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No.F.l(1)/2022-ComJ islamabadthe2 Seplember,2022
46s meeiing of the !!ql1l!ry-.(:q!1!L!l!!! j.!-. j[lUi!!!]5gqqitlisl will be held on 7rh septembe( 2022 at 11100 s.m. ir
Committ€e Room No. 7.4ih Floor. Parliament Hous€. Ishmabad discuss the following agenda items:-

1) Conlmation ofminutes ofpreyious meeting ofthe Co nittee held on 18-8-2022

2) Conprehensive repo /implementation statut ofthe preyiou: rccommendqtions of(he Conmiftee;
3) To discuss fhe Crvil Selya ts Umendnent) BiU,2021 (Gowmment Bill);
4) To discltss "The Fedzral Employees Beneyolent Fund and croup Insur(mce (Amendmen) Btll, 2021" (moyed
by Mr. AA Gohar ruan, MNA;
5) To discuss The Calling Atetuian Notice No. 46 (moyed by Mr. Usarna 0ad.i, MNA);
6) To discuss The Starred Question No. I 05 ( d)ed bl Mr. Sher A*bat Khan, MNA);
7) To discuss The Stlnred Question No. 52 (rnowd by Stvd Mehhood Shah, MNA);
8) D elng by Cabinet Secretariat on the cwrent status ofAbatdoned Property Organization (APO);
9) bielng bf Natio al Disaeter Ma agement Al$horw (NDM4) on the relief oryralian in lhe curaent Jloods in
KPK Southem P&iab, Sindh and Bah&histan and rehabilitation of the Jlood efectees;
l0) Broken Cable wires hangington poles atu1 sone arc lying on the road in Karachi causing accidents in the city
all the stakahoders shoud briefthe Commiltee in the regard;
11) Any othe/ iten with pernission ofthe Chair.

2. Honourable MeEbersMovers are request€d to make il convenient !o a1t€nd $e meeting.

3. Inview ofsocial distat cing adplecautionaly neasures a$aiwt COYID-|9, SOPi sha be obsewed dwinl the neenng

D. Slsecretary Committee
Ph N:o 0519103132
l. Ms. Xishw€r Zehra Chairpclson
2. Mr. Mularnmad Sa.iiad
3. Mr. Rasheld Ahrnad Kian MemL'er
4. Mr. Ahmad Raza MaDeka Member
5. Rana kadat Sharif Khan Member
6. Ms. Shahnaz Saleem Malik Member
1. Ms. Seema Mohiuddin Jameeli Member
8. Mr. R z Rabani Khar Member
9. Mr. Roshanuddil Junejo Member
10. Mir Chulam Ali Talpur Member
I i. Syed Mebmood Shah Membel
12. Mr. Muhammad Hashim Membei
13. Mr. Mohsin Dawar Memb.r
14. Mr. Saleem Rehman f4ember
15. Mr. Ali Nawaz Awa, Member
16. Mr. Tahir Sadiq
17. Mr. Muhammad Asim Nazir
I8. Aanh Talal Gopang
t9. Klavaja Sheraz Mehrnood
20. Ms. Uzma Riaz Member
21. Minister-iD-charge for Cabinet Secretariat Ex-officio Vember

r) Mr. Ali Gohar Klan, MNA

2) Mr. Usama Qadri, MNA Mover
3) Mr. Sher Akba.r Khan, MNA Mover
4) Syed Mehmood Shah, MNA


