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Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology 51 (2021) 291—302

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Posterior-superior insular deep transcranial

magnetic stimulation alleviates peripheral
neuropathic pain —– A pilot double-blind,
randomized cross-over study
Liu Dongyang a, Ana Mércia Fernandes a,
Pedro Henrique Martins da Cunha a, Raissa Tibes a, João Sato a,
Clarice Listik a, Camila Dale a, Gabriel Taricani Kubota a,
Ricardo Galhardoni a, Manoel Jacobsen Teixeira a,
Valquíria Aparecida da Silva a, Jefferson Rosi a,
Daniel Ciampi de Andrade a,b,∗

LIM-62, Pain Center, Department of Neurology, University of São Paulo, Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar,
255, 5th Floor, P.O. Box: 05403-900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Pain Center Instituto do Câncer Octavio Frias de Oliveira, University of São Paulo, Avenida Dr. Arnaldo
251, P.O. Box: 01246-000, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Received 27 April 2021; accepted 9 June 2021

Available online 24 June 2021

Insula; Objectives. — Peripheral neuropathic pain (pNeP) is prevalent, and current treatments, includ-
Neuropathic pain; ing drugs and motor cortex repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) leave a
Neuronavigation; substantial proportion of patients with suboptimal pain relief.
Peripheral Methods. — We explored the intensity and short-term duration of the analgesic effects produced
neuropathy; in pNeP patients by 5 days of neuronavigated deep rTMS targeting the posterior superior insula
Transcranial magnetic (PSI) with a double-cone coil in a sham-controlled randomized cross-over trial.
stimulation Results. — Thirty-one pNeP patients received induction series of five active or sham consecutive
sessions of daily deep-rTMS to the PSI in a randomized sequence, with a washout period of at
least 21 days between series. The primary outcome [number of responders (>50% pain intensity
reduction from baseline in a numerical rating scale ranging from 0 to 10)] was significantly higher

∗ Corresponding author at: Divisão de Clínica Neurocirúrgica do Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP, Instituto Central, Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho

Aguiar, 255, 5◦ Andar, Sala 5084, Cerqueira César, 05403-900, São Paulo, Brazil.
E-mail address: (D. Ciampi de Andrade).
0987-7053/© 2021 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
L. Dongyang, A.M. Fernandes, P.H.M. da Cunha et al.

after real (58.1%) compared to sham (19.4%) stimulation (p = 0.002). The number needed to treat
was 2.6, and the effect size was 0.97 [95% CI (0.6; 1.3)]. One week after the 5th stimulation day,
pain scores were no longer different between groups, and no difference in neuropathic pain
characteristics and interference with daily living were present. No major side effects occurred,
and milder adverse events (i.e., short-lived headaches after stimulation) were reported in both
groups. Blinding was effective, and analgesic effects were not affected by sequence of the
stimulation series (active-first or sham-first), age, sex or pain duration of participants.
Discussion. — PSI deep-rTMS was safe in refractory pNeP and was able to provide significant
pain intensity reduction after a five-day induction series of treatments. Post-hoc assessment of
neuronavigation targeting confirmed deep-rTMS was delivered within the boundaries of the PSI
in all participants.
Conclusion. — PSI deep-rTMS provided significant pain relief during 5-day induction sessions
compared to sham stimulation.
© 2021 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Introduction to antinociceptive responses [31]. In experimental models

