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ELWA - My smart
to solar thermal e
20 advantages!
„Cables instead of pipes“
is our motto.
p h o t ovol-
w a t e r from to con-
How ho ks compared rgy.
s w o r a l e n e
taic o la r therm
l s

Cables instead of pipes is our motto.

Power from PV modules is used directly for water
heating. Without any grid connection. This results
in a very simple system design!
Many other advantages are explained in this bro-
h o u r s olution c
Find wit on
iv id u a l analysis
your ind
e n t : E LWA
The key

ELWA is a compact unit, consisting of a digitally con-

trolled power electronics and a high-quality heating
element. The number of system components is dra-
stically reduced.
With 2 kW DC nominal power and the patented boost
function this device is unique at the market.

Made in
Advantage 1 Advantage 2
Saves raw materials High Efficiency

Eliminating pipes saves up to Thermal solar systems have

90 % valuable copper. more and more losses with
decreasing outside tempera-
tures. The efficiency of pho-
tovoltaics even increases.
Advantage 3 Advantage 4
Cost-effective Even works in winter

Cables instead of pipes: In contrast to solar thermal

Significant cost reduction collectors, photovoltaic mo-
by substantial lower ins- dules work even under lowest
tallation work. Less main solar irradiation conditions.
tenance. Less chisel work This means high solar cover-
during retrofitting. age in winter!

d ea-
s t r e li a bility an vince!
Highe n con
siest in
Advantage 5 Advantage 6
Efficiency-records Hot water at any time

Photovoltaics is developing For ELWA, the temperature

rapidly with repeated new level of hot water doesn´t
records in efficiency, while matter. Efficiency is com-
solar thermal energy no pletely independent from
significant increase has been desired target temperature.
achieved since years. This Even very hot water can be
trend will continue. generated any time!
Advantage 7 Advantage 8
Very simple Performance

ELWA is a compact all-in-one Boiling collectors („stagna-

unit. Compared to solar tion”) are past! There is no
thermal, a large number material wearout with PV
of expensive elements are modules: 20 years perfor-
eliminated: pipes, pumps, mance warranty is indus-
valves, expansion vessels, try standard!
antifreeze liquid, insulation,
cabling for sensors and cont-
rol unit.
e li f e and per d!
Servic re guarantee
Advantage 9 Advantage 10
Electricity and hot No frost protection

The AC ELWA series is suita- No antifreeze protection

ble for grid - connected PV is required for photovoltaic
- systems. PV electricity is water heating.
primarily used for electrical
appliances, secondarily for
hot water. Any excess energy
is fed.
Advantage 11 Advantage 12
Maintenance free Cables instead of

PV-Systems with ELWA are Heating system components

maintainance-free. In cont- can be damaged by high stag-
rast to solar thermal energy, nation temperatures in solar
regular monitoring of glycol thermal systems.
quality, pressure in circulation Photovoltaic heat genera-
and leakage are eliminated. tion does not require ex-
pensive special parts - just
e and
Expensiv ming main-
time-co s t s are com
c o
tenance inated!
pletely e
Advantage 13 Advantage 14
Quick starter Uncomplicated instal-

Photovoltaic heat genera- Any type of heat exchanger

tion eliminates start-up- is no longer required.
losses. It's no longer neces- Installing ELWA in the storage
sary generating inefficiency tank is easy, fast and uncom-
while starting up the heating plicated.

u m e r o us expla
N y
n www.m
videos o nloads
Advantage 15 Advantage 16
Standby-free Current cost reduc-

There is no need for electrici- While system price for solar

ty to drive circulation pumps thermal heating in the past
and controls in photovoltaic partially even increased, cost
heat generation. reduction of photovoltaics
ELWA eliminates stand-by is advancing inexorably.
Advantage 17 Advantage 18
Loss-free distribution Hot water with and
without sun

Appartment buildings: with With ELWA, hot water is

ELWA, solar water heating ensured all year. In summer,
can be carried out directly your room heating system
in the appartments. This can be switched off com-
eliminates huge ringmain pletely.
losses. Solar energy is
converted to heat exactly
where it is needed.
Advantage 19 Advantage 20
World's cheapest Enthusiastic custo-
form of energy mers

Electricity is the energy sour- Our customers are enthusia-

ce of the future. Solar power stic: ELWA is simple, loss-free,
is becoming the cheapest revolutionary!
form of energy worldwide.
Photovoltaic water heating
with ELWA is more bene-
ficial than solar thermal
lt a ic m odules
Photov o n solar
c h c h e aper tha
Direct - It's that easy.
y - directly
r at ed energ can be
ene rs -
Self-g t any detou
and with ourself.
used by

Our principle allows you to use your self-generated

solar power in the best possible way in your own
home. Because electricity can do a lot - and genera-
ting heat works very well - preferably directly.

We have now developed a wide range of products for

various applications from this patented technology.

ƒƒ Autonomous without grid-connection: ELWA

ƒƒ Grid-connected: AC ELWA-E
ƒƒ Our flagship: AC•THOR
The 2 kW PV-water heater: direct – and the better principle

ELWA uses direct current directly from your PV-modules in a

built-in immersion heater element and thus produces hot wa-
ter directly and without any loss.

ƒƒ pure island off-grid operation – no grid

connection required
ƒƒ boost-backup for operating in bad
ƒƒ in summer 100 % hot water without
additional heat sources
ƒƒ lower operating costs and longer service
life for the heating system

The 3 kW water heater with linear power control for on-grid

PV-systems connected to the grid achieve on average only 30%

pv-self-consumption ratio. In an average household (5 kWp
PV-system), self-consumption can thus easily be improved to
up to 75%.

ƒƒ Installation in hot water and buffer

storage tanks possible
ƒƒ Heating power is linearly controlled
ƒƒ Practically no energy is fed into the grid
ƒƒ Self-consumption increases markedly
The 3 kW linear power controlled PV-power manager for
hot water, electric heat sources and optional space heating

The AC•THOR controls electric heat sources and provides com-

fort, according to the availability of PV-energy and demand for

ƒƒ Use of the PV for electricity, water and op-

tional heating
ƒƒ Installation is easy
ƒƒ Heat generation – as simple as the
function of domestic electric appliances
ƒƒ Heating power is linearly controlled
ƒƒ Maximum self-consumption, minimum
feed-in to the grid


... with my-PV Power Meter
Due to the intelligent control of my-PV Power Meter, AC EL-
WA-E and AC•THOR only use surplus energy from the PV-sys-

... with Smart-Home or battery storage

Thanks to their flexible control, AC ELWA-E and AC•THOR also
communicate with energy management systems or battery
storage units. As an alternative to my-PV power meter, surplus
information can also be received from these sources.
Optimum priority regulation between battery and hot water
storage is assured.
The other way of smart energy storage

Hot water from Photovoltaics

Photos and graphics: Fotolia, my-PV,,

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bindliches Angebot von Clean Capital!

my-PV GmbH
Teichstrasse 43
4523 Neuzeug, Austria
T: +43 7259 393 28

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