No.F.3(1)/2022-Com'l Islamabad, the 2"d September, 2022

I:or i
L the meeting alotr8 y.ith all coocemed;
S.cret ry, Crbinct l)ivisior, Covemment of Pakislar, lslamabad with the request to attend
aod provide 45 qrpie" of the bdef on agenda for the advance rtudy of Member3 of the Committee well before the oeethg atrd also
scrda Bofr copy ofthe briefon emailaddress: mze'abbas.p.rliamctr(
2. Secrct ry, &tsbliltmcnt Division, Govemme of Pakistan, lslamabad wilh lhe r€quest to att€od dlc meeting alo[g with all
conceded; and provide 45 copies ofthe bricf on sg€nda for thc advimce study of Members oftle Commi$ee wcll before the me€ting
and also send a soft copy ofthe brjefon email ad&ess: !ez6!abba$!di@!4!@g!q!ilconl
3. Secretary, Miristry of Law rnd JNtice, Islamabad with the request to depute a draftsman to atteod 6e me€ting.
4. Chrirman, Nrtionrl Disrsler Maoagemeni Authority (NDf'tA), Islamabad wilh $c request to altend the meetiry along widr sll
concemed; and providc 45 copies of the brief on a€enda for the advanc€ study of Membcrs of the Committee weu beforc the meeting
and also send a soft copy ofdre brief oD cmail address:
i. Chrirdsa, Prkiltrn 'I elecoDm unicrtion Authority (PfA), Govemmeol ofPakistan, Islamabad wilh the request ro .ltend the
meetinB and provide 45 copies olthe brief on agenda for the advarce study of Members ofthe Codmitt.c wcllbefore the meetinS
and also s€rd a soli €opy of the brief on email address:
6. Chrirman, Nltionll Electric Power Ragulatory Authorlty (NEPRA), Islarnabad with the reguest to attend the m€€tiDg and
Fovide 45 copies of6e briefotr agenda for tbe advance study ofMembers ofthe Commitlee well beforc the meding aDd also send
a soft copy ol lhe brief otr email addrers:
7. Mi nrging DLeclor, Pfiotirg Corpore tion of Prki(!n, Islrm8bad with the rcquest to atend the meeting along wilh all concemed;
snd provide 45 copics of the brieJ on agcnda for fie advance study ofMembers ofthc Committee well bcforc the mcedng and also
send a sofi copy ofthe brjef on erDail address:
8. Sectiotr Officer (Council), Cabinet Divilior, Govemment of Pakistan, Islamabad with the requesl to forward na$es, desipaliors,
CNIC numbers of the participants ofmceting to the National Assembly Secretariat well before the meeting for their sdrooth cntry
inlo the Padiament House.
9. Section Omcer (Council), Eslablishment Division, Govcmmert of Pakistan, Islanrabad with the raqtest to fonmrd nam€s
designatjons, CNIC numb€rs ofthe panicipanls of meedng ro lhe Natioml Assernbly Secretariat well brfore tbe meeti.Dg for rheir
smoodl enEy into lhe Parliament House.
Iot iaforn.lior. coordin.lion.nd ne.!!rrv.ction rBoe.tiv.h to f.(ilitlt th.holdlr! ottt.subiEr meli.p!
l. Additiorrl Ser.(,ry (Admin), Nrtion.l As.Dbly S.r.t$irl, Lhmrbrd, with lhc to depute L.gislalive Ih.ft.sman to nrend the

2. Dircctor O€n€ral (lT), Notional Assembly S€crclariat, hlmaba4 wilh thc rcque$ to ploce Norice oo website and also SMS lo Commit.c

l. Joinl S..iEtary o:inscc), Nalionel Assembly Sc{rctffial, Islamabad.

a. Dirc.tor Cener.l (Mcd it). Nalional A ssembly Seer&iar, lslmabad, with l|c requesr to arrngc the m.dia @veEgc clc. ofthe me.irg ard ensur.
msmision of R.l.asc i. rne V.dir
s. Dirccror, Lcgisbln'. Dr.fting Courcil, Nadonal A$ombly S€qetlridq Islambad.
6. Dir@tor, Conmuicati,)N Uni! Naronal Asscmbly/S.nat Seocleiar, lslmabed.
7. S.rt@r4l-AJlns, Nationi Assembly, Sccretaria! Islambad.
L Chiefc[neruDo, Naljona.l Assembly Seffctaria! Islamabad.
9. Libmrian, National Asscmbly Secrellriat, hlmabsd.
10. Dmwiog a.d Dishrsing Ofliccr. NadonalAsscmbly SecreErjal, l slamahad.
II Mcdk.l Supdinradm( [.dcn] ltly Clinjc H6pital. Islmabal, Ltugh In{hage Disr6s}, PstidlMl Hos!, hhrnabd.
I2 D.puly SuFrin|rJent of Police (Se rity), PaJliameflt Lodges, lslatnlbad.
ll Dftctor, CDA, (PEIecnl tdgcr, b'mbad. do r.dful6@ugh all 0E..Mm.d alatinC io Civ,l, Elc.Eicsl ed odE worls.
14. Annuciation Gll, Nol onal Assmbly Se(aarial. klmabad.
Bor iaformrtior to: -
l. loinl Sccreta.-y (Admin), ldme Mlnisrer's Omcr, lslamabad.
?. Accoutet CcneBl P8kislln Revotues, hlamabad.
3. Sc.rcrary to Spc8t.r, Naional As$mbly ol Pakiste, klasabad.
4. Dirlclor to Dcplty Sp.3lq, Nationsl Asmbly of Pakjsran, Islamabad
5. Sr. P.S ro Chicfwhip. Parliammt llous., lslamahd.
6. DiMtor to Lader ofth. Opposilior National Asembly ofPalisle. l$lamabad.

Sr P.S !o Serrclar),, Nltional Assqrbly Sc.relariat, Islaoabad-
L Dircctoi Stalfto S!', Saat Ssret&iot, hlonobad.
9. P.S lo Additional Secrebry (Com), Natioml Ass€mbly Sccrclariar, Islamabad.
10. A.P.S !o Chairmar, SbndmS Comifie. on Crbinc( Secrelrliat Isl0rnabad.
Copv .ho forwfid.{ for lnfomr.ion toi
Honouratle Attomey 6mcal for Pakislal), Islmabad.
D.S/Secretary Comminee

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