of peripheral neuropathic pain in rats, deep brain stimula-
Neuropathic pain affects up to 10% of the general popula- tion of the posterior insula led to antinociceptive effects
tion, and despite recent advances in its control, up to 40% dependent on endogenous opioids and cannabinoids [1,19].
of patients remain symptomatic [7,44]. In the last fifteen Recently a method to stimulate the insula non-invasively by
years, noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS) has emerged deep rTMS using neuronavigation has been reported [10,24]
as a therapeutic option for NeP control [5]. Most studies and tested by other groups [31]. Here we performed a
have focused on repetitive transcranial magnetic stimula- pilot exploratory double-blind cross-over trial assessing the
tion (rTMS) aimed at the precentral gyrus. Currently, rTMS safety and the magnitude and temporal profile of the poten-
over the primary motor cortex (M1) is considered a thera- tial analgesic effects of five consecutive days of d-rTMS to
peutic option for NeP and ranks in societal recommendations the PSI compared to sham stimulation in pharmacologically-
worldwide [28,34]. It is known from animal and human refractory peripheral neuropathic pain.
studies that M1 stimulation is able to induce changes in
brain areas distant to the stimulation site, and its analgesic
effects depend on opioidergic [15] and glutamatergic effects Methods
Also, rTMS to M1 is able to restore defective GABA-A Patients
dependent intracortical inhibition in NeP patients, which is
associated with pain intensity improvement [30]. Despite Our Ethics Review Board approved this study
these effects, it has been reported in experimental [43] and (#28659714.1.0000.0068) and registered it on clinical-
clinical studies [35] that not all individuals respond to M1 (NCT04279548). The present study is the first
rTMS, which fails to improve pain in up to 50% of patients. step of a two-step larger trial: in step one (present study),
This has led to the quest for new NIBS approaches for pain patients received noninvasive PSI and sham in a cross-over
relief. New stimulation patterns have been tried, such as design. In step 2, ten responders were invited to enroll in
theta-burst stimulation [16,29], and another line of research a double-blind randomized study of PSI deep brain stim-
has focused on the quest for new stimulation targets. ulation (i.e., PSI targets used in step 1 d-rTMS study will
The idea behind the quest for new targets for NIBS in be used as a target for implanted electrodes for long-term
chronic pain relies on the idea that since M1 stimulation treatment of neuropathic pain by deep brain stimulation).
influences several distant areas within the neuroaxis [37], All patients provided informed consent to participate in
one could obtain more focused or intense pain relief by the study. Patients were recruited from outpatient clinics
stimulating these secondary brain areas directly, bypass- geographically near the outpatient pain clinics of the
ing the precentral gyrus. This might provide pain relief Hospital das Clínicas, University of São Paulo, between
for patients not responding to classical M1 NIBS since the March 2018 and March 2020. Inclusion criteria were: age
analgesic effects of these extra-motor areas would rely on over 18; presence of defined chronic peripheral neuropathic
different mechanisms of action [1,19]. One of these areas pain according to current guidelines [23]; presence of
is the posterior insula. The posterior granular part of the neuropathic pain refractory to drug therapies [12] persis-
insula is one of the main recipients of somatosensory affer- tent for longer than six months, with an average intensity
ents reaching the cortex; it is implicated in the central score above 40/100 mm on a visual analogue scale (VAS).
integration of the sensory-discriminative aspect of pain. It Exclusion criteria were contraindication for rTMS [i.e., past
is consistently active in different neuroimaging studies of head trauma, current epilepsy, intracranial ferromagnetic
acute and chronic pain [38,39]. components, pacemaker, implanted microprocessors (i.e.,
Intraoperative stimulation of the human insula in patients cochlear implants), pregnancy], known major psychiatric
under stereo-EEG [18] was reported to induce antinocicep- disorders (as assessed by the DSM-V), history of substance
tive effects, and its inhibition in experimental studies led abuse or work litigation issues. At the inclusion visit, we col-

Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology 51 (2021) 291—302

lected the patient’s demographic and clinical information: over the skin of the scalp with a skin-marking pen, so that
age, gender, duration of pain, lesion and painful region, the point could be identified in subsequent sessions.
current medications, and performed physical examination
to confirm neuropathy and the presence of peripheral NeP.
Anatomical confirmation of the insular target

Experimental design Similar to others [31], we chose to perform a post-hoc

reconstruction analysis to ensure that the visually-guided
This was an exploratory randomized, double-blind, sham- identification of the targets were actually confined within
controlled, pilot cross-over trial to investigate the analgesic the boundaries of the PSI. These analyses were indepen-
effects of active versus sham deep (d) repetitive (r) tran- dent of the TMS procedure; they were performed after
scranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the posterior superior the trial ended and were not used to monitor potential
insula (PSI) in patients with peripheral neuropathic pain. dislocations of the coil during the TMS procedure. Thus,
All participants received one sham and one active series an off-line assessment of the location of each patient’s
of d-rTMS. Participants were randomly allocated (using stimulation target was conducted. Each participant’s insu- in blocks of four into one of two lar target/region of interest (ROI) used for PSI d-rTMS was
possible sequences of series of stimulation: one sequence traced into the MNI152 Space [21] for each axis: hori-
commencing by active-PSI-rTMS, or another sequence start- zontal (x), anteroposterior (Y) and superior-inferior (Z).
ing by sham-PSI-rTMS series. In both sequences, participants This was made by locating the position of the anterior
were switched to the respective comparator series after commissure — posterior commissure (ACPC) line using the
the first one was completed and a wash-out period was BrainsightTM software (Rogue Research) and identifying the
observed. Each series comprised stimulations for five con- respective MNI space coordinates. These coordinates were
secutive days. Clinical and pain assessments were performed then compared with the probability maps of the six insu-
at baseline (D0), daily during treatment (D1−5) (from 15 to lar subdivisions in the same space (the three short gyri, the
45 min after the end of stimulation), and one week after the anterior inferior cortex, and the two long gyri) [22]. After
last stimulation session (D12, i.e., one week after the 5th this comparison, it was possible to show, in a normalized
day of stimulation) session in each series. A washout period brain space (i.e., MNI152), that the PSI d-rTMS was tar-
of at least 21 days was performed between the active and geted close to the most posterior and superior aspect of
sham series. Pain intensity had to return to >80% pain inten- the anterior insular long gyrus (ALG), the place previously
sity seen at baseline for the second series of stimulation to reported by our team [10] (Fig. 2). Finally, each patient’s ROI
initiate. was marked and placed into a 3D Brain Image model and
exported as NIfTI files into Mango brain visualization soft-
Determination of the rTMS target ware ( These points were
marked into an anatomical T1 brain template (Colin27 T1
Patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging, which is seg MNI.nii available from
used to define the stimulation target using the neuronavi-
gation technique. Neuronavigation was used exclusively to Transcranial magnetic stimulation — rest motor
determine the stimulation target, but not to monitor the coil threshold determination
position during stimulation procedures. A 3D image of the
head was obtained using volumetric T1-weighted magnetic A double-cone coil (cooled D-B80 coil, MagVenture, Farum,
resonance imaging (MRI) for frameless stereotaxic neuron- Denmark) connected to a MagProX100 machine (MagVenture)
avigation (BrainsightTM, Rogue Research). We located the was used to measure rest motor threshold (RMT) with the
insula and selected the upper-posterior sub-quadrant as the main phase of the biphasic induced electric current deliv-
rTMS target, using the technique previously described [10] ered from the posterior to the anterior (PA) direction. RMT
which included the identification of the insular limen after was determined before each series, with patients positioned
‘‘peeling’’ the lateral series of 3D image until the insular on a reclining chair, relaxed, in a sound-attenuated room,
cortex is detected. Then, a parallel line is drawn, parallel using single pulse stimulation over the primary motor cor-
to the coronal plane. Its midpoint is used to draw a sec- tex representation of the tibialis anterior muscle on the
ond line, this time orthogonal to the first one, running from same body side as the patient’s pain using surface electrodes
anterior to posterior. This procedure divided the insula into (Natus, Middleton, WI, USA). RMT were considered as the
4 quadrants. The upper-most and posterior-most quadrant lowest pulse intensity required to evoke a motor evoked
was them identified, and this quadrant was further divided response of at least 50 ␮V in size in 5 out 10 successive
into four new sub-quadrants based on two new orthogonal pulses. RMT were recorded as the maximal stimulator output
lines departing from the midpoints of the posterior and ante- (%).
rior lines delineating this quadrant. This provided four new
(sub)quadrants withing the upper-posterior original quad-
rant. The mid-point within the upper-posterior sub-quadrant Transcranial magnetic stimulation — d-rTMS
is the target marked on the MRI. Then the orthogonal pro- procedure
jection from this quadrant to the scalp was identified with
the neuronavigation software. Using the system pointer with The double-cone coil (cooled D-B80 coil, Magventure) was
infrared reflectors, the orthogonal scalp projection was placed on the scalp and centered over the scalp target for
identified as the d-rTMS target and its location was marked stimulation. During all stimulation sessions a second coil

