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Secure Digitization Of

Land Registration Using Ethereum Blockchain

Dept. of CSE Ch. Rupa
VR Siddhartha Engineering College(A) Dept. of CSE
Vijayawada, India VR Siddhartha Engineering College(A) Vijayawada, India
Dept. of CSE G.Rochana
VR Siddhartha Engineering College(A) Dept. of CSE
Vijayawada, India VR Siddhartha Engineering College(A) Vijayawada, India

Abstract—Globally, land registration and over the world to use the decentralised technology in
maintenance process being endured with several the land registry process.
issues such as frauds, time consumption and
maintenance-based cumbersome issues. The Problems with the current land registration system:
traditional approaches and methods of land
registration has many technical gaps involved. The A. Middlemen and brokers are involved:
major goal of this work is to strengthen the land Middlemen and brokers are essential components of
registration procedure in terms of transparency, any large corporation because they are more
time, money and reduce instances of fraud. It is knowledgeable about market offerings.
feasible to track the hand-to-hand transfers of Buyers and sellers typically prefer to call them to
property using inbuilt featured Blockchain assemble a full support team. As a result, buyers gain a
technology. The immutable, transparency, and deeper understanding of the market and identify
distributed features of blockchain based lower/higher transaction prices.
transactions make the system as deception less with B. The growing incidence of fraud cases:
more feasible to validate the lands as well. There have been multiple instances of scammers
Moreover, will speed up the registration procedure pretending to be a property vendor. If a fraudster is
and be useful for buyers, sellers, and government successful in passing themselves off as the property
registrars in transferring land ownership from the owner, they may be paid in full after completion and
previous owner to the new owner. HTML,CSS, make off with the money.
Javascript, MetaMask, Ganache and Solidity are
the technologies used to develop the system. C. Timing Issues
Title registrations at the Land Registry take a very
lengthy time to complete. The time between
Index Terms-Blockchain, Land Registration, Web completion and registration may be several months.
application, Transfer ownership, Verification During this prolonged period, a lot of legal issues may
system. potentially surface.

