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organization QUICK TIPS


easy strategies & inspirations you can

implement right away for a calmer life & cleaner home!
organization QUICK TIPS

Easy-Access Grocery List. Keep a blank grocery list on your refrigerator (or any other convenient, accessible
location) at all times. Throughout the week/month, as you run out of things or think of items you need, add it to the list
right away. This will keep you from forgetting to add those random, infrequently-used items you're out of when you sit
down to prepare your weekly/monthly grocery list. And writing right onto your list itself means you don't have
to transfer items off an app or dry-erase board when it's time to go to the store. Having a blank list always
"running" and in plain view will help you forget less things, resulting in less return trips to the store!

Mini Cleaning Kits. Make cleaning your bathrooms and kitchen quicker and easier by stashing a mini cleaning kit
in each space. Stock up on extra empty spray bottles...enough for 2 in each bathroom plus the kitchen. Then disperse
glass cleaner and all-purpose cleaner into all the bottles and place a pair under each cabinet along with some cleaning
rags and a magic eraser. When you find time for a quick clean session, you don't have to run around the
house for the supplies. Just open the cabinet, grab what you need, clean, and put everything back for
the next spur-of-the-moment cleaning session...all within minutes.

Shredding Station. Pulling out the shredder to safely dispose of sensitive documents isn't always quick or easy
(the mess! the noise! the time!). So if you’re finding shred-able paperwork all over the house, consider
creating a landing zone for it all...a vertical magazine file right next to the shredder is an ideal solution.
As you come across items that need to be shredded, put them into the magazine file. Once the file is full, it's time to
have a little shred party.

Fridge Clean Out Routine. Each time you bring home groceries, but before you load anything new into the
refrigerator, do a quick sweep and toss anything that is expired, rotting, mostly empty, or just not getting eaten week
after week. Also take the opportunity to wipe down/out any shelves and compartments that might have spills or loose
food. Not only does this quick sweep get rid of bad food, but it also makes space for new, fresh groceries. In just a
few minutes each week, this habit clears away fridge clutter, deals with small messes, and allows you
to easily find foods throughout the week!

Do your grocery shopping and fridge clean out the day before your scheduled trash day. Not only can the food tossed
during your weekly clean out get put out right away, but it also means trash from your grocery trip (e.g., plastic
produce bags, cardboard boxes, containers, etc) can go right out too!

Smart Tupperware Storage. Are you tired of the Tupperware avalanche every single time you open the cabinet?
Or are you done with never being able to find the right top for the right bottom? Here’s a solution that will forever
change your cabinets: store container tops and bottoms separately! By storing lids separate from the bottoms,
you can stack or store each in a more practical, functional, and maintainable way. Bottoms can nest into
each other (taking up less space); and by giving lids a common landing spot, they are less likely to get lost and
finding the right one becomes a whole lot easier.

Outdoor “Survival” Basket. Right by your main entrance, keep a basket filled with various sunscreens, bug
sprays, hats, sunglasses, and anything else you need for outdoor activities. Before you head out the door to
school, the playground, sporting events, and other outside activities, stop and quickly apply and/or grab whatever skin
protection is needed. Keeping it near the door in a dedicated basket will keep you from running all over
the house to find what you need, making it easier to incorporate into your daily routine!
Printables Binder. If free or purchased printables are stuck on your computer, you are less likely to use them when
you need them...especially if it requires sitting down at the computer, finding the files, and printing them out before you
can even get started filling them out. One of the best ways to use the printables you have and incorporate
them into your daily life is by actually printing them out and storing them in a dedicated printables
binder. Print off and store any logs, trackers, or calendars you access regularly (password trackers, fitness trackers,
monthly calendars etc). In the back of the binder, store repeat-use printables (e.g., meal planners, grocery lists, weekly
dockets, daily planners) in multiples to keep you stocked for weeks at a time.

Instruction Manuals Storage. Store manuals and warranties in hanging folders in a file cabinet. Organize folders
by type (e.g., small electronics, baby items/toys, cleaning machines, kitchen, etc) to make for easy and intuitive sorting
and finding. Even though most manuals can now be found online, it’s often quicker to open to a filing cabinet than spend
extra time hunting around a company website for the right model, user manual, etc. Having a dedicated place to
store manuals not only means you can find them quickly when needed; it also means the paperwork
doesn't lay on the kitchen counter for weeks once you open something new! Just be sure to chuck the
manual once you sell, trash, or donate an item!

Daily Medication Hot Spot. Are you trying to get into the habit of taking daily medicines such as vitamins, supple-
ments, or allergy medication? Try keeping bottles or packets in a decorative bowl or open basket on
your kitchen counter, near where you prepare breakfast, pack lunches, or pour your coffee. Of
course you want to be sure any and all medicines are safe and out of reach of children, but having meds in a
noticeable and accessible spot will help you incorporate them better into your daily routine.

