasonal or temporary, and given time, equilibrium
to the detriment of the habitat. may naturally re-establish. Small ponds or watercourses
that have little or no open water in mid-summer due to
d To im prove conditions for invertebrates and fish. aquatic vegetation growth do not necessarily need any
Where large volumes of aquatic vegetation die, either management. The water margins and vegetated shallo ws
from natural causes or m an's intervention, the water are a far more valuable habitat than is open water.
becomes deoxygenated, resulting in invertebrate and
fish mortality. However, moderate aquatic and marginal b W hat level of control is necessary? Complete removal
vegetation growth is essential for providing shelter and of a particular species, or clearance of a certain area is
feeding areas for invertebrates and fish. rarely possible and often harmful. Complete clearance

causes major physical disturbance which may release D isad van tages
nutrients into the water, resulting in further rampant
growth. Other species, possibly ones that are less a Digging is slow and labour-intensive.
desirable, may rapidly fiii the space createdby the iniţial
clearance. Clearance m ay also cause bank erosion, and
subsequent increased siltation elsewhere. In nearly all
b Digging m ust be done thoroughly to be effective,
since remaining roots or rhizomes will resprout and
cases, rotational management of different areas over a spread quickly to fiii the cleared space. With some
period of years is more effective than total clearance in species, broken pieces of rhizome or stern may reroot
creating a balanced environment. and spread the problem more widely.

c If cutting or other clearance is being undertaken, have c Digging is difficult in w ater over about 600mm (2')
the logistics of disposing of the cut material been deep, and the deeper and more turbid the water, the
considered? Often this is more time-consuming than less thorough the results. It helps if the w ater level
the digging or cutting. It is essential that cut material is can be low ered to about 300mm (1'), Ieaving sufficient
disposed of properly as dead material in the waterway water to float cuttings to the bank.
will cause deoxygena tion. Material dumped on the bank.
will smother bankside vegeta tion, and the nutrient d By stirring up bottom ooze, digging may release
runoff will adversely affect the waterway. Cut and stored nutrients and lead to rapid eutrophication or
dredged material should be removed to an area of low deoxygenation of shallow ponds. For this reason,
nature conservaţi on interest, and composted. Ensure digging should not be done in spring or summer.
that the runoff does not directly enter a watercourse.
Several common aquatic and marginal plants are toxic,
but are either not pal a table, or not usually accessible to M ethods and organ isation
stock when growing. However, when these plants are
cut, they may become palatable, whilst still being toxic. Keep these points in mind:
M ake sure stock do not have access to cut material and
rhizomes of toxic species (see p38). a Never work alone in or close to water, and don't work
in deep or fast flowing water. Beware of slippery and
d Is the control method sufficiently selective? Although unstable banks, and underwater hazards. W ithin the
most aquatic and marginal '■weeds' tend to grow in pure limits of the w ater depth, groups can work in line to
stands, there may be interesting species intermixed or ensure thorough clearance.
at the edges which need to be identified and retained.
b Define and m ark out the areas which need clearing,
* -
e In flowing water, consider the effect that the disturbed and concentrate the group' s eff ort on completing those
sediments may have downstream (pl31). in the time available. Leave other areas undisturbed,
and return to them later as necessary.
Cutting, digging and raking c In shallow water, use a spade or garden fork to dig up
plants. In deeper water, if wearing waders or working
from a boat, use a muck rake. In very soft silt, plants
Digging out plants can be pulled up by hand.
A dvantages d Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands, particularly
against cuts w h ich could becom e infected with
a Digging is the most thorough method of eradicating Leptospirosis (Weil's disease, p39). Cover any cuts
rooted plants. Provided the job is done carefully, repeat w ith waterproof plaster, and avoid further contact
treatment should not be necessary, except to control the with pond or river water.
spread fromremaining stands, or to remove new stands
before they become established. e Most rooted aquatic plants grow from rhizomes which
interconnect to form a dense, tough mat. First find or
b Digging can be selective provided workers recognise cut an edge along the mat. Then cut under the edge to
the species to be controlled. free it from the bottom, cut or break it apart and puii it
up for disposal. D on't try to lift the rhizomes out before
c Digging, especially in the case of rhizomatous plants, they have been cut free from the bottom. Once free of
lowers the bottom level by about 150mm (6"), giving silt, rhizomes float making them easy to collect.
an immediate increase in water depth.

d Digging is suited to voluntary group work, provided

f Start at the inner edge and w ork outwards into deeper
water, pulling the m aterial behind you to be collected
it is properly and safely organised. by workers on the bank or in shallow water.

g If you aim to leave a m arginal fringe, minimise damage can be greatly reduced by use of a geotextile mat,
to this w hile working. Float the plant material or load called Sedim at (pl63), which is made of jute, hessian
it into a punt to carry it to another bank for disposal. and wood wool. This product has been developed
If it m ust be pulled in through the fringes, work from specifically for the trapping of disturbed sediments
a few locations to m inim ise trampling, and stand on during construction and management work in flowing
a wide plank to avoid sinking into the mud. water. O ne or more mats, each 1.2 x3m (4x10’), are laid
down on the bed of the stream im mediately below the
h When using a punt, pole with a muck rake or paddle w ork area, and anchored by stones. These trap up to
with a spade or shovel. Only two volunteers should work 80% of the disturbed sediments, and can fhen be lifted
from it at once if using muck rakes or other sharp tools. out, normally using a digger and bucket, and laid on
One should be in the bow, one in the stern, working on the bank of the stream. They can then be staked down
opposite sides. A third volunteer may be needed in the and seeded to provide bank stabilisation.
middle to hold the punt steady in a breeze or current.
To dig out plants, lean over the punt side, and get the C u ttin g and h oein g sh allow stream s and rivers
muck rake tines under the rhizomes. Ease the tines
upwards to break the suction, and then lift. Because of If the channel can be waded, vegetation can be cut into
drift, it is hard to do a thorough job from a punt. a 'side and b ar' pattern. Patches of vegetation axe left at
the side to prevent lateral erosion, w ith occasionalbars of
vegetation across the channel below bends to distribute the
Cutting and hoeing current and provide food and shelter for fish. The pattern
depends on local conditions, and a good knowledge of the
A d vantages river is needed to achieve best results. If you are unsure of
the effects, it is best to 'under c u f, but inspect frequently
a Cutting, but not hoeing, can be done in deep water to and enlarge the cleared areas as necessary. Change the
the limits of rooted plant growth. pattern of cutting from year to year.

b Cutting and hoeing are relatively quick and easy jobs

for one to three people.

c In w ater w hichcanbe waded, non-rhizomatous plants

canbe uprooted as effectively by hoeing as by digging,
while at the same tim e excess silt and mud can be
pulled out. A draw hoe or similar shaped implement
is suitable for small areas.

d Cutting and hoeing can be carried out without great O n sharp meanders where the channel is liable to change
difficulty in flowing water. course, you should clear inner bends completely while
leaving compensating growth on the outside to resist
e Cutting, with or w ithout hoeing, can help control the erosion.
flow pattern in rivers where the need is to define and
lim it plant beds to prevent siltation or erosion (see

D isad van tages

a Cutting,. w ithout rem oving plant roots, encourages

regrowth, and if done too early in the season will
necessitate a repeat treatm ent later in the year.
Normally submerged plants should be cut in summer,
and em ergents in autumn.

b Cuttings m ust be rem oved and disposed of promptly

to prevent deoxygenation (p37). In flowing water, a
boom should be fitted at anangle across the river below
the w ork area so that cuttings are deflected into the
corner from where they can be removed.

c Hoeing large areas m ay cause turbidity and smother

aquatic organisms in silt and mud. The effects of this

C utting in deep w ater as an interconnected system of drainage ditches must be

cleared quickly, or where the water is too deep to dig out
In rivers too deep to hoe, a chain scythe can be used. the plants easily. To make cu tting as effective as possible,
cut reed (Phragmites comtnunis) in July for greatest effect.
The replacem ent crop should be negligible, especially
End ch a in S e ch io n s pivot* ah rin g s
if the stubble is flooded to impede growth. The time of
cutting is less important for other plants such as great pond
sedge (Carex riparia), reed sweet-grass (Glyceria maxima)
and narrow-leaved reedmace {Typha angustifolia).

Raking and dragging

Like cutting, raking and dragging tend to encourage

regrowth of submerged plants. On floating algae, raking
and dragging should only be used as a last resort where
Use the following method w hen scything streams or preventative treatm ent using barley straw (p69) has
rivers: not been used. Raking and dragging can be used as a
temporary measure to reduce other free-floating plants
1 Open up the cutters to form a continuous line. such as duckweed, but plants will răpi dl y spread to cover
the cleared area during the growing season. Long-term
2 Join a length of rope to the split ring at each end of measures to increase shading, and reduce nutrient inflow
the chain. The ropes m u stbe Iong enough to allow the into the pond or watercourse are the only methods of
cutters to settle in the weed when held at or near the
establishing a more balanced ecosystem.
^ j
3 Two people are required to w ork the scythe. Standing
one either si de o f the channel, work the cutters back and
Chemical control
forth with a sawing motion. The chains act as flexible H erb icid es
weights to keep the cutters down in the water.
The use of aquatic herbicides is strictly controlled, and
4 Clearing upstream, all weed can be cut by slowly herbicides can only be applied by trained operators. For
w o rk in g th e c u tte rs a lo n g th e bed . W ork in g a full discussion of this subject see 'Guidelines for the
downstream allows controlled cutting, with some weed use of herbicides on weeds in or near watercourses and
leftto shelteraquaticlife. The work rate depends onthe lakes' (MAFF, 1995). See page 136 for notes on herbicide
w eed's density and on any obstacles encountered. If control of some weeds of stream and riverbanks.
the cutters hit an object, both operators should puii on
their ropes to bring the blades to the surface, clearing B arley straw fo r control of algae (See page 70).
the obstruction.

In still water, operate the cutters from two boats or from a

boat and the bank. It is best to anchor the boat, otherwise
Environmental and
one person m ust hold it steady while another operates biological control
the cutters. Take advantage of any wind, so that cut weed
is carried to one side or behind the cutters. P olyth en e sh eetin g

M echanical cutters Submerged rooted plants can be controlled by the use

of black polythene sheeting or fertiliser sacks, laid on
Various types are available including boat-m ounted the bottom to shade out vegetation. Sheeting should be
cutters, and machines such as hy draulic excavators which opened out onthe bank and then spread on the unwanted
work from the bank, using special weed-cuttingbuckets. growth. Weight the corners w ith stones or bricks. If using
For further details see RSPB, NRA and RSNC (1994). sacks, make sure they are clean, otherwise the nutrient
balance may be upset by adding fertiliser to the water.
C utting em erg en t plants With non-rhizomatous species the polythene sinks to
the bottom as the plants die. Leave it in place for about a
Emergent vegetation is most effectively controlled by month, but remove itbefore silt starts to accumulate. For
digging out the rhizomes, but in some cases it may be best rhizomatous species it should be left for a full growing
to cut despite the regrow th w hich this allows. These cases season. The bare patch should stay reiaţively weed-free
include temporary clearance, or where a large area such for at least a year.
$ ■

H yd ro lo gical m an ag em en t G razin g

Fluctuating w ater levels provide a natural check on Low-intensity grazing and tram plingby stock, normally
aquatic and marginal plant growth. Ponds w hich dry out cattle, can maintain open conditions at the edges of ponds
during most summers have greater long-term stability and watercourses. This not only keeps vegetation in check,
than ponds w ith perm anent water. This is because the b u th elps m aintain the conditions of bare mud and gravei
growth of floating, subm erged and em ergent plants is which are f avoured by many invertebrates. Where grazing
controlled during the dry period, thereby holding back occurs on surrounding land, fencing which allows limited
long-term vegetation spread, siltation and succession. access for stock to a pond or stream canbe beneficial. Only
Underground rhizomes norm ally survive in the damp allow access for cattle where the banks are very gentle,
mud, and regrow w hen the area is flooded again. and completely fence off all steep-sided drainage ditches,
to prevent cattle becom ing trapped. Note that several
Rooted, floating-leaved plants are sensitive to rapid com m on marginal plants are poisonous but unpalatable
increases in the water level, but they are able to adapt to stock w hen growing, but becom e palatable once cut
to gradual increases by growing towards the surface. (p38). W hen clearing marginal vegetation, ensure stock
Emergent plants can be controlled by rapid, extensive do not have access to the cut material.
changes in level leading either to drying out and f reezing,
or due to prevention of norm al m etabolic processes by Grazing by geese, ducks and other water fow lhas astrong
flooding. To make flooding practicai, this is best done influence on the amount of aquatic, marginal and bankside
in spring w hen the plants are still short. Alternatively, vegetation. Even a few ducks can quickly decimate the
growth can be cut down and then flooded during summer. vegetation in and around a small pond, and they should
Flooding of damp m ud during May and early June, on not normally be encouraged. The feeding of bread scraps
w hich em ergent plants germinate, is another method and other food to ducks and geese on urban ponds is a
of control. major factor inm aintainingim balances inpopulation and
in lowering water quality, and should be discouraged.
N ative fish On larger ponds, scrapes, gravei pits and Coastal lagoons,
provision for waterfowl is often a primary aim, and
Som e species o f native fish have significant effects on the balance betw een population and food supply is an
aquatic vegetation, and careful m anagem ent of fish im portant factor in management.
populations can b e used as a m ethod of vegetation
m anagem ent. Carp and bream are bottom feeders
and ştir up the sedim ents, uprooting sm all plants. Summary of common aquatic ‘weeds’
They m ake the w ater turbid, thereby reducing light
penetration and su ppressing the grow th of subm erged The foliowing section lists the most commonly encountered
plants. H ow ever, overstocking can rapidly denude a w ater 'w e ed s', and recom m ends control m ethods
pond or lake of m ost plant types, leaving the w ater acceptable from a wildlife conservation viewpoint.
d o m in ated b y u n ic e llu la r alg a e. R o ach feed on
filam entous algae, and in som e situations may help to Free-floating p lan ts
reduce grow th. Stocking of fish in large ponds, lakes
or w atercourses should only be done in consultation Algae and duckweed (Lemna spp) multiply rapidly in
w ith EA and M A FF (or equivalents). highly nutrified water, and any reduction of nutrients
entering the w ater will reduce their dominance. Algae
G rass carp is best controlled by barley straw (p69).

