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Issue no.

29 April 2021

FG Approves Transmission Lines

& Sub-stations Contracts

TCN Boss Tasks Stakeholders on

Efficient Grid Management

Minister of State, Power, Urges

NAPTIN Graduates to Be Entrepreneurs

April 2021

TCN is Working to Further

Expand the Nation's Grid
March 2019
June 2019
ber 20

ber 20
Jan -




-MD/CEO 34

13 55 30
pag e 3 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A

pag e 4 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
GM, System Operations (SO), Engr. Nafisa Ali

ED (ISO) Engr. Maman Lawal GM, (NCC), Engr. Balarabe Abdullahi


By Bili Kazah Akau

he Ag. Managing 17th March 2021, to appraise process of attaining an efficient grid
Director and Chief operational performance related to includes setting the right
Executive Officer of generation data, available units, environment which would inspire
t h e Tr a n s m i s s i o n water, gas constraints and load confidence amongst industry
Company of Nigeria intake in the last six months, as well players, contrive the process that
( TC N ) , E n g r . S u l e as projected data for the next six players can look up to and calibrate
Ahmed Abdulaziz, has tasked months. The data will aid efficient the same to ensure an efficient,
electricity stakeholders in the operational planning and viable and economic model. All
generation, transmission and management for enhanced system these, he noted, cannot be done
distribution subsectors to come up performance and stability. without first having a proper
with strategies that will enable them planning mechanism in place.
handle risks associated with the He posited that all stakeholders
management of the nation's power should adopt the principal objective Speaking also in the meeting, the
grid as every player is an important of planning which entails General Manager, System
component of the structure that maximizing profit and conversely Operations (SO), Engr. Nafisa Ali,
produces an efficiently managed minimizing losses, managing opined that the sector had generally
grid. uncertainties and coming up with performed well in 2020 with records
ways to handle risk involved in grid of multiple maximum daily energy
Engr. Abdulaziz, represented by the management. He equally harped on peak generation amid prevalent
Executive Director Independent the importance of critical challenges, including the Covid-19
System Operator (ISO), Engr. observations in reshaping the pandemic. She pointed out that in
Maman Lawal, made this known industry. less than three months into the year
during a two-day Joint 2021, the system has continued to
Generation/Operation/ Distribution Engr. Lawal explained that the record increase in both generation
Planning meeting on Wednesday

pag e 5 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
Engr. Abdullahi highlighted achievements by all stakeholders
within this appraisal period to include; all-time peak generation and
transmission of 5,801.60MW on 1st of March, 2021 and the reduced
incidents of system collapses

peak and daily maximum energy months and gave a high score to the
peak. This, she said, signals hope that performance of industry players
the sector would do better moving within the period, evidently revealed
forward. in the multiple maximum peaks in
energy and generation experienced
She lauded the efforts of participants on the grid.
and noted that any success recorded
in the sector is a result of collective They also adopted resolutions
effort, and urged participants to expressing the concern of all
sustain the momentum for a more participating companies on a
efficient management of the country's number of issues which include the
grid network. provision of spinning reserve for
improved grid stability, deployment
In his remark, the General Manager, of a SCADA system with a coverage
National Control Centre (NCC), Engr. area beyond legacy generation
Balarabe Abdullahi, explained that the stations and fast-tracking the
Joint Generation/Operation/ upgrade and completion of various
Distribution Planning bi-annual transmission projects that would
meeting is a forum where operators further expand the grid and provide
come together to appraise grid quality power delivery to more
operations and make forecast based electricity users in the country.
on critical technical assessments.
Also mentioned in the communiqué
He also explained that the forum is an is the low load utilization by DisCos
avenue to inform the DisCos of which impacts negatively no grid
expected load supply for the next six stability and load evacuation from
( 6 ) m o n t h s a n d m a k e GenCos as well as recruitment of
recommendations on ways to plant and system operators and
improve grid facilities. The outcome general infrastructural challenges
of the meeting, he said, is expected to bewailing the industry. The
form the fulcrum for making salient communiqué also noted the poor
decisions on the operational aspect of implementation of past
the power sector. communiqué recommendations
and constituted a committee to
Engr. Abdullahi highlighted monitor and report progress made
achievements by all stakeholders on issues cited in subsequent bi-
within this appraisal period to include; annual meetings.
an increase in generation capacity to
13,014.40MW, maximum daily Energy
ever attained of 119,471.15 MWH
recorded on 5th March, all-time peak
generation and transmission of
5,801.60MW on 1st of March, 2021,
and the reduced incidents of system
collapses among others.

In a communiqué signed by the

Executive Director, ISO, Engr. Maman
Lawal, the participants appraised the
industry's activities in the last six

Group Photograph with representative of Generation Companies

pag e 6
Corporate Headquarters
in Abuja, to reconcile areas
of dispute in the SLA.

In his remark , the

E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r,
Tr a n s m i s s i o n S e r v i c e
Provider (TSP), Engr. Victor
Adewumi, also assured
that TCN engineers were
prepared to work with
KEDCO to resolve all issues
of electricity supply to
feeders of their choice
within their network and
opined that issues of this
nature are best tackled by
field engineers rather than
TCN Management and KEDCO team led by Engr. David Omoloye
Responding, Engr. David
Omoloye outlined issues
affecting KEDCO to

include over allocation of
load, misapplication of
load schedule and wrong
compilation of invoices as
topmost among other

issues contained in their
formal complaint.

The Market Operator


(MO), Engr. Edmond Eje,
requested that KEDCO
provides data such as the
number of 33kV feeders
affected and load lost; the
By Kazah Bili Akau number of 132kV
interruptions with time of
interruptions and

equel to a formal complaint filed by the Kano Megawatts lost, among others.
Electricity Distribution Company (KEDCO) Plc to
the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission Engr. Eje also noted that KEDCO would also need to
(NERC) on disagreements with issues contained in the disclose the availability or otherwise of its own facility
Service Level Agreement (SLA) signed with the especially the 33kV feeders upon which the SLA
Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN), the Acting depends to enable TCN align appropriately.
Managing Director of TCN, Engr. Sule Ahmed Abdulaziz
has assured KEDCO of transparency and openness. At a subsequent meeting held on 1st March, 2020, both
TCN and KEDCO were requested to reconcile and submit
Engr. Abdulaziz gave the assurance when a team from actual data of faulty equipment by undertaking an on
KEDCO Plc led by the Chief Technical Officer to the the spot evaluation of their facilities in the affected areas
Managing Director/CEO, KEDCO, Engr. David Omoloye, and submit a report to the Market Operator within the
met with TCN on 23rd February, 2021 at the TCN specified period.

pag e 7 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
The Ag. Managing Director
and Chief Executive Officer
of TCN, Engr. Sule Abdulaziz
in this interview
speaks about the strategy
deployed by TCN to deliver
more bulk power to the end-users
in the country.
Abdulaziz explains that grid
stability is equally predicated
on the deployment of Spinning
Reserve and SCADA/EMS amidst
demand and supply from
DisCos and GenCos.
Transmission News provides
the excerpts:

Ag. MD/CEO TCN, Engr. Sule Abdulaziz

Q. System collapse has

reduced, what
A: This was achieved
through more rigorous
enforcement of the rules by TCN
function of the network and
operational conditions. Given our
current status, the grid is sufficiently
stable considering that the grid
operates without spinning reserve
and SCADA/EMS amidst the dynamic
facilitate stable operations of the grid
as the uptake of more energy by the
DisCos is gradually increasing. I would
like to note that we cannot tell our
story without acknowledging that the
Ministry of Power has been quite
through the National Control Center fragilities of demand and supply from instrumental in creating an enabling
(NCC). Also, generating stations are the DisCos and the GenCos. Grid environment for us to do our job.
complying more with free governor stability will greatly improve with
control of their generators. We have deployment of Spinning Reserve and Q. TCN's strategies for more power
increased preventive maintenance of SCADA/EMS in the grid operations; transmission?
the transmission system which is also these are being pursued with all A: Optimization and reinforcement of
a key factor in ensuring grid stability. seriousness. We are intentionally the existing infrastructure to address
These have drastically reduced implementing proactive, preventive the identified weaknesses in the
spurious tripping in the network and maintenance to ensure much higher system is our key strategy towards
forced outages of the network level of efficiency and stability. delivering more power to the end-
components. users. While expansion is being
We a r e a l s o p u r s u i n g m o r e pursued to cater for new and future
Q. How stable is the national grid? collaborations with the DisCos and demands, we would continue to
A: In the last ten months since we the GenCos, to ensure strict upgrade our network components
assumed duty, the nation's grid has compliance with the Grid Code as and build new substations and lines.
been relatively stable. However, regards the Free Governor These are to increase our capacity to
stability of the national grid is a Mechanism for the GenCos and to move electricity more efficiently in

pag e 8 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A

anticipation of more load up-take by reduction in downtime. place a well-articulated plan for grid
the DisCos. Recently, we completed Q. TCN's short-term goals? improvement which we are already
some new transformers installation A: Our goal in TCN is not different implementing; this has enabled us to
and reconductoring of lines in with that of the Federal Government, significantly reduce the number of
different parts of the country. which is to wheel stable and quality grid collapses in the country. We are
Presently, contracts for several new electricity to all the nooks and also working hard to ensure TCN
transmission substations and lines crannies of the country. We have in attains the level of service delivery
are in the process of being that would be at par with
awarded while efforts are in top international best practices. Our

gear to complete on-going goal is to continue to reposition
projects, including TCN for optimal service delivery
reinforcement of existing while maintaining a well-
substations and reconductoring Our goal in TCN is not different with motivated and trained workforce.
of existing transmission lines for that of the Federal Government, which
higher capacity. is to wheel stable and quality electricity Q. Challenges of TCN at the
to all the nooks and crannies of the moment?
It is equally important to country. We have in place, a well- A: There are some notable
mention here that scheduled articulated plan for grid improvement, challenges in TCN, which include
maintenance of the existing which we are already implementing the need for a very functional and
network is religiously being efficient Supervisory Control and
implemented as part of our top Data Acquisition (SCADA) system

priorities, and spare parts are and Automated Meter Reading
being stocked to ensure drastic System, poor budgetar y

pag e 9 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
The issue of whether TCN should
Substations respectively, line with our grid expansion plans.
be privatized has been an
among others.
ongoing discussion in the public
Apart from engineering and
space. Even though I do not We have successfully design support that we may
advocate for the privatization of reduced frequency of system render to the SPV and Siemens as
TCN, the future has a lot of collapse in the last 8 months the need arises, our role basically
unravelled mysteries, which could through ensuring grid would be to take over the projects
make TCN's privatization the next stability by recalibration and and operate them as part of newly
big step in the sector, but until reconfiguration of completed projects in the grid.
then, we are doing our best to build transmission lines, we set up When they are completed, the
TCN into a world class transmission a functional protection projects would further contribute
company comparable to any department that efficiently to our grid capacity expansion
standard grid. tackled transformers efforts.
protection schemes which
w e re f a u l t y , a n d a l s o Q. Privatization of TCN, what
resolved a number of Way- are your thoughts?
Leave/Compensation issues A: The Federal Government in its
across the country that have wisdom privatized the Generation
lingered for many years. and Distribution companies; I am
Contracts and projects which certain this must have been done
allocation for government were under litigation and after consultations and with
funded projects. Other challenges stagnated have also been regards to the Nigerian electricity
are delay in release of approved resolved. supply environment. Do not
budget, bottlenecks in the forget that the business of bulk
processing of IDEC and other port We have also made progress in electricity transmission all over
clearing documents and difficulty donor funded projects by the the world is very capital intensive,
in acquisition of land and Right of World Bank (WB), African much more than distribution and
Way for our projects. Development Bank (AfDB), generation. Moreover, our
Agence Française de terrains are quite challenging with
Q. TCN Achievements from Developpment (AFD), and Japan issues of vandalism, Right of Way,
assumption of office International Cooperation illegal mining, insecurity, among
A: We have recorded a number of Agency (JICA) which are at others, which TCN have had to
milestone achievements in the different stages of grapple with.
last 10 months. They include the implementation, among these is
successful transmission of an all- the Abuja Ring Project funded by The issue of whether TCN should
time peak generation of AFD and expected to address be privatized in the future has
5,801.6MW in March this year as green fields transmission lines been an ongoing discussion in
well as recorded the highest daily and substations aimed at the public space. Even though I do
energy peak of 119,471.15MW. reinforcing the High-Voltage not advocate for the privatization
Others are the implementation of Transmission Ring around Abuja. of TCN, the future has a lot of
re-conductoring of Sokoto- unravelled mysteries, which could
Birnin–Kebbi line from 70MW to Q. TCN's role in Presidential make TCN's privatization the next
150MW, Ikeja West-Alimosho- Power Initiative involving big step in the sector, but until
Ogba-Alausa lines from 120MW Siemens? then, we are doing our best to
to 240MW and the award of the A: TCN, as a power sector build TCN into a world class
contract for the reconductoring participant, would be one of the transmission company
of Onitsha-New Haven line from beneficiaries of the Federal comparable to any standard grid.
680MW to 1,320MW. Government initiative to improve We are determined and are
services in the power sector value diligently executing plans as laid
we also added 246MW at chain. We have made our out in our Nigerian Electricity Grid
132/33kV level by completion of submission with regards to the Maintenance, Expansion and
1x100MVA, 2x60MVA, 1x60MVA projects that we would want the Re h a b i l i t a t i o n P ro g r a m m e
and 1x30MVA projects at Ogba, Siemens project to intervene in, in (NEGMERP).
Gagarawa, Rumuosi and Iseyin

pag e 1 0 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
By Stanford Nneji

acquisition. The next step now, is TCN and the DISCOs for their
how all that you have learnt can be support in mentoring the trainees.
translated to entrepreneurship”.
Highlight of the ceremony was the
He noted that entrepreneurship is presentation of certificates and
key in the world today and urged award to the best graduate in
them to strive to be employers of Generation, Transmission and
labour rather than job seekers by Distribution aspects of the power
exploiting the opportunities the sector value chain.
training presents to enable them
play a role in the ever growing The NAPTIN Graduate Skills
Minister of State for Power Nigerian power sector. Development Programme
(NGSDP) is meant for young

he Minister of State for
Earlier in his welcome address, the engineering graduates of
Power, Mr. Goddy Jeddy
Director-General of NAPTIN, Mr. Electrical/Electronics and
Agba, has urged graduates
Ahmed Nagode, said that Mechanical engineering. The
of the National Power Training
adequate training is imperative training provides them with
Institute of Nigeria (NAPTIN), to
especially in critical areas of requisite skills and knowledge to
apply the knowledge they
operation and maintenance, like be able to operate, maintain and
acquired during their one year
meter installation, cable jointing manage facilities in the nation's
training to becoming
and lines, to ensure that the power electricity supply industry. Two new
entrepreneurs in order to reduce
sector is built not just on local modules were introduced during
the rate of unemployment in the
content, but of highly skilled work- this training programme to ensure
force that will ensure safety of lives the trainees are also equipped in
and equipment. the area of safety and solar PV
The Minister gave the
installation process.
admonition during his remarks
He expressed delight that the
via Zoom at the graduation
graduates had
ceremony of the first batch of
undergone intensive
2019/2020 Skills Development
practical training in
Programme of NAPTIN, held
recently at its Headquarters in
transmission and
distribution and are
now professional
According to him, “the Power
engineers that can
sector is very critical to our
a l s o o p e r a te i n
development, and as young
different areas of the
graduates, you all have gone
power network, and
through the NAPTIN one-year
thanked NAPTIN
graduate programme for skill
partners in GENCOs,

pag e 1 1 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A

Rehabilitation Program (NEGMERP),

Engr. Abdulaziz said the program is
anchored on five pronged principles,
namely; Human Capacity
Development, Project for Service
Delivery, Maintenance for Service
Delivery, Integrated System Planning,
and Application of the Rules of Grid
and Market.

