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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama Siswa : ..........................................

Semester : Gasal Kelas : ..........................................
KD / Materi : 3.4, 4.4 / Procedure Text Nomor Absen : ..........................................
Task 1: Answer the following questions !
1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Procedure Text ?
2. Jelaskan fungsi / tujuan dari Procedure Text !
3. Jelaskan struktur / bagian-bagian dari Procedure Text !
4. Jelaskan ciri-ciri Procedure Text !
5. Sebutkan 3 jenis Procedure Text yang tidak mencantumkan bahan-bahan !
6. Sebutkan 5 contoh action verbs
7. Sebutkan 5 contoh sequence adverbs
8. Sebutkan 5 contoh kalimat imperative !

Task 2: Write down the meaning of these words !

Word Meaning Word Meaning Word Meaning Word Meaning
Add tambahkan drill bor, lubangi leak tiriskan put in masukkan
adjust sesuaikan dip celupkan melt lelehkan remove angkat, sisihkan
bake panggang dry keringkan make buat roast panggang
beat kocok fry goreng mix campurkan rub gosok
blend haluskan fill isi, penuhi nail pakukan season bumbui
boil rebus fold lipat organise atur serve hidangkan
broil sate garnish hiasi peel kuliti, kupas shake kocok
chop cincang grind giling pour tuangkan slice iris
combine satukan, gabungkan glue lem place tempatkan sprinkle taburi
cut off potong heat panaskan press, push tekan, squeeze peras
crack pecahkan hold pegang put taruh stick rekatkan,
drain kosongkan, tiriskan join gabungkan put aside sisihkan stir aduk
Task 3: Classify the underlined words in the text into the correct group !
• How to Make Fried Banana
• Place flour in a deep mixing bowl. Make a well in the middle of the flour, and add egg, sugar and salt. Add water little
by little. Whisk vigorously until batter is evenly smooth for coating and not too thin. If it is too thin, add more flour.
• Peel plantain or banana and cut in half lengthwise and then cut again with 4-inch width. Dip into batter to coat
• Heat oil in a wok or deep fryer until moderately hot. Place coated plantain or banana in the wok or deep fryer and fry
slowly until golden brown and crispy. This usually take approximately 10-15 minutes. Remove bananas from oil, drain
on paper napkins and dry well.
• Serve while still warm
verb adverbs adjective preposition temporal conjunction

Task 4: Rearrange the words below into good sentences !

1. and - the small - chop - onions - pieces - garlic - into
2. a frying - oil - pan - vegetable - on - heat
3. them - add - into - stir - and - an egg - the pan
4. rice - the - a plate - put - on - fried
5. any - the mangoes - dirt - wash - to remove
6. pieces into mangoes small the peeled cut
7. through - the - mixture - run - a sieve - blended
8. a piece of - the juice - glasses - mango - in - serve - with
9. power - hold - the - and - button - press
10. to unlock - the - the - button - press - screen - home
Task 5: Complete the following sentences with the words provided!
......... (1) the bread on the teflon without put anything on the surface. ......... (2) the bread until you find it ......... (3) to be brown.
Lift and grease by using mayonnaise as your ......... (4) on the bread’s surface.
Make the content of your sandwich by ......... (5) all the materials together. Add the mayonnaise and ......... (6) until blended.
Take bread that has been......... (7). Layer it with lettuce and cheese on the......... (8). Also, put the contents of the sandwich’s
......... (9) on the top, ......... (10) cover with ......... (11) tomatoes and lettuce.
......... (12) the mayonnaise ......... (13) the lettuce ......... (14) it is covered with the last layer of your sandwich bread.
Ready. ......... (15)
Word Bank :
A. taste D. let G. over J. to serve M. baked
B. top E. before H. sliced K. mixture N. then
C. add F. stir I. toast L. combining O. turn
Task 6: Rearrange the sentences below into a good procedure text!
A. Choose a payment option and tap Confirm
B. Tap the Payment right below the Input Amount section
C. After paying the top up amount, check your new balance
D. From the Shopee Pay dashboard, tap Top Up.
E. Tap Pay Now to receive further instructions
F. Choose an amount or enter the exact amount you want to top up
Task 7: Match the sentences below with the appropriate pictures !
A. Sprinkle a few flecks of water onto your pan
B. Pour about 3 tablespoons to 1/4 cup batter
from the tip of a large spoon or from a
pitcher onto the hot griddle or greased frying
C. Add the butter and milk to the mix
D. Melt the butter in a microwave-safe bowl.
1.. 5. E. Enjoy! Try adding butter, peanut butter,
syrup, jelly, chocolate chips, cookies, candy
crumbles or fruit to your pancakes for a
different, more exciting flavor
F. Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat until
G. Heat the frying pan to a medium-low flame
H. Cook for about two minutes or until the
2. 6. pancake is golden