These introduced fish are effective biological control Duckweed can form a green carpet of vegetation on stagnant
agents against many submerged and floating plants, and water, made up of countless individual plants, each plant a
will also eat filam entous algae and some emergent plants single 'Ieaf', or group of two or three, with short trailing roots.
when the food supply is limited. Their use is limited to Each plant can rapidly reproduce by budding. Thorough
enclosed waters, where they cannot escape into river removal by mechanical means is almost impossible, and
systems. A M AFF (or equivalent) licence is required for its method of reproduction allows it to rapidly recolonise.
their use, and the Environm ent Agency (or equivalent) Duckweed can be reduced by increasing the amount of
should also be consulted. shade on the water, either by planting trees and shrubs, or
by planting water lilies and other floating-leaved plants.
Invertebrates Disturbance of the water surface with aerators or fountains
also suppresses the growth of duckweed. Inmany situations
Water fleas (Daphnia spp) feed on unicellular algae and it is best left to stabilise itself. It is only worth raking off if
can be used in sm all w ater bodies to clear the water, it is causing problems by blocking pipes or sluices, or to
provided that fish, w hich predate on water fleas, are prevent deoxygenation during warm summer periods. The
absent or few in number. removed weed can be composted.

Rigid hornw ort (Ceratophyllum demersum) and frogbit details refer to Information Sheet 14 (Centre for Aquatic
(Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) som etim es densely populate Plant Management, 1994) and contact the Enviromnent
still waters, hornw ort remaining completely submerged, Agency (or equivalent) for further advice.
while frog-bit has floating leaves like little water lilies.
Both can be controlled by raking out in autumn. Rigid Floatin g-leaved plants
hornw ort is suppressed by shade. The spread of rigid
hornwort in static w ater is indicative of deteriorating The floating-leaved p lan t w h ich m ost often needs
w ater quality due to eutrophication. clearance is the yellow w ater lily (Nuphar Iuţea). In recent
years, the fringed w ater lily (Nymphoides peltata) has also
Subm erged rooted p lan ts becom e a problem in some static or very slow flowing
waters, while the white lily (Nymphaea alba) has become
Canadian pondweed or w ater thyme (Elodea canadensis), a rarer and should normally be conserved. Water lily
species introduced to Britain in th e 1800s, is a widespread stems have little effect on water flow, and the shading
and invasive plant of lowland ponds and sluggish rivers. effect of the leaves is usually beneficial in suppressing
It grows upright just below the surface, and flourishes growth of submerged plants. However, they may need
in sunlit areas. It regrows rapidly from broken stems clearance where the w ater surface is densely covered.
and fragments, and can only be controlled by thorough Lilies sometimes grow too deep to be cut out easily with
uprooting. Canadian pondweed canseldom be eradicated a muck rake or pulled by hand, in which case they can be
from a site, but as much as possible should be cleared to cut apart at the roots using a long-handled pruning saw
postpone its inevitable reinvasion. In flowing water, the or a bow saw attached to a long handle. The advantage
best way to clear it is by hoeing, w hich also gets rid of much of hand pulling is that rhizomes are easily gathered at
of the mud trapped by the plant. Use Sedimat (pl31) to the same time, as other methods tend to break off bits of
trap the released silt, to prevent it smothering other areas. rhizome which reroot unless raked in and collected.
Remove cut weed from the water to prevent deoxygenation,
and compost away from the site. Large amounts should E m erg en t plan ts
be taken to an authorised disposal site.
For small areas, digging by hand is the main method.
In still water, Canadian pondw eed is best cleared using Flooding is another option where water levels can be
muck rakes. Work in early spring w hen the weed is covered controlled. Large areas are best cleared by machine
with small shoots and matted just below the surface of the dredging, or by flooding.
mud. At this stage the stern is much stronger than in the
summer, so m uch more root is pulled out with the stern. Bur-reed ( Sparganium erectum), while a valuable wildfowl
Grass carp (pl33) can be used to control further growth, food plant, can cause problems w henit extends across still
and native bottom feeding fish w ill also help prevent or gently flowing water. Its rhizomes reach out into the
regrowth. Shade from other floating-leaved plants or w ater while its seeds settle in mudflats and on emergent
from trees will help suppress growth. islands of silt and water plants. To control bur-reed, dig it
out in August or Septem ber when the plant is fully grown
M are's tail (Hippurus vulgaris ) is managed similarly to but before it begins to w ither and go brown.
Canadian pondweed, as are the other submerged rooted
species which only occasionally need control. Com m on or N orfolk reed (Phragmites communis) has
intertwined rhizomes holding so much silt that they don't
Australian sw am p stonecrop (Crassula helmsii) is an float easily. If you can puii it loose in big rafts you can
introdu ced plant w hich has spread widely due to its get it ashore w ith the aid of a w inch or grappling hooks
availability at garden centres and aquatic nurseries. It and ropes. See also the section on reedbed management
is sometimes mislabelled as Tillaea recurva. This plant (pl41).
can grow in a w ide range of aquatic environments from
damp margins down to w ater 3m (10') deep. It rapidly Reedmace (Typha latifolia) prefers shallow water, but if the
forms a dense m at of vegetation w hich out-competes all w ater level rises abnormally, may float and extend over
other aquatic vegetation and harm s invertebrates and deep water. In very soft silt you can pul! out the rhizomes
fish. Severe oxygen depletion occurs below the mat. The by tugging on the stems, but any pieces that remain will
plant grows throughout the year, and is tolerant of shade, resprout. Pulling out the stems alone is not effective, and
frost and dessication. thorough digging is the only reliabîe method.

N o form of mechanical control shouldbe used on Australian R eed grass or reed sw eet-grass ( Glyceria maxima)
swamp stonecrop, as cutting or pulling will produce sometimes forms pure stands, and if control is required,
fragments that can regrow and spread the infestation digging is the usual option. It can extend over open water
downstream or elsewhere. The only effective form of by binding a layer of silt on the surface, from which it
control is a carefully managed spraying programme by can be cut and removed in chunks. On solid silt, dig it
professional operators using approved herbicides. For out in turfs.

Rushes (Juncus spp) grow in very shallow w ater and b Mature trees or branches that grow over or fall into
extend w ell into marsh and terrestrial zones. Dig out as the w ater may be a hazard to navigation, and possibly
necessary. create a blockage in flowing water. However, mature
and dying trees have great value for invertebrates, birds
and fungi in any situation. A t the w ater's edge they also
create sheltered nesting conditions for waterfowl, shelter
Bankside vegetation for fish fry and other aquatic organisms and potenţial
management breeding sites for otters and other mammals. Clear only
what is necessary for navigation or flood control.
This includes the m anagem ent of w aterside trees,
shrubs and herbaceous plants and grasses. M any types c Tree roots stabilise banks against slippage, and allow
of wildlife, and not just those dependent on being close undercut features to develop which are valuable for
to water, will benefit from bankside vegetation w hich is wildlife.
varied in structure and species. Bankside trees, shrubs
and tall vegetation w hich create shade and help make a d Old pollarded willows and other bankside trees are
diverse bank structure are also im portant in the overall especially valuable for the continuity of genotype
balance of the aquatic environment. Shade suppresses w hich they represent. Riparian habitats may be the
aquatic vegetation, w hich in turn lessens the rate at which only remaining piece of semi-natural habitat in the
watercourses silt up. area, and contain a valuable reserve of local genotypes.
For new plantings, use cuttings or seed from existing
Provide a range o f sh a d y trees. M aintain pollards in rotation over 20 years, so
and open c o n d ifio n s there are always some mature pollards to provide
habitat for invertebrates and other organisms.

e Scrub at the waterside is an effecti ve deterrent to access,

so preventing disturbance to bankside habitats.

f Trees and shrubs at the w ater's edge provide shelter

for m ayflies and other weak-flying invertebrates, and
provide vital niches in the life-cycles of many other
— Grasses and herbs organisms.
ral! grasses cui" grazed bank
o n 3 y rro fa fio n wifh ’poached’ g Dams and other artificial banks should be kept clear of
ground * scrub and trees, and are normally maintained as short
grass. This allows easy inspection of the dam or bank,
and helps keep the slope stable as the grass roots bind
the soil. Although the roots of scrub and trees help
stabilise banks, they cancause slippage when they fall,
In intensiv ely farmed or urban areas, the strip of bankside or if their shelter encourages burrowing animals.
vegetation along watercourses may be the only remaining
semi-natural habitat in the area, and thus has even greater h The banks of artificial drainage, flood control and
value. irrigation channels m ay be mown for similar reasons
as given above. Short grass helps maximise w ater
carrying capacity, maintains bankstability, and protects
Factors to consider adjacent property from slippage. Straight, artificial
channels w ithunif orm banks are economic to maintain
a Trees and overhanging branches shade the w ater by mowing. Invertebrates, birds and small mammals
and reduce growth of aquatic plants, lessening the benefit from mowing regimes w hich allow longer
rate at w hich ponds and watercourses silt up. Trees grass and herbaceous plants to develop.
also create a relatively stable environm ent in terms of
light, shelter and temperature, which is im portant for
many organisms. Excessive shade tends to reduce the Grasses and herbaceous plants
wildlife value of w ater habitats however, so a balance
needs to be m ade betw een open and shaded areas. Banks of grasses and herbaceous plants are usual along
W here rem oval is necessary, it's usually best to clear artificial drainage channels. Along streams and rivers, and
growth on the Southern side, to give maximum light around ponds and lakes, sections m aintained as rough
im provement for m inim um loss of trees. Also select for grassland intermixed w ith shrubs and trees give a varied
removal trees w hich are recent, or those of introduced habitat structure and an attractive landscape. Grasslands
species not typical of the habitat. canbe maintained by grazing, machine mowing or cutting

by hand. Herbicide application cari be useful, especially The strip at the base of the bank, along the margins of
to control troublesome w eeds such as creeping thistle, the w atercourse, should always be left uncut to prevent
docks and bracken (MAFF, 1995). disturbance to the marginal habitat and aquatic organisms.
Leave occasional strips uncut from the top of the bank to
The timing of any cutting w ill depend on the balance of the base, to retain the range of habitats.
management aims between nature conservation and water
control, and on the characteristics of the site.

A n early cut, up until the end of June, will encourage

grass to tiller, m aking a dense sward w hich is resistant
to erosion. Thistles and docks will be cut before they
seed, so reducing their spread. However, depending on
sum m er rainfall, an early cut may stimulate growth so
that another cut is needed in late summer. An early cut
may also disturb breeding birds.

A late cut, after August, is usually more beneficial to

wildlife. Tussocky growth w ith a more varied structure H an d cu ttin g
will result, favouring sm all mam m als, invertebrates and
birds. Plants have time to set seed, providingfood for birds A scythe or grass hook are the tradiţional tools. Keep a
and small mammals. Overall grass production will be safe distance from other workers. Tools should be sharp
lower, giving reduced m aintenance costs. Spot herbicide and properly maintained, andhoned frequently for most
treatm ent or digging, cutting or pulling of thistles, docks effkien t use. Cut m aterial should be raked up, to prevent
or ragwort m ay be necessary if these become numerous. it suppressing the growth beneath. Pile up the cut material
AII these treatm ents are most effectively done when the on areas of low conservation interest, or remove from the
plant is in full growth, but before they have begun to site for composting.
set seed.
M ach in e cu ttin g
Where machines arebeing used, a complete cut of an entire
bank should be avoided, bu t plan instead to cut different Strimmers and brush cutters are suitable for small teams
sections in rotation on an annual basis. This promotes a of workers, who should be properly trained in their use.
variety of habitat structure and species diversity. O nm ost These machines are noisy and tiring to use, and are not
sites, sections should be left uncut for no more than three suitable for use w ith groups of volunteers.
years, or rank grasses and scrub will dominate. A similar
rotation caii be used for hand-cut banks. W here access is possible, a tractor mounted flail mower
on a long arm is the usual choice for banks.

Problem weeds

Particular problem weeds of waterside habitats include

H im alay an b alsam , g ian t h ogw eed and Jap an ese
knotweed. The prevention of spread of the latter two
species is required under the Wildlife and Countryside Act
1981. Most of the foliowing details are from Information
Sheets 5, 6 and 7, published by the Centre for Aquatic
Plant M anagement.

H im alay an b alsam

Himalayanbalsam (Impatiens glandulifera) is anintroduced

plant w hich has escaped from gardens, an d can rapidly
colonise river banks and other areas of damp ground.
It is an annual plant, w hich grows to about 2m (6'),
w ith purplish-pink slipper shaped flowers from June to
August. The mature seed pods explode w hen touched,
scattering the seed, which is further dispersed by water.
H im alayanbalsam grows in dense stands w hich suppress
the growth of grasses and other plants, leaving bare

ground in w inter w hich is liable to erode. Any control as evenly as possible amongst the dying hogweed. In the
m ust be carried out before the seed pods have formed, late summer, cut down the dead stems and mow the grass
to give long-term benefit. to encourage a thick sward. Check for hogweed seedlings
at intervals the following spring, and spray individual
Himalayan balsam is easy to cut by hand or machine, plants with glyphosate, taking care not to spray grasses
provided there is access and the plant can be cut at ground and other plants.
level. A cut above the low est node will only cause the plant
to regrow and flower later in the season. Frequent cutting Japanese knotw eed
will prevent the plant flowering. The plant is shallow
rooted, so handpullingis suitablefor limited areas. Remove Japanese knotweed (Poîygonum cuspidatum) is anintroduced
all the cut or pulled growth for composting or burning. plant which rapidly colonises river banks and areas of
If erosion is not a problem, it may be a good idea to leave wasteground. It is a perennial, which grows from rhizomes
the site failow and allows seeds already in the ground to reach a height of about 3m (10') in mid-summer, with
to germinate, and then repeat the cut the following year. stiff, bamboo-like stems that remain erect over winter. The
This should get rid of m ost of the viable seed source, and plant produces masses of small white flowers, but is not
the area can then be sow n with a suitable wildflower mix. thoughtto produce viable seed in this country. The rhizomes
On erodible slopes it may be best to get a grass sward are extremely tough and can grow through concrete and
established immediately after the first cut of balsam, and tarmac. Tiny fragments of rhizome as small as one gram
then keep the grass m ow n or grazed for a few years, until can produce new plants, and plant spread can easily occur
all remaining balsam seeds have germinated. by water, or by movement of contaminated topsoil. The
plant forms dense, impenetrable stands in summer, and
Balsam canbeeffectively controlledwithglyphosate (pl38), leaves bare, easily eroded ground in winter.
applied in late spring w hen the plant is nearing maximum
height, but before flowering. Cutting the shoots in spring or summer has no long-term
control, and may encourage spread unless the shoots
G iant hogw eed are collected and burnt. Cutting plants on the banks
of watercourses is not recommended, as pieces of the
G ia n t h o g w e ed (H eracieum m antegazzianum ) w as plant are very likely to be spread by the water current.
introduced to Britain as a garden plant, and has colonised Rhizomes can survive for many years even if the shoots
many river banks and areas of waste land. It can grow to 4m are cut regularly.
(13') height, and produces umbels of white flowers followed
by large quantities of viable seed, w hich can be spread by One method of control is to spray w ith glyphosate when
water. The plant is biennial, flowering and seeding in its the plant is about lm (3') high, usually in May. This does
second year. However, if it is cut down before it produces notnormally kill the plant completely, and the dead growth
seed, it will survive into a third or subsequent season, should be cut and burnt about three weeks later, and then
attempting to flow er each year. It can form dense stands the regrowth sprayed in July or August. Alternatively, a
which suppress the growth of native plants and grasses, single application of spray can be made in July or August
and leave banks bare in winter and liable to erode. w hen the plant is fully grown, but because of the height
of the plant, thorough application is difficult. In the
The sap of giant hogw eed contains a toxic chemical which following years, spot treat any surviving growth in May
sensitises the skin and leads to severe blistering when and August.
exposed to sunlight. This reaction can recur for many
years. A dif ferent approach is to treat the cut stems, using a similar
technique to that of treating stumps of scrub and. tree spe-
Hand or machine cutting should only be undertaken by cies. The easiest method is to inject the diluted glyphosate
operators wearing full protective clothing, to prevent skin into the hollow cut stern using a large plastic syringe, with
contamination by the sap. Tools, machines and clothing the needle removed. Trials on National Trust properties
should be thoroughly washed after use. Cutting before have proved successful. Contact the manufacturer of the
flowering produces only temporary control, and results herbicide for advice on dilution and application rates.
in regrowth the followirig season. Cutting after flowering
has no benefit once the seeds have been formed, except to H orsetails
clear away the dying vegetation.
Horsetails (Equisetum spp) are an ancient plant family,
The only effective control m ethod is to spray glyphosate native to Britain, w ith a simple form of growth. Water
(pl38) when the plants are about lm (36") high, in April h orsetail (Equisetum fluviatile) and m arsh horsetail
or May. Seeds rem ain viable in the ground for seven years {Equisetum palustre) can form dense stands in water
or more, so it is advisable to establish a dense grass sward margins, m arshes and w aste ground. They reproduce
as soon as possible to suppress germination. Sow the b y m eans of spores, not seeds, and have an extensive
seed a couple of days after spraying, scattering the seed root system w hich is difficult to dig out. Horsetails are