According to him, “This is a well

thought out program with the
objective of delivering quality bulk
electricity supply to Nigerians while
giving equal attention and priority to
all transmission lines and substation
projects across Nigeria under the
presidential power initiative”.
MD/CEO TCN during the online Power Conference

He further explained that under

F ollowing the unstable power situation in most

African countries due to insufficient energy
generation, TCN has advocated for strong synergy
among African power pools to address the challenge of
electricity in the continent.
Project for Service Delivery, TCN would give priority to the
completion of projects that have direct impact on DisCos,
GenCos and grid stability, while the maintenance strategy
already being implemented would help increase reliability
and decrease downtime as the company moves from
corrective to preventive maintenance.
The Acting Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
of TCN, Engr. Sule Abdulaziz, made the advocacy when he
Engr Abdulaziz further said that presently, TCN is building
responded to questions after his presentation titled,
as well as rehabilitating several projects in its network,
“TCN's Investment and Expansion Plans, Short and
such as the reconductoring of existing 132kV lines,
Medium Term Priority Areas,” during the third Edition of
including Ikeja West – Alimosho – Ogba – Ota line, Onitsha
the Virtual Conference on Power Transmission in Africa,
– Awka – Oji River line, Aba – Itu line, Birnin Kebbi – Sokoto
organized by Global Transmission Report on Wednesday,
line and the Kaduna – Zaria – Funtua – Gusau line. Other
3rd February 2021.
projects include the rebuilding of dilapidated substations'
control rooms, upgrading of transformers, procurement
Engr. Abdulaziz stated that African countries with of new SCADA and communication back bone among
enormous potential for energy generation should join others.
hands with others, through their regional power pools, to
tackle the issue of power like their European counterparts.
He noted that some of these projects are being funded by
international Donor Agencies such as Agence Française
He noted that under the Regional Electricity Market and de Developpment (AFD), The World Bank (WB), African
Interconnection in West African Power Pool (WAPP), Development Bank (AfDB) and Japan International
projects executed will be beneficial to member states. Cooperation Agency (JICA). TCN, he added, equally
Projects to be constructed include the WAPP North Core implements projects funded by the Federal Government
330kV transmission line that would interconnect Nigeria, and TCN’s internally Generated Revenue.
Niger, Burkina Faso and Benin, and the 330kV WAPP
Nigeria – Benin interconnection reinforcement project,
Expectedly, the company will benefit from the Federal
among others.
Government intervention projects through Siemens as
well as the West African Power Pool (WAPP)
Speaking on TCN's priority areas for the next few years interconnection projects.
under Nigeria Electricity Grid Maintenance, Expansion and

pag e 1 2 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
TCN, Borno State Mobilise to Restore
Power Supply in Maiduguri and Environs
...Foundation and Tower Materials Ready
By Ndidi Mbah
equipment/materials and
workforce were on ground and
tower fabrication work ongoing,
mounting tower parts proper, he
said, would commence at the sites
of the damaged towers as soon as
the new concrete foundations have
been properly cured.

While the vandalised towers

reconstruction was on-going, TCN
commenced the construction of a
temporal by-pass line for the
diversion of the line which would
more readily ensure supply to the
affected areas before the main
tower structures are completed.

From L-R: TCN Ag MD/CEO, Engr. Sule Ahmed Abdulaziz. ED TSP Engr. Victor Adewumi, The Borno State Commissioner for
Managing Director, Yola Electricity Distribution Company, Engr. Baba
Housing and Energy, Engr. Yuguda
Mustapha; Borno State Commissioner for Housing and Energy, Engr. Yuguda Vungas
Sadeh Vungas, speaking on behalf of
the Borno State Governor, assured
that the government would provide

T CN, with the support of the Borno State Government, has

mobilised resources to ensure the restoration of electricity
supply to Maiduguri, the Borno State capital and environs.

Electricity supply was interrupted following the damage of its high

the necessary support and security for the
work to be accomplished very quickly. He
emphasized the Borno State Governor's
commitment to ensuring that electricity is
restored in Maiduguri and environs.
tension towers T159, T160 and T161 of 330kV Damaturu-Maiduguri
Transmission Line in the North East by vandals. To enable her erect ...Temporary by-pass
new towers to replace the vandalised ones, TCN completed the Meanwhile, Acting MD/CEO of TCN, Engr.
construction of a new foundation for Tower T159, and equally Sule Abdulaziz, on Sunday, 21st February,
procured all the necessary tower members and materials for the 2021, inspected the site of reconstruction
replacement of the other two damaged towers, which are presently works of the vandalized towers at Jakata,
on ground at TCN's Baga Road Substation in Maiduguri. Work is Borno State, and the temporary by-pass
ongoing to make them ready for installation. transmission line project, which had
reached advanced stage.
On Saturday, 20th February 2021, the management team of TCN led
by the Acting Managing Director/CEO, Engr. Sule Ahmed Abdulaziz; The damage to tower T159 pulled down
the Borno State officials led by the State Commissioner for Housing towers T160 and T161 along the same
and Energy, Engr. Yuguda Sadeh Vungas, and the Managing Director transmission line route. Work on the by-
of Yola Electricity Distribution Company, Engr. Baba Umara Mustapha pass for temporary diversion of electricity
visited the TCN Maiduguri Work Centre for an on-the-spot preceded the permanent tower structure
inspection of the equipment/materials and ongoing fabrication work which is still on-going, and will take more
of the tower parts for the replacement of the damaged towers. time to complete. The temporary by-pass
was to ensure faster supply to Maiduguri.
TCN Managing Director/CEO assured that necessar y Materials, workers and combined team of

pag e 1 3 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
security personnel required at the site to facilitate work
on the permanent towers structure are on site.

…TCN Restores Electricity

Power supply was restored to Maiduguri, Borno State
and its environs, on Wednesday, 24th March 2021 at
about 3:51pm using 33kV HT poles as by-pass
transmission line constructed by TCN engineers to
enable supply to Maiduguri, while work is ongoing to
reconstruct the three vandalised transmission towers
along 330kV Damaturu – Maiduguri line.

Inspite of the activities of insurgents in Jakata, TCN

engineers consistently put their lives on the line to
ensure that the 330kV Damaturu – Maiduguri by-pass is Offloading of insulators and conductors
completed, even as they continue to work on the three
transmission towers that were vandalized.

…Again, Insurgents Strike

On the 25th of March, 2021, the Damaturu-Maiduguri
330kV Transmission Line was again vandalized by
insurgents, after TCN had made concerted effort and
restored power to Maiduguri, the Borno State Capital,
on 24th March, 2021, barely two months after the first

The incident which occurred at about 5.56 am, again cut

power supply to Maiduguri and its environs. The
insurgents also chain bombed two other towers; T152
and T153 along the same line route with the first
incident. TCN is however determined to restore
electricity to Maiduguri and to any area so affected.

One of the damaged towers

pag e 1 4 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
By Eric Ephraim Ene

Dr Umahi who decried the

undue delay in the execution of
both projects by the contractors,
expressed unhappiness with the
shoddy manner in which the
contractor is handling the
project, noting that work had
ceased at the project site for
some time now.

In his words “I'm not happy with

what is going on in Ebonyi State
regarding the projects as the
contractors are doing practically
nothing. The one that should be
building the tower is playing
politics with us. If they are not
working, they should leave the

The governor said that the state

government will no longer
R-L; Ebonyi State Governor, Dr. David Umahi, MD/CEO TCN, Engr. Sule. tolerate delay by the
Abdulaziz and ED TSP, Engr Victor Adewumi
contractors, stating that the
state is prepared to seek for
o t h e r a l te r n a t i ve s i f t h e
contractor does not commit to

he Governor of Ebonyi State, Dr. David Umahi,
has appealed to TCN to direct the contractors speedy execution of the project.
handling the ongoing 2x60MVA, 132/33kV
substation and transmission line project at Amasiri, to Dr. Umahi assured the TCN Management that the state
fast track its completion in order to boost bulk power government on its part is ready to do everything
delivery to the state, before the commencement of the within its power to assist in the execution of the
rainy season. projects. He however appealed to TCN to include in
their budget the diversion of the ongoing 132kV
The Governor made the appeal when he led some transmission line from the new Ebonyi airport site.
members of his cabinet on a visit to TCN on Tuesday,
9th February 2021, in Abuja, to request for support for Responding, the Ag MD/CEO of TCN, Engr. Sule
the timely completion of the projects. Abdulaziz, also expressed dissatisfaction with the
progress of work at the site, noting that efforts were
being made to ensure that the contractors mobilise

pag e 1 5 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
back to site urgently. encountered in executing the project, but noted that
According to him, TCN has made progress in the progress, however, has been made with the
payment of compensation to farmland owners and completion of 59 towers out of the 100 contracted
appealed to the governor to jettison the idea of towers.
termination of the contract to avoid litigation and
further delay of work. He said that the contractors had The representative of NCEP Engineering Nigeria Ltd
already been warned and that they would resume (North China), Mr. Wang, on the other hand, said that
work in earnest and complete within the reviewed time the execution of their contract has reached 72 percent
frame. completion and that the equipment procured to
enable them complete the project was delayed by
Speaking at the occasion, the representative of Fluor IDEC issues which was resolved recently. He promised
Eurafric Engineering Ltd, one of the contracting firms, to fast track and complete the project as soon as all the
Mr. Godswill Egbadon, enumerated challenges equipment arrive the site.

Participants during the TCN/ Ebonyi State meeting

be afraid to lose people,
Be afriad of losing
yourself by trying to please
everyone around you.

pag e 1 6 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
TCN is Working to Further
Expand the Nation's Grid
By Ndidi Mbah

T CN is constantly repositioning itself to advance

operations in the private-led power sector, in
line with its mandate. Being at the middle of the
power sector value chain, it carries out the pivotal role
of evacuating power from Generation Companies
another five recorded so far in 2021, the latest being
(5,801.60MW) recorded on the 1st of March.

Because electricity cannot be stored as power

generation, transmission and distribution occur
(GenCos) to the Distribution Companies (DisCos) simultaneously, what determines what is put on the
nationwide. TCN's jurisdiction on the network, grid is what the distribution companies are ready to
however, is from 132 kilovolt (kV) to 330kV. off-take. This equally regulates what the generator
would generate, which is why the DisCos are required
Point load electricity customers are connected directly to nominate what they would off-take a day ahead.
on 33kV which TCN has no control over, except during
extreme emergency requiring operations crew to As TCN continues to grow the grid beyond its current
quickly open such feeder to enable urgent resolution capacity of 8,100MW by completing ongoing projects
of a problem. (Brown field projects) and facilitating new ones
(Greenfield projects), what happens on the
Presently, TCN is implementing projects in line with its downstream network impacts transmission plans to a
Nigerian Electricity Grid Rehabilitation and Expansion reasonable extent. This is because TCN can only
Programme, aimed at systematically expanding the transport what is available (generated), and what is
grid network. A visit to TCN's substations reveal huge generated depends on what the DisCos nominated. In
information on the systematic increase in capacity of other words, DisCos can only off-take what is
the national grid under the administration of generated, while GenCos can only generate what
President Muhammadu Buhari, especially with the Discos can off-take.
record of four all-time peak in the sector in 2020, and

