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NEF Upper-Intermediate

Unit 1


Write these words to their definitions:

Car-jacking backyard cheesy bizarre

think on their feet approach demanding job seekers
flapping recruitment agency flustered crush
rather than

1. _________________________________ the crime of forcing the driver of a

car to take you somewhere or give you their car
2. _________________________________ moving something quickly up and
down, e.g. wings
3. _________________________________ a way of doing or thinking about
4. _________________________________ too emotional or romantic in a way
that is embarrassing
5. _________________________________ needing a lot of effort and skills
6. __________________________________ a specialist company which finds
and interviews candidates to fill job vacancies in other companies
7. __________________________________ back garden (AmE)
8. __________________________________ instead of
9. __________________________________ to destroy somebody’s
10.__________________________________ nervous and confused, especially
because you have been given a lot to do or are in a hurry
11.__________________________________ to be able to think and react to
things very quickly without any preparation
12. __________________________________ people who are looking for a job
13. _________________________________ very strange or unusual

Bad-tempered good-tempered open-minded narrow-minded

absent-minded easy-going laid-back tight-fisted
two-faced strong-willed self-centred

14. _________________________________ becoming annoyed or angry very easily

15. _________________________________ only interested in yourself
and your own activities
16. _________________________________ willing to listen to
other people and consider new ideas, suggestions, and opinions
17. _________________________________ (of a person) determined to do
what is wanted, even if other people disagree or disapprove
18. _________________________________ someone who is
often forgets things or does not pay attention to what is happening near them
because they are thinking about other things
19. _________________________________ to succeed in staying calm and
not becoming angry
20. _________________________________ someone who is not sincere,
saying unpleasant things about you to other people while seeming to
be pleasant when they are with you
21. _________________________________ unwilling to spend money
22. _________________________________
not willing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different
from your own
23. _________________________________ relaxed and
not easily upset or worried
24. _________________________________ relaxed in manner and character;
not usually worried about other people's behavior or things that need to be

Write the more formal equivalents of these words:

25.Show –
26.Begun –
27.Seen –
28.Said –
29.Suitable –
30.Shoes –
31.Woman –
32.I know about –
33.Answer –

Write words to their definitions:

Get-side-tracked can’t stand sip nerve-racking blunders

by heart inexcusable stumped focused fiddle
34.That cannot be forgiven _________________________________
35.Connected with what is being discussed
36.Making you very nervous or worried
37.Stupid mistakes _________________________________
38.Be unable to answer a question _________________________________
39.From memory _________________________________
40.Start talking about something less important
41.Drinking a very small amount of liquid at a time
42.Dislike very much _________________________________
43.Play with something because you are nervous

Translate these words into English:

44. Глядящий, скользить –

45. Полностью посвящается –
46. Внутренний кризис –
47. Сферы жизни –
48. Ажиотаж –
49. Родильное отделение –
50. Нанятый –
51. Бинокль –
52. Легкий ветер, бриз –
53. Продолжать –
54. Шторы –
55. Купол –
56. Тащить –
57. Агентство по недвижимости –
58. Скользить –
59. Галлюцинации –
60. Дом рядовой застройки, таунхаус –

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