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As I see it, there should just be their own central banks in their own countries

as supposed having a global central bank. Central banks were created

primarily to consolidate the various instruments that people were using for
currency and to provide financial stability. Many also were created to manage
the gold standard, to which most countries adhered. There are three key
goals of modern monetary policy. The first and most important is price
stability or stability in the value of money. Today this means maintaining a
sustained low rate of inflation. The second goal is a stable real economy,
often interpreted as high employment and high and sustainable economic
growth. Another way to put it is to say that monetary policy is expected to
smooth the business cycle and offset shocks to the economy. The third goal
is financial stability. This encompasses an efficient and smoothly running
payments system and the prevention of financial crises. In that case, it
should be a sufficient reason enough to have a central bank in each of our
countries who would make and stabilize a monetary policy that suits their
countries’ past, present and future economic and financial situation. In
relation to this topic, supposed a global central bank would be created, only
will a global monetary policy be stabilized if there would be only a single
currency used but it would be deemed inefficient for the reason that there
are different circumstances and situation in different countries that needed
to be looked upon. For instance, the different situations and conditions of a
first world countries and third world countries, they both have different
economic state, different economic situation, different inflation status and so
on, so using a single currency would definitely and certainly not solve the
differing circumstances and instead would maybe give a rise to an
unbalanced treatment of the currency. Hence, it would be indisputably much
better for a country to have their own central bank that would make and
stabilize a monetary policy that suits their countries’ past, present and future
economic and financial situation rather than a global central bank that would
trigger problems if countries would not reach mutual agreement.

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