pag e 1 7 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
In TCN's Abuja Region for instance, the company is incremental improvement in grid performance on
implementing the Abuja Feeding Scheme which is at TCN's part has enabled it continue to transmit
various stages of implementation. The project, which seamlessly all generated power to distribution load
involves the addition of five (5) new substations and centers nationwide. The company's successes is an
one 330kV transmission line, is ongoing. The projects indication of professionalism and best practices that
take between 3 to 5years to complete and will solve was brought in by the new Management in TCN.
transmission constraints in Abuja.
To better serve the 11 DisCos, TCN entered into
TCN is rehabilitating and reinforcing projects Service Level Agreement (SLA) with them, aimed at
nationwide. In Kubwa Substation for instance, one of ensuring proper synergy and effective service
the 60MVA power transformers which developed delivery via identification and execution of projects
fault is being repaired. Meanwhile, a brand new one that would further improve the grid and deliver
has been installed in the substation by TCN quality electricity to consumers across the country.
engineers. The transformer was commissioned on
the 2nd of March, 2021. This has added 46MW TCN, like every other participant in the value chain,
capacity to the substation which will take care of the has its own challenges. There have been repeated
load requirement for Kubwa axis and environs. vandalism of major transmission lines in recent times,
which the company promptly repairs any time it
TCN in recent times has taken a more responsive occurs. Vandalism is a social menace over which TCN
approach to serving the GenCos has no control; however, TCN is
in its upstream and the doing all it can with TCN lines
DisCos in its downstream, patrol department working
through effective in conjunction with
TCN can only transport
maintenance of the security agencies to
what is available(generated),
existing grid network while monitor the lines and
applying best practice in and what is generated reduce incidences of
completing ongoing low depends on what the DisCos vandalism.
hanging fruits projects to nominated. In other words,
improve the overall grid DisCos can only off take what In Abuja alone, between
capacity. is generated, while GenCos 31st of October, 2019 to-
can only generate what date, the region has
This approach paid off Discos can off take. witnessed 21 acts of
quickly as evidenced in the vandalism on 330kV and
seamless transmission of 132kV aluminum
multiple all-time peak conductors by unknown
generation recorded in the persons, and on each occasion,
sector within the last six months; 5377.8MW TCN has promptly replaced or repaired the lines. The
achieved on 1st of August 2020 at 20:30hrs, extent of damage on each line determines the length
5,420.30MW on August 19, 2020 at 19:15hrs, of time it would take to complete repairs. Recently,
5,459.50MW achieved on the 28th of October, 2020 the system lines maintenance crew of Abuja Region
at 20:15hrs and two days later on the 30th of October, replaced 2000 meters of 350mmsq aluminum steel
2020, the Nigerian Grid network recorded yet reinforced conductor on Gwagwalada-Westmain
another all-time peak of 5,520.40MW. 330kV Double Circuit (DC) vandalized by unknown
The Transmission Company of Nigeria on
Wednesday 6th January, 2021 and Thursday 7th On the outskirts of Maiduguri, three towers were
January, 2021 seamlessly transmitted another all- vandalized causing the towers to collapse, affecting
time peak generation of 5,552.40MW and power supply to Maiduguri and environs.
5,584.40MW respectively; on the 25th of February,
2021, it transmitted another all-time peak generation In Ughelli, Delta State, TCN Engineers recently
of 5,593.40MW; on the 28th of February, 2021, a new completed the repair and replacement of tower
peak of 5,615.40MW, and on the 1st of March 2021, members of towers 2-4 Delta – Benin – Ughelli
another new peak of 5,801.60MW was successfully double circuit transmission line recently vandalized
transmitted. This is an uncommon record in the by unknown persons. TCN has carried out the
Nigerian power sector, and the consistency in replacement work. The 68.4 kilometers line

pag e 1 8 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
evacuates electricity from Transcorp Power Ltd into the
Also towers 41 and 42 along the Benin-Delta Oghara SERVICE DELIVERY IN POWER SECTOR
132kV double circuit line in Warri, Delta State collapsed By Stanford Nneji
due to heavy rainfall. Repair work is currently ongoing.

The challenges notwithstanding, the management of TCN

is committed to improving the national electricity grid as it
continues to diligently implement its grid expansion
T he National Coordinator and Chief Executive
Officer of SERVICOM, Office of the President,
Mrs. Nnnena Akajemeli, has harped on the
need for the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory
Commission (NERC) to ensure enforcement of citizen
programme with projects which are at various stages of
implementation, from the reconductoring of the Ikeja focused service delivery in the power sector.
West - Sakete Transmission Line to reinforcing the Ugwuaji
to Apir Transmission Line, among other numerous projects Mrs. Akajemeli made the call when she presented the
spread across the nation. TCN will continue to work SERVICOM 2020 Evaluation Report on NERC to the
towards its goal of putting in place a standard and robust former Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of
transmission grid. Power, Mr. Chinyeaka Christian Ohaa, in Abuja.

According to her, the objective of the meeting on the

evaluation was to ensure citizen-focused service
delivery and make recommendations from the

She explained that the report identified strengths

and weaknesses in the power sector with reference to
distribution companies. One of such strengths, she
said, was access to service points through provision
of signage in the forum offices, while one of the
weaknesses has to do with non-adherence to
timeline for attending to, and resolving complaints of
electricity customers.

She further explained that the report identified the

need to have periodic customer satisfaction survey to
check lapses in the system, and urged NERC to take
the report seriously and work with it to address areas
of weakness.

In his remarks, the General Manager, Consumer

Affairs, NERC, Mr. Shittu Shaibu, thanked Mrs.
Akajemeli for the SERVICOM 2020 Evaluation Report
and promised that NERC would work to ensure that
participants render services to Nigerians in the best
possible manner.

Responding, the former Permanent Secretary,

Federal Ministry of Power, Mr. Chinyeaka Christian
Ohaa, said the main aim of any government
establishment was to serve its citizens. He expressed
satisfaction with SERVICOM for taking the initiative of
going through the laws in order to implement
government policies and programs that are under
their mandate in the power sector. He assured that
the Federal Ministry of Power will give serious
TCN engineers installing the new 60MVA power transformer consideration to the implementation of the
at Kubwa Substation recommendations presented in their report.

pag e 1 9
Transmission Grid Records
Fastest Power Grid Recovery,
After System Disturbance

T CN recorded the fastest recovery of the power

grid system after a partial collapse on Wednesday,
17th February, 2021.

The South-Eastern axis of the grid remained intact

stakeholders in the Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry
(NESI) are working really hard to improve services for
electricity consumers and also build on the
achievements we have made so far”.

during the grid disturbance, while affected parts were The Ag. MD/CEO further noted that the grid recovered
fully recovered within 45 minutes, the fastest in the from the partial system collapse within 45 minutes. This
history of the power sector in Nigeria. he attributed to the commitment of President
Muhammadu Buhari and the Minister of Power, Engr.
The Ag. MD/CEO of TCN, Engr. Sule Ahmed Abdulaziz, Sale Mamman towards bequeathing an improved power
confirmed the swift recovery of the grid, noting that sector to Nigeria, noting that TCN is working towards
TCN's system operators acted promptly to salvage the zero system collapse.
According to the Ag. MD/CEO, the company is gradually
According to him, “We had one system collapse late last completing old projects and also executing new ones to
year and one partial collapse yesterday. The partial grid further improve bulk power capacity delivery. “As we
collapse is the second time the grid is experiencing speak, our engineers are working on the replacement of
system disturbance in the last eight months; this has corroded glass disc insulators on Tower 425 of Ikeja West
never been the case in the history of the Nigerian power to Osogbo 330 kilovolt (kV) line; one of our contractors is
sector and is happening at a time when the capacity of also reconductoring the Kebbi-Sokoto Transmission
the national grid has improved. I can assure you that Line”.

pag e 2 0 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
By Tosin Olashinde

T CN is reconductoring the Alimosho/Ogba 132kV lines

1and 2, Ogba/Otta Tee-Off 132kV line, and Ogba/Alausa
132kV lines 1and 2. The line is being reconductored in
phases as follows: Otta Tee-off Ogba 132kV line; Ikeja-West/
Alimosho 132kV lines 1and 2; Alimosho/Ogba 132kV lines 1and
2; Ogba/Alausa 132kV lines 1and 2.

The 68.6KM transmission line supplies power to some parts of

Lagos and Ogun States. The reconductoring work which
commenced from Ogba 132kV end of the line, will terminate at
the Alausa end of the transmission line.

Implementation of the contract awarded in the first quarter of

the year 2020, started on 1st February, 2021. The capacity of the
old line was 90MVA, on completion of the reconductoring work,
the capacity of the line will increase to 125MVA. A total of one
hundred and twenty five (125) towers will be affected in the

The reconductoring work will replace the existing low capacity

aluminum conductor with a special conductor with higher
current rating capacity; this will increase the transmission
capacity at minimal cost since the project would utilize existing

The project is slated for completion in twenty four weeks, from

1st February, 2021 to the last week of July, 2021.

Aside the advantage of carrying more bulk load to distribution

load centers serving Lagos and Ogun states, the new line will be
less prone to sagging.

The major challenges experienced in executing the

reconductoring of the line is the very high traffic in the areas
affected, and difficulty in getting outage permit from the
Distribution Company to facilitate line execution. Work is
however ongoing according to schedule and would be
completed by the end of July.

pag e 2 1 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
T CN is reconductoring the Birnin Kebbi
/Sokoto line to keep up with the
anticipated increase in bulk power
transmission and also tackle the issue of
lines constraints being experienced on that
line route.

The 140km Birnin Kebbi-/Sokoto 132kV line

takes supply from Birnin Kebbi 330/132kV
Substation to Sokoto and some villages in
Kebbi and Zamfara States.
By Maimuna Isah-Ladan

The contract was awarded in the last quarter

of 2020, work commenced on 9th of
November same year and the project is
expected to be completed before the
middle of May 2021.

The capacity of the old line being

r e c o n d u c t o r e d w a s 7 0 M W, a f t e r
reconductoring, it is expected to increase to
150MW, doubling the current carrying
capacity of the transmission line.

Four hundred and five towers (405) will be

affected during the reconductoring works.

With the use of ACCC Aluminum Composite

Core Conductor for reconductoring the
lines, increase in transmission line capacity
is made easier and more economical. The
Aluminum Composite Core (ACCC) Gap
conductors has enormous benefits and
advantages over the old Aluminium
Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR)
conductor. The ACCC can carry twice the
load the ACSR carries, it weighs less and is
weather friendly.

Increased load will boost socio-economic

activities in Birnin Kebbi, Sokoto State and
parts of Zamfara State.

The issue of illegal structures under TCN's

Right of Way (RoW), and outage
management protocol, are part of the
challenges encountered during project

pag e 2 2 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
The Ag. MD TCN and his management Team


By Eric Ephraim Ene

A rising from the need to create redundancy and

in anticipation of further expansion of the grid
and the power sector in general, the
Management of TCN has disclosed plans to build a
second National Control Center in Gwagwalada Area
Council of Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

The Acting Managing Director and Chief Executive

Officer of TCN, Engr. Sule Abdulaziz made this
disclosure when he led some Management staff on a
site visit to Gwagwalada, Abuja, on Friday, 8th January
2021, for an on-the-spot assessment of the possible
location of the project.

Project Site
In his words, “Our purpose here is to check and see if
this site will be suitable for the construction of a
would have functional Supervisory Control and Data
second National Control Center like the one we have in
Acquisition (SCADA) system, Energy Management
Osogbo". Engr Abdulaziz said the civil engineering
System (EMS), and modern communication
department of TCN would further assess the site and
equipment compatible with international standards.
make recommendations to Management for final
He also noted that the new Control Center project
would be completed within 18 months and when
He disclosed that the contract for the execution of the
completed, it would complement NCC in Osogbo and
project would soon be signed as the Bureau for Public
help forestall breach in the system.
Procurement (BPP) has already issued a Certificate of
"No Objection" to TCN for the commencement of

According to him, the new Control Center project

pag e 2 3 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
By Stella Ejikonye

he Management of the National TCN and other companies in the power sector deliver
Power Training Institute of Nigeria, more effectively on their mandate”.
NAPTIN, has called for more synergy
İ with TCN in the area of capacity Mr. Nagode further explained that NAPTIN, as a center
building to enhance productivity. of excellence, also trains staff of other power utilities in
the African Sub-Region, including the West African
The Director General of NAPTIN, Mr. Ahmed Bolaji Power Pool (WAPP) and assured Management of their
Nagode, made this known when he led the readiness to tailor training schemes to fit TCN's
management of the company on a courtesy visit to capacity building requirement.
Responding, the Ag. MD/CEO, TCN, Engineer Sule
According to him, the Agency was out to ensure that Ahmed Abdulaziz, said the visit was strategic, as the
industry players fully utilize the potentials of NAPTIN current management was in the process of concluding
in meeting their goal of human capacity development. its training plan for the year 2021 which is focused on
“I remember very well that the Honorable Minister of specific skills set to further build required capacity. He
Power and the Honorable Minister of State for Power, directed the Human Resources Division to liaise with
have always enjoined us to work together as agencies NAPTIN to properly streamline training for the year.
under power, to ensure that we collectively utilize our
potentials towards realizing the goals and objectives The Executive Director, Human Resources and
of the power sector” he said. Corporate Services at TCN, Barr. Justin Ishaya Dodo, in
his response, said that TCN Management is committed
The institute, he informed, has trained about 1,000 to implementing the capacity building policy of the
staff of TCN in technical and non-technical areas company and assured NAPTIN of TCN's support for
between 2019 and 2020, and feedback shows that the structured and impactful training.
training positively impacted their jobs.
Also speaking, the Executive Director, Independent
According to him, TCN staff that participated in the System Operator, Engr. Maman Lawal, stressed the
training gained practical experience which has need for quality training for the power sector and
positively impacted job execution. “This kind of emphasized the need for NAPTIN to liaise with TCN's
feedback”, he said, “is what encourages me to say that training department in order to put in place a
there's always the need to build capacity to ensure that meaningful programme for the company.

L-R, ED-TSP Engr. V. Adewumi, ED-HR & CS Mr J. Dodo, ED-ISO Engr. M. Lawal, Ag MD/CEO, TCN Engr S. Abdulaziz
and DG NAPTIN, Mr Ahmed Nagode, Director Legal-NAPTIN Barr. K Oyenusi

pag e 2 3 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A

The new 330kV reactor


By Uloma Osuagwu

T CN has again successfully installed and energized a

40MVA, 132/33kV power transformer and a new R2
75MVAR 330kV Reactor at the Yauri and Jos
transmission substations respectively.
The new 40MVA transformer
The newly commissioned 40MVA 132/33kV power
transformer brings the capacity of Yauri Substation capacity
to 80MVA. With the new transformer, the substation now
has six outgoing 33kV feeders, four of the feeders, the Yauri, In the same vein, TCN engineers have installed a new R2
Koko, Zuru and Ingaski feeders are now in service while two 75MVAR 330kV Reactor at the Jos 330/132/33kV
others are for future demand by Kaduna Electricity Transmission Substation which was also commissioned
Distribution Company. on the 18th of March, 2021. The new reactor will
complement the existing R1 75MVAR 330kV in the
The Yauri 2x40MVA 132/33kV Substation project was substation.
awarded in 2007. However, the inability of the contractor to
complete the project caused TCN to take over the project, With two standard reactors in place at the substation,
and TCN engineers installed the first 40MVA transformer TCN now transmits stable and quality voltage to Plateau,
which was successfully commissioned in 2019. To further Bauchi, Gombe and parts of Benue, Taraba, Yobe and
boost bulk power in the area, TCN engineers equally Kaduna States.
installed and commissioned the second 40MVA power
transformer which was energized on Thursday 18th March, The Yauri and Jos Substations projects are part of projects
2021. articulated in TCN's Nigerian Electricity Grid
Maintenance, Expansion and Rehabilitation Programme
The new transformer has upgraded the substation capacity (NEGMERP), and TCN intends to continue to ensure the
by 32MW and consequently improved bulk power supply to diligent implementation of the projects which is geared
the southern part of Kebbi State, through Kaduna Electricity towards putting in place a robust and very efficient grid.
Distribution Company.

pag e 2 5 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
By Grace Sambe-Jauro

The brand new 60MVA transformer Third Left, ED TSP, Engr. Victor Adewumi during the site visit

A brand new 60MVA 132/33kV power transformer

has been successfully installed and energized
Kubwa Transmission Sub-station, Abuja.

