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eee eit Ihe-main thing iockay f= shoe SPEAKING Work with a partnerand discuss these questions, 1 Doyou like shoppingy 2 How often do you buy these things¢ books clothes DVDs food shone furniture make-up stationery electronic items (cameras, MP3 players, et.) 3 What other things do you regularly buye Assigning headings Read the magazine article and | \| READING | tht with a match each person in the photos an the type of shopper. # the window shopper * the spoed shopper # the frequent sharper # the internet shopper Which type are your 3 Read the article again. Arc these sentences true or false? 1._ José cannot buy the suit because itis expensive 2 In herbags, Hiromi lias got three things to wear. 3. Ulrike wants to buy a git for someone 4 Vince wants to buy a pica trousers 54 Shopping 7.1 CONSUMER HABITS ‘There are many different types of shopper. These four people are shopoing on Oxford Street, London — one of! ‘the busiest shopping areasin the world. José The shopper Sropping habit: | oaly dake shopping Iior'tsperd alotofsime in the shops and choose things venyfost Today At the rmert, i ooking or anew suit There'sa poe dark-brown suitin his shop. ts expensive, but! ‘an pay foritby cect card! Hiromi the shopper Shopping habits igo shopping very weskend (usually uy lathes or things for my house. Love big department store Today Tigh now, en eanying five new things ashi, a cookery beok a pairof shoes ard abe. mete go home!” MMAR ENT CONTINUOUS (1 Look at these sentences from the article and swer the questions below. Right now, Pn carrying five new things. Folten shop online: Which sentence describes things that happen again ‘end again? What do ove call this tense? Which sentence deseribes an action that is fappening now! What do weeall this tense? Find more examples of the present continuous in article. Complete the table. tobe 2 Nesbit lng: 1 Gm fre @. 5 BED sf) fam not) aren't iare noth looking ati. Kanguage reference and extra practice, pages 14115 Complete these mobile-phone conversations. the present continuous form of the verbs in 4s, Listen and check your answers, Hean'ttalk now, | some trainers. try on) Gall me back later | idrive) Gan you see me? | at the ceener, apposite the Bonk. stand) G2 | call you back? The waiter feeder (wail We just Fee minuies (arive} Fonin the car pork. 1 for meto at the bus station. See you in the food in the car. (pu The _ shopper shabits: "often shep online saves bath menoy and time iy good bargsins online speed totravelto the city’ I'm oaking for atoy eae for "con lt the moment, in checking pices an a price website ts find 2 gond bargain’ Vince The ‘shopper Shopping habits: cone o Oxford Steet aboutonce a month but Ldort usually spend mach money | justlketolock at the diferenethingsin the shops. sotlooking for anything special ight now, tm waling ‘She's tying ona pairofjears. CONSUMER HABITS =a 6 Complete this paragraph with the correct form present simple or presert continuous) of the verbs in brackets Robert The sales shopper r {not ga) shopping very often, but! always? [go] tothe sales. (* (spend) alotof money in the sales, but | always * (check) the prices to make: ‘sure | geta bargain! The shops > (hola) their winter sales now, and today!" [look] fora camera. iis (think) about buying tris one, butl'm notsure— the sales discount ® {be} only 15 percent. 7 TEBE Listen to five short conversations. Work with {partner anc! describe the situations. Use the phrases in the box. rabookshop inacinema in aclethes shop nacalé inashor shop toaskior 10 buy lo order to tron to lock tor 1 He ‘sina shoe shoo. He's tring 2 She 3 She 4 She 3 He VOCABULARY SEIOOPS AND SHOPPING (1): VERBS 8a Complete the phrases with the verbs in the box. obuy locheck topayfor togo te spend omy on 1 __anew shirt by cash 2 — the prices in different shops 3 clothes shopping 4 £50 on DVDs 5 a new computer on the Interne: 6 a pair of jeans before you buy tem {8b Complete the questions with a verb from Exercise 8a, 1 Do youofien clothes shopping? 2 Do you the prices in diferent shops before ‘you buy something? 3 Do you always, Clothes before you buy then? 4 Do youaien things by creat card? 5 Do you gifs for fiendy birthdays? 6 Doyou lot of money or music and movies? SPEAKING 9 Aske a partner the questions from Exardise 8b. When you answer the questions, give extra information, Az Bo yuu often go clothes shopping? B; Yes, | do. (go about twice a month. enjoy clothes shopping. I usually go to 55 VOCABULARY SHOPS AND SHOPPING (2: NOUNS Look at these words connected with shopping, Which ones have similar meanings® customer discount products internet shopping price service italshap goods storo consumer online shapping supermarket 2 Discuss thess questions with a partner 1. shopping “fun for you? Do you think of i asa hobby’? 