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The Founding

Ages before recorded history, a group of gods arrived at a world burning in

chaos. But within this disorder, they saw boundless potential and a chance to
learn about their place in the universe through the act of creation.

So, they began to tame the primordial chaos of this world and created life to
live upon it. First were the elves, then the dwarves, then humans, and other
races swiftly following as the young gods created their children.

But these children of the gods lived short, violent lives. To help them withstand
the chaos of this tumultuous land, the gods gave their children small
fragments of their essence, resulting in the birth of divine magic.

The Dawn War

But the primordial forces of this world responded to this power shift.
Primordial titans rose to end this attempt at taming their world, destroying vast
regions of mortal populations. This created a conflict between the gods.

One side, the Prime Deities, wanted to protect their creations from the Titans,
so they taught their children how to make magic on their own, culminating in
the birth of arcane magic (The Weave).

But the other gods became so overwhelmed by grief, loss, and frustration, they
wanted to join the Titans in destroying their creations. These Betrayer Gods
wanted to give up on this world and start over somewhere else.

To save their children and their world, the Prime Deities banished the Betrayer
Gods to their own prison planes, and with the help of the mortals' magic, the
Primordial Titans were defeated, their essences safely channeled and locked
away into the elemental planes.

And with this, civilization dawned in the heart of the first city, Torsil, and this
world was finally named Tal’Azur.
The Age of Arcanum

For centuries, the mortal races prospered during the Age of Arcanum. They
perfected their magics, spawning feats of arcane innovation, but this progress
also led to unchecked arrogance. Some began using their magics for the
ruthless pursuit of power, immortality, and even to try to attain godhood.

A mortal, resorted to releasing the Betrayer Gods from their planar prisons to
study and achieve their power.

The Betrayer Gods and their acolytes ravaged the world, attacking Torsil
directly, and invoking the wrath of the Prime Deities themselves. The result
was a magical arms race with all sides, god and mortal alike, working diligently
to create new arcane engines of war, a war that would become known as The

The Calamity

Not much is known about the battles that took place during The Calamity, but
the scars they left upon the world are visible to this day.

The grand magical cities of the Age of Arcanum were completely destroyed by
the war. Only Torsil, the Dawn City, survived, while the rest of civilization was
left in ruins. The Prime Deities and their champions successfully banished the
Betrayer Gods back to their prison planes, but only one-third of the planet's
population survived The Calamity.

The Divergence

After the events of this terrible catastrophe, the Prime Deities created the
Divine Gate to protect their creations from the ruinous presence of unchecked
divinity, sealing all divine powers behind it.

The gods sacrificed their ability to physically return to the Material Plane, but
Tal’Azur would be protected from the destructive force of these divine beings.

The gods' power would only be channeled by their most devout worshipers.
The Calamity shook the foundations of Tal’Azur, but from it, new cities and
new cultures were spawned. Will the mistakes of the past be learned from, or
will history repeat itself?

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