poisonous even when dead, and stock should not have Dichlobenil, effective on horsetails, is available under
access to treated plants or to cut material, which they the brand nam e 'Casoron G'. Note that these garden
may eat. Living horsetails are unpalatable. Regular herbicides are only suitable for application to weeds in
mowing can control growth, but will not kill it, and non-aquatic situations. Agricultural herbicides approved
plants will reappear quickly once mow ing stops. If you for aquatic plant control are only available for use by
are cutting plants on a site not owned by you, under the professional operators. Garden herbicides are suitable
Environmental Protection Act 1991, you m ust dispose of for small areas of weed control, but are not economic for
the cut m aterial at a registered disposal site. larger scale applications. The Environment Agency (or
equivalent) should be consulted over all use of herbicides
H orsetails are susceptible to herbicid es containing near watercourses. Garden herbicides should be used in
dichlobenil. Casoron G is a granular formulaţi on designed accordance w ith the m anufacturer's instructions.
for use by non-professionals, and suitable for use near
water. Herbicide treatm ent of horsetails in w ater should
only be done by professionals.
Bankside trees

Any maintenance required on bankside trees should be

Herbicides carried outbetweenOctober and May, to avoid disturbance
tobreedingbirds andinvertebrates. Pollarding, coppicing
A lthough use of herbicid es is not generally to be or removal of large branches must only be done when
encouraged in conservaţi on m anagement, herbicides are the sap is down, to avoid seriously weakening or killing
very useful and effective in some situations and for some the tree.
species, such as those described above. AII herbicides
are subject to regulation, and the use of herbicides in or Mostbroadleaved species respond to cuttingby producing
near w ater is subject to further control. The Environment more growth, a feature which is utilised in coppicing and
Agency, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency or the pollarding. Cutting of young or established trees to reduce
Department of the Environm ent for Northern Ireland obstruction to flood flows, open up banks or reduce the
should be consulted on the use of herbicides in or near amount of shade is likely to produce the opposite effect,
water. Work on Sites of Special Scientific Interest or Areas with thick, bushy growth resulting. In general, most trees
of Special Scientific Interest (Northern Ireland) require are best left to grow naturally, with control concentrating
consultation w ith the statutory nature conservation onremo val of seedling trees as necessary. Where clearance
body. of young or established trees is required, stump treatment
or removal will be necessary (pl39).
AII herbicides m ust be approved under the Control of
Pesticide Regulations 1986. Employers are responsible W here watercourses need to be kept clear of overhanging
for ensuring that all em ployees involved in the storage, branches for reasons of navigation or flood capacity, it
sale, supply or use of a herbicide have received adequate may be possible to do the clearance work from punts.
instruction and guidance and are competent for the duties Occasional routes can be made up the bank as necessary
they are required to perform. All users of agricultural to remove cut material. This method avoids unnecessary
herbicides are encouraged to obtain National Proficiency clearance, and avoids disturbance to the upper parts of
Tests Council (NPTC) certificates of competence, even the banks.
if they are exempt through age or experience. Any user
bom after 31.12.64 or providing a commercial service is P ollard in g and cop p icin g
required to hold the certificate of competence.
Pollarding is a tradiţional way of managing trees on
For full details on herbicides, and useful advice on grazed banks and in fields and woods, as the regrowth is
selection of weed control m ethods other than herbicides, out of reach of cattle, deer and other animals. Ln the past,
refer to the Guidelines fo r the use o f herbicides on weeâs in the pollarded poles were used for fuel, fencing and other
or near watercourses and lakes (MAEF, 1995). purposes. W illow is a common species on riverbanks,
because of its tolerance of w et soils. Willow grows fast,
The NPTC certification applies to agri cultural herbicides, and responds well to pollarding, w hich should be done
but not to herbicides approved for garden use. Garden at intervals of about twenty years. Depending on the
herbicides are w idely available through shops and amount of growth, pollarding up to about this interval
garden centres, and can be used by any person on their is possible using hand-tools, but if left longer than this,
own land. The active ingredients of some agricultura! the size and height of the poles m ay require specialist
herbicides are also used in garden herbicides, but in a attention.
formulaţi on which is suitable for amateur use. Notable is
glyphosate, w hich is effective on several problem weeds To pollard growth up to about lOOmm (4") diameter,
(see above), and is available as a garden herbicide under use a pruning saw or triangular bowsaw. Ensure that
various brand nam es including 'Roundup Biactive'. the Iadder is securely positioned. If right-handed, work

in a clockwise direction, m oving round so that the cut

branches fall clear of the ladder.
Wetland vegetation
Young willow trees can be pollarded from about ten years
of age. C ut to a height w hich is typicai of pollards in the
Tree and scrub control
area, normally betw een 2.5m -3m (8 -10')in height. Try to
cut at a point above som e side branches, w hich are then
left in place for at least tw o grow ing seasons. M ake the To m aintain open conditions in marshes, bogs and fens,
cut on a slant to shed water. control of w oody growth may benecessary. Pine andbirch
can rapidly invade peat bogs. Water levels are reduced
Follow standard coppicing procedures for coppicing by evapo-transpiration, and the leaf litter adds unwanted
hardwood species (Woodîands, BTCV, 1988). To coppice nutrients to thebog. The trees also shade outbog species,
existing stools, cut away thin, w hippy growth withloppers and provide roosts for flocks of birds, whose droppings
or abillhook, and thenuse a triangular bowsaw or billhook further enrich the bog. However, in other w etland areas,
to cut the m ain stems. W ork in a spiral pattern round the willow scrub, or carr, provides valuable habitat, and the
stool, sloping each cu tu p tow ards the centre, to promote need for clearance w ork should be carefully considered.
runoff of rainwater. Norm ally the cut should be made to A n area of established, fairly stable carr should be left
the existing height of the stool, but where browsing by untouched, and control should only be undertaken if it
rabbits or muntjac deer is a problem, a cut up to about is threatening remaining open areas.
500m m (20") height can be made. Protect coppice stools
against grazing stock. There are various methods of controlling or removing
trees on wetland areas. The softness of the ground and
Disposal of cuttings the fragility of the habitat are very significant factors
w hich make clearance w ork difficult.
P o lla rd e d w illo w p o le s ca n b e reu se d fo r b a n k
stabilisation, revetm ent and other w ork (pp81-83). Even a M anual f elling and extraction. Trees can be cut and the
quite large poles w ill re-sprout if inserted in the ground. stumps grubbed up, using hand tools and winches.
If this is not desirable, insert the poles 'upside-dow n'. Alternaţively, stumps can be killed w ith herbicide. The
To avoid confusion, the poles can be marked w hen cut, cut m aterial can be left on site, burnt or removed for
for exam ple by m aking a slanting cut at the upper end if reuse or disposal. Techniques are described further
re-sprouting is not w anted. Thinner poles and 'w ithies' below.
can be used for willow spiling, hurdles, planting baskets
(p.67) and a variety of other purposes. b Machine clearance. Various machines with low ground
pressure have been developed for tree clearance and
W here reuse on site or nearby is not possible, consider timber extraction on soft ground. Helicopters have also
the options. M aterial over about lOOmm (4") can be been used for lifting grubbed-up trees. This eliminates
cut up for fuel, and smaller m aterial put through a ground damage, but is expensive. See Bacon, John
woodchipping m achine to produce w oodchips for use and Lord, Bob in Enact (Voi 4, N o 3) for a summary
as mulch or surfacing m aterial for w oodland paths and of suitable machines and techniques.
play areas. W here access and a suitable m achine w ith
trained operator is available, this is a good option. M any c Ring-barking or Chemical control. By removing a
local authorities now run recycling stations to which ring of bark, or injecting a suitable herbicide, trees
green and w oody m aterial can be taken for chipping can be killed while standing. Although quick to do,
and composting, although transport requirements may and causing no extraction damage, both techniques
m ean this is not viable. encourage the dying tree to produce masses of seed.
The dead trees are unsightly and dangerous, remain
If woody m aterial has to be burnt on site, lim it the size as perches for roosting birds, and as they rot and fall,
and num ber of fire sites, and only burn on ground of low alter the surrounding habitat.
conservation interest. Rake up and remove ashes.
C u ttin g
O th er m eth od s
a Follow basic safety precautions for use of hand tools.
For other m ethods of trees and scrub control, see the Only trained operators should use chain saws or brush
following section. cutters.

b Cutting after leaf-fall in autum n or winter is easier than

working w hen trees are in leaf, and should minimise
disturbance to birds and invertebrates. However,
ground conditions are likely to be at their wettest,

making access di fficult and increasing damage to

Wet grasslands
fragile ground. If possible, low er the water level to
provide drier w orking conditions. Wet grasslands are usually maintained by a combination
of hydrological management, grazing and mowing. For
c D ispose of cut m aterial according to m anagem ent further inform ation see Burgess, Neil D and Hirons,
aims. N ormatly rem oval w ill be essential, to avoid the Graham JM (1990) and Merritt, Anthony (1994).
rotting m aterial causing enrichm ent and suppressing
the w etland flora. G reat care m ust be taken during H yd ro lo gical m an ag em en t
extractionthat the habitatis not dam agedby trampling
and dragging. W here access is possible, a woodchipper The alteration of water level by the use of sluices and
w ill greatly reduce the bu lk to be rem oved, so channels is a tradiţional m ethod of m anaging w et
lessening the num ber of journeys required across grasslands, w hich mimics the natural process of flooding
the w etland habitat. If m aterial has to be dragged or but in a controlled way. D epending on the regime used,
carried, conţine tram pling to the m inim um of routes. m anagem ent of w ater level can be used to encourage
Particularly vulnerable sections can be protected by growth of grass for grazing of stock, or to provide
Iaying a tem porary track o f poles and brushwood. conditions for w adingbirds and wildfowl. Hydrological
Temporary boardw alks or trackways canalsobeh ired management can be used directly to control vegetation
from p lan th ire companies. growth by flooding out unw anted species, or to provide
conditions of bare m ud on w hich a flush of annuals will
Heaps of decaying w ood are them selves good habitats grow. See the above references for further details.
if piled on ground of low conservation interest away
from the wetland. G razin g
d If stumps are to be removed, cut them off about 1m (36")
high so they are easy to relocate and w inch out.
Grazing of stock is a useful method of managing larger
areas of w et grassland, to maintain the mix of marginal,
<r j
e If stumps are to be treated w ith herbicide, this should
be done im m ediately after cutting. If there is any
delay, cut stum ps to about lm (36") high so they can
grassland and herbaceous species, and preventthe ingress
of scrub. Grazing results in a patchy pattern of growth
with areas of Ionger growth, together with short vegetation
and bare, trampled and poached ground. This variety of
be relocated, and then cut again im mediately before
treating. Glyphosate is approved for stump treatm ent
habitat favours invertebrates and birds, and cannot be
easily im itated by mowing. Cattle are the usual choice for
* [
of woody plants. w et grasslands, as sheep are prone to foot-rot if kept on
w et ground. Grazing is only feasible if the land is fenced
G ru bb in g up and has a water supply, and where there is a local farmer

a Grubbingup trees and shrubs solves the stump problem

w ithout the use of herbicides, and, if whole trees can
interested in using the land.