2 Which stores do you like/isike? Why? 3S customer service important © you? WhytAVhy ret? READING 3 Road the article quickly. What is itabout? wnline shopping shepping in stores hobbies interesting experiences THE CHANGING FACE OF STORES A Online sropping 6 growing ail the time, but real shops are stil vey Importont n'a seo! shop, you can leuch, jee! and Iry things, Bul these days custome are ake looking for an pleresting or exciting experance in stores For many people, shepping i lke er hoeby, ond they want fun 8 How ore stores giving them this experience? Fora stent, many storos de more than ane thing Farexampie. sxma bookshops are alka cafés ‘There ate computer stores with spaces where OU ean work on Your laptop or tablet, € In some stores. yau corn lean how to use the products. and you can also leom new things, Ike now to cook of take good photos, Stores fe OK ottering custemers entertainment, wih Video ond toshion shows, And customer service is improving. Stores are Bullding a more personal tictionship wih me customer D Allthese things keep customers in the store for Gilonger lime - 5 they Suy more things, onc \waint 70 sit the slore again. Are these statements true or false? 1 More people are shopping online than before. 2° Customers are looking for interesting shopping. experiences online, 3 Some computer siores aresalso cafés. 4 insome stores, you can watch videos and fashion shows. 5. [he relationship between customers and stores is mote personal now. © People spend mote lime in a store if they have a goed experience there: 4h Match the paragraphs (A-D) in the article with these topics. examples of in-store experiences the way that a lot of people think about shopping the results of good in-store experiences siores with two purposes lon to those extracts from the article, Notice the pronunciation, rhythm and use of pauses, Work with a partner. Student A: Read paragraph 8 aloud to your partner. Thi about the pronunciation, shythm and! use of pats Student B: Listen to your partner. Then comment on the pronunciation, rhythm, et Then change roles, Student B reads paragraph C. We can use the present continuousto tall about a changing situation Online shopping i growing al th Discuss these questions with a partner. How do you use the internet for shopping? Bo you read custamer reviews!comments online before you huy something? Bo you use your phone for shopping? How? BBA listen to this discussion, Number the topics: order you hear them | shopping using mebile devices Oo anew trend — ‘in-line shopping’ oO ‘shat people are buying online oO reading comments by other customers oO sphere people are buying things fez. clothes! Listen again and complete these notes, por online Hebas? = = es of other _— — ps! p5 seoreh: experiete q instore Hae hoppnge ss J online shee eng eautlee + Jobe devices — usell _ leg, home Feoins , offices) ore se of mobiles ncetore —4o book SHOPPING TRENDS GRAMMAR, PRESENT CONTINUOUS (2) 8a Complete these questions, then check with Audio scriot 7.4 on page 152, 1 are people buying? 2 ___ gowing? 4 Howarethey the intomet? 4 they daing that because it's cheaper? 8b Complete the grammar rules below about the word order in present continuous questions. Use the words in the box. after question subject to-be 1 Questions can start with the verts or with a ‘ward. 2 The verb to be usuelly comes before the of the question. 3. The main verb + ing comes _io be and the subject ‘> Language reference and exira practice, pages 14-115 9 Complete these questions with the words in brackets, ‘Then ask and answer the questions with a partner. 1 a let these days? (you / travel Yes, Far. t'm going toa for of new places. / No, I'm not a lot of English at the mament? tyau /earn} much in the evenings? iyou / go out What books atthe moment? (people /read) What films at the moment? people / watch) SPEAKING 1102 Put the words in order to make questions about shopping in your country. Ade two more questions if you can. 1. people's shopping habits / changing! are / How /? 2 young people What /buying /thase days/ are /? 3_big iow much money / making / are /stores /? 4 doing / What / so get / are stores business /? 5 in’ Whal changes‘ iown centres / happening / are /? 6 the intemet/ people / How J using / are! ? 10b Considering trends Discuss the questions from Fxcrcise 10a in pairs or small groups, Tell the class about your three most interesting ideas. In mny country, big superirarkets ins becuming more populer. Mere people are using thee, ard small shops are closing doven

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