L. Dongyang, A.M. Fernandes, P.H.M. da Cunha et al.

(figure-of-eight B-65 coil, MagVenture) was placed orthog-

onally to the double-cone coil. This second coil was used for
stimulation in cases of sham stimulations, while the double-
cone coil remained turned off. For active stimulations, the
stimulation was delivered by the double-cone coil, while the
figure-of-eight coil was left in place, turned off. This pro-
cedure has been used in several studies and has provided
proper blinding even in cross-over designs (Fig. 1A and B)
[2,16]. Both coils were fixed on two independent adjustable
mechanical arms, and their positions were monitored sys-
tematically during the rTMS session by visually inspecting the
location relative to the target. During sessions the handle of
the double-cone coil was pointed backwards, so that the first
phase of the biphasic electromagnetic field induced electric
current was in the anterior-posterior direction and the elec-
tric current from its main phase was the posterior-anterior
direction (Fig. 1A and B) [2,3,24]. The PSI contralateral to
the pain side was used. In cases of bilateral pain, the PSI
contralateral to the most painful side was stimulated. The
PSI-rTMS parameters used were similar to those showing
antinociceptive effects in patients and healthy volunteers
[23,30]: 3000 pulses (30 trains of 10 s each, inter-train inter-
val of 20 s) delivered at a frequency of 10 Hz and an intensity
set at 80% of the resting leg motor threshold using a Mag-
ProX100 machine (MagVenture).

Pain and related assessments

Figure 1 Stimulation montage.
Clinical and pain assessments were performed at baseline
(D0), daily during treatment, and one week after the last
stimulation (D12) in each series (active and sham). Secondary outcomes were: (a) neuropathic pain symp-
The primary endpoint of the study was the number of tom inventory (NPSI). This questionnaire quantifies the mean
patients reaching significant pain relief (>50% pain intensity intensity of 10 neuropathic symptoms and their combina-
reduction) assessed by visual analogue scale (VAS) ranging tion (dimensions), assessing five different dimensions over
from 0: no pain to 100 mm: maximal pain imaginable one the last 24 h on an 11-point (0−10) numerical rating scale. It
week after the 5th stimulation session compared to the also generates a total score (sum of each of the 10 individual
baseline assessment. scores, scored out of 100) [6,14]; (b) the seven items of pain

Figure 2 Anatomical confirmation of the insular target.

Location of posterior superior insula deep repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation targets within the left (A) and right (B)
insulae according to the coordinates as described by Faillenot et al. [22]. See Table 2.

Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology 51 (2021) 291—302

interference of the brief pain inventory (BPI), rated from 0 pain [36]. Thus, based on this study’s effect size (0.8), a
(does not interfere), to 10 (complete interference), mea- two-tailed ˛ error level probability of 0.05, and a power
suring the impact of pain on general activity, mood, walking of 0.99, the estimated sample size needed would be 13
ability, normal work, relations with other people, sleep and subjects per treatment sequence, thus providing 26 par-
enjoyment of life. ticipants. We have added six more participants beginning
with each of the two treatment sequences to account for
potential dropouts. The effects of the sequence of the series
Adverse events report of stimulation (active-first or sham-first) were explored for
the active and sham stimulations comparing data according
During each treatment session, a side effect assessment was to sex, and side of stimulation (Wilcoxon test) for active
conducted to monitor any study-related complications using and sham series. The correlation between pain relief (pain
a dedicated questionnaire. Patients were asked to report relief at D5 compared to D) and pain duration in years was
any potential neurological side-effects related to the treat- compared with the Spearman’s test. Also, the effectiveness
ment, such as headaches, nausea, sleepiness, and local pain. of the washout period was assessed by comparing base-
line pain intensity before each sequence of stimulation in
Blinding assessment the active and sham series of stimulation (Wilcoxon’s test).
Blinding assessment was composed of three questions cited
Researchers who delivered d-rTMS were blinded to all other above. Responders were classified as being ‘‘real respon-
assessments except the type of TMS being applied and ders’’ response to active but not to sham stimulations)
had no other role in the study. Care was taken not to set or not, and according to the sequence of treatment they
patients’ appointments simultaneously so that waiting-room received (active-first, or sham-first). Proportions were com-
conversations could be avoided and to mitigate possible pared by the Chi2 test. Fisher’s exact test was used when
jeopardizing of blinding integrity. The blinding assessment n < 5. For all these instances significance was also set at
was performed at the end of the study (i.e., end of the p < 0.05.
trial, on D12 from the last series of stimulation) as previ-
ously reported by asking all patients [42] (1) if they were Results
able to tell which sequence of treatment they were allo-
cated to (i.e., yes or no); (2) which sequence they think
Sample description
they actually received (i.e., active-first or sham-first); (3)
if they would like to maintain the sessions of d-rTMS for a
Forty-six patients were screened with peripheral neuro-
longer period, should this option be offered to them (i.e.,
pathic pain for this trial, and 38 were randomized (Fig. 3).
yes or no).
Nineteen patients started with active treatment and 19 with
sham. Table 1 shows baseline demographic and clinical char-
Statistical analyses acteristics of the 31 patients that received the allocated
interventions and were analyzed.
Statistical analyses were conducted with SPSS version 22
(SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL). Results were expressed in aver- Anatomical confirmation of the insular target
ages and standard deviation. The Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test
accessed normality of the data. In all cases, P values <0.05
Fig. 2 (A and B) shows the neuronavigated PSI location’s
were considered significant. The Cohen’s d, defined as the
target location in respect to the MNI coordinates in both
difference between the means of the 2 groups divided by the
hemispheres. Stimulations were performed on the scalp
pooled standard error, was used to calculate effect sizes.
orthogonal projection of the insular target. Table 2 (and
To evaluate intervention efficacy, the percentage of respon-
Supplementary Table S1) showed that all targets were con-
ders (>50% pain intensity reduction from baseline) measured
fined within the boundaries of the anterior long gyrus of the
on the last day of stimulation were calculated, and a
insula, as defined by Faillenot et al., 2017 [22].
comparison between groups was performed by using the
McNemar test. Due to the pilot nature of the trial, we per-
formed a modified intention to treat (mITT) analysis where Pain assessment — primary outcome
only patients undergoing at patients who received at least
three stimulation sessions in both treatment sequences were Thirty-one patients were analyzed in a modified intention-
included. Since the Kolmogorov—Smirnov test revealed that to-treat approach, including patients who received three
secondary outcomes such as BPI and NPSI scores did not have stimulation sessions in both treatment sequences. Eighteen
a normal distribution, the differences between groups were (58.1%) were responders (>50% pain intensity reduction) to
compared using a non-parametric test (Wilcoxon’s test). The real-PSI-dTMS and six (19.4%) responded to sham PSI-dTMS
sample size was calculated based on the effect size achieved (p = 0.002) (Table 3). The number needed to treat was 2.6,
by a previous d-rTMS trial, considering a repeated-measures and the effect size was 0.97 [95% confidence interval (0.6;
ANOVA approach and using the software G*Power 1.3)]. Fourteen patients (45.1%) were real responders, hav-
for Windows (California, USA). Since this is a pilot study ing >50% pain intensity reduction after real PSI-dTMS and no
using PSI d-rTMS for peripheral neuropathic pain for the response to sham PSI-dTMS. The sequence of the stimulation
first time, we calculated the expected sample size based series was not significantly different between responders
on a previous study using deep rTMS for the same type of and non-responders for both the >50% and >30% pain inten-

L. Dongyang, A.M. Fernandes, P.H.M. da Cunha et al.

Figure 3 Study flow-chart.