During an on-the-site visit to the Kubwa Substation, the

30MVA mobile transformer has been moved to the
new Bichi Substation in the state. Both transformers are
currently being installed.

In his remarks, the Regional Transmission Manager,

Executive Director, Transmission Service Provider, (TSP), Abuja Region, Engr. Ali Sharifai, said that TCN has
Engr. Victor Adewumi, commended TCN in-house capable in-house engineers with exceptional technical
engineers who carried out the installation for their skills, and that over the time, in-house engineers have
relentless effort in ensuring that the transformer was continued to install transformers that have enhanced
installed and energised on time. He noted management's TCN’s capacity.
commitment to improving bulk power delivery to Abuja
and the entire nation, pointing out that TCN engineers Speaking also, the transformer installation team lead,
were currently installing transformers in different Engr. Ramat Musa, revealed that it was an exciting time
substations nationwide. for the engineers as they coupled and installed the
transformer, and noted that TCN engineers are team
Engr Adewumi further informed that in Abuja, TCN is players, enthusiastic in learning and are ready to
presently executing substations and line projects aimed exceed management’s expectations.
at improving bulk power delivery to the Federal Capital
Territory (FCT), and noted that the projects when The installed transformer has 33kV feeders; the Dam,
completed will add two 330kV sub-stations and three Dawaki and Deidei feeders and all of them are in circuit
132/33kV sub-stations to Abuja. The project, he said, will carrying a cumulative load of 21MW. The transformer
also add another transmission line to the two existing has added 48MW to the capacity of the substation and
ones supplying Abuja. This would upgrade line supply is now more able to meet the increasing demands of
into Abuja to N-2 status for guaranteed power supply. AEDC through the substation.

He said that TCN has delivered another 60/66MVA power

transformer to Kumbotso Substation in Kano, while a

pag e 2 6 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
FG Approves Contracts for Three
Transmission Sub-Stations &
Transmission Lines Extension
By Grace Sambe-Jauro

T he Federal Executive
Council (FEC), has
a p p r o v e d t h e
construction of three
transmission sub-stations, two
in Kano State and one in Benue
State, and the extension of
transmission lines in Abia and
Imo States.

The Minister of Power, Engr.

Mamman Sale, made the
disclosure after the 37th virtual
federal cabinet meeting
presided over by President
Muhammadu Buhari, on
Wednesday, 10th March 2021,
in the State House, Abuja.

According to him, the

breakdown of cost implication
for those projects show that the
extension of transmission lines
in Abia and Imo States will be
executed at the cost of
$506,324.40 plus N34,034,000 Minister of Power, Engr. Sale Mamman
local content, while the
proposed sub-station in Zaki- more power is being produced compared to what is
Biam, Benue State will cost $8.6 million with local being wheeled out. “So, what he has been doing
content put at N2.08 billion. The cost of the substation recently, is to improve the capacity of the Transmission
in Bichi in Kano State is $9.6 million plus N1.7 billion Company of Nigeria (TCN), to transmit more power.
local content, while that of the substation in Kanyi, So, all these contracts are about improving the
Kano State is $9.5 million plus N1.7 billion local capacity of TCN so that when electricity is produced, it
content. will get to our homes.”

Engr. Mamman further explained that the Ministry of Commenting on the development, the Ag. MD/CEO of
Power embarked on these new projects as part of TCN, Engr. Sule Abdulaziz noted that the approval of
efforts aimed at expanding the national grid for funds for the substation and line projects further
sustainable supply of electricity, and to improve the shows that the Federal Government was bent on
wheeling capacity of TCN. ensuring incremental expansion of the capacity of the
nation's transmission grid in line with its plan for the
Validating the Minister's position, the Minister of sector. He expressed appreciation to the Federal
Information and Culture, Mr. Lai Mohammed said, government and pledged to ensure the timely delivery
“You see, before now, there's been complaints that of the projects by the contractors.

pag e 2 7 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
By Mary Philip Udom

T he staff of Enugu Region of TCN recently

participated in a Service Level Agreement
workshop aimed at sensitizing staff on the
proper implementation of service level agreement for
improved and more efficient service delivery.
Engr. Nwokoye who defined SLA as improved service
delivery to end users of electricity, said that the
concept should not evoke apprehension, rather, the
determination to play ones's role efficiently in a
proactive manner, bearing in mind that TCN as the
leader and strongest link in the Nigerian Electricity
The Regional Transmission Manager Enugu Region, Supply Industry (NESI) should equally lead by
Engr Emmanuel Nwani, in his opening remarks said example.
that the sensitization programme was necessary for
both technical and non-technical staff as everyone in He emphasized that the SLA was majorly aimed at
the region has a role to play in improving the quality of addressing interface problems between TCN and
services rendered to the distribution companies. He DisCos, and called for attitudinal change to work, such
enjoined participants to be attentive to ensure that as maintaining good record of data for proper
they understand and key into the goal of the accountability of energy wheeled. He further informed
sensitization programme. that any lapse on the side of TCN in fulfilling its part of
the agreement would attract monetary penalty. Engr.
Addressing participants, the leader of the SLA Nwokoye advised the AGMs of the Sub Regions to
sensitization team and the General Manager extend the campaign to their various work centres and
(Engineering) TCN, Engr. Geoffrey Nwokoye, advised effectively supervise them to ensure compliance.
participants to see themselves as referees in the
implementation of Service Level Agreements and to The main presentation during the programme which
take their jobs more seriously to enhance system was held on Monday, 1st March 2021, was titled
maintenance and grid balance. “TCN's obligations, violations and penalties”, by Barr.
Zainab Saka Abdulrahim AGM (Legal). Participants

Participants at the workshop

pag e 2 8 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
TCN engineers replacing insulators



T he Benin Region of TCN has embarked on the

replacement of glass insulators on live
transmission lines with composite insulators
along tower 403, on Benin- Egbin-Ikeja West 330kV
double circuit line in Ondo State, to enhance
that glass insulators were easily affected by weather
conditions, while composite insulators are more
weather friendly, and can withstand all weather

evacuation of bulk power on the grid. Engr. Sule further informed that TCN's live line crew
has been detailed to tackle the job. The crew, he said, is
The Assistant General Manager, Live line, Engr. very experienced and would efficiently replace the
Abdulahi Sule, made this known when he played host conductors to solve the challenge of corrosion which
to his colleague, the Assistant General Manager, causes the drooping of conductors.
Transmission, Omotosho Sub–Region, Engr. Nuhu
Abdulraheem, on Tuesday, 8th March 2021, in Benin, In his remarks, the Assistant General Manager,
Edo State. The meeting strategized on the Transmission, Omotosho Sub-Region, Engr. Nuhu
methodology to adopt in efficiently replacing Abdulraheem, revealed that the Omotosho lkeja West
detached insulators on live lines along Ondo axis. 330kV Lines had four detachments on the same spot
within a month last year, which informed the exercise.
Speaking during the meeting, Engr. Sule explained The complete change of the insulators, he noted,
that Benin Region had embarked on replacing glass would permanently solve the corrosion problem.
insulators with composite insulators as a result of
corrosion which sometimes causes the glass insulators Engr. Abdulraheem further explained that the ongoing
to detach from conductors. He noted that air pollution replacement work would affect about 500 towers
and salty rain witnessed regularly in the area are the along the Benin-Egbin-Ikeja West 330kV transmission
major causes of corrosion of glass insulators. lines. He said that the exercise would impact positively
on TCN's wheeling capacity in the region while at the
According to him, TCN management considered it same time, ensure that the conductors are properly
wise to replace the glass insulators with composite separated and secured.
insulators to solve the problem of corrosion. He noted

pag e 2 9 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
By Ndidi Mbah

T CN recently completed the construction of a

new transmission tower in Ajah, Lagos, and also
strung the old and a new 330kilovolts Egbin -
Ajah transmission lines.
Both lines have been
supply from Egbin 330kV Transmission Substation and
supplies the Ajah 330kV Substation, Lekki 330kV
Substation, and Alagbon 330kV Transmission

The additional 330kV transmission line, equally means

The new line increased the transmission lines capacity that more bulk power is now supplied to the
on that line route by 600 megawatts (MW) bringing it substations of Eko Electricity Distribution Company
to a total of 1,200MW. The old line was re-energized taking supply from the listed transmission substations.
on Saturday 13th March, 2021 while the new line was
energized on Monday 15th March, 2021. …HISTORY
The 330kV GIS Ajah was commissioned about 36 years
Prior to resuscitation of the second Egbin-Ajah ago (1985) in December 2013; the Substation had
Transmission Line, the Ajah 330/132/33kV Substation insulation failure which affected four (4) of its chambers
operated through a single circuit 330kV transmission and associated Egbin-Ajah 330kV transmission Line.
line, after the second line was isolated in 2013 due to Since then, the Line was isolated from the terminal
Ajah GIS Substation insulation failure. Within the equipment.
period, the lone 330kV line had a maximum capacity of
600MW, but with the resuscitation of the second The insulation failure which affected the line, equally
330kV line and the diversion of both lines along the resulted in a 150MVA, 330/132/33kV Power
new tower line route, the transmission lines capacity Transformer becoming redundant in the substation.
As an interim measure, TCN Management decided to
TCN has fulfilled the N-1 reliability criteria on that line divert the Egbin-Ajah line to the proposed Omotosho/
route with the additional 330kV transmission line, and Epe 330kV Line, pending the complete rehabilitation of
equally provided redundancy. Each of the lines can the GIS chambers. This gave birth to the construction of
therefore serve as 'back-up' for the other during 330kV terminal Tower at Ajah Station, necessary to
maintenance; this has increased transmission string the transmission line conductors through the
efficiency and reduced downtime on that line route. terminal gantry to the new Omotosho-Ajah 330kV bay
at Ajah Sub Station.
The 13.8 kilometre transmission line receives power

pag e 3 0 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A

ROM OSOGBO REGION Mr. Olaniyi Yisa Gbadebo is the Regional Operations Manager (ROM) Osogbo.
Prior to this, he was the Regional Operations Coordinator (ROC), Osogbo RCC.
He holds a BSC in Accounting from University of Lagos and HND in Electrical
Electronics from Osun State College of Technology Esa-Oke.
He is an experienced Electrical Operator who has passed through K1-K5 from
Professional Skill Training Centre, Kainji and as well as Senior Electrical Operator
Course and other System Operator Courses.
He attended several Workshops for System Electrical Operators and served in a
good number of Committees.

Engr. Wasiu Adedeji Tijani is the Regional Operations Manager (ROM) Benin
Region. Prior to his appointment, Engr. Wasiu Tijani was the Assistant General
Manager (AGM) – Corporate Planning, at Lagos Region.
Engr. Wasiu Tijani holds a Master's Degree, MBA (Production and Operations
Management) from Lagos State University, Post Graduate Diploma and a Higher
National Diploma in Electrical/Electronics from the Federal University of
Technology, Akure, and Ibadan Polytechnic respectively.
He is a member of Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), Nigerian Institute of
Management (NIM), Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria
(COREN), and Member, Certified, Project Management Professional (PMI, USA).


Engr. Muhammad Nasir Umar is the Regional Operations Manager (ROM)
Bauchi Region. Prior to his appointment, Engr. Muhammad Nasir Umar was the
Principal Manager (Communications) supervising the installation and
commissioning of all communication equipment within Kano, Dutse, Azare and
Gombe Transmission Substations.
Engr. Nasir Umar holds a Higher National Diploma (Electrical Engineering) from
Kaduna State Polytechnic.
He is a member of Nigerian Association of Technologists in Engineering (NATE)
and the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN).

pag e 3 1 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A

ROM ABUJA REGION Engr. Sobande Adekoyejo Oladipo is the Regional Operations Manager (ROM),
Abuja Region. Before his appointment, he was the Assistant General Manager,
NCC, SCADA and RTU Maintenance NCC and the Technical Head, Operation and
Maintenance of TCN SCADA and RTU networks and adaptation writing for TCN
He had earlier served as the Team Lead and Technical Support, TCN SCADA
Reactivation Project. He holds a B.Sc in Electronic and Electrical Engineering,
specialized in High Voltage Engineering from the then University of Ife, Ile Ife.

He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Power Engineers (NIPE), and Corporate

Member, Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE).

Engr. Joseph Johnson Olugbenga is the Regional Operations Manager (ROM),

Lagos Region. Prior to his appointment, Engr. Joseph Johnson Olugbenga was the
Principal Manager (Communications), Lagos Region, where he brought to bear
his experience in the installation and maintenance of power systems
communication equipment in the region.

Engr. Joseph J. Olugbenga, holds a Masters in Business Administration, from the

University of Calabar, a Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Electronics and
Computer Engineering, from Lagos State University and Higher National Diploma
(H. N. D.) in Electronics from the Federal Polytechnic Bauchi.

He is a member of the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria

(COREN), and the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE).

Engr. Sani B. Gwarzo is the Regional Operations Manager (ROM) for Shiroro.

ROM SHIRORO REGION Before his appointment, Engr. Sani B. Gwarzo was the Acting Assistant General
Manager Transitional Electricity Market (TEM). National Control Centre, Osogbo.

Engr. Sani B. Gwarzo developed the present frame work template of the Service
Level Agreement (SLA) signed between TCN and the DisCos. He also participated
in the review of Operational Procurement for System Operators.

He holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) Degree and Post Graduate

Diploma (Electrical) from Bayero University Kano. He has attended many
conferences within and outside the country.