M ow in g
* j
be removed and dragged away, may be quicker than
cutting follow ed by stum p treatment. Some w et grasslands were traditionally mown for hay
in June or July. This provided a crop, and prevented the
b G rubbingup may be difficult w ith larger trees, on very
soft ground or at a distance from access and disposal
points. In soft ground it will leave 'craters', w hich may
growth of unwanted woody species. The following flush
of grass was then grazed in late summer.
* j
make interesting habitats, although mowing or other W here the quality of the hay crop is not important, a later
later m anagem ent w ork will be difficult. Depending cut may be more beneficial for wildlife, after meadow
on the soil, harrowing after tree removal will smooth plants have set seed and birds have fiedged. Some strips
the ground and encourage the quick regrowth of can be left uncut each year in rotation to provide habitat
herbaceous plants, w hich can be m aintained by for invertebrates and small mammals.
periodic mowing.
Even when the crop is not wanted, cuttings should be
c Use a sharp spade to grub up seedlings and small
bushes. Use a mattock on slightly larger bushes or
removed, to prevent the ground flora being suppressed.
Small areas can b e cu tb y hand w ith a scythe or strimmer,
& [
saplings, or an axe in deep peat w hich is free of stones. or using a rotary mower. W here ground conditions and
Cut aii around the base and lever the stump out with
m attocks and crowbars. D ifficult stumps may require
access permit, larger areas canbe cu tby tractor and rotary
or flail mower.
& j
several people w orking together. It helps to use a
winch which, if it does not enable you to puii a stump
out directly, keeps it under străin and allows resisting
roots to be cut through w ith a m attock or bow saw.
& =

Reedbeds sheltering effect in early spring of the previous year's

growth, but have fewer stems per square metre of
reedbed. After harvesting, the crop is cleaned of short
Reed, sedge and fen litter are tradiţional fenland crops. stems and unwanted vegetation. For conservation
Without management for these crops, the reedbeds and purposes, a double wale crop provides winter habitat
assodated habitats decline in value for wildlife. Commercial for invertebrates and other organisms, and allows a
and conservation interests in reedbed management are w ider range of plants to grow. It is important though
highly interdependent. For comprehensive Information, that areas are cut in rotation, so there is continuity of
see Reedbed management fo r commercial and wildlife interests habitat. On most commercial reedbeds, some areas are
(Hawke, CJ and Jose, PV, 1996). leftuncut each year where harvesting is diffkult because
of ground conditions, orbecause variable growth means
Common or Norfolk reed (Phragmites communis) is the some areas of reed are not of harvesting quality.
major tradiţional fenland crop, used for thatching. After a
period of decline, thatch is in great demand as an attracti ve, c Reed for thatching should be cutbetween November and
practicai and environmentally sound roofing material, mid-March, with cutting times varying with different
used both on old and new houses in areas where thatch is sites and years. The reed must be dry and hard but not
tradiţional. The U K produces only a quarter of its annual brittle. Do not cut in wet weather as damp reed will not
requirement of about 2 million bundles, so there is great store. Cutting should finish in time to avoid damage to
scope for the rehabilitation of old reedbeds, and the creation the young shoots and disturbance to breeding birds.
of new ones. The fact that about 64% of the U K annual
production is from reedbeds of designated conservation Summer cutting of reed is carried out on sites being
importance highlights the interdependence of commercial managed primarily for wildlife, where the aim is to
and wildlife interests. encourage plant diversity and maintain areas of open
water by suppressing the reed. Cutting the reed in
Saw or fen sedge ( Cladium mariscus), used to thatch roof summer reduces its vigour by removing the growing
ridges and other awkward places, complements reed parts of the reed. Suppression is increased if cutting is
because it remains flexible and strong when dry, while done when the reedbeds are flooded, as the cut stubble
reed becomes stiff and brittle. M ost reedbeds have small is effectively 'drowned'. Reedmace, rushes and other
areas of sedge associated with them so that both can be plants can also be controlled in this way, thus providing
harvested in proportion to their use. a method of control which avoids either herbicide use
or altering the w ater fegime. Underwater cutting by
Fen litter and marsh hay are tradiţional mixed fen products, hand is hard work when the vegetation is very dense,
harvested in sununer from mixed, tall-herb fen or 'mowing and a reciprocating rnower or brush cutter is the usual
marshes'. These crops were once used for animal bedding method (see below).
and feed, and vast quantities were sentup to London for the
comfort of cab horses. Cutting or mowing continues in some Cut reed must be removed from the bed whether or
areas for conservation reasons, although the crop no longer not it is to be processed, or it will compact and decay
has any commercial value. The cut material is removed off into a smothering black ooze.
the marsh and stacked for burning or left to decay.
d Although it grows in a variety of situations, reed maintains
its dominance, when cut, only if subject to the same
Management regimes pattern of flooding and drying each year. Winter flooding
simulates the natural cycle, and is preferred for wildlife
R eed interest. Spring-summer flooding is the optimum for
commercial operations, as the young shoots are protected
a The best reed for thatching is 'single wale', which is cut from late frosts, and the flooding suppresses scrub and
each year in winter. This produces a very clean crop, as other 'weeds' which seed into summer-dry locations.
there is no accumulation of dead reed litter. The stems Water is then drawn down in autumn and winter to
are thin and pack tightly when thatched. Single wale permit access for harvesting. A compromise for wildlife
cutting reduces the rate of drying out of the reedbed, and commercial interest is to subdivide the reedbeds, so
and promotes the surface flow.of water. Plant diversity that only half is drained at a time for harvesting, while
in a single wale reedbed is low, as the annual cut f avours the other half remains flooded for winter feeding birds.
the dominance of reed. Conditions which provide a variety of depths down to a
maximum of300mm (12") in summer arebetter for wildlife
b Single w ale cutting tends to reduce the vigour of than the commercialpractice of flooding to the maximum
the reedbed, so a System of 'double wale' cutting is possible, up to about lm (36"). Year-round flooding tends
r •1 4 used by many growers, w hich means that the reeds to gradually weaken and thin the reedbeds. Avoid altering
are cut every other winter. Double wale reeds are the cycle from year to year as this drastically lowers the
taller and thicker than single wale, partly due to the quality of the reed.

e Reed grows best w here there is som e movem ent c Commercial sedge beds are sometimes burned in
of surface or soil water. W here a continual w ater summer, to suppress reed and increase the growth
supply exists, fiow cari be ensured by providing of new sedge shoots the next year. Sedge regrows
num erous intersecting ditches through the bed. The quickly from the scorched crowns. Summer burning
system starts w ith small ditches or grips only a spade is destructi ve of w ildlife and should be limited to only
width, w idening to Im (36") w idth w here they join part of the bed each year.
the m ain ditches. The flow reduces the rate of îitter
accum ulation and oxygenates the water. Large ditches d To renovate old sedge beds for commercial use any
and dykes m ay be navigable by small boats, w ith scrub should be removed in winter. The beds should
sluices across them at intervals so that w ater levels then be burnt or cut the next growing season to retard
can b e controlled either directly through gates or by reed and m ixed fen plants. Thereafter, the normal
pumping. cutting regime is followed. Sedge is commercially
acceptable provided it contains only limited amounts
f Reed grows b est in w ater w ith a high nutrient level. of marshhay, sallow saplings, bog myrtle (Myrica gale )
Its ability to survive in, and im prove the quality of, or other plants.
highly eutrophic or polluted w ater is being utilised
in the construction of reedbeds for w ater treatm ent Fen Îitter and m arsh h ay
(p l45). However, open-w ater areas w ithin reedbeds
w ith eutrophic w ater tend to becom e dom inated by Fens are maintained by annual or biennial cutting, by
fast-grow ing algae and duckw eed, to the detrim ent grazing or by a com bination of grazing and cutting.
of other organism s. W here eutrophic w ater flows into Grazing is usually between M ay and October. Marsh
a reedbed, it may be necessary to alter the channels hay is cut once or twice each summer, betw een mid-June
so th at the eutrophic w ater either flow s fir st into and mid-August. This encourages a good diversity of
a treatm ent reedbed, or by-passes the reedbeds herbaceous plants, and limits scrub invasion. If left uncut
altogether if there is an alternative supply. for a year or two, mixed fen can be burnt in winter to
remove old tangled growth and allow harvesting the
g Local outbreaks of reed bugs (Caterpillar s of Arenostoia next year.
spp) in late M ay and early June may dam age young
reeds and affectthe crop. Single w ale cutting removes
the overw intering habitat. Starlings may occasionally
Cutting and harvesting
ruin com m ercial reed crops by descending to roost in
vast flocks in late autum n. The crushed and tangled H arvestin g reed
reed is best burned off in the hope that next year
brings better luck. Tradiţional tools for cutting reed are the reed or cane-
sickle, w hich is a shortened straight-handled scythe, and
Sed ge the 'm aigue' or 'm eak', a similar but smaller tool with
a 600mm (2’) blade designed for single-handed use. An
a Saw sedge is norm ally har veşted for commercial ordinary scythe can substitute for either tool.
u se b e tw e e n Ju n e an d A u g u st. T rad itio n a lly ,
sum m er cutting provided alternative em ploym ent Hand cutting is laborious but clean, giving stems with
for m arshm en engaged during the w inter on reed. bevelled bases ideal for thatch. Hand cutting can be varied
Sum m er cutting also keeps sedge beds free of reed, to suit conditions, and reach small areas where machines
since reed is suppressed by sum m er cutting, whereas cannot operate. A skilled and fit w orker can cut reed as fast
sedge is not. The harvest should be finished in tim e to as some machinery. Low cutting leaves a clean reedbed, but
allo w the sedge to pu t on suf ficient new gro wth bef ore necessitates more cleaning of the cut reed. Higher cutting
the first frost, to prevent it being killed in winter. For leaves a few inches of stubbie which becomes excellent
conservation rather than com m ercial purposes, sedge invertebrate habitat, attractive to feeding birds. High
may be cut in w inter to avoid harm ing w ildlife. cutting is also done where reed becomes discoloured at
the base before harvest time. Affected stems are unsightly
b S aw sedge for thatching shoul d b e at least 900m m (3") although their hardness is unimpaired.
tall w hen harvested, and is traditionally cut on a four
year rotation, w ith one quarter of the bed cut each Reciprocating mowers are now used for most commercial
year. This allow s for sufficient regrow th and density harvesting. These machines have cutter bars one, two or
of new stems. Less frequent cutting has little effect three metres wide, and produce square-ended butts with
on the species m ix w ithin the bed, as sedge is very frayed ends, suitable for thatching. Various makes are
tenacious once established. M ore frequent cutting available, with the original Allen scythe now superseded
encourages other plants to invade and form a mixed by Iseki /Honda, Bucher andOlympia. The largestmachine
fen community. R otational cutting helps m inim ise is the Seiga, w hich needs three people to operate it, and
destruction o f w ildlife. can cut and tie 2,000 bundles in a day.

Brush cutters can also be used for cutting reed, but are used H a rv estin g saw sed g e, fe n litte r and m arsh h ay
more for conservation m anagem ent than for commercial
harvesting. Rotating blade brushcutters smash the butt Saw sedge, fen litter and m arsh hay are cut in the same
ends of the reeds so are not suitable for thatching reed. way as reed. Sedge can be cut by hand at the rate of 200
Reciprocating blade brushcutters give a neater cut, and bundles a day or more by a skilled worker. Cut sedge
can be used for cutting reeds below the w ater level. does not norm ally need cleaning of other plant m aterial if
the beds are reasonably maintained. The standard bunch
P ro ce ssin g reed of sedge measures 710m m (2'4") in circumference at the
time of cutting, measured at the bond at least 300mm
To process com m ercial reed once it is cut: ( r ) from the butt.

1 Clean the reed by shaking it and picking out other Sedge is cut green, and so dries and shrinks after
plants. It should contain no visible adulterating harvesting. Stacked bunches eventually loosen at the
matter. bond although they are of the proper size.

2 Gather and tie the reed into bundles sorted by length

(see table below). Tie at a point, called the bond, Osiers
betw een 230m m (9") and 380mm (15") from the butt
ends, using non-degradable twine. The bundle should 'O sier' is a loose term covering a num ber of species
be 600mm (2‘) in circumference at the bond. Keep a of w illow ( Salix) which are coppiced in one form or
piece of string handy, knotted at the measured length, another. Terminology, and the species involved varies
for easy checking. A bundle of medium length and both regionally and according to the purpose for which
diam eter w eighs 3.2-3.6kg (7-81b) w hen dry, and they are grown.
contains about 2000 reeds.
Traditionally every low land village and ham let had its
REED LENGTH AND DIAM ETER osiers forbasketwork, eeltraps, thatching spars,firewood,
fencing an d many other uses. East Anglia and the Somerset
British Reed Growers' Association classification levels were two centres of well-developed local industries
based on basket w illow and other specialised uses. After
declining for many years, there is now a revival of interest
L en g th
in osier production.

Short reed 9 M m m - 1.2m (3-4') Osiers are versatile. They can be grown into thickets,
windbreaks, shelterbelts and, if desired, treated as a
commercial crop at the same time. They are also highly
M edium reed 1.2-1.7m (4'-5'6") tolerant of neglect and cutting, surviving as long as the
roots reach water. Cut lengths of willow inserted into
the ground w ill readily resprout, so propagation and
Long reed Over 1.7m (5'6") planting is very easy.

C o m m e rc ia l o s ie r p ro d u c tio n re q u ire s re g u la r
management. Its draw back for conservation purposes
Stern d iam e te r is that commercial osier beds consist of large blocks of
even-aged plants. Even if harvested only once every few
years, their wildlife value tends to fluctuate from almost
3.2mm (one eighth
Fine zero the firstyear to ahigh point after perhaps three years,
and then dropping slowly until hitting zero again when
the osiers are cut.
4.8m m (three sixteenths
Basket w illow or 'witihy' shows the rigours of commercial
m anagem ent in extrem e form . W ithy is harvested
Coarse 5.6m m (quarter inch) annually, and production standards are so high that there
can be little tolerance for other wildlife.

3 Store the reed in dry, airy conditions, raised up from R o ta tio n a l m a n a g em en t of o sier b ed s w h ich are
the ground. subdivided into small blocks radically improves their
r * value for insects and many species of small passerine
For fu rth er d etails see the B ritish Reed G row ers' birds. Permanent grass strips and drainage ditches further
Association leaflet Buying ană Selling Reed. diversify the habitat.

Y/////// / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / z y y . / / / Z A / y i A P la n tin g d ep th a n d sp a cin g

D ra in a g e d itc h e s
----------- 2— - — ^ 1/ / / r;///////y/7
/ A -O s ie rs cui in a Be sure the cuttings reach m oist earth. Cuttings600mm
/ B -2 nd year (2') long should be pushed 300mm (1') deep in damp
T p loam y soil. Use longer cuttings pushed 400-600mm
/ C- 3rd year
(l'6"-2') deep to reach damp soil as necessary.
/ D-4-*'h year
V /////////////A b Space the plants 500mm (1'8") apart for thickets and
G -P e rm a n e n r grass screens, leaving tw ice this distance betw een every
sixth an d seventh row to allow access for management.
Planting and iniţial management Wider spacings, from 900mm-1.5m (3-5') are possible
w here the plants are not to b e commercially har veşted
P rep arin g th e cu ttin g s and tight straight shoots are unnecessary. Stagger the
plants in the w ider rows.
a Cut in earty spring for the best survival of cuttings,
although the success rate is good w hate ver the season. P ro te ctin g o sie r b ed s
Two-year shoots are best. O lder ones take nearly as
well but are harder to push into the ground. O sier beds must be protected from browsing by cattle.
M any beds are protected by dykes, but otherwise fencing
b Trim side shoots from each main shoot as you cut it. Rest will be necessary. Extra fencing m ay be needed in areas
the butt ends in w ater to keep them from drying out where deer are numerous.
before transplanting. Transplant as soon as possible.
E s ta b lis h in g a ro ta tio n
c Two-year shoots should be 1.8-2.4m (6-8') long. Cut
them into 600mm (2') lengths w ith a billhook. Angle The w inter after planting, cut the new growth off to
the cut cleanly so that there is no bruising or back about 75mm (3") above the ground, to stimulate growth
peeling of bark. the next spring. In later years, cut to the chosen rotation.
The stools slowly grow to about 600mm (2r) tall and
increase in diameter over the years until eventually they
are alm ost spherical.