Easy Email Unsubscribe. Is your email Inbox out of control? Use the tool to quickly and
easily unsubscribe from mailing lists you don't want to be on. Not only does this amazing tool help you see
all the mailing lists you're on and unsubscribe in a single click, but you can also choose to "roll up" any
and all promotions and newsletters you do want to receive into a single, daily email. Such emails will no
longer get lost in your inbox, and you won’t be tempted to jump into to your Inbox to read
anything and everything that pops up throughout the day.

Dishwasher Routine. It can be terribly frustrating to go to clean up the kitchen at the end of the day only
to find a packed dishwasher that hasn't yet been run. If you’re going to bed with a sink full of dirty dishes
all-too-often, try this dishwasher routine: run the dishwasher every morning right after breakfast and empty
the dishwasher every night while you’re making dinner. This system works great for a few reasons: 1) The
only dishes that sit in the sink for a prolonged period of time are the lunch dishes. 2) The mornings are often
too rushed to empty the dishwasher. But oftentimes, there are extra minutes in the evening while waiting for
things to thaw, cook, heat up, etc...and that is the perfect time to empty the dishwasher! 3) This schedule
means the dishwasher is always (mostly) empty enough for dinner dishes, meaning no stacks
in the sink as you head off to bed!

Kid-Friendly Kitchen Storage. Rearrange kitchen items and snacks to make it easier for kids to get
things themselves. Move all the kid-friendly bowls, plates, and cups to the lowest kitchen cabinet or drawer.
Place all the "healthy" snacks at “kid level” in the pantry. Store milk, juice boxes, and water all within easy
reach in the refrigerator. These kid-centered storage ideas will not only empower kids to take
care of themselves, but will free you from the hassle of having to help every 5 minutes!

Revisit Poorly Functioning Systems. Being organized is an ongoing process. Just like dieting and
budgeting, it's something you have to constantly work at, maintain, adapt, and evolve right alongside your
lifestyle. If you’ve noticed a situation (that you thought was once fully conquered) is in desperate need
of attention...don't despair. It's normal and often necessary to revisit organization solutions in
order to keep your home running smoothly, your clutter in check, and your systems
functioning exactly as you need them to.
Dirty Rag Basket. To corral dirty rags, cloth napkins, and dish towels until laundry day, place a plastic
basket under the kitchen sink. Dry napkins can go right in, as can rags once they are hung on the faucet and
fully dried out. On laundry day, simply empty the basket right into the wash. Not only does a basket give
a landing place for all dirty rags, but they are all in a single spot when it comes time to wash

Safely Store Art. Replacing artwork or photographs in a frame? Keep past artwork right in the frames
themselves. By simply layering new art over old, the previous selection(s) stay flat, smooth, and clean should
you ever want/need to hang them again. In order to remember which pieces are in which frames, write the
contents on the back of the frame in pencil or on a peel-and-stick label. Not only does this trick keep
past artwork safe from being damaged or tossed, it's also a fun little walk down memory lane
every time you open a frame!

Summer Essentials Kit. If you find yourself packing and unpacking various bags throughout a summer
day, try making an "essentials" kit. Fill a large toiletry bag with the bare essentials for any summer stop:
sunscreen, hats, mini bottles of shampoo and body wash, wipes and diapers, a change of clothes for each
person, water bottles and snacks. This tote can get moved from bag to bag to bag, and you won’t need to
worry about remembering to pack all the little things for all the little outings.

Keep Drawer Organizers From Sliding. Drawer organizers help you make the most out of every
possible inch in a drawer, but it's pretty rare to find off-the-shelf caddies that fit just right, often leaving a
spare inch or two in the back or side of the drawer. To keep your arrangement nice and tight and
prevent organizers from sliding around each time you open the drawer, place some strong
double-sided tape underneath underneath each organizer.

Quick Tidy with a Laundry Basket. When the house is a mess and you don’t have the time or energy
to clean it up, take a laundry basket and walk around the house. Throw in everything that's laying on the floor
or is in the wrong room/spot. Not only does it takes mere minutes to create a "picked up" and more peaceful
environment, but all the rogue items are corralled into one, easy-to-carry basket, making it
easier to put everything back where they belong.

Re-Use Good Meal Plans. If you're in a good meal planning and grocery list-building routine (or at least
have a few good plans already hashed out), consider reusing them! Save good plans with the matching
grocery list (instead of tossing them out after your grocery trip) in a dedicated binder. If you
don't have time to put together a meal plan for the week, simply pull out an old plan + matching shopping list
and head off to the store!