He is a member of the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria

(COREN), Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) and Nigeria Institute of Power
Engineers (NIPE)

pag e 3 2 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
Engr. Agupusi Jude Ikechukwu is the Regional Operations Manager for Port
ROM PORTHARCOURT Harcourt. Before his appointment, Engr. Agupusi was the Principal Manager
(Communications), Benin Region, in charge of planning, installation,
REGION commissioning and maintenance of power line carrier equipment, optic
fibre and SCADA equipment.

Engr. Jude Agupusi holds a Masters of Engineering (Communication System

Engineering) and a Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) both in Electronics /
Telecomm from Enugu State University of Science and Technology, and a
Higher National Diploma from Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Niger State. He
has attended various local and International trainings.

He is a member of Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria

(COREN), the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), and a fellow of the
Nigerian Institution of Power Engineers (NIPE).

Engr. Michael Ndubueze Nwagu is the Regional Operations Manager (ROM)

for Enugu Region. Prior to his appointment, Engr. Nwagu was the principal
Manager (Communication) responsible for coordination of all
communication equipment maintenance activities in Enugu Region.

He holds a Masters Degree in (Electronics / Telecomms Engineering) from

Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State and also obtained a
Bachelors degree in (Electrical / Electronics Engineering) from Enugu State
University of Science and Technology), Enugu State.

He is a member of Council for the Registration of Engineering in Nigeria

(COREN) and corporate member of Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE).

ROM KADUNA REGION Engr. Abdulkareem Abdullahi Shafa is the Regional Operations Manager,
Kaduna Region. Before his appointment, he was the Principal Manager
(Regional Operations Coordinator, Kaduna Region), and also the Area
Control Coordinator, Gombe.

Engr. Abdulkareem Abdullahi Shafa holds a Bachelors degree in (MIT

Computer Science) from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology,
Ogbomosho in Osun State. He also obtained a Post Graduate Diploma in
Electrical / Electronic Engineering Technology from Abubakar Tafawa Belewa
University, Bauchi, Bauchi State and a Higher National Diploma in Electrical /
Electronic Engineering Technology from Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi State.

He is a member of Council for the Registration of Engineering in Nigeria

(COREN) and corporate member of Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE).

pag e 3 3 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
T he Acting Managing Director of TCN, Engineer
Sule Ahmed Abdulaziz has said that the
company has acquired a new office for its
Project Implementation Units (PIUs), to enhance the
delivery of projects that would add about 4,000
engineers and support staff in line with international

The MD/CEO added that the project units are already

implementing projects that will definitely add to TCN's
megawatts wheeling capacity to the national grid 8,100MW grid capacity. He noted that proper
when they are completed. organization of the PIUs is to promote efficiency in line
with the goal of TCN management, pointing out that
Engr. Abdulaziz, while speaking about the PIUs and management was also making the same effort in the
the ongoing projects being executed during an mainstream TCN which had enabled the company
official visit to the office complex, said that it is a successfully transmit successive all-time generation
specialized unit of TCN that ensures critical peaks recently.
transmission line and substation projects are
delivered according to specification, quality and time Explaining further, the General Manager and
frame. Coordinator of the PIU office at TCN, Engineer Joseph
Ciroma, said that presently, there are so many ongoing
He noted that the new office for the PIUs houses four projects being supervised by the PIUs such as the Abuja
Project Units financed by donor agencies such as the Feeding Scheme, among others.
Wo r l d B a n k ( W B ) , A g e n c e F r a n ç a i s e d e
Developpment (AFD), the African Development Bank The AFD-funded Abuja high voltage transmission
(AfDB) and the Japan International Cooperation feeding scheme is currently ongoing, all the six
Agency (JICA). TCN, he continued, has ensured that contracts under the project are effective. The project
the offices are conducive for TCN project managers, will bring an additional 330kilovolts (kV) transmission

pag e 3 4 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
substations and four 120MW capacity 330kV
transmission lines. These lines will also connect the
West African Power Pool (WAPP) to enable Nigeria
export more power when the projects are

…The Archives

The first Project Management Unit (PMU) in TCN,

was created in 2003, as requirement for World Bank
(WB) credit. The sole aim of the PMU is to ensure
effective and efficient Management of projects,
without interference from TCN, in accordance with
world best practices. TCN has successful managed
line through Lafia, bringing to three the source of and completed the following projects from the WB;
bulk power transmission into Abuja. The new Lafia
line is a green field (new) project. Also, the project · The Nigeria Transmission Development
will build five new transmission substations in the Project (NTDP) - USD100 Million between
FCT, comprising two number 330kV substations 2002 – December 2005
and three number 132kV substations, all part of
· National Energy Development Project
the ongoing Abuja Feeding Scheme project being
(NEDP) - USD180 Million between 2005 –
executed simultaneously alongside the 330kV
December 2012
transmission line.
· Nigeria Electricity and Gas Improvement
The additional bulk power supply into Abuja will Project (NEGIP) – USD300Million between
ensure reliability and availability of power supply 2012 – December 2018
in the Federal Capital Territory.
· Niger Basin Water Resources Development
The World Bank project unit, Ciroma said, will and Sustainable Ecosystems Management
address a nationwide transmission upgrade, and Project (NB-WRDSEMP) under Fed. Ministry
that over 30No power transformers will be of Water Resources for the Rehabilitation
affected during the substations upgrade. He works in Kainji and Jebba Power Stations –
noted that 30MVA transformers will be replaced USD135 Million between 2007 – June 2016
with 60MVA and 100MVA, depending on the
Currently, the Nigeria Electricity Transmission Project
planned capacity upgrade for the substation. The
(NETAP) funded by the WB in 2018, with a credit
30MVA transformers that would be removed, he
said, would be installed in areas with lower amount of – USD486 Million, is ongoing and is
electricity demand. This will invariably add to the scheduled to be completed within 5 years. The
capacity of the network. successes recorded attracted several International
Donor Funding Agencies to fund other power projects.
The African Development Bank (AfDB) project unit TCN consequently created three (3) additional Project
on the other hand, is working on strengthening Implementation Units (PIUs) to manage these loans.
the 330kV Alaoji (Abia State) to Onitsha (Anambra These donors are;
State) transmission line. The line currently
I. Agence FranÇaise de Developpment (AFD)
evacuates only 400MW of power but after the line
is reconductored, its capacity would increase to Project – USD170 Million
1200MW which is three times the current capacity. II. African Development Bank (AfDB) Project -
AfDB would also fund a new transmission line USD210 Million
from Benin to Delta to increase power evacuation
on that line route from 400MW to 1200MW, and III. Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA)
also another new 1200MW capacity transmission Project – USD235 Million
line that would complement the 400MW capacity The projects being implemented by these PIU/PMUs
line running from Kaduna to Kano.
are all linked to the umbrella programme of the TCN
referred to as Transmission Rehabilitation Expansion
The JICA-funded project unit targets transmission
Programme (TREP). The activities of the PIU/PMUs are
projects in Lagos and Ogun States where TCN will
discussed next.
build four 330kV substations, two 132/33kV

pag e 3 5 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
Table 2.2. PMU/PIU Funding Sources

Reinforcing the High-Voltage Transmission Ring around



The key project statistics for the AFD Abuja Ring project
1. JICA FUNDED PROJECT are shown in Table 2.5

The project has recorded some milestone achievements Table 2.5. AFD Abuja Ring Project- Project Impact on Completion
within the project preparation conditions, but has not
been made effective as fund is yet to be made available
by JICA for drawdown.


The key project statistics for the JICA project are shown
Part of the proceeds from this credit is intended to be
in Table 2.3. utilized for the supply and installation of Enterprise
Resource Planning systems (ERP) and software. The ERP
Table 2.3. JICA- Project Impact on Completion solution is expected to further streamline TCN internal
processes for more efficiency and transparency in line
with international best practice. This activity is yet to


The African Development Bank (AfDB) loan is about USD USD 486 Million
210 Million and will finance the phase one of Nigeria
Transmission Expansion Project (NTEP-1), with projects The Nigerian Electricity Transmission and Access Project
drawn in both brownfield and Greenfield from the North (NETAP) became effective in June 2019, and will close in
West, South East and South South regions of Nigeria, December, 2023. The credit is about USD 486 Million
and cutting across Kano, Kaduna, Delta, Edo, Anambra, with USD 4 Million counterpart funding from the FGN.
Imo and Abia States. The project has met most of the The selection of the projects cuts across the six
conditions for project effectiveness but no fund has geopolitical zones of the country, and were based on the
been made available by AfDB, hence no draw down has Company's strategic goals for the network
been made on the project by TCN. reinforcement, and expansion plan to achieve
10,000MW to 13,000MW transmission wheeling

The key project statistics for the NTEP-1 are shown in

Table 2.4. Table 2.6. World Bank- Project Impact on Completion

Table 2.4. AFD Northern Corridor - Project Impact on Completion


The AFD credit is about USD 170 Million with USD 40.2
Million as counterpart fund from FGN and is to address
green fields transmission lines and substations aimed at

pag e 3 6 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
Bemdoo Saka, Sadiq Thomas, Yekini Suberu Mohammed, Ismail Dalhatu Inuwa, Edith Ahiriame Aja, Suleiman U. Hussein

Abstract—This paper presents the contingency analysis for the Abuja transmission network using DIgSILENT Power
Factory software. The contingency analysis showed the results for the worst loading violations from the most severe to
the least severe case for both the base case and the case study contingencies. For the base case condition, the most
severe continuous loading condition was 200.2% while the least severe continuous loading condition was 93.7%. After
the reinforcement of the identified weak section of the network, the security and the stability of the network improved
greatly with the most severe continuous loading condition of 138.9% and the least severe continuous loading condition of
80.4%. Contingency analysis for Abuja transmission network was conducted to identify the weakest part of the network
and then take measures to ensure the stability of the network.

Index Terms—Contingency Analysis, Power Flow, Transmission Network

INTRODUCTION minimum per unit voltages of 0.921 and 0.399 respectively

Electricity is one of the major input variables for most were recorded for Jos-Gombe and Damaturu-Mambilla
human endeavors and development. A constant and line contingencies. In a related development, contingency
reliable supply of electricity is an essential part of today's analysis was performed for Sudan National Grid and
complex societies. Countries all over the world are weakness of the transmission system was detected, and
expanding their power system networks in other to meet based on this, new reinforcements were suggested. The
up with increased demand and this is accompanied by new capacities ensured better power system security in the
contingencies such as transmission element and/or case of single and multiple contingencies.
generator outages which may always cause changes in
both the configuration and the operating state of the A methodology for choosing the best transmission
system . expansion plan using an adequacy-based security criterion
based on a contingency criterion was proposed. The paper
Contingency analysis is the study of the outage of a showed that in general, a stronger security criterion is
transmission and/or generation element such as associated with a higher investment cost, but at the same
transformers, lines, and generators, and investigation of time, the operating cost may be slightly lower due to less
the outage effect on the line loadings and bus voltage congestion on the grid. The paper concludes that the
magnitude of the remaining system. It is an important modified security criteria can be used effectively for
analysis that is used in studying the effect of outage of transmission expansion planning in both regulated and
elements in power system security during operation and deregulated electricity markets.
planning. Contingencies may result in severe violations of
the operating constraints. Therefore, planning for The document assessed the reliability, stability and
contingencies forms an important part of a secure efficiency of the proposed 10GW capacity 330kV grid and
operation of the power system. the extent to which it provided solution to the numerous
problems that plagued the existing grid. From the result,
In a typical power system planning problem, security losses were minimized when the lines loaded beyond their
standards may be used initially to select the reasonable thermal capacity were replaced with double circuit
plans from draft scenarios suggested from the view point transmission lines. Similarly, the development, testing and
of strategic policy called the first macro stage. More implementation of a fast automated process for assessing
detailed technical analysis such as contingency analysis, power system performance following loss of two bulk
fault analysis, and stability analysis, are applied in order to transmission elements consecutively (N-1-1 contingency
check the feasibility of the plans. analysis) and simultaneously (N-2 contingency analysis).

EXISTING LITERATURE The approach described in this paper offers a flexibility to

Single line contingency analysis was considered for the utilize various sets of system adjustments depending on
Nigeria 330kV post-reform grid to determine violations in types and values of post-contingency limit violations. The
the network due to the individual contingencies using paper describes in detail the event that led to severe
power world simulator. The simulation result showed six depletion of transmission network in Eastern Regional Grid
bus violations with a maximum per unit voltage of 1.166 leading to non-compliance of security criteria in certain
using a generator contingency at Mambilla. In addition, corridors (N-1).

pag e 3 8 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
An optimal contingency assessment model using two- · Gwagwalada 330/132/33kV substation
stage stochastic linear programming including wind · Katampe 330/132/33kV substation
power generation was presented. The optimization · Apo 132/33kV substation
model was applied to find the best radial topology by · Kukwaba 132/33kV substation
determining the best switching sequence to solve · Apo 132/33kV substation
contingencies. The proposed model was applied to a · Central Area 132/33kV substation
69-node distribution system and the results of all · Kubwa 132/33kV substation
possible contingencies in the network were examined · Karu 132/33kV substation
considering three different case studies with several
scenarios. Two new contingency screening methods The following transmission lines are under Abuja
considering impacts of distribution grids were transmission network;
proposed. The first one was based on global power flow ·Shiroro – Katampe 330kV single circuit line
and the second utilized distribution network ·Shiroro – Gwagwalada 330kV single circuit line
equivalence. The study concentrated on the ·Gwagwalada - Katampe 330kV single circuit line
contingency analysis of the Sebeta to Kaliti transmission ·Lokoja – Gwagwalada 330kV double circuit line
line of the Ethiopian 230kV transmission network. The ·Katampe – Apo 132kV double circuit line
outage of this line caused overload of the Gefersa to ·Gwagwalada – Kukwaba 132kV single circuit line
Kaliti transmission line and made the system insecure ·Kukwaba – Apo 132kV double circuit line
and unreliable. Analysis were conducted by considering ·Katampe – Kubwa 132kV single circuit line
four scenarios such as a normal state, single line outage, ·Katampe – Suleja 132kV double circuit line
cascaded line outage and inserting Distributed Static ·Apo – Karu 132kV single circuit line
Series Compensator (DSSC) into the overloaded line.
The system became reliable and secure by inserting the The closest generating stations to Abuja are the Shiroro
device in the most sensitive line of the network. hydro power plant and the Geregu gas fired power plant
which connects Lokoja – Gwagwalada double circuit
Contingency analysis and reliability evaluation of the 330kV line, Shiroro – Gwagwalada 330kV single circuit
Nigerian power system was performed using the load line, and Shiroro – Katampe 330kV single circuit line. The
flow method. The result of this analysis was used to base case and the case study contingencies will be
determine the security level of the Nigeria power system studied in the next section.
and suggestions were made on the level of protection to
be applied on the Nigeria power system with the aim of A. The Base Case Contingency Analysis
improving system security. The N-1 reliable DC optimal The base case scenario represents the contingency
dispatch with transmission switching was analyzed. The analysis for the existing network without any proposed
model used was a mixed integer program with binary reinforcements in Abuja Transmission Network. The
variables representing the state of the transmission power flow diagram in Fig. 1 shows that the 3 x 150MVA
element (line or transformer). The IEEE 118-bus and the transformers at Katampe 330/132/33kV substation, the
RTS 96 system test cases were used. The IEEE 118-bus 7.5MVA transformer at Suleja substation and the
test case was analyzed at varying load levels. Part of the Katampe – Kubwa 132kV line were heavily loaded as can
document showed that optimal transmission switching be seen from the red and orange coloring on the single
as a congestion management tool was utilized to line diagram (SLD) in Fig. 1 below.
change network topology which, in turn, led to higher
electricity market efficiency. Transmission switching was
formulated as an optimization problem to determine
the most influential lines as candidates for

