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Hands holding the warm mug of coffee ,soft winter breeze blowing
past my hairs ,scent of wet mud and trees filled my nose while
pulling me down the memory lane, back when I used to spend most
of my leisure time in this heavenly looking forest,trying to capture it's
beauty in my paintings.A smile spread across my face as I
remembered how naive I was,how people used to take advantage of
my polite-kind aura.My personality was nothing less than that of a
fairy.But my grandmother used to say :
“Everyone has a breaking point;even the strongest warriors tend to
fall down.”
I also fell down, the cruel-beings of this self absorbed world broke
me down to the point that when I recover, I was a completely
different person.
My personality had completely morphed into that of a WEREWOLF.
Werewolf by nature are kind ,compassionate, down to Earth but at
the same time they do radiate a strong,alpha aura — hinting at the
point that crossing the limit is equivalent to creating trouble for
one’s own self.
I still remember,my mother bawling her eyes out from the mental
trauma that her in-laws used to put her through. I would cry with
her,seeing your mother cry is the most heart-wrenching feeling ,one
could go through.But at the end of the day I would greet my father’s
parents with love and respect(which they never deserved),time flew
by and I got fed up with this facade of being compassionate with
everyone,even with the one’s who doesn’t deserve a simple hello
and just like a werewolf, who shape shift under full moon, into the
most ferocious creature known to men, I shape shift too;from being
compliant to feisty, I transitioned into an alpha werewolf, the one
who knows how to set boundaries and if someone tries to cross
them,my inner alpha would be putting that trespasser through hell
Pronzini, B., 1980. Werewolf!. New York: Perennial Library.
Encyclopedia Britannica. 2022. werewolf | Description & Facts.
[online] Available at: <>
[Accessed 24 April 2022].
Werewolf. Monster Wiki. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2022, from

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