If you can't re-use lists because you like to cross items off as you shop, try these solutions. 1) Make an extra
copy of your list before you shop and tuck it into a Kitchen Binder for future use, OR 2) Place your list in a
clear page protector and cross items off with a marker. Your list will stay clean as you check off what goes
in your cart!

Deals on Organization Supplies. Back-to-school season is one of the best times of year to stock up on
budget-friendly organization supplies. With school and dorm merchandise hitting shelves in full
force, it is the ideal time to snag inexpensive caddies, organizers, bins, baskets, pouches
and more! Target (including The Dollar Spot), Big Lots, Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Walmart, and Bed Bath &
Beyond are all good bets to check out. And although items might not be on significant sale, the selection is
likely the best it will be all year long!
Screenshot It. Do you have something...some piece of information or measurement or time or dosage or
cooking temperature...that you constantly look up over and over again? Something important that you
access regularly but so mundane that you can't seem to commit it to memory? Start taking pictures or
snapping a screenshot of the important information with your phone. Not only does this mean
you will have the information at your fingertips wherever you need it, but it's also harder to lose and much
quicker and easier to access each time.

Do you have so many photos on your phone that the image would easily get lost? Flag or favorite the picture
so you can quickly pull them up with a single tap! Is it information the whole family needs or uses? Upload
the image to a shared Dropbox, Cloud or Drive folder!

Store Spices in a Basket. Tired of trying to fit your spices into fancy organizers or tiered shelves?
Tired of them constantly falling over or digging through drawers to find just the right one? Load all of
your spices into a basket instead and place it on a shelf you can easily access. Simply pull
the basket down when needed, and then replace it when the cooking/baking is done. Worried about not
being able to see the label on each jar? Use a Sharpie to write names on the tops of each jar.

Super Savvy Advice. Listen to this podcast interview by Young House Love with the ladies of The Home
Edit! It is chock-full of really awesome, easy, and approachable organizing advice. Their idea of a "Daily
Drawer"...and the phrase "You either get the item or the space" will give some new perspective to de-
cluttering and organizing. If you're needing motivation to get started with organization or want some easy
tips to tackle your biggest problem areas, these 39 minutes are well worth your time!

“The Best Way To Get Something Done is to Begin.” You may not have a ton of time to undertake
huge, laborious de-cluttering sessions. But nothing will happen until you start somewhere. Once you start,
you can peck away at your project when you have spare moments of time. After a series of mini
sessions, your project will be done, but that certainly will not be the case if you never
start. Whether it's just a drawer or closet that's making you crazy...or an entire attic or garage...just go
start. It really is the only way it will ever get done!

Back to School Binder. To get a handle on the the avalanche of paperwork at the start of a new school
year, implement a “Back to School” binder. Use dividers for obvious categories such as Class, PTA, Sports,
Scouts, etc. Every single thing that comes in the door will have a dedicated place to go, and
papers remain sorted and easier to find when you actually need them.

Mini "Lunch Prep” Station. For super fast lunchtime packing, setup a prep “station” inside both your
pantry and refrigerator. In the pantry, stash unboxed and bagged up snacks in open bins, ready for grabbing.
Good examples: Applesauces pouches, gummies, granola bars, and pre-portioned baggies of pretzels,
goldfish and cookies. In the refrigerator, keep bags full of washed and cut veggies and fruit, and store
sandwich fixings side-by-side for easy grabbing. With everything corralled into two spots, assembling
lunches becomes seamless day in and day out!

App Swapp. Are you spending too much time on social media or other phone apps? If you can’t bring
yourself to delete certain apps all together, try moving the ones you open most frequently to
the final (and unused) screen on your phone. Since it will now require you to "hunt down" the apps on
your phone, you may be less likely to mindlessly open them up and spend time surfing.
Sorting Baskets. When decluttering, it doesn't take long for piles on the floor to merge or topple into
each other. If you don’t have any large boxes or bags on hand, use your laundry baskets
and hampers! They are usually sizable and sturdy and can be loaded right into the car to haul unwanted
items out to the dump or thrift store. Just don't let the helpful folks unloading your car at the donation
center take your laundry baskets too!

Having trouble keeping track of which baskets are which? Print sorting signs that say “Keep In Area,” “Put
Away,” “Trash,” “Donate,” and “Sell” and tape to each basket. Laminate them and store for future de-
cluttering sessions. You can get your own set here.

Let It Go. Are you clinging to a system that is just not working? It can be really frustrating when you invest
a lot of time, effort and money into creating “the perfect” organizational solution only for it to stop working
(either right away or eventually). Remember though that the goal of organization is to make your life
easier, smoother, simpler and more functional. So get over it, let the old, broken system go, and set
to work finding a new one that will work exactly as you need it to.

