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Abbe Marginan, a priest who has a profound hatred of women but a complete love of nature, is
introduced to us in the narrative. He detested all facets of femininity and could barely stand nuns. He is upset
to find one day that his niece has a boyfriend. Additionally, he finds out that she would meet her lover at night.
Marginan makes preparations and departs at night to catch the two. However, as he moves through nature at
night, he is immediately inspired by the numerous sensory input, including the fragrances, sounds, and
everything that can be felt and seen in the moonlight. He is so overwhelmed and moved by everything that he
realizes he is powerless to stop the lovers as they are in love. Instead, he witnesses them and considers how
lovely and biblical their love is.

I. The theme in the story "Clair de Lune" is about an intensely religious man who gave
credibility that he lived for a purpose, and that was to be a "soldier of God". The main
character, Abbe, is a fanatic who believes that women were put on this earth to test man, to
lure men. (Guy de Maupassant) stated. "He opened the door to go out, by the splendid
moonlight, of such brilliance as is seldom seen". Guy de Maupassant Utilizes symbolism to
manipulate religion in "Claire de Lune". The love for the priest's niece and nature was able to
save him when he stepped out of the house. The theme of the story revolved around love as a
commandment that even God allowed to occur, that he developed a strategy to foster it, and
that he found a means to cradle love even though most of society had enforced rules that went
against its fundamental nature.

II. The title "Claire de Lune" which translate to moonlight, symbolize love in different rays. This
optimizes the priest's love for his niece and nature. In contrast to "Indiscretion" where there is
an absence of a religious figure or religion at all. The kiss on the forehead comes next in
terms of symbolism. A kiss on the forehead denotes tenderness.
III. First of all for me Love is difficult to define, difficult to measure, and difficult to understand. Love is a
powerful emotion, for which there is no wrong definition, for it suits each and every person differently.
Whether love is between family, friends, or lovers, it is an overwhelming emotion that can be
experienced in many different ways. In the story Clair de Lune the depiction of love there was a family
and nature love. Family love is demonstrated through lessons of sacrifice, concern and compassion, from
the cradle to the grave. But not only a family and nature but also a romantic love. My depiction in
romantic love is a love that not every person will experience because they wait the right person that can
make them happy forever. And also the romantic love is a connection between the two souls that is
captured with a feeling that is not only felt within heart but within their body as well.

The story ends with Abbe realizing perhaps God created such splendid nights because He permits love
between man and woman, and retreating “almost ashamed, as if he had intruded into a temple where he had no
right to enter.” According to If society sets norms for us to abide by, we should never disregard them unless
there is a really good reason, something truly magnificent, or unless it is because of LOVE. In this situation,
opposing love is opposing what God intended for men to do. The law will always be to love your neighbor as


Eaton, L. (2014). Short Story- #134: In The Moonlight by Guy de Maupassant.
@Amaya. Moonlight by Guy de Maupassant.

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