Blockchain could overcome the challenges in Land

I. INTRODUCTION Registration in the following ways:
Land Registry is one of the use cases that requires a
large number of intermediaries to trust the system. The A. Process Acceleration
existing solutions are no longer adequate. When you Middlemen involved in the land registry process may
have thousands of land records to keep track of, it can have information that you do not have access to, or
be difficult to figure out who owns what. It is quite you may lack the necessary licence to operate in a
common to encounter discrepancies in paperwork such property transaction ecosystem. The blockchain land
as counterfeit titles, forged documents, and complete registry platform, on the other hand, can provide you
record loss. Such circumstances result in costly court with a distributed database where anyone can record
battles between opposing parties. Because blockchain and access information without the involvement of any
is transparent, it is possible to track how property centralized authority.
changes hands. The immutability, auditability, and
traceability of blockchain are enticing governments all
B. Reducing Fraud Cases security and privacy problems, as well as other
In the modern digital age, it is now easy for criminals possible blockchain uses in the energy industry.they
to use editing software to fabricate documents and title have identified and studied about some of the
ownership. You can upload the title documentation to
blockchain characters and utilization for next
the blockchain network using the land registry
blockchain platform, where signers can affix their generation energy industry.they have concluded lot of
signatures and other users can later verify the existing and emerging problems where may raise and
information as needed. they hoping to inform future research efforts. The
Blockchain can verify that you are the owner of the advantages are simple to understand, helps in future
land title and avoid document fabrication by research efforts.The disadvantages no private
maintaining an immutable record of transactions. information of Ev’s are stored in blockchain and
detailed usage data of battery can lead to privacy
C. Smart Contracts Bring Transparency
Only a few people purchase property directly.Because leakage.
of administrative issues, the loan or mortgage process
Abbas Yazdinejad, [3] developed a
is comparatively slower.Smart contracts, on the other
hand, can simplify the process by automating verified decentralized Blockchain-based Security for Drones in
transactions.As a seller or buyer, you can create a the Internet of Things. Drones and drone technology
digital, decentralised ID using the blockchain land are now widely used in our Internet of Things global
registry platform. landscape due to its growing use in the military, safety
surveillance, agriculture, smart transportation,
shipping, and package delivery. The existing
II. LITERATURE SURVEY authentication mechanisms in most drone-based
applications suffer from real-time latency difficulties
Gagangeet Singh Aujla, [1] developed an as well as security vulnerabilities for threats.They
IoT based Healthcare monitoring system which made an effort to address these challenges by
monitors the person and send the data to the nearby leveraging blockchain-based security to authenticate
edge devices. edge devices are created using the drones in a secure and low-latency manner.The
decoupled blocks in blockchain so as to securely advantages are the existing authentication mechanisms
transmit the healthcare data from sensors to the edge is most used in drone-based applications and
nodes. The edge nodes then transmit and store the data leveraging blockchain-based security to authenticate
at the cloud using the incremental tensor-based drones is a secure and low-latency manner. The
scheme.they have used decoupled Blockchain disadvantages are dependency of device may raise to
approach for transition. The blockchain contribution is IoT device connectivity issues.
to send the monitored data in a secured manner and to
Y. Qu, [4] developed a fog computing, an
maintain the data to using the cloud. This method
outgrowth of cloud computing and a cornerstone of the
divides block headers and ledgers using a decoupled
Internet of Things, is flourishing quickly due to its
blockchain-based approach, which allows rapid block
capacity to reduce several problematic concerns like
preparation and header generation while maintaining
network congestion, latency, and local autonomy.
security when transmitting the collected data. The
However, privacy concerns and the ensuing
advanatages include to contribute and send the
inefficiencies are hindering fog computing
monitored data in a secured manner. Maintaining
performance. While experiencing poisoning attacks,
security when transmitting the collected data. The
the majority of existing works scarcely take into
limitations are data concurrency and throughput issues.
account a reasonable balance between them. We
Jiabin Bao, [2] proposed a survey on suggest an unique blockchain-enabled federated
blockchain applications in energy sector. a learning (FL-Block) approach to close the gap in order
comprehensive study of the energy applications where to overcome the aforementioned problems. With a
blockchain technology has been and may be used, global learning model built on a blockchain and
encompassing everything from peer-to-peer trading to confirmed by miners, FL-Block enables local learning
uses for electric vehicles to carbon emissions updates of end device trades. Using this as a
trading.Also, they Investigated existing architectures foundation, FL-Block allows autonomous machine
and solutions, as well as existing and emerging learning to maintain the global model.The advantages
are FL-Block enables local learning updates of end a massive effect on the blockchain security and its time
device trades.FL-Block allows autonomous machine consuming.
learning to maintain the global model. The
disadvantages are raises the issues in scalability, F. A. Sunny, [7] carried out a A
security issues and data modification is difficult. Systematic Review of Blockchain Applications which
include thorough literature review To address
X. Zhang, [5] developed a safe, fast- challenging questions about the subject of blockchain
moving blockchain that can compete with a centralised technology for this study. To uncover works on
payment system in terms of security and throughput is blockchain-based applications, this work designed a
challenging in today’s blockchain system. In order to Python algorithm that combed through numerous web
increase system throughput while maintaining a high databases using an objective systematic review
level of security, sharding is one of the most valuable approach. The characteristics, manner of operation,
developing technologies. There are two significant and uses of blockchains in a variety of fields—
drawbacks to earlier sharding- related approaches, including transportation, business and industry,privacy
though. They did not take advantage of the and security, the financial sector, government,
heterogeneity across validators, which results in education, healthcare, and the Internet of Things are all
inadequate security and throughput for their random- covered in this article. This study provides a
based sharding solution. Secondly, it can be extremely comprehensive overview of blockchain application
expensive for their system to create an incentive themes and their emerging areas for stakeholders
system that encourages cooperation. In this post, we across industries.The advantages are the
bring forth RepChain, a reputation-based secure and characteristics, manner of operation, and uses of
quick blockchain system via sharding that also offers a blockchains in a variety of fields—including
strong incentive to encourage node collaboration. To transportation, business and provides a comprehensive
explicitly describe the heterogeneity among the overview of blockchain application themes and their
validators and laypeople, RepChain uses emerging areas for stakeholders.The disadvantages are
reputation.The advantages are security and throughput provides various applications of blockchain but not the
for the random-based sharding solution and RepChain, implementation.
offers a strong incentive to encourage node
collaboration.The disadvantages are security and M. N. M. Bhutta, [8] proposed A Survey
communication problems. on Blockchain Technology: Evolution, Architecture
and Security. This study gives a thorough review of
C. Huang, [6] developed one of the most Blockchain technology’s evolution,
significant problems with a blockchain system is architecture,development frameworks, and security
consensus since, in a decentralised system, consensus issues, in contrast to other Blockchain studies that
is a procedure that is required to come to an agreement concentrate on either its applications,
between a set of dispersed nodes that do not trust one challenges,attributes, or security.Along with
another. The majority of current blockchain consensus comparing frameworks,classifying consensus methods,
works make the assumption that a block always and analysing security threats and cryptographic
successfully reaches every participating node within a primitives currently being employed in the Blockchain,
time frame that is significantly shorter than the mining it also gives comparative analyses of these
time, i.e., that the time of block propagation among topics.Finally, this study elaborates on important future
separated nodes during the consensus process is prospects, cutting-edge use cases, and open research
ignorable.However, the block propagation time is no problems that could be investigated by scientists to
longer inegligible when blockchain is utilised in push this subject even further.The advantages are gives
vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), since comparative analyses of classifying consensus
opportunistic communication is brought to blockchain methods and analysing security threats and elaborates
consensus by the dynamic connectedness of the cutting-edge use cases, and open research
moving nodes in a wireless context. This article problems.The disadvantages are order-execute
examines the effects.The advantages include these are architecture such as sequential execution.
utilized in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs).The
disadvantages are block propagation time has W. Lin, [9] proposed Blockchain
Technology in Current Agricultural Systems: From
Techniques to Applications. In this work In-depth ganache is used. For implementing smart contracts on
explanations are provided for the technical ethereum blockchain we used solidity.
components, including as data structures,
cryptographic techniques, and consensus procedures.In
order to illustrate how to apply blockchain techniques,
the current agricultural blockchain applications are
grouped and examined. Additionally, examples of how
professionals leverage well-known platforms and
smart contracts to create various agricultural
applications are offered. This work explored the
attempts and potential solutions being made to address
the major issues in many future agricultural
systems.The advantages are explored the attempts and
potential solutions being made to address the major
issues in many future agricultural systems. The
disadvantages are conventional blockchain systems Fig 1.Proposed Architecture
have a slow on-chain speed.
This system consists of three modules:
1. Registration of users and property
A. BLOCK 2. Validation from government authority
The blockchain is a series of data blocks linked 3. Transaction between both the parties
together. Each block may be compared to a page in a
A. Registration of user and property:
To sign up for the platform the user should visit
Blockchain is a method of storing data that makes it http://localhost:3000/signup.After clicking the submit
difficult or impossible to update, hack, or defraud the button, the user redirected to the login page. User must
system. enter their private key to log in. The user should
select Register Land tab from the dashboard to
C. SUPPLYCHAIN register the property.