Minimized Meal Plan. Meal planning can be a wonderful time and sanity saver. But don’t think that meal
planning has to require cooking every night. If you find yourself in a busy season of life (or just don’t want
to cook every night!), consider this paired down meal routine: M: Meal 1 | T: Meal 1 Leftovers | W: Meal 2 |
T: Meal 2 Leftovers | F: Pizza/Out | S: Meal 3 | S: Meal 3 Leftovers. This plan only requires 3 prepared
meals a week and embraces leftovers to fill in the gaps. By reducing the amount of meals you’re
making each week, you save on time (leftovers three days a week!), shopping (less meals =
less ingredients) and evening stress (three less meals to make means three less nights of a
hurried dinner/bed routine).

Organization Inspiration. Are you stuck in a bit of an organization rut? Do you you know you need to
purge and sort and contain and label, but you're having a hard time getting motivated to start? Try turning
to some inspiring Instagram feeds for motivation. Looking through curated collections of tidy spaces,
pretty pictures, smart solutions and ingenious hacks may be just what you need to get into
the cleaning-and-sorting groove. Try these accounts to start: The Home Edit | Organized Simplicity |
Simply Organized | Organized by Ellis | Abby Organizes | Neat Method | More Organized.

Return Policy. Have you ever found yourself back in a store only to realize that you have things to
return, but they are all sitting back at home? Or you have a spare hour before you need to be somewhere
but didn't bring items with you? Try bagging the to-be-returned items up by store and place the bags right
into the trunk of your car with the receipt tucked inside!. This simple habit will save time,
eliminate extra store trips, and ensure you actually get things returned (and get your money

Pre-Holiday De-Cluttering. After Halloween but before December 1, set aside a few hours to de-
clutter the whole house. While it's not the ideal or usual time for de-cluttering, it’s a great opportunity to
get rid of things that haven't been touched since Spring and also to clear away space (mental and
physical!) for new items that will likely make their way into your home during the holiday season. Don’t
turn it into a massive undertaking...simply go from room to room and pull out things that are worn, out-
grown and/or not frequently used. Go for the quick, easy, non-sentimental decisions, and pay particular
attention to clothing and toys (that tend to balloon during and after the holidays.) By clearing out some
unwanted items ahead of time, the mess, fuss, and excess that often comes with the
holidays doesn't seem quite as overwhelming.
Black Friday Stock-Up. Although the intention behind Black Friday/Cyber Monday is to get great deals
on holiday gifts, pretty much every retailer holds huge sales on post-Thanksgiving weekend, making it an
excellent time to get deals on (big) things you may want or need for your home! Throughout the year, keep a
running list of products you are wanting or needing, including everything from furniture and accessories, to
rugs and wallcoverings, as well as craft, fabric, and organization supplies. Subscribe to store mailing lists
and keep an eye on their social media accounts to take advantage of flash sales and especially-deep
discounts. If you can exercise patience throughout the year in stocking up for your home and
hobbies, the cost savings of shopping during Black Friday weekend can be worth it!

Gift Trackers. Do you get caught off guard when holiday or birthday gifts start rolling in; and then when it
comes time to open gifts and write thank you cards, you’re scrambling to remember what came from who
and to find all the right addresses for thank you cards? To make tracking gifts (and corresponding thank
you cards) super quick and easy, use a Printable Gift and Thank You tracker! Print these trackers out and
leave them taped to the fridge or other prominent spot. Every time a gift comes in the door, you'll be
ready to easily jot down what it is, who it's from, and their return address for saying
"thank you" later!

Smart Uses for Cardboard Boxes. Do you shop a lot online? If so, you likely have a sizable stash of
cardboard boxes filling your garage and/or recycling bin! But don't toss them all just yet! Here are some
really handy uses for them!
~Re-use boxes to pack up gifts you're sending out. If the boxes are a bit damaged or have
markings on them, brown packing paper and clear tape can fix almost anything!
~Save large, sturdy boxes for New Year sorting and purging.
~Do you have several boxes all the same size? Consider wrapping them, painting them, or label
ing them to use around the house to store out-grown clothes, holiday decor, toys and
~Large, sturdy boxes? Those are the best supplies for making your own drawer dividers! I
show you how here!
~Really large boxes? Give them to the kids for fort building...of course!
AN hour I S E A R N E D.
begin. organized.

organized. “later”
start. clutter.
but better.

T E L L M E & I ’ L L F O R G E T. little bit clutter

i’ll learn. THAN DOING


in its place.

until it is faced. ~BENJAMIN FRANKLIN organized.

EASY 1-hour organization PROJECTS
BEST organization SUPPLIES
*affiliate links used
© 2018 by The Homes I Have Made, LLC & Megan Duesterhaus

All rights reserved. No portion of this e-book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except
as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permissions contact:

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