Cutting and Processing

C u ttin g

a Cut osiers any time after the Ieaves drop in autumn

Where the water table is too deep for short cuttings, make until just after the new Ieaves burst in spring.
them 1-1.2m (3-4') long. U se older, thicker shoots for this,
although cuttings thicker than about 50mm (2") at the butt b C ut cleanly as close to the stump as possible. Although
end are hard to push into any but the softest ground. willow survives rough cutting and tornbark, any stubs
left on the stools thicken betw een harvests and make
P la n tin g te ch n iq u e s w ork much more difficult the next time.

a Plant cuttings right end up, as they were on the tree. c The tradiţional method uses a grasshook, although a
Look carefully at the leaf scars or young buds to billhook should be used for older, thicker shoots. Face
check. the plant, take a handful of shoots in your left hand
(if right-handed) and bend them slightly back to put
b Wear w ork gloves to push in cuttings. Force in thick them under tension. Cut the shoots in turn, striking
cuttings by learting on them w ith a glove or rolled-up each one sharply at an acute angle. Angle each blow
jacket betw een the end of the stick and your chest to upwards to trim the shoots off along the contour of
minim ise bruising and blisters. the stool, being caref ul not to follow through and catch
your left hand. Lay the handful of cuttings neatly to
c Use a crowbar to punch a hole in hard clayey soil or the side, and move around the stool to grasp and cut
when planting thick cuttings. the remaining shoots in the same way.

d Tread around the cuttings after pushing them to the

required depth, to firm them in.

There are at least 300 operaţional constructed wetlands

for w ater treatm ent in the UK, ranging from small DIY-
constructed domestic systems, to large scale industrial
systems such as the 5 hectare system at Billingham,
Cleveland, constructed by ICI to treat effluent from a
chemical plant. Constructed wetlands and ponds can be
used for the following:

a Controlling pollution from diverse sources which

feed into a pond or w ater course (see first example

b Small-scale sew age and waste water treatment for

isolated communities, holiday developments, visitor
centres and so on. W here convenţional sewage disposal
is still used, simple systems can be designed to treat
greywater (from sinks, baths, washing machines etc)
d For those not skilled w ith a grasshook or billhook, so that the w ater can be used for wildlife ponds or
loppers can be used. These are slower, but produce a garden irrigation.
clean cut.
c Tertiary treatm ent at sewage works for populations
e Clean around the cut surface of each stool before up to about 2,000.
m oving on to harvest the next plant. Leaf litter helps
maintain the fertility of the osier beds but should not d Treatment of industrial waste.
be allowed to pile up around freshly cut stools or they
may rot. e Treatment of farm waste.

P ro cessin g f Treatment of run-off from roads, runways and other

hard-surfaced areas.
a If osiers are not to be sold after harvesting, cut them
into lengths for transplanting or stack them into 'habitat g F or b a la n cin g p on d s, co n stru cted on b u ild in g
piles'. developments to trap polluted and sediment-laden
run-off produced during the building phase.
b Osiers to be sold should be gathered into bundles and
tied w ithbaler twine. The 'standard' bundle is 710mm M o st sy stem s h ave p roved efficien t at rem ov in g
(28") around at the base. Carry the bundled osiers out suspended solids, and in greatly reducing BOD (Biological
of the beds and stack them where they can be removed Oxygen Demand) in the discharged water. Reductions
by trailer. in am m on iu m and p h o sp h ate are m ore variable.
Construction and m aintenance costs are low, and the
benefits for wildlife and landscape are high. However,
Wetlands for water the amount of land required may be a limiting factor on
some sites.
A simple marginal reed bed to improve the quality of
The ability of wetlands, and in particular reedbeds, to w ater entering a pond or watercourse can be constructed
filter out solid w aste and pollutants has been recognised as shown below. A mixture of free surface flow and
for many years. With increasingly stringent Controls on subsurface flow should b e encouraged for maximum
the quality of w ater discharged into rivers and the sea, efficiency of the reedbed.
w ater companies, developers andbusinesseshavebegun
to invest in constructed w etland systems for treatm ent of
waste. Depending onthe type and volume of waste, these
systems vary from simple reedbeds, to more complex
systems with settling ponds and cascades. Aerators may be
included to im prove aeration w ithin the pond. Although
constructed w etlands tend to be dominated by common
reed, a diverse w etland plant community is preferable
for effective w ater treatm ent, and for wildlife value. On
some sites, treated w ater can be reused w ithin the site,
thus lessening the w ater supply requirements.

a Dig a trench about a m etre in from the edge of the pond A hybrid system, with a vertical flow bed followed by a
or watercourse. The trench should be about 500mm horizontal flow bed norm ally gives the most complete
(20") wide, and 750-1 OOOmm (2'6"-3') deep to intercept treatment.
subsurface flow.
A further variation is the reverse flow vertical system,
b Use the spoil to build outwards into the pond to create w hich has a solid pipe down to the bottom of the layers,
the marginal shelf. Extra spoil is likely to be required. thus forcing the effluent up through the layers to the
Temporary boarding may be necessary to support the rooting zone as shown.
sides of the trench.
R eversed v e r tic a l flo w
c Fiii the trench w ith coarse gravei.
d Plant the m arginal shelf with a variety of plants
inclu d in g com m on reed (Phragmites communis),
com m on clubrush ( Schoenoplectus lacustris ) and
reedmace ( Typha angustifolia). Reed grass (Phalaris S-iOmm
washed gravei
arundinacea) and reed sweet-grass ( Glyceria maxima) is-somm
e* washed gravei
are also suitable. A
w o fe r p r o o f m e m b ra n e
Nutrients can also be rem ovedby allowing w ater to flow
N o f to s c a le
through a waterlogged zone l-5 m (3-16') wide, planted
with willows or popi ars.

There are two basic types of constructed wetland or For further inform ation on large scale systems, with case
reedbed w hich can be used for treating dom estic, studies, see Ham mer (1989), M erritt (1994) and Hawke,
agricultural or industrial effluents: CJ and Jose, PV (1996). Permaculture Magazine and
books on permaculture and alternative technology are a
a H orizontal flow. The effluent passes horizontally good source of information on systems for treatment of
through the reedbed. Factors which can be altered domestic waste. See also Chapman T and Shields J (1994)
include the gradient of the bed, layering of soil or and Centre for Aquatic Plant M anagement Information
gravei within it, and the inlet and outlet arrangements. Sheet 36 (1995). Local authorities and water companies
A generalised diagram is shown. are increasingly interested in wetland systems for water
treatm ent and may be able to offer advice.
H orizontal flo w
w ater
w aferproof
mem brane

15- 30 mm o u tle t
w a sh e d gravei 5 -io mm ( perfora te d
washed gravei pip e)
Nof to scale

b Vertical flow. The effluent is introduced to the system

via aperforated pipe, which goes down through graded
layers of gravei.

V e rtica l flo w

i5-30 mm washed
5-l0mna washed

t5-3omm washed
w aterproo f membrane o u tle t
(p e rfo ra te d pipe)
Not to scale
A Vegetation tables
IMPORTANT: Invasive, non-native plants can have massive impacts
on ecosystem s. Both marginal and submerged wetland plants can
spread very quickly along watercourses. If you have ANY doubt
about irrtroducing a wetland plant, contact the Aquatic Plant
Management Group/CEH.

These tables su m m arise h ab itat requirem en ts and different in these conditions. For example, certain typically
management features of characteristic waterway and emergent plants may remain submerged in fio wing waters,
wetland plants. Species are common and widespread unless where they do not flower, and produce soft, s trap-like leaves
otherwise noted, and most are suitable for introduction to rather than stiff leaves. True aquatic species cannot survive
new aquatic or wetland areas within the limits noted. A even short-term drying, and remain under or on the surface
few species have been included which are relatively rare or except w hen they produce emergent flower spikes.
more typical of other habitats, but have some management
importance in aquatic environments. Nomenclature follows that used in the Excursion Flora of
the British Isles (Clapham, A R, Tutin, T G and Warburg, E
Plants are listed alphabetically by common name in five F; 1968). An asterisk before the common name indicates
tables, each table corresponding to a successional zone a non-native, introduced species, although in most cases
(p!3). Divisions between zones are often blurred, and these are naturalised. The abbreviations 'N ', 'S', 'SE' etc
species placed in one table may occur in adjacent zones. refer to general regions of Britain, but distributions cannot
Sometimes plants are weakened or stunted or appear quite be indicated predsely in the limited space.


Nutrient status: O = oligotrophic, M = mesotrophic, E = eutrophic
Management notes: I = Invasive, V = visual amenity value, X = interfere with bo ating or fishing, P = easily propagated by cuttings (Pc),
division (Pd), seeds (Ps) or transplanting (Pt) * non-native, introduced species

T A B L E 1: F R E E -F L O A T IN G T Y P E S

S p e cie s N u trie n t C o n d itio n s M a n a g e m e n t n o te s D istrib u tion /

statu s fea tu re s

B loom s, b la n k et C on tro l w ith barley

A lgae, free-
O -E Still-slow w eed in eu trop h ic straw .
flo atin g types
w ater See p 69

M ain ly N , local
Still-slow ,
B lad d erw ort elsew h ere. Su bm erged ,
O -M sheltered to lm on (X) W ild fo w l food
(Ultricularia spp) in sectiv orou s. W in ter
peat, g ravei, m ud
tu rio n

Still-slow .
(I) M a y ch oke
D uckw eed T olerates w id e
M -E surface. See p ag e 133
(Lemna spp) range o f p H and
W ild fo w l food
p o llu tio n

Fro g-bit L ocal, n o t Scotland.

In v erteb rate h abitat,
(.Hydrocharis E Still L eav es like sm all w ater
feed in g area for fish
morsus-ranae ) lily. W in ter turion

M o st co m m o n SE, local
H o rn w o rt Still-slow , inel. (I, V , X, Pc) elsew h ere. E asily cleared.
('Ceratophyllum M -E brack ish to lm or In v erteb rate h ab itat, In creasin g C demersum
spp) m ore w ild fo w l foo d in d icates d eclin in g w ater

Still-slow , esp
(I) M ay form d ense L o cal S. N o t
*W ater fe m brack ish
M -E m ats o n su rface like reco m m en d ed for
(Azolla filicu loides ) backw aters,
d uckw eed in tro d u ctio n
d red ged d ykes

Still-slow , shallow , M ay g ro w densely.

W ater so ld ier
M -E u np ollu ted , Sin ks in w in ter or if L o cal E, decreasing.
{Stratiotes aloides)
alk alin e p u t in d eep w ater
:J1JÎJ!-O JU ÎJL iî2

T A B L E 2: S U B M E R G E D R O O T E D P L A N T S

Species N u trien t C on d ition s M an agem en t D istrib u tio n /

statu s n otes featu res

A w lw ort Still, acid , to 1.5m D ifficu lt to

O L o cal in m o u n tain s of W , N
(Subularia aquatica) o n exposed shores estab lish

(I) O ften ch o k es
* C anad ian
StilI-m ed iu m , w ater. Su rv iv es w in ter as sh oots
p o n d w eed (Elodea M -E
0.3-3m In v ertebrate (tigh t-w rap p ed leaves)
canadensis )
h ab itat

H o rn ed p o n d w eed Still-m ed , inel (I,X) In v erteb rate

L ow lan d s. T olerates
(Zannichellia E brackish , to 2m , h ab itat, p o ch ard
p h o sp h ate p o llu tio n
palustris) clay stream s food

L esser m arsh w o rt Still-slow , shallow , T o lerates flu ctu atin g w ater

O -M —
(Apium inundatum ) sheltered , on p eat lev els

Still-m ed , often
M are's tail (X) W ild fo w l food T o lerates flu ctu atin g w ater
M -E alk, shallow or
(Hippuris vulgaris) (seeds) lev els
em erg en t

M oss (Fontinalis
O -E Still, d eeper w ater H ard to estab lish E asy to m an ag e if p resen t
antipyretica )

P ond w eed , b lu n t-
Still-slow , n eu tral- M ain ly SE , scattered t ]
O -M acid to 3m , stream (I) W ild fo w l food elsew h ere. R am p an t in
obtusifolius )
m ouths eu trop h ic w ater
P ond w eed , cu rled
(P crispus )

P ond w eed , flat-

M -E
Still-fast, clear, to
lm on clay ey m ud
(I,X) Fish and
in se ct sh elter,
w ild fo w l food
D ifficu lt to control
E Still-slo w , to 2m (X) W ild fo w l food L o cally freq u en t in low land s
stalk ed (P friesii ) e |
W id e ran g e of con d ition s
P ond w eed , fennel
Still-fast, inel
(I,X) In v erteb rate
h ab itat, w ild fo w l
in el pollu ted , tu rbid.
P on d w eed sp m ost likely to
t :
(P peciinaius) brackish , 0.6-2.5m
food cau se p ro b lem s to flow and
n av ig atio n
t ■
(I,X) In v erteb rate
P on d w eed , h air- Still-slow , sh allow ,
M -E h ab itat, w ild fow l Scattered , v e ry local S, E, C
like (P trichoides ) sheltered sites
food t ■
P on d w eed , long-
(P praelongus)
M -E
Still-slo w , clear, 1-
6m on silt, fen
p eat, lim eston e
W ild fo w l food
L ocally frequ ent, N E , C , E,
rare elsew h ere
Pond w eed ,
p erfo liate O -E
Still-m ed , clear, 1-
W ild fo w l food
In v asiv e w h en no es |
4m o n g ravei, clay co m p etitio n
(P perfoliatus )

Still-m ed , acid ,
er 5
P ond w eed , red L o cally freq u en t N , C , SE.
O -M clear, sh allo w o n (X) W ild fow l food
(P alpinus) T o lerates spates
m ud or rock
e s

Still-slow , alk,
P on d w eed , F req u en t in lo w lan d s o f SE,
E clear, to 4m on (X) W ild fo w l foo d
sh in in g (P lucens ) C , rare elsew h ere
lim eston e, clay

P on d w eed , Still-slo w , esp

Scattered N , A n g lesey ,
slen d er-leav ed E brack ish , 100- W ild fo w l food
m o stly n ear coast
(P filiform is ) 700m m o n sand

Still-slo w , acid -alk, (I,X) In v erteb rate

P ond w eed , sm all
M -E to lm , sh eltered hab itat, w ild fo w l —
(P berchtoîdii)
sites food

Still-slo w , alk, inel

P on d w eed , sm all slig htly b rackish , L o cally frequ en t S, C , E , C
M -E W ild fo w l food
(P pusillus) to 3.6m o n clayey Scot, scattered elsew h ere
m ud

