Assertive Communication

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Subject email:

At WFM we have standardized the subjects of our

emails as follows:
Communication Templates

Labels for email, you can find them in this link

1. Proposal to TRN for a schedule to schedule a training.

The training will be 3 sessions and last 1 hour per session for the
entire campaign.

According to your projections, this training should be carried out

in groups of a maximum of 10 agents at a time between 10am

Deliverable and 3pm.

The total HC of the agents in this campaign is: 83 agents.

This training must be completed during the following two weeks.

Save the email as a PDF and upload it in the following form

If you do not have access to the link, rely on someone from your
work team to send it for you.
Module 1:

Define the concept of assertiveness.

Recognize the characteristics of an assertive person.

Identify the basic styles of interpersonal communication:

passive, assertive and aggressive.

Distinguish the appropriate communication style to improve

or strengthen interpersonal communication.

Module 2:

Techniques to develop Assertiveness

Concept: It is a conscious, consistent, clear, direct and balanced
form of expression, whose purpose is to communicate our ideas and
feelings or defend our legitimate rights without the intention of
hurting, acting from an inner state of self-confidence instead of the
typical limiting emotionality of anxiety, guilt, or anger.


He is tolerant and respectful She is sure of herself/himself

Accept your own mistakes Negotiate with others and reach agreements when possible
Propose workable solutions without anger He honestly says what he thinks and what he feels
Basic styles of interpersonal communication:

a. Passive: They are people who avoid conflict with others in all situations and at any cost. They are unable to
express their opinions or feelings because they feel or think that they are not valuable. Sometimes when
they talk to someone, they tend to keep their voices low or avoid eye contact.

b. Assertive: This style represents the balance between passive and aggressive. People who use it honestly say
what they think and feel and expect others to do the same. They respect the interlocutor; they do not seek
blame but solutions that are satisfactory for all. They are able to negotiate with others and reach
agreements when possible. They make direct eye contact, and their voice level is conversational.

c. Aggressive: People who use this style are unable to listen and/or negotiate with others. They express their
point of view accompanied by implicit or explicit threats. Regularly his gaze is fixed, and his voice volume is
Which of the three styles is the right one?

“We do not always use the same style and it may happen that we modify it
depending on the person with whom we communicate, but, in general, we
all have a basic communication style that is always manifested in situations
of stress or conflict” (Díaz, M. 2011).

“Assertive communication facilitates the adequate expression of thoughts

and feelings without causing anxiety, fear or aggression, thus favoring
freedom of being, autonomy, maturity, integrity of the self and identity”
(Naranjo, M. 2008).
Techniques to develop
Some techniques to develop assertiveness in communication are the following:

The broken record: it is about repeating, in the same tone and cadence, a message that was not received
ideally, without causing confrontations.

The fog bank: agreeing with the opposite person in a discussion, in a friendly manner without giving rise to
new confrontations. "Maybe you are right".

Assertive question: avoid asserting a defect. You wonder what is missing? Or how can the situation be
improved? or get the desired result. “How can I help you to finish the job?”

Floating voltage: When faced with something that bothers another person or with which you do not agree,
instead of arguing, you ignore that part of the message and pay attention to the rest.

Speak from the self: it will be better to state things from subjectivity, than as absolute truths. Better is "I
disagree" than "You are wrong".
Communicating assertively is clearly and concretely
implying a point of view and what you want to achieve.
It is about putting empathy into practice, the ability to
connect with one's own needs and those of others, to
find points of collaboration. In addition, it is important
that there is tolerance and respect towards others.

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