80 Pain assessment — secondary outcomes

P=0.002 active d-rTMS
70 sham PSI-dTMS
* Secondary outcomes measured on the 7th day after the end
VAS (0-100)

60 of stimulation (D12) showed that the pain intensity differ-

ence between groups was no longer significant. There were
no differences between groups concerning pain interference
40 in daily activities, DN-4 or NPSI scores (Table 5).
The average wash-out time between the two-stimulation
30 series was 28.6 days (CI95%: 23.8; 33.4) in the active-first
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D12
group and 27.9 days (CI95%: 22.4; 33.6) in the sham-first
sequences of stimulation series (p > 0.2). Pain was unilat-
Figure 4 Pain intensity effects of PSI d-rTMS. eral in all instances and the PSI contralateral to the pain
PSI d-rTMS: posterior superior insula deep repetitive tran- side was targeted. Accordingly, the left insula was stimu-
scranial magnetic stimulation; whiskers over bars represent lated in 54.8% of patients and the right in 45.2%. Active
standard error *p < 0.05. d-rTMS provided pain relief (NRS measured at D5 sub-
tracted from baseline) of −39.2 ± 31.8 after left and of
sity reduction thresholds (p > 0.2). Pain intensity went from −23.0 ± 23.9 after right PSI stimulation (p = 0.08). After
68.07 ± 12.91 and 65.92 ± 11.41 at baseline to 33.96 ± 27.11 sham d-rTMS, right side stimulation provided −13.1 ± 22.6
and 51.45 ± 24.09 on 5th day of stimulation after the active pain relief, while left sham decreased pain by −16.7 ±
and the sham d-rTMS series, respectively (p = 0.002) (Fig. 4). 26.2; (p = 0.80). Pain intensity before active and sham
One week after stimulation (D12), differences between arms series did not differ according to the sham-first or active-
were no longer present (p > 0.2). Table 4 shows pain intensity first series of stimulation (Fig. 5). Concerning sex, active
reduction from D1 to D12 in both groups. PSI provided pain reduction {D5-D0 pain intensity, [aver-

Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology 51 (2021) 291—302

Table 1 Demographical profile and baseline characteristics of subjects included in the study.

Total (n = 31)

Age (years)a 46.28 ± 11.44 (20−67)

Sex, n (%) Female 4 (12.9)
Male 27 (87.1)
Etiology of neuropathic Root avulsion 22 (71.0%)
pain, n (%) Trigeminal neuralgia 3 (9.7%)
Traumatic nerve injury 1 (3.2%)
Postherpetic neuralgia 3 (9.7%)
Radiculopathy 2 (6.4%)
Pain side Left 14 (45.2%)
Right 17 (54.8%)
Duration of pain (years)a 10.22 ± 9.31 (1−38)
Current neuropathic pain Gabapentinoids 27 (87.1%)
medication, n (%) Antidepressants 21 (67.7%)
Opiates 24 (77.4%)
Dipyrone 14 (45.1%)
Neuroleptics 15 (48.4%)
Anticonvulsants 12 (38.7%)
Muscle relaxants 8 (25.8%)
BPIa Worst pain 8.65 ± 1.25 (6−10)
Least pain 4.75 ± 1.80 (0−9)
Average pain 6.81 ± 1.47 (3−10)
Now pain 6.13 ± 1.80 (2−9)
Interference with general activity 6.77 ± 2.53 (0−10)
Interference with mood 7.06 ± 3.1 (0−10)
Interference with walking 5.03 ± 3.7 (0−10)
Interference with work 6.94 ± 2.6 (0−10)
Interference with relations with others 6.19 ± 2.9 (0−10)
Interference with sleep 5.94 ± 3.4 (0−10)
Interference with enjoyment of life 7.81 ± 2.3 (1−10)
Pain intensity index 6.58 ± 1.28 (3.7−9.5)
Pain interference daily activity score 6.53 ± 2.24 (1−10)
NPSIa Burning 6.19 ± 3.7 (0−10)
Pressure 5.10 ± 4.3 (0−10)
Squeezing 4.65 ± 4.15 (0−10)
Electric shocks 4.61 ± 4.01 (0−10)
Stabbing 4.65 ± 4.15 (0−10)
Evoked by brushing 3 ± 4.05 (0−10)
Evoked by pressure 2.55 ± 3.67 (0−10)
Evoked by cold stimuli 3.48 ± 4.4 (0−10)
Pins and needles 4.39 ± 3.89 (0−10)
Tingling 4.71 ± 3.91 (0−10)
Total score 43.32 ± 22.51 (6−94)
DN4a Total score 7.03 ± 2.04 (2−10)
a Values are presented in: mean ± SD (minimum and maximum). BPI: brief pain inventory, NPSI: neuropathic pain inventory, DN-4:
Douleur neuropathique-4 questionnaire.

age ± standard deviation (minimum—maximum values)]} of Dropouts and adverse events report
−29.66 ± 61.40 (−70 −41) in women, and −28.76 ± 24.28
(−76 −6) in men (p = 0.21), while sham d-rTMS brought Seven patients dropped out of the study. One of them was on
about pain reduction of 0.00 ± 13.22 (−15 −10) in women the second series (drop-out due to a transportation issue),
and −13.04 ± 24.14 (−70 −28) in men (p = 0.24). Correlation and six were on the first series of treatment: four left due
analyses between pain duration (in years) and percentage of to lack of analgesic effects (two after the 2nd active and
pain decrease after stimulation (% pain intensity decrease) two after the 3rd sham daily sessions) and three due to
were non-significant: Spearman’s rho = −0.01, p = 0.92 for transportation issues. None of these patients had treatment-
active and Spearman’s rho = 0.14, p = 0.43 for the sham related adverse events as the cause of drop-out. Concerning
series. adverse events, two patients had headaches after active and

L. Dongyang, A.M. Fernandes, P.H.M. da Cunha et al.

Table 2 Comparison between the polled posterior superior insula target coordinates intervals and insular ALG interval coordi-
nates in MNI152 space according to Faillenot et al. [22].

