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A game is something that can be played with certain rules so that there are winners and
losers, usually in a non-serious context or for the purpose of refreshing. According to John C Beck T
& Mitchell Wade, Game is a proven attention-getter. Games are a great training environment for
real-world organizations that demand collaborative problem solving. Then according to Samuel D
Henry, Game is a form of entertainment that is often served as a mind refresher from fatigue caused C
by our activities and routines. So that it can be interpreted that the game is a form of entertainment T
that attracts a lot of people's attention which is made to take a break from one's routine activities or O
relieve fatigue. N

The game is divided into several genres according to the type of game the first is, Action
Shooting. Games in this genre show actions that have high violent content, where there are
shooting, hitting, and stabbing actions, depending on the story and the characters in it. In this type
of game, players need speed in reflexes and good coordination in playing it. Examples of this type
of game are PB (Point Blank), CS (Counter Strike) and Crysis.
The second genre is fighting, this game does require reflex speed and eye and hand
coordination. But the essence of this game is mastery of the moment or special action. Character
recognition and timing are very important in this genre. Examples of games of this genre are
Naruto, Dragon Ball, Mortal Kombat and Tekken.
Then adventure, this genre game is a game that explores such as climbing, exploring the paragra
forest, jumping over cliffs separated by ravines, swinging from tree to tree, wrestling against plants
or wild animals in search of clues or clues.
To the next obstacle. As for those who are adventuring between urban streets, they are just
looking for wooden sticks or belts to make tools for the next mission. Those are some of the player
characters that must be done and passed in this type of game. Examples of games such as Kings
Quest, and Space Quest.
The fourth genre is strategy. games of this genre usually give the player control of not just
one person but at least a group of people with various types of abilities, to vehicles, even to the
construction of various buildings, factories and combat training centers, depending on the theme of
the story. Most strategy games are war games. Examples of games with this genre are Warcraft,
Red Alert.
The next one is simulation. Games of this type often depict real-world life and pay close
attention to various factors. From finding food to jobs, building homes to cities, managing income
taxes and city funds. Games of this genre should live from the beginning of being born with nothing
to becoming a business tycoon and so on. In this type of game, players have to think in establishing,
building and solving problems using limited funds. Examples such as The Sims, Metropolis Mania,
Zoo Tycoon.

Next up is the puzzle. This type of game is solving puzzles, whether it's arranging blocks,
matching colors, matching shapes, solving math calculations, sliding, pulling and pushing boxes to
their rightful places. Often this type of game is an element in the adventure genre game and
education, for example Tetris and Bubble Party.
Sport, this game is an adaptation of real life. Players of this type of game require agility and
strategy in playing it. This game is a competition between two or more players, which players can
play individually or in teams. Examples of this type of game include PES (pro evolution soccer),
Mario Kart, tennis.
RPG (Role Playing Game). This game is a role-playing game, with an emphasis on the
representative character/role of the player in the game, which is usually the main character. Where
as we play it, the character can change and develop in the direction the player wants, which is
usually determined by increasing the level, both from the status of intelligence, speed and strength
of the character, increasingly powerful weapons, or the number of friends and pets. Examples of
games are Final Fantasy, Dungeon Hunter, Ragnarok.
And the last one is Education. Educational games are software packages that create abilities
in a game environment that are provided as a tool to motivate or help students through game
procedures carefully to develop their abilities. The development that must take into account various
things so that this game can really educate, increase knowledge and improve the skills of those who
play it. The target segmentation of players must also be adjusted to the level of difficulty and visual
design or animation. An example is Duolingo.
Games are entertainment, which can be played to relieve fatigue with daily routines. This is
an entertainment that attracts the attention of many people so that many want to play it. Starting
from small children to adults like this, but with different genres. There are action, fighting,
adventure, strategy, simulation, puzzle, sport, RPG, and education. We can choose the type of game
according to our respective interests.

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