Political Associations Before The Indian National Congress 21

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Political Associations before the Indian National Congress

Political Associations began to take shape in the first half of the nineteenth century. Initially, they were dominated
by the rich and educated intelligentsia. They were not at the pan-India level but regional in their operations. They
had general demands like increasing the representation of Indians in administration; to bring out educational and
military reforms; to work for the development of modern industries in India; etc. They used to send long petitions
to the government in this regard.

Pre-Congress Political organizations in Bengal

Year of
Organizations Founder/associates Objectives/ Remarks
• Promotion of Bengali education and
build public opinion
Bangabhasaha Prakasika Associates of Raja • Demanded for freedom of press;
1836 entry of Indians to higher offices;
Sabha Ram Mohan Roy

• To safeguard the interests of

Zamindari Association/ • Only legal machinery was used to
1838 Dwarkanath Tagore
Landholders’ Society raise their demands.

• To make general public of England

familiar with the condition of
William Adam,
British India Society* 1839 (England) Friend of Raja Ram • Also used legal machinery to raise
Mohan Roy their demands.

George Thomson.
• To present the actual condition of
The Bengal British India
1843 Members included people of British India.
‘Young Bengal’
• It is the merger of Zamindari
Association and the Bengal British
India Society.
British Indian • raised many demands like separate
Association legislative council, abolition of
stamp duties, etc.

• Welfare of Indians.
The East India • To make general public of England
1866 (London) Dada Bhai Naoroji familiar with the condition of

• It had branches in Bombay, Madras

and Calcutta.

• Instigate the feelings of nationalism.

The Indian League 1875 Sisir Kumar Ghosh

• To unify public opinion on key

political issues.
The Indian Association Surrendranath • Voice was raised for civil services
of Calcutta (Indian 1876 Banerjee and Ananda reform.
National Association) Mohan Bose • It was later merged with Indian
National Congress.

*It was established in England (not in Bengal).

Pre-Congress Political organizations in Bombay and Madras

Year of
Organizations Founder/Associates Remarks
• They used to take up public
Bombay Association Shankersheth, Sir
grievances through constitutional
(Bombay Native 1852 Jamshedji Bhai, means.
Association) Naoroji Fardonji,
Dadabhai Naoroji
• They fought for legal rights of
peasants and farmers.
• Connected common people with the
The Poona Sarvajanik Mahadeva Govind British Government.
Sabha at Pune Ranade • B. G. Tilak was also a member of
this Sabha.

• It was aimed at opposing Lord

Badruddin Tyabji,
The Bombay Presidency Lytton’s policies and the
1885 Pherozshah Mehta controversial Ilbert Bill.
and K. T. Telang
Madras Native • It was first of such type in Madras.
1849 Lakshminarasu
M. Viraraghavachari, • It was formed to oppose
The Madras Mahajan B. Subramaniya government policies through
1884 peaceful ways.
Sabha Aiyer and P. Ananda

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