The contingency analysis was conducted using
DIgSILENT Power Factory simulation software. Different
330/132kV transmission lines and substations connect
the transmission network in Abuja, the capital city of
Nigeria. The following substations are under the Abuja
transmission network:
Fig. 1 Power Flow Single Line Diagram

pag e 3 9 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
132kV line was ranked the least severe with 35.3% in the base
case loading and 93.7% in the continuous loading. Also, it can
be observed that the 3 x 150MVA transformers at Katampe
were heavily loaded to 117.9% and 173.8% for the base case
and continuous loading condition respectively.
A. Contingency Analysis (Proposed New Projects)
For the case study, contingency analysis was carried out for
the security assessment of the Abuja transmission network
with the following proposed new projects;
·Turn in and out the second Katampe – Kubwa – Suleja line to
double circuit
·Turn in and out the second Gwagwalada – Kukwaba– Apo line
to double circuit
·Install additional 150MVA transformer at Katampe
330/132/33kV substation.

Table II Contingency Analysis for Worst Loading Violations

Fig. 2 Colour Legend Block with Network Reinforcement

Fig. 2 shows the colour legend block for the lower voltage
range, upper voltage range and line loading range. The
yellow colours shows the line loading above 80% while the
red colours shows the loading range above 90%.

The result in Table II shows that with the reinforcement of

Abuja transmission network with the new projects listed
earlier, the security of the network is greatly improved. The
most severe contingency in this scenario is the Katampe –
Kubwa line 1 and line 2 with a base case loading of 68.6% and a
post-contingency loading of 138.9%. The least severe case is
the loss of either of the 100MVA transformers at Apo
substation. The transformer loading was observed to increase
Fig. 3 Power Flow Result from 75.2% to 80.4% in the base case and continuous loading
The power flow result in Fig. 3 shows a total generation of
603.33MW, total load of 575.50MW and system loss of CONCLUSION
27.83MW. Contingency analysis was conducted for the Abuja
Table I Contingency Analysis for Worst Loading Violations transmission network using DIgSILENT Power Factory
software. The Abuja transmission network consist of 330kV
and 132kV substations and transmission lines interconnected
to the National Grid.

Contingency analysis was studied for the base case, which is

the intact network, and the case study, which contains some
proposed new projects. The contingency analysis showed the
results for the worst loading violations from the most severe
to the least severe case for both the base case and the case
Table I represents the contingency analysis result for the study. The contingency analysis carried out for the Abuja
worst loading violations from the most severe to the least transmission network was important because it identified the
severe case for the base case network. The Katampe – Suleja weakest part of the transmission network. New projects were
132kV line was ranked the most severe because the line was proposed and the results showed that the security of the
loaded to 44% in the base case and 200.2% in the system was improved in the event of any contingencies on
continuous loading condition. Similarly, the Kubwa – Suleja Abuja transmission network.

pag e 4 0 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
e company
e w or ks by TC N engineers as th
Highlights of som bilitate and expa
nd the grid
continues to reha

1. Installation of 60MVA 132/33kV Transformer at Kubwa T/S

2. Installation of 40MVA, 132/33kV power transformer at Yauri T/S
3. Installation of a new R2 75MVAR 330kV Reactor at Jos T/S
4. Restringing of detached conductor along 330kV Benin-Egbin Line (T202)
5. Rehabilitation of T1 150MVA 330/132/33kV transformer at Yola T/S
6. Commissioning of new Akure 132kV line and bus-bar isolator at Akure T/S
7. Installation of new GT02 33/0.415kV 500KVA Ground Transformer at Rumuosi
8. Star Pipe Company 132/33kV Sub-Station was connected to the Grid via 30MVA 132/33kV
Transformer at Egbin T/S
9. Energizing of new KRPC (Kaduna Refinery) Feeder at Kaduna Town T/S.
10. Replacement of failed Siemens 33kV Circuit Breaker on Steel Feeder-2 at Benin TS with a new 33kV
Circuit Breaker
11. Commissioning of a new 110V DC Battery and Charger system at 132kV Control Room in Benin TS.
12. Restringing of detached Conductor (T119) along Benin-Egbin Line and (T168) on Benin- Ajaokuta
13. Replacement of failed Battery Bank and Charger with a 110VDC, 80A Battery Bank and Charger at
132kV Control Room in Delta, Yenegoa, PortHarcourt, Apir TS and Installation of new 110V D.C
Battery Bank at Calabar and Rumuosi TS.
14. Re-stringing of detached yellow phase conductor on Tower 192 along Ife-Ondo 132kV line
15. Replacement of faulty 132kV Circuit Breaker on TR2, 60MVA Transformer at Dan Agundi T/S, and
33kV Circuit Breaker on T4 132/33kV Transformer at Agbara T/S.
16. Installation of 132kV Circuit Breaker to restore back supply on Agbara/Ojo 132kV Line1 at Agbara TS.
17. Installation of 33kV CB on new feeder bay at Ondo TS, 60MVA 132/33kV TR1 secondary, 33kV MTN
Feeder at Dataka TS, Water Works Feeder at Old Abeokuta TS, Arewa feeder at Kaduna Town TS, Beta
Glass 33kV Feeder at Delta TS and H31 Feeder at Apo and Yola TS respectively.
18. Replacement of 33kV Vacuum EPZ1 line CB with a new one at Calabar T/S
19. Installation of 2No 330kV CT on 330kV Benin-Onitsha Line 1, 330/132/33kV Transformer at Ajaokuta
and Replacement of 3kV CB on TR13 60MVA 132/33kV Sec at Onitsha T/S
20. Installation of 48V Battery Bank on T2 40 MVA Transformer at Jericho, Ibadan

pag e 4 1 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
Management Commends
TCN’s Regional Managers,
Assures Provision of Equipment And Spare Parts
By Eric Ephraim Ene

T he Management of TCN has

assured its regional offices
across the country of provision
of necessary tools, equipment, spare
parts and support to ensure enhanced
that is successfully transmitted, and
maximum daily energy peak. “The
latest peak was 5,801MW on 1st March,
2021 and highest daily energy peak of
119,471.15MWH on 5th March, 2021.
how TCN can increase its wheeling
capacity from 8,100MW to about
13,000MW within three years through
projects execution.

efficiency in their operations and This kind of progress, he said, can only While presenting a paper on “Grid
drastically reduce downtime. get better with the support of all. Capacity Development Study”, the
Assistant General Manager (System
The Ag. Managing Director and Chief Engr. Abdulaziz also disclosed that so Planning) ISO, Engr. Kabiru Adamu,
Executive Officer of TCN, Engr. Sule much has also been done in the area of said that System Planning department
Abdulaziz, gave the assurance while staff welfare and that efforts would be conducted the Grid Capacity
addressing Regional Transmission made to further deal with other issues Development study to determine the
M a n a g e r s ( RT M s ) a n d G e n e r a l pertaining to the staff. priority projects which will increase
Managers of Transmission Service wheeling capacities.
Provider (TSP), on Thursday, 11th March He charged the RTMs to do more to
2021, in Abuja. ensure challenges posed by trace According to him, the result of the
clearing is eradicated, saying that each study identified critical transmission
Engr. Abdulaziz stated that TCN had RTM would be held responsible and projects (transmission lines and
already procured some work vehicles, accountable for the performance of transformers on 330kV and 132kV
spare parts, and major HV equipment their substation as well as general voltage levels) necessary for the
some of which were on ground and that maintenance of all substations, addition of every milestone. He noted
plans are ongoing to procure more. He equipment in their regions. He harped that the list of identified projects for
commended the RTMs for their support on the need to ensure quick resolution each milestone had a combination of
and dedication to duty, and urged to interface issues, especially with the ongoing and proposed solutions from
them to keep up the good work, noting signing of Service Level Agreement different project packages to address
that reward for good work is more with the DisCos. some of the critical constraints on the
work. grid.
The Executive Director, Transmission
According to him, TCN had made Service Provider (TSP), Engr. Victor In his presentation on Service Level
significant progress in various areas of Adewumi, expressed appreciation for Agreement (SLA), the General
operations since their last meeting, their contributions in the area of Manager, Programme Coordination,
with the completion and maintenance and transformers TCN, Engr. Joseph Ciroma, disclosed
commissioning of new transmission installation, which enabled TCN that 107 number projects approved in
lines and substations and other efficiently transmit the new generated line with the SLA with 11 DisCos, have a
rehabilitation projects across the grid peak of 5,801.60MW to distribution proposed budget of N114.8billion
to enhance the company's wheeling load centers nationwide. which has been sent to the Nigerian
capacity. Electricity Regulatory Commission
He stated that the meeting will address (NERC) for approval by Central Bank of
He explained that improved and important issues that impact Nigeria (CBN).
efficient maintenance has also helped transmission services, saying that there
in stabilizing the system, reducing is need for the RTMs to challenge The meeting featured robust
equipment down-time and ultimately themselves in order to take the submissions from all RTMs on the way
improving overall system performance company to the next level. forward which would ultimately further
which is the main reason for the He revealed that the System Planning strengthen the transmission network in
consistent increase in peak generated department came up with a study on Nigeria.

pag e 4 2 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A

GRID NETWORK By Omideji Oluwakayode

holding at such an Speaking further, Engr. Abdullahi

auspicious time that the drew the attention of the
power sector was participants to the role of the
witnessing a stream of National Control Center as the
transformation operational nucleus of the Nigerian
initiatives. electric power grid, and NCC's
efforts to ensure effective
According to him, the management of available water for
meeting started over generation of electricity especially
twenty-five years ago by hydro plants, among other
with the aim of bringing functions.
Engr. Balarabe Abdullahi, GM NCC
the various hydro

T CN has charged the Hydro stations together to He therefore urged the hydro
generation stakeholders to reconcile hydro data before the stations to cooperate with NCC to
obey and respect the Grid operational planning meeting. He ensure seamless operation of the
described planning as an integral Grid for the benefit of everyone
Code, and follow all operational
part of reservoir management and disclosed that there have been
instructions from the National
particularly in hydro power plants reports of inconsistencies by
Control Centre (NCC), to enhance
where daily monitoring of reservoir several hydro stations, including
smooth operation of the national
is necessary for proper and making inaccurate day ahead
efficient operation. Reservoir declaration etc, and charged them
operation planning therefore, he to shun every act that will be
The charge was made by the
explained, “is a decision-making inimical to the progress of the
General Manager, NCC, Engr.
tool in the process of hydro power industry. The meeting addressed
Balarabe Abdullahi, during the 43rd
generation activities so that a near several issues affecting Generation
bi-annual hydro generation
balance between inflow and and the National Control Center
planning meeting which was held
outflow of water may be achieved;. (NCC) operations, with participants
recently at the National Control
hence the importance and agreeing on the need to make
Center, Osogbo. Welcoming
necessity of such meeting, as no specific changes towards a more
participants to the meeting, Engr.
reservoir is to be operated by trial robust power delivery.
Abdullahi said the meeting was
and error.

Attendees of the Sensitization Planning meeting

pag e 4 3 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
...Continued from last edition


S/N EQUIPMENTS NEW Table 4  : Cost investment table
1. 2 X 150MVA (USD 216,666,670.)