A supplychain is the network that connects all of the Algorithm: Registration of users and property
people, organisations, resources, activities, and
technology involved in the manufacture and sale of a
product. Step-1: User Registration
for j = user “1” to user “n”
D. METAMASK if entered private key == private key
goto step 2 otherwise step 3
MetaMask is a cryptocurrency wallet that uses Step-2: Login User
software to communicate with the Ethereum network. Step-3: The user must register by providing the
necessary details
E. GANACHE Step-4: For registering the land the user selects
Register land tab from dashboard
Ganache is a personal blockchain that allows for the Step-5: The user and their property are successfully
quick implementation of Ethereum and Corda registered
distributed applications .
B. Validation from government authority:
The government authority audits the user's land
information in this step Users must upload legal
The entire process is carried out in the form of smart
documents of land during the registration process.If the
contract which ensures that it is immutable,secured and
digitized. To develop, deploy and test the dApp application is rejected, the user must submit a new
application, which cannot be purchased by other users.
The user will receive mail and SMS notifications as
soon as the government approves or denies the request.

C. Transaction between both the parties:

Buyer sends a purchase request to the landowner. Once

the landowner has verified that the requester's address
is accurate, the seller approves the request. When the
request is approved, the buyer will be able to purchase
the property. If the property is approved, the amount is
deducted from the buyer's account and transferred to Fig 3.Land Resgistration Application
the land owner's account.

Algorithm:Transaction between both the parties

Step-1: Buyer sends a purchase request to the Land

Step-2: Land owner verifies the request
Step-3: Land owner approves the request
Step-4: Amount is deducted from buyers account and
transfered to the Land owners account
Amount = x
Buyers Balance = Buyers Balance - x
Land owners Balance = Land owners
Balance + x
Step-5: Transfer the ownership of the asset form Land Fig 4.Registeration portal for users and property
owner to Buyer.

Fig 5.Login Page for registered users

Fig 2.Sequence Diagram


Fig 6.Transaction details in ganache

VI. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK 59155-59177, 2022, doi:
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many middlemen to build trust in the system is the
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land registry. The solutions now in use are obsolete. It
might be difficult to keep track of who owns what
property when you have thousands of land records to
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keep up with. In this work,the documents are digitally
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