P ond w eed ,
Still-slow , acid , to L ocally frequ en t, m ain ly N ,
vario u s-leav ed O -E W ild fo w l food
3m in clear w ater E. T olerates som e p o llu tio n
(P gram ineus )

Still, acid , to 3m
Q uillw ort D ifficu lt to
O -M on stony or L o cal in W and N highland s
(Isoetes spp) estab lish
b o u ld er clay

P io n eer, stabilises loose

Shorew eed Still, esp acid, to
O -E W ild fo w l food san d , gravei. Stands
(Littorella uniflora) 4m
exp osu re

Still-fast, acid-alk,
Starw ort
O -E to lm or m ore (X) W ild fo w l food —
(Callitriche spp)
d ep en d in g on spp

Ston ew ort (algae, Still, clear, acid -alk (Pt) W ild fo w l R esem b les h ig h er plants.
m ainly Chara and O -E or b rackish , to 3m food, cover. N itella im p o rta n t in
Nitella spp) o n silt, sand , m ud G ro w s rap id ly n u trien t-p o o r upland lakes

D ab b lin g d uck
T assel p o n d w eed B rack ish on san d y Local, Coastal p ools an d
M -E food (seeds) esp
(Ruppia m aritim a ) or fertile soil ditehes
w ig eo n

Still-fast, (i,v,x)
W ater crow fo ot In v erteb rate O ften d om in an t in sw ift
O -E d ep en d in g on spp,
(Ranuncuîus spp) hab itat, w ild fow l w ater
inel b rack ish
foo d (seeds)

W ater lobelia A cid to 1.2m on W , N. Sh o w y em erg en t

O (V)
(Lobelia dortmanna) p eat or g ravei flo w er spikes

(I) In v erteb rate

W ater m ilfoil Still-fast, acid -alk, M yrio p h yllu m spicatum can
h ab itat, w ild fow l
{Myriophyllum) O -E to 2m d epen d in g b ecom e ram p an t in still,
food . C asts little
on spp eu trop h ic w ater
shad ow

W ater v iolet Still-slo w , sh allo w L ocal E , rare elsew h ere, n ot

E (V,X)
(Hottonia palustris) esp ditehes Scot

W aterw o rt Still, to 600m m , on N eed s v ary in g Scattered in

(Elatine spp) exp osed shores w ater levels S, W , N

T A B L E 3: F L O A T IN G -L E A V E D R O O T E D P L A N T S

S p e cie s N u trie n t C o n d itio n s M a n a g e m en t D istrib u tion /

statu s n o te s fe a tu re s

B ur-w eed , floating Still, clear, 0.6-2m

L o ca l in m ou n tain ou s areas,
(Sparganium O on fine org anic (X)
rare elsew here.
angustifolium ) soil

Bur-w eed ,
Still-m ed , to Im F req u en t S, E, C , local
unb ranched (I,X,Pd) W ild fo w l
O -E esp clay stream s, elsew h ere. C an n o t stand
(Sparganium food and cover
basic soil w av es
emersum )

(X) A ttracts
P ond w eed , b ro ad -
Still-m ed , u su ally insects. Food for T olerates sp ates and m o re
O -E clear, 0.3-3m on m allard , teal acid con d ition s th an m an y
soft, rich soil (seeds), sw an s Potamogeton spp
natans )

Still-slow , inel
Frin g ed w ater lily (V,X) A ttractiv e B eco m in g a p ro b lem in
tu rbid, 0 .6 -1 .5m
(Nymphoides E b u t can be som e static w aters in
esp fen d rain s,
peltata) in v asiv e S and E.
n ew w ater bod ies

L east w ater lily L o cal in h ig h lan d Scot, rare

M -E Still, 0.6-2.5m (X)
(Nuphar iuţea) in Sh ro p sh ire

W h ite w ater lily Still-slo w , inel (I,V ,X ) Su itab le for

M -E —
(Nymphaea alba) tu rbic, to 3m stream m outh s

Y ellow w ater lily Still-m ed to 2m or (I,V ,X ) Su itab le for

M -E —
(Nuphar Iuţea ) m ore n itrogen ou s stream m outh s

T A B L E 4: E M E R G E N T P L A N T S

S p e cie s H e ig h t N u trie n t C o n d itio n s M anagem ent D istrib u tion /

statu s n o te s fea tu re s

(V ,Pd) In sect
Still-slo w , to T olerates spates,
A m p h ibio u s h ab itat,
600m m or flu ctu atin g w ater
b isto rt d u cklin g
— M -E m o re, exposed levels and
(.Polygonum cov er,
sh ores, u su ally d essication. Sh ow y
am phibium ) w ild fo w l food
n o n -calcareo u s flow ers.

(V) D u ck lin g
cover, S, E, C. Su bm erged ,
A rrow h ead Still-m ed , to
w ild fo w l food strap -lik e leav es in
(,Sagittaria 300m m M -E 150m m on
(tuber). flow . D ies dow n
sagittifolia) sand , silt, clay
R eg row s w h en after first frost
cu t

T h e m o st w id ely
B ur-reed Still-m ed , to (I, Pd)
d istribu ted stream
(Sparganium — M -E l m esp o n W ild fo w l food
p lan t. C ann ot stand
erectum ) b a sic soil, clay and cov er
w av es

C om m o n
b u lru sh or Still-m ed , l- 2 m M ain ly lo w lan d s o f
clu b-ru sh (less in flow ) S, E, C esp outer
(I,V) W ild fo w l
(Schoenoplectus 2-2.5m O -E on 30-60% frin ge o f P h ragm ites
food an d cov er
lacustris syn organic- sw am p. W ith stan d s
Scirpus co n ten t soil w in d and w aves.

Still-slo w , to (I,V ,Pd c) R eed See p ag e 141.

C om m o n or
2m o n 30-60% w arb ler, D om in ates inner
N o rfo lk reed
2.4m O -E organic- b u n tin g m argin s of
co n ten t soil, habitat, reed sw am p. Stands
com m unis )
sh eltered sites w ild fo w l food drying, n o t w aves.

Still-m ed ,
(Psd) W ig eo n ,
sh allow
F lo atin g sw eet- sw an food
m argin s. T olerates fluctuating
grass ( Glyceria 0.3-1.2m M (leaves), other
E x ten d s b y w ater lev els, scour
flu itan s ) w ild fo w l food
floatin g,
trap p in g ooze

Still-slow ,
Flo w erin g ru sh
sh allow M a in ly low land s of
(Butomus lm M -E (V,Pd)
m arg in s, esp SE, C. Show y flow ers
umbellatus )
on clay

G lau co u s clu b- Still inel L o cally frequ en t S, E,

ru sh (Scirpus lm M -E b rack ish , p eaty — W coasts, scattered
tabernaemontani) to 500m m th rou gh o u t

L esser or O ften in m on o-
Still, to 0.6-2m , (I,V) W ild fo w l
n arro w -leav ed d o m in an t stands.
esp flo atin g cov er,
reed m ace 2m M -E T o lerates su m m er
m at ov er in v erteb rate
(Typha cu ttin g b u t n o t
d eep er w ater h ab itat
angustifolia ) p ollu tion

L esser Still-sw ift, (V)

sp earw ort v ary in g soils In v erteb rate
300m m O -E T olerates sh ad e
(Ranunculus esp acid h a b ita t, b ird
flam m ula ) organic fo o d (seeds)

L esser w ater Still-slow , (V) E asy to

p lan tam neu tral-alk , establish , good L ocal, w id ely
300m m M -E
(Baldella sh allow s on b o tto m cover scattered
ranunculoides) m ineral soil to 500m m

(V) M allard
R eed canary T o lera tes flu ctu atin g
food (seeds),
g rass (Phalaris 1.2m M -E Still-fast to lm w ater levels,
cover. L o cally
arundinacea) stren g th en s b an k s
in v asiv e

Still, to 600m m
(I,V) D u cklin g O ften in m ono-
R eed m ace or or so o n m ed
cover, d o m in an t stands.
b u lru sh (Typha 2m M -E . (35% ) organic
in v erteb rate T o lerates p ollution ,
latifoîia) co n ten t silt, or
h ab itat siltin g
flo atin g m at

M a in ly S, E, C.
*Sw eet flag Still-m ed , esp
(Pd) Sterile in M ed iev al
(.Acorus 1.2m M -E alk, to 500m m
w est E u rop e in tro d u ctio n for
calamus) on silt
m ats.

(I) F ish hab itat,

Still-slow , O ften m o n o -
W ater h o rsetail m allard food.
m ed iu m alk, to d o m in an t in open
(Equisetum — O -E T o xic to stock,
lm on sand, w ater less than
fluviatile) p a latab le w h en
peat 150m m deep.
cu t

W ater p lan tain N arrow -leav ed w ater

(Alisma Still-m ed to p lan tain
— M -E (I/V)
piantago- 750m m o n silt (A. lanceolatum )
aquatica) sim ilar, SE

W atercress Still-fast, esp

(Rorippa shallow , clear, In v erteb rate
nasturtium- u np ollu ted , h abitat,
600m m M O ften cu ltiv ated
aquaticum syn sunny, on w ild fo w l food
Nasturtium lim eston e (shoots)
officinale ) g ravei

T A B L E 5: M A R G IN A L P L A N T S

N u trie n t M a n a g e m en t D istribu tion /

S p e cie s H e ig h t C o n d itio n
statu s n o te s fea tu res

Still-slow , acid ,
B ogbean sh allo w or
(Menyanthes — O floating m at on (V) —
irifoliata) d eep peat,
an aerob ic m ud

A cid p eat in
Su p p orts
B ogm oss p ools or o n
specialised b o g C ann ot stand
(iSphagnum — 0 h u m m ocks,
p lan t tram pling, bu rning
spp) d ep en d in g on
co m m u n ity

C om m o n
Still-slow , to W ild fo w l food O ften m ono-
sp ikeru sh
300m m M 300m m , on (seeds) and d o m in an t on exposed
v aried soils cov er sh ores

C otto n g rass
A cid b o g , p eat
(Eriophorum 600m m O — —
m oor

C reeping
Slow cu rren t (V) D abbling
bu ttercu p T ypical o f g razed and
450m m — in w ater, w et d u ck food
(Ranunculus d isturb ed m arshes
m eadow s (seeds, leaves)
repens )

G reat w ater Still-slo w , to (Psd) In sect

M ain ly SE , C. Esp in
d o ck (Rumex 1.5m E 500m m esp on food , w ild fo w l
hydrolapathum) clay, fen p eat food (seeds)

K ingcu p or
(V) Flow ers Ty p ical o f m arshes,
m arsh Still-slo w or
early, im p to w et m eadow s. Show y
m arigold 300m m O -E d am p m ineral
p o llin atin g flow ers. T o xic to
(Caltha soils
in sects stock
palustris )

M arsh
Still, sh eltered
cinqu efoil C om m o n except S, E.
450m m O -M m argin s or (V) C ov er
(Potentilla O ften w ith bogbean
flo atin g m ats
palustris )

M arsh yello w -
Slow , esp
cress (Rorippa Sw an and
w h ere w ater
islandica syn 300rm n — w ig eo n food —
stand s ortly in
Nasturtium (roots)
w in ter
palustre )

Still-fast, esp
N arrow -Ieav ed alk, sh allow F requ en t SE , C,
w ater-p arsn ip 450m m M m argin s on — elsew h ere rare.
(Berula erecta) lim eston e, fen T olerates shad e

■■ I

W aste or
O rache W ild fo w l food E sp coasts. Q uickly
lm — ground or
(Atriplex spp) (seeds) colonises n ew ground
sand , gravei

P ennyw ort or
m arsh Still-slow , acid-
p ennyw ort — O -E alk, to 800m m — —
(Hydrocotle o n peat
vulgaris )

P urp le m oor-
grass {M olinia 600m m O A cid p eat — —
caerulea )

R edleg or W aste places,

redshank cu ltivated W ild fo w l food Q u ick ly colonises
600m m —
(.Polygonum soils, b esid e (seeds) n ew ground
persicaria ) p ond s

Still-m ed , acid,
R ush, b u lbo u s A qu atic form
clay or peat on
(juncus 600m m O (Ps) (fluitans) in w ater to
h ard ro ck or
bulbosus ) 600m m or m ore
acid san d ston e

(Ps) W ild fo w l P ro tects shore from

R usii, hard Shallow s,
600m m O -E food (seeds), erosion. T oxic to
(/ inflexus) n eu tral-alk soil
red sh an k cover stock

P rotects shore from

R ush, soft Shallow s, acid (Ps) W ild fo w l
700m m O -E erosion. O n ce used
(/ effusus) soils, clay foo d , cover.
for ru sh lam ps

Sh allow s, acid
R ush, jointed soil esp m ow n (Ps) W ild fow l Ju n cu s m arshes often
450m m O -E
(/ articulatus) and grazed food (seeds) rich in orchids
m eadow s

Saw or great
Still, alk,
fen sed ge (I) W ild fo w l
1.5m M sh allow s on M ain ly E.
( Claăium cover
fen peat
mariscus )

Sea clu bru sh Still, esp W ild fo w l foo d O ften m ono-

( Scirpus 600m m M -E brackish, (seeds), nest dom inant. Tolerates
maritimus ) shallow s cover su m m er drought

Still, acid-alk, (I,Pd) M a in ly u pland s of N,

Sed ge, bottle
450m m O -M to 600m m on W ild fo w l food, W , S, w h ere constant
(Carex rostrata)
peat cov er h igh w ater table

Sed ge,
(Pd) W ild fow l
com m on 300m m O -E U su ally acid —
food (seeds)
( Carex nigra)

Still-slo w , to
Sed ge, g reater (Pd) Bird food M ain ly low land s S, E,
600m m on
pond ( Carex 1.2m E (seed, leaf), C. Stan d s su m m er
m ineral-
riparia) b reed in g cover cu tting
organic soil

Sed ge, g reater Still-slo w , alk,

tu sso ck sed ge shallow s, often (V ,Pd) Tolerates som e shade.
or p anicled 1.2m E ab o v e m ean W ild fo w l P rotects sh orelin e
(Carex w ater level, on cover from erosion
paniculata ) fen peat

Sed ge,
h am m er or In d am p grass, (Pd) W ild fow l
600m m — —
h airy (Carex near ponds food (seeds)
hirta )

Sed ge, lesser Still-v ery slow , M ain ly low land s S, E,

(Pd) W ild fow l
pond ( Carex 700m m E to 600m m on C. O ften co-d om in an t
acutiformis) silt, clay w ith C riparia.