2. 330kV Double circuit USD 0.22M/KM 60 Cost(Equip&Installation)

lines 40

3 2 X 300kV line bay USD 2,400,000
UPFC New Transmission Asset

Table 1 : Transmission and Substation Unit Cost [2] Figure   : Bar chart showing Cost of UPFC and New
S/N E Q U IPM E N TS NEW transmission lines
1. 2 X 330k V D o u b le 88 ,00 0,00 0U SD
C irc u it Lin e s (200K M ) It is observed that using UPFC is far cheaper in this case of
2 2 X 300k V lin e b a y 2,400 ,0 00 U SD achieving better voltage profile at the various busbars in
e xte n sio n Lagos region compared to the other alternative.
3 C o n su lta n c y (3% o f 1 .) 2,640 ,0 00 U SD

4 R ig h t o f w a y 6,160 ,0 00 U SD
The following studies were carried out; load-flow analysis,
c o m p e n sa tio n (7% o f voltage stability studies and economic analysis on the
different cases. The cases are:
To ta l 99 ,20 0,00 0U SD · New transmission assets
· UPFC installation
Table 2 : Cost investment Table From the cases studied, the latter alternative which is the
application of UPFC was seen to be most beneficial in the
Case B following ways; least cost, mitigation of right of way issues
For case B, the following investments are made in as a result of which down time is reduced, improvement of
voltage profile on the busbar studied & de-loading of lines.
installation of UPFC devices at the transmission lines at
Egbin busbar connecting to Ikeja West substation. The
following costs are culled from the EPRI reports
The study shows good prospect for the future in the
regarding FACTS application.
development of TCN grid system but using FACTS devices
S/N Equipment Estimated cost Source of Year of does not eliminate the installation of new transmission lines;
kUSD/MVA(MVAr) Information Publication it gives more flexibility and control to how the power
transfer is managed. FACTS is not the solution to the grid
1. UPFC(shunt portion) 75 EPRI-TR-1064- 1996
but a part of the solution. The TCN 330kV grid system is
fragile with a lot of voltage stability issues due to
2. UPFC(series portion) 85 EPRI-TR-1064- 1996 concentrated generation in the south-east and south-south
645 regions of the country, and lack of generation in the north.
3. SVC 40 kEURO/MVA Realise grid 2011 The FACTS devices will give more flexibility of power control
draft to the north and less installation or reinforcement of
transmission lines, or delay part of the construction of new
lines. To achieve high sustainability, further studies should
Table 3 : UPFC Unit Cost Table [7] be carried out to determine the optimal location of these
FACTS devices to be able to provide the best possible results
S/N Type of Rating[MVA] Cost of
and reduction in transmission line construction which is cost

1 2 X UPFC 185/185 59,200,000USD In general, for active power control, a series controller such
device as the TCSC or the UPFC is much more effective than a shunt
2. Consultancy 1,776,000USD connected controller such as the SVC. For reactive power
3% of 1. control, either the shunt or series controller will be effective,
depending on the specific case.
Total 60,976,000USD

pag e 4 4 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
... An army barrack had four soldiers guarding a concrete slab in front of the barracks at all times.
Different commanders came and went but the tradition remained; the soldiers changed shifts guarding the

After 80 years, a new commander was assigned to the barracks.​ One of the things he did was to ask why things
were done the way they were. When he asked why soldiers were guarding the slab, he was told, We've always
done it this way. It's our tradition. Our former commanders instructed us to do that. The commander was bent
on finding out the reason for this practice.

He went to the Archives to look for answers and came across a document that had the explanation. The
document was very old. It had instructions written by one of the retired commanders who had even passed
The new commander learnt that over 80 years ago, the barracks wanted to build a platform where events could
be performed. When the concrete slab was laid, wild animals walked over it at night before the slab could dry.

The soldiers would fix it the next morning but when evening came the same thing would happen. So the
commander ordered that four soldiers should guard the concrete slab for three weeks to allow it to dry.

The following week the commander was transferred to handle another assignment elsewhere, and a new
commander was brought in.
The new commander found the routine and continued to enforce it without asking any question. And since
then, every other commander that came did the same.Thus, eighty years later; soldiers continued guarding the
concrete slab. An assignment that was ordinarily designed to last just three weeks . . . 80yrs of ignorance with
hard labour has passed.
Are you carrying on obsolete beliefs, attitudes traditions/culture that were relevant to certain people or a
certain time?
What is your opinion about yourself, people of a different race, politics, certain business opportunities, new
products etc.?
You might just be guarding a concrete slab!
Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible (Ignorance can make you work hard without
Find out why you do what you do. Change the way you work and be creative. Do new things, try newer ways and
always be open to Change.
Culled from the net

pag e 4 5 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
That the history of power industry in Nigeria would that in 1924, the two phase three wire 80 cycles
be incomplete if the old Public Works Department system was replaced with the three phase four
(PWD) of Government, which in 1896 installed the wire 50 cycles which is still being maintained
first 60 kW generating set in Lagos, is not today.
that in 1929, Meter Section was established. A
that in 1895, preliminary investigation and planning two-part tariff was introduced as against the
carried out by PWD in Lagos was at a cost of 3,206 flat rate hitherto being charged. Domestic
pounds. consumers paid 10p per unit up to a certain
number of units and 1.5 per unit for
that in 1896, 12,000 pounds was allocated for the consumption in excess.
establishment of the first power station which was
sited at the present location of former NEPA that following an electrical exhibition at Glover
Headquarters in Lagos. Hall, Lagos, during which the various uses of
electricity were demonstrated, consumer
that Mr. T. Rooke was the Chief Electrical Engineer of population in the Lagos area rose from 1,560 in
this establishment, which was known as the Lagos 1930 to 3,550 in 1932.
Electricity Supply. The power station operated from
6.00pm to 11.00pm daily and the maximum power that the exhibition highlighted the fact that use
demand was only 24kW. of electricity was not an exclusive preserve of
the rich but an essential factor in development,
that in 1915, due to the extension of power to Iddo and following the success in Lagos area, the
and Ebute Meta areas, generating capacity Government in 1926 started an electricity
increased to 320kW. In 1921 it was further development scheme throughout the country.
increased to 420kW.

When the lights go out
for our loved ones, the memories
of their existence remain.
Late Engr. Mike Oyigbo, AGM (TS) When like flowers they fall off the stalk, Late Mr Adetokunbo Ashogbon,
Enugu Region wither, disintegrate, become soil. SM (HR), Lagos Region
The pain from our loss, our helplessness
become our grief
But time like the balm, will in time
preserve in us the joys, dreams and
laughter’s we once shared
And in time we would come to realise
we were privileged to have loved
and be loved.

Late Mr Kingsley Ogedengbe, Late Mr Libi Gambo, Staff I (Security),

Offr. IV (Security), Lagos Region Abuja Sub Region

pag e 4 6 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
If you are ruled by mind,
you are a King;
if by body, a slave.
-Cato the Elder

Mrs Onyinyechi Anozie, daughter of Mrs.

Johnson, (Manager), HR TSP and her husband

Mr Kabir Dembo, AM (ICT) ISO and his wife


T he day 26th December,

2020, would not be
forgotten in a hurry as
the Emir of Dutse in Jigawa
State, Alhaji Nuhu Muhammed
The Emirate Council said the
turbaning of Ahmed Dutse was
in recognition of his
commendable contributions to
his community.
Sanusi, with his entire council,
honoured one of their sons, Speaking in an interview after Child dedication of Mr ifeanyi George,
Alhaji Ahmed Isah-Dutse, the the ceremony, Alhaji Ahmed Officer II (HR), Enugu Regional office
Executive Director, Finance and Dutse expressed his
A c c o u n t , TC N , w h o w a s appreciation for the
turbaned as the Baraya of recognition and honour by his
Dutse. Emir and community, and
promised to continue to do his
The ceremony which witnessed best in service to his people to
the display of rich cultural and move the community forward.
religious heritage of the people
of Dutse emirate, saw Alhaji TCN wishes the new Baraya of
Dutse dressed in full regalia of Dutse success in all his
royalty accompanied by family endeavours.
members, friends and
associates. Child dedication of Mr Okenna Opara,
Officer III (MVD) Enugu Regional office

pag e 4 9 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
TCN Management team led by Ag. MD/CEO, Engr. Sule Abdulaziz, during a visit to the Executive Governor of Borno State, to brief him
on efforts by TCN to rebuild the damaged towers in his state and to request additional assistance in terms of security for TCN Engineers.

TCN Management team led by the Ag.MD/CEO Engr. Sule Ahmed Abdulaziz, during an inspection of the TCN-PIU office complex
housing staff in charge of the WB, JICA, AFD and AfDB funded projects.

GM (Program Coordination) PIU-TCN, Engr. Joseph Ciroma accompanied by Project Manager, (AFD), Engr. Mrs Jane Okemini, other
TCN engineers and EPC contractor, on a visit to the construction site of the ongoing brand new 2x60MVA 132/33kV GIS
transmission substation to assess progress made in executing the project at Dawaki, Abuja, .

pag e 5 0 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
TCN Management and NUEE Executives in a National Joint Advisory Committee Meeting. Discussions were on issues that impact
capacity of the company and its staff.

(Standing), Executive Director ISO, Engr. Maman Lawal during a meeting with the firm engaged to assist TCN towards
compliance with the provisions of the Nigerian Data Protection Regulations (NDPR).

Training session for Finance and Account staff on Stamp Duty computation and recent development in the taxation
environment in Nigeria.

pag e 5 1 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A

TCN engineers working on the transmission line by-pass in Maiduguri

On-going work on 20/30MVA power transformer at the new 132 /33kV Bichi substation in Kano State

Replacement of corroded glass disc insulators on Tower number 425 at Ikeja West - Osogbo 330kV line.

pag e 5 2 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A

Engr. Adebola Lamina Ishola, RTM Lagos Region. Mr. Adediran Fadahunsi, PM procurement TSP

Mr. Enyo Alexander, PM(F&A) TSP Enugu Region Engr. Adegun Aderemi Olanrewaju, SM (ICT) SO

Mr. John Onyeali Aliri, SM (Admin/Corporate Services) TSP Mr Babatunde Muriana, SM (F&A) TSP

pag e 5 3 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
Borno State Governor Prof. Babagana Zulum’s visit to the Min. of Power, Engr. Sale Mamman & TCN's Ag.
MD/CEO, Engr. Abdulaziz to solicit support for the quick repair of damaged & collapsed towers in Maiduguri.

Hon. Minister of Power, Engr. Sale Mamman, in a meeting with the Egyptian Ambassador to Nigeria, H.E. Ihab Moustafa
Awad. Discussions centered on ways to understudy the Egyptian model in the effective implementation of Siemens
power project

pag e 5 4 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A




ew Haven 330/132/33kV Substation was In 2012, TCN engineers installed and commissioned an
commissioned in 1982 with 2No 150MVA additional 60MVA 132/33kV power transformer, bringing the
330/132/33kV power transformer s at number of transformers in the substation to four with the total
330/132/33kV level and 2No 15MVA 132/66kV and capacity to 180MVA (144MW) on 132kV level.
30MVA mobitra transformer on 132kV level. Located at
New Haven, Enugu, the substation gives supply to Enugu With the growing population and the increasing demand for
State, Ebonyi State, Benue State and some parts of Cross power in Enugu State and environs, the 2No 30MVA 132/33kV
power transformers were further upgraded to 2No 60MVA
Rivers and Anambra States.
132/33kV transformers in the year 2018, which further
increased the substation capacity to 240MVA (192MW).
The sub-station is fed from Onitsha-New Haven 330kV line
(T3H), Ugwuaji-New Haven 330kV Line 1 (H1U) and
TCN is in the process of adding another 150MVA
Ugwuaji –New Haven 330kV Line 2 (H2U).
330/132/33kV transformer to bring the total number of
150MVA, 330/132/33kV power transformers in the substation
In 1985, one of the 15MVA 132/66kV transformers in the
to three. The 2No 60MVA 132/33kV transformers will also be
substation was decommissioned due to a fire incident and
upgraded to 2No 100MVA 132/33kV power transformers,
in 1986, the remaining 15MVA 132/66kV and 30MVA
these would bring the total capacity of the new Haven
mobitra transformers were upgraded to 30MVA 132/33kV
substation to 450MVA on 330kV level and 260MVA on 132kV
power transformers. To further increase the capacity of the
substation, a new 60MVA 132/33kV power transformer
was also commissioned in 2002, by TCN engineers. This
Other planned projects that would impact the substation
increased the substation’s wheeling capacity to 120MVA
include the New Haven – 9th Mile 132kV double circuit line and
reconductoring of the New Haven – Onitsha 330kV line.

pag e 5 5 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A

By H.B. Mohammed

Introduction to and overview of NERC Orders: the right to address the following:
NERC/GL/195/2019 and NERC/198/2020a · The provision of cost reflective tariffs
· Prices charged by Licensees are fair to consumers
NERC ORDER · Prices charged by Licensees are sufficient
A NERC Order is any interim or final command, enough for licenses to operate efficiently, recover
direction or instruction to persons as deemed their full cost, and obtaina reasonable return on
necessary in accordance with section 46 of the EPSR capital invested.
Act 2005 which states:
This led to the Commission in its Multi Year Tariff
1) The Chairman shall ensure that all Commission Order 2.1 2015 to address the issue of Cost
decisions and orders: Reflective Tariff in NESI.

o contain the basis for the decision or order;

o are properly recorded in writing; and
MYTO 2.1 2015 Section 6 & 7 authorizes the
o are accessible to the public at reasonable times Commission to conduct biannual minor tariff
and places. reviews for GenCos, Transmission and DisCos
2 The Commission shall issue written reasons in considering the following variables:
respect of any decision or Orders affecting the o Rate of inflation;
existing rights of any person, if the affected person
requests such written reasons. o Foreign exchange rates;

3 The Commission may issue written reason in o Cost of fuel (Gas price); and
respect of any other decision or Order as the o Actual available generation capacity.
commission deems necessary.
This led to the Commission's MYTO Minor Review
4 Every recommendation, declaration, decision or
December 2019, minor for 2020 to not only reflect
order of the Commission if purporting to be signed
on the above mentioned variables but also DisCos
by a person describing himself as the Chairman of
Minimum Market Charge Remittance.
the Commission, or by a person describing himself
as the Vice-Chairman acting in the capacity of the
5 The Commission may make interim Orders 195/2019
pending the final disposition of the matter before it. The Commission (NERC) issued the NERC Order No:
NERC/GL/195/2019 also known as the “December
EPSR ACT AND NERC 2019 Minor Review of Multi Year Tariff Order
The EPSR ACT Section 32 (d) gave the commission ("MYTO") and Minimum Remittance on Market

pag e 5 6 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
Operator's (MO) Invoice for the Year 2020.” On the NESI BETWEEN DEC 2019 TO MARCH 2020
31stDecember 2019. o T h e 1 1 D i s C o s s u b m i t t e d Pe r f o r m a n c e
Improvement Plans (PIPs) to NERC for consideration.
The Orders therefore focuses on achieving o The PIPs were based o n P l a n n e d
o Extra-ordinary Tariff Review in Nigerian Electricity Improvement of Service to end user customers in
Supply Industry (NESI) NESI
o Framework for Full Revenue Recovery in NESI o The DisCos filed application for a review of their
respective end user tariff as path to financial
o Pathway to elimination of payment of Tariff
Shortfall by FGN in NESI
o TCN on the other hand, submitted an application for
o Guarantee quality power supply, hours of service review of rates payable to Generation Companies
and adequate metering (GenCos) with regards to Ancillary Service of Spinning
o To consider all these concerns, NERC held
consultations and public hearings with customers of
o Developing and implementing a framework the 11 DisCos who thereafter, expressed willingness
to manage future revenue shortfalls for year 2020 to pay appropriate tariffs provided that there would
through a minimum market remittance requirement be quality Power supply, guaranteed hours of service,
to account for differences between cost reflective and adequate metering.
tariffs and allowed tariffs in the settlement of invoices o It is to guarantee a resolution of the concern of
issued by the Nigerian Bulk Electricity Trading the end user customer that the Order was made.
Company Plc ("NBET") and the MO.
o Steering the market towards gradual activation of
market contracts in line with the requirements of the
o The Commission (NERC) issued the NERC Order
Transitional Electricity Market ("TEM").
No: NERC/198/2020 also known as the “Order on the
Transition to Cost Reflective Tariffs in the Nigerian
Electricity Supply Industry” On the 31stMarch 2020.
c. All DisCos shall be liable for payment of
capacity charge computed on the basis of SUMMARY OF NERC ORDER
their pro-rata load allocation in the Vesting o All future tariff review shall be on the basis of
Contracts executed with NBET. consultation between the DisCos and Customer
clusters with firm commitments on rates and quality
of service.