PSI coordinates intervals MNI Insula ALG coordinates interval

Right Left

x +34.86 to +43.37 −45.8 to −32.27 +32 to +43

y −31.84 to −18.72 −29.83 to −13.27 0 (+ or −35)
z +11.68 to +19.82 +8.47 to +18.72 0 (+ or −30)
PSI: posterior superior insula; ALG: anterior long gyrus. Y: values were negative because the target was the most posterior aspect of
the ALG Z: values are positive because the targets were s in the most superior aspect of ALG.

Table 3 Percentage of responders to d-rTMS.

Active-PSI-rTMS Sham-PSI-rTMS p¥¥

50% improvement pain intensity¥

Positive responder, n (%) 18 (58.1) 6 (19.4) 0.002*
Negative responder, n (%) 13(41.9) 25 (80.6)
30% improvement pain intensity
Positive responder, n (%) 19 (61.3) 9 (29) 0.011*
Negative responder, n (%) 12 (38.7) 22 (71)
PSI: posterior superior insula. d-rTMS: deep repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Data based on the assessment at the 5th day of stimulation (main study outcome).
* Significance p < 0.05.
¥ Study’s main outcome.
¥¥ Chi2 test.

Table 4 Pain intensity reduction.

Active PSI-rTMS Sham PSI-rTMS p

D1 −17.87 ± 19.57 (−80 to 10) −10.70 ± 20.09 (−61 to 43) 0.05

D2 −20.41 ± 23.01 (−80 to 12) −12.66 ± 19.46 (−59 to 17) 0.21
D3 −19.64 ± 27.50 (−80 to 25) −13.50 ± 23.55 (−60 to 27) 0.65
D4 −16.67 ± 25.29 (−80 to 24) −11.37 ± 19.97 (−47 to 21) 0.35
D5 −28.03 ± 27.80 (−80 to 20) −10.54 ± 21.50 (−60 to 28) 0.002*
D12 −1.33 ± 24.31 (−80 to 53) −5.96 ± 24.31 (−80 to 53) 0.20
Pain intensity decrease from baseline [NRS (numerical rating scale; 0−10) at the different timepoints subtracted from NRS at baseline.
D: day.
* p < 0.05.

1 after sham stimulation, none persisting until the next stim- patients, ten (47.6%) were real responders, and 11 (52.4%)
ulation session, and one requiring analgesics (metamizole) were not (p = 0.82). Twelve (57.1%) received the active-first
for symptomatic control. One patient had dizziness persist- sequence of series of stimulation, and nine (42.9%) receive
ing for two days after the active stimulation that did not the sham first-sequence (p = 0.51).
necessitate treatment interruption, and one had scalp ten- When directly asked to report which sequence, they
derness after one of the active sessions. There were no other thought they actually received, eighteen (58.0%) guessed
major side effects, such as seizures [31]. No side effects it right, and 13 (42%) guessed it wrong (p = 0.36). Eleven
demanded treatment interruption, and none led to patient (61.1%) of those who guessed right the sequence of stimu-
drop out from the study. lation received the active-first sequence, while 7 (38.9%)
received the sham-first sequence (p = 0.48). Among these
same 18 patients, 10 (55.6%) were real responders, and 8
Blinding assessment (44.4%) were not (p = 0.81).
Nineteen patients (61.3%) said they would like to main-
After the study ended, 21 patients (67.7%) said they could tain the sessions of d-rTMS for a more extended period,
tell which sequence of treatment they received, com- should this option be offered to them. Among these nine-
pared to 10 (32.3%) who did not (p = 0.04). Among these 21 teen patients, nine (47.4%) received the active-first and

Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology 51 (2021) 291—302

Table 5 Pain assessment one week after the last stimulation.

