CrystalMIND ODBC InstallationInstructions

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ODBC Database Driver

If you performed an “Upgrade” of the Crystal MIND Software (i.e., had a previous version of Crystal
MIND installed), you can STOP right here because the Microsoft® Access® 2.00 ODBC drivers should
already be installed.

To install from the BD website

Note that the instructions below may vary slightly depending upon the version of Windows you are running.
• After clicking the “ODBC Installation” link on the BD website, the “File Download” window will be
displayed. Click “Open” to access the installation.
• Click the “Install” icon in the WinZip window to start the installation of ODBC. If this icon is not
visible, locate the “setup.exe” file and double click on the file name.
• The “WinZip Caution” window is now displayed. Click “Yes” to continue.
• The “Install window is now displayed. Click “OK” to continue.
• The “Open File – Security Warning” window is now displayed. Click “Run” to continue.
• Follow the Installation Procedures listed below.

To install from CD
• Insert the CD into the CD Drive (if not already inserted)
• Double-click the My Computer icon on the desktop.
• Double-click the icon for the CD drive. (Depending on your version of Windows or your type of
CD/DVD drive, the icon may be labelled “CD Drive,” “CD-RW Drive,” DVD-RW”, “Compact Disc X:,”
• Double-click the “ODBC” folder.
• Double-click the “SETUP.EXE” icon/file.
• Follow the Installation Procedures listed below.

Installation Procedures:
1. The following ODBC Setup window is displayed. Click the “Continue” button.

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in the United States and/or other countries.
BD, BD Logo and all other trademarks are property of Becton, Dickinson and Company. ©2009 BD. Page 1
2. The following Install Drivers window is displayed. Select “Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)” by
clicking once on that selection. Click OK to continue.

3. The ODBC files are copied to your computer. When the copy is complete, the following Data
Sources window is displayed, which may or may not have data sources listed.

Microsoft, Encarta, MSN, and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
in the United States and/or other countries.
BD, BD Logo and all other trademarks are property of Becton, Dickinson and Company. ©2009 BD. Page 2
4. Click the “Add” button. The following Add Data Source window is displayed. Select “Microsoft
Access Driver (*.mdb)” by clicking on the selection once. Click OK to continue.

5. The following ODBC Microsoft Access 2.0 Setup window is displayed. Follow the steps below to
add the data source.

6. Enter the following text in the Data Source Name field, exactly as it appears with the corresponding
upper and lower case letters :

BBL Crystal Glue

7. Click the “Select” button (in the Database section of the window). The following window is

Microsoft, Encarta, MSN, and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
in the United States and/or other countries.
BD, BD Logo and all other trademarks are property of Becton, Dickinson and Company. ©2009 BD. Page 3
8. In the Database Name field, type the following and click OK to continue.


9. The ODBC Microsoft Access 2.0 Setup window is now redisplayed. In the System Database area,
click the “Database” radio button, then click the “System database” button. The following window
is displayed.

10. In the Database Name field, type the following and click OK to continue.


11. The ODBC Microsoft Access 2.0 Setup window is redisplayed. Click OK to continue. The Data
Sources window is displayed with the data source that you just added.

12. You will now need to add another data source. Repeat steps above as described below.

Microsoft, Encarta, MSN, and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
in the United States and/or other countries.
BD, BD Logo and all other trademarks are property of Becton, Dickinson and Company. ©2009 BD. Page 4
• Follow Steps 4 and 5.
• In Step 6, enter the following for the Data Source Name field instead of what is specified in
step 6 (remember to enter with the corresponding upper and lower case letters):

BBL Crystal CORE Id

• Follow Step 7.
• In Step 8, enter the following for the Database Name field instead of what is specified in step


• Follow steps 9 and 10.

13. The ODBC Microsoft Access 2.0 Setup window is redisplayed. Click OK to continue. The Data
Sources window is displayed with the 2 data sources that were added.

14. Click the “Close” button. A window is displayed indicating that setup was successful. Click OK to
complete the setup.

Note, if you installed via the BD Website, you may close the WinZip application at this time.

Microsoft, Encarta, MSN, and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
in the United States and/or other countries.
BD, BD Logo and all other trademarks are property of Becton, Dickinson and Company. ©2009 BD. Page 5

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