Your Answer :
1. ............
2. ............
3. ............
4. ............
5. ............
3. 7. 6. ............
7. ............
8. ............

4. 8.
Task 8: Synonym. Match the word with its synonym!

......... 1 logo ......... 6 wash A decorate F soft, tender

......... 2 indicates ......... 7 small B rinse G symbol, icon
......... 3 start ......... 8 put C place H at last
......... 4 garnish ......... 9 finally D show I little, tiny
......... 5 smooth ......... 10 model E type J begin

Task 9: Antonym. Match the word with its antonym !

......... 1 ripe ......... 6 before A take F hard

......... 2 small ......... 7 hot B cool G wrong
......... 3 put ......... 8 soft C bottom H short
......... 4 right ......... 9 warm D cold I unripe
......... 5 top ......... 10 long E big, large J after
Task 10 : References. What does the underlined word refer to?
How to make Soup
 Peel potato, garlic, cauliflower, carrot and meat ball with knife. Then, cut them (1) into pieces.
 Grab a frying pan and cooking oil. Put the garlic in it (2) and saute until it (3) becomes fragrant.
 Take a pot and put enough water into it (4)
 Place the potato, garlic, cauliflower, carrot and meatball. Don’t forget to give the pepper and salt.
 Wait 5 until 7 minutes.
 Finally, pour the soup into bowls, sprinkle it (5) with celery and eat while warm.
Task 11 : Answer the following questions based on the text !
Here are the steps to operate a computer:
 Before plug of powering up the computer system, make sure that the power cable is connected to the back panel of the CPU
and is plugged into the electric socket.
 Make sure the video cable is already connected to the monitor and the back panel of CPU correclty.
 Make sure other devices such as mouse and keyboard have connected to the back panel of CPU in the right side. Other
hardware can also be connected such as speaker, printer, and so forth.
 When everything is plugged in securely, then press the power button on the CPU is usually located on the front panel of the
 The computer will display the Windows logo and displays the desktop image
 Once the desktop image appears then the computer is ready to operate
 The proper way to shut down or turn off the computer system is by clicking on the ‘Start’ button and choosing the ‘Turn Off
Computer’ option. This then will display the options to ‘Standby’, ‘Restart’, or ‘Turn Off’ the CPU. Click ‘Turn Off’ to turning
off the computer.
Questions :
1. What does the text tell you about ?
2. When can you press the power button on ?
3. What for do you connect the video cable to the monitor and the back panel of CPU ?
4. What will happen if you do not connect the power cable to the back panel of the CPU and the electric socket ?
5. What will you see after you press the power button on ?
6. “The computer will display the Windows logo and displays the desktop image” The underlined word has similar meaning with
7. “This then will display the options to ‘Standby’, ‘Restart’, or ‘Turn Off’ the CPU” What does the underlined word refer to ?
8. How do you shut down or turn off the computer system ?

Task 12 : Work individually. Make a procedure text on How to serve instant noodle based on the following pictures !

1. 2. 3.
Your answer :
Goal :
Steps :
4. 5.

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