Active-PSI-rTMS Sham-PSI-rTMS p

Brief pain inventory Worst pain 8.35 ± 1.4 (5−10) 7.77 ± 2.0 (1−10) 0.09
Least pain 5.23 ± 2.1 (0−10) 4.55 ± 1.9 (0−7) 0.11
Average pain 6.58 ± 1.7 (3−10) 6.06 ± 1.8 (1−9) 0.10
Now pain 6.23 ± 2.4 (0−10) 5.94 ± 2.0 (1−10) 0.32
General activity 6.74 ± 2.5 (0−10) 6.42 ± 3.0 (0−10) 0.70
Mood 6.74 ± 2.8 (0−10) 6.23 ± 3.3 (0−10) 0.56
Walking 5.10 ± 3.4 (0−10) 4.94 ± 4.0 (0−10) 0.92
Work 6.03 ± 3.0 (0−10) 6.19 ± 2.9 (0−10) 0.65
Relations with others 6.26 ± 3.2 (0−10) 5.26 ± 3.7 (0−10) 0.22
Sleep 5.42 ± 4.0 (0−10) 5.61 ± 3.5 (0−10) 0.90
Enjoyment of life 7.68 ± 2.4 (0−10) 6.65 ± 3.3 (0−10) 0.17
BPI pain intensity 6.59 ± 1.76 (2.7−10) 6.18 ± 1.7 (0.7−9) 0.07
BPI interference daily activity score 6.28 ± 2.47 (0−9.4) 5.89 ± 2.8 (0−10) 0.90
Douleur neuropathique-4 Total score 6.73 ± 1.59 (3−10) 6.25 ± 2.12 (1−10) 0.25
Neuropathic pain symptom Burning 6.29 ± 3.3 (0−10) 5.87 ± 3.62 (0−10) 0.59
inventory Pressure 5.32 ± 4.16 (0−10) 4.65 ± 4.02 (0−10) 0.19
Squeezing 4.97 ± 4.47 (0−10) 4 .00 ± 4.22 (0−10) 0.09
Electric shocks 4.06 ± 3.97 (0−10) 4.19 ± 3.70 (0−10) 0.93
Stabbing 3.58 ± 4.12 (0−10) 4.58 ± 4.09 (0−10) 0.15
Evoked by brushing 3.19 ± 3.95 (0−10) 3.06 ± 3.82 (0−10) 0.86
Evoked by pressure 2.94 ± 3.89 (0−10) 2.13 ± 3.55 (0−10) 0.18
Evoked by cold stimuli 2.52 ± 3.62 (0−10) 2.58 ± 3.70 (0−10) 0.95
Pins and needles 3.87 ± 4.04 (0−10) 3.77 ± 3.80 (0−10) 0.84
Tingling 4.71 ± 3.91 (0−10) 4.71 ± 3.91 (0−10) 0.37
Total score 4.05 ± 1.76 (1.2−7.7) 3.8 ± 2.26 (0−8.6) 0.34
Values are presented in: mean ± SD (minimum and maximum).

pain refractory to drug therapy [34]. The effect size of the

intervention reached 0.97, and the NNT was 2.6. The stimu-
lation provided significant pain relief in most patients (58.1%
with >50% pain intensity relief), 45.1% being ‘‘real’’ respon-
ders, who had significant relief after real, but not after sham
The posterior insula is a key part of the spino-
thalamo-cortical pathway, implicated in the integration of
nociception, thermoreception, and interoception. The pos-
terior insular area alone receives more than 40% of all the
thalamic fibers reaching the insula [25]. It is widely known
that the insula is implicated in both acute and chronic pain
[13,38]. Direct electrical stimulation of the posterior insula
may produce nociceptive sensations, while lesions to this
region reduce pain perception in large areas of the body
[8,26]. Insular glutamate levels correlate with an individ-
Figure 5 Pain intensity at baseline according to the sequences ual’s nociceptive threshold, with higher levels correlating
of series of stimulation. with lower thresholds [45]. Opioids cause depression of exci-
PSI d-rTMS: posterior superior insula deep repetitive transcra- tatory propagation in the insular cortex in rodents, insular
nial magnetic stimulation; NRS: numerical rating scale; D: day, deep brain stimulation led to analgesic effects in a rat model
whiskers over bars represent standard error *p < 0.05. of peripheral neuropathic pain [19], and opioid receptor
availability in the human insula is positively correlated with
10 (52.6%) received the sham-first sequence of treatment pain relief after motor cortex stimulation [32]. In summary,
(p = 0.81); eleven (57.9%) were real responders, while 8 the insula possesses a pro-nociceptive role when hyperac-
(42.1%) were not (p = 0.64). tive, such as in cases of physiologic acute and chronic pain,
and interventions aimed at its inhibition, whether via local
Discussion lesions or via electric stimulation, are believed to tune down
its activity and prompt antinociceptive effects [19].
The disturbance of afferent signals from the posterior
We have shown that PSI noninvasive stimulation has a signifi-
inferior insula due to peripheral etiologies could explain the
cant analgesic effect in patients with peripheral neuropathic