Sm all-reed
300m m — H arm ed b y su m m er
(Calamagrostis — — —
1.5m flood ing

Tu fted hair-
grass A cid , clayey B reed in g cov er
lm — —
{Deschampsia soils for bird s
caespitosa )

W ater forget- Still-fast,

T o lerates shade,
m e-n o t m argin s to
— O -E (V) flu ctu atin g w ater
(.M yosotis 500m m , varied
scorpioides ) soils

Still-fast, esp
W ater m int
alk, sh allow s T olerates flu ctuatin g
(Mentha 300m m M -E —
esp on w ater levels
lim esto n e

M arsh y fields,
W ater p ep p er
tram pled M allard food
(Polygonum 600m m — T oxic to stock
m argin s and (seeds)
hyăropiper )
sh allow s

Y ello w flag Still-slow , M ay in d icate su m m er

(Iris lm O -E sh allow s, on (V) drying. R em ain s toxic
pseudacorus ) silt w h en cut.
B Conservation and the
volunteer worker
The Conservation Volunteers is the largest practicai pockets. Several grant-aiding bodies may help pay the cost
conservation organisation in the UK. It supports more than of environmental and conservation projects. For details
140,000 volunteers from all sections of the community in of grants and awards, contact us at the address below.
activities to protect and im prove the environment. With Comprehensive inform ation is available in publications
more than 100 offices around the UK, we are able to work by the Directory of Social Change and Charities Aid
in a range of areas carrying out different activities. The Foundation (see page 169).
Practicai Handbooks series is one of the ways of helping
to ensure that w ork undertaken by ourselves, volunteers It is im portant that volunteer workers are covered by
and other conservationists is to the highest standard. public liability insurance for any damage or injury they
may cause to third party property or to the public. Cover
To ensure the success of any conservation project, it is of atleast two million pounds is recommended. Additional
im portant to establish: insurance to compensate the volunteer for injury to him
or herself or to other volunteers on a project should also
* W hether it is a worthw hile conservation project. Any be considered. Specially tailored insurance is available
work to be carried out should respond to a real need through our ow n Group M embership Scheme. Contact
w hich is directly related to a broad framework of the Local Groups Unit at the address below.
development. In term s of conservation, this means
that projects should be undertaken as integral parts of The volunteer group organiser should visit the work
site m anagem ent plâns, not as isolated exercises. The site well before the project to check that it is suitable
prime purpose of the w ork should also be made clear. and that volunteers will not be exploited, and to plan
For instance is it to im prove local wildlife habitats or the best size of working party and the proper tools and
to im prove access to the countryside? equipment. Volunteers should be advised in advance on
suitable clothing for the expected conditions, they should
* That the work is suitable for volunteers. Volunteers be physically fit and come prepared for work. Above all,
cannot successfully tackle all types of work and they individuals should genuinely want to volunteer - those
should not be involved where there is a risk of serious 'press-ganged' into volunteering may do more harm
accident or injury, where machines can do the same job than good and will not enjoy the benefits associated with
more effectively and for a lower cost or where the skills volunteering. Young volunteers need more super Vision and
required are beyond their capabilities. The latter can be are best suited to less strenuous jobs, and itis recommended
overcome if professional training is provided so that that where they are involved, the project should emphasise
a situation can be avoided where volunteers become education. Recent legislation, including The Children's Act,
dispirited or the work is not done to a high standard. gives comprehensive guidance on supervisory ratios and
other means to safeguard the welfare of young people. The
* W here the project will take place and how m uch time recommendations of the Home Office report 'Safe from
it will take to complete. Once this has been done it is harm', should also be followed, and for any activities in
necessary to establish w hether there are any hazards remote areas, organisers should also be fully aware of the
and risks associated w ith the site. Adventure Activities Licensing Regulations.

* W hether the w ork should be done by paid staff. Vol- Both volunteer group organisers and clients should keep
untary service should not replace paid, local labour records of the work undertaken: the date of the project,
but com plem ent it. Em ployers should make sure jobs done, techniques used, num ber of volunteers and
in advance that the position of volunteers and paid details of any notable events including accidents, unusual
workers is clear w ith respect to any relevant labour 'finds', publicity etc. Such information makes it easier
unions. to handle problems or queries w hich may arise after the
project. It also provides a background on the project site
Volunteers should not be regarded as providing "free for future visits, supplies practicai data by w hich the
labour'. Someone has to pay for transport, materials, site m anagem ent plan can be evaluated and allows an
tools, insurance, refreshments and any accommodation assessment to be made of the volunteer effort.
charges. Before each party makes a commitment to a
project it should be clear w ho is to pay for what. W hile As well as directly managing project work, whether for
volunteers may w illingly fund their own work, clients a day or more, we support volunteers indirectly through
should be prepared to contribute and should not assume the local group service. To find out more about what
that all volunteers, who are already giving their time and opportunities are available please contact us (address
effort, will be able to m eet other expenses out of their own on page ii).
c Contacts

This is a list of some of the organisations in the UK Countryside M anagem ent Association
w hich are involved w ith environm ental matters. Those Writtle College, Lordship Road
websites w hich are particularly relevant, and w hich are Writtle, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 3RR
not included under the addresses below, are listed at the Tel: 01245 424116
bottom of this section. w w w.countrysidem anagem

Construction Industry Research and Information Centre

General Classic House, 174-180 Old Street,
London E C 1V 9B P
ADAS Tel: 020 7549 3300
(consultancy and research organisation for the
land-based industries)
Customer Services: 0845 766 0085 Dry Stone Walling Association W estmorland County Showground, Lane Farm,
Crooklands, Milnthorpe, Cum bria LA7 7NH
Bat Conservation Trust Tel: 01539 567953
15 Cloisters House, 8 Battersea Park Road
London SW 8 4BG
Tel: 020 7627 2629 Dept. for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) Customer Contact Unit, Eastbury House,
30 - 34 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TL
The British Association for Shooting and Conservation Tel: 020 7238 6000 Helpline: 08459 335577
(regional centres in England, Wales, Scotland and
Tel: 01244 573000 Environment Agency General Enquiries: 0845 9333111
Emergency Hotline: 0800 807060
Centre for A lternative Technology
M achynlleth, Powys
SY20 9AZ Environm ent Council
Tel: 01654 705950 212 H igh H olbom , London W C1V 7BF Tel: 020 7836 2626
Common Ground
Gold Hill House, 21 H igh Street, Shaftesbury Farming and W ildlife Advisory Group
Dorset SP7 8JE National Agricultural Centre
Tel: 01747 850820 Stoneleigh, Kenilw orth
w w Warwickshire CV8 2RX
Tel: 024 7669 6699
C oundl for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE)
128 Southw ark Street,
London SE1OSW Forestry Com m ission GB & Scotland
Tel: 020 7981 2800 Silvan House, 231 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh EH12 7AT
Tel: 0131 334 0303 (switchboard)
Countryside Council for Wales Enquiries: 0845 FORESTS (3673787)
M aes y Ffynnon, Penrhosgarnedd,
Gwynedd LL57 2DW Game Conservancy Trust
Tel: 0845 1306229 Burgate Manor, Fordingbridge Hants SP6 1EF
Tel: 01425 652381

The Greenwood Centre Thrive

Station Rd, Coalbrookdale, Telford, Shrops TF8 7DR The Geoffrey Udall Centre
Tel: 01952 432769 Beech HilI, Reading RG7 2AT Tel: 01189 885688
Herpetological Conservatlon Trust
655A Christchurch Road The Tree Advice Trust
Boscombe, Bournem outh Arbor icul tural Advisory and Inform ation Service,
BH1 4AP Alice Hoit Lodge, W recclesham, Farnham,
Tel: 01202 391319 Surrey GU10 4LH Tree Helpline: 09065 161147 (premium rate)
Lantra House, Stoneleigh Park, Coventry CV8 2LG Tree Council
Tel: 024 7669 6996 71 N ewcom en Street, London SE1 1YT Tel: 020 7407 9992
National Wildflower Centre Vincent Wildlife Trust
Court Hey Park, Liverpool L16 3NA 3 & 4 Bronsil Courtyard
Tel: 0150 737 1819 Eastnor, Ledbury Herts HR8 1EP
Tel: 01531 636441
Natural England www.vw
Natural England, 1 East Parade, Sheffield S I 2ET
Tel: 0114 241 8920 W W E-UK Panda House, Weyside Park, Godalming
Surrey GU7 1XR
Plantlife Tel: 01483 426444
14 Rollestone Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP 11D X er
Tel: 01722 342730 W oodland Trust
Autum n Park, D ysart Road, Grantham,
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
The Lodge, Sandy, Beds SG19 2DL
Tel: 01767680551
Lincolnshire NG31 6LL
Tel: 01476 581111

Scottish Environm ent Protection Agency (SEPA)

SEPA Corporate Office
Erskine Court, Castle Business Park
Stirling FK9 4TR £

Tel: 01786 457700
Emergency hotline: 0800 807060
Scottish Natural H eritage
Great Glen House, Leachkin Road,
Inverness IV3 8NW
Tel: 01463 725000 i er ■

Sustrans Ltd
2 Cathedral Square, College Green, Bristol BS1 5DD
Tel: 0117 926 8893


Waterways and wetlands Websites

Aquatic Plant M anagem ent Group In addition to those given above, a few more of the many
CEH, M aclean Building, relevant sites on the web are listed below:
Wallingford 0 X 1 0 8BB
Tel: 01491 692556

British Waterways

Head Office (European Centre for Nature Conservation)
Willow Grange, Church Road, Watford W D1 4QA
Tel: 01923 226422
ww w.britishw aterw aysxo .u k (Joint Nature Conservation Committee)

9 Sw an Court, Cygnet Park, Hampton, (National Biodiversity NetWork)
Peterborough PE7 8GX
Tel: 01733 558844 (Ramsar Convention on Wetlands)

Inland Waterways A ssociation w

PO Box 114, Rickm answ orth W D3 1ZY
Tel: 01923 711114

National Federation of Anglers

National Water Sports Centre, Adbolton Lane,
Holme Pierrepont, N ottingham NG122LU
Tel: 0115 9813535

Ponds Conservation Trust

School of Life Sciences, Oxford Brookes University,
Gipsy Lane, Headington, Oxford OX3 OBP
Tel: 01865 483249
w w

River Restoration Centre

River Restoration Centre, Building 53,
Cranfield University Campus, Cranfield,
Bedfordshire M K43 OAL
Tel: 01234 752979.

Waterway Recovery Group

PO Box 114, Rickm answ orth W D3 1ZY
Tel: 01923 711114

Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust

W W T Slimbridge, Gloucestershire GL2 7BT
Tel: 01453 891900
ww w. w wt.
Specialist suppliers
This is a short list of some of the major suppliers Bentonite
of relevant materials and equipm ent for managing
waterways and wetlands. Cetco Europe Ltd
Birch House, Scotts Quays, Birkenhead,
M erseyside L412 1FB
Tel: 0151 606 5900
www. cetco. corn
Hand tools, winches, helmets, first aid kits
Native plants

The Conservation Volunteers Native aquatics and other native plants

Sedum House, M allard Way, D oncaster DN4 8DB
Tel: 01302 388883 Grange Farm Nursery Grange Road, W idmer End, High Wycombe,
Buckinghamshire HP15 6AE
Tel: 01494 718203
Bioengineering products w

Naturescape British Wild Flowers

M aple Farm , Coach Gap, Langar, Nottinghamshire
NG313 9HP
Hy-Tex (UK) Ltd Tel: 01949 860592
PO Box 97, Aldington, Ashford,
Kent TN 25 7EA
Tel: 01233 720097 British W ildflower Plants Burlingham Gardens, 31 M ain Road,
North Burlingham, Norfolk NR13 4TA
Tel: 01603 716615
Erosaweb (Armater), Nicospan, Bestmann ,uk
Fibre Rolls, Gabions, Floating islands

Verdant Solutions Ltd Native wildflowers and wetland plants

High Street, Hartfield, East Sussex TN7 4AE
Tel: 01892 770470 The Conservation Volunteers
w w Sedum House, Mallard Way, Doncaster DN 4 8DB
Tel: 01302 388883
Pond liners
Emorsgate W ild Seeds
Limes Farm, Tilney AII Saints, King's Lynn,
Norfolk PE34 4RT
Tel: 01553 829028
Pond Liners (Direct) Ltd
Unit 8, M illbrook Business Park, Hoe Lane,
Nazeing, Essex EN9 2RJ John Cham bers' Wild Flow er Seeds
Tel: 01992 890901 15 W estleigh Road, Barton Seagrave Kettering, Northants NN15 5AJ
Tel: 01933 652562
Russetts Developm ents Ltd
27 Burners Lane, Kiln Farm, YSJ Seeds Ltd
M ilton Keynes MK11 3HA Kingsfield Conservation Nursery,
Tel: 0870 7702800 Broadenham Lane, W insham, Chard, Som erset TA20 4JF Tel: 01460 30070

Landlife W ildflowers Ltd

National Wildflower Centre
Court Hey Park, Liverpool L I 6 3NA
Tel: 0151 737 1819

Reeds and reedbed Systems

Living Water
Living Water Ecosystems Ltd, Carlingnose Studios,
North Queensferry, Fife, KY11 IE R
Tel: 01383 415215

Yarningdale Nurseries Ltd

16 Chapel Street,
Warwick CV34 4HL
Tel: 01926 842282



E Site studies and surveys

Site studies and surveys are im portant to establish the National Pond Survey m ethodshave alsobeen adopted by
existing status ofponds, lakes, marshes, streams and other the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, as described
watercourses, and to measure changes over time. Surveys in Ponds, pools and lochans (Scottish Environm ent
are vital for establishing the need for management work, as Protection Agency, 2000). The National Ponds Database
inappropriate m anagem ent candam age habitats, species, is being developed by Pond Action in association with
sediment history, archaeological features and artifacts. other organisations, and is accessible at www.brookes. /pondaction.
Continuous monitoring of watercourses is undertaken
by many organisations. These include the Environment National Pond Survey methods can be used to:
Agency and English Na ture, the Scottish Environment
Protection Agency, and the Department of the Environment * assess the regional or naţional conservation value of
(Northern Ireland). Water companies, universities, county ponds
councils, the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Biological
Records Centres, Wildlife Trusts and other environmental * assess whether a pond is degraded using the PSYM
organisations may also hold databases on watercourses, tech n iqu e, d eveloped by Pond A ction and the
canals, streams, ponds, lakes and wetlands. Environment Agency.

The New Rivers and W ildlife Handbook (RSPB, NRA * decide pond management priorities
and RSN C, 1994) contains detailed inform ation on
river surveys, including morphology, river corridors, * establish long-term pond monitoring programmes.
plants, mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles and
invertebrates. M ethods for surveying am phibians, and assessing
the conservation value of amphibian populations, are
ThePond Book(Pond Conserv ation Trust, 1999) contains given in the Ieaflet Surveying for amphibians (British
outline details on pond surveys for ecological and Herpetological Society, 1996).
historical value. The Pond Conservation Trust, through
Pond Acdon, and w orking jointly with the Environment British Waterways publishes a range of resources for
A gency has d eveloped the N ational Pond Survey studying canals and other inland waterways, including
methodology. Full details are given in A guide to the inform ation on water quality, wildlife, canal corridor
methods of the National Pond Survey (Pond Action, 1998). studies, history and technology.

