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Written by:

Name : Riatta Yanti Lase

Reg Number : 212108086
Semester/Class : 3/B
Course : Translation
Study Load : 2 SKS
Lecturer : Riswan Zega S.P.d.,M.Hum


Praise be to the almighty God for his love and his grace so that the writer can complete
this paper of Critical Journal Review on time. The writer also thanked to Mr.Riswan Zega
S.P.d.,M.Hum as our lecturer at subject of TRANSLATION, who gives us this Assignment.

The author also realizes that the writing of this paper has many flaws from various
perspectives, so the writer is desperate for constructive criticism to enable the writer to write
the correct paper one another.

In the last The writer hopes that the paper will be of use to the reader and that it will
be useful in enricing the study of english education.

Gunungsitoli, 9th October 2022


Table Of Contents

PREFACE .............................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER I...........................................................................................................................3
1.1 Background......................................................................................................................3
1.2 Identity Of The Journal....................................................................................................3
CHAPTER II.......................................................................................................................5
1.1 The Strengthness Of The Journal....................................................................................5
1.2 The Weaknesses Of The Journal.....................................................................................6
1.3 Suggestion.......................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER III........................................................................................................................7

1.1 Background
The Critical Journal Review is very important, because not morely is the report
but the writing that points to an evaluation(description, analysis) of the journal strengths
and weaknesses. In this Critical Journal Review the student needs to be able to critique an
accredited Journal and become one complete unit for the student who does the critique to
understand it, it includes understanding the weaknesses and strengths of the criticized
This paper discusses the Critical Journal Review of the Translation course.
Where this assignment was given by Mr. Riswan Zega S.P.d., M.Hum as the Advisor for
the Translation Course. Translation course is a compulsory subject for students of English
education study program. In this course Students must graduated in order to continue the
next course in the upper semester, especially the Translation Practice course. One of the
requirements in order to pass the course is to do a Critical Journal Review.

1.2 Identity Of The Journal

Name of Journal : Journal of Language and Literature
Title of Journal : Modulation: A Translation Method to Obtain Naturalness in Target
Language Texts
The authors : Putranti Adventina
(Department of English Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma)
Year and Page : April 2018 (98-101)
Vol : Vol. 18 No. 1
SSN : 1410-5691 (print); 2580-5878 (online)

Research purposes: The aim of this research is to produce an equivalent translation.

Where should the translation be sounds natural to the target language
(TL) readers both lexically and grammatically. The naturalness in
question can be obtained through the use of lexical and grammatical
items that are familiar to TL readers. However, in this study it is
explained that naturalness in translation is not always easy to
achieve. One of the reasons is the difference in the way source
language (SL) and TL readers express certain messages in their
language. Based on Vinay and Darbelnet (1995) this difference can
be overcome by applying a translation method called modulation.
Modulation is a method in which the translator tries to maintain
naturalness by using various the form of the message, is done by
changing the point of view in order to make the translation result not
awkward or unnatural.

Results and Discussion of the Research:

The results of the researh namely:
1. Translation, Equivalence, and Naturalness.
2. Modulation.
3. Instances of Modulation in English - Indonesian Translation and vice
Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded:
1. Literal translation does not always transfer SL message into TL
because of literal translation may result in unnatural or awkward
2. When the literal translation failed to transfer SL messages to TL,
untranslation may occur. Cannot be translated usually stems from the
absence of lexical or syntax replacement in TL. Absence
replacement can also be caused by different points of view,
perspectives, or categories thinking between SL and TL readers. so
that, modulation is a translation method that can applied to the
problem, so that the TL . text could be more natural.

1.1 The Strengthness Of The Journal
After Acarefully reading the journal entitled “Modulation: A Translation Method
to Obtain Naturalness in Target Language Texts“, the author found the Strengthness of
the journal, namely:
1. The Journal uses data in the form of percentages (%) and provides examples of
translations that are easy for readers to understand and understand to support their
We can see this in paragraph 5 page 100 “The following example may show how free
modulation is applied. In the sentence ‘Dengan meminum hanya satu sendok makan
minyak zaitun setiap hari, resiko terkena kanker dapat berkurang hingga tinggal 25%
saja’, a translator would probably translate it into ‘By taking only a tablespoonful of
olive oil a day, the risk of the occurrence of cancer can be reduced up to 75%’.”

And also we can look in 3rd paragph page 100: in this paragraph we can found some
examples Translation that easy to understand by reader.
“The first example in which modulation is required to make the translation sound
natural can be found in the translation of the responses for an expression of gratitude
‘thank you’. Some possible responses for this expression are ‘you are welcome’,
‘never mind’, ‘any time’, and ‘don’t mention it’. When these responses are translated
into Indonesian literally, the result will be ‘Anda diterima’ (you are welcome),
‘jangan dipikirkan’ (never mind), ‘kapan saja’ (any time), or ‘jangan sebutkan itu’
(don’t mention it). None of the translation mentioned here is natural. In order to
produce more natural translation, responses for a thanking expression in Indonesian,
such as ‘terima kasih kembali’ (thank you back to you), and ‘samasama’ (thank you
just the same) are more common, thus more natural.”
2. The journal is in English.
3. The journal uses simple language with good grammar.

1.2 The Weaknesses Of The Journal

After Acarefully reading the journal entitled “Modulation: A Translation Method to

Obtain Naturalness in Target Language Texts“, the author found the weaknesses of the
journal, namely:
1. The journal does not describe in detail who is the subject or object of the research.
2. A good journal is to write down the type of method used. Meanwhile, the journal does
not include or explain the methods used in the research.

1.3 Suggestion
In the sentence in paragraph 5 on page 100, there is an example of a translation,
“The next example that is also interesting to discuss is the translation of a question
‘what’s your address?’. The question word ‘what’ is used to ask for specific information
about something (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 2004: 1877). This
sentence is, then, commonly translated into ‘dimana alamatmu?’
In this case the author have opinion that sentence ‘what’s your address?” that has
meaning as “dimana alamatmu?’can has tranlation like: Where do you life?. Why,
because what’s your address more spesific information about something and Where do
you life? Is prefer smoother and simpler delivery.


The authors thank the lecturers for being given the opportunity to express their
thoughts with critical thinking, namely by criticizing the Journal. The author knows that in
writing this Critical Journal Review there are many mistakes here and there, both in terms of
structure and in terms of writing. So that the authors expect constructive criticism in order to
be able to make a good and correct Critical Journal Review in accordance with the rules of
scientific work.
That is all and thank you.

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