o All DisCos shall be required to disaggregate

d. TCN shall be liable for the payment of their respective service areas and/or customers in
capacity charge arising from its inability to accordance with quality of service and supported by a
deliver required energy based on the MYTO proposal for “Service Reflective” tariff classes that
load allocation to a DisCo. shall be graduated by quality.

o Every DisCos will have to earn its revenue

targets as approved by the Commission to access
o All DisCos are liable for payment of capacity charge tariff support on the under recovery of revenue
computed on the basis of their pro-rata load during the transition period to full revenue recovery
allocation in the Vesting Contracts executed with ending 30thJune 2021.
NBET, except it has been established that TCN was
o This is a strategy of FGN commitment towards
unable to deliver the required energy based on the
resolving tariff related deficit in NESI, which in turn
MYTO allocation to a DisCo.
will raise financing for associated investment
required to improve service delivery.
o This Order became the foundation for the Service
Level Agreement as it relates to Capacity Charge

pag e 5 7 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
a. A firm improvement in supply by DisCos would SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA)
require investments in reinforcing feeders,
transformers and protection equipment. TCN
shall be directed to align and priotize its PURPOSE OF SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT
investments towards resolving transmission/ • The purpose of this Agreement is to outline the
distribution interface bottlenecks and reducing performance commitments of each Party with
the high incidence of tripping at 132/33KV respect to the transmission network and system
substations. operation services provided by TCN in furtherance of
NERC's Order NERC/198/2020 dated 31st March
2020 and DisCo's Performance Improvement Plans.
( a) (Section 10(e ) of the Order)
• A firm improvement in supply by DisCos would
o TCN Shall prioritise its projects towards eliminating require investments in reinforcing feeders,
interface bottle necks transformers and protection equipment. TCN shall be
o Reduce high incidence of tripping in 32/33kV directed to alignand prioritise its investments
Substations – invariably accusing TCN for the towards resolving transmission/distribution interface
trippings. bottlenecks and reducing the high incidence of
tripping at 132/33kV substations.
b. The Commission acknowledges that the
services provided by DisCos is a composite • The financial remedies for TCN and DisCos shall be
that is defined by a number of parameters based on Liquidated Damage Factors to adjust TCN
which include “hours of supply” as Tariffs.
indicated by availability, “reliability” as
defined by frequency and duration of
• Both parties shall be held responsible for loss of
interruptions and “quality” as measured by
capacity due to inaction by either party in accordance
voltage and operating frequency
with the MYTO allocation and as enshrined in the
prescribed in governing industry codes.
NERC order No. GL/184/2019.

(b) Section 10(g) of the Order)

• If TCN is unable to deliver a DisCo's load allocation,
• DisCos performance is based on Key Perfomance TCN shall pay for the associated capacity charge and
Indicators (KPIs) or parameters which include where a DisCo fails to take its entire load allocation
“Availability”, “Reliability” and “Power Quality- due to constraints on its network, the DisCos will be
voltage and operating frequency” liable to pay the capacity charge as allocated in its
• This KPI's are dependent on TCN. vesting contract.

The operational performance of TCN shall
• The SLA aims to ensure that Electricity Consumers
be anchored on firm agreements with
receive the best Electricity service.
DisCos with key performance indicators and
financial remedies for non-performance by • Consequently, the TCN and DisCos, as parties to the
either party. Agreement, have their respective roles to play in
order to achieve the set objectives.
( c) Section 10(f) of the Order • Therefore, to whom much is given, much more is
• TCN's performance was therefore anchored on a expected. The recent increase in tariff must be
firm agreement with DisCos for quality service complemented by a more satisfactory service
delivery delivery.
• This agreement is thereby known as the SERVICE •Hence, Service Level Agreement is key to ensure
LEVEL AGREEMENT. Service Based Tariff is achieved.

pag e 5 8 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A

T he Edo State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, has

decried the incessant vandalism of TCN's
transmission towers by unknown persons in
Agbede, Etsako West Local Government Area of the state.
Governor Obaseki however reassured TCN delegation that
his administration would engage local vigilantes to protect
all TCN facilities across the state, adding that electricity
was of immense value to the state.

Mr. Obaseki who made his feeling known when he granted Earlier in his remarks, the RTM, Benin Region, Engr. Isaac
audience to TCN delegation from Benin Regional Office led Okpe thanked the governor for his support towards
by the Regional Transmission Manager, Engr. Isaac Okpe, making the construction of Etsako 132/33kV substation a
recently at the Government House, Benin City, ordered a reality, and solicited his support in tackling the menace of
thorough investigation into circumstances that led to the vandalism of TCN equipment.

“As government, we are very concerned about this

incident. Why will people go out to vandalize such
structures with such a high risk? We need to get to
the bottom of the incident, to know why people
engage in such heinous activity”, he stated.

According to Governor Obaseki, “there is need to

know the purpose”. He recalled about four years
ago, the state government had set up a committee
to look at the issue of settlement to members of
communities where these equipment are sited.
Some members of the community, he said, claim
that they were not compensated for their lands. “I
think that what we should do is to revisit that report
to enable us get to the root of the issue,” he added.
By Gabriel N. Gandu

T he Nigeria Gas and Power

Investment Company (NGPIC), a
subsidiary of the Nigeria
National Petroleum Corporation
(NNPC), is seeking the support of TCN in
Plants (IPPs) in conjunction with Joint
Venture partners, the need for synergy
amongst stakeholders in the power
sector was pertinent for electricity off-
take to the end user, which will
DisCos, he is certain that all hands will
be on deck to revamp and improve the
power sector, and TCN was ready to
wheel the power generated with the
infrastructure in place.
developing transmission infrastructure guarantee return on investments.
that would evacuate generated power Speaking also at the meeting, the
from their proposed power plants to be He also explained that several meetings Executive Director, Transmission
sited in Abuja, Kaduna and Kano (AKK had been held with the Nigerian Service Provider (TSP), Engr. Victor
plants). Electricity Regulatory Commission Adewumi reaffirmed TCN's
(NERC) and Nigerian Bulk Electricity commitment to bulk power evacuation
The Managing Director of NGPIC, Dr. Trader (NBET), but conclusions were yet from all power generating stations,
Salihu Jamari made this known when to be reached on the Power Purchase NGPIC gas plants inclusive.
he led his team on an official visit to TCN Agreement (PPA), noting that NGPIC
recently in Abuja. He said that an needed to collaborate with TCN for the He said “For the AKK, I can tell you that
assurance of adequate transmission e va c u a t i o n o f p o w e r f ro m t h e our programme is in synchronization
infrastructure by TCN was vital to proposed AKK power plants to the grid, with the proposed power plant in Abuja
ensure that power generated would be as well as to identify Eligible Customers FCT, Kano, and Kaduna States. TCN is
transmitted for Disco off-takers. willing to take the power. already constructing a double-cord
transmission line from Shiroro to
According to him, the NGPIC has a In his remarks, the Ag. Managing Kaduna up to Kano”.
mandate to generate about 5,000MW Director and Chief Executive Officer of
of electricity by 2025. Pursuant to this, TC N , E n g r. S u l e A b d u l a z i z w h o He noted that aside NGPIC selling
the company had initiated a Strategic commended NGPIC for the initiative, power within the country, they can also
Grid Power Initiative of 3,600MW assured the team of TCN's commitment sell to countries like Niger through
under a Joint Venture arrangement in actualizing the said objective. He said TCN's international transmission line
with Independent Power Plants (IPP) to the National Grid Expansion route.
be sited in Abuja, Kano and Kaduna, Programme (NGEP), which entailed
with installed capacity of 1,350MW, revamping the transmission On his part, the Head, Independent
1,350MW and 900MW respectively. He infrastructure and evacuation of power System Operations (ISO), Engr. Maman
noted that the plants which were generated from all IPPs, was in-line with Lawal emphasised the need for synergy
initially scheduled to be completed the objectives of NGPIC. within the system and urged for a
between 2019 and 2021, are part of holistic view of the sector to identify
NNPC's downstream projects best sited Engr. Abdulaziz added that with the and find solution to lapses in the
close to transmission substations for introduction of the Service Level system.
easy evacuation of generated power. Agreement (SLA) by NERC, for TCN and

“Your activities direct the pace of our

own activities, which means we can't
be building power plants if it cannot be
evacuated. So, it's one of the reasons
for this meeting with TCN, to find out
TCN's readiness to evacuate power that
would be generated from the proposed
AKK power plants”, he said.
Dr. Jamari further stated that, despite
significant progress made in
establishing the Integrated Power

Compiled by Engr. A Oladeji

any a time, terminologies employed in Sags or dips as the case may be are a decrease in
the power sector could be ambiguous, voltage from power source. It is a reduction of ac
and rather confusing. Below are some voltage at a given frequency for the duration of 0.5
simplified terminologies that could be used to cycles to 1 minute's time. Sags are usually caused by
describe some common electricity faults or system faults, and are also often the result of
problems. switching on loads with heavy startup currents. It
involves voltages of about 80-85% below normal
CATEGORIES OF POWER PROBLEMS voltage for a short period of time. Survey shows that
voltage sags represent 87% of short term power
SURGES disturbances.
Simply put, they are voltage increase (from source)
to electrical equipment, often for a tiny fraction of a The probable causes are heavy equipment being
second (milliseconds). The trouble is that this turned on (large electric motors), short circuit, fault
fraction can be dangerous and destructive than we on power distribution grid and switching of power
think. mains.
It takes place when the voltage is 110 per cent above
normal, and most commonly caused by turning off a BLACKOUTS
heavy electrical equipment, lightning strikes and If an electricity pylon/poles delivering power to your
hunger for more power. When power grid is over- neighborhood is knocked down, you would notice it.
burdened and switching between power sources Consider this as power failure/interruption which is
create so-called rolling surges which disrupt power the easiest power problem to diagnose.
for a second, that's a surge.
SAGS/DIPS/UNDERVOLTAGES Any temporary, or not so temporary, interruption in

pag e 6 0 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
the flow of electricity will result in a power failure. into systems. Also, poorly grounded sites make the
Precisely, blackout or power failure is defined as a system more susceptible to noise.
zero voltage condition that lasts for more than two
cycles. It could be Instantaneous (0.5-30 cycles), SPIKES
Momentary (30 cycles- 2 secs), Temporary (2 secs- They occur when there is a sudden, rapid voltage
2mins), or Sustained (> 2mins). peak of up to 6kV (a very short over voltage
conditions). They are usually the result of nearby
Supply grid damage, such as lightning strikes, lightning strikes which is measured in nanoseconds
animals, trees, vehicle accidents, destructive weather (ns).
(high winds, etc.), equipment failure, or a basic circuit
breaker tripping, even human error may cause it. SWITCHING TRANSIENTS
This takes place when there is a rapid voltage peak of
BROWNOUTS/UNDERVOLTAGES up to 20kV with duration of 10 µs to 100 µs. They are
These are periods of low voltage in utility lines that commonly caused by arcing faults and static
can cause lights to dim and equipment to fail i.e. a discharges. In addition, major power system
steady lower voltage state (last more than 1sec.). It is switching disturbances initiated by the utilities to
a situation where voltage supply falls below correct line problems may introduce transient
operating limit of equipment. They are caused by voltage into the system.
overburdened utility grid during peak demands. In
addition, damage to electrical lines, overloading on FREQUENCY VARIATIONS
primary power source, and the like can also cause This is simply a change in frequency from the
brownouts. normally stable utility frequency of 50 or 60 cycle/s
(Hz), depending on the geographical location. This
FLICKERS may be caused by erratic operation of emergency
This is a small regular variation in voltage that creates generators or unstable frequency power sources.
an annoying change in light. Human perception is Frequency variation is extremely rare in stable utility
sensitive to light that change at a frequency between power systems, especially systems interconnected
2 - 15 Hz. via a power grid. Where there is poor power
infrastructure, frequency variation is more common
It only bothers people and does not affect especially if the generator is heavily loaded.
components and mechanics because voltage
change is so small. HARMONIC DISTORTION
Harmonic distortion is the corruption of the
LINE NOISE fundamental sine wave at frequencies that are
Line noise is ubiquitous. It is unwanted voltage or multiples of the fundamental. (e.g.180 Hz - 3rd
current superimposed on the power system voltage harmonic). The distortion of the normal line
or current waveform. It's a random fluctuation of waveform is transmitted into the line by non-linear
electrical impulses that are carried along with loads i.e. the non-linearity of the magnetizing
standard alternating current. Turning on the characteristics of transformers being heated up.
fluorescent lights, refrigerators, laser printers, Non-linear loads are caused by variable speed
electric motors, motor control devices, arc welding, motors and drives, copiers, fax machines e.t.c.
switching power supplies can all introduce line noise

pag e 6 1

1X60MVA 120MVA




pag e 6 2 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
Engr. A. Tahir Maimuna Isah-Ladan
Eric E. Ene Tosin Olashinde
Engr. A. Aguiyi Grace Sambe-Jauro
Omideji Oluwakayode Engr. Dr. A. Oladeji
Gabriel Gandu H.B. Mohammed

Stanford Nneji
Rufus Imafidon

pag e 4 7 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A
pag e 6 4 T R A N S M I S S I O N C O M PA N Y O F N I G E R I A

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