Aerobic Habitat Pan
Characterised by the presence offree The recognisable area or type of A hard, distinct soil layer caused
or molecular oxygen; requiring such environment in which an organism by the precipitation of iron or other
conditions to live. normally lives. compounâs.

Alluvium H ead Peat

Fine sediments deposited byfloods. The difference in the depth o f Soil maăe up entirely o f organic
water at any two points, or the remains.
A naerobic measure o f the pressure at the lower
Characterised by the absence o f point expressed in terms o f this Piping
free oxygen; oble to live in such difference. Internai erosion o f a dam, usually
conditions. by water seeping along a pipe or up
Hydraulics from below.
Bog Study o f the behaviour offlowing
Mire containing acid-loving plants. water. Productivity
Description o f ecosystern in terms
Carr Hydrogen potenţial (pH) of'biomass'(total mass o f living
Fen scrub. A measure o f the relative acidity or organisms).
alkalinity o f water or soil.
Catchment Shoaling
Area o f ground which collects and Hydrology Build-up o f erosion material in a
feeâs water to a given waterway or Study o f the laws and properties o f watercourse.
wetland. water.
Community Leaching Fine sediments deposited in still
Group o f plants andj or animals The process by which percolating water.
living together under characteristic, water removes nutrients from the
recognisable conditions. soil. Spit
A rough unit o f measurement used
Dystrophic Leat in digging, equal to the length o f a
Water o f no or extremely low Artificial channel, the main purpose spade blade.
productivity. o f which is to supply water to another
waterway or to loater-powered mills. Staining
Ecology Colouration o f water by dissolveâ
Study ofhoio living things reiate to Macrophyte substances.
their environment or surroundings. Broad leaved plant.
Eutrophic Marsh Area o f mineral soil normally
Water ofhigh productivity. Area o f mineral-based soil in which flooded in the growing season
the summer water level is close to the and dominated in most cases by
Eutrophication surface, but seldom much above it. emergent macrophyte.
The process by which a water body
becomes more productive over time. M esotrophic Turbidity
Water ofmedium productivity. The pollution o f water by suspended
Fen matter.
Mire containing neutral- or Mire
alkaline-loving plants. Area o f permanently wet peat. W ater table
Level below which the soil is
Flush Natural succession waterlogged.
Area ofsoil in which nutrients The process by which one
accumulate due to water inflow or community o f organisms gives way Zonation
soil movement and breakdown. to another in an orderly series from The occurrence o f communities in
colonisers to climax. distinct geographical areas or zones.
Glacial till
Unsorted clays, sands, gravels and Oligotrophic
stones left by melting glaciers. Water o f low productivity.

Alabastei; JS (1985) Burgess, Neil D and Hirons, Graham J M (1990)

Habitat Modification and Freshwater Fish Techniques o f Hydrological Management at Coastal
Butterworths Lagoons and Lowland Wet Grasslands on RSPB Reserves
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Andrews, J and Kinsman, D (1994)
Gravei Fit Restoration for Wildlife CIRIA (1998)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Review o f the Design and Management o f Constructed
Andrews, J and Rebane, M (1994) Construction Industry Research and Information
Farming and Wildlife - a Practicai Management Handbook Centre
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
CIRIA (2000)
Bacon, John and Lord, Bob (1996) Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems Design Manual for
Troublesome trees - Taking trees ojfbogs England and Wales
Enact Voi 4 No 3 Construction Industry Research and Information
Baines, Chris (2000)
How to Make a Wildlife Garden CIRIA (2000)
Frances Lincoln Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems Design Manual for
Scoţiană and Northern Ireland
Blamey, Marjorie; Fitter, Richard and Fitter, Alastair (2001) Construction Industry Research and Information
The Wild Flowers ofBritain and Ireland Centre
A & C Black
Centre for Alternative Technology
Beebee, T (1992) Constructed Reed Beds Tipsheet
Pond Life Making Use o f Waste Water Tipsheet
Whittet Books, London Water Treatment and Supply Resource Guide
Centre for Alternative Technology
Beebee, Trevor and Griffiths, Richard (2000)
Amphibians and Reptiles Centre for Aquatic Plant Management (1994-96)
New Naturalist Series Information Sheets (regularly revised)
Centre for Aquatic Plant Management
Biggs J, Corfield A, Walker D, Whitfield M, and
Williams P (1994) Chapman T and Shields J (1994)
New Approaches to the Management ofPonds Ecological Treatment for Dairy Yard Washings
British Wildlife Voi 5 No 5 Farming and Conservation, October 1994

Beardall, Charles (1996) Charities Aid Foundation

Sensitive Ditching Work Directory o f Grant-Making Trusts (regularly revised)
Farming and Conservation, April 1996 Charities Aid Foundation

British Reed Growers' Association Clapham AR, Tutin TG and Warburg EF (1981)
Buying and Selling Reed Excursion Flora o f the British îsles
British Reed Growers' Association Cambridge University Press

Brooks, Stuart and Stoneman, Rob (1997) Coleshaw, Tim (1995)

Conserving bogs: the management handbook Rising to the water levels challenge
Stationery Office Ltd Enact Voi 3 N o i

Burgess, Neil D and Becker, Dusty B (1989) Fitter, R S R and Manuel, R (1995)
The Creation and Management Collins Photo Guide to the Lakes, Rivers, Streams and
oflslands and Rafts on RSPB Reserves Ponds ofBritain and North-West Europe
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds HarperCollins, London

Friday, Laurie (1997) Muus, Bent J and Dahlstrom, Preben (1971)

Wicken Fen - the making o f a wetlanâ nature reserve The Freshwater Fishes ofBritain and Europe
Harley Books, Colchester Collins

The Game Conservancy (1993) National Rivers Authority (1993)

Ponds and Lakes fo r Wildfowl Otters and River Habitat Management
The Game Conservancy N ational Rivers Authority

Green, R E (undated) The Ponds Conservation Trust (1999)

The Management o f Lozvland Wet Grassland The Pond Book
for Breeding Waders The Ponds Conservation Trust
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
River Restoration Centre (1999)
Ham mer DA (1989) Manual o f River Restoration Technicjues
Constructed wetlands in wastewater treatment River Restoration Centre
Lewis Publishers
Rodwell, J S (series editor)
Harold, Ron (1995) British Plant Communities
Creating Wetlands at Holkham Volume 4: Aquatic Communities, Swamps and
Enact Voi 3 N o i TalLherb Fens (1995)
Hawke/C J and Jose, P V (1996)
Reedbed Management for Commercial & Wildlife Rose, F (1981)
înterests The Wildflower Key o f the British îsles & N W Europe
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Penguin

Inland Waterways A ssociation (1999) RSPB, NRA and RSNC (1994)

Technical Restoration Handbook The New Rivers and Wildlife Handbook
Inland Waterways Association Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

Inland Waterways Association (2000) SEPA (2000)

Practicai Restoration Handbook Ponds, pools and lochans
Inland Waterways A ssociation Scottish Environm ent Protection Agency
Kirby, Peter (1992) SEPA (2000)
Habitat Management fo r Invertebrates:
a practicai handbook
Watercourses in the Community
Scottish Environment Protection Agency
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

Little, E C S (1971)
Sibley, Peter (1994)
Your Wildlife Pond
Floating N estfor Wildfowl SGC Books
Birds RSPB M arch-April 1971
Strachan, Rob (1998)
Macan, T T and W orthington, E B (1972) Water Voie Conservation Handbook
Life in Lakes and Rivers
Collins New Naturalist
English Nature, Environment Agency, Wildlife
Conservation Research Unit
Maitland, Peter S (2000) Surrey County Council (1993)
Hamlyn Guide to Freshwater Fish ofBritain and Europe Pond Guidelines
Hamlyn Surrey County Council
Merritt, Anthony (1994) W andsworth Borough Council (1997)
Wetlands, Industry & Wildlife London Lakes Project
The Wildfowl and W etlands Trust W andsworth Borough Council &

M inistry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1995)

Guidelines for the use ofherbicides on weeds in or near &
watercourses and lakes
Minstry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
m u t ; * Gabions 85-86 Rafts 95-100
Geotextiles 84-85 Rainwater from roofs 50
Giant hogweed 137 Reedbeds 141-143
H Reservoirs Act 1975 38
Herbicides 138 Revetments
Himalayan balsam 136-137 - sandbags 86-87
Horsetails 137-138 - s tone 85
A I - wooden 80-82
Algae, control of 69-71 Inspection chambers 107 Rivers
Amphibians 29-30 Introductions 26 - typical features 6
Aquatic 'weeds' 133-135 Invertebrates 27 - threats to 21-22
Artificial linings 55-62 Islands 93-95 S
B J Safety precautions
Bank diversification 87-88 Japanese knotweed 137 - general 39-40
Bank stabilisation 79-80 L - pond design 47-48
Bankside vegetation Lakes Sandbags 86-87, 89
management 135-139 - natural distribution 3 Scrapes 54
Barley straw 70-71 - threats to 21 Shuttering 104
Bentonite 62 Leaks 62-64 Silting 10
Birds, management for 30-33 Leats 6, 22-23 Sluices 122-126
Boardwalks 90 M Spiling 82
Bog vegetation 17-18 Mammals 34 Springs 3
Bucket chain 76 Management principles 24-25 Stone drains 101-102
Buffer zone 68-69 Marsh plants 68 Succession 13
C Marshes Surveys
Carr 19 - creation of 54 - site 25-26,165-166
Causeways 91-92 - general 14-15 - grounâwater levels 51
Clearing rubbish 75 Mechanical excavation 78 Swamps 14
Coffer dams 119-120 Mink 34 T
Concrete linings 57-58 Mires Thermal stratification 9
Construction (Design and - general 16-17 Tools 40-43
Management) Regulatiorrs 1995 37 - threats to 23-24 Traveller 102
Dams NVQs 1 Underground Services 47
- blanket 113 O Vandal-proof ponds 58-60
- earth 111-113 Off-stream ponds 52-53 Vegetation, aquatic
- general 109-120 On-stream ponds 51 - cutting 131-132
- wooden 117-119 Organising group work 44 - digging 130-131
Dewponds 4,53 Osiers 143-145 - environmental control 132-133
Digging out silt 75-76 Otters 34 - establishment 65-68
Dipping platforms 90-91 Outfalls 106-107 - tables of 147-155
Dipwell 51 Oxygen, in water 9 - ’weed' control summary 133-135
Ditches P Vegetation, bankside
- digging 102-104 PH 9,165 - management 135-136
- legal requirement to maintain 37 Phosphate pollution 22 -problem 'weeds' 136-138
- management of 22-23 Pipe sluices 124-125 - trees 138-139
Drainage design 101 Pipelaying 105-107 W
Drains, repair 107-108 Pipes 104 Washes 15
Duckweed 133 Plankways 43-44, 76 Water current 9-10
E Poisonous plants 38 Water meadows 15-16
Ecology Pollarding 138-139 Water plants
- still waters 10 Pond creation - characteristics 11
- streams and rivers 10 - permissions 36 - tables of 147-155
Environmental Agency 35 - factors to consider 45 Water supply
Environmental Protection Act 37-38 Pond management - licence 36
Eutrophication 12-13 - general principles 45-46 - to ponds 46-47, 49-53
F - plan 71-72 Wave action 10
Faggots 83 Ponds Wave barriers 88-89
Feeder channels 52 - design 48-49 Weirs 120-122
Fen vegetation 18 - distribution 3-5 Wet grasslands 15,23
First aid kits 40 -fauna 69 Wetlands
Fish - planting 65-67 -for water treatment 145-146
- management of 27-29 - safety 47-48 - history of 6
- lazv 37 - threats to 21 - vegetation management. 139-140
Fishing platform 91 - water supply 49-53 Wildlife protection, law 36-37
Flexible linings 60-62 Productivity scale 11 Willow revetments 82-83
Floating nest 97 Puddled clay 56-57 Z
French drains 101 Pumping water and sludge 76-78 Zonation 13
The right tools for the job
The Conservation Volunteers supply many of the
specialist tools and equiprment needed in
conservation projects. By using a number of
leading manufacturers and suppliers, we are able
to offer a very broad range of tools.
If you need hammers, picks and shovels,
or a wheelbarrow, you can be sure that we f r

have designs tried and tested by years of

experience in the field.
Site safety is a priority. Safety goggles,
rigger gioves and Steel toe-capped (r

boots offer important protection while

you work - we have first aid kits in a range of sizes
catering for individuals and large groups. f-
As well as the health and safety information in this book, fr
The Conservation Volunteers produce publications
f r
on risk asessment and safe working practices for
conservationists. These benefit from our experience
gained in over fifty years of practicai conservation work.
In addition to publications, tools and equipment,
we also supply native provenance trees, shrubs, seeds fr
and wildflowers.
Order online at or contact (r

IS B N 0 - 9 4 6 7 5 2 - 3 0 - 3
The Conservation Volunteers,
Sedum House, Mallard Way, Doncaster DN4 8DB fr
Tel: 01302 388883
9 780946 75P300 (r ■
; \

Waterways & wetianos

Conversion tables
cm cm or inches inches
2.54 1 0.394
5.08 2 0.787
7.62 3 1.181
10.16 4 1.575
12.70 5 1.969
15.24 6 2.362
17.78 7 2.756
20.32 8 3.150
2 2 .8 6 9 3.543
25.40 10 3.937

litres litres/gallons gatlons

4.546 1 0 .2 2 0
9.092 2 0 .4 4 0
13.638 3 0 .66 0
18.184 4 0 .88 0
22.730 5 1.100
27.276 6 1.320
31.822 7 1.540
36.368 8 1.760
40.914 9 1.980
4 5 .4 6 0 10 2 .2 0 0

1 p in t = 0.5683 litres
1 litre = 1.76 pints

kilograms kg/lbs pounds(lb)

0.454 1 2.205 O
0.907 2 4 .40 9
1.361 3 6.614
1.814 4 8.819
2.268 5 11.023
2.722 6 13.228
3.175 7 15.432
3.629 8 17.637
4.082 9 19.842
4.536 10 22.046 f
Area i
hectares (ha) ha/acres acres

0 .40 5 1 2.471
0.80 9 2 4.942
1.214 3 7.413
1.619 4 9.884
2.023 5 12.355
2.428 6 14.826
2.833 7 17.297
3.237 8 19.769
3.642 9 22.240
4.047 10 24.711

V . J J

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