L. Dongyang, A.M. Fernandes, P.H.M. da Cunha et al.

emergence of neuropathic pain symptoms by the Embodied a reasonable degree of focality. We can infer that several
Predictive Interoception Coding (EPIC) model [25]. The PSI cortical and subcortical structures are influenced by the
amplifies inputs coming from the thalamus via its granular stimulation pulse during deep rTMS. However, one study
cells and conveys sensory inputs to the agranular anterior specifically addressing this issue compared deep PSI TMS
insula (AI), where cells from the deeper layers send sen- stimulation against superficial TMS over the same scalp tar-
sory predictions back to the PSI, in which a comparison get using neuronavigation. They found that only deep TMS
between prediction (coming from agranular limbic and par- changed c-fiber-dependent thermal thresholds [31]. Inter-
alimbic areas) and the actual sensory input (coming from estingly, antinociceptive thermal effects were also obtained
thalamic relays) takes place. The prediction error is then after deep rTMS in central neuropathic pain patients [24]
estimated and sent back to the AI, leading to changes in and epileptic patients under stereo-EEG after transcorti-
sensory gain and behavior modulation to meet inner pre- cal stimulation of the PSI [18]. The finding that an electric
diction with the actual sensory experience having as the current induced by deep rTMS of the PSI triggers similar
main objective the maintenance of homeostasis. In keep- psychophysical effects in healthy volunteers and central
ing with the EPIC model, peripheral neuropathic pain would neuropathic pain patients, compared to patients undergo-
lead to deafferentation of the thalamocortical input, redu- ing direct cortical stimulation, is a strong argument in favor
cing the capacity of this system to ‘‘read’’ the bodily of d-rTMS focality.
inputs (e.g., reduced inputs from muscle ergoceptors, from While we found that PSI d-rTMS brought about signifi-
cold thermoreceptors located within venules walls etc.), cant pain relief in a relatively large proportion of refractory
and subsequently jeopardize interoception accuracy, lead- peripheral neuropathic pain patients, it must be pointed out
ing to a mismatch between incoming bodily signals and that these effects were relatively short-lived, with the dif-
the predictions based on the inner inputs conveyed by the ference between active and sham stimulations vanishing one
AI/motor limbic system. Prediction error mitigation would week after the last stimulation session, when no significant
be then threatened, and the precision of the salience net- effects could be detected in neuropathic pain symptoms and
work would lose its accuracy to modulate incoming sensory scores of pain interference with daily activities. The neces-
inputs in an adaptive manner. The final scenario would sity to perform maintenance sessions following an induction
be a hyper-activated salience system with disproportionate cycle is needed in several other scenarios, including motor
somatosensory gain (sensory gain-of-function: hyperalgesia, cortex (M1) stimulation for fibromyalgia [33], and complex
spontaneous pain, allodynia), visualized in neuroimaging regional pain syndrome [41]. It remains to test the possibil-
studies as a hyperactive insula typical of neuropathic pain ity of sustaining the analgesic effects after PSI stimulation
conditions and pain-evoked cortical responses [20,38—40]. during weekly or fortnightly maintenance sessions.
Here, we have hypothesized that high-frequency PSI d-rTMS In the present study, sham stimulation was performed
would allow downregulation of abnormal neuronal hyperac- with the interposition of an active double cone coil and
tivity by overriding the abnormal PSI firing pattern in the a sham coil that were present during all sessions in all
setting of NeP. Frequency overriding was proposed to occur patients and were used according to the type of stimulation
in deep brain stimulation, providing results parallel to the patients were supposed to receive. While this strategy has
functional turning off of a neuronal network, leading to clin- been used in several previous studies [2,16,24] and has been
ical results analogous to lesions to this same system [27], shown to correctly maintain participants’ and raters’ blind-
thus producing enhanced signal detection and dampening ing, newer technological improvements have advocated the
of entropic noise. It has been shown that excitatory TMS use of automated blinding systems using pre-recorded cards
delivered to hubs of the executive networks disengaged the or USB keys, in which researchers delivering TMS would also
tonic influence of this network from the default-mode net- be blinded to the type of stimulation delivered. While such
work and decrease, and consequently affected connectivity advances are welcome and were not used here, data from
between these two large-scale systems [9]. recent trials in which both automated and manual sham
This pilot study is the second to test the effects of PSI deep-rTMS were employed revealed no significant differ-
in neuropathic pain. In a previous study, we tested whether ences between the sham effects of both types of sham
PSI d-rTMS had analgesic effects in central NeP patients [24]. procedures [24]. In fact, in another study [4], we previously
While no significant analgesic effects were found compared demonstrated that sham effects are similar in peripheral
to sham stimulation, PSI d-rTMS significantly increased heat neuropathic pain patients even when two completely dif-
pain thresholds, suggesting an effect in nociception (improv- ferent techniques of noninvasive brain stimulation were
ing somatosensory discrimination) that was dissociated from compared (i.e., transcranial direct current stimulation and
the effect on clinical pain per se. This led us to hypothesize rTMS to M1).
that PSI stimulation could be useful in a different group of Another limitation of our study is related to its
patients, in which no lesions to the central processing struc- exploratory and pilot design, primarily performed to assess
tures of the spino-thalamo-insulo/parietal network existed, safety, feasibility, and temporal profile of pain relief: the
but where abnormalities of the somatosensory pathways paucity of data related to the quality of life, fatigue, mood,
were restricted to its peripheral portions, thus leading us and sleep assessment. Better appraisal of the temporal pro-
to target peripheral neuropathic pain. file of the effects of PSI d-rTMS will allow us to design
Concerning targeting, the focality of both superficial and more comprehensive trials with assessments performed at
deep rTMS have recently been called into question. In the targeted time-points, according to the expected effects of
present study, we used a stimulation coil that has one of treatment over time.
the best depth/focality trade-offs [17], meaning that it can In conclusion, this pilot study shows that deep-rTMS to
reach relatively deep cortical or subcortical structures with the PSI